xray.js 79 KB

  1. const Protocols = {
  2. VMESS: 'vmess',
  3. VLESS: 'vless',
  4. TROJAN: 'trojan',
  5. SHADOWSOCKS: 'shadowsocks',
  6. DOKODEMO: 'dokodemo-door',
  7. SOCKS: 'socks',
  8. HTTP: 'http',
  9. WIREGUARD: 'wireguard',
  10. };
  11. const SSMethods = {
  12. AES_256_GCM: 'aes-256-gcm',
  13. AES_128_GCM: 'aes-128-gcm',
  14. CHACHA20_POLY1305: 'chacha20-poly1305',
  15. CHACHA20_IETF_POLY1305: 'chacha20-ietf-poly1305',
  16. XCHACHA20_POLY1305: 'xchacha20-poly1305',
  17. XCHACHA20_IETF_POLY1305: 'xchacha20-ietf-poly1305',
  18. BLAKE3_AES_128_GCM: '2022-blake3-aes-128-gcm',
  19. BLAKE3_AES_256_GCM: '2022-blake3-aes-256-gcm',
  20. BLAKE3_CHACHA20_POLY1305: '2022-blake3-chacha20-poly1305',
  21. };
  22. const XTLS_FLOW_CONTROL = {
  23. ORIGIN: "xtls-rprx-origin",
  24. DIRECT: "xtls-rprx-direct",
  25. };
  26. const TLS_FLOW_CONTROL = {
  27. VISION: "xtls-rprx-vision",
  28. VISION_UDP443: "xtls-rprx-vision-udp443",
  29. };
  30. const TLS_VERSION_OPTION = {
  31. TLS10: "1.0",
  32. TLS11: "1.1",
  33. TLS12: "1.2",
  34. TLS13: "1.3",
  35. };
  36. const TLS_CIPHER_OPTION = {
  39. RSA_AES_128_GCM: "TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256",
  40. RSA_AES_256_GCM: "TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384",
  41. AES_128_GCM: "TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256",
  42. AES_256_GCM: "TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384",
  43. CHACHA20_POLY1305: "TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256",
  54. };
  55. const UTLS_FINGERPRINT = {
  56. UTLS_CHROME: "chrome",
  57. UTLS_FIREFOX: "firefox",
  58. UTLS_SAFARI: "safari",
  59. UTLS_IOS: "ios",
  60. UTLS_android: "android",
  61. UTLS_EDGE: "edge",
  62. UTLS_360: "360",
  63. UTLS_QQ: "qq",
  64. UTLS_RANDOM: "random",
  65. UTLS_RANDOMIZED: "randomized",
  66. };
  67. const ALPN_OPTION = {
  68. H3: "h3",
  69. H2: "h2",
  70. HTTP1: "http/1.1",
  71. };
  72. const SNIFFING_OPTION = {
  73. HTTP: "http",
  74. TLS: "tls",
  75. QUIC: "quic",
  76. FAKEDNS: "fakedns"
  77. };
  78. const USAGE_OPTION = {
  79. ENCIPHERMENT: "encipherment",
  80. VERIFY: "verify",
  81. ISSUE: "issue",
  82. };
  84. AS_IS: "AsIs",
  85. USE_IP: "UseIP",
  86. USE_IPV6V4: "UseIPv6v4",
  87. USE_IPV6: "UseIPv6",
  88. USE_IPV4V6: "UseIPv4v6",
  89. USE_IPV4: "UseIPv4",
  90. FORCE_IP: "ForceIP",
  91. FORCE_IPV6V4: "ForceIPv6v4",
  92. FORCE_IPV6: "ForceIPv6",
  93. FORCE_IPV4V6: "ForceIPv4v6",
  94. FORCE_IPV4: "ForceIPv4",
  95. };
  97. BBR: "bbr",
  98. CUBIC: "cubic",
  99. RENO: "reno",
  100. };
  101. Object.freeze(Protocols);
  102. Object.freeze(SSMethods);
  103. Object.freeze(XTLS_FLOW_CONTROL);
  104. Object.freeze(TLS_FLOW_CONTROL);
  105. Object.freeze(TLS_VERSION_OPTION);
  106. Object.freeze(TLS_CIPHER_OPTION);
  107. Object.freeze(UTLS_FINGERPRINT);
  108. Object.freeze(ALPN_OPTION);
  109. Object.freeze(SNIFFING_OPTION);
  110. Object.freeze(USAGE_OPTION);
  111. Object.freeze(DOMAIN_STRATEGY_OPTION);
  112. Object.freeze(TCP_CONGESTION_OPTION);
  113. class XrayCommonClass {
  114. static toJsonArray(arr) {
  115. return arr.map(obj => obj.toJson());
  116. }
  117. static fromJson() {
  118. return new XrayCommonClass();
  119. }
  120. toJson() {
  121. return this;
  122. }
  123. toString(format=true) {
  124. return format ? JSON.stringify(this.toJson(), null, 2) : JSON.stringify(this.toJson());
  125. }
  126. static toHeaders(v2Headers) {
  127. let newHeaders = [];
  128. if (v2Headers) {
  129. Object.keys(v2Headers).forEach(key => {
  130. let values = v2Headers[key];
  131. if (typeof(values) === 'string') {
  132. newHeaders.push({ name: key, value: values });
  133. } else {
  134. for (let i = 0; i < values.length; ++i) {
  135. newHeaders.push({ name: key, value: values[i] });
  136. }
  137. }
  138. });
  139. }
  140. return newHeaders;
  141. }
  142. static toV2Headers(headers, arr=true) {
  143. let v2Headers = {};
  144. for (let i = 0; i < headers.length; ++i) {
  145. let name = headers[i].name;
  146. let value = headers[i].value;
  147. if (ObjectUtil.isEmpty(name) || ObjectUtil.isEmpty(value)) {
  148. continue;
  149. }
  150. if (!(name in v2Headers)) {
  151. v2Headers[name] = arr ? [value] : value;
  152. } else {
  153. if (arr) {
  154. v2Headers[name].push(value);
  155. } else {
  156. v2Headers[name] = value;
  157. }
  158. }
  159. }
  160. return v2Headers;
  161. }
  162. }
  163. class TcpStreamSettings extends XrayCommonClass {
  164. constructor(acceptProxyProtocol=false,
  165. type='none',
  166. request=new TcpStreamSettings.TcpRequest(),
  167. response=new TcpStreamSettings.TcpResponse(),
  168. ) {
  169. super();
  170. this.acceptProxyProtocol = acceptProxyProtocol;
  171. this.type = type;
  172. this.request = request;
  173. this.response = response;
  174. }
  175. static fromJson(json={}) {
  176. let header = json.header;
  177. if (!header) {
  178. header = {};
  179. }
  180. return new TcpStreamSettings(json.acceptProxyProtocol,
  181. header.type,
  182. TcpStreamSettings.TcpRequest.fromJson(header.request),
  183. TcpStreamSettings.TcpResponse.fromJson(header.response),
  184. );
  185. }
  186. toJson() {
  187. return {
  188. acceptProxyProtocol: this.acceptProxyProtocol,
  189. header: {
  190. type: this.type,
  191. request: this.type === 'http' ? this.request.toJson() : undefined,
  192. response: this.type === 'http' ? this.response.toJson() : undefined,
  193. },
  194. };
  195. }
  196. }
  197. TcpStreamSettings.TcpRequest = class extends XrayCommonClass {
  198. constructor(version='1.1',
  199. method='GET',
  200. path=['/'],
  201. headers=[],
  202. ) {
  203. super();
  204. this.version = version;
  205. this.method = method;
  206. this.path = path.length === 0 ? ['/'] : path;
  207. this.headers = headers;
  208. }
  209. addPath(path) {
  210. this.path.push(path);
  211. }
  212. removePath(index) {
  213. this.path.splice(index, 1);
  214. }
  215. addHeader(name, value) {
  216. this.headers.push({ name: name, value: value });
  217. }
  218. getHeader(name) {
  219. for (const header of this.headers) {
  220. if (header.name.toLowerCase() === name.toLowerCase()) {
  221. return header.value;
  222. }
  223. }
  224. return null;
  225. }
  226. removeHeader(index) {
  227. this.headers.splice(index, 1);
  228. }
  229. static fromJson(json={}) {
  230. return new TcpStreamSettings.TcpRequest(
  231. json.version,
  232. json.method,
  233. json.path,
  234. XrayCommonClass.toHeaders(json.headers),
  235. );
  236. }
  237. toJson() {
  238. return {
  239. version: this.version,
  240. method: this.method,
  241. path: ObjectUtil.clone(this.path),
  242. headers: XrayCommonClass.toV2Headers(this.headers),
  243. };
  244. }
  245. };
  246. TcpStreamSettings.TcpResponse = class extends XrayCommonClass {
  247. constructor(version='1.1',
  248. status='200',
  249. reason='OK',
  250. headers=[],
  251. ) {
  252. super();
  253. this.version = version;
  254. this.status = status;
  255. this.reason = reason;
  256. this.headers = headers;
  257. }
  258. addHeader(name, value) {
  259. this.headers.push({ name: name, value: value });
  260. }
  261. removeHeader(index) {
  262. this.headers.splice(index, 1);
  263. }
  264. static fromJson(json={}) {
  265. return new TcpStreamSettings.TcpResponse(
  266. json.version,
  267. json.status,
  268. json.reason,
  269. XrayCommonClass.toHeaders(json.headers),
  270. );
  271. }
  272. toJson() {
  273. return {
  274. version: this.version,
  275. status: this.status,
  276. reason: this.reason,
  277. headers: XrayCommonClass.toV2Headers(this.headers),
  278. };
  279. }
  280. };
  281. class KcpStreamSettings extends XrayCommonClass {
  282. constructor(mtu=1350, tti=20,
  283. uplinkCapacity=5,
  284. downlinkCapacity=20,
  285. congestion=false,
  286. readBufferSize=2,
  287. writeBufferSize=2,
  288. type='none',
  289. seed=RandomUtil.randomSeq(10),
  290. ) {
  291. super();
  292. this.mtu = mtu;
  293. this.tti = tti;
  294. this.upCap = uplinkCapacity;
  295. this.downCap = downlinkCapacity;
  296. this.congestion = congestion;
  297. this.readBuffer = readBufferSize;
  298. this.writeBuffer = writeBufferSize;
  299. this.type = type;
  300. this.seed = seed;
  301. }
  302. static fromJson(json={}) {
  303. return new KcpStreamSettings(
  304. json.mtu,
  305. json.tti,
  306. json.uplinkCapacity,
  307. json.downlinkCapacity,
  308. json.congestion,
  309. json.readBufferSize,
  310. json.writeBufferSize,
  311. ObjectUtil.isEmpty(json.header) ? 'none' : json.header.type,
  312. json.seed,
  313. );
  314. }
  315. toJson() {
  316. return {
  317. mtu: this.mtu,
  318. tti: this.tti,
  319. uplinkCapacity: this.upCap,
  320. downlinkCapacity: this.downCap,
  321. congestion: this.congestion,
  322. readBufferSize: this.readBuffer,
  323. writeBufferSize: this.writeBuffer,
  324. header: {
  325. type: this.type,
  326. },
  327. seed: this.seed,
  328. };
  329. }
  330. }
  331. class WsStreamSettings extends XrayCommonClass {
  332. constructor(acceptProxyProtocol=false, path='/', host='', headers=[]) {
  333. super();
  334. this.acceptProxyProtocol = acceptProxyProtocol;
  335. this.path = path;
  336. this.host = host;
  337. this.headers = headers;
  338. }
  339. addHeader(name, value) {
  340. this.headers.push({ name: name, value: value });
  341. }
  342. getHeader(name) {
  343. for (const header of this.headers) {
