translate.en_US.toml 24 KB

  1. "username" = "Username"
  2. "password" = "Password"
  3. "login" = "Log In"
  4. "confirm" = "Confirm"
  5. "cancel" = "Cancel"
  6. "close" = "Close"
  7. "copy" = "Copy"
  8. "copied" = "Copied"
  9. "download" = "Download"
  10. "remark" = "Remark"
  11. "enable" = "Enabled"
  12. "protocol" = "Protocol"
  13. "search" = "Search"
  14. "filter" = "Filter"
  15. "loading" = "Loading..."
  16. "second" = "Second"
  17. "minute" = "Minute"
  18. "hour" = "Hour"
  19. "day" = "Day"
  20. "check" = "Check"
  21. "indefinite" = "Indefinite"
  22. "unlimited" = "Unlimited"
  23. "none" = "None"
  24. "qrCode" = "QR Code"
  25. "info" = "More Information"
  26. "edit" = "Edit"
  27. "delete" = "Delete"
  28. "reset" = "Reset"
  29. "copySuccess" = "Copied Successful"
  30. "sure" = "Sure"
  31. "encryption" = "Encryption"
  32. "transmission" = "Transmission"
  33. "host" = "Host"
  34. "path" = "Path"
  35. "camouflage" = "Obfuscation"
  36. "status" = "Status"
  37. "enabled" = "Enabled"
  38. "disabled" = "Disabled"
  39. "depleted" = "Depleted"
  40. "depletingSoon" = "Depleting"
  41. "offline" = "Offline"
  42. "online" = "Online"
  43. "domainName" = "Domain Name"
  44. "monitor" = "Listen IP"
  45. "certificate" = "Certificate"
  46. "fail" = "Fail"
  47. "success" = " Successful"
  48. "getVersion" = "Get Version"
  49. "install" = "Install"
  50. "clients" = "Clients"
  51. "usage" = "Usage"
  52. "secretToken" = "Secret Token"
  53. "remained" = "Remained"
  54. "security" = "Security"
  55. [menu]
  56. "dashboard" = "OVERVIEW"
  57. "inbounds" = "INBOUNDS"
  58. "settings" = "PANEL SETTINGS"
  59. "xray" = "XRAY CONFIGS"
  60. "logout" = "LOG OUT"
  61. "link" = "Manage"
  62. [pages.login]
  63. "title" = "Login"
  64. "loginAgain" = "Your session has expired, please log in again"
  65. [pages.login.toasts]
  66. "invalidFormData" = "The Input data format is invalid."
  67. "emptyUsername" = "Username is required"
  68. "emptyPassword" = "Password is required"
  69. "wrongUsernameOrPassword" = "Invalid username or password."
  70. "successLogin" = "Login"
  71. [pages.index]
  72. "title" = "Overview"
  73. "memory" = "RAM"
  74. "hard" = "Disk"
  75. "xrayStatus" = "Status"
  76. "stopXray" = "Stop"
  77. "restartXray" = "Restart"
  78. "xraySwitch" = "Version"
  79. "xraySwitchClick" = "Choose the version you want to switch to."
  80. "xraySwitchClickDesk" = "Choose carefully, as older versions may not be compatible with current configurations."
  81. "operationHours" = "Uptime"
  82. "systemLoad" = "System Load"
  83. "systemLoadDesc" = "System load average for the past 1, 5, and 15 minutes"
  84. "connectionTcpCountDesc" = "Total TCP connections across all networks"
  85. "connectionUdpCountDesc" = "Total UDP connections across all networks"
  86. "connectionCount" = "Connection Stats"
  87. "upSpeed" = "Overall upload speed across all networks"
  88. "downSpeed" = "Overall download speed across all networks"
  89. "totalSent" = "Total sent data across all networks since OS startup"
  90. "totalReceive" = "Total received data across all networks since OS startup"
  91. "xraySwitchVersionDialog" = "Change Xray Version"
  92. "xraySwitchVersionDialogDesc" = "Are you sure you want to change the Xray version to"
  93. "dontRefresh" = "Installation is in progress, please do not refresh this page"
  94. "logs" = "Logs"
  95. "config" = "Config"
  96. "backup" = "Backup & Restore"
  97. "backupTitle" = "Backup & Restore Database"
  98. "backupDescription" = "It is recommended to make a backup before importing a new database."
