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Update translate.en_US.toml (#1555)

shahin-io 1 yıl önce
1 değiştirilmiş dosya ile 116 ekleme ve 116 silme
  1. 116 116

+ 116 - 116

@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 "transmission" = "Transmission"
 "host" = "Host"
 "path" = "Path"
-"camouflage" = "Camouflage"
+"camouflage" = "Obfuscation"
 "status" = "Status"
 "enabled" = "Enabled"
 "disabled" = "Disabled"
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
 "monitor" = "Listen IP"
 "certificate" = "Certificate"
 "fail" = "Fail"
-"success" = "Successful"
+"success" = " Successful"
 "getVersion" = "Get Version"
 "install" = "Install"
 "clients" = "Clients"
@@ -54,11 +54,11 @@
 "security" = "Security"
-"dashboard" = "Status Overview"
-"inbounds" = "Inbounds"
-"settings" = "Panel Settings"
-"xray" = "Xray Configs"
-"logout" = "Log Out"
+"dashboard" = "OVERVIEW"
+"inbounds" = "INBOUNDS"
+"settings" = "PANEL SETTINGS"
+"xray" = "XRAY CONFIGS"
+"logout" = "LOG OUT"
 "link" = "Manage"
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
 "successLogin" = "Login"
-"title" = "Status Overview"
+"title" = "Overview"
 "memory" = "RAM"
 "hard" = "Disk"
 "xrayStatus" = "Status"
@@ -100,23 +100,23 @@
 "backup" = "Backup & Restore"
 "backupTitle" = "Backup & Restore Database"
 "backupDescription" = "It is recommended to make a backup before importing a new database."
-"exportDatabase" = "Backup Database"
-"importDatabase" = "Restore Database"
+"exportDatabase" = "Backup"
+"importDatabase" = "Restore"
 "title" = "Inbounds"
 "totalDownUp" = "Total Sent/Received"
 "totalUsage" = "Total Flow Usage"
-"inboundCount" = "Number of Inbounds"
+"inboundCount" = "Total Inbounds"
 "operate" = "Menu"
-"enable" = "Enable"
+"enable" = "Enabled"
 "remark" = "Remark"
 "protocol" = "Protocol"
 "port" = "Port"
 "traffic" = "Traffic"
 "details" = "Details"
 "transportConfig" = "Transport"
-"expireDate" = "Expiration Date"
+"expireDate" = "Expiry Date"
 "resetTraffic" = "Reset Traffic"
 "addInbound" = "Add Inbound"
 "generalActions" = "General Actions"
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@
 "xtlsDesc" = "Xray needs to be v1.7.5"
 "realityDesc" = "Xray needs to be v1.8.0+"
 "telegramDesc" = "Please provide Telegram or Chat ID(s) without using the '@'. (get it here @userinfobot) or (use '/id' command in the bot)."
-"subscriptionDesc" = "To find your subscription URL, navigate to the 'Details'. Additionally, you can use the same name for several configurations."
+"subscriptionDesc" = "To find your subscription URL, navigate to the 'Details'. Additionally, you can use the same name for several clients."
 "info" = "Info"
 "same" = "Same"
 "inboundData" = "Inbound's Data"
@@ -231,44 +231,44 @@
 "panelSettings" = "Configuration"
 "securitySettings" = "Authentication"
 "TGBotSettings" = "Telegram Bot"
-"panelListeningIP" = "Panel Listening IP"
-"panelListeningIPDesc" = "Leave blank to listen om all IPs."
-"panelListeningDomain" = "Panel Listening Domain"
-"panelListeningDomainDesc" = "Leave blank to listen on all domains and IPs."
