@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+# jk
+jk is a recreational tacit array programming language inspired by J and K (so j + k = jk).
+this is an implementation of the jk interpreter in C. Requires libgc (a.k.a. bdwgc) to build.
+# Quick reference (also available in the interpreter itself)
+/ comment
+5+5 / also comment
+5+5/not comment (no whitespace before /)
+nil udf / special, nil and undefined
+'a'%2 / = nan, nan used to denote illegal numeric operation
++1 2 3 / = udf, attempt to transpose flat vector, udf/undefined used to denote illegal operation
+5 5.5 -5 42 / number (double-precision floats)
+nan inf /
+'a' 'b' 'g' / chars (bytes)
+4t.0 / 0 NUL byte
+(4t.0),:(4t.16),:(4t.22) /
+1 2 3 / numbers array
+'hello world!' 'bla''bla' / quote, array of chars
+,'a' / 1-char string
+,1 / 1-elt array
+() / unit, empty array
+1,:(5+5),:1 2 3 / strand, mixed array literal
+-1 / negative num literal
+- 1 / application of - negate to 1
+-1 -2 -3 / array of negative nums
+- 1 2 3 / application of - negate to an array of nums
+5-5 / array of numbers 5 and -5
+5- 5 / 5 minus 5
++ / verb
+5+5 / dyadic expr
+#1 2 3 / monadic expr (no left side)
++/ *;. / adverb
++;1 -;* +^:^. / conjunction
+:x+y / function literal
+:1 / function that always yields 1
+x:123 / bind name
+sq:*;. /
+fac:*/1+! / bind function
+f:x+y /
+f:-x / overload function by arity
+f 5 / = -5
+5 f 5 / = 10
+*/!. / hook, fgx -> f(g(x)), xfgy -> f(g(x, y))
++/%# / fork, fghx -> g(f(x), h(x)), xfghy -> g(f(x), h(y))
+1+! / over, nfgx -> f(n, g(x)), xnfgy -> f(n, g(x, y))
+1+ / bond, nfx -> f(n, x), xnfy -> f(n, f(x, y))
+: monadic const create a function that always yields x
+: dyadic bind bind y to symbol x
+:: dyadic obverse insert inverse for x
++ monadic flip transpose matrix
++ dyadic plus add numbers
++. monadic fibonacci compute xth fibonacci number
++. dyadic gcd compute gcd(x, y)
++: monadic sin compute sin(x)
++: dyadic combine combine digits of x and y, same as 10_.(10_:),(10_:)
+- monadic negate negate number
+- dyadic minus subtract numbers
+* monadic first yield first element of x
+* dyadic times multiply numbers
+*. monadic factorial x!
+*. dyadic lcm compute lcm(x, y)
+*: monadic double x * 2
+*: dyadic replicate repeat y x times
+% monadic reciprocal 1 / x
+% dyadic divide divide numbers
+%. monadic sqrt compute square root of x
+%. dyadic root compute xth root of y
+%: monadic halve x % 2
+%: dyadic idivide same as % divide, but result is always integer
+! monadic enum [0, x)
+! dyadic mod modulo of numbers
+!. monadic iota [1, x]
+!. dyadic range [x, y] (also works for chars and even if x > y)
+!: monadic odometer !:10 10 is 0 0,:0 1,: ... 1 0,:1 1,: ... 9 8,:9 9
+!: dyadic chunks split y into x-sized chunks
+^ monadic exp e^x
+^ dyadic power raise number to a power
+^. monadic nlog ln(x)
+^. dyadic log log(y)/log(x)
+= monadic permute generate permutations of x
+= dyadic equals test whether x and y are equal
+=. monadic occurences count occurences of elts, =.'Hello World!' is 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0