  99. "exportDatabase" = "Backup"
  100. "importDatabase" = "Restore"
  101. [pages.inbounds]
  102. "title" = "Inbounds"
  103. "totalDownUp" = "Total Sent/Received"
  104. "totalUsage" = "Total Flow Usage"
  105. "inboundCount" = "Total Inbounds"
  106. "operate" = "Menu"
  107. "enable" = "Enabled"
  108. "remark" = "Remark"
  109. "protocol" = "Protocol"
  110. "port" = "Port"
  111. "traffic" = "Traffic"
  112. "details" = "Details"
  113. "transportConfig" = "Transport"
  114. "expireDate" = "Expiry Date"
  115. "resetTraffic" = "Reset Traffic"
  116. "addInbound" = "Add Inbound"
  117. "generalActions" = "General Actions"
  118. "create" = "Create"
  119. "update" = "Update"
  120. "modifyInbound" = "Modify Inbound"
  121. "deleteInbound" = "Delete Inbound"
  122. "deleteInboundContent" = "Are you sure you want to delete inbound?"
  123. "deleteClient" = "Delete Client"
  124. "deleteClientContent" = "Are you sure you want to delete client?"
  125. "resetTrafficContent" = "Are you sure you want to reset traffic?"
  126. "copyLink" = "Copy URL"
  127. "address" = "Address"
  128. "network" = "Network"
  129. "destinationPort" = "Destination Port"
  130. "targetAddress" = "Target Address"
  131. "monitorDesc" = "Leave blank to listen on all IPs"
  132. "meansNoLimit" = "Means no limit"
  133. "totalFlow" = "Total Flow"
  134. "leaveBlankToNeverExpire" = "Leave blank to never expire"
  135. "noRecommendKeepDefault" = "It is recommended to keep the default"
  136. "certificatePath" = "File Path"
  137. "certificateContent" = "File Content"
  138. "publicKeyPath" = "Public Key Path"
  139. "publicKeyContent" = "Public Key Content"
  140. "keyPath" = "Private Key Path"
  141. "keyContent" = "Private Key Content"
  142. "clickOnQRcode" = "Click on QR Code to Copy"
  143. "client" = "Client"
  144. "export" = "Export All URLs"
  145. "clone" = "Clone"
  146. "cloneInbound" = "Clone"
  147. "cloneInboundContent" = "All settings of this inbound, except Port, Listening IP, and Clients, will be applied to the clone."
  148. "cloneInboundOk" = "Clone"
  149. "resetAllTraffic" = "Reset All Inbounds Traffic"
  150. "resetAllTrafficTitle" = "Reset All Inbounds Traffic"
  151. "resetAllTrafficContent" = "Are you sure you want to reset the traffic of all inbounds?"
  152. "resetInboundClientTraffics" = "Reset Clients Traffic"
  153. "resetInboundClientTrafficTitle" = "Reset Clients Traffic"
  154. "resetInboundClientTrafficContent" = "Are you sure you want to reset the traffic of this inbound's clients?"
  155. "resetAllClientTraffics" = "Reset All Clients Traffic"
  156. "resetAllClientTrafficTitle" = "Reset All Clients Traffic"
  157. "resetAllClientTrafficContent" = "Are you sure you want to reset the traffic of all clients?"
  158. "delDepletedClients" = "Delete Depleted Clients"
  159. "delDepletedClientsTitle" = "Delete Depleted Clients"
  160. "delDepletedClientsContent" = "Are you sure you want to delete all the depleted clients?"
  161. "email" = "Email"
  162. "emailDesc" = "Please provide a unique email address."
  163. "IPLimit" = "IP Limit"
  164. "IPLimitDesc" = "Disables inbound if the count exceeds the set value. (0 = disables IP limit)"
  165. "IPLimitlog" = "IP Log"
  166. "IPLimitlogDesc" = "The IPs history log. (To enable inbound access after it has been disabled by IP limit, you should clear the log)"
  167. "IPLimitlogclear" = "Clear The Log"
  168. "setDefaultCert" = "Set Cert from Panel"
  169. "xtlsDesc" = "Xray needs to be v1.7.5"
  170. "realityDesc" = "Xray needs to be v1.8.0+"
  171. "telegramDesc" = "Please provide Telegram or Chat ID(s) without using the '@'. (get it here @userinfobot) or (use '/id' command in the bot)."
