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new - show cores, public ipv4 and ipv6

logical Processors
you can see them on first page
MHSanaei 1 yıl önce

+ 3 - 1

@@ -5,7 +5,9 @@ const ONE_TB = ONE_GB * 1024;
 const ONE_PB = ONE_TB * 1024;
 function sizeFormat(size) {
-    if (size < ONE_KB) {
+    if (size < 0) {
+        return "0 B";
+    } else if (size < ONE_KB) {
         return size.toFixed(0) + " B";
     } else if (size < ONE_MB) {
         return (size / ONE_KB).toFixed(2) + " KB";

+ 68 - 22

@@ -34,7 +34,8 @@
-                                        <div>CPU</div>
+                                        <div>Cores:  [[ status.cpuCores ]]</div>
+                                        <div>Logical Procs:  [[ status.logicalProcessors ]]</div>
                                     <a-col :span="12" style="text-align: center">
                                         <a-progress type="dashboard" status="normal"
@@ -84,14 +85,10 @@
                     <a-col :sm="24" :md="12">
                         <a-card hoverable :class="themeSwitcher.darkCardClass">
-                            {{ i18n "pages.index.operationHours" }}:
-                            <a-tag color="green">[[ formatSecond(status.uptime) ]]</a-tag>
-                            <a-tooltip>
-                                <template slot="title">
-                                    {{ i18n "pages.index.operationHoursDesc" }}
-                                </template>
-                                <a-icon type="question-circle" theme="filled"></a-icon>
-                            </a-tooltip>
+                            {{ i18n "menu.link" }}:
+                            <a-tag color="blue" style="cursor: pointer;" @click="openLogs(20)">{{ i18n "pages.index.logs" }}</a-tag>
+                            <a-tag color="blue" style="cursor: pointer;" @click="openConfig">{{ i18n "pages.index.config" }}</a-tag>
+                            <a-tag color="blue" style="cursor: pointer;" @click="openBackup">{{ i18n "pages.index.backup" }}</a-tag>
                     <a-col :sm="24" :md="12">
@@ -111,26 +108,69 @@
                     <a-col :sm="24" :md="12">
                         <a-card hoverable :class="themeSwitcher.darkCardClass">
-                            {{ i18n "menu.link" }}:
-                            <a-tag color="blue" style="cursor: pointer;" @click="openLogs(20)">{{ i18n "pages.index.logs" }}</a-tag>
-                            <a-tag color="blue" style="cursor: pointer;" @click="openConfig">{{ i18n "pages.index.config" }}</a-tag>
-                            <a-tag color="blue" style="cursor: pointer;" @click="openBackup">{{ i18n "pages.index.backup" }}</a-tag>
+                            <a-row>
+                                <a-col :span="12">
+                                    {{ i18n "pages.index.systemLoad" }}: [[ status.loads[0] ]] | [[ status.loads[1] ]] | [[ status.loads[2] ]]
+                                    <a-tooltip>
+                                        <template slot="title">
+                                            {{ i18n "pages.index.systemLoadDesc" }}
+                                        </template>
+                                        <a-icon type="question-circle" theme="filled"></a-icon>
+                                    </a-tooltip>
+                                </a-col>
+                                <a-col :span="12">
+                                    {{ i18n "pages.index.operationHours" }}:
+                                    <a-tag color="green">[[ formatSecond(status.uptime) ]]</a-tag>
+                                </a-col>
+                            </a-row>
                     <a-col :sm="24" :md="12">
                         <a-card hoverable :class="themeSwitcher.darkCardClass">
-                            {{ i18n "pages.index.systemLoad" }}: [[ status.loads[0] ]] | [[ status.loads[1] ]] | [[ status.loads[2] ]]
+                            <a-row>
+                                <a-col :span="12">
+                                    ipv4:
+                                    <a-tooltip>
+                                        <template slot="title">
+                                            [[ status.publicIP.ipv4 ]]
+                                        </template>
+                                        <a-icon type="question-circle" theme="filled"></a-icon>
+                                    </a-tooltip>
+                                </a-col>
+                                <a-col :span="12">
+                                    ipv6:
+                                    <a-tooltip>
+                                        <template slot="title">
+                                            [[ status.publicIP.ipv6 ]]
+                                        </template>
+                                        <a-icon type="question-circle" theme="filled"></a-icon>
+                                    </a-tooltip>
+                                </a-col>
+                            </a-row>
-                    </a-col>
+                    </a-col>                    
                     <a-col :sm="24" :md="12">
                         <a-card hoverable :class="themeSwitcher.darkCardClass">
-                            TCP / UDP {{ i18n "pages.index.connectionCount" }}: [[ status.tcpCount ]] / [[ status.udpCount ]]
-                            <a-tooltip>
-                                <template slot="title">
-                                    {{ i18n "pages.index.connectionCountDesc" }}
-                                </template>
-                                <a-icon type="question-circle" theme="filled"></a-icon>
-                            </a-tooltip>
+                            <a-row>
+                                <a-col :span="12">
+                                    TCP:  [[ status.tcpCount ]]
+                                    <a-tooltip>
+                                        <template slot="title">
+                                            {{ i18n "pages.index.connectionTcpCountDesc" }}
+                                        </template>
+                                        <a-icon type="question-circle" theme="filled"></a-icon>
+                                    </a-tooltip>
+                                </a-col>
+                                <a-col :span="12">
+                                    UDP:  [[ status.udpCount ]]
+                                    <a-tooltip>
+                                        <template slot="title">
+                                            {{ i18n "pages.index.connectionUdpCountDesc" }}
+                                        </template>
+                                        <a-icon type="question-circle" theme="filled"></a-icon>
+                                    </a-tooltip>
+                                </a-col>
+                            </a-row>
                     <a-col :sm="24" :md="12">
@@ -299,9 +339,12 @@
             this.mem = new CurTotal(0, 0);
             this.netIO = { up: 0, down: 0 };
             this.netTraffic = { sent: 0, recv: 0 };
+            this.publicIP = { ipv4: 0, ipv6: 0 };
             this.swap = new CurTotal(0, 0);
             this.tcpCount = 0;
             this.udpCount = 0;
+            this.cpuCores = 0;
+            this.logicalProcessors = 0;
             this.uptime = 0;
             this.xray = { state: State.Stop, errorMsg: "", version: "", color: "" };
@@ -314,9 +357,12 @@
             this.mem = new CurTotal(data.mem.current, data.mem.total);
             this.netIO = data.netIO;
             this.netTraffic = data.netTraffic;
+            this.publicIP = data.publicIP;
             this.swap = new CurTotal(data.swap.current, data.swap.total);
             this.tcpCount = data.tcpCount;
             this.udpCount = data.udpCount;
+            this.cpuCores = data.cpuCores;
+            this.logicalProcessors = data.logicalProcessors;
             this.uptime = data.uptime;
             this.xray = data.xray;
             switch (this.xray.state) {

