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License manga update and Manga Fox Title Update (#937)

* update mangafox parsing to read chapter title also if it exists.

* updated chapterImpl to force update chapters if chapter name changes.  This allows for chapter name changes from the source to update in app

* switched from : to - since other sites that already have title use - so it provides consistency across sources.

* fixed spacing for -

* fixes license status for manga fox
if manga is licensed no chapters will be shown.

* 1. changed equality in chapterImp back to just the url (removed scanlator, and name comparison)
2. Removed extra line of code assigning mangaFox title twice
3. Modified ChapterSourceSync for scanlator/title/url comparison.

* cleaned spaces, added comment, incorporated toChange code from other pull request

* throw exception instead of returning empty list when licensed

* space fix
Carlos 7 роки тому

+ 12 - 7

@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import okhttp3.Request
 import okhttp3.Response
 import rx.Observable
 import uy.kohesive.injekt.injectLazy
+import java.lang.Exception
 import java.net.URI
 import java.net.URISyntaxException
 import java.security.MessageDigest
@@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ abstract class HttpSource : CatalogueSource {
     override val id by lazy {
         val key = "${name.toLowerCase()}/$lang/$versionId"
         val bytes = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5").digest(key.toByteArray())
-        (0..7).map { bytes[it].toLong() and 0xff shl 8*(7-it) }.reduce(Long::or) and Long.MAX_VALUE
+        (0..7).map { bytes[it].toLong() and 0xff shl 8 * (7 - it) }.reduce(Long::or) and Long.MAX_VALUE
@@ -197,16 +198,20 @@ abstract class HttpSource : CatalogueSource {
      * Returns an observable with the updated chapter list for a manga. Normally it's not needed to
-     * override this method.
+     * override this method.  If a manga is licensed an empty chapter list observable is returned
      * @param manga the manga to look for chapters.
     override fun fetchChapterList(manga: SManga): Observable<List<SChapter>> {
-        return client.newCall(chapterListRequest(manga))
-                .asObservableSuccess()
-                .map { response ->
-                    chapterListParse(response)
-                }
+        if (manga.status != SManga.LICENSED) {
+            return client.newCall(chapterListRequest(manga))
+                    .asObservableSuccess()
+                    .map { response ->
+                        chapterListParse(response)
+                    }
+        } else {
+            return Observable.error(Exception("Licensed - No chapters to show"))
+        }

+ 5 - 3

@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ class Mangafox : ParsedHttpSource() {
                 is Status -> url.addQueryParameter(filter.id, filter.state.toString())
                 is GenreList -> filter.state.forEach { genre -> url.addQueryParameter(genre.id, genre.state.toString()) }
                 is TextField -> url.addQueryParameter(filter.key, filter.state)
-                is Type -> url.addQueryParameter("type", if(filter.state == 0) "" else filter.state.toString())
+                is Type -> url.addQueryParameter("type", if (filter.state == 0) "" else filter.state.toString())
                 is OrderBy -> {
                     url.addQueryParameter("sort", arrayOf("name", "rating", "views", "total_chapters", "last_chapter_time")[filter.state!!.index])
                     url.addQueryParameter("order", if (filter.state?.ascending == true) "az" else "za")
@@ -89,13 +89,14 @@ class Mangafox : ParsedHttpSource() {
         val infoElement = document.select("div#title").first()
         val rowElement = infoElement.select("table > tbody > tr:eq(1)").first()
         val sideInfoElement = document.select("#series_info").first()
+        val licensedElement = document.select("div.warning").first()
         val manga = SManga.create()
         manga.author = rowElement.select("td:eq(1)").first()?.text()
         manga.artist = rowElement.select("td:eq(2)").first()?.text()
         manga.genre = rowElement.select("td:eq(3)").first()?.text()
         manga.description = infoElement.select("p.summary").first()?.text()
-        manga.status = sideInfoElement.select(".data").first()?.text().orEmpty().let { parseStatus(it) }
+        manga.status = licensedElement?.let { SManga.LICENSED } ?: sideInfoElement.select(".data").first()?.text().orEmpty().let { parseStatus(it) }
         manga.thumbnail_url = sideInfoElement.select("div.cover > img").first()?.attr("src")
         return manga
@@ -113,7 +114,7 @@ class Mangafox : ParsedHttpSource() {
         val chapter = SChapter.create()
-        chapter.name = urlElement.text()
+        chapter.name = element.select("span.title.nowrap").first()?.text()?.let { urlElement.text() + " - " + it } ?: urlElement.text()
         chapter.date_upload = element.select("span.date").first()?.text()?.let { parseChapterDate(it) } ?: 0
         return chapter
@@ -169,6 +170,7 @@ class Mangafox : ParsedHttpSource() {
     private class OrderBy : Filter.Sort("Order by",
             arrayOf("Series name", "Rating", "Views", "Total chapters", "Last chapter"),
             Filter.Sort.Selection(2, false))
     private class GenreList(genres: List<Genre>) : Filter.Group<Genre>("Genres", genres)
     override fun getFilterList() = FilterList(

+ 2 - 1

@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import java.util.*
 fun syncChaptersWithSource(db: DatabaseHelper,
                            rawSourceChapters: List<SChapter>,
                            manga: Manga,
-                           source: Source) : Pair<List<Chapter>, List<Chapter>> {
+                           source: Source): Pair<List<Chapter>, List<Chapter>> {
     if (rawSourceChapters.isEmpty()) {
         throw Exception("No chapters found")
@@ -121,4 +121,5 @@ fun syncChaptersWithSource(db: DatabaseHelper,
     return Pair(toAdd.subtract(readded).toList(), toDelete.subtract(readded).toList())