@@ -1,240 +1,119 @@
package eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.library
-import android.content.res.Configuration
import android.os.Bundle
-import android.view.LayoutInflater
import android.view.Menu
-import android.view.MenuInflater
-import android.view.MenuItem
import android.view.View
-import androidx.appcompat.view.ActionMode
-import androidx.core.view.isVisible
+import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
+import androidx.compose.runtime.LaunchedEffect
+import androidx.compose.ui.platform.LocalContext
import com.bluelinelabs.conductor.ControllerChangeHandler
import com.bluelinelabs.conductor.ControllerChangeType
-import com.fredporciuncula.flow.preferences.Preference
-import com.google.android.material.tabs.TabLayout
-import com.jakewharton.rxrelay.BehaviorRelay
import eu.kanade.domain.category.model.Category
import eu.kanade.domain.category.model.toDbCategory
import eu.kanade.domain.manga.model.Manga
import eu.kanade.domain.manga.model.toDbManga
+import eu.kanade.presentation.library.LibraryScreen
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.R
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.data.database.models.toDomainManga
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.data.library.LibraryUpdateService
-import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.data.preference.PreferencesHelper
-import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.databinding.LibraryControllerBinding
+import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.base.controller.FullComposeController
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.base.controller.RootController
-import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.base.controller.SearchableNucleusController
-import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.base.controller.TabbedController
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.base.controller.pushController
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.browse.source.globalsearch.GlobalSearchController
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.main.MainActivity
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.manga.MangaController
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.util.lang.launchIO
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.util.lang.launchUI
-import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.util.preference.asHotFlow
-import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.util.system.getResourceColor
-import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.util.system.openInBrowser
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.util.system.toast
-import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.widget.ActionModeWithToolbar
-import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.widget.EmptyView
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.widget.materialdialogs.QuadStateTextView
import kotlinx.coroutines.cancel
-import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.drop
-import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.launchIn
-import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.onEach
-import reactivecircus.flowbinding.android.view.clicks
-import reactivecircus.flowbinding.viewpager.pageSelections
-import rx.Observable
-import rx.Subscription
-import rx.android.schedulers.AndroidSchedulers
-import uy.kohesive.injekt.Injekt
-import uy.kohesive.injekt.api.get
-import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
class LibraryController(
bundle: Bundle? = null,
- private val preferences: PreferencesHelper = Injekt.get(),
-) : SearchableNucleusController<LibraryControllerBinding, LibraryPresenter>(bundle),
+) : FullComposeController<LibraryPresenter>(bundle),
- TabbedController,
- ActionModeWithToolbar.Callback,
DeleteLibraryMangasDialog.Listener {
- /**
- * Position of the active category.
- */
- private var activeCategory: Int = preferences.lastUsedCategory().get()
- /**
- * Action mode for selections.
- */
- private var actionMode: ActionModeWithToolbar? = null
- private var mangaMap: LibraryMap = emptyMap()
- private var adapter: LibraryAdapter? = null
* Sheet containing filter/sort/display items.
private var settingsSheet: LibrarySettingsSheet? = null
- private var tabsVisibilityRelay: BehaviorRelay<Boolean> = BehaviorRelay.create(false)
- private var mangaCountVisibilityRelay: BehaviorRelay<Boolean> = BehaviorRelay.create(false)
- private var tabsVisibilitySubscription: Subscription? = null
- private var mangaCountVisibilitySubscription: Subscription? = null
init {
- setHasOptionsMenu(true)
retainViewMode = RetainViewMode.RETAIN_DETACH
- private var currentTitle: String? = null
- set(value) {
- if (field != value) {
- field = value
- setTitle()
- }
- }
+ override fun createPresenter(): LibraryPresenter = LibraryPresenter()
- override fun getTitle(): String? {
- return currentTitle ?: resources?.getString(R.string.label_library)
- }
- private fun updateTitle() {
- val showCategoryTabs = preferences.categoryTabs().get()
- val currentCategory = adapter?.categories?.getOrNull(binding.libraryPager.currentItem)
- var title = if (showCategoryTabs) {
- resources?.getString(R.string.label_library)
