from asyncio import run from telethon import TelegramClient from import NewMessage from telethon.utils import resolve_bot_file_id from utils import ( parse_command, get_link_to_user, Kind ) from config import config from db import init_db from actions import ( find_action, get_random_gif, is_admin ) from commands import COMMANDS bot = TelegramClient( 'openkriemy', config.API_ID, config.API_HASH ).start(bot_token=config.API_TOKEN) @bot.on(NewMessage) async def on_message(event): try: command = parse_command(event.text) except ValueError: return handler = COMMANDS.get(, None) if handler: if handler.is_restricted\ and not await is_admin(bot, event.sender): await event.reply('К сожалению, данная команда Вам недоступна.') else: await handler.handler(bot, event, command) return try: action = await find_action( except SyntaxError: return if not action: return reply_to = None target = None if action.kind != Kind.NO_TARGET: target = await event.get_reply_message() if not target: try: target = await bot.get_entity(command.args[0]) except (ValueError, IndexError): await event.reply('Это действие нужно применить на кого-то!') return else: reply_to = target target = target.sender if target is None: target = await bot.get_entity(event.peer_id.channel_id) if action.kind == Kind.CANNOT_APPLY_TO_SELF\ and == await event.reply('Данное действие нельзя применять к самому себе...') return try: await event.delete() except: pass if event.sender is None: initiator = await bot.get_entity(event.peer_id.channel_id) initiator = initiator.title else: initiator = get_link_to_user(event.sender) text = action.template.format(**{ 'initiator': initiator, 'target': get_link_to_user(target) if target else '?' }) gif = await get_random_gif(action) if gif: gif = resolve_bot_file_id(gif.file_id) await bot.send_message( event.peer_id, message=text, file=gif, reply_to=reply_to ) with bot: bot.loop.run_until_complete(init_db()) bot.start() bot.run_until_disconnected()