vue.runtime.mjs 1.0 KB

  1. import Vue from './vue.runtime.common.js'
  2. export default Vue
  3. // this should be kept in sync with src/v3/index.ts
  4. export const {
  5. version,
  6. // refs
  7. ref,
  8. shallowRef,
  9. isRef,
  10. toRef,
  11. toRefs,
  12. unref,
  13. proxyRefs,
  14. customRef,
  15. triggerRef,
  16. computed,
  17. // reactive
  18. reactive,
  19. isReactive,
  20. isReadonly,
  21. isShallow,
  22. isProxy,
  23. shallowReactive,
  24. markRaw,
  25. toRaw,
  26. readonly,
  27. shallowReadonly,
  28. // watch
  29. watch,
  30. watchEffect,
  31. watchPostEffect,
  32. watchSyncEffect,
  33. // effectScope
  34. effectScope,
  35. onScopeDispose,
  36. getCurrentScope,
  37. // provide / inject
  38. provide,
  39. inject,
  40. // lifecycle
  41. onBeforeMount,
  42. onMounted,
  43. onBeforeUpdate,
  44. onUpdated,
  45. onBeforeUnmount,
  46. onUnmounted,
  47. onErrorCaptured,
  48. onActivated,
  49. onDeactivated,
  50. onServerPrefetch,
  51. onRenderTracked,
  52. onRenderTriggered,
  53. // v2 only
  54. set,
  55. del,
  56. // v3 compat
  57. h,
  58. getCurrentInstance,
  59. useSlots,
  60. useAttrs,
  61. mergeDefaults,
  62. nextTick,
  63. useCssModule,
  64. useCssVars,
  65. defineComponent,
  66. defineAsyncComponent
  67. } = Vue