@@ -4,35 +4,31 @@ package eu.kanade.tachiyomi.util.chapter
* -R> = regex conversion.
object ChapterRecognition {
+ private const val NUMBER_PATTERN = """([0-9]+)(\.[0-9]+)?(\.?[a-z]+)?"""
* All cases with Ch.xx
* Mokushiroku Alice Vol.1 Ch. 4: Misrepresentation -R> 4
- private val basic = Regex("""(?<=ch\.) *([0-9]+)(\.[0-9]+)?(\.?[a-z]+)?""")
+ private val basic = Regex("""(?<=ch\.) *$NUMBER_PATTERN""")
- * Regex used when only one number occurrence
* Example: Bleach 567: Down With Snowwhite -R> 567
- private val occurrence = Regex("""([0-9]+)(\.[0-9]+)?(\.?[a-z]+)?""")
- /**
- * Regex used when manga title removed
- * Example: Solanin 028 Vol. 2 -> 028 Vol.2 -> 028Vol.2 -R> 028
- */
- private val withoutManga = Regex("""^([0-9]+)(\.[0-9]+)?(\.?[a-z]+)?""")
+ private val number = Regex(NUMBER_PATTERN)
* Regex used to remove unwanted tags
* Example Prison School 12 v.1 vol004 version1243 volume64 -R> Prison School 12
- private val unwanted = Regex("""(?<![a-z])(v|ver|vol|version|volume|season|s).?[0-9]+""")
+ private val unwanted = Regex("""\b(?:v|ver|vol|version|volume|season|s)[^a-z]?[0-9]+""")
* Regex used to remove unwanted whitespace
* Example One Piece 12 special -R> One Piece 12special
- private val unwantedWhiteSpace = Regex("""(\s)(extra|special|omake)""")
+ private val unwantedWhiteSpace = Regex("""\s(?=extra|special|omake)""")
fun parseChapterNumber(mangaTitle: String, chapterName: String, chapterNumber: Float? = null): Float {
// If chapter number is known return.
@@ -43,40 +39,23 @@ object ChapterRecognition {
// Get chapter title with lower case
var name = chapterName.lowercase()
+ // Remove manga title from chapter title.
+ name = name.replace(mangaTitle.lowercase(), "").trim()
// Remove comma's or hyphens.
name = name.replace(',', '.').replace('-', '.')
// Remove unwanted white spaces.
- unwantedWhiteSpace.findAll(name).let {
- it.forEach { occurrence -> name = name.replace(occurrence.value, occurrence.value.trim()) }
- }
+ name = unwantedWhiteSpace.replace(name, "")
// Remove unwanted tags.
- unwanted.findAll(name).let {
- it.forEach { occurrence -> name = name.replace(occurrence.value, "") }
- }
+ name = unwanted.replace(name, "")
// Check base case ch.xx
- getChapterNumberFromMatch(basic.find(name))?.let { return it }
- // Check one number occurrence.
- val occurrences: MutableList<MatchResult> = arrayListOf()
- occurrence.findAll(name).let {
- it.forEach { occurrence -> occurrences.add(occurrence) }
- }
- if (occurrences.size == 1) {
- getChapterNumberFromMatch(occurrences[0])?.let { return it }
- }
- // Remove manga title from chapter title.
- val nameWithoutManga = name.replace(mangaTitle.lowercase(), "").trim()
- // Check if first value is number after title remove.
- getChapterNumberFromMatch(withoutManga.find(nameWithoutManga))?.let { return it }
+ basic.find(name)?.let { return getChapterNumberFromMatch(it) }
// Take the first number encountered.
- getChapterNumberFromMatch(occurrence.find(nameWithoutManga))?.let { return it }
+ number.find(name)?.let { return getChapterNumberFromMatch(it) }
return chapterNumber ?: -1f
@@ -86,8 +65,8 @@ object ChapterRecognition {
* @param match result of regex
* @return chapter number if found else null
- private fun getChapterNumberFromMatch(match: MatchResult?): Float? {
- return match?.let {
+ private fun getChapterNumberFromMatch(match: MatchResult): Float {
+ return match.let {
val initial = it.groups[1]?.value?.toFloat()!!
val subChapterDecimal = it.groups[2]?.value
val subChapterAlpha = it.groups[3]?.value
@@ -120,11 +99,9 @@ object ChapterRecognition {
return .97f
- return if (alpha[0] == '.') {
- // Take value after (.)
- parseAlphaPostFix(alpha[1])
- } else {
- parseAlphaPostFix(alpha[0])
+ val trimmedAlpha = alpha.trimStart('.')
+ if (trimmedAlpha.length == 1) {
+ return parseAlphaPostFix(trimmedAlpha[0])
@@ -135,6 +112,8 @@ object ChapterRecognition {
* x.a -> x.1, x.b -> x.2, etc
private fun parseAlphaPostFix(alpha: Char): Float {
- return ("0." + (alpha.code - 96).toString()).toFloat()
+ val number = alpha.code - ('a'.code - 1)
+ if (number >= 10) return 0f
+ return number / 10f