@@ -30,6 +30,34 @@ To install your desired version, add the version to the end of the installation
bash <(curl -Ls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mhsanaei/3x-ui/master/install.sh) v2.1.2
+## SSL Certificate
+ <summary>Click for SSL Certificate</summary>
+### Cloudflare
+The Management script has a built-in SSL certificate application for Cloudflare. To use this script to apply for a certificate, you need the following:
+- Cloudflare registered email
+- Cloudflare Global API Key
+- The domain name has been resolved to the current server through cloudflare
+**1:** Run the`x-ui`command on the terminal, then choose `Cloudflare SSL Certificate`.
+### Certbot
+apt-get install certbot -y
+certbot certonly --standalone --agree-tos --register-unsafely-without-email -d yourdomain.com
+certbot renew --dry-run
+***Tip:*** *Certbot is also built into the Management script. You can run the `x-ui` command, then choose `SSL Certificate Management`.*
## Manual Install & Upgrade
@@ -201,34 +229,6 @@ Supports a variety of different architectures and devices. Here are some of the
-## SSL Certificate
- <summary>Click for SSL Certificate</summary>
-### Cloudflare
-The Management script has a built-in SSL certificate application for Cloudflare. To use this script to apply for a certificate, you need the following:
-- Cloudflare registered email
-- Cloudflare Global API Key
-- The domain name has been resolved to the current server through cloudflare
-**1:** Run the`x-ui`command on the terminal, then choose `Cloudflare SSL Certificate`.
-### Certbot
-apt-get install certbot -y
-certbot certonly --standalone --agree-tos --register-unsafely-without-email -d yourdomain.com
-certbot renew --dry-run
-***Tip:*** *Certbot is also built into the Management script. You can run the `x-ui` command, then choose `SSL Certificate Management`.*
## [WARP Configuration](https://gitlab.com/fscarmen/warp)