  172. "subscriptionDesc" = "To find your subscription URL, navigate to the 'Details'. Additionally, you can use the same name for several clients."
  173. "info" = "Info"
  174. "same" = "Same"
  175. "inboundData" = "Inbound's Data"
  176. "copyToClipboard" = "Copy to Clipboard"
  177. "import" = "Import"
  178. "importInbound" = "Import an Inbound"
  179. [pages.client]
  180. "add" = "Add Client"
  181. "edit" = "Edit Client"
  182. "submitAdd" = "Add Client"
  183. "submitEdit" = "Save Changes"
  184. "clientCount" = "Number of Clients"
  185. "bulk" = "Add Bulk"
  186. "method" = "Method"
  187. "first" = "First"
  188. "last" = "Last"
  189. "prefix" = "Prefix"
  190. "postfix" = "Postfix"
  191. "delayedStart" = "Start after First Use"
  192. "expireDays" = "Duration"
  193. "days" = "Day(s)"
  194. "renew" = "Auto Renew"
  195. "renewDesc" = "Auto-renewal after expiration. (0 = disable)(unit: day)"
  196. [pages.inbounds.toasts]
  197. "obtain" = "Obtain"
  198. []
  199. "requestHeader" = "Request Header"
  200. "name" = "Name"
  201. "value" = "Value"
  202. []
  203. "requestVersion" = "Request Version"
  204. "requestMethod" = "Request Method"
  205. "requestPath" = "Request Path"
  206. "responseVersion" = "Response Version"
  207. "responseStatus" = "Response Status"
  208. "responseStatusDescription" = "Response Status Description"
  209. "responseHeader" = "Response Header"
  210. []
  211. "encryption" = "Encryption"
  212. [pages.settings]
  213. "title" = "Panel Settings"
  214. "save" = "Save"
  215. "infoDesc" = "Every change made here needs to be saved. Please restart the panel to apply changes."
  216. "restartPanel" = "Restart Panel"
  217. "restartPanelDesc" = "Are you sure you want to restart the panel? If you cannot access the panel after restarting, please view the panel log info on the server."
  218. "actions" = "Actions"
  219. "resetDefaultConfig" = "Reset to Default"
  220. "panelSettings" = "Configuration"
  221. "securitySettings" = "Authentication"
  222. "TGBotSettings" = "Telegram Bot"
  223. "panelListeningIP" = "Listen IP"
  224. "panelListeningIPDesc" = "The IP address for the web panel. (leave blank to listen on all IPs)"
  225. "panelListeningDomain" = "Listen Domain"
  226. "panelListeningDomainDesc" = "The domain name for the web panel. (leave blank to listen on all domains and IPs)"
  227. "panelPort" = "Listen Port"
  228. "panelPortDesc" = "The port number for the web panel. (must be an unused port)"
  229. "publicKeyPath" = "Public Key Path"
  230. "publicKeyPathDesc" = "The public key file path for the web panel. (begins with ‘/‘)"
  231. "privateKeyPath" = "Private Key Path"
  232. "privateKeyPathDesc" = "The private key file path for the web panel. (begins with ‘/‘)"
  233. "panelUrlPath" = "URI Path"
  234. "panelUrlPathDesc" = "The URI path for the web panel. (begins with ‘/‘ and concludes with ‘/‘)"
  235. "pageSize" = "Pagination Size"
  236. "pageSizeDesc" = "Define page size for inbounds table. (0 = disable)"
  237. "remarkModel" = "Remark Model & Separation Character"
  238. "datepicker" = "Date Picker"
  239. "datepickerDescription" = "The date picker allows you to select a date. (use this to specify the expiration date)"
  240. "sampleRemark" = "Sample Remark"
  241. "oldUsername" = "Current Username"
  242. "currentPassword" = "Current Password"
  243. "newUsername" = "New Username"
  244. "newPassword" = "New Password"
  245. "telegramBotEnable" = "Enable Telegram Bot"
  246. "telegramBotEnableDesc" = "Enables the Telegram bot."
  247. "telegramToken" = "Telegram Token"
  248. "telegramTokenDesc" = "The Telegram bot token obtained from '@BotFather'."