+=. dyadic mask mask one array in another, 'abxyzabayxxyabxyk'=.'xy' is 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 3 3 0
+=: monadic classify assign unique index to each unique elt, =:'Hello World!' is 0 1 2 2 3 4 5 3 6 2 7 8
+=: dyadic match same as = equals, but rank 0, so compares x and y as whole
+~ monadic not logical not, nil udf () 0 4t.0 are not truthy, everything else is truthy
+~ dyadic notequals test whether x and y are not equal
+~. monadic sign sign of x, -1 for negative, 0 for 0, 1 for positive
+~. dyadic insert insert x between elts of y, 0~.1 2 3 is 1 0 2 0 3
+~: dyadic notmatch rank 0 version of ~ notequals
+< monadic pred x - 1
+< dyadic less test whether x is lesser than y
+<. monadic floor round x down
+<. dyadic lesseq test whether x is equal or lesser than y
+<: monadic gradedown indices of array sorted descending
+<: dyadic nudgeleft shift elts of y to the left filling gap with x
+> monadic succ x + 1
+> dyadic greater test whether x is greater than y
+>. monadic ceil round x up
+>. dyadic greatereq test whether x is equal or greater than y
+>: monadic gradeup indices of array sorted ascending
+>: dyadic nudgeright shift elts of y to the right filling gap with x
+, monadic enlist put x into 1-elt array
+, dyadic join concat x and y
+,. monadic enfile ame as , enlist but with infinite rank, ,.1 2 3 is (,1),:(,2),:(,3)
+# monadic count yield count of elts of x
+# dyadic take take x first elts of y (or last if x < 0)
+#. monadic where #.0 0 1 0 1 0 is 2 4
+#. dyadic copy repeat each elt of x by corresponding number in y, 5 2 3 3#.0 2 2 1 is 2 2 3 3 3
+#: monadic group #:'mississippi' is (,0),:1 4 7 10,:2 3 5 6,:8 9
+#: dyadic buckets group elts of y into buckets according to x, e.g. 0 -1 -1 2 0#:a b c d e is (a,.e),:(),:(,d)
+_ monadic nub mark all unique elts of x, e.g. _'abracadabra' yields 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
+_ dyadic drop remove first x elts of y (or last if x < 0)
+_. monadic unbits _.1 0 1 is 5
+_. dyadic unbase 10_.4 5 6 is 456
+_: monadic bits _:5 is 1 0 1
+_: dyadic base 10_:4242 is 4 2 4 2
+? monadic unique distinct elts of x, same as ]#._
+? dyadic find find all indices of x in y
+& monadic flatten flatten an array, same as ,//.
+& dyadic minand get min of two numbers (logical and for 0/1s)
+| monadic reverse reverse an array
+| dyadic maxor get max of two numbers (for 0/1s is same as logical or)
+|. monadic round round x
+|. dyadic rotate rotate array x times clockwise (-x for counterclockwise)
+|: monadic depth find max depth of x, |:,,,y yields 3
+|: dyadic windows yields all contiguous x-sized subarrays of y
+@ monadic abs |x|
+@ dyadic at pick elts from x by indices from y
+@. monadic shuffle shuffle elts of x
+@. dyadicn member check whether x is in y
+{ monadic head first two elts of x, same as 2#
+{ dyadic bin bin search, e.g. 1 3 5 7 9{8 9 0 yields 3 4 -1
+{. monadic tail last elt of x
+{: monadic prefixes prefixes of x, same as |}.\.
+{: dyadic shl x << y
+} monadic behead all elts of x except first, same as 1_
+} dyadic xor x ^ y
+}. monadic curtail all elts of x except last, same as -1_
+}: monadic suffixes suffixes of x, same as }.\.