- } else {
- currentCategory?.name
- }
- if (preferences.categoryNumberOfItems().get()) {
- if (!showCategoryTabs || adapter?.categories?.size == 1) {
- title += " (${mangaMap[currentCategory?.id]?.size ?: 0})"
- }
+ @Composable
+ override fun ComposeContent() {
+ val context = LocalContext.current
+ LibraryScreen(
+ presenter = presenter,
+ onMangaClicked = ::openManga,
+ onGlobalSearchClicked = {
+ router.pushController(GlobalSearchController(presenter.query))
+ },
+ onChangeCategoryClicked = ::showMangaCategoriesDialog,
+ onMarkAsReadClicked = { markReadStatus(true) },
+ onMarkAsUnreadClicked = { markReadStatus(false) },
+ onDownloadClicked = ::downloadUnreadChapters,
+ onDeleteClicked = ::showDeleteMangaDialog,
+ onClickFilter = ::showSettingsSheet,
+ onClickRefresh = {
+ if (LibraryUpdateService.start(context)) {
+ context.toast(R.string.updating_library)
+ }
+ },
+ onClickInvertSelection = { presenter.invertSelection(presenter.activeCategory) },
+ onClickSelectAll = { presenter.selectAll(presenter.activeCategory) },
+ onClickUnselectAll = ::clearSelection,
+ )
+ LaunchedEffect(presenter.selectionMode) {
+ val activity = (activity as? MainActivity) ?: return@LaunchedEffect
+ activity.showBottomNav(presenter.selectionMode.not())
- currentTitle = title
- override fun createPresenter(): LibraryPresenter {
- return LibraryPresenter()
+ override fun handleBack(): Boolean {
+ if (presenter.selection.isNotEmpty()) {
+ presenter.clearSelection()
+ return true
+ }
+ return false
- override fun createBinding(inflater: LayoutInflater) = LibraryControllerBinding.inflate(inflater)
override fun onViewCreated(view: View) {
- adapter = LibraryAdapter(
- presenter = presenter,
- onClickManga = {
- openManga(it.id!!)
- },
- )
- getColumnsPreferenceForCurrentOrientation()
- .asHotFlow { presenter.columns = it }
- .launchIn(viewScope)
- binding.libraryPager.adapter = adapter
- binding.libraryPager.pageSelections()
- .drop(1)
- .onEach {
- preferences.lastUsedCategory().set(it)
- activeCategory = it
- updateTitle()
- }
- .launchIn(viewScope)
- if (adapter!!.categories.isNotEmpty()) {
- createActionModeIfNeeded()
- }
settingsSheet = LibrarySettingsSheet(router) { group ->
when (group) {
is LibrarySettingsSheet.Filter.FilterGroup -> onFilterChanged()
is LibrarySettingsSheet.Sort.SortGroup -> onSortChanged()
- is LibrarySettingsSheet.Display.DisplayGroup -> {
- val delay = if (preferences.categorizedDisplaySettings().get()) 125L else 0L
- Observable.timer(delay, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, AndroidSchedulers.mainThread())
- .subscribe {
- reattachAdapter()
- }
- }
+ is LibrarySettingsSheet.Display.DisplayGroup -> {}
is LibrarySettingsSheet.Display.BadgeGroup -> onBadgeSettingChanged()
- is LibrarySettingsSheet.Display.TabsGroup -> onTabsSettingsChanged()
+ is LibrarySettingsSheet.Display.TabsGroup -> {} // onTabsSettingsChanged()
- binding.btnGlobalSearch.clicks()
- .onEach {
- router.pushController(GlobalSearchController(presenter.query))
- }
- .launchIn(viewScope)
- }
- private fun getColumnsPreferenceForCurrentOrientation(): Preference<Int> {
- return if (resources?.configuration?.orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT) {
- preferences.portraitColumns()
- } else {
- preferences.landscapeColumns()
- }
override fun onChangeStarted(handler: ControllerChangeHandler, type: ControllerChangeType) {
super.onChangeStarted(handler, type)
if (type.isEnter) {
- (activity as? MainActivity)?.binding?.tabs?.setupWithViewPager(binding.libraryPager)
override fun onDestroyView(view: View) {
- destroyActionModeIfNeeded()
- adapter = null
settingsSheet = null
- tabsVisibilitySubscription?.unsubscribe()
- tabsVisibilitySubscription = null
- override fun configureTabs(tabs: TabLayout): Boolean {
- with(tabs) {
- isVisible = false
- tabGravity = TabLayout.GRAVITY_START
- tabMode = TabLayout.MODE_SCROLLABLE
- }
- tabsVisibilitySubscription?.unsubscribe()
- tabsVisibilitySubscription = tabsVisibilityRelay.subscribe { visible ->
- tabs.isVisible = visible
- }
- mangaCountVisibilitySubscription?.unsubscribe()
- mangaCountVisibilitySubscription = mangaCountVisibilityRelay.subscribe {
- adapter?.notifyDataSetChanged()
- }
- return false
- }
- override fun cleanupTabs(tabs: TabLayout) {
- tabsVisibilitySubscription?.unsubscribe()
- tabsVisibilitySubscription = null
- }
fun showSettingsSheet() {
- if (adapter?.categories?.isNotEmpty() == true) {
- adapter?.categories?.get(binding.libraryPager.currentItem)?.let { category ->
+ if (presenter.categories.isNotEmpty()) {
+ presenter.categories[presenter.activeCategory].let { category ->
} else {
@@ -242,61 +121,6 @@ class LibraryController(
- fun onNextLibraryUpdate(categories: List<Category>, mangaMap: LibraryMap) {
- val view = view ?: return
- val adapter = adapter ?: return
- // Show empty view if needed
- if (mangaMap.isNotEmpty()) {
- binding.emptyView.hide()
- } else {
- binding.emptyView.show(
- R.string.information_empty_library,
- listOf(
- EmptyView.Action(R.string.getting_started_guide, R.drawable.ic_help_24dp) {
- activity?.openInBrowser("https://tachiyomi.org/help/guides/getting-started")
- },
- ),
- )
- (activity as? MainActivity)?.ready = true
- }
- // Get the current active category.