  249. "telegramProxy" = "SOCKS5 Proxy"
  250. "telegramProxyDesc" = "Enables SOCKS5 proxy for connecting to Telegram. (Adjust settings as per guide)"
  251. "telegramChatId" = "Admin Chat ID"
  252. "telegramChatIdDesc" = "The Telegram Admin Chat ID(s). (comma-separated)(use @userinfobot) or (use '/id' command in the bot)"
  253. "telegramNotifyTime" = "Notification Time"
  254. "telegramNotifyTimeDesc" = "The Telegram bot notification time set for periodic reports. (use the crontab time format)"
  255. "tgNotifyBackup" = "Database Backup"
  256. "tgNotifyBackupDesc" = "Send a database backup file with a report."
  257. "tgNotifyLogin" = "Login Notification"
  258. "tgNotifyLoginDesc" = "Get notified about the username, IP address, and time whenever someone attempts to log into your web panel."
  259. "sessionMaxAge" = "Session Duration"
  260. "sessionMaxAgeDesc" = "The duration for which you can stay logged in. (unit: minute)"
  261. "expireTimeDiff" = "Client Expiration Threshold Notification"
  262. "expireTimeDiffDesc" = "Get notified about client expiration when reaching this threshold. (unit: day)"
  263. "trafficDiff" = "Traffic Exhaustion Threshold Notification"
  264. "trafficDiffDesc" = "Get notified about traffic exhaustion when reaching this threshold. (unit: GB)"
  265. "tgNotifyCpu" = "CPU Load Threshold Notification"
  266. "tgNotifyCpuDesc" = "Get notified if CPU usage exceeds this threshold. (unit: %)"
  267. "timeZone" = "Time Zone"
  268. "timeZoneDesc" = "Scheduled tasks run based on this time zone."
  269. "subSettings" = "Subscription"
  270. "subEnable" = "Enable Subscription Service"
  271. "subEnableDesc" = "Enables the subscription service."
  272. "subListen" = "Listen IP"
  273. "subListenDesc" = "The IP address for the subscription service. (leave blank to listen on all IPs)"
  274. "subPort" = "Listen Port"
  275. "subPortDesc" = "The port number for the subscription service. (must be an unused port)"
  276. "subCertPath" = "Public Key Path"
  277. "subCertPathDesc" = "The public key file path for the subscription service. (begins with ‘/‘)"
  278. "subKeyPath" = "Private Key Path"
  279. "subKeyPathDesc" = "The private key file path for the subscription service. (begins with ‘/‘)"
  280. "subPath" = "URI Path"
  281. "subPathDesc" = "The URI path for the subscription service. (begins with ‘/‘ and concludes with ‘/‘)"
  282. "subDomain" = "Listen Domain"
  283. "subDomainDesc" = "The domain name for the subscription service. (leave blank to listen on all domains and IPs)"
  284. "subUpdates" = "Update Intervals"
  285. "subUpdatesDesc" = "The update intervals of the subscription URL in the client apps. (unit: hour)"
  286. "subEncrypt" = "Encode"
  287. "subEncryptDesc" = "The returned content of subscription service will be Base64 encoded."
  288. "subShowInfo" = "Show Usage Info"
  289. "subShowInfoDesc" = "The remaining traffic and date will be displayed in the client apps."
  290. "subURI" = "Reverse Proxy URI"
  291. "subURIDesc" = "The URI path of the subscription URL for use behind proxies."
  292. [pages.xray]
  293. "title" = "Xray Configs"
  294. "save" = "Save"
  295. "restart" = "Restart Xray"
  296. "basicTemplate" = "Basic"
  297. "advancedTemplate" = "Advanced"
  298. "generalConfigs" = "General Strategy"
  299. "generalConfigsDesc" = "These options will provide general adjustments."
  300. "blockConfigs" = "Protection Shield"
  301. "blockConfigsDesc" = "These options will block traffic based on specific requested protocols and websites."
  302. "blockCountryConfigs" = "Block Country"
  303. "blockCountryConfigsDesc" = "These options will block traffic based on the specific requested country."
  304. "directCountryConfigs" = "Direct Country"
  305. "directCountryConfigsDesc" = "These options will directly forward traffic based on the specific requested country."
