123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295 |
- #!/bin/bash
- red='\033[0;31m'
- green='\033[0;32m'
- yellow='\033[0;33m'
- plain='\033[0m'
- cur_dir=$(pwd)
- # check root
- [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]] && echo -e "${red}Fatal error: ${plain} Please run this script with root privilege \n " && exit 1
- # Check OS and set release variable
- if [[ -f /etc/os-release ]]; then
- source /etc/os-release
- release=$ID
- elif [[ -f /usr/lib/os-release ]]; then
- source /usr/lib/os-release
- release=$ID
- else
- echo "Failed to check the system OS, please contact the author!" >&2
- exit 1
- fi
- echo "The OS release is: $release"
- arch() {
- case "$(uname -m)" in
- x86_64 | x64 | amd64) echo 'amd64' ;;
- i*86 | x86) echo '386' ;;
- armv8* | armv8 | arm64 | aarch64) echo 'arm64' ;;
- armv7* | armv7 | arm) echo 'armv7' ;;
- armv6* | armv6) echo 'armv6' ;;
- armv5* | armv5) echo 'armv5' ;;
- s390x) echo 's390x' ;;
- *) echo -e "${green}Unsupported CPU architecture! ${plain}" && rm -f install.sh && exit 1 ;;
- esac
- }
- echo "arch: $(arch)"
- os_version=""
- os_version=$(grep "^VERSION_ID" /etc/os-release | cut -d '=' -f2 | tr -d '"' | tr -d '.')
- if [[ "${release}" == "arch" ]]; then
- echo "Your OS is Arch Linux"
- elif [[ "${release}" == "parch" ]]; then
- echo "Your OS is Parch Linux"
- elif [[ "${release}" == "manjaro" ]]; then
- echo "Your OS is Manjaro"
- elif [[ "${release}" == "armbian" ]]; then
- echo "Your OS is Armbian"
- elif [[ "${release}" == "alpine" ]]; then
- echo "Your OS is Alpine Linux"
- elif [[ "${release}" == "opensuse-tumbleweed" ]]; then
- echo "Your OS is OpenSUSE Tumbleweed"
- elif [[ "${release}" == "openEuler" ]]; then
- if [[ ${os_version} -lt 2203 ]]; then
- echo -e "${red} Please use OpenEuler 22.03 or higher ${plain}\n" && exit 1
- fi
- elif [[ "${release}" == "centos" ]]; then
- if [[ ${os_version} -lt 8 ]]; then
- echo -e "${red} Please use CentOS 8 or higher ${plain}\n" && exit 1
- fi
- elif [[ "${release}" == "ubuntu" ]]; then
- if [[ ${os_version} -lt 2004 ]]; then
- echo -e "${red} Please use Ubuntu 20 or higher version!${plain}\n" && exit 1
- fi
- elif [[ "${release}" == "fedora" ]]; then
- if [[ ${os_version} -lt 36 ]]; then
- echo -e "${red} Please use Fedora 36 or higher version!${plain}\n" && exit 1
- fi
- elif [[ "${release}" == "amzn" ]]; then
- if [[ ${os_version} != "2023" ]]; then
- echo -e "${red} Please use Amazon Linux 2023!${plain}\n" && exit 1
- fi
- elif [[ "${release}" == "debian" ]]; then
- if [[ ${os_version} -lt 11 ]]; then
- echo -e "${red} Please use Debian 11 or higher ${plain}\n" && exit 1
- fi
- elif [[ "${release}" == "almalinux" ]]; then
- if [[ ${os_version} -lt 80 ]]; then
- echo -e "${red} Please use AlmaLinux 8.0 or higher ${plain}\n" && exit 1
- fi
- elif [[ "${release}" == "rocky" ]]; then
- if [[ ${os_version} -lt 8 ]]; then
- echo -e "${red} Please use Rocky Linux 8 or higher ${plain}\n" && exit 1
- fi
- elif [[ "${release}" == "ol" ]]; then
- if [[ ${os_version} -lt 8 ]]; then
- echo -e "${red} Please use Oracle Linux 8 or higher ${plain}\n" && exit 1
- fi
- else
- echo -e "${red}Your operating system is not supported by this script.${plain}\n"
- echo "Please ensure you are using one of the following supported operating systems:"
- echo "- Ubuntu 20.04+"
- echo "- Debian 11+"
- echo "- CentOS 8+"
- echo "- OpenEuler 22.03+"
- echo "- Fedora 36+"
- echo "- Arch Linux"
- echo "- Parch Linux"
- echo "- Manjaro"
- echo "- Armbian"
- echo "- AlmaLinux 8.0+"
- echo "- Rocky Linux 8+"
- echo "- Oracle Linux 8+"
- echo "- OpenSUSE Tumbleweed"
- echo "- Amazon Linux 2023"
- exit 1
- fi
- install_base() {
- case "${release}" in
- ubuntu | debian | armbian)
- apt-get update && apt-get install -y -q wget curl tar tzdata
- ;;
- centos | almalinux | rocky | ol)
- yum -y update && yum install -y -q wget curl tar tzdata
- ;;
- fedora | amzn)
- dnf -y update && dnf install -y -q wget curl tar tzdata
- ;;
- arch | manjaro | parch)
- pacman -Syu && pacman -Syu --noconfirm wget curl tar tzdata
- ;;
- opensuse-tumbleweed)
- zypper refresh && zypper -q install -y wget curl tar timezone
