translate.en_US.toml 6.7 KB

  1. "username" = "username"
  2. "password" = "password"
  3. "login" = "Login"
  4. "confirm" = "Confirm"
  5. "cancel" = "Cancel"
  6. "close" = "Close"
  7. "copy" = "Copy"
  8. "copied" = "Copied"
  9. "download" = "Download"
  10. "remark" = "Remark"
  11. "enable" = "Enable"
  12. "protocol" = "Protocol"
  13. "loading" = "Loading"
  14. "second" = "Second"
  15. "minute" = "Minute"
  16. "hour" = "Hour"
  17. "day" = "Day"
  18. "check" = "Check"
  19. "indefinite" = "Indefinite"
  20. "unlimited" = "Unlimited"
  21. "none" = "None"
  22. "qrCode" = "QR Code"
  23. "edit" = "Edit"
  24. "delete" = "Delete"
  25. "reset" = "Reset"
  26. "copySuccess" = "Copy successfully"
  27. "sure" = "Sure"
  28. "encryption" = "Encryption"
  29. "transmission" = "Transmission"
  30. "host" = "Host"
  31. "path" = "Path"
  32. "camouflage" = "Camouflage"
  33. "enabled" = "Enabled"
  34. "disabled" = "Disabled"
  35. "domainName" = "Domain Name"
  36. "additional" = "Alter"
  37. "monitor" = "Listen IP"
  38. "certificate" = "Certificate"
  39. "fail" = "Fail"
  40. "success" = "Success"
  41. "getVersion" = "Get Version"
  42. "install" = "Install"
  43. "used" = "Used"
  44. "clients" = "Clients"
  45. "search" = "Search"
  46. "usage" = "Usage"
  47. "info" = "Details"
  48. [menu]
  49. "dashboard" = "System Status"
  50. "inbounds" = "Inbounds"
  51. "setting" = "Panel Setting"
  52. "logout" = "LogOut"
  53. "link" = "Other"
  54. [pages.login]
  55. "title" = "Login"
  56. "loginAgain" = "The login time limit has expired, please log in again"
  57. [pages.login.toasts]
  58. "invalidFormData" = "Input Data Format Is Invalid"
  59. "emptyUsername" = "Please Enter Username"
  60. "emptyPassword" = "Please Enter Password"
  61. "wrongUsernameOrPassword" = "invalid username or password"
  62. "successLogin" = "Login"
  63. [pages.index]
  64. "title" = "System Status"
  65. "memory" = "Memory"
  66. "hard" = "Hard Disk"
  67. "xrayStatus" = "Xray Status"
  68. "xraySwitch" = "Switch Version"
  69. "restartXray" = "Restart"
  70. "stopXray" = "Stop"
  71. "xraySwitchClick" = "Click on the version you want to switch"
  72. "xraySwitchClickDesk" = "Please choose carefully, older versions may have incompatible configurations"
  73. "operationHours" = "Operation Hours"
  74. "operationHoursDesc" = "The running time of the system since it was started"
  75. "systemLoad" = "System Load"
  76. "connectionCount" = "Connection Count"
  77. "connectionCountDesc" = "The total number of connections for all network cards"
  78. "upSpeed" = "Total upload speed for all network cards"
  79. "downSpeed" = "Total download speed for all network cards"
  80. "totalSent" = "Total upload traffic of all network cards since system startup"
  81. "totalReceive" = "Total download traffic of all network cards since system startup"
  82. "xraySwitchVersionDialog" = "switch xray version"
  83. "xraySwitchVersionDialogDesc" = "whether to switch the xray version to"
  84. "dontRefreshh" = "Installation is in progress, please do not refresh this page"
  85. [pages.inbounds]
  86. "export" = "Export"
  87. "title" = "Inbounds"
  88. "totalDownUp" = "Total Uploads/Downloads"
  89. "totalUsage" = "Total Usage"
  90. "inboundCount" = "Number Of Inbound"
  91. "operate" = "Actions"
  92. "enable" = "Enable"
  93. "remark" = "Remark"
  94. "protocol" = "Protocol"
  95. "port" = "Port"
  96. "traffic" = "Traffic"
  97. "details" = "Details"
  98. "transportConfig" = "Transport"
  99. "expireDate" = "Expire Date"
  100. "resetTraffic" = "Reset Traffic"
  101. "addInbound" = "Add Inbound"
  102. "addTo" = "Add To"
  103. "revise" = "Save"
  104. "modifyInbound" = "Modify InBound"
  105. "deleteInbound" = "Delete Inbound"
  106. "deleteInboundContent" = "Are you sure you want to delete inbound?"
