@@ -454,6 +454,64 @@ ssl_cert_issue() {
+open_ports() {
+ # Check if the firewall is inactive
+ if sudo ufw status | grep -q "Status: active"; then
+ echo "firewall is already active"
+ else
+ # Open the necessary ports
+ sudo ufw allow ssh
+ sudo ufw allow http
+ sudo ufw allow https
+ sudo ufw allow 2053/tcp
+ # Enable the firewall
+ sudo ufw --force enable
+ fi
+ # Prompt the user to enter a list of ports
+ read -p "Enter the ports you want to open (e.g. 80,443,2053 or range 400-500): " ports
+ # Check if the input is valid
+ if ! [[ $ports =~ ^([0-9]+|[0-9]+-[0-9]+)(,([0-9]+|[0-9]+-[0-9]+))*$ ]]; then
+ echo "Error: Invalid input. Please enter a comma-separated list of ports or a range of ports (e.g. 80,443,2053 or 400-500)." >&2; exit 1
+ fi
+ # Open the specified ports using ufw
+ IFS=',' read -ra PORT_LIST <<< "$ports"
+ for port in "${PORT_LIST[@]}"; do
+ if [[ $port == *-* ]]; then
+ # Split the range into start and end ports
+ start_port=$(echo $port | cut -d'-' -f1)
+ end_port=$(echo $port | cut -d'-' -f2)
+ # Loop through the range and open each port
+ for ((i=start_port; i<=end_port; i++)); do
+ sudo ufw allow $i
+ done
+ else
+ sudo ufw allow "$port"
+ fi
+ done
+ # Confirm that the ports are open
+ sudo ufw status | grep $ports
+ systemctl stop x-ui
+ cd /usr/local/x-ui/bin
+ rm -f geoip.dat geosite.dat iran.dat
+ wget -N https://github.com/Loyalsoldier/v2ray-rules-dat/releases/latest/download/geoip.dat
+ wget -N https://github.com/Loyalsoldier/v2ray-rules-dat/releases/latest/download/geosite.dat
+ wget -N https://github.com/bootmortis/iran-hosted-domains/releases/latest/download/iran.dat
+ systemctl start x-ui
+ echo -e "${green}Geosite and Geoip have been updated successfully!${plain}"
install_acme() {
cd ~
LOGI "install acme..."
@@ -532,8 +590,8 @@ ssl_cert_issue_standalone() {
#install cert
~/.acme.sh/acme.sh --installcert -d ${domain} --ca-file /root/cert/ca.cer \
- --cert-file /root/cert/${domain}.cer --key-file /root/cert/${domain}.key \
- --fullchain-file /root/cert/fullchain.cer
+ --cert-file /root/cert/${domain}.cer --key-file /root/cert/privkey.pem \
+ --fullchain-file /root/cert/fullchain.pem
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
LOGE "install certs failed,exit"
@@ -682,9 +740,11 @@ show_menu() {
${green}15.${plain} Enable BBR
${green}16.${plain} Issuse Certs
+ ${green}17.${plain} Update Geoip and Geosite
+ ${green}18.${plain} Enable Firewall and open Ports
- echo && read -p "Please enter your selection [0-16]: " num
+ echo && read -p "Please enter your selection [0-18]: " num
case "${num}" in
@@ -738,8 +798,14 @@ show_menu() {
+ 17)
+ update_geo
+ ;;
+ 18)
+ open_ports
+ ;;
- LOGE "Please enter the correct number [0-16]"
+ LOGE "Please enter the correct number [0-18]"