- ;;
- *)
- apt-get update && apt install -y -q wget curl tar tzdata
- ;;
- esac
- }
- gen_random_string() {
- local length="$1"
- local random_string=$(LC_ALL=C tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' </dev/urandom | fold -w "$length" | head -n 1)
- echo "$random_string"
- }
- config_after_install() {
- local existing_username=$(/usr/local/x-ui/x-ui setting -show true | grep -Eo 'username: .+' | awk '{print $2}')
- local existing_password=$(/usr/local/x-ui/x-ui setting -show true | grep -Eo 'password: .+' | awk '{print $2}')
- local existing_webBasePath=$(/usr/local/x-ui/x-ui setting -show true | grep -Eo 'webBasePath: .+' | awk '{print $2}')
- # Check if username and password exist
- if [[ -n "$existing_username" && -n "$existing_password" ]]; then
- # If webBasePath is missing, generate a new one
- if [[ ${#existing_webBasePath} -lt 4 ]]; then
- local config_webBasePath=$(gen_random_string 15)
- echo -e "${yellow}WebBasePath is missing or too short. Generating a new one...${plain}"
- /usr/local/x-ui/x-ui setting -webBasePath "${config_webBasePath}"
- echo -e "${green}New WebBasePath: ${config_webBasePath}${plain}"
- else
- echo -e "${green}Username, Password, and WebBasePath are already set. Exiting...${plain}"
- fi
- /usr/local/x-ui/x-ui migrate
- return 0
- fi
- read -p "Would you like to customize the Panel Port settings? (If not, random settings will be applied) [y/n]: " config_confirm
- local config_webBasePath=$(gen_random_string 15)
- local config_username=$(gen_random_string 10)
- local config_password=$(gen_random_string 10)
- if [[ "${config_confirm}" == "y" || "${config_confirm}" == "Y" ]]; then
- read -p "Please set up the panel port: " config_port
- echo -e "${yellow}Your Panel Port is: ${config_port}${plain}"
- echo -e "${yellow}Your Username will be generated randomly: ${config_username}${plain}"
- echo -e "${yellow}Your Password will be generated randomly: ${config_password}${plain}"
- echo -e "${yellow}Your Web Base Path will be generated randomly: ${config_webBasePath}${plain}"
- echo -e "${yellow}Initializing, please wait...${plain}"
- /usr/local/x-ui/x-ui setting -username "${config_username}" -password "${config_password}" -port "${config_port}" -webBasePath "${config_webBasePath}"
- echo -e "${green}Settings applied successfully!${plain}"
- echo -e "###############################################"
- echo -e "${green}Username: ${config_username}${plain}"
- echo -e "${green}Password: ${config_password}${plain}"
- echo -e "${green}Port: ${config_port}${plain}"
- echo -e "${green}WebBasePath: ${config_webBasePath}${plain}"
- echo -e "###############################################"
- else
- echo -e "${red}Cancel...${plain}"
- if [[ ! -f "/etc/x-ui/x-ui.db" ]]; then
- local portTemp=$(shuf -i 1024-62000 -n 1)
- /usr/local/x-ui/x-ui setting -username "${config_username}" -password "${config_password}" -port "${portTemp}" -webBasePath "${config_webBasePath}"
- echo -e "This is a fresh installation, generating random login info for security concerns:"
- echo -e "###############################################"
- echo -e "${green}Username: ${config_username}${plain}"
- echo -e "${green}Password: ${config_password}${plain}"
- echo -e "${green}Port: ${portTemp}${plain}"
- echo -e "${green}WebBasePath: ${config_webBasePath}${plain}"
- echo -e "###############################################"
- echo -e "${yellow}If you forgot your login info, you can type 'x-ui settings' to check after installation${plain}"
- else
- echo -e "${yellow}This is your upgrade, keeping old settings. If you forgot your login info, you can type 'x-ui settings' to check${plain}"
- fi
- fi
- /usr/local/x-ui/x-ui migrate
- }
- install_x-ui() {
- cd /usr/local/
- if [ $# == 0 ]; then
- tag_version=$(curl -Ls "https://api.github.com/repos/MHSanaei/3x-ui/releases/latest" | grep '"tag_name":' | sed -E 's/.*"([^"]+)".*/\1/')
- if [[ ! -n "$tag_version" ]]; then
- echo -e "${red}Failed to fetch x-ui version, it may be due to GitHub API restrictions, please try it later${plain}"
- exit 1
- fi
- echo -e "Got x-ui latest version: ${tag_version}, beginning the installation..."
