@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.data.database.models.toDomainChapter
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.data.download.DownloadManager
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.data.download.model.Download
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.data.preference.PreferencesHelper
-import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.data.saver.ImageSaver
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.data.track.EnhancedTrackService
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.data.track.TrackManager
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.data.track.TrackService
@@ -52,6 +51,7 @@ import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.MutableStateFlow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.asStateFlow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.collectLatest
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.launchIn
+import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.update
import kotlinx.coroutines.supervisorScope
import logcat.LogPriority
import rx.Observable
@@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ import rx.android.schedulers.AndroidSchedulers
import rx.schedulers.Schedulers
import uy.kohesive.injekt.Injekt
import uy.kohesive.injekt.api.get
-import uy.kohesive.injekt.injectLazy
import java.text.DateFormat
import eu.kanade.domain.chapter.model.Chapter as DomainChapter
import eu.kanade.domain.manga.model.Manga as DomainManga
@@ -108,8 +107,6 @@ class MangaPresenter(
private val loggedServices by lazy { trackManager.services.filter { it.isLogged } }
- private val imageSaver: ImageSaver by injectLazy()
private var trackSubscription: Subscription? = null
private var searchTrackerJob: Job? = null
private var refreshTrackersJob: Job? = null
@@ -126,6 +123,13 @@ class MangaPresenter(
val processedChapters: Sequence<ChapterItem>?
get() = successState?.processedChapters
+ /**
+ * Helper function to update the UI state only if it's currently in success state
+ */
+ private fun updateSuccessState(func: (MangaScreenState.Success) -> MangaScreenState.Success) {
+ _state.update { if (it is MangaScreenState.Success) func(it) else it }
+ }
override fun onCreate(savedState: Bundle?) {
@@ -139,27 +143,28 @@ class MangaPresenter(
.collectLatest { (manga, chapters) ->
val chapterItems = chapters.toChapterItems(manga)
- val currentState = _state.value
- _state.value = when (currentState) {
- // Initialize success state
- MangaScreenState.Loading -> MangaScreenState.Success(
- manga = manga,
- source = Injekt.get<SourceManager>().getOrStub(manga.source),
- dateRelativeTime = preferences.relativeTime().get(),
- dateFormat = preferences.dateFormat(),
- isFromSource = isFromSource,
- trackingAvailable = trackManager.hasLoggedServices(),
- chapters = chapterItems,
- ).also {
- getTrackingObservable(manga)
- .subscribeLatestCache(
- { _, count -> successState?.let { _state.value = it.copy(trackingCount = count) } },
- { _, error -> logcat(LogPriority.ERROR, error) },
- )
- }
+ _state.update { currentState ->
+ when (currentState) {
+ // Initialize success state
+ MangaScreenState.Loading -> MangaScreenState.Success(
+ manga = manga,
+ source = Injekt.get<SourceManager>().getOrStub(manga.source),
+ dateRelativeTime = preferences.relativeTime().get(),
+ dateFormat = preferences.dateFormat(),
+ isFromSource = isFromSource,
+ trackingAvailable = trackManager.hasLoggedServices(),
+ chapters = chapterItems,
+ ).also {
+ getTrackingObservable(manga)
+ .subscribeLatestCache(
+ { _, count -> updateSuccessState { it.copy(trackingCount = count) } },
+ { _, error -> logcat(LogPriority.ERROR, error) },
+ )
+ }
- // Update state
- is MangaScreenState.Success -> currentState.copy(manga = manga, chapters = chapterItems)
+ // Update state
+ is MangaScreenState.Success -> currentState.copy(manga = manga, chapters = chapterItems)
+ }
@@ -173,17 +178,13 @@ class MangaPresenter(
.asImmediateFlow { incognito ->
- successState?.let {
- _state.value = it.copy(isIncognitoMode = incognito)
- }
+ updateSuccessState { it.copy(isIncognitoMode = incognito) }
.asImmediateFlow { downloadedOnly ->
- successState?.let {
- _state.value = it.copy(isDownloadedOnlyMode = downloadedOnly)
- }
+ updateSuccessState { it.copy(isDownloadedOnlyMode = downloadedOnly) }
@@ -213,16 +214,17 @@ class MangaPresenter(
private fun fetchMangaFromSource(manualFetch: Boolean = false) {