- val activeCat = if (adapter.categories.isNotEmpty()) {
- binding.libraryPager.currentItem
- } else {
- activeCategory
- }
- // Set the categories
- adapter.updateCategories(categories.map { it to (mangaMap[it.id]?.size ?: 0) })
- // Restore active category.
- binding.libraryPager.setCurrentItem(activeCat, false)
- // Trigger display of tabs
- onTabsSettingsChanged(firstLaunch = true)
- // Delay the scroll position to allow the view to be properly measured.
- view.post {
- if (isAttached) {
- (activity as? MainActivity)?.binding?.tabs?.setScrollPosition(binding.libraryPager.currentItem, 0f, true)
- }
- }
- presenter.loadedManga.clear()
- mangaMap.forEach {
- presenter.loadedManga[it.key] = it.value
- }
- presenter.loadedMangaFlow.value = presenter.loadedManga
- // Send the manga map to child fragments after the adapter is updated.
- this.mangaMap = mangaMap
- // Finally update the title
- updateTitle()
- }
private fun onFilterChanged() {
@@ -306,146 +130,17 @@ class LibraryController(
- private fun onTabsSettingsChanged(firstLaunch: Boolean = false) {
- if (!firstLaunch) {
- mangaCountVisibilityRelay.call(preferences.categoryNumberOfItems().get())
- }
- tabsVisibilityRelay.call(preferences.categoryTabs().get() && (adapter?.categories?.size ?: 0) > 1)
- updateTitle()
- }
private fun onSortChanged() {
- /**
- * Reattaches the adapter to the view pager to recreate fragments
- */
- private fun reattachAdapter() {
- val adapter = adapter ?: return
- val position = binding.libraryPager.currentItem
- adapter.recycle = false
- binding.libraryPager.adapter = adapter
- binding.libraryPager.currentItem = position
- adapter.recycle = true
- }
- fun createActionModeIfNeeded() {
- val activity = activity
- if (actionMode == null && activity is MainActivity) {
- actionMode = activity.startActionModeAndToolbar(this)
- activity.showBottomNav(false)
- }
- }
- private fun destroyActionModeIfNeeded() {
- actionMode?.finish()
- }
- override fun onCreateOptionsMenu(menu: Menu, inflater: MenuInflater) {
- createOptionsMenu(menu, inflater, R.menu.library, R.id.action_search)
- // Mutate the filter icon because it needs to be tinted and the resource is shared.
- menu.findItem(R.id.action_filter).icon?.mutate()
- }
fun search(query: String) {
- presenter.query = query
- }
- private fun performSearch() {
- if (presenter.query.isNotEmpty()) {
- binding.btnGlobalSearch.isVisible = true
- binding.btnGlobalSearch.text =
- resources?.getString(R.string.action_global_search_query, presenter.query)
- } else {
- binding.btnGlobalSearch.isVisible = false
- }
+ presenter.searchQuery = query
override fun onPrepareOptionsMenu(menu: Menu) {
val settingsSheet = settingsSheet ?: return
- val filterItem = menu.findItem(R.id.action_filter)
- // Tint icon if there's a filter active
- if (settingsSheet.filters.hasActiveFilters()) {
- val filterColor = activity!!.getResourceColor(R.attr.colorFilterActive)
- filterItem.icon?.setTint(filterColor)
- }
- }
- override fun onOptionsItemSelected(item: MenuItem): Boolean {
- when (item.itemId) {
- R.id.action_search -> expandActionViewFromInteraction = true
- R.id.action_filter -> showSettingsSheet()
- R.id.action_update_library -> {
- activity?.let {
- if (LibraryUpdateService.start(it)) {
- it.toast(R.string.updating_library)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item)
- }
- /**
- * Invalidates the action mode, forcing it to refresh its content.
