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New - maskAddress , dnslog

mhsanaei hace 6 meses

+ 53 - 25

@@ -163,8 +163,8 @@
                         <a-col :lg="24" :xl="12">
-                            <a-select v-model="setLogLevel" :dropdown-class-name="themeSwitcher.currentTheme" style="width: 100%">
-                              <a-select-option v-for="s in logLevel" :value="s">[[ s ]]</a-select-option>
+                            <a-select v-model="logLevel" :dropdown-class-name="themeSwitcher.currentTheme" style="width: 100%">
+                                <a-select-option v-for="s in log.loglevel" :value="s">[[ s ]]</a-select-option>
@@ -178,7 +178,8 @@
                         <a-col :lg="24" :xl="12">
                             <a-select v-model="accessLog" :dropdown-class-name="themeSwitcher.currentTheme" style="width: 100%">
-                              <a-select-option v-for="s in access" :key="s" :value="s">[[ s ]]</a-select-option>
+                                <a-select-option value=''>Empty</a-select-option>
+                                <a-select-option v-for="s in log.access" :value="s">[[ s ]]</a-select-option>
@@ -192,11 +193,28 @@
                         <a-col :lg="24" :xl="12">
                             <a-select v-model="errorLog" :dropdown-class-name="themeSwitcher.currentTheme" style="width: 100%">
-                              <a-select-option v-for="s in error" :key="s" :value="s">[[ s ]]</a-select-option>
+                                <a-select-option value=''>Empty</a-select-option>
+                                <a-select-option v-for="s in log.error" :value="s">[[ s ]]</a-select-option>
+                      <a-row style="padding: 10px 20px">
+                        <a-col :lg="24" :xl="12">
+                          <a-list-item-meta title='{{ i18n "pages.xray.maskAddress" }}'
+                            description='{{ i18n "pages.xray.maskAddressDesc" }}'>
+                          </a-list-item-meta>
+                        </a-col>
+                        <a-col :lg="24" :xl="12">
+                          <template>
+                            <a-select v-model="maskAddressLog" :dropdown-class-name="themeSwitcher.currentTheme" style="width: 100%">
+                                <a-select-option value=''>Empty</a-select-option>
+                                <a-select-option v-for="s in log.maskAddress" :value="s">[[ s ]]</a-select-option>
+                            </a-select>
+                          </template>
+                        </a-col>
+                      </a-row>
+                      <setting-list-item type="switch" title='{{ i18n "pages.xray.dnsLog"}}' desc='{{ i18n "pages.xray.dnsLogDesc"}}' v-model="dnslog"></setting-list-item>
                   <a-collapse-panel header='{{ i18n "pages.xray.blockConfigs"}}'>
@@ -791,9 +809,13 @@
                 protocol: "freedom"
             routingDomainStrategies: ["AsIs", "IPIfNonMatch", "IPOnDemand"],
-            logLevel: ["none" , "debug" , "info" , "warning", "error"],
-            access: [],
-            error: [],
+            log: {
+                loglevel: ["none", "debug", "info", "warning", "error"],
+                access: ["none", "./access.log"],
+                error: ["none", "./error.log"],
+                dnsLog: false,
+                maskAddress: ["quarter", "half", "full"],
+            },
             settingsData: {
                 protocols: {
                     bittorrent: ["bittorrent"],
@@ -1519,27 +1541,11 @@
             templateSettings: {
                 get: function () {
                     const parsedSettings = this.xraySetting ? JSON.parse(this.xraySetting) : null;
-                    let accessLogPath = "./access.log";
-                    let errorLogPath = "./error.log";
-                    if (parsedSettings && parsedSettings.log) {
-                        if (parsedSettings.log.access && parsedSettings.log.access !== "none") {
-                            accessLogPath = parsedSettings.log.access;
-                        }
-                        if (parsedSettings.log.error && parsedSettings.log.error !== "none") {
-                            errorLogPath = parsedSettings.log.error;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    this.access = ["none", accessLogPath];
-                    this.error = ["none", errorLogPath];
                     return parsedSettings;
                 set: function (newValue) {
-                    if (newValue && newValue.log) {
+                    if (newValue) {
                         this.xraySetting = JSON.stringify(newValue, null, 2);
-                        this.access = ["none", newValue.log.access || "./access.log"];
-                        this.error = ["none", newValue.log.error || "./error.log"];
@@ -1688,7 +1694,7 @@
                     this.templateSettings = newTemplateSettings;
-            setLogLevel: {
+            logLevel: {
                 get: function () {
                     if (!this.templateSettings || !this.templateSettings.log || !this.templateSettings.log.loglevel) return "warning";
                     return this.templateSettings.log.loglevel;
@@ -1721,6 +1727,28 @@
                     this.templateSettings = newTemplateSettings;
+            dnslog: {
+                get: function () {
+                    if (!this.templateSettings || !this.templateSettings.log || !this.templateSettings.log.dnsLog) return false;
+                    return this.templateSettings.log.dnsLog;
+                },
+                set: function (newValue) {
+                    newTemplateSettings = this.templateSettings;
+                    newTemplateSettings.log.dnsLog = newValue;
+                    this.templateSettings = newTemplateSettings;
+                }
+            },
+            maskAddressLog: {
+                get: function () {
+                    if (!this.templateSettings || !this.templateSettings.log || !this.templateSettings.log.maskAddress) return "";
+                    return this.templateSettings.log.maskAddress;
+                },
+                set: function (newValue) {
+                    newTemplateSettings = this.templateSettings;
+                    newTemplateSettings.log.maskAddress = newValue;
+                    this.templateSettings = newTemplateSettings;
+                }
+            },
             blockedIPs: {
                 get: function () {
                     return this.templateRuleGetter({ outboundTag: "blocked", property: "ip" });