  344. if (header.name.toLowerCase() === name.toLowerCase()) {
  345. return header.value;
  346. }
  347. }
  348. return null;
  349. }
  350. removeHeader(index) {
  351. this.headers.splice(index, 1);
  352. }
  353. static fromJson(json={}) {
  354. return new WsStreamSettings(
  355. json.acceptProxyProtocol,
  356. json.path,
  357. json.host,
  358. XrayCommonClass.toHeaders(json.headers),
  359. );
  360. }
  361. toJson() {
  362. return {
  363. acceptProxyProtocol: this.acceptProxyProtocol,
  364. path: this.path,
  365. host: this.host,
  366. headers: XrayCommonClass.toV2Headers(this.headers, false),
  367. };
  368. }
  369. }
  370. class HttpStreamSettings extends XrayCommonClass {
  371. constructor(
  372. path='/',
  373. host=[''],
  374. ) {
  375. super();
  376. this.path = path;
  377. this.host = host.length === 0 ? [''] : host;
  378. }
  379. addHost(host) {
  380. this.host.push(host);
  381. }
  382. removeHost(index) {
  383. this.host.splice(index, 1);
  384. }
  385. static fromJson(json={}) {
  386. return new HttpStreamSettings(json.path, json.host);
  387. }
  388. toJson() {
  389. let host = [];
  390. for (let i = 0; i < this.host.length; ++i) {
  391. if (!ObjectUtil.isEmpty(this.host[i])) {
  392. host.push(this.host[i]);
  393. }
  394. }
  395. return {
  396. path: this.path,
  397. host: host,
  398. }
  399. }
  400. }
  401. class QuicStreamSettings extends XrayCommonClass {
  402. constructor(security='none',
  403. key=RandomUtil.randomSeq(10), type='none') {
  404. super();
  405. this.security = security;
  406. this.key = key;
  407. this.type = type;
  408. }
  409. static fromJson(json={}) {
  410. return new QuicStreamSettings(
  411. json.security,
  412. json.key,
  413. json.header ? json.header.type : 'none',
  414. );
  415. }
  416. toJson() {
  417. return {
  418. security: this.security,
  419. key: this.key,
  420. header: {
  421. type: this.type,
  422. }
  423. }
  424. }
  425. }
  426. class GrpcStreamSettings extends XrayCommonClass {
  427. constructor(
  428. serviceName="",
  429. authority="",
  430. multiMode=false,
  431. ) {
  432. super();
  433. this.serviceName = serviceName;
  434. this.authority = authority;
  435. this.multiMode = multiMode;
  436. }
  437. static fromJson(json={}) {
  438. return new GrpcStreamSettings(
  439. json.serviceName,
  440. json.authority,
  441. json.multiMode
  442. );
  443. }
  444. toJson() {
  445. return {
  446. serviceName: this.serviceName,
  447. authority: this.authority,
  448. multiMode: this.multiMode,
  449. }
  450. }
  451. }
  452. class HTTPUpgradeStreamSettings extends XrayCommonClass {
  453. constructor(acceptProxyProtocol=false, path='/', host='', headers=[]) {
  454. super();
  455. this.acceptProxyProtocol = acceptProxyProtocol;
  456. this.path = path;
  457. this.host = host;
  458. this.headers = headers;
  459. }
  460. addHeader(name, value) {
  461. this.headers.push({ name: name, value: value });
  462. }
  463. getHeader(name) {
  464. for (const header of this.headers) {
  465. if (header.name.toLowerCase() === name.toLowerCase()) {
  466. return header.value;
  467. }
  468. }
  469. return null;
  470. }
  471. removeHeader(index) {
  472. this.headers.splice(index, 1);
  473. }
  474. static fromJson(json={}) {
  475. return new HTTPUpgradeStreamSettings(
  476. json.acceptProxyProtocol,
  477. json.path,
  478. json.host,
  479. XrayCommonClass.toHeaders(json.headers),
  480. );
  481. }
  482. toJson() {
  483. return {
  484. acceptProxyProtocol: this.acceptProxyProtocol,
  485. path: this.path,
  486. host: this.host,
  487. headers: XrayCommonClass.toV2Headers(this.headers, false),
  488. };
  489. }
  490. }
  491. class TlsStreamSettings extends XrayCommonClass {
  492. constructor(serverName='',
  493. minVersion = TLS_VERSION_OPTION.TLS12,
  494. maxVersion = TLS_VERSION_OPTION.TLS13,
  495. cipherSuites = '',
  496. rejectUnknownSni = false,
  497. disableSystemRoot = false,
  498. certificates=[new TlsStreamSettings.Cert()],
  500. settings=new TlsStreamSettings.Settings()) {
  501. super();
  502. this.sni = serverName;
  503. this.minVersion = minVersion;
  504. this.maxVersion = maxVersion;
  505. this.cipherSuites = cipherSuites;
  506. this.rejectUnknownSni = rejectUnknownSni;
  507. this.disableSystemRoot = disableSystemRoot;
  508. this.certs = certificates;
  509. this.alpn = alpn;
  510. this.settings = settings;
  511. }
  512. addCert() {
  513. this.certs.push(new TlsStreamSettings.Cert());
  514. }
  515. removeCert(index) {
  516. this.certs.splice(index, 1);
  517. }
  518. static fromJson(json={}) {
  519. let certs;
  520. let settings;
  521. if (!ObjectUtil.isEmpty(json.certificates)) {
  522. certs = json.certificates.map(cert => TlsStreamSettings.Cert.fromJson(cert));
  523. }
  524. if (!ObjectUtil.isEmpty(json.settings)) {
  525. settings = new TlsStreamSettings.Settings(json.settings.allowInsecure , json.settings.fingerprint, json.settings.serverName, json.settings.domains);
  526. }
  527. return new TlsStreamSettings(
  528. json.serverName,
  529. json.minVersion,
  530. json.maxVersion,
  531. json.cipherSuites,
  532. json.rejectUnknownSni,
  533. json.disableSystemRoot,
  534. certs,
  535. json.alpn,
  536. settings,
  537. );
  538. }
  539. toJson() {
  540. return {
  541. serverName: this.sni,
  542. minVersion: this.minVersion,
  543. maxVersion: this.maxVersion,
  544. cipherSuites: this.cipherSuites,
  545. rejectUnknownSni: this.rejectUnknownSni,
  546. disableSystemRoot: this.disableSystemRoot,
  547. certificates: TlsStreamSettings.toJsonArray(this.certs),
  548. alpn: this.alpn,
  549. settings: this.settings,
  550. };
  551. }
  552. }
  553. TlsStreamSettings.Cert = class extends XrayCommonClass {
  554. constructor(useFile=true, certificateFile='', keyFile='', certificate='', key='', ocspStapling=3600, oneTimeLoading=false, usage=USAGE_OPTION.ENCIPHERMENT) {
  555. super();
  556. this.useFile = useFile;
  557. this.certFile = certificateFile;
  558. this.keyFile = keyFile;
  559. this.cert = certificate instanceof Array ? certificate.join('\n') : certificate;
  560. this.key = key instanceof Array ? key.join('\n') : key;
  561. this.ocspStapling = ocspStapling;
  562. this.oneTimeLoading = oneTimeLoading;
  563. this.usage = usage;
  564. }
  565. static fromJson(json={}) {
  566. if ('certificateFile' in json && 'keyFile' in json) {
  567. return new TlsStreamSettings.Cert(
  568. true,
  569. json.certificateFile,
  570. json.keyFile, '', '',
  571. json.ocspStapling,
  572. json.oneTimeLoading,
  573. json.usage,
  574. );
  575. } else {
  576. return new TlsStreamSettings.Cert(
  577. false, '', '',
  578. json.certificate.join('\n'),
  579. json.key.join('\n'),
  580. json.ocspStapling,
  581. json.oneTimeLoading,
  582. json.usage,
  583. );
  584. }
  585. }
  586. toJson() {
  587. if (this.useFile) {
  588. return {
  589. certificateFile: this.certFile,
  590. keyFile: this.keyFile,
  591. ocspStapling: this.ocspStapling,
  592. oneTimeLoading: this.oneTimeLoading,
  593. usage: this.usage,
  594. };
  595. } else {
  596. return {
  597. certificate: this.cert.split('\n'),
  598. key: this.key.split('\n'),
  599. ocspStapling: this.ocspStapling,
  600. oneTimeLoading: this.oneTimeLoading,
  601. usage: this.usage,
  602. };
  603. }
  604. }
  605. };
  606. TlsStreamSettings.Settings = class extends XrayCommonClass {
  607. constructor(allowInsecure = false, fingerprint = '') {
  608. super();
  609. this.allowInsecure = allowInsecure;
  610. this.fingerprint = fingerprint;
  611. }
  612. static fromJson(json = {}) {
  613. return new TlsStreamSettings.Settings(
  614. json.allowInsecure,
  615. json.fingerprint,
  616. );
  617. }
  618. toJson() {
  619. return {
  620. allowInsecure: this.allowInsecure,
  621. fingerprint: this.fingerprint,
  622. };
  623. }
  624. };
  625. class XtlsStreamSettings extends XrayCommonClass {
  626. constructor(serverName='',
  627. certificates=[new XtlsStreamSettings.Cert()],
  629. settings=new XtlsStreamSettings.Settings()) {
  630. super();
  631. this.sni = serverName;
  632. this.certs = certificates;
  633. this.alpn = alpn;
  634. this.settings = settings;
  635. }
  636. addCert() {
  637. this.certs.push(new XtlsStreamSettings.Cert());
  638. }
  639. removeCert(index) {
  640. this.certs.splice(index, 1);
  641. }
  642. static fromJson(json={}) {
  643. let certs;
  644. let settings;
  645. if (!ObjectUtil.isEmpty(json.certificates)) {
  646. certs = json.certificates.map(cert => XtlsStreamSettings.Cert.fromJson(cert));
  647. }
  648. if (!ObjectUtil.isEmpty(json.settings)) {
  649. settings = new XtlsStreamSettings.Settings(json.settings.allowInsecure , json.settings.serverName);
  650. }
  651. return new XtlsStreamSettings(
  652. json.serverName,
  653. certs,
  654. json.alpn,
  655. settings,
  656. );
  657. }
  658. toJson() {
  659. return {
  660. serverName: this.sni,
  661. certificates: XtlsStreamSettings.toJsonArray(this.certs),
  662. alpn: this.alpn,
  663. settings: this.settings,
  664. };
  665. }
  666. }
  667. XtlsStreamSettings.Cert = class extends XrayCommonClass {
  668. constructor(useFile=true, certificateFile='', keyFile='', certificate='', key='', ocspStapling=3600, oneTimeLoading=false, usage=USAGE_OPTION.ENCIPHERMENT) {
  669. super();
  670. this.useFile = useFile;
  671. this.certFile = certificateFile;