+ 46 - 3

@@ -38,9 +38,11 @@ const (
 type Status struct {
-	T   time.Time `json:"-"`
-	Cpu float64   `json:"cpu"`
-	Mem struct {
+	T                 time.Time `json:"-"`
+	Cpu               float64   `json:"cpu"`
+	CpuCores          int       `json:"cpuCores"`
+	LogicalProcessors int       `json:"logicalProcessors"`
+	Mem               struct {
 		Current uint64 `json:"current"`
 		Total   uint64 `json:"total"`
 	} `json:"mem"`
@@ -69,6 +71,10 @@ type Status struct {
 		Sent uint64 `json:"sent"`
 		Recv uint64 `json:"recv"`
 	} `json:"netTraffic"`
+	PublicIP struct {
+		IPv4 string `json:"ipv4"`
+		IPv6 string `json:"ipv6"`
+	} `json:"publicIP"`
 type Release struct {
@@ -80,6 +86,33 @@ type ServerService struct {
 	inboundService InboundService
+const DebugMode = false // Set to true during development
+func getPublicIP(url string) string {
+	resp, err := http.Get(url)
+	if err != nil {
+		if DebugMode {
+			logger.Warning("get public IP failed:", err)
+		}
+		return "N/A"
+	}
+	defer resp.Body.Close()
+	ip, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
+	if err != nil {
+		if DebugMode {
+			logger.Warning("read public IP failed:", err)
+		}
+		return "N/A"
+	}
+	if string(ip) == "" {
+		return "N/A" // default value
+	}
+	return string(ip)
 func (s *ServerService) GetStatus(lastStatus *Status) *Status {
 	now := time.Now()
 	status := &Status{
@@ -93,6 +126,13 @@ func (s *ServerService) GetStatus(lastStatus *Status) *Status {
 		status.Cpu = percents[0]
+	status.CpuCores, err = cpu.Counts(false)
+	if err != nil {
+		logger.Warning("get cpu cores count failed:", err)
+	}
+	status.LogicalProcessors = runtime.NumCPU()
 	upTime, err := host.Uptime()
 	if err != nil {
 		logger.Warning("get uptime failed:", err)
@@ -161,6 +201,9 @@ func (s *ServerService) GetStatus(lastStatus *Status) *Status {
 		logger.Warning("get udp connections failed:", err)
+	status.PublicIP.IPv4 = getPublicIP("https://api.ipify.org")
+	status.PublicIP.IPv6 = getPublicIP("https://api6.ipify.org")
 	if s.xrayService.IsXrayRunning() {
 		status.Xray.State = Running
 		status.Xray.ErrorMsg = ""