-"panelPort" = "Panel Listening Port"
-"panelPortDesc" = "Must be an unused port"
-"publicKeyPath" = "Panel Public Key Path"
-"publicKeyPathDesc" = "Fill in an absolute path begins with ‘/‘"
-"privateKeyPath" = "Panel Private Key Path"
-"privateKeyPathDesc" = "Fill in an absolute path begins with ‘/‘"
-"panelUrlPath" = "Panel URI Path"
-"panelUrlPathDesc" = "Fill in an absolute path begins with ‘/‘ and concludes with ‘/‘"
+"panelListeningIP" = "Listen IP"
+"panelListeningIPDesc" = "The IP address for the web panel. (leave blank to listen on all IPs)"
+"panelListeningDomain" = "Listen Domain"
+"panelListeningDomainDesc" = "The domain name for the web panel. (leave blank to listen on all domains and IPs)"
+"panelPort" = "Listen Port"
+"panelPortDesc" = "The port number for the web panel. (must be an unused port)"
+"publicKeyPath" = "Public Key Path"
+"publicKeyPathDesc" = "The public key file path for the web panel. (begins with ‘/‘)"
+"privateKeyPath" = "Private Key Path"
+"privateKeyPathDesc" = "The private key file path for the web panel. (begins with ‘/‘)"
+"panelUrlPath" = "URI Path"
+"panelUrlPathDesc" = "The URI path for the web panel. (begins with ‘/‘ and concludes with ‘/‘)"
 "pageSize" = "Pagination Size"
 "pageSizeDesc" = "Define page size for inbounds table. (0 = disable)"
 "remarkModel" = "Remark Model & Separation Character"
 "datepicker" = "Date Picker"
-"datepickerDescription" = "Selector calendar type specifies the expiration date"
+"datepickerDescription" = "The date picker allows you to select a date. (use this to specify the expiration date)"
 "sampleRemark" = "Sample Remark"
 "oldUsername" = "Current Username"
 "currentPassword" = "Current Password"
 "newUsername" = "New Username"
 "newPassword" = "New Password"
 "telegramBotEnable" = "Enable Telegram Bot"
-"telegramBotEnableDesc" = "Connect to the features of this panel through the Telegram bot."
+"telegramBotEnableDesc" = "Enables the Telegram bot."
 "telegramToken" = "Telegram Token"
-"telegramTokenDesc" = "The token you have got from @BotFather."
+"telegramTokenDesc" = "The Telegram bot token obtained from '@BotFather'."
 "telegramProxy" = "SOCKS5 Proxy"
-"telegramProxyDesc" = "If you need the SOCKS5 proxy to connect to Telegram. Adjust its settings as per the guide."
-"telegramChatId" = "Telegram Admin Chat ID"
-"telegramChatIdDesc" = "Multiple chat ID(s)separated by comma. use @userinfobot or use '/id' command in bot to get your Chat IDs."
-"telegramNotifyTime" = "Telegram Bot Notification Time"
-"telegramNotifyTimeDesc" = "Use crontab timing format."
+"telegramProxyDesc" = "Enables SOCKS5 proxy for connecting to Telegram. (Adjust settings as per guide)"
+"telegramChatId" = "Admin Chat ID"
+"telegramChatIdDesc" = "The Telegram Admin Chat ID(s). (comma-separated)(use @userinfobot) or (use '/id' command in the bot)"
+"telegramNotifyTime" = "Notification Time"
+"telegramNotifyTimeDesc" = "The Telegram bot notification time set for periodic reports. (use the crontab time format)"
 "tgNotifyBackup" = "Database Backup"
-"tgNotifyBackupDesc" = "Include database backup file with report notification."
+"tgNotifyBackupDesc" = "Send a database backup file with a report."
 "tgNotifyLogin" = "Login Notification"
-"tgNotifyLoginDesc" = "Displays the username, IP address, and time when someone tries to log into your panel."
+"tgNotifyLoginDesc" = "Get notified about the username, IP address, and time whenever someone attempts to log into your web panel."
 "sessionMaxAge" = "Session Duration"
-"sessionMaxAgeDesc" = "The duration of a login session. (unit: minute)"
+"sessionMaxAgeDesc" = "The duration for which you can stay logged in. (unit: minute)"
 "expireTimeDiff" = "Client Expiration Threshold Notification"
 "expireTimeDiffDesc" = "Get notified about client expiration when reaching this threshold. (unit: day)"
 "trafficDiff" = "Traffic Exhaustion Threshold Notification"
@@ -276,113 +276,113 @@
 "tgNotifyCpu" = "CPU Load Threshold Notification"
 "tgNotifyCpuDesc" = "Get notified if CPU usage exceeds this threshold. (unit: %)"
 "timeZone" = "Time Zone"
-"timeZoneDesc" = "Scheduled tasks run according to the time in this time zone."
+"timeZoneDesc" = "Scheduled tasks run based on this time zone."
 "subSettings" = "Subscription"
 "subEnable" = "Enable Subscription Service"
-"subEnableDesc" = "Subscription feature with separate configuration."