  672. this.keyFile = keyFile;
  673. this.cert = certificate instanceof Array ? certificate.join('\n') : certificate;
  674. this.key = key instanceof Array ? key.join('\n') : key;
  675. this.ocspStapling = ocspStapling;
  676. this.oneTimeLoading = oneTimeLoading;
  677. this.usage = usage;
  678. }
  679. static fromJson(json={}) {
  680. if ('certificateFile' in json && 'keyFile' in json) {
  681. return new XtlsStreamSettings.Cert(
  682. true,
  683. json.certificateFile,
  684. json.keyFile, '', '',
  685. json.ocspStapling,
  686. json.oneTimeLoading,
  687. json.usage,
  688. );
  689. } else {
  690. return new XtlsStreamSettings.Cert(
  691. false, '', '',
  692. json.certificate.join('\n'),
  693. json.key.join('\n'),
  694. json.ocspStapling,
  695. json.oneTimeLoading,
  696. json.usage,
  697. );
  698. }
  699. }
  700. toJson() {
  701. if (this.useFile) {
  702. return {
  703. certificateFile: this.certFile,
  704. keyFile: this.keyFile,
  705. ocspStapling: this.ocspStapling,
  706. oneTimeLoading: this.oneTimeLoading,
  707. usage: this.usage,
  708. };
  709. } else {
  710. return {
  711. certificate: this.cert.split('\n'),
  712. key: this.key.split('\n'),
  713. ocspStapling: this.ocspStapling,
  714. oneTimeLoading: this.oneTimeLoading,
  715. usage: this.usage,
  716. };
  717. }
  718. }
  719. };
  720. XtlsStreamSettings.Settings = class extends XrayCommonClass {
  721. constructor(allowInsecure = false) {
  722. super();
  723. this.allowInsecure = allowInsecure;
  724. }
  725. static fromJson(json = {}) {
  726. return new XtlsStreamSettings.Settings(
  727. json.allowInsecure,
  728. );
  729. }
  730. toJson() {
  731. return {
  732. allowInsecure: this.allowInsecure,
  733. };
  734. }
  735. };
  736. class RealityStreamSettings extends XrayCommonClass {
  737. constructor(
  738. show = false,xver = 0,
  739. dest = 'yahoo.com:443',
  740. serverNames = 'yahoo.com,www.yahoo.com',
  741. privateKey = '',
  742. minClient = '',
  743. maxClient = '',
  744. maxTimediff = 0,
  745. shortIds = RandomUtil.randomShortId(),
  746. settings= new RealityStreamSettings.Settings()
  747. ){
  748. super();
  749. this.show = show;
  750. this.xver = xver;
  751. this.dest = dest;
  752. this.serverNames = serverNames instanceof Array ? serverNames.join(",") : serverNames;
  753. this.privateKey = privateKey;
  754. this.minClient = minClient;
  755. this.maxClient = maxClient;
  756. this.maxTimediff = maxTimediff;
  757. this.shortIds = shortIds instanceof Array ? shortIds.join(",") : shortIds;
  758. this.settings = settings;
  759. }
  760. static fromJson(json = {}) {
  761. let settings;
  762. if (!ObjectUtil.isEmpty(json.settings)) {
  763. settings = new RealityStreamSettings.Settings(json.settings.publicKey , json.settings.fingerprint, json.settings.serverName, json.settings.spiderX);
  764. }
  765. return new RealityStreamSettings(
  766. json.show,
  767. json.xver,
  768. json.dest,
  769. json.serverNames,
  770. json.privateKey,
  771. json.minClient,
  772. json.maxClient,
  773. json.maxTimediff,
  774. json.shortIds,
  775. json.settings,
  776. );
  777. }
  778. toJson() {
  779. return {
  780. show: this.show,
  781. xver: this.xver,
  782. dest: this.dest,
  783. serverNames: this.serverNames.split(","),
  784. privateKey: this.privateKey,
  785. minClient: this.minClient,
  786. maxClient: this.maxClient,
  787. maxTimediff: this.maxTimediff,
  788. shortIds: this.shortIds.split(","),
  789. settings: this.settings,
  790. };
  791. }
  792. }
  793. RealityStreamSettings.Settings = class extends XrayCommonClass {
  794. constructor(publicKey = '', fingerprint = UTLS_FINGERPRINT.UTLS_FIREFOX, serverName = '', spiderX= '/') {
  795. super();
  796. this.publicKey = publicKey;
  797. this.fingerprint = fingerprint;
  798. this.serverName = serverName;
  799. this.spiderX = spiderX;
  800. }
  801. static fromJson(json = {}) {
  802. return new RealityStreamSettings.Settings(
  803. json.publicKey,
  804. json.fingerprint,
  805. json.serverName,
  806. json.spiderX,
  807. );
  808. }
  809. toJson() {
  810. return {
  811. publicKey: this.publicKey,
  812. fingerprint: this.fingerprint,
  813. serverName: this.serverName,
  814. spiderX: this.spiderX,
  815. };
  816. }
  817. };
  818. class SockoptStreamSettings extends XrayCommonClass {
  819. constructor(
  820. acceptProxyProtocol = false,
  821. tcpFastOpen = false,
  822. mark = 0,
  823. tproxy="off",
  824. tcpMptcp = false,
  825. tcpNoDelay = false,
  826. domainStrategy = DOMAIN_STRATEGY_OPTION.USE_IP,
  827. tcpMaxSeg = 1440,
  828. dialerProxy = "",
  829. tcpKeepAliveInterval = 0,
  830. tcpKeepAliveIdle = 300,
  831. tcpUserTimeout = 10000,
  832. tcpcongestion = TCP_CONGESTION_OPTION.BBR,
  833. V6Only = false,
  834. tcpWindowClamp = 600,
  835. interfaceName = "",
  836. ) {
  837. super();
  838. this.acceptProxyProtocol = acceptProxyProtocol;
  839. this.tcpFastOpen = tcpFastOpen;
  840. this.mark = mark;
  841. this.tproxy = tproxy;
  842. this.tcpMptcp = tcpMptcp;
  843. this.tcpNoDelay = tcpNoDelay;
  844. this.domainStrategy = domainStrategy;
  845. this.tcpMaxSeg = tcpMaxSeg;
  846. this.dialerProxy = dialerProxy;
  847. this.tcpKeepAliveInterval = tcpKeepAliveInterval;
  848. this.tcpKeepAliveIdle = tcpKeepAliveIdle;
  849. this.tcpUserTimeout = tcpUserTimeout;
  850. this.tcpcongestion = tcpcongestion;
  851. this.V6Only = V6Only;
  852. this.tcpWindowClamp = tcpWindowClamp;
  853. this.interfaceName = interfaceName;
  854. }
  855. static fromJson(json = {}) {
  856. if (Object.keys(json).length === 0) return undefined;
  857. return new SockoptStreamSettings(
  858. json.acceptProxyProtocol,
  859. json.tcpFastOpen,
  860. json.mark,
  861. json.tproxy,
  862. json.tcpMptcp,
  863. json.tcpNoDelay,
  864. json.domainStrategy,
  865. json.tcpMaxSeg,
  866. json.dialerProxy,
  867. json.tcpKeepAliveInterval,
  868. json.tcpKeepAliveIdle,
  869. json.tcpUserTimeout,
  870. json.tcpcongestion,
  871. json.V6Only,
  872. json.tcpWindowClamp,
  873. json.interface,
  874. );
  875. }
  876. toJson() {
  877. return {
  878. acceptProxyProtocol: this.acceptProxyProtocol,
  879. tcpFastOpen: this.tcpFastOpen,
  880. mark: this.mark,
  881. tproxy: this.tproxy,
  882. tcpMptcp: this.tcpMptcp,
  883. tcpNoDelay: this.tcpNoDelay,
  884. domainStrategy: this.domainStrategy,
  885. tcpMaxSeg: this.tcpMaxSeg,
  886. dialerProxy: this.dialerProxy,
  887. tcpKeepAliveInterval: this.tcpKeepAliveInterval,
  888. tcpKeepAliveIdle: this.tcpKeepAliveIdle,
  889. tcpUserTimeout: this.tcpUserTimeout,
  890. tcpcongestion: this.tcpcongestion,
  891. V6Only: this.V6Only,
  892. tcpWindowClamp: this.tcpWindowClamp,
  893. interface: this.interfaceName,
  894. };
  895. }
  896. }
  897. class StreamSettings extends XrayCommonClass {
  898. constructor(network='tcp',
  899. security='none',
  900. externalProxy = [],
  901. tlsSettings=new TlsStreamSettings(),
  902. xtlsSettings=new XtlsStreamSettings(),
  903. realitySettings = new RealityStreamSettings(),
  904. tcpSettings=new TcpStreamSettings(),
  905. kcpSettings=new KcpStreamSettings(),
  906. wsSettings=new WsStreamSettings(),
  907. httpSettings=new HttpStreamSettings(),
  908. quicSettings=new QuicStreamSettings(),
  909. grpcSettings=new GrpcStreamSettings(),
  910. httpupgradeSettings=new HTTPUpgradeStreamSettings(),
  911. sockopt = undefined,
  912. ) {
  913. super();
  914. this.network = network;
  915. this.security = security;
  916. this.externalProxy = externalProxy;
  917. this.tls = tlsSettings;
  918. this.xtls = xtlsSettings;
  919. this.reality = realitySettings;
  920. this.tcp = tcpSettings;
  921. this.kcp = kcpSettings;
  922. this.ws = wsSettings;
  923. this.http = httpSettings;
  924. this.quic = quicSettings;
  925. this.grpc = grpcSettings;
  926. this.httpupgrade = httpupgradeSettings;
  927. this.sockopt = sockopt;
  928. }
  929. get isTls() {
  930. return this.security === "tls";
  931. }
  932. set isTls(isTls) {
  933. if (isTls) {
  934. this.security = 'tls';
  935. } else {
  936. this.security = 'none';
  937. }
  938. }
  939. get isXtls() {
  940. return this.security === "xtls";
  941. }
  942. set isXtls(isXtls) {
  943. if (isXtls) {
  944. this.security = 'xtls';
  945. } else {
  946. this.security = 'none';
  947. }
  948. }
  949. //for Reality
  950. get isReality() {
  951. return this.security === "reality";
  952. }
  953. set isReality(isReality) {
  954. if (isReality) {
  955. this.security = 'reality';
  956. } else {
  957. this.security = 'none';
  958. }
  959. }
  960. get sockoptSwitch() {
  961. return this.sockopt != undefined;
  962. }
  963. set sockoptSwitch(value) {
  964. this.sockopt = value ? new SockoptStreamSettings() : undefined;
  965. }
  966. static fromJson(json={}) {
  967. return new StreamSettings(
  968. json.network,
  969. json.security,
  970. json.externalProxy,
  971. TlsStreamSettings.fromJson(json.tlsSettings),
  972. XtlsStreamSettings.fromJson(json.xtlsSettings),
  973. RealityStreamSettings.fromJson(json.realitySettings),
  974. TcpStreamSettings.fromJson(json.tcpSettings),
  975. KcpStreamSettings.fromJson(json.kcpSettings),
  976. WsStreamSettings.fromJson(json.wsSettings),
  977. HttpStreamSettings.fromJson(json.httpSettings),
  978. QuicStreamSettings.fromJson(json.quicSettings),
  979. GrpcStreamSettings.fromJson(json.grpcSettings),
  980. HTTPUpgradeStreamSettings.fromJson(json.httpupgradeSettings),