+ 5 - 4

@@ -75,14 +75,15 @@
 "xrayStatus" = "Xray Status"
 "stopXray" = "Stop"
 "restartXray" = "Restart"
-"xraySwitch" = "Switch Version"
+"xraySwitch" = "SwitchV"
 "xraySwitchClick" = "Choose the version you want to switch to."
 "xraySwitchClickDesk" = "Choose wisely, as older versions may not be compatible with current configurations."
-"operationHours" = "Operation Hours"
-"operationHoursDesc" = "System uptime: time since startup."
+"operationHours" = "Uptime"
 "systemLoad" = "System Load"
+"systemLoadDesc" = "system load average for the past 1, 5, and 15 minutes"
+"connectionTcpCountDesc" = "Total TCP connections across all network cards."
+"connectionUdpCountDesc" = "Total UDP connections across all network cards."
 "connectionCount" = "Number of Connections"
-"connectionCountDesc" = "Total connections across all network cards."
 "upSpeed" = "Total upload speed for all network cards."
 "downSpeed" = "Total download speed for all network cards."
 "totalSent" = "Total upload traffic of all network cards since system startup."

+ 5 - 4

@@ -78,11 +78,12 @@
 "xraySwitch" = "تغییر ورژن"
 "xraySwitchClick" = "ورژن مورد نظر را انتخاب کنید"
 "xraySwitchClickDesk" = "لطفا با دقت انتخاب کنید ، در صورت انتخاب اشتباه امکان قطعی سیستم وجود دارد "
-"operationHours" = "مدت فعالیت"
-"operationHoursDesc" = "مدت فعالیت سیستم بعد از روشن شدن"
-"systemLoad" = "بار روی سیستم"
+"operationHours" = "آپ تایم سیستم"
+"systemLoad" = "بار سیستم"
+"systemLoadDesc" = "میانگین بار سیستم برای 1، 5 و 15 دقیقه گذشته"
+"connectionTcpCountDesc" = "مجموع اتصالات TCP در تمام کارت های شبکه"
+"connectionUdpCountDesc" = "مجموع اتصالات UDP در تمام کارت های شبکه"
 "connectionCount" = "تعداد کانکشن ها"
-"connectionCountDesc" = "تعداد کانکشن ها برای کل شبکه"
 "upSpeed" = "سرعت آپلود در حال حاضر سیستم"
 "downSpeed" = "سرعت دانلود در حال حاضر سیستم"
 "totalSent" = "جمع کل ترافیک آپلود مصرفی"

+ 4 - 3

@@ -78,11 +78,12 @@
 "xraySwitch" = "Переключить версию"
 "xraySwitchClick" = "Выберите желаемую версию"
 "xraySwitchClickDesk" = "Выбирайте внимательно, так как старые версии могут быть несовместимы с текущими конфигурациями"
-"operationHours" = "Часы работы"
-"operationHoursDesc" = "Аптайм системы: время системы в сети"
+"operationHours" = "Время работы системы"
 "systemLoad" = "Системная нагрузка"
+"systemLoadDesc" = "средняя загрузка системы за последние 1, 5 и 15 минут"
+"connectionTcpCountDesc" = "Всего подключений TCP по всем сетевым картам."
+"connectionUdpCountDesc" = "Общее количество подключений UDP по всем сетевым картам."
 "connectionCount" = "Количество соединений"
-"connectionCountDesc" = "Всего подключений по всем сетям"
 "upSpeed" = "Общая скорость upload для всех сетей"
 "downSpeed" = "Общая скорость download для всех сетей"
 "totalSent" = "Общий объем загруженных данных для всех сетей с момента запуска системы"

+ 4 - 3

@@ -78,11 +78,12 @@
 "xraySwitch" = "切换版本"
 "xraySwitchClick" = "点击你想切换的版本"
 "xraySwitchClickDesk" = "请谨慎选择,旧版本可能配置不兼容"
-"operationHours" = "运行时间"
-"operationHoursDesc" = "系统自启动以来的运行时间"
+"operationHours" = "系统正常运行时间"
 "systemLoad" = "系统负载"
+"systemLoadDesc" = "过去 1、5 和 15 分钟的系统平均负载"
+"connectionTcpCountDesc" = "所有网卡的总 TCP 连接数。"
+"connectionUdpCountDesc" = "所有网卡的总 UDP 连接数。"
 "connectionCount" = "连接数"
-"connectionCountDesc" = "所有网卡的总连接数"
 "upSpeed" = "所有网卡的总上传速度"
 "downSpeed" = "所有网卡的总下载速度"
 "totalSent" = "系统启动以来所有网卡的总上传流量"