+ 4 - 0

@@ -422,6 +422,10 @@
 "accessLogDesc" = "The file path for the access log. The special value 'none' disabled access logs"
 "errorLog" = "Error Log"
 "errorLogDesc" = "The file path for the error log. The special value 'none' disabled error logs"
+"dnsLog" = "DNS Log"
+"dnsLogDesc" = "Whether to enable DNS query logs"
+"maskAddress" = "Mask Address"
+"maskAddressDesc" = "IP address mask, when enabled, will automatically replace the IP address that appears in the log."
 "first" = "First"

+ 4 - 0

@@ -422,6 +422,10 @@
 "accessLogDesc" = "La ruta del archivo para el registro de acceso. El valor especial 'ninguno' deshabilita los registros de acceso"
 "errorLog" = "Registro de Errores"
 "errorLogDesc" = "La ruta del archivo para el registro de errores. El valor especial 'none' desactiva los registros de errores."
+"dnsLog" = "Registro DNS"
+"dnsLogDesc" = "Si habilitar los registros de consulta DNS"
+"maskAddress" = "Enmascarar Dirección"
+"maskAddressDesc" = "Máscara de dirección IP, cuando se habilita, reemplazará automáticamente la dirección IP que aparece en el registro."
 "first" = "Primero"

+ 4 - 0

@@ -422,6 +422,10 @@
 "accessLogDesc" = "مسیر فایل برای گزارش دسترسی. مقدار ویژه «هیچ» گزارش‌های دسترسی را غیرفعال میکند."
 "errorLog" = "گزارش خطا"
 "errorLogDesc" = "مسیر فایل برای ورود به سیستم خطا. مقدار ویژه «هیچ» گزارش های خطا را غیرفعال میکند"
+"dnsLog" = "گزارش DNS"
+"dnsLogDesc" = "آیا ثبت‌های درخواست DNS را فعال کنید"
+"maskAddress" = "پنهان کردن آدرس"
+"maskAddressDesc" = "پوشش آدرس IP، هنگامی که فعال می‌شود، به طور خودکار آدرس IP که در لاگ ظاهر می‌شود را جایگزین می‌کند."
 "first" = "اولین"

+ 4 - 0

@@ -422,6 +422,10 @@
 "accessLogDesc" = "Jalur file untuk log akses. Nilai khusus 'tidak ada' menonaktifkan log akses"
 "errorLog" = "Catatan eror"
 "errorLogDesc" = "Jalur file untuk log kesalahan. Nilai khusus 'tidak ada' menonaktifkan log kesalahan"
+"dnsLog" = "Log DNS"
+"dnsLogDesc" = "Apakah akan mengaktifkan log kueri DNS"
+"maskAddress" = "Alamat Masker"
+"maskAddressDesc" = "Masker alamat IP, ketika diaktifkan, akan secara otomatis mengganti alamat IP yang muncul di log."
 "first" = "Pertama"