-"subListen" = "Subscription Listening IP"
-"subListenDesc" = "Leave blank to listen on all IPs."
-"subPort" = "Subscription Listening Port"
-"subPortDesc" = "Must be an unused port."
-"subCertPath" = "Subscription Public Key Path"
-"subCertPathDesc" = "Fill in an absolute path begins with ‘/‘"
-"subKeyPath" = "Subscription Private Key Path"
-"subKeyPathDesc" = "Fill in an absolute path begins with ‘/‘"
-"subPath" = "Subscription URI Path"
-"subPathDesc" = "Fill in an absolute path begins with ‘/‘ and concludes with ‘/‘"
-"subDomain" = "Subscription Listening Domain"
-"subDomainDesc" = "Leave blank to listen on all domains and IPs."
-"subUpdates" = "Subscription Update Intervals"
-"subUpdatesDesc" = "Interval hours between updates in client application."
+"subEnableDesc" = "Enables the subscription service."
+"subListen" = "Listen IP"
+"subListenDesc" = "The IP address for the subscription service. (leave blank to listen on all IPs)"
+"subPort" = "Listen Port"
+"subPortDesc" = "The port number for the subscription service. (must be an unused port)"
+"subCertPath" = "Public Key Path"
+"subCertPathDesc" = "The public key file path for the subscription service. (begins with ‘/‘)"
+"subKeyPath" = "Private Key Path"
+"subKeyPathDesc" = "The private key file path for the subscription service. (begins with ‘/‘)"
+"subPath" = "URI Path"
+"subPathDesc" = "The URI path for the subscription service. (begins with ‘/‘ and concludes with ‘/‘)"
+"subDomain" = "Listen Domain"
+"subDomainDesc" = "The domain name for the subscription service. (leave blank to listen on all domains and IPs)"
+"subUpdates" = "Update Intervals"
+"subUpdatesDesc" = "The update intervals of the subscription URL in the client apps. (unit: hour)"
 "subEncrypt" = "Encode"
-"subEncryptDesc" = "The returned content of subscription URL will be Base64 encoded."
+"subEncryptDesc" = "The returned content of subscription service will be Base64 encoded."
 "subShowInfo" = "Show Usage Info"
-"subShowInfoDesc" = "Show remained traffic and date after config name."
+"subShowInfoDesc" = "The remaining traffic and date will be displayed in the client apps."
 "subURI" = "Reverse Proxy URI"
-"subURIDesc" = "Set the URI path of subscription URL for use behind of proxies."
+"subURIDesc" = "The URI path of the subscription URL for use behind proxies."
-"title" = "Xray Configurations"
+"title" = "Xray Configs"
 "save" = "Save"
 "restart" = "Restart Xray"
-"basicTemplate" = "Basic Template"
-"advancedTemplate" = "Advanced Template"
+"basicTemplate" = "Basic"
+"advancedTemplate" = "Advanced"
 "generalConfigs" = "General Strategy"
 "generalConfigsDesc" = "These options will provide general adjustments."
 "blockConfigs" = "Protection Shield"
-"blockConfigsDesc" = "These options will prevent users from connecting to specific protocols and websites."
+"blockConfigsDesc" = "These options will block traffic based on specific requested protocols and websites."
 "blockCountryConfigs" = "Block Country"
-"blockCountryConfigsDesc" = "These options will prevent users from connecting to specific country domains."
+"blockCountryConfigsDesc" = "These options will block traffic based on the specific requested country."
 "directCountryConfigs" = "Direct Country"
-"directCountryConfigsDesc" = "These options will connect users directly to specific country domains."
+"directCountryConfigsDesc" = "These options will directly forward traffic based on the specific requested country."
 "ipv4Configs" = "IPv4 Routing"
-"ipv4ConfigsDesc" = "These options will route to target domains only via IPv4."
+"ipv4ConfigsDesc" = "These options will route requests to destination only via IPv4."
 "warpConfigs" = "WARP Routing"
 "warpConfigsDesc" = "Caution: Before using these options, install WARP in SOCKS5 proxy mode on your server by following the steps on the panel's GitHub. WARP will route traffic to websites through Cloudflare servers."
-"Template" = "Xray Configuration Template"
-"TemplateDesc" = "Generate the final Xray configuration file based on this template."
-"FreedomStrategy" = "Configure Strategy for Freedom Protocol"
-"FreedomStrategyDesc" = "Set the output strategy of the network in the Freedom Protocol."