  306. "ipv4Configs" = "IPv4 Routing"
  307. "ipv4ConfigsDesc" = "These options will route requests to destination only via IPv4."
  308. "warpConfigs" = "WARP Routing"
  309. "warpConfigsDesc" = "Caution: Before using these options, install WARP in SOCKS5 proxy mode on your server by following the steps on the panel's GitHub. WARP will route traffic to websites through Cloudflare servers."
  310. "Template" = "Advanced Xray Configuration Template"
  311. "TemplateDesc" = "The final Xray configuration file will be generated based on this template."
  312. "FreedomStrategy" = "Freedom Protocol Strategy"
  313. "FreedomStrategyDesc" = "Set the output strategy for the network in the Freedom Protocol."
  314. "RoutingStrategy" = "Overall Routing Strategy"
  315. "RoutingStrategyDesc" = "Set the overall traffic routing strategy for resolving all requests."
  316. "Torrent" = "Block BitTorrent Protocol"
  317. "TorrentDesc" = "Blocks BitTorrent protocol."
  318. "PrivateIp" = "Block Connection to Private IPs"
  319. "PrivateIpDesc" = "Blocks establishing connections to private IP ranges."
  320. "Ads" = "Block Ads"
  321. "AdsDesc" = "Blocks advertising websites."
  322. "Family" = "Family Protection"
  323. "FamilyDesc" = "Blocks adult content, and malware websites."
  324. "Security" = "Security Protection"
  325. "SecurityDesc" = "Blocks malware, phishing, and cryptominers websites."
  326. "Speedtest" = "Block Speedtest"
  327. "SpeedtestDesc" = "Blocks establishing connectins to speedtest websites."
  328. "IRIp" = "Block Connection to Iran IPs"
  329. "IRIpDesc" = "Blocks establishing connections to Iran IP ranges."
  330. "IRDomain" = "Block Connection to Iran Domains"
  331. "IRDomainDesc" = "Blocks establishing connections to Iran domains."
  332. "ChinaIp" = "Block Connection to China IPs"
  333. "ChinaIpDesc" = "Blocks establishing connections to China IP ranges."
  334. "ChinaDomain" = "Block Connection to China Domains"
  335. "ChinaDomainDesc" = "Blocks establishing connections to China domains."
  336. "RussiaIp" = "Block Connection to Russia IPs"
  337. "RussiaIpDesc" = "Blocks establishing connections to Russia IP ranges."
  338. "RussiaDomain" = "Block Connection to Russia Domains"
  339. "RussiaDomainDesc" = "Blocks establishing connections to Russia domains."
  340. "VNIp" = "Block Connection to Vietnam IPs"
  341. "VNIpDesc" = "Blocks establishing connections to Vietnam IP ranges."
  342. "VNDomain" = "Block Connection to Vietnam Domains"
  343. "VNDomainDesc" = "Blocks establishing connections to Vietnam domains."
  344. "DirectIRIp" = "Direct Connection to Iran IPs"
  345. "DirectIRIpDesc" = "Directly establishes connections to Iran IP ranges."
  346. "DirectIRDomain" = "Direct Connection to Iran Domains"
  347. "DirectIRDomainDesc" = "Directly establishes connections to Iran domains."
  348. "DirectChinaIp" = "Direct Connection to China IPs"
  349. "DirectChinaIpDesc" = "Directly establishes connections to China IP ranges."
  350. "DirectChinaDomain" = "Direct Connection to China Domains"
  351. "DirectChinaDomainDesc" = "Directly establishes connections to China domains."
  352. "DirectRussiaIp" = "Direct Connection to Russia IPs"
  353. "DirectRussiaIpDesc" = "Directly establishes connections to Russia IP ranges."
  354. "DirectRussiaDomain" = "Direct Connection to Russia Domains"
  355. "DirectRussiaDomainDesc" = "Directly establishes connections to Russia domains."
  356. "DirectVNIp" = "Direct Connection to Vietnam IPs"
  357. "DirectVNIpDesc" = "Directly establishes connections to Vietnam IP ranges."
  358. "DirectVNDomain" = "Direct Connection to Vietnam Domains"
  359. "DirectVNDomainDesc" = "Directly establishes connections to Vietnam domains."
  360. "GoogleIPv4" = "Google"
  361. "GoogleIPv4Desc" = "Routes traffic to Google via IPv4."