+ 4 - 0

@@ -422,6 +422,10 @@
 "accessLogDesc" = "O caminho do arquivo para o log de acesso. O valor especial 'none' desativa os logs de acesso."
 "errorLog" = "Log de Erros"
 "errorLogDesc" = "O caminho do arquivo para o log de erros. O valor especial 'none' desativa os logs de erro."
+"dnsLog" = "Log DNS"
+"dnsLogDesc" = "Se ativar logs de consulta DNS"
+"maskAddress" = "Mascarar Endereço"
+"maskAddressDesc" = "Máscara de endereço IP, quando ativado, substitui automaticamente o endereço IP que aparece no log."
 "first" = "Primeiro"

+ 4 - 0

@@ -422,6 +422,10 @@
 "accessLogDesc" = "Путь к файлу журнала доступа. Специальное значение «none» отключило журналы доступа."
 "errorLog" = "Журнал ошибок"
 "errorLogDesc" = "Путь к файлу журнала ошибок. Специальное значение «none» отключает журналы ошибок."
+"dnsLog" = "DNS Журнал"
+"dnsLogDesc" = "Включить логи запросов DNS"
+"maskAddress" = "Маскировать Адрес"
+"maskAddressDesc" = "Маска IP-адреса, при активации автоматически заменяет IP-адрес, который появляется в логе."
 "first" = "Первый"

+ 4 - 0

@@ -422,6 +422,10 @@
 "accessLogDesc" = "Erişim günlüğü için dosya yolu. 'none' özel değeri erişim günlüklerini devre dışı bırakır"
 "errorLog" = "Hata Günlüğü"
 "errorLogDesc" = "Hata günlüğü için dosya yolu. 'none' özel değeri hata günlüklerini devre dışı bırakır"
+"dnsLog" = "DNS Günlüğü"
+"dnsLogDesc" = "DNS sorgu günlüklerini etkinleştirin"
+"maskAddress" = "Adres Maskesi"
+"maskAddressDesc" = "IP adresi maskesi, etkinleştirildiğinde, günlükte görünen IP adresini otomatik olarak değiştirecektir."
 "first" = "İlk"

+ 4 - 0

@@ -422,6 +422,10 @@
 "accessLogDesc" = "Шлях до файлу журналу доступу. Спеціальне значення 'none' вимикає журнали доступу"
 "errorLog" = "Журнал помилок"
 "errorLogDesc" = "Шлях до файлу журналу помилок. Спеціальне значення 'none' вимикає журнали помилок"
+"dnsLog" = "Журнал DNS"
+"dnsLogDesc" = "Чи включити журнали запитів DNS"
+"maskAddress" = "Маскувати Адресу"
+"maskAddressDesc" = "Маска IP-адреси, при активації автоматично замінює IP-адресу, яка з'являється у журналі."
 "first" = "Перший"

+ 4 - 0

@@ -422,6 +422,10 @@
 "accessLogDesc" = "Đường dẫn tệp cho nhật ký truy cập. Nhật ký truy cập bị vô hiệu hóa có giá trị đặc biệt 'không'"
 "errorLog" = "Nhật ký lỗi"
 "errorLogDesc" = "Đường dẫn tệp cho nhật ký lỗi. Nhật ký lỗi bị vô hiệu hóa có giá trị đặc biệt 'không'"
+"dnsLog" = "Nhật ký DNS"
+"dnsLogDesc" = "Có bật nhật ký truy vấn DNS không"
+"maskAddress" = "Ẩn Địa Chỉ"
+"maskAddressDesc" = "Mặt nạ địa chỉ IP, khi được bật, sẽ tự động thay thế địa chỉ IP xuất hiện trong nhật ký."
 "first" = "Đầu tiên"

+ 4 - 0

@@ -422,6 +422,10 @@
 "accessLogDesc" = "访问日志的文件路径。特殊值 'none' 禁用访问日志"
 "errorLog" = "错误日志"
 "errorLogDesc" = "错误日志的文件路径。特殊值 'none' 禁用错误日志"
+"dnsLog" = "DNS 日志"
+"dnsLogDesc" = "是否启用 DNS 查询日志"
+"maskAddress" = "隐藏地址"
+"maskAddressDesc" = "IP 地址掩码,启用时会自动替换日志中出现的 IP 地址。"
 "first" = "置顶"