package controller import ( "fmt" "net/http" "regexp" "time" "x-ui/web/global" "x-ui/web/service" "" ) var filenameRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-.]+$`) type ServerController struct { BaseController serverService service.ServerService lastStatus *service.Status lastGetStatusTime time.Time lastVersions []string lastGetVersionsTime time.Time } func NewServerController(g *gin.RouterGroup) *ServerController { a := &ServerController{ lastGetStatusTime: time.Now(), } a.initRouter(g) a.startTask() return a } func (a *ServerController) initRouter(g *gin.RouterGroup) { g = g.Group("/server") g.Use(a.checkLogin) g.POST("/status", a.status) g.POST("/getXrayVersion", a.getXrayVersion) g.POST("/stopXrayService", a.stopXrayService) g.POST("/restartXrayService", a.restartXrayService) g.POST("/installXray/:version", a.installXray) g.POST("/logs/:count", a.getLogs) g.POST("/getConfigJson", a.getConfigJson) g.GET("/getDb", a.getDb) g.POST("/importDB", a.importDB) g.POST("/getNewX25519Cert", a.getNewX25519Cert) } func (a *ServerController) refreshStatus() { a.lastStatus = a.serverService.GetStatus(a.lastStatus) } func (a *ServerController) startTask() { webServer := global.GetWebServer() c := webServer.GetCron() c.AddFunc("@every 2s", func() { now := time.Now() if now.Sub(a.lastGetStatusTime) > time.Minute*3 { return } a.refreshStatus() }) } func (a *ServerController) status(c *gin.Context) { a.lastGetStatusTime = time.Now() jsonObj(c, a.lastStatus, nil) } func (a *ServerController) getXrayVersion(c *gin.Context) { now := time.Now() if now.Sub(a.lastGetVersionsTime) <= time.Minute { jsonObj(c, a.lastVersions, nil) return } versions, err := a.serverService.GetXrayVersions() if err != nil { jsonMsg(c, WebI18n(c, "getVersion"), err) return } a.lastVersions = versions a.lastGetVersionsTime = time.Now() jsonObj(c, versions, nil) } func (a *ServerController) installXray(c *gin.Context) { version := c.Param("version") err := a.serverService.UpdateXray(version) jsonMsg(c, WebI18n(c, "install")+" xray", err) } func (a *ServerController) stopXrayService(c *gin.Context) { a.lastGetStatusTime = time.Now() err := a.serverService.StopXrayService() if err != nil { jsonMsg(c, "", err) return } jsonMsg(c, "Xray stoped", err) } func (a *ServerController) restartXrayService(c *gin.Context) { err := a.serverService.RestartXrayService() if err != nil { jsonMsg(c, "", err) return } jsonMsg(c, "Xray restarted", err) } func (a *ServerController) getLogs(c *gin.Context) { count := c.Param("count") logs, err := a.serverService.GetLogs(count) if err != nil { jsonMsg(c, "getLogs", err) return } jsonObj(c, logs, nil) } func (a *ServerController) getConfigJson(c *gin.Context) { configJson, err := a.serverService.GetConfigJson() if err != nil { jsonMsg(c, "get config.json", err) return } jsonObj(c, configJson, nil) } func (a *ServerController) getDb(c *gin.Context) { db, err := a.serverService.GetDb() if err != nil { jsonMsg(c, "get Database", err) return } filename := "x-ui.db" if !isValidFilename(filename) { c.AbortWithError(http.StatusBadRequest, fmt.Errorf("invalid filename")) return } // Set the headers for the response c.Header("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream") c.Header("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename="+filename) // Write the file contents to the response c.Writer.Write(db) } func isValidFilename(filename string) bool { // Validate that the filename only contains allowed characters return filenameRegex.MatchString(filename) } func (a *ServerController) importDB(c *gin.Context) { // Get the file from the request body file, _, err := c.Request.FormFile("db") if err != nil { jsonMsg(c, "Error reading db file", err) return } defer file.Close() // Always restart Xray before return defer a.serverService.RestartXrayService() defer func() { a.lastGetStatusTime = time.Now() }() // Import it err = a.serverService.ImportDB(file) if err != nil { jsonMsg(c, "", err) return } jsonObj(c, "Import DB", nil) } func (a *ServerController) getNewX25519Cert(c *gin.Context) { cert, err := a.serverService.GetNewX25519Cert() if err != nil { jsonMsg(c, "get x25519 certificate", err) return } jsonObj(c, cert, nil) }