  362. "NetflixIPv4" = "Netflix"
  363. "NetflixIPv4Desc" = "Routes traffic to Netflix via IPv4."
  364. "GoogleWARP" = "Google"
  365. "GoogleWARPDesc" = "Add routing for Google via WARP."
  366. "OpenAIWARP" = "ChatGPT"
  367. "OpenAIWARPDesc" = "Routes traffic to OpenAI (ChatGPT) via WARP."
  368. "NetflixWARP" = "Netflix"
  369. "NetflixWARPDesc" = "Routes traffic to Netflix via WARP."
  370. "SpotifyWARP" = "Spotify"
  371. "SpotifyWARPDesc" = "Routes traffic to Spotify via WARP."
  372. "IRWARP" = "Iran domains"
  373. "IRWARPDesc" = "Routes traffic to Iran domains via WARP."
  374. "Inbounds" = "Inbounds"
  375. "InboundsDesc" = "Change the configuration template to accept specific clients."
  376. "Outbounds" = "Outbounds"
  377. "OutboundsDesc" = "Change the configuration template to define outgoing ways for this server."
  378. "Routings" = "Routing Rules"
  379. "RoutingsDesc" = "The priority of each rule is important!"
  380. "completeTemplate" = "All"
  381. [pages.xray.rules]
  382. "first" = "First"
  383. "last" = "Last"
  384. "up" = "Up"
  385. "down" = "Down"
  386. "source" = "Source"
  387. "dest" = "Destination"
  388. "inbound" = "Inbound"
  389. "outbound" = "Outbound"
  390. "info" = "Info"
  391. "add" = "Add Rule"
  392. "edit" = "Edit Rule"
  393. "useComma" = "Comma-separated items"
  394. [pages.xray.outbound]
  395. "addOutbound" = "Add Outbound"
  396. "addReverse" = "Add Reverse"
  397. "editOutbound" = "Edit Outbound"
  398. "editReverse" = "Edit Reverse"
  399. "tag" = "Tag"
  400. "tagDesc" = "Unique Tag"
  401. "address" = "Address"
  402. "reverse" = "Reverse"
  403. "domain" = "Domain"
  404. "type" = "Type"
  405. "bridge" = "Bridge"
  406. "portal" = "Portal"
  407. "intercon" = "Interconnection"
  408. [pages.xray.wireguard]
  409. "secretKey" = "Secret Key"
  410. "publicKey" = "Public Key"
  411. "allowedIPs" = "Allowed IPs"
  412. "endpoint" = "Endpoint"
  413. "psk" = "PreShared Key"
  414. "domainStrategy" = "Domain Strategy"
  415. []
  416. "admin" = "Admin"
  417. "secret" = "Secret Token"
  418. "loginSecurity" = "Login security"
  419. "loginSecurityDesc" = "Adds an additional layer of authentication to enhance the login security."
  420. "secretToken" = "Secret Token"
  421. "secretTokenDesc" = "Please copy and securely store this token in a safe place. This token is required for login and cannot be recovered from the X-UI command tool."
  422. [pages.settings.toasts]
  423. "modifySettings" = "Modify Settings"
  424. "getSettings" = "Get Settings"
  425. "modifyUser" = "Modify User"
  426. "originalUserPassIncorrect" = "The Current username or password is invalid"
  427. "userPassMustBeNotEmpty" = "The new username and password is empty"
  428. [tgbot]
  429. "keyboardClosed" = "❌ Custom keyboard closed!"
  430. "noResult" = "❗ No result!"
  431. "noQuery" = "❌ Query not found! Please use the command again!"
  432. "wentWrong" = "❌ Something went wrong!"
  433. "noIpRecord" = "❗ No IP Record!"
  434. "noInbounds" = "❗ No inbound found!"
  435. "unlimited" = "♾ Unlimited"
  436. "add" = "Add"
  437. "month" = "Month"
  438. "months" = "Months"
  439. "day" = "Day"
  440. "days" = "Days"
  441. "hours" = "Hours"
  442. "unknown" = "Unknown"
  443. "inbounds" = "Inbounds"
  444. "clients" = "Clients"
  445. "offline" = "🔴 Offline"
  446. "online" = "🟢 Online"
  447. [tgbot.commands]
  448. "unknown" = "❗ Unknown command."