  981. SockoptStreamSettings.fromJson(json.sockopt),
  982. );
  983. }
  984. toJson() {
  985. const network = this.network;
  986. return {
  987. network: network,
  988. security: this.security,
  989. externalProxy: this.externalProxy,
  990. tlsSettings: this.isTls ? this.tls.toJson() : undefined,
  991. xtlsSettings: this.isXtls ? this.xtls.toJson() : undefined,
  992. realitySettings: this.isReality ? this.reality.toJson() : undefined,
  993. tcpSettings: network === 'tcp' ? this.tcp.toJson() : undefined,
  994. kcpSettings: network === 'kcp' ? this.kcp.toJson() : undefined,
  995. wsSettings: network === 'ws' ? this.ws.toJson() : undefined,
  996. httpSettings: network === 'http' ? this.http.toJson() : undefined,
  997. quicSettings: network === 'quic' ? this.quic.toJson() : undefined,
  998. grpcSettings: network === 'grpc' ? this.grpc.toJson() : undefined,
  999. httpupgradeSettings: network === 'httpupgrade' ? this.httpupgrade.toJson() : undefined,
  1000. sockopt: this.sockopt != undefined ? this.sockopt.toJson() : undefined,
  1001. };
  1002. }
  1003. }
  1004. class Sniffing extends XrayCommonClass {
  1005. constructor(
  1006. enabled=true,
  1007. destOverride=['http', 'tls', 'quic', 'fakedns'],
  1008. metadataOnly=false,
  1009. routeOnly=false) {
  1010. super();
  1011. this.enabled = enabled;
  1012. this.destOverride = destOverride;
  1013. this.metadataOnly = metadataOnly;
  1014. this.routeOnly = routeOnly;
  1015. }
  1016. static fromJson(json={}) {
  1017. let destOverride = ObjectUtil.clone(json.destOverride);
  1018. if (!ObjectUtil.isEmpty(destOverride) && !ObjectUtil.isArrEmpty(destOverride)) {
  1019. if (ObjectUtil.isEmpty(destOverride[0])) {
  1020. destOverride = ['http', 'tls', 'quic', 'fakedns'];
  1021. }
  1022. }
  1023. return new Sniffing(
  1024. !!json.enabled,
  1025. destOverride,
  1026. json.metadataOnly,
  1027. json.routeOnly,
  1028. );
  1029. }
  1030. }
  1031. class Inbound extends XrayCommonClass {
  1032. constructor(port=RandomUtil.randomIntRange(10000, 60000),
  1033. listen='',
  1034. protocol=Protocols.VLESS,
  1035. settings=null,
  1036. streamSettings=new StreamSettings(),
  1037. tag='',
  1038. sniffing=new Sniffing(),
  1039. clientStats='',
  1040. ) {
  1041. super();
  1042. this.port = port;
  1043. this.listen = listen;
  1044. this._protocol = protocol;
  1045. this.settings = ObjectUtil.isEmpty(settings) ? Inbound.Settings.getSettings(protocol) : settings;
  1046. this.stream = streamSettings;
  1047. this.tag = tag;
  1048. this.sniffing = sniffing;
  1049. this.clientStats = clientStats;
  1050. }
  1051. getClientStats() {
  1052. return this.clientStats;
  1053. }
  1054. get clients() {
  1055. switch (this.protocol) {
  1056. case Protocols.VMESS: return this.settings.vmesses;
  1057. case Protocols.VLESS: return this.settings.vlesses;
  1058. case Protocols.TROJAN: return this.settings.trojans;
  1059. case Protocols.SHADOWSOCKS: return this.isSSMultiUser ? this.settings.shadowsockses : null;
  1060. default: return null;
  1061. }
  1062. }
  1063. get protocol() {
  1064. return this._protocol;
  1065. }
  1066. set protocol(protocol) {
  1067. this._protocol = protocol;
  1068. this.settings = Inbound.Settings.getSettings(protocol);
  1069. if (protocol === Protocols.TROJAN) {
  1070. this.tls = false;
  1071. }
  1072. }
  1073. get xtls() {
  1074. return this.stream.security === 'xtls';
  1075. }
  1076. set xtls(isXtls) {
  1077. if (isXtls) {
  1078. this.stream.security = 'xtls';
  1079. } else {
  1080. this.stream.security = 'none';
  1081. }
  1082. }
  1083. get network() {
  1084. return this.stream.network;
  1085. }
  1086. set network(network) {
  1087. this.stream.network = network;
  1088. }
  1089. get isTcp() {
  1090. return this.network === "tcp";
  1091. }
  1092. get isWs() {
  1093. return this.network === "ws";
  1094. }
  1095. get isKcp() {
  1096. return this.network === "kcp";
  1097. }
  1098. get isQuic() {
  1099. return this.network === "quic"
  1100. }
  1101. get isGrpc() {
  1102. return this.network === "grpc";
  1103. }
  1104. get isH2() {
  1105. return this.network === "http";
  1106. }
  1107. get isHttpupgrade() {
  1108. return this.network === "httpupgrade";
  1109. }
  1110. // Shadowsocks
  1111. get method() {
  1112. switch (this.protocol) {
  1113. case Protocols.SHADOWSOCKS:
  1114. return this.settings.method;
  1115. default:
  1116. return "";
  1117. }
  1118. }
  1119. get isSSMultiUser() {
  1120. return this.method != SSMethods.BLAKE3_CHACHA20_POLY1305;
  1121. }
  1122. get isSS2022(){
  1123. return this.method.substring(0,4) === "2022";
  1124. }
  1125. get serverName() {
  1126. if (this.stream.isTls) return this.stream.tls.sni;
  1127. if (this.stream.isXtls) return this.stream.xtls.sni;
  1128. if (this.stream.isReality) return this.stream.reality.serverNames;
  1129. return "";
  1130. }
  1131. get host() {
  1132. if (this.isTcp) {
  1133. return this.stream.tcp.request.getHeader("Host");
  1134. } else if (this.isWs) {
  1135. const hostHeader = this.stream.ws.getHeader("Host");
  1136. if (hostHeader !== null) {
  1137. return hostHeader;
  1138. } else {
  1139. return this.stream.ws.host;
  1140. }
  1141. } else if (this.isH2) {
  1142. return this.stream.http.host[0];
  1143. } else if (this.isHttpupgrade) {
  1144. const hostHeader = this.stream.httpupgrade.getHeader("Host");
  1145. if (hostHeader !== null) {
  1146. return hostHeader;
  1147. } else {
  1148. return this.stream.httpupgrade.host;
  1149. }
  1150. }
  1151. return null;
  1152. }
  1153. get path() {
  1154. if (this.isTcp) {
  1155. return this.stream.tcp.request.path[0];
  1156. } else if (this.isWs) {
  1157. return this.stream.ws.path;
  1158. } else if (this.isH2) {
  1159. return this.stream.http.path;
  1160. } else if (this.isHttpupgrade) {
  1161. return this.stream.httpupgrade.path;
  1162. }
  1163. return null;
  1164. }
  1165. get quicSecurity() {
  1166. return this.stream.quic.security;
  1167. }
  1168. get quicKey() {
  1169. return this.stream.quic.key;
  1170. }
  1171. get quicType() {
  1172. return this.stream.quic.type;
  1173. }
  1174. get kcpType() {
  1175. return this.stream.kcp.type;
  1176. }
  1177. get kcpSeed() {
  1178. return this.stream.kcp.seed;
  1179. }
  1180. get serviceName() {
  1181. return this.stream.grpc.serviceName;
  1182. }
  1183. isExpiry(index) {
  1184. let exp = this.clients[index].expiryTime;
  1185. return exp > 0 ? exp < new Date().getTime() : false;
  1186. }
  1187. canEnableTls() {
  1188. if(![Protocols.VMESS, Protocols.VLESS, Protocols.TROJAN, Protocols.SHADOWSOCKS].includes(this.protocol)) return false;
  1189. return ["tcp", "ws", "http", "quic", "grpc", "httpupgrade"].includes(this.network);
  1190. }
  1191. //this is used for xtls-rprx-vision
  1192. canEnableTlsFlow() {
  1193. if (((this.stream.security === 'tls') || (this.stream.security === 'reality')) && (this.network === "tcp")) {
  1194. return this.protocol === Protocols.VLESS;
  1195. }
  1196. return false;
  1197. }
  1198. canEnableReality() {
  1199. if(![Protocols.VLESS, Protocols.TROJAN].includes(this.protocol)) return false;
  1200. return ["tcp", "http", "grpc"].includes(this.network);
  1201. }
  1202. canEnableXtls() {
  1203. if(![Protocols.VLESS, Protocols.TROJAN].includes(this.protocol)) return false;
  1204. return this.network === "tcp";
  1205. }
  1206. canEnableStream() {
  1207. return [Protocols.VMESS, Protocols.VLESS, Protocols.TROJAN, Protocols.SHADOWSOCKS].includes(this.protocol);
  1208. }
  1209. reset() {
  1210. this.port = RandomUtil.randomIntRange(10000, 60000);
  1211. this.listen = '';
  1212. this.protocol = Protocols.VMESS;
  1213. this.settings = Inbound.Settings.getSettings(Protocols.VMESS);
  1214. this.stream = new StreamSettings();
  1215. this.tag = '';
  1216. this.sniffing = new Sniffing();
  1217. }
  1218. genVmessLink(address='', port=this.port, forceTls, remark='', clientId) {
  1219. if (this.protocol !== Protocols.VMESS) {
  1220. return '';
  1221. }
  1222. const security = forceTls == 'same' ? this.stream.security : forceTls;
  1223. let obj = {
  1224. v: '2',
  1225. ps: remark,
  1226. add: address,
  1227. port: port,
  1228. id: clientId,
  1229. net: this.stream.network,
  1230. type: 'none',
  1231. tls: security,
  1232. };
  1233. let network = this.stream.network;
  1234. if (network === 'tcp') {
  1235. let tcp = this.stream.tcp;
  1236. obj.type = tcp.type;
  1237. if (tcp.type === 'http') {
  1238. let request = tcp.request;
  1239. obj.path = request.path.join(',');
  1240. let index = request.headers.findIndex(header => header.name.toLowerCase() === 'host');
  1241. if (index >= 0) {
  1242. obj.host = request.headers[index].value;
  1243. }
  1244. }
  1245. } else if (network === 'kcp') {
  1246. let kcp = this.stream.kcp;
  1247. obj.type = kcp.type;
  1248. obj.path = kcp.seed;
  1249. } else if (network === 'ws') {
  1250. let ws = this.stream.ws;
  1251. obj.path = ws.path;
  1252. obj.host = ws.host;
  1253. let index = ws.headers.findIndex(header => header.name.toLowerCase() === 'host');
  1254. if (index >= 0) {
  1255. obj.host = ws.headers[index].value;
  1256. }
  1257. } else if (network === 'http') {
  1258. obj.net = 'h2';
  1259. obj.path = this.stream.http.path;
  1260. obj.host = this.stream.http.host.join(',');
  1261. } else if (network === 'quic') {