-"RoutingStrategy" = "Configure Domains Routing Strategy"
-"RoutingStrategyDesc" = "Set the overall routing strategy for DNS resolving."
+"Template" = "Advanced Xray Configuration Template"
+"TemplateDesc" = "The final Xray configuration file will be generated based on this template."
+"FreedomStrategy" = "Freedom Protocol Strategy"
+"FreedomStrategyDesc" = "Set the output strategy for the network in the Freedom Protocol."
+"RoutingStrategy" = "Overall Routing Strategy"
+"RoutingStrategyDesc" = "Set the overall traffic routing strategy for resolving all requests."
 "Torrent" = "Block BitTorrent Protocol"
-"TorrentDesc" = "Change the configuration template to avoid using BitTorrent protocol."
-"PrivateIp" = "Block Private IPs to Connect"
-"PrivateIpDesc" = "Change the configuration template to avoid connecting to private IP ranges."
+"TorrentDesc" = "Blocks BitTorrent protocol."
+"PrivateIp" = "Block Connection to Private IPs"
+"PrivateIpDesc" = "Blocks establishing connections to private IP ranges."
 "Ads" = "Block Ads"
-"AdsDesc" = "Change the configuration template to block ads."
+"AdsDesc" = "Blocks advertising websites."
 "Family" = "Family Protection"
-"FamilyDesc" = "Cloudflare DNS resolvers to block malware and adult content for family protection."
-"Security" = "Block Malware, Phishing and Cryptominers Websites"
-"SecurityDesc" = "Change the configuration template for Security protection."
-"Speedtest" = "Block Speedtest Websites"
-"SpeedtestDesc" = "Change the configuration template to avoid connecting to speedtest websites."
-"IRIp" = "Disable Connection to Iran IPs"
-"IRIpDesc" = "Change the configuration template to avoid connecting to Iran IP ranges."
-"IRDomain" = "Disable Connection to Iran Domains"
-"IRDomainDesc" = "Change the configuration template to avoid connecting to Iran domains."
-"ChinaIp" = "Disable Connection to China IPs"
-"ChinaIpDesc" = "Change the configuration template to avoid connecting to China IP ranges."
-"ChinaDomain" = "Disable Connection to China Domains"
-"ChinaDomainDesc" = "Change the configuration template to avoid connecting to China domains."
-"RussiaIp" = "Disable Connection to Russia IPs"
-"RussiaIpDesc" = "Change the configuration template to avoid connecting to Russia IP ranges."
-"RussiaDomain" = "Disable Connection to Russia Domains"
-"RussiaDomainDesc" = "Change the configuration template to avoid connecting to Russia domains."
-"VNIp" = "Disable Connection to Vietnam IPs"
-"VNIpDesc" = "Change the configuration template to avoid connecting to Vietnam IP ranges."
-"VNDomain" = "Disable Connection to Vietnam Domains"
-"VNDomainDesc" = "Change the configuration template to avoid connecting to Vietnam domains."
+"FamilyDesc" = "Blocks adult content, and malware websites."
+"Security" = "Security Protection"
+"SecurityDesc" = "Blocks malware, phishing, and cryptominers websites."
+"Speedtest" = "Block Speedtest"
+"SpeedtestDesc" = "Blocks establishing connectins to speedtest websites."
+"IRIp" = "Block Connection to Iran IPs"
+"IRIpDesc" = "Blocks establishing connections to Iran IP ranges."
+"IRDomain" = "Block Connection to Iran Domains"
+"IRDomainDesc" = "Blocks establishing connections to Iran domains."
+"ChinaIp" = "Block Connection to China IPs"
+"ChinaIpDesc" = "Blocks establishing connections to China IP ranges."
+"ChinaDomain" = "Block Connection to China Domains"
+"ChinaDomainDesc" = "Blocks establishing connections to China domains."
+"RussiaIp" = "Block Connection to Russia IPs"
+"RussiaIpDesc" = "Blocks establishing connections to Russia IP ranges."
+"RussiaDomain" = "Block Connection to Russia Domains"
+"RussiaDomainDesc" = "Blocks establishing connections to Russia domains."
+"VNIp" = "Block Connection to Vietnam IPs"
+"VNIpDesc" = "Blocks establishing connections to Vietnam IP ranges."
+"VNDomain" = "Block Connection to Vietnam Domains"
+"VNDomainDesc" = "Blocks establishing connections to Vietnam domains."