  449. "pleaseChoose" = "👇 Please choose:\r\n"
  450. "help" = "🤖 Welcome to this bot! It's designed to offer specific data from the server and allows you to make modifications as needed.\r\n\r\n"
  451. "start" = "👋 Hello <i>{{ .Firstname }}</i>.\r\n"
  452. "welcome" = "🤖 Welcome to <b>{{ .Hostname }}</b> management bot.\r\n"
  453. "status" = "✅ Bot is OK!"
  454. "usage" = "❗ Please provide a text to search!"
  455. "getID" = "🆔 Your ID: <code>{{ .ID }}</code>"
  456. "helpAdminCommands" = "To search for a client email:\r\n<code>/usage [Email]</code>\r\n\r\nTo search for inbounds (with client stats):\r\n<code>/inbound [Remark]</code>"
  457. "helpClientCommands" = "To search for statistics, use the following command:\r\n\r\n<code>/usage [Email]</code>"
  458. [tgbot.messages]
  459. "cpuThreshold" = "🔴 CPU Load {{ .Percent }}% exceeds the threshold of {{ .Threshold }}%"
  460. "selectUserFailed" = "❌ Error in user selection!"
  461. "userSaved" = "✅ Telegram User saved."
  462. "loginSuccess" = "✅ Logged in to the panel successful.\r\n"
  463. "loginFailed" = "❗️ Log in to the panel failed.\r\n"
  464. "report" = "🕰 Scheduled Reports: {{ .RunTime }}\r\n"
  465. "datetime" = "⏰ Date&Time: {{ .DateTime }}\r\n"
  466. "hostname" = "💻 Hostname: {{ .Hostname }}\r\n"
  467. "version" = "🚀 X-UI Version: {{ .Version }}\r\n"
  468. "ipv6" = "🌐 IPv6: {{ .IPv6 }}\r\n"
  469. "ipv4" = "🌐 IPv4: {{ .IPv4 }}\r\n"
  470. "ip" = "🌐 IP: {{ .IP }}\r\n"
  471. "ips" = "🔢 IPs:\r\n{{ .IPs }}\r\n"
  472. "serverUpTime" = "⏳ Uptime: {{ .UpTime }} {{ .Unit }}\r\n"
  473. "serverLoad" = "📈 Server Load: {{ .Load1 }}, {{ .Load2 }}, {{ .Load3 }}\r\n"
  474. "serverMemory" = "📋 RAM: {{ .Current }}/{{ .Total }}\r\n"
  475. "tcpCount" = "🔹 TCP: {{ .Count }}\r\n"
  476. "udpCount" = "🔸 UDP: {{ .Count }}\r\n"
  477. "traffic" = "🚦 Traffic: {{ .Total }} (↑{{ .Upload }},↓{{ .Download }})\r\n"
  478. "xrayStatus" = "ℹ️ Xray Status: {{ .State }}\r\n"
  479. "username" = "👤 Username: {{ .Username }}\r\n"
  480. "time" = "⏰ Time: {{ .Time }}\r\n"
  481. "inbound" = "📍 Inbound: {{ .Remark }}\r\n"
  482. "port" = "🔌 Port: {{ .Port }}\r\n"
  483. "expire" = "📅 Expire Date: {{ .Time }}\r\n"
  484. "expireIn" = "📅 Expire In: {{ .Time }}\r\n"
  485. "active" = "💡 Active: {{ .Enable }}\r\n"
  486. "enabled" = "🚨 Enabled: {{ .Enable }}\r\n"
  487. "online" = "🌐 Connection status: {{ .Status }}\r\n"
  488. "email" = "📧 Email: {{ .Email }}\r\n"
  489. "upload" = "🔼 Upload: ↑{{ .Upload }}\r\n"
  490. "download" = "🔽 Download: ↓{{ .Download }}\r\n"
  491. "total" = "📊 Total: ↑↓{{ .UpDown }} / {{ .Total }}\r\n"
  492. "TGUser" = "👤 Telegram User: {{ .TelegramID }}\r\n"
  493. "exhaustedMsg" = "🚨 Exhausted {{ .Type }}:\r\n"
  494. "exhaustedCount" = "🚨 Exhausted {{ .Type }} count:\r\n"
  495. "onlinesCount" = "🌐 Online Clients: {{ .Count }}\r\n"
  496. "disabled" = "🛑 Disabled: {{ .Disabled }}\r\n"
  497. "depleteSoon" = "🔜 Deplete Soon: {{ .Deplete }}\r\n\r\n"
  498. "backupTime" = "🗄 Backup Time: {{ .Time }}\r\n"
  499. "refreshedOn" = "\r\n📋🔄 Refreshed On: {{ .Time }}\r\n\r\n"
  500. "yes" = "✅ Yes"
  501. "no" = "❌ No"
  502. [tgbot.buttons]
  503. "closeKeyboard" = "❌ Close Keyboard"
  504. "cancel" = "❌ Cancel"
  505. "cancelReset" = "❌ Cancel Reset"
  506. "cancelIpLimit" = "❌ Cancel IP Limit"
  507. "confirmResetTraffic" = "✅ Confirm Reset Traffic?"