- wget -N --no-check-certificate -O /usr/local/x-ui-linux-$(arch).tar.gz https://github.com/MHSanaei/3x-ui/releases/download/${tag_version}/x-ui-linux-$(arch).tar.gz
- if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
- echo -e "${red}Downloading x-ui failed, please be sure that your server can access GitHub ${plain}"
- exit 1
- fi
- else
- tag_version=$1
- tag_version_numeric=${tag_version#v}
- min_version="2.3.5"
- if [[ "$(printf '%s\n' "$min_version" "$tag_version_numeric" | sort -V | head -n1)" != "$min_version" ]]; then
- echo -e "${red}Please use a newer version (at least v2.3.5). Exiting installation.${plain}"
- exit 1
- fi
- url="https://github.com/MHSanaei/3x-ui/releases/download/${tag_version}/x-ui-linux-$(arch).tar.gz"
- echo -e "Beginning to install x-ui $1"
- wget -N --no-check-certificate -O /usr/local/x-ui-linux-$(arch).tar.gz ${url}
- if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
- echo -e "${red}Download x-ui $1 failed, please check if the version exists ${plain}"
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
- if [[ -e /usr/local/x-ui/ ]]; then
- systemctl stop x-ui
- rm /usr/local/x-ui/ -rf
- fi
- tar zxvf x-ui-linux-$(arch).tar.gz
- rm x-ui-linux-$(arch).tar.gz -f
- cd x-ui
- chmod +x x-ui
- # Check the system's architecture and rename the file accordingly
- if [[ $(arch) == "armv5" || $(arch) == "armv6" || $(arch) == "armv7" ]]; then
- mv bin/xray-linux-$(arch) bin/xray-linux-arm
- chmod +x bin/xray-linux-arm
- fi
- chmod +x x-ui bin/xray-linux-$(arch)
- cp -f x-ui.service /etc/systemd/system/
- wget --no-check-certificate -O /usr/bin/x-ui https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MHSanaei/3x-ui/main/x-ui.sh
- chmod +x /usr/local/x-ui/x-ui.sh
- chmod +x /usr/bin/x-ui
- config_after_install
- systemctl daemon-reload
- systemctl enable x-ui
- systemctl start x-ui
- echo -e "${green}x-ui ${tag_version}${plain} installation finished, it is running now..."
- echo -e ""
- echo -e "x-ui control menu usages: "
- echo -e "----------------------------------------------"
- echo -e "SUBCOMMANDS:"
- echo -e "x-ui - Admin Management Script"
- echo -e "x-ui start - Start"
- echo -e "x-ui stop - Stop"
- echo -e "x-ui restart - Restart"
- echo -e "x-ui status - Current Status"
- echo -e "x-ui settings - Current Settings"
- echo -e "x-ui enable - Enable Autostart on OS Startup"
- echo -e "x-ui disable - Disable Autostart on OS Startup"
- echo -e "x-ui log - Check logs"
- echo -e "x-ui banlog - Check Fail2ban ban logs"
- echo -e "x-ui update - Update"
- echo -e "x-ui custom - custom version"
- echo -e "x-ui install - Install"
- echo -e "x-ui uninstall - Uninstall"
- echo -e "----------------------------------------------"
- }
- echo -e "${green}Running...${plain}"
- install_base
- install_x-ui $1