  1262. obj.type = this.stream.quic.type;
  1263. obj.host = this.stream.quic.security;
  1264. obj.path = this.stream.quic.key;
  1265. } else if (network === 'grpc') {
  1266. obj.path = this.stream.grpc.serviceName;
  1267. obj.authority = this.stream.grpc.authority;
  1268. if (this.stream.grpc.multiMode){
  1269. obj.type = 'multi'
  1270. }
  1271. } else if (network === 'httpupgrade') {
  1272. let httpupgrade = this.stream.httpupgrade;
  1273. obj.path = httpupgrade.path;
  1274. obj.host = httpupgrade.host;
  1275. let index = httpupgrade.headers.findIndex(header => header.name.toLowerCase() === 'host');
  1276. if (index >= 0) {
  1277. obj.host = httpupgrade.headers[index].value;
  1278. }
  1279. }
  1280. if (security === 'tls') {
  1281. if (!ObjectUtil.isEmpty(this.stream.tls.sni)){
  1282. obj.sni = this.stream.tls.sni;
  1283. }
  1284. if (!ObjectUtil.isEmpty(this.stream.tls.settings.fingerprint)){
  1285. obj.fp = this.stream.tls.settings.fingerprint;
  1286. }
  1287. if (this.stream.tls.alpn.length>0){
  1288. obj.alpn = this.stream.tls.alpn.join(',');
  1289. }
  1290. if (this.stream.tls.settings.allowInsecure){
  1291. obj.allowInsecure = this.stream.tls.settings.allowInsecure;
  1292. }
  1293. }
  1294. return 'vmess://' + base64(JSON.stringify(obj, null, 2));
  1295. }
  1296. genVLESSLink(address = '', port=this.port, forceTls, remark='', clientId, flow) {
  1297. const uuid = clientId;
  1298. const type = this.stream.network;
  1299. const security = forceTls == 'same' ? this.stream.security : forceTls;
  1300. const params = new Map();
  1301. params.set("type", this.stream.network);
  1302. switch (type) {
  1303. case "tcp":
  1304. const tcp = this.stream.tcp;
  1305. if (tcp.type === 'http') {
  1306. const request = tcp.request;
  1307. params.set("path", request.path.join(','));
  1308. const tcpIndex = request.headers.findIndex(header => header.name.toLowerCase() === 'host');
  1309. if (tcpIndex >= 0) {
  1310. const host = request.headers[tcpIndex].value;
  1311. params.set("host", host);
  1312. }
  1313. params.set("headerType", 'http');
  1314. }
  1315. break;
  1316. case "kcp":
  1317. const kcp = this.stream.kcp;
  1318. params.set("headerType", kcp.type);
  1319. params.set("seed", kcp.seed);
  1320. break;
  1321. case "ws":
  1322. const ws = this.stream.ws;
  1323. params.set("path", ws.path);
  1324. params.set("host", ws.host);
  1325. const wsIndex = ws.headers.findIndex(header => header.name.toLowerCase() === 'host');
  1326. if (wsIndex >= 0) {
  1327. const host = ws.headers[wsIndex].value;
  1328. params.set("host", host);
  1329. }
  1330. break;
  1331. case "http":
  1332. const http = this.stream.http;
  1333. params.set("path", http.path);
  1334. params.set("host", http.host);
  1335. break;
  1336. case "quic":
  1337. const quic = this.stream.quic;
  1338. params.set("quicSecurity", quic.security);
  1339. params.set("key", quic.key);
  1340. params.set("headerType", quic.type);
  1341. break;
  1342. case "grpc":
  1343. const grpc = this.stream.grpc;
  1344. params.set("serviceName", grpc.serviceName);
  1345. params.set("authority", grpc.authority);
  1346. if(grpc.multiMode){
  1347. params.set("mode", "multi");
  1348. }
  1349. break;
  1350. case "httpupgrade":
  1351. const httpupgrade = this.stream.httpupgrade;
  1352. params.set("path", httpupgrade.path);
  1353. params.set("host", httpupgrade.host);
  1354. const httpupgradeIndex = httpupgrade.headers.findIndex(header => header.name.toLowerCase() === 'host');
  1355. if (httpupgradeIndex >= 0) {
  1356. const host = httpupgrade.headers[httpupgradeIndex].value;
  1357. params.set("host", host);
  1358. }
  1359. break;
  1360. }
  1361. if (security === 'tls') {
  1362. params.set("security", "tls");
  1363. if (this.stream.isTls){
  1364. params.set("fp" , this.stream.tls.settings.fingerprint);
  1365. params.set("alpn", this.stream.tls.alpn);
  1366. if(this.stream.tls.settings.allowInsecure){
  1367. params.set("allowInsecure", "1");
  1368. }
  1369. if (!ObjectUtil.isEmpty(this.stream.tls.sni)){
  1370. params.set("sni", this.stream.tls.sni);
  1371. }
  1372. if (type == "tcp" && !ObjectUtil.isEmpty(flow)) {
  1373. params.set("flow", flow);
  1374. }
  1375. }
  1376. }
  1377. else if (security === 'xtls') {
  1378. params.set("security", "xtls");
  1379. params.set("alpn", this.stream.xtls.alpn);
  1380. if(this.stream.xtls.settings.allowInsecure){
  1381. params.set("allowInsecure", "1");
  1382. }
  1383. if (!ObjectUtil.isEmpty(this.stream.xtls.sni)){
  1384. params.set("sni", this.stream.xtls.sni);
  1385. }
  1386. params.set("flow", flow);
  1387. }
  1388. else if (security === 'reality') {
  1389. params.set("security", "reality");
  1390. params.set("pbk", this.stream.reality.settings.publicKey);
  1391. params.set("fp", this.stream.reality.settings.fingerprint);
  1392. if (!ObjectUtil.isArrEmpty(this.stream.reality.serverNames)) {
  1393. params.set("sni", this.stream.reality.serverNames.split(",")[0]);
  1394. }
  1395. if (this.stream.reality.shortIds.length > 0) {
  1396. params.set("sid", this.stream.reality.shortIds.split(",")[0]);
  1397. }
  1398. if (!ObjectUtil.isEmpty(this.stream.reality.settings.spiderX)) {
  1399. params.set("spx", this.stream.reality.settings.spiderX);
  1400. }
  1401. if (type == 'tcp' && !ObjectUtil.isEmpty(flow)) {
  1402. params.set("flow", flow);
  1403. }
  1404. }
  1405. else {
  1406. params.set("security", "none");
  1407. }
  1408. const link = `vless://${uuid}@${address}:${port}`;
  1409. const url = new URL(link);
  1410. for (const [key, value] of params) {
  1411. url.searchParams.set(key, value)
  1412. }
  1413. url.hash = encodeURIComponent(remark);
  1414. return url.toString();
  1415. }
  1416. genSSLink(address = '', port = this.port, forceTls, remark = '', clientPassword) {
  1417. let settings = this.settings;
  1418. const type = this.stream.network;
  1419. const security = forceTls == 'same' ? this.stream.security : forceTls;
  1420. const params = new Map();
  1421. params.set("type", this.stream.network);
  1422. switch (type) {
  1423. case "tcp":
  1424. const tcp = this.stream.tcp;
  1425. if (tcp.type === 'http') {
  1426. const request = tcp.request;
  1427. params.set("path", request.path.join(','));
  1428. const tcpIndex = request.headers.findIndex(header => header.name.toLowerCase() === 'host');
  1429. if (tcpIndex >= 0) {
  1430. const host = request.headers[tcpIndex].value;
  1431. params.set("host", host);
  1432. }
  1433. params.set("headerType", 'http');
  1434. }
  1435. break;
  1436. case "kcp":
  1437. const kcp = this.stream.kcp;
  1438. params.set("headerType", kcp.type);
  1439. params.set("seed", kcp.seed);
  1440. break;
  1441. case "ws":
  1442. const ws = this.stream.ws;
  1443. params.set("path", ws.path);
  1444. params.set("host", ws.host);
  1445. const wsIndex = ws.headers.findIndex(header => header.name.toLowerCase() === 'host');
  1446. if (wsIndex >= 0) {
  1447. const host = ws.headers[wsIndex].value;
  1448. params.set("host", host);
  1449. }
  1450. break;
  1451. case "http":
  1452. const http = this.stream.http;
  1453. params.set("path", http.path);
  1454. params.set("host", http.host);
  1455. break;
  1456. case "quic":
  1457. const quic = this.stream.quic;
  1458. params.set("quicSecurity", quic.security);
  1459. params.set("key", quic.key);
  1460. params.set("headerType", quic.type);
  1461. break;
  1462. case "grpc":
  1463. const grpc = this.stream.grpc;
  1464. params.set("serviceName", grpc.serviceName);
  1465. params.set("authority", grpc.authority);
  1466. if (grpc.multiMode) {
  1467. params.set("mode", "multi");
  1468. }
  1469. break;
  1470. case "httpupgrade":
  1471. const httpupgrade = this.stream.httpupgrade;
  1472. params.set("path", httpupgrade.path);
  1473. params.set("host", httpupgrade.host);
  1474. const httpupgradeIndex = httpupgrade.headers.findIndex(header => header.name.toLowerCase() === 'host');
  1475. if (httpupgradeIndex >= 0) {
  1476. const host = httpupgrade.headers[httpupgradeIndex].value;
  1477. params.set("host", host);
  1478. }
  1479. break;
  1480. }
  1481. if (security === 'tls') {
  1482. params.set("security", "tls");
  1483. if (this.stream.isTls) {
  1484. params.set("fp", this.stream.tls.settings.fingerprint);
  1485. params.set("alpn", this.stream.tls.alpn);
  1486. if (this.stream.tls.settings.allowInsecure) {
  1487. params.set("allowInsecure", "1");
  1488. }
  1489. if (!ObjectUtil.isEmpty(this.stream.tls.sni)) {
  1490. params.set("sni", this.stream.tls.sni);
  1491. }
  1492. }
  1493. }
  1494. let password = new Array();
  1495. if (this.isSS2022) password.push(settings.password);
  1496. if (this.isSSMultiUser) password.push(clientPassword);
  1497. let link = `ss://${safeBase64(settings.method + ':' + password.join(':'))}@${address}:${port}`;
  1498. const url = new URL(link);
  1499. for (const [key, value] of params) {
  1500. url.searchParams.set(key, value)
  1501. }
  1502. url.hash = encodeURIComponent(remark);
  1503. return url.toString();
  1504. }
  1505. genTrojanLink(address = '', port=this.port, forceTls, remark = '', clientPassword) {
  1506. const security = forceTls == 'same' ? this.stream.security : forceTls;
  1507. const type = this.stream.network;
  1508. const params = new Map();
  1509. params.set("type", this.stream.network);
  1510. switch (type) {
  1511. case "tcp":
  1512. const tcp = this.stream.tcp;
