@@ -1,291 +1,291 @@
-from random import uniform
-from asyncio import sleep
-from tortoise.contrib.postgres.functions import Random
-from telethon.utils import get_input_document
-from telethon.tl.functions.stickers import (
- CreateStickerSetRequest,
- AddStickerToSetRequest,
-from telethon.tl.functions.messages import UploadMediaRequest, GetStickerSetRequest
-from telethon.tl.types import (
- InputStickerSetID,
- InputStickerSetShortName,
- InputStickerSetItem,
- InputMediaUploadedDocument,
- InputPeerSelf,
-from tortoise.expressions import F
-from models import (
- Action,
- Gif,
- StickerPack,
- Admin,
- BirthDay,
- VPNServer,
- AllowedChat,
- MarkovChat,
-from utils import is_valid_name, is_valid_ip
-from config import config
-async def is_admin(bot, user):
- admin = await bot.get_entity(config.ADMIN)
- if user.id == admin.id:
- return True
- admin = await Admin.filter(user_id=user.id)
- if admin:
- return True
- return False
-async def add_admin(user):
- await Admin(user_id=user.id).save()
-async def delete_admin(user):
- admin = await Admin.filter(user_id=user.id).first()
- if not admin:
- raise IndexError
- await admin.delete()
-async def create_action(name, template, kind):
- if not is_valid_name(name):
- raise SyntaxError
- await Action(name=name, template=template, kind=kind).save()
-async def find_action(name):
- if not is_valid_name(name):
- raise SyntaxError
- return await Action.filter(name=name).first()
-async def delete_action(name):
- action = await find_action(name)
- if not action:
- raise NameError
- gifs = await action.gifs.all()
- for gif in gifs:
- await gif.delete()
- await action.delete()
-async def add_gif(action, file_id):
- await Gif(action=action, file_id=file_id).save()
-async def get_random_gif(action):
- return await action.gifs.all().annotate(order=Random()).order_by("order").first()
-async def create_new_pack(bot, sticker):
- last_pack = await StickerPack.all().order_by("-id").first()
- set_id = last_pack.id + 1 if last_pack else 1
- user = await bot.get_entity(config.USER)
- me = await bot.get_me()
- bot_username = me.username
- pack = await bot(
- CreateStickerSetRequest(
- user_id=user.id,
- title=f"Messages #{set_id}.",
- short_name=f"messages{set_id}_by_{bot_username}",
- stickers=[sticker],
- )
- )
- sid = pack.set.id
- hash = pack.set.access_hash
- await StickerPack(short_name=pack.set.short_name, sid=sid, hash=hash).save()
- return pack
-async def get_current_pack(bot):
- pack = await StickerPack.all().order_by("-id").first()
- if not pack or pack.stickers_count >= 119:
- return None
- return pack
-async def add_sticker(bot, file, emoji):
- file = await bot.upload_file(file)
- file = InputMediaUploadedDocument(file, "image/png", [])
- file = await bot(UploadMediaRequest(InputPeerSelf(), file))
- file = get_input_document(file)
- sticker = InputStickerSetItem(document=file, emoji=emoji)
- pack = await get_current_pack(bot)
- if not pack:
- pack = await create_new_pack(bot, sticker)
- else:
- await StickerPack.filter(id=pack.id).update(
- stickers_count=F("stickers_count") + 1
- )
- pack = await bot(
- AddStickerToSetRequest(
- stickerset=InputStickerSetID(id=pack.sid, access_hash=pack.hash),
- sticker=sticker,
- )
- )
- return get_input_document(pack.documents[-1])
-async def get_birthdays(peer_id):
- return await BirthDay.filter(peer_id=peer_id).all()
-async def add_or_update_birthday(peer_id, user, date):
- birthday = await BirthDay.filter(peer_id=peer_id, user_id=user.id).first()
- if birthday:
- await BirthDay.filter(id=birthday.id).update(date=date)
- return False
- await BirthDay(peer_id=peer_id, user_id=user.id, date=date).save()
- return True
-async def get_all_birthdays():
- return await BirthDay.all()
-async def add_server(name, ip):
- if not is_valid_ip(ip):
- raise ValueError
- await VPNServer(name=name, ip=ip).save()
-async def add_server(name, ip):
- if not is_valid_name(name):
- raise SyntaxError
- if not is_valid_ip(ip):
- raise ValueError