  107. "resetTrafficContent" = "Are you sure you want to reset traffic?"
  108. "copyLink" = "Copy Link"
  109. "address" = "Address"
  110. "network" = "Network"
  111. "destinationPort" = "Destination port"
  112. "targetAddress" = "Target Address"
  113. "disableInsecureEncryption" = "Disable insecure encryption"
  114. "monitorDesc" = "Leave blank by default"
  115. "meansNoLimit" = "Means No Limit"
  116. "totalFlow" = "Total Traffic"
  117. "leaveBlankToNeverExpire" = "Leave blank to never expire"
  118. "noRecommendKeepDefault" = "There are no special requirements to keep the default"
  119. "certificatePath" = "Certificate File Path"
  120. "certificateContent" = "Certificate File Content"
  121. "publicKeyPath" = "Public Key Path"
  122. "publicKeyContent" = "public Key Content"
  123. "keyPath" = "Private key Path"
  124. "keyContent" = "Private Key Content"
  125. "client" = "Client"
  126. "uid" = "UID"
  127. [pages.inbounds.toasts]
  128. "obtain" = "Obtain"
  129. []
  130. "requestHeader" = "Request Header"
  131. "name" = "Name"
  132. "value" = "Value"
  133. []
  134. "requestVersion" = "Request Version"
  135. "requestMethod" = "Request Method"
  136. "requestPath" = "Request Path"
  137. "responseVersion" = "Response Version"
  138. "responseStatus" = "Response Status"
  139. "responseStatusDescription" = "Response Status Description"
  140. "responseHeader" = "Response Header"
  141. []
  142. "encryption" = "Encryption"
  143. [pages.setting]
  144. "title" = "Setting"
  145. "save" = "Save"
  146. "restartPanel" = "Restart Panel"
  147. "restartPanelDesc" = "Are you sure you want to restart the panel? Click OK to restart after 3 seconds. If you cannot access the panel after restarting, please go to the server to view the panel log information"
  148. "panelConfig" = "Panel Configuration"
  149. "userSetting" = "User Setting"
  150. "xrayConfiguration" = "Xray Configuration"
  151. "TGReminder" = "TG Reminder Related Settings"
  152. "otherSetting" = "Other Setting"
  153. "panelListeningIP" = "Panel listening IP"
  154. "panelListeningIPDesc" = "Leave blank by default to monitor all IPs, restart the panel to take effect"
  155. "panelPort" = "Panel Port"
  156. "panelPortDesc" = "Restart the panel to take effect"
  157. "publicKeyPath" = "Panel certificate public key file path"
  158. "publicKeyPathDesc" = "Fill in an absolute path starting with '/', restart the panel to take effect"
  159. "privateKeyPath" = "Panel certificate key file path"
  160. "privateKeyPathDesc" = "Fill in an absolute path starting with '/', restart the panel to take effect"
  161. "panelUrlPath" = "panel url root path"
  162. "panelUrlPathDesc" = "Must start with '/' and end with '/', restart the panel to take effect"
  163. "oldUsername" = "Current Username"
  164. "currentPassword" = "Current Password"
  165. "newUsername" = "New Username"
  166. "newPassword" = "New Password"
  167. "xrayConfigTemplate" = "xray Configuration Template"
  168. "xrayConfigTemplateDesc" = "Generate the final xray configuration file based on this template, restart the panel to take effect"
  169. "telegramBotEnable" = "Enable telegram bot"
  170. "telegramBotEnableDesc" = "Restart the panel to take effect"
  171. "telegramToken" = "Telegram Token"
  172. "telegramTokenDesc" = "Restart the panel to take effect"
  173. "telegramChatId" = "Telegram ChatId"
  174. "telegramChatIdDesc" = "Restart the panel to take effect"
  175. "telegramNotifyTime" = "Telegram bot notification time"
  176. "telegramNotifyTimeDesc" = "Using Crontab timing format, restart the panel to take effect"
  177. "timeZonee" = "Time Zone"
  178. "timeZoneDesc" = "The scheduled task runs according to the time in the time zone, and restarts the panel to take effect"
  179. [pages.setting.toasts]
  180. "modifySetting" = "modify setting"
  181. "getSetting" = "get setting"
  182. "modifyUser" = "modify user"
  183. "originalUserPassIncorrect" = "The original user name or original password is incorrect"
  184. "userPassMustBeNotEmpty" = "New username and new password cannot be empty"