  1513. if (tcp.type === 'http') {
  1514. const request = tcp.request;
  1515. params.set("path", request.path.join(','));
  1516. const tcpIndex = request.headers.findIndex(header => header.name.toLowerCase() === 'host');
  1517. if (tcpIndex >= 0) {
  1518. const host = request.headers[tcpIndex].value;
  1519. params.set("host", host);
  1520. }
  1521. params.set("headerType", 'http');
  1522. }
  1523. break;
  1524. case "kcp":
  1525. const kcp = this.stream.kcp;
  1526. params.set("headerType", kcp.type);
  1527. params.set("seed", kcp.seed);
  1528. break;
  1529. case "ws":
  1530. const ws = this.stream.ws;
  1531. params.set("path", ws.path);
  1532. params.set("host", ws.host);
  1533. const wsIndex = ws.headers.findIndex(header => header.name.toLowerCase() === 'host');
  1534. if (wsIndex >= 0) {
  1535. const host = ws.headers[wsIndex].value;
  1536. params.set("host", host);
  1537. }
  1538. break;
  1539. case "http":
  1540. const http = this.stream.http;
  1541. params.set("path", http.path);
  1542. params.set("host", http.host);
  1543. break;
  1544. case "quic":
  1545. const quic = this.stream.quic;
  1546. params.set("quicSecurity", quic.security);
  1547. params.set("key", quic.key);
  1548. params.set("headerType", quic.type);
  1549. break;
  1550. case "grpc":
  1551. const grpc = this.stream.grpc;
  1552. params.set("serviceName", grpc.serviceName);
  1553. params.set("authority", grpc.authority);
  1554. if(grpc.multiMode){
  1555. params.set("mode", "multi");
  1556. }
  1557. break;
  1558. case "httpupgrade":
  1559. const httpupgrade = this.stream.httpupgrade;
  1560. params.set("path", httpupgrade.path);
  1561. params.set("host", httpupgrade.host);
  1562. const httpUpgradeIndex = httpupgrade.headers.findIndex(header => header.name.toLowerCase() === 'host');
  1563. if (httpUpgradeIndex >= 0) {
  1564. const host = httpupgrade.headers[httpUpgradeIndex].value;
  1565. params.set("host", host);
  1566. }
  1567. break;
  1568. }
  1569. if (security === 'tls') {
  1570. params.set("security", "tls");
  1571. if (this.stream.isTls){
  1572. params.set("fp" , this.stream.tls.settings.fingerprint);
  1573. params.set("alpn", this.stream.tls.alpn);
  1574. if(this.stream.tls.settings.allowInsecure){
  1575. params.set("allowInsecure", "1");
  1576. }
  1577. if (!ObjectUtil.isEmpty(this.stream.tls.sni)){
  1578. params.set("sni", this.stream.tls.sni);
  1579. }
  1580. }
  1581. }
  1582. else if (security === 'reality') {
  1583. params.set("security", "reality");
  1584. params.set("pbk", this.stream.reality.settings.publicKey);
  1585. params.set("fp", this.stream.reality.settings.fingerprint);
  1586. if (!ObjectUtil.isArrEmpty(this.stream.reality.serverNames)) {
  1587. params.set("sni", this.stream.reality.serverNames.split(",")[0]);
  1588. }
  1589. if (this.stream.reality.shortIds.length > 0) {
  1590. params.set("sid", this.stream.reality.shortIds.split(",")[0]);
  1591. }
  1592. if (!ObjectUtil.isEmpty(this.stream.reality.settings.spiderX)) {
  1593. params.set("spx", this.stream.reality.settings.spiderX);
  1594. }
  1595. }
  1596. else if (security === 'xtls') {
  1597. params.set("security", "xtls");
  1598. params.set("alpn", this.stream.xtls.alpn);
  1599. if(this.stream.xtls.settings.allowInsecure){
  1600. params.set("allowInsecure", "1");
  1601. }
  1602. if (!ObjectUtil.isEmpty(this.stream.xtls.sni)){
  1603. params.set("sni", this.stream.xtls.sni);
  1604. }
  1605. params.set("flow", flow);
  1606. }
  1607. else {
  1608. params.set("security", "none");
  1609. }
  1610. const link = `trojan://${clientPassword}@${address}:${port}`;
  1611. const url = new URL(link);
  1612. for (const [key, value] of params) {
  1613. url.searchParams.set(key, value)
  1614. }
  1615. url.hash = encodeURIComponent(remark);
  1616. return url.toString();
  1617. }
  1618. getWireguardLink(address, port, remark, peerId) {
  1619. let txt = `[Interface]\n`
  1620. txt += `PrivateKey = ${this.settings.peers[peerId].privateKey}\n`
  1621. txt += `Address = ${this.settings.peers[peerId].allowedIPs[0]}\n`
  1622. txt += `DNS =,\n`
  1623. if (this.settings.mtu) {
  1624. txt += `MTU = ${this.settings.mtu}\n`
  1625. }
  1626. txt += `\n# ${remark}\n`
  1627. txt += `[Peer]\n`
  1628. txt += `PublicKey = ${this.settings.pubKey}\n`
  1629. txt += `AllowedIPs =, ::/0\n`
  1630. txt += `Endpoint = ${address}:${port}`
  1631. if (this.settings.peers[peerId].psk) {
  1632. txt += `\nPresharedKey = ${this.settings.peers[peerId].psk}`
  1633. }
  1634. if (this.settings.peers[peerId].keepAlive) {
  1635. txt += `\nPersistentKeepalive = ${this.settings.peers[peerId].keepAlive}\n`
  1636. }
  1637. return txt;
  1638. }
  1639. genLink(address='', port=this.port, forceTls='same', remark='', client) {
  1640. switch (this.protocol) {
  1641. case Protocols.VMESS:
  1642. return this.genVmessLink(address, port, forceTls, remark, client.id);
  1643. case Protocols.VLESS:
  1644. return this.genVLESSLink(address, port, forceTls, remark, client.id, client.flow);
  1645. case Protocols.SHADOWSOCKS:
  1646. return this.genSSLink(address, port, forceTls, remark, this.isSSMultiUser ? client.password : '');
  1647. case Protocols.TROJAN:
  1648. return this.genTrojanLink(address, port, forceTls, remark, client.password);
  1649. default: return '';
  1650. }
  1651. }
  1652. genAllLinks(remark='', remarkModel = '-ieo', client){
  1653. let result = [];
  1654. let email = client ? client.email : '';
  1655. let addr = !ObjectUtil.isEmpty(this.listen) && this.listen !== "" ? this.listen : location.hostname;
  1656. let port = this.port;
  1657. const separationChar = remarkModel.charAt(0);
  1658. const orderChars = remarkModel.slice(1);
  1659. let orders = {
  1660. 'i': remark,
  1661. 'e': email,
  1662. 'o': '',
  1663. };
  1664. if(ObjectUtil.isArrEmpty(this.stream.externalProxy)){
  1665. let r = orderChars.split('').map(char => orders[char]).filter(x => x.length > 0).join(separationChar);
  1666. result.push({
  1667. remark: r,
  1668. link: this.genLink(addr, port, 'same', r, client)
  1669. });
  1670. } else {
  1671. this.stream.externalProxy.forEach((ep) => {
  1672. orders['o'] = ep.remark;
  1673. let r = orderChars.split('').map(char => orders[char]).filter(x => x.length > 0).join(separationChar);
  1674. result.push({
  1675. remark: r,
  1676. link: this.genLink(ep.dest, ep.port, ep.forceTls, r, client)
  1677. });
  1678. });
  1679. }
  1680. return result;
  1681. }
  1682. genInboundLinks(remark = '', remarkModel = '-ieo') {
  1683. let addr = !ObjectUtil.isEmpty(this.listen) && this.listen !== "" ? this.listen : location.hostname;
  1684. if(this.clients){
  1685. let links = [];
  1686. this.clients.forEach((client) => {
  1687. this.genAllLinks(remark,remarkModel,client).forEach(l => {
  1688. links.push(l.link);
  1689. })
  1690. });
  1691. return links.join('\r\n');
  1692. } else {
  1693. if(this.protocol == Protocols.SHADOWSOCKS && !this.isSSMultiUser) return this.genSSLink(addr, this.port, 'same', remark);
  1694. if(this.protocol == Protocols.WIREGUARD) {
  1695. let links = [];
  1696. this.settings.peers.forEach((p,index) => {
  1697. links.push(this.getWireguardLink(addr,this.port,remark + remarkModel.charAt(0) + (index+1),index));
  1698. });
  1699. return links.join('\r\n');
  1700. }
  1701. return '';
  1702. }
  1703. }
  1704. static fromJson(json={}) {
  1705. return new Inbound(
  1706. json.port,
  1707. json.listen,
  1708. json.protocol,
  1709. Inbound.Settings.fromJson(json.protocol, json.settings),
  1710. StreamSettings.fromJson(json.streamSettings),
  1711. json.tag,
  1712. Sniffing.fromJson(json.sniffing),
  1713. json.clientStats
  1714. )
  1715. }
  1716. toJson() {
  1717. let streamSettings;
  1718. if (this.canEnableStream()) {
  1719. streamSettings = this.stream.toJson();
  1720. }
  1721. return {
  1722. port: this.port,
  1723. listen: this.listen,
  1724. protocol: this.protocol,
  1725. settings: this.settings instanceof XrayCommonClass ? this.settings.toJson() : this.settings,
  1726. streamSettings: streamSettings,
  1727. tag: this.tag,
  1728. sniffing: this.sniffing.toJson(),
  1729. clientStats: this.clientStats
  1730. };
  1731. }
  1732. }
  1733. Inbound.Settings = class extends XrayCommonClass {
  1734. constructor(protocol) {
  1735. super();
  1736. this.protocol = protocol;
  1737. }
  1738. static getSettings(protocol) {
  1739. switch (protocol) {
  1740. case Protocols.VMESS: return new Inbound.VmessSettings(protocol);
  1741. case Protocols.VLESS: return new Inbound.VLESSSettings(protocol);
  1742. case Protocols.TROJAN: return new Inbound.TrojanSettings(protocol);
  1743. case Protocols.SHADOWSOCKS: return new Inbound.ShadowsocksSettings(protocol);
  1744. case Protocols.DOKODEMO: return new Inbound.DokodemoSettings(protocol);
  1745. case Protocols.SOCKS: return new Inbound.SocksSettings(protocol);
  1746. case Protocols.HTTP: return new Inbound.HttpSettings(protocol);
  1747. case Protocols.WIREGUARD: return new Inbound.WireguardSettings(protocol);
  1748. default: return null;
  1749. }
  1750. }
  1751. static fromJson(protocol, json) {
  1752. switch (protocol) {
  1753. case Protocols.VMESS: return Inbound.VmessSettings.fromJson(json);
  1754. case Protocols.VLESS: return Inbound.VLESSSettings.fromJson(json);
  1755. case Protocols.TROJAN: return Inbound.TrojanSettings.fromJson(json);