- await VPNServer(name=name, ip=ip).save()
-async def delete_server(name):
- if not is_valid_name(name):
- raise SyntaxError
- server = await VPNServer.filter(name=name).first()
- if not server:
- raise IndexError
- await server.delete()
-async def list_servers():
- servers = await VPNServer.all()
- if not servers:
- return "*пусто*"
- return ", ".join(map(lambda server: server.name, servers))
-async def get_server_ip(name):
- if not is_valid_name(name):
- raise SyntaxError
- server = await VPNServer.filter(name=name).first()
- if not server:
- raise IndexError
- return server.ip
-async def add_allowed(peer_id):
- await AllowedChat(peer_id=peer_id).save()
-async def delete_allowed(peer_id):
- chat = await AllowedChat.filter(peer_id=peer_id).first()
- if not chat:
- raise IndexError
- await chat.delete()
-async def is_allowed(peer_id):
- return await AllowedChat.filter(peer_id=peer_id).exists()
-async def is_markov_enabled(peer_id):
- return await MarkovChat.filter(peer_id=peer_id).exists()
-async def enable_markov(peer_id):
- await MarkovChat(peer_id=peer_id).save()
-async def set_markov_options(peer_id, **options):
- chat = await MarkovChat.filter(peer_id=peer_id).first()
- if not chat:
- raise IndexError
- await MarkovChat.filter(id=chat.id).update(**options)
-async def get_markov_option(peer_id, option):
- chat = await MarkovChat.filter(peer_id=peer_id).first()
- if not chat:
- raise IndexError
- return getattr(chat, option)
-async def disable_markov(peer_id):
- chat = await MarkovChat.filter(peer_id=peer_id).first()
- if not chat:
- raise IndexError
- await chat.delete()
-async def list_markov_chats():
- return await MarkovChat.all()
-async def markov_say(bot, peer_id, reply_to=None):
- if not bot.markov.is_ready:
- return
- text = bot.markov.generate()
- async with bot.action(peer_id, "typing"):
- amount = 0
- for _ in range(len(text)):
- amount += round(uniform(0.05, 0.2), 2)
- await sleep(min(amount, 8))
+from random import uniform
+from asyncio import sleep
+from tortoise.contrib.postgres.functions import Random
+from telethon.utils import get_input_document
+from telethon.tl.functions.stickers import (
+ CreateStickerSetRequest,
+ AddStickerToSetRequest,
+from telethon.tl.functions.messages import UploadMediaRequest, GetStickerSetRequest
+from telethon.tl.types import (
+ InputStickerSetID,
+ InputStickerSetShortName,
+ InputStickerSetItem,
+ InputMediaUploadedDocument,
+ InputPeerSelf,
+from tortoise.expressions import F
+from models import (
+ Action,
+ Gif,
+ StickerPack,
+ Admin,
+ BirthDay,
+ VPNServer,
+ AllowedChat,
+ MarkovChat,
+from utils import is_valid_name, is_valid_ip
+from config import config
+async def is_admin(bot, user):
+ admin = await bot.get_entity(config.ADMIN)
+ if user.id == admin.id:
+ return True
+ admin = await Admin.filter(user_id=user.id)
+ if admin:
+ return True
+ return False
+async def add_admin(user):
+ await Admin(user_id=user.id).save()
+async def delete_admin(user):
+ admin = await Admin.filter(user_id=user.id).first()
+ if not admin:
+ raise IndexError
+ await admin.delete()
+async def create_action(name, template, kind):
+ if not is_valid_name(name):
+ raise SyntaxError
+ await Action(name=name, template=template, kind=kind).save()
+async def find_action(name):
+ if not is_valid_name(name):
+ raise SyntaxError
+ return await Action.filter(name=name).first()
+async def delete_action(name):
+ action = await find_action(name)
+ if not action:
+ raise NameError
+ gifs = await action.gifs.all()
+ for gif in gifs:
+ await gif.delete()
+ await action.delete()
+async def add_gif(action, file_id):
+ await Gif(action=action, file_id=file_id).save()
+async def get_random_gif(action):
+ return await action.gifs.all().annotate(order=Random()).order_by("order").first()
+async def create_new_pack(bot, sticker):
+ last_pack = await StickerPack.all().order_by("-id").first()
+ set_id = last_pack.id + 1 if last_pack else 1
+ user = await bot.get_entity(config.USER)