 "DirectIRIp" = "Direct Connection to Iran IPs"
-"DirectIRIpDesc" = "Change the configuration template for direct connecting to Iran IP ranges."
+"DirectIRIpDesc" = "Directly establishes connections to Iran IP ranges."
 "DirectIRDomain" = "Direct Connection to Iran Domains"
-"DirectIRDomainDesc" = "Change the configuration template for direct connecting to Iran domains."
+"DirectIRDomainDesc" = "Directly establishes connections to Iran domains."
 "DirectChinaIp" = "Direct Connection to China IPs"
-"DirectChinaIpDesc" = "Change the configuration template for direct connecting to China IP ranges."
+"DirectChinaIpDesc" = "Directly establishes connections to China IP ranges."
 "DirectChinaDomain" = "Direct Connection to China Domains"
-"DirectChinaDomainDesc" = "Change the configuration template for direct connecting to China domains."
+"DirectChinaDomainDesc" = "Directly establishes connections to China domains."
 "DirectRussiaIp" = "Direct Connection to Russia IPs"
-"DirectRussiaIpDesc" = "Change the configuration template for direct connecting to Russia IP ranges."
+"DirectRussiaIpDesc" = "Directly establishes connections to Russia IP ranges."
 "DirectRussiaDomain" = "Direct Connection to Russia Domains"
-"DirectRussiaDomainDesc" = "Change the configuration template for direct connecting to Russia domains."
+"DirectRussiaDomainDesc" = "Directly establishes connections to Russia domains."
 "DirectVNIp" = "Direct Connection to Vietnam IPs"
-"DirectVNIpDesc" = "Change the configuration template for direct connecting to Vietnam IP ranges."
+"DirectVNIpDesc" = "Directly establishes connections to Vietnam IP ranges."
 "DirectVNDomain" = "Direct Connection to Vietnam Domains"
-"DirectVNDomainDesc" = "Change the configuration template for direct connecting to Vietnam domains."
-"GoogleIPv4" = "Use IPv4 for Google"
-"GoogleIPv4Desc" = "Add routing for Google to connect with IPv4."
-"NetflixIPv4" = "Use IPv4 for Netflix"
-"NetflixIPv4Desc" = "Add routing for Netflix to connect with IPv4."
-"GoogleWARP" = "Route Google through WARP."
+"DirectVNDomainDesc" = "Directly establishes connections to Vietnam domains."
+"GoogleIPv4" = "Google"
+"GoogleIPv4Desc" = "Routes traffic to Google via IPv4."
+"NetflixIPv4" = "Netflix"
+"NetflixIPv4Desc" = "Routes traffic to Netflix via IPv4."
+"GoogleWARP" = "Google"
 "GoogleWARPDesc" = "Add routing for Google via WARP."
-"OpenAIWARP" = "Route OpenAI (ChatGPT) through WARP."
-"OpenAIWARPDesc" = "Add routing for OpenAI (ChatGPT) via WARP."
-"NetflixWARP" = "Route Netflix through WARP."
-"NetflixWARPDesc" = "Add routing for Netflix via WARP."
-"SpotifyWARP" = "Route Spotify through WARP."
-"SpotifyWARPDesc" = "Add routing for Spotify via WARP."
-"IRWARP" = "Route Iran domains through WARP."
-"IRWARPDesc" = "Add routing for Iran domains via WARP."
+"OpenAIWARP" = "ChatGPT"
+"OpenAIWARPDesc" = "Routes traffic to OpenAI (ChatGPT) via WARP."
+"NetflixWARP" = "Netflix"
+"NetflixWARPDesc" = "Routes traffic to Netflix via WARP."
+"SpotifyWARP" = "Spotify"
+"SpotifyWARPDesc" = "Routes traffic to Spotify via WARP."
+"IRWARP" = "Iran domains"
+"IRWARPDesc" = "Routes traffic to Iran domains via WARP."
 "Inbounds" = "Inbounds"
 "InboundsDesc" = "Change the configuration template to accept specific clients."
 "Outbounds" = "Outbounds"
@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@
 "secretKey" = "Secret Key"
 "publicKey" = "Public Key"
 "allowedIPs" = "Allowed IPs"
-"endpoint" = "End Point"
+"endpoint" = "Endpoint"
 "psk" = "PreShared Key"
 "domainStrategy" = "Domain Strategy"