- */
- fun invalidateActionMode() {
- actionMode?.invalidate()
- }
- override fun onCreateActionMode(mode: ActionMode, menu: Menu): Boolean {
- mode.menuInflater.inflate(R.menu.generic_selection, menu)
- return true
- }
- override fun onCreateActionToolbar(menuInflater: MenuInflater, menu: Menu) {
- menuInflater.inflate(R.menu.library_selection, menu)
- }
- override fun onPrepareActionMode(mode: ActionMode, menu: Menu): Boolean {
- val count = presenter.selection.size
- if (count == 0) {
- // Destroy action mode if there are no items selected.
- destroyActionModeIfNeeded()
- } else {
- mode.title = count.toString()
- }
- return true
- }
- override fun onPrepareActionToolbar(toolbar: ActionModeWithToolbar, menu: Menu) {
- if (presenter.hasSelection().not()) return
- toolbar.findToolbarItem(R.id.action_download_unread)?.isVisible =
- presenter.selection.any { presenter.loadedManga.values.any { it.any { it.isLocal } } }
- }
- override fun onActionItemClicked(mode: ActionMode, item: MenuItem): Boolean {
- when (item.itemId) {
- R.id.action_move_to_category -> showMangaCategoriesDialog()
- R.id.action_download_unread -> downloadUnreadChapters()
- R.id.action_mark_as_read -> markReadStatus(true)
- R.id.action_mark_as_unread -> markReadStatus(false)
- R.id.action_delete -> showDeleteMangaDialog()
- R.id.action_select_all -> selectAllCategoryManga()
- R.id.action_select_inverse -> selectInverseCategoryManga()
- else -> return false
- }
- return true
- }
- override fun onDestroyActionMode(mode: ActionMode) {
- // Clear all the manga selections and notify child views.
- presenter.clearSelection()
- (activity as? MainActivity)?.showBottomNav(true)
- actionMode = null
+ presenter.hasActiveFilters = settingsSheet.filters.hasActiveFilters()
private fun openManga(mangaId: Long) {
@@ -461,7 +156,6 @@ class LibraryController(
fun clearSelection() {
- invalidateActionMode()
@@ -496,13 +190,13 @@ class LibraryController(
private fun downloadUnreadChapters() {
val mangas = presenter.selection.toList()
presenter.downloadUnreadChapters(mangas.mapNotNull { it.toDomainManga() })
- destroyActionModeIfNeeded()
+ presenter.clearSelection()
private fun markReadStatus(read: Boolean) {
val mangas = presenter.selection.toList()
presenter.markReadStatus(mangas.mapNotNull { it.toDomainManga() }, read)
- destroyActionModeIfNeeded()
+ presenter.clearSelection()
private fun showDeleteMangaDialog() {
@@ -512,28 +206,11 @@ class LibraryController(
override fun updateCategoriesForMangas(mangas: List<Manga>, addCategories: List<Category>, removeCategories: List<Category>) {
presenter.setMangaCategories(mangas, addCategories, removeCategories)
- destroyActionModeIfNeeded()
+ presenter.clearSelection()
override fun deleteMangas(mangas: List<Manga>, deleteFromLibrary: Boolean, deleteChapters: Boolean) {
presenter.removeMangas(mangas.map { it.toDbManga() }, deleteFromLibrary, deleteChapters)
- destroyActionModeIfNeeded()
- }
- private fun selectAllCategoryManga() {
- presenter.selectAll(binding.libraryPager.currentItem)
- }
- private fun selectInverseCategoryManga() {
- presenter.invertSelection(binding.libraryPager.currentItem)
- }
- override fun onSearchViewQueryTextChange(newText: String?) {
- // Ignore events if this controller isn't at the top to avoid query being reset
- if (router.backstack.lastOrNull()?.controller == this) {
- presenter.query = newText ?: ""
- presenter.searchQuery = newText ?: ""
- performSearch()
- }
+ presenter.clearSelection()