+ me = await bot.get_me()
+ bot_username = me.username
+ pack = await bot(
+ CreateStickerSetRequest(
+ user_id=user.id,
+ title=f"Messages #{set_id}.",
+ short_name=f"messages{set_id}_by_{bot_username}",
+ stickers=[sticker],
+ )
+ )
+ sid = pack.set.id
+ hash = pack.set.access_hash
+ await StickerPack(short_name=pack.set.short_name, sid=sid, hash=hash).save()
+ return pack
+async def get_current_pack(bot):
+ pack = await StickerPack.all().order_by("-id").first()
+ if not pack or pack.stickers_count >= 119:
+ return None
+ return pack
+async def add_sticker(bot, file, emoji):
+ file = await bot.upload_file(file)
+ file = InputMediaUploadedDocument(file, "image/png", [])
+ file = await bot(UploadMediaRequest(InputPeerSelf(), file))
+ file = get_input_document(file)
+ sticker = InputStickerSetItem(document=file, emoji=emoji)
+ pack = await get_current_pack(bot)
+ if not pack:
+ pack = await create_new_pack(bot, sticker)
+ else:
+ await StickerPack.filter(id=pack.id).update(
+ stickers_count=F("stickers_count") + 1
+ )
+ pack = await bot(
+ AddStickerToSetRequest(
+ stickerset=InputStickerSetID(id=pack.sid, access_hash=pack.hash),
+ sticker=sticker,
+ )
+ )
+ return get_input_document(pack.documents[-1])
+async def get_birthdays(peer_id):
+ return await BirthDay.filter(peer_id=peer_id).all()
+async def add_or_update_birthday(peer_id, user, date):
+ birthday = await BirthDay.filter(peer_id=peer_id, user_id=user.id).first()
+ if birthday:
+ await BirthDay.filter(id=birthday.id).update(date=date)
+ return False
+ await BirthDay(peer_id=peer_id, user_id=user.id, date=date).save()
+ return True
+async def get_all_birthdays():
+ return await BirthDay.all()
+async def add_server(name, ip):
+ if not is_valid_ip(ip):
+ raise ValueError
+ await VPNServer(name=name, ip=ip).save()
+async def add_server(name, ip):
+ if not is_valid_name(name):
+ raise SyntaxError
+ if not is_valid_ip(ip):
+ raise ValueError
+ await VPNServer(name=name, ip=ip).save()
+async def delete_server(name):
+ if not is_valid_name(name):
+ raise SyntaxError
+ server = await VPNServer.filter(name=name).first()
+ if not server:
+ raise IndexError
+ await server.delete()
+async def list_servers():
+ servers = await VPNServer.all()
+ if not servers:
+ return "*пусто*"
+ return ", ".join(map(lambda server: server.name, servers))
+async def get_server_ip(name):
+ if not is_valid_name(name):
+ raise SyntaxError
+ server = await VPNServer.filter(name=name).first()
+ if not server:
+ raise IndexError
+ return server.ip
+async def add_allowed(peer_id):
+ await AllowedChat(peer_id=peer_id).save()
+async def delete_allowed(peer_id):
+ chat = await AllowedChat.filter(peer_id=peer_id).first()
+ if not chat:
+ raise IndexError
+ await chat.delete()
+async def is_allowed(peer_id):
+ return await AllowedChat.filter(peer_id=peer_id).exists()
+async def is_markov_enabled(peer_id):
+ return await MarkovChat.filter(peer_id=peer_id).exists()
+async def enable_markov(peer_id):
+ await MarkovChat(peer_id=peer_id).save()
+async def set_markov_options(peer_id, **options):
+ chat = await MarkovChat.filter(peer_id=peer_id).first()
+ if not chat:
+ raise IndexError
+ await MarkovChat.filter(id=chat.id).update(**options)
+async def get_markov_option(peer_id, option):
+ chat = await MarkovChat.filter(peer_id=peer_id).first()
+ if not chat:
+ raise IndexError
+ return getattr(chat, option)
+async def disable_markov(peer_id):
+ chat = await MarkovChat.filter(peer_id=peer_id).first()
+ if not chat:
+ raise IndexError
+ await chat.delete()
+async def list_markov_chats():
+ return await MarkovChat.all()
+async def markov_say(bot, peer_id, reply_to=None, init_state=None):
+ if not bot.markov.is_ready:
+ return
+ text = bot.markov.generate(init_state)
+ async with bot.action(peer_id, "typing"):
+ amount = 0
+ for _ in range(len(text)):
+ amount += round(uniform(0.05, 0.2), 2)
+ await sleep(min(amount, 8))
await bot.send_message(peer_id, message=text, reply_to=reply_to)