  1756. case Protocols.SHADOWSOCKS: return Inbound.ShadowsocksSettings.fromJson(json);
  1757. case Protocols.DOKODEMO: return Inbound.DokodemoSettings.fromJson(json);
  1758. case Protocols.SOCKS: return Inbound.SocksSettings.fromJson(json);
  1759. case Protocols.HTTP: return Inbound.HttpSettings.fromJson(json);
  1760. case Protocols.WIREGUARD: return Inbound.WireguardSettings.fromJson(json);
  1761. default: return null;
  1762. }
  1763. }
  1764. toJson() {
  1765. return {};
  1766. }
  1767. };
  1768. Inbound.VmessSettings = class extends Inbound.Settings {
  1769. constructor(protocol,
  1770. vmesses=[new Inbound.VmessSettings.Vmess()]) {
  1771. super(protocol);
  1772. this.vmesses = vmesses;
  1773. }
  1774. indexOfVmessById(id) {
  1775. return this.vmesses.findIndex(vmess => vmess.id === id);
  1776. }
  1777. addVmess(vmess) {
  1778. if (this.indexOfVmessById(vmess.id) >= 0) {
  1779. return false;
  1780. }
  1781. this.vmesses.push(vmess);
  1782. }
  1783. delVmess(vmess) {
  1784. const i = this.indexOfVmessById(vmess.id);
  1785. if (i >= 0) {
  1786. this.vmesses.splice(i, 1);
  1787. }
  1788. }
  1789. static fromJson(json={}) {
  1790. return new Inbound.VmessSettings(
  1791. Protocols.VMESS,
  1792. json.clients.map(client => Inbound.VmessSettings.Vmess.fromJson(client)),
  1793. );
  1794. }
  1795. toJson() {
  1796. return {
  1797. clients: Inbound.VmessSettings.toJsonArray(this.vmesses),
  1798. };
  1799. }
  1800. };
  1801. Inbound.VmessSettings.Vmess = class extends XrayCommonClass {
  1802. constructor(id=RandomUtil.randomUUID(), email=RandomUtil.randomLowerAndNum(8),limitIp=0, totalGB=0, expiryTime=0, enable=true, tgId='', subId=RandomUtil.randomLowerAndNum(16), reset=0) {
  1803. super();
  1804. this.id = id;
  1805. this.email = email;
  1806. this.limitIp = limitIp;
  1807. this.totalGB = totalGB;
  1808. this.expiryTime = expiryTime;
  1809. this.enable = enable;
  1810. this.tgId = tgId;
  1811. this.subId = subId;
  1812. this.reset = reset;
  1813. }
  1814. static fromJson(json={}) {
  1815. return new Inbound.VmessSettings.Vmess(
  1816. json.id,
  1817. json.email,
  1818. json.limitIp,
  1819. json.totalGB,
  1820. json.expiryTime,
  1821. json.enable,
  1822. json.tgId,
  1823. json.subId,
  1824. json.reset,
  1825. );
  1826. }
  1827. get _expiryTime() {
  1828. if (this.expiryTime === 0 || this.expiryTime === "") {
  1829. return null;
  1830. }
  1831. if (this.expiryTime < 0){
  1832. return this.expiryTime / -86400000;
  1833. }
  1834. return moment(this.expiryTime);
  1835. }
  1836. set _expiryTime(t) {
  1837. if (t == null || t === "") {
  1838. this.expiryTime = 0;
  1839. } else {
  1840. this.expiryTime = t.valueOf();
  1841. }
  1842. }
  1843. get _totalGB() {
  1844. return toFixed(this.totalGB / ONE_GB, 2);
  1845. }
  1846. set _totalGB(gb) {
  1847. this.totalGB = toFixed(gb * ONE_GB, 0);
  1848. }
  1849. };
  1850. Inbound.VLESSSettings = class extends Inbound.Settings {
  1851. constructor(protocol,
  1852. vlesses=[new Inbound.VLESSSettings.VLESS()],
  1853. decryption='none',
  1854. fallbacks=[]) {
  1855. super(protocol);
  1856. this.vlesses = vlesses;
  1857. this.decryption = decryption;
  1858. this.fallbacks = fallbacks;
  1859. }
  1860. addFallback() {
  1861. this.fallbacks.push(new Inbound.VLESSSettings.Fallback());
  1862. }
  1863. delFallback(index) {
  1864. this.fallbacks.splice(index, 1);
  1865. }
  1866. // decryption should be set to static value
  1867. static fromJson(json={}) {
  1868. return new Inbound.VLESSSettings(
  1869. Protocols.VLESS,
  1870. json.clients.map(client => Inbound.VLESSSettings.VLESS.fromJson(client)),
  1871. json.decryption || 'none',
  1872. Inbound.VLESSSettings.Fallback.fromJson(json.fallbacks),);
  1873. }
  1874. toJson() {
  1875. return {
  1876. clients: Inbound.VLESSSettings.toJsonArray(this.vlesses),
  1877. decryption: this.decryption,
  1878. fallbacks: Inbound.VLESSSettings.toJsonArray(this.fallbacks),
  1879. };
  1880. }
  1881. };
  1882. Inbound.VLESSSettings.VLESS = class extends XrayCommonClass {
  1883. constructor(id=RandomUtil.randomUUID(), flow='', email=RandomUtil.randomLowerAndNum(8),limitIp=0, totalGB=0, expiryTime=0, enable=true, tgId='', subId=RandomUtil.randomLowerAndNum(16), reset=0) {
  1884. super();
  1885. this.id = id;
  1886. this.flow = flow;
  1887. this.email = email;
  1888. this.limitIp = limitIp;
  1889. this.totalGB = totalGB;
  1890. this.expiryTime = expiryTime;
  1891. this.enable = enable;
  1892. this.tgId = tgId;
  1893. this.subId = subId;
  1894. this.reset = reset;
  1895. }
  1896. static fromJson(json={}) {
  1897. return new Inbound.VLESSSettings.VLESS(
  1898. json.id,
  1899. json.flow,
  1900. json.email,
  1901. json.limitIp,
  1902. json.totalGB,
  1903. json.expiryTime,
  1904. json.enable,
  1905. json.tgId,
  1906. json.subId,
  1907. json.reset,
  1908. );
  1909. }
  1910. get _expiryTime() {
  1911. if (this.expiryTime === 0 || this.expiryTime === "") {
  1912. return null;
  1913. }
  1914. if (this.expiryTime < 0){
  1915. return this.expiryTime / -86400000;
  1916. }
  1917. return moment(this.expiryTime);
  1918. }
  1919. set _expiryTime(t) {
  1920. if (t == null || t === "") {
  1921. this.expiryTime = 0;
  1922. } else {
  1923. this.expiryTime = t.valueOf();
  1924. }
  1925. }
  1926. get _totalGB() {
  1927. return toFixed(this.totalGB / ONE_GB, 2);
  1928. }
  1929. set _totalGB(gb) {
  1930. this.totalGB = toFixed(gb * ONE_GB, 0);
  1931. }
  1932. };
  1933. Inbound.VLESSSettings.Fallback = class extends XrayCommonClass {
  1934. constructor(name="", alpn='', path='', dest='', xver=0) {
  1935. super();
  1936. this.name = name;
  1937. this.alpn = alpn;
  1938. this.path = path;
  1939. this.dest = dest;
  1940. this.xver = xver;
  1941. }
  1942. toJson() {
  1943. let xver = this.xver;
  1944. if (!Number.isInteger(xver)) {
  1945. xver = 0;
  1946. }
  1947. return {
  1948. name: this.name,
  1949. alpn: this.alpn,
  1950. path: this.path,
  1951. dest: this.dest,
  1952. xver: xver,
  1953. }
  1954. }
  1955. static fromJson(json=[]) {
  1956. const fallbacks = [];
  1957. for (let fallback of json) {
  1958. fallbacks.push(new Inbound.VLESSSettings.Fallback(
  1959. fallback.name,
  1960. fallback.alpn,
  1961. fallback.path,
  1962. fallback.dest,
  1963. fallback.xver,
  1964. ))
  1965. }
  1966. return fallbacks;
  1967. }
  1968. };
  1969. Inbound.TrojanSettings = class extends Inbound.Settings {
  1970. constructor(protocol,
  1971. trojans=[new Inbound.TrojanSettings.Trojan()],
  1972. fallbacks=[],) {
  1973. super(protocol);
  1974. this.trojans = trojans;
  1975. this.fallbacks = fallbacks;
  1976. }
  1977. addFallback() {
  1978. this.fallbacks.push(new Inbound.TrojanSettings.Fallback());
  1979. }
  1980. delFallback(index) {
  1981. this.fallbacks.splice(index, 1);
  1982. }
  1983. static fromJson(json={}) {
  1984. return new Inbound.TrojanSettings(
  1985. Protocols.TROJAN,
  1986. json.clients.map(client => Inbound.TrojanSettings.Trojan.fromJson(client)),
  1987. Inbound.TrojanSettings.Fallback.fromJson(json.fallbacks),);
  1988. }
  1989. toJson() {
  1990. return {
  1991. clients: Inbound.TrojanSettings.toJsonArray(this.trojans),
  1992. fallbacks: Inbound.TrojanSettings.toJsonArray(this.fallbacks)
  1993. };
  1994. }
  1995. };
  1996. Inbound.TrojanSettings.Trojan = class extends XrayCommonClass {
  1997. constructor(password=RandomUtil.randomSeq(10), flow='', email=RandomUtil.randomLowerAndNum(8),limitIp=0, totalGB=0, expiryTime=0, enable=true, tgId='', subId=RandomUtil.randomLowerAndNum(16), reset=0) {
  1998. super();
  1999. this.password = password;
  2000. this.flow = flow;
  2001. this.email = email;
  2002. this.limitIp = limitIp;
  2003. this.totalGB = totalGB;
  2004. this.expiryTime = expiryTime;
  2005. this.enable = enable;
  2006. this.tgId = tgId;
  2007. this.subId = subId;
  2008. this.reset = reset;
  2009. }
  2010. toJson() {
  2011. return {
  2012. password: this.password,
  2013. flow: this.flow,
  2014. email: this.email,
  2015. limitIp: this.limitIp,
  2016. totalGB: this.totalGB,
  2017. expiryTime: this.expiryTime,
  2018. enable: this.enable,
  2019. tgId: this.tgId,
  2020. subId: this.subId,
  2021. reset: this.reset,
  2022. };
  2023. }
  2024. static fromJson(json = {}) {
  2025. return new Inbound.TrojanSettings.Trojan(
  2026. json.password,
  2027. json.flow,
  2028. json.email,
  2029. json.limitIp,
  2030. json.totalGB,
  2031. json.expiryTime,
  2032. json.enable,
  2033. json.tgId,
  2034. json.subId,
  2035. json.reset,
  2036. );
  2037. }
  2038. get _expiryTime() {
  2039. if (this.expiryTime === 0 || this.expiryTime === "") {
  2040. return null;
  2041. }
  2042. if (this.expiryTime < 0){
  2043. return this.expiryTime / -86400000;
  2044. }
  2045. return moment(this.expiryTime);
  2046. }
  2047. set _expiryTime(t) {
  2048. if (t == null || t === "") {
  2049. this.expiryTime = 0;
  2050. } else {
  2051. this.expiryTime = t.valueOf();
  2052. }
  2053. }
  2054. get _totalGB() {
  2055. return toFixed(this.totalGB / ONE_GB, 2);
  2056. }
  2057. set _totalGB(gb) {
  2058. this.totalGB = toFixed(gb * ONE_GB, 0);
  2059. }
  2060. };
  2061. Inbound.TrojanSettings.Fallback = class extends XrayCommonClass {
  2062. constructor(name="", alpn='', path='', dest='', xver=0) {
  2063. super();
  2064. this.name = name;
  2065. this.alpn = alpn;
  2066. this.path = path;
  2067. this.dest = dest;