+}: dyadic shr x >> y
+[ monadic factors compute prime factors of x
+[ dyadic left yield x
+[. monadic bnot ~x
+[. dyadic bor x | y
+[: monadic primes find primes in range [2, x]
+[: dyadic parts split y into x parts
+] monadic same yield x (i.e. identity)
+] dyadic right yield y (i.e. right argument)
+]. monadic sort sort x ascending, shortcut for ]@>:
+]. dyadic outof the number of ways of picking x balls from a bag of y balls, e.g. 5].10 is 252
+]: monadic unsort sort x descending, shortcut for ]@<:
+]: dyadic explode split y by delim x
+`. monadic symbol cast x to a symbol
+`. dyadic apply1 apply x to y
+`: monadic square x ^ 2
+`: dyadic apply2 apply x to y (y is 2-elt array of args)
+$ monadic shape yield shape of x
+$ dyadic reshape reshape y to shape x
+$. monadic repr yield string repr of x
+$. dyadic format format y by template x, e.g. '{0}+{1}*{-1}+_'$.1 2 3 4 is 1+2*4+1
+$: monadic eye identity matrix of size x
+$: dyadic implode join y inserting x between
+p. monadic print print x
+P. monadic println print x and a \n
+f. monadic selfref1 monadic reference to current function or rhs of bind
+f. dyadic selfref2 dyadic reference to current function or rhs of bind
+F. monadic read read file (x=0 to read stdin)
+F. dyadic write write file (y=0 to write to stderr)
+t. monadic type type of x, array=0, verb=1, symbol=2, number=3, char=4, nil=5, udf=6
+r. monadic deal yield random elt of x
+r. dyadic roll roll xdy (note: y is 0-based, so >xr.y for 1-based)
+e. monadic eval eval expression, yields udf on parse error
+i. monadic import load and eval source file
+y. monadic system exec system command (yields output)
+y. dyadic system2 exec system command with input
+E. monadic exit exit with exit code
+f" each >"1 2 3 yields 2 3 4
+xf" merge 1 2 3,"a b c yields (1,.a),:(2,.b),:(3,.c)
+f". eachprior -".1 2 2 3 5 6 yields 1 0 1 2 1
+xf". eachpriorwith 0-".1 2 2 3 5 6 yields 1 1 0 1 2 1
+f/ fold +/1 2 3 yields 6
+xf/ foldwith 1+/1 2 3 yields 7
+f\ scan +\1 2 3 yields 1 3 6
+xf\ scanwith 1+\1 2 3 yields 1 2 4 7
+f/. converge 1;_/.1 2 3 yields ()
+f\. converges 1;_\.1 2 3 yields 1 2 3,:2 3,:(,3),:()
+xf/. eachright 1-/.1 2 3 yields 0 1 2
+xf\. eachleft 1-\.1 2 3 yields 0 -1 -2
+f": rank #":1 2 3$1 yields 3 3, #":inf 2 3$1 yields 1 1 1,:1 1 1
+xf": rank 1 2 3 *:":1 1 2 3 yields (,1),:2 2,:3 3 3
+n` amend 'gw'0 3`'cross' yields 'grows'
+f&. filter >;0&.-2!.2 yields 1 2, basically shortcut for ]#.f
+f/: span =;' '/:'x y z' yields (,'x'),:(,'y'),:(,'z')
+xf/: stencil 3+//:!10 yields 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24, shortcut for f"x|:
+f;. reflex *;.5 yields 25, 5%;.2 yields 0.4
+f;g bond */;!.5 yields 120, +;1 5 yields 6, 5;- 1 yields 4
+f?.x pick >;5?.((2*),:<)"3 6 yields 6 5
+f?:F while <;5?:>0 yields 5
+n?:f repeat 5?:*;2 1 yields 32
+f&:F if 1+&:+2 yields 2
+f;:F monaddyad -;:+5 yields -5, 1-;:+5 yields 6
+inverse of a function f is a function ~f that undoes the effect of f
+f::~f obverse define inverse ~f for f
+f-:x inverse ~fx
+xf-:y inverse (~fx)~f~fx
+f^:Fx under ~FfFx
+xf^:Fx under ~F(Fx)f(Fx)
+# Prebuilt binaries
+There is prebuilt ELF executables with statically linked libgc for x86-64 and aarch64 Linux:
+- [x86_64](https://files.txlyre.website/d/software/jk/latest_linux_x86_64/jk)
+- [aarch64](https://files.txlyre.website/d/software/jk/latest_linux_aarch64/jk)