  508. "confirmClearIps" = "✅ Confirm Clear IPs?"
  509. "confirmRemoveTGUser" = "✅ Confirm Remove Telegram User?"
  510. "confirmToggle" = "✅ Confirm Enable/Disable User?"
  511. "dbBackup" = "Get DB Backup"
  512. "serverUsage" = "Server Usage"
  513. "getInbounds" = "Get Inbounds"
  514. "depleteSoon" = "Deplete Soon"
  515. "clientUsage" = "Get Usage"
  516. "onlines" = "Online Clients"
  517. "commands" = "Commands"
  518. "refresh" = "🔄 Refresh"
  519. "clearIPs" = "❌ Clear IPs"
  520. "removeTGUser" = "❌ Remove Telegram User"
  521. "selectTGUser" = "👤 Select Telegram User"
  522. "selectOneTGUser" = "👤 Select a Telegram user:"
  523. "resetTraffic" = "📈 Reset Traffic"
  524. "resetExpire" = "📅 Change Expiration Date"
  525. "ipLog" = "🔢 IP Log"
  526. "ipLimit" = "🔢 IP Limit"
  527. "setTGUser" = "👤 Set Telegram User"
  528. "toggle" = "🔘 Enable / Disable"
  529. "custom" = "🔢 Custom"
  530. "confirmNumber" = "✅ Confirm: {{ .Num }}"
  531. "confirmNumberAdd" = "✅ Confirm adding: {{ .Num }}"
  532. "limitTraffic" = "🚧 Traffic Limit"
  533. "getBanLogs" = "Get Ban Logs"
  534. [tgbot.answers]
  535. "successfulOperation" = "✅ Operation successful!"
  536. "errorOperation" = "❗ Error in operation."
  537. "getInboundsFailed" = "❌ Failed to get inbounds."
  538. "canceled" = "❌ {{ .Email }}: Operation canceled."
  539. "clientRefreshSuccess" = "✅ {{ .Email }}: Client refreshed successfully."
  540. "IpRefreshSuccess" = "✅ {{ .Email }}: IPs refreshed successfully."
  541. "TGIdRefreshSuccess" = "✅ {{ .Email }}: Client's Telegram User refreshed successfully."
  542. "resetTrafficSuccess" = "✅ {{ .Email }}: Traffic reset successfully."
  543. "setTrafficLimitSuccess" = "✅ {{ .Email }}: Traffic limit saved successfully."
  544. "expireResetSuccess" = "✅ {{ .Email }}: Expire days reset successfully."
  545. "resetIpSuccess" = "✅ {{ .Email }}: IP limit {{ .Count }} saved successfully."
  546. "clearIpSuccess" = "✅ {{ .Email }}: IPs cleared successfully."
  547. "getIpLog" = "✅ {{ .Email }}: Get IP Log."
  548. "getUserInfo" = "✅ {{ .Email }}: Get Telegram User Info."
  549. "removedTGUserSuccess" = "✅ {{ .Email }}: Telegram User removed successfully."
  550. "enableSuccess" = "✅ {{ .Email }}: Enabled successfully."
  551. "disableSuccess" = "✅ {{ .Email }}: Disabled successfully."
  552. "askToAddUserId" = "Your configuration is not found!\r\nPlease ask your admin to use your Telegram user ID in your configuration(s).\r\n\r\nYour user ID: <code>{{ .TgUserID }}</code>"