  2068. this.xver = xver;
  2069. }
  2070. toJson() {
  2071. let xver = this.xver;
  2072. if (!Number.isInteger(xver)) {
  2073. xver = 0;
  2074. }
  2075. return {
  2076. name: this.name,
  2077. alpn: this.alpn,
  2078. path: this.path,
  2079. dest: this.dest,
  2080. xver: xver,
  2081. }
  2082. }
  2083. static fromJson(json=[]) {
  2084. const fallbacks = [];
  2085. for (let fallback of json) {
  2086. fallbacks.push(new Inbound.TrojanSettings.Fallback(
  2087. fallback.name,
  2088. fallback.alpn,
  2089. fallback.path,
  2090. fallback.dest,
  2091. fallback.xver,
  2092. ))
  2093. }
  2094. return fallbacks;
  2095. }
  2096. };
  2097. Inbound.ShadowsocksSettings = class extends Inbound.Settings {
  2098. constructor(protocol,
  2099. method=SSMethods.BLAKE3_AES_256_GCM,
  2100. password=RandomUtil.randomShadowsocksPassword(),
  2101. network='tcp,udp',
  2102. shadowsockses=[new Inbound.ShadowsocksSettings.Shadowsocks()]
  2103. ) {
  2104. super(protocol);
  2105. this.method = method;
  2106. this.password = password;
  2107. this.network = network;
  2108. this.shadowsockses = shadowsockses;
  2109. }
  2110. static fromJson(json={}) {
  2111. return new Inbound.ShadowsocksSettings(
  2112. Protocols.SHADOWSOCKS,
  2113. json.method,
  2114. json.password,
  2115. json.network,
  2116. json.clients.map(client => Inbound.ShadowsocksSettings.Shadowsocks.fromJson(client)),
  2117. );
  2118. }
  2119. toJson() {
  2120. return {
  2121. method: this.method,
  2122. password: this.password,
  2123. network: this.network,
  2124. clients: Inbound.ShadowsocksSettings.toJsonArray(this.shadowsockses)
  2125. };
  2126. }
  2127. };
  2128. Inbound.ShadowsocksSettings.Shadowsocks = class extends XrayCommonClass {
  2129. constructor(method='', password=RandomUtil.randomShadowsocksPassword(), email=RandomUtil.randomLowerAndNum(8),limitIp=0, totalGB=0, expiryTime=0, enable=true, tgId='', subId=RandomUtil.randomLowerAndNum(16), reset=0) {
  2130. super();
  2131. this.method = method;
  2132. this.password = password;
  2133. this.email = email;
  2134. this.limitIp = limitIp;
  2135. this.totalGB = totalGB;
  2136. this.expiryTime = expiryTime;
  2137. this.enable = enable;
  2138. this.tgId = tgId;
  2139. this.subId = subId;
  2140. this.reset = reset;
  2141. }
  2142. toJson() {
  2143. return {
  2144. method: this.method,
  2145. password: this.password,
  2146. email: this.email,
  2147. limitIp: this.limitIp,
  2148. totalGB: this.totalGB,
  2149. expiryTime: this.expiryTime,
  2150. enable: this.enable,
  2151. tgId: this.tgId,
  2152. subId: this.subId,
  2153. reset: this.reset,
  2154. };
  2155. }
  2156. static fromJson(json = {}) {
  2157. return new Inbound.ShadowsocksSettings.Shadowsocks(
  2158. json.method,
  2159. json.password,
  2160. json.email,
  2161. json.limitIp,
  2162. json.totalGB,
  2163. json.expiryTime,
  2164. json.enable,
  2165. json.tgId,
  2166. json.subId,
  2167. json.reset,
  2168. );
  2169. }
  2170. get _expiryTime() {
  2171. if (this.expiryTime === 0 || this.expiryTime === "") {
  2172. return null;
  2173. }
  2174. if (this.expiryTime < 0){
  2175. return this.expiryTime / -86400000;
  2176. }
  2177. return moment(this.expiryTime);
  2178. }
  2179. set _expiryTime(t) {
  2180. if (t == null || t === "") {
  2181. this.expiryTime = 0;
  2182. } else {
  2183. this.expiryTime = t.valueOf();
  2184. }
  2185. }
  2186. get _totalGB() {
  2187. return toFixed(this.totalGB / ONE_GB, 2);
  2188. }
  2189. set _totalGB(gb) {
  2190. this.totalGB = toFixed(gb * ONE_GB, 0);
  2191. }
  2192. };
  2193. Inbound.DokodemoSettings = class extends Inbound.Settings {
  2194. constructor(protocol, address, port, network='tcp,udp', followRedirect=false, timeout=0) {
  2195. super(protocol);
  2196. this.address = address;
  2197. this.port = port;
  2198. this.network = network;
  2199. this.followRedirect = followRedirect;
  2200. this.timeout = timeout;
  2201. }
  2202. static fromJson(json={}) {
  2203. return new Inbound.DokodemoSettings(
  2204. Protocols.DOKODEMO,
  2205. json.address,
  2206. json.port,
  2207. json.network,
  2208. json.followRedirect,
  2209. json.timeout,
  2210. );
  2211. }
  2212. toJson() {
  2213. return {
  2214. address: this.address,
  2215. port: this.port,
  2216. network: this.network,
  2217. followRedirect: this.followRedirect,
  2218. timeout: this.timeout,
  2219. };
  2220. }
  2221. };
  2222. Inbound.SocksSettings = class extends Inbound.Settings {
  2223. constructor(protocol, auth='password', accounts=[new Inbound.SocksSettings.SocksAccount()], udp=false, ip='') {
  2224. super(protocol);
  2225. this.auth = auth;
  2226. this.accounts = accounts;
  2227. this.udp = udp;
  2228. this.ip = ip;
  2229. }
  2230. addAccount(account) {
  2231. this.accounts.push(account);
  2232. }
  2233. delAccount(index) {
  2234. this.accounts.splice(index, 1);
  2235. }
  2236. static fromJson(json={}) {
  2237. let accounts;
  2238. if (json.auth === 'password') {
  2239. accounts = json.accounts.map(
  2240. account => Inbound.SocksSettings.SocksAccount.fromJson(account)
  2241. )
  2242. }
  2243. return new Inbound.SocksSettings(
  2244. Protocols.SOCKS,
  2245. json.auth,
  2246. accounts,
  2247. json.udp,
  2248. json.ip,
  2249. );
  2250. }
  2251. toJson() {
  2252. return {
  2253. auth: this.auth,
  2254. accounts: this.auth === 'password' ? this.accounts.map(account => account.toJson()) : undefined,
  2255. udp: this.udp,
  2256. ip: this.ip,
  2257. };
  2258. }
  2259. };
  2260. Inbound.SocksSettings.SocksAccount = class extends XrayCommonClass {
  2261. constructor(user=RandomUtil.randomSeq(10), pass=RandomUtil.randomSeq(10)) {
  2262. super();
  2263. this.user = user;
  2264. this.pass = pass;
  2265. }
  2266. static fromJson(json={}) {
  2267. return new Inbound.SocksSettings.SocksAccount(json.user, json.pass);
  2268. }
  2269. };
  2270. Inbound.HttpSettings = class extends Inbound.Settings {
  2271. constructor(protocol, accounts=[new Inbound.HttpSettings.HttpAccount()]) {
  2272. super(protocol);
  2273. this.accounts = accounts;
  2274. }
  2275. addAccount(account) {
  2276. this.accounts.push(account);
  2277. }
  2278. delAccount(index) {
  2279. this.accounts.splice(index, 1);
  2280. }
  2281. static fromJson(json={}) {
  2282. return new Inbound.HttpSettings(
  2283. Protocols.HTTP,
  2284. json.accounts.map(account => Inbound.HttpSettings.HttpAccount.fromJson(account)),
  2285. );
  2286. }
  2287. toJson() {
  2288. return {
  2289. accounts: Inbound.HttpSettings.toJsonArray(this.accounts),
  2290. };
  2291. }
  2292. };
  2293. Inbound.HttpSettings.HttpAccount = class extends XrayCommonClass {
  2294. constructor(user=RandomUtil.randomSeq(10), pass=RandomUtil.randomSeq(10)) {
  2295. super();
  2296. this.user = user;
  2297. this.pass = pass;
  2298. }
  2299. static fromJson(json={}) {
  2300. return new Inbound.HttpSettings.HttpAccount(json.user, json.pass);
  2301. }
  2302. };
  2303. Inbound.WireguardSettings = class extends XrayCommonClass {
  2304. constructor(protocol, mtu=1420, secretKey=Wireguard.generateKeypair().privateKey, peers=[new Inbound.WireguardSettings.Peer()], kernelMode=false) {
  2305. super(protocol);
  2306. this.mtu = mtu;
  2307. this.secretKey = secretKey;
  2308. this.pubKey = secretKey.length>0 ? Wireguard.generateKeypair(secretKey).publicKey : '';
  2309. this.peers = peers;
  2310. this.kernelMode = kernelMode;
  2311. }
  2312. addPeer() {
  2313. this.peers.push(new Inbound.WireguardSettings.Peer(null,null,'',['10.0.0.' + (this.peers.length+2)]));
  2314. }
  2315. delPeer(index) {
  2316. this.peers.splice(index, 1);
  2317. }
  2318. static fromJson(json={}){
  2319. return new Inbound.WireguardSettings(
  2320. Protocols.WIREGUARD,
  2321. json.mtu,
  2322. json.secretKey,
  2323. json.peers.map(peer => Inbound.WireguardSettings.Peer.fromJson(peer)),
  2324. json.kernelMode,
  2325. );
  2326. }
  2327. toJson() {
  2328. return {
  2329. mtu: this.mtu?? undefined,
  2330. secretKey: this.secretKey,
  2331. peers: Inbound.WireguardSettings.Peer.toJsonArray(this.peers),
  2332. kernelMode: this.kernelMode,
  2333. };
  2334. }
  2335. };
  2336. Inbound.WireguardSettings.Peer = class extends XrayCommonClass {
  2337. constructor(privateKey, publicKey, psk='', allowedIPs=[''], keepAlive=0) {
  2338. super();
  2339. this.privateKey = privateKey
  2340. this.publicKey = publicKey;
  2341. if (!this.publicKey){
  2342. [this.publicKey, this.privateKey] = Object.values(Wireguard.generateKeypair())
  2343. }
  2344. this.psk = psk;
  2345. allowedIPs.forEach((a,index) => {
  2346. if (a.length>0 && !a.includes('/')) allowedIPs[index] += '/32';
  2347. })
  2348. this.allowedIPs = allowedIPs;
  2349. this.keepAlive = keepAlive;
  2350. }
  2351. static fromJson(json={}){
  2352. return new Inbound.WireguardSettings.Peer(
  2353. json.privateKey,
  2354. json.publicKey,
  2355. json.preSharedKey,
  2356. json.allowedIPs,
  2357. json.keepAlive
  2358. );
  2359. }
  2360. toJson() {
  2361. this.allowedIPs.forEach((a,index) => {
  2362. if (a.length>0 && !a.includes('/')) this.allowedIPs[index] += '/32';
  2363. });
  2364. return {
  2365. privateKey: this.privateKey,
  2366. publicKey: this.publicKey,
  2367. preSharedKey: this.psk.length>0 ? this.psk : undefined,
  2368. allowedIPs: this.allowedIPs,
  2369. keepAlive: this.keepAlive?? undefined,
  2370. };
  2371. }
  2372. };