if (fetchMangaJob?.isActive == true) return
- val successState = successState ?: return
fetchMangaJob = presenterScope.launchIO {
- _state.value = successState.copy(isRefreshingInfo = true)
+ updateSuccessState { it.copy(isRefreshingInfo = true) }
try {
- val networkManga = successState.source.getMangaDetails(successState.manga.toMangaInfo())
- updateManga.awaitUpdateFromSource(successState.manga, networkManga, manualFetch)
+ successState?.let {
+ val networkManga = it.source.getMangaDetails(it.manga.toMangaInfo())
+ updateManga.awaitUpdateFromSource(it.manga, networkManga, manualFetch)
+ }
} catch (e: Throwable) {
withUIContext { view?.onFetchMangaInfoError(e) }
- _state.value = successState.copy(isRefreshingInfo = false)
+ updateSuccessState { it.copy(isRefreshingInfo = false) }
@@ -402,15 +404,16 @@ class MangaPresenter(
private fun updateDownloadState(download: Download) {
- val successState = successState ?: return
- val modifiedIndex = successState.chapters.indexOfFirst { it.chapter.id == download.chapter.id }
- if (modifiedIndex >= 0) {
+ updateSuccessState { successState ->
+ val modifiedIndex = successState.chapters.indexOfFirst { it.chapter.id == download.chapter.id }
+ if (modifiedIndex < 0) return@updateSuccessState successState
val newChapters = successState.chapters.toMutableList().apply {
val item = removeAt(modifiedIndex)
.copy(downloadState = download.status, downloadProgress = download.progress)
add(modifiedIndex, item)
- _state.value = successState.copy(chapters = newChapters)
+ successState.copy(chapters = newChapters)
@@ -436,28 +439,28 @@ class MangaPresenter(
private fun fetchChaptersFromSource(manualFetch: Boolean = false) {
if (fetchChaptersJob?.isActive == true) return
- val successState = successState ?: return
fetchChaptersJob = presenterScope.launchIO {
- _state.value = successState.copy(isRefreshingChapter = true)
+ updateSuccessState { it.copy(isRefreshingChapter = true) }
try {
- val chapters = successState.source.getChapterList(successState.manga.toMangaInfo())
- .map { it.toSChapter() }
- val (newChapters, _) = syncChaptersWithSource.await(
- chapters,
- successState.manga,
- successState.source,
- )
- if (manualFetch) {
- val dbChapters = newChapters.map { it.toDbChapter() }
- downloadNewChapters(dbChapters)
+ successState?.let { successState ->
+ val chapters = successState.source.getChapterList(successState.manga.toMangaInfo())
+ .map { it.toSChapter() }
+ val (newChapters, _) = syncChaptersWithSource.await(
+ chapters,
+ successState.manga,
+ successState.source,
+ )
+ if (manualFetch) {
+ val dbChapters = newChapters.map { it.toDbChapter() }
+ downloadNewChapters(dbChapters)
+ }
} catch (e: Throwable) {
withUIContext { view?.onFetchChaptersError(e) }
- _state.value = successState.copy(isRefreshingChapter = false)
+ updateSuccessState { it.copy(isRefreshingChapter = false) }
@@ -551,26 +554,27 @@ class MangaPresenter(
* @param chapters the list of chapters to delete.
fun deleteChapters(chapters: List<DomainChapter>) {
- val successState = successState ?: return
launchIO {
val chapters2 = chapters.map { it.toDbChapter() }
try {
- val deletedIds = downloadManager
- .deleteChapters(chapters2, successState.manga.toDbManga(), successState.source)
- .map { it.id }
- val deletedChapters = successState.chapters.filter { deletedIds.contains(it.chapter.id) }
- if (deletedChapters.isEmpty()) return@launchIO
- // TODO: Don't do this fake status update
- val newChapters = successState.chapters.toMutableList().apply {
- deletedChapters.forEach {
- val index = indexOf(it)
- val toAdd = removeAt(index)
- .copy(downloadState = Download.State.NOT_DOWNLOADED, downloadProgress = 0)
- add(index, toAdd)
+ updateSuccessState { successState ->
+ val deletedIds = downloadManager
+ .deleteChapters(chapters2, successState.manga.toDbManga(), successState.source)
+ .map { it.id }
+ val deletedChapters = successState.chapters.filter { deletedIds.contains(it.chapter.id) }
+ if (deletedChapters.isEmpty()) return@updateSuccessState successState
+ // TODO: Don't do this fake status update
+ val newChapters = successState.chapters.toMutableList().apply {
+ deletedChapters.forEach {
+ val index = indexOf(it)
+ val toAdd = removeAt(index)
+ .copy(downloadState = Download.State.NOT_DOWNLOADED, downloadProgress = 0)
+ add(index, toAdd)
+ }
+ successState.copy(chapters = newChapters)
- _state.value = successState.copy(chapters = newChapters)
} catch (e: Throwable) {
logcat(LogPriority.ERROR, e)