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update - CF SSL Certificate

mhsanaei 4 months ago
1 changed files with 72 additions and 35 deletions
  1. 72 35

+ 72 - 35

@@ -1116,76 +1116,113 @@ ssl_cert_issue() {
 ssl_cert_issue_CF() {
-    echo -E ""
-    LOGD "******Instructions for use******"
-    LOGI "This Acme script requires the following data:"
-    LOGI "1.Cloudflare Registered e-mail"
-    LOGI "2.Cloudflare Global API Key"
-    LOGI "3.The domain name that has been resolved dns to the current server by Cloudflare"
-    LOGI "4.The script applies for a certificate. The default installation path is /root/cert "
-    confirm "Confirmed?[y/n]" "y"
+    local existing_webBasePath=$(/usr/local/x-ui/x-ui setting -show true | grep -Eo 'webBasePath: .+' | awk '{print $2}')
+    local existing_port=$(/usr/local/x-ui/x-ui setting -show true | grep -Eo 'port: .+' | awk '{print $2}')
+    LOGI "****** Instructions for Use ******"
+    LOGI "Follow the steps below to complete the process:"
+    LOGI "1. Cloudflare Registered E-mail."
+    LOGI "2. Cloudflare Global API Key."
+    LOGI "3. The Domain Name."
+    LOGI "4. Once the certificate is issued, you will be prompted to set the certificate for the panel (optional)."
+    LOGI "5. The script also supports automatic renewal of the SSL certificate after installation."
+    confirm "Do you confirm the information and wish to proceed? [y/n]" "y"
     if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
-        # check for first
+        # Check for first
         if ! command -v ~/ &>/dev/null; then
-            echo " could not be found. we will install it"
+            echo " could not be found. We will install it."
             if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
-                LOGE "install acme failed, please check logs"
+                LOGE "Install acme failed, please check logs."
                 exit 1
-        CF_GlobalKey=""
-        CF_AccountEmail=""
-        certPath=/root/cert
+        certPath="/root/cert-CF"
         if [ ! -d "$certPath" ]; then
-            mkdir $certPath
+            mkdir -p $certPath
             rm -rf $certPath
-            mkdir $certPath
+            mkdir -p $certPath
         LOGD "Please set a domain name:"
-        read -p "Input your domain here:" CF_Domain
-        LOGD "Your domain name is set to:${CF_Domain}"
+        read -p "Input your domain here: " CF_Domain
+        LOGD "Your domain name is set to: ${CF_Domain}"
+        # Set up Cloudflare API details
+        CF_GlobalKey=""
+        CF_AccountEmail=""
         LOGD "Please set the API key:"
-        read -p "Input your key here:" CF_GlobalKey
-        LOGD "Your API key is:${CF_GlobalKey}"
+        read -p "Input your key here: " CF_GlobalKey
+        LOGD "Your API key is: ${CF_GlobalKey}"
         LOGD "Please set up registered email:"
-        read -p "Input your email here:" CF_AccountEmail
-        LOGD "Your registered email address is:${CF_AccountEmail}"
+        read -p "Input your email here: " CF_AccountEmail
+        LOGD "Your registered email address is: ${CF_AccountEmail}"
+        # Set the default CA to Let's Encrypt
         ~/ --set-default-ca --server letsencrypt
         if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
-            LOGE "Default CA, Lets'Encrypt fail, script exiting..."
+            LOGE "Default CA, Let'sEncrypt fail, script exiting..."
             exit 1
         export CF_Key="${CF_GlobalKey}"
-        export CF_Email=${CF_AccountEmail}
+        export CF_Email="${CF_AccountEmail}"
+        # Issue the certificate using Cloudflare DNS
         ~/ --issue --dns dns_cf -d ${CF_Domain} -d *.${CF_Domain} --log
         if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
             LOGE "Certificate issuance failed, script exiting..."
             exit 1
-            LOGI "Certificate issued Successfully, Installing..."
+            LOGI "Certificate issued successfully, Installing..."
-        ~/ --installcert -d ${CF_Domain} -d *.${CF_Domain} --ca-file /root/cert/ca.cer \
-            --cert-file /root/cert/${CF_Domain}.cer --key-file /root/cert/${CF_Domain}.key \
-            --fullchain-file /root/cert/fullchain.cer
+        # Install the certificate
+        ~/ --installcert -d ${CF_Domain} -d *.${CF_Domain} \
+            --cert-file ${certPath}/${CF_Domain}/fullchain.pem \
+            --key-file ${certPath}/${CF_Domain}/privkey.pem
         if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
             LOGE "Certificate installation failed, script exiting..."
             exit 1
-            LOGI "Certificate installed Successfully,Turning on automatic updates..."
+            LOGI "Certificate installed successfully, Turning on automatic updates..."
+        # Enable auto-update
         ~/ --upgrade --auto-upgrade
         if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
-            LOGE "Auto update setup Failed, script exiting..."
-            ls -lah cert
-            chmod 755 $certPath
+            LOGE "Auto update setup failed, script exiting..."
             exit 1
-            LOGI "The certificate is installed and auto-renewal is turned on, Specific information is as follows"
-            ls -lah cert
-            chmod 755 $certPath
+            LOGI "The certificate is installed and auto-renewal is turned on. Specific information is as follows:"
+            ls -lah ${certPath}/${CF_Domain}
+            chmod 755 ${certPath}/${CF_Domain}
+        fi
+        # Prompt user to set panel paths after successful certificate installation
+        read -p "Would you like to set this certificate for the panel? (y/n): " setPanel
+        if [[ "$setPanel" == "y" || "$setPanel" == "Y" ]]; then
+            local webCertFile="${certPath}/${CF_Domain}/fullchain.pem"
+            local webKeyFile="${certPath}/${CF_Domain}/privkey.pem"
+            if [[ -f "$webCertFile" && -f "$webKeyFile" ]]; then
+                /usr/local/x-ui/x-ui cert -webCert "$webCertFile" -webCertKey "$webKeyFile"
+                LOGI "Panel paths set for domain: $CF_Domain"
+                LOGI "  - Certificate File: $webCertFile"
+                LOGI "  - Private Key File: $webKeyFile"
+                echo -e "${green}Access URL: https://${CF_Domain}:${existing_port}${existing_webBasePath}${plain}"
+                restart
+            else
+                LOGE "Error: Certificate or private key file not found for domain: $CF_Domain."
+            fi
+        else
+            LOGI "Skipping panel path setting."