@@ -1,474 +0,0 @@
-package eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.library
-import android.app.Activity
-import android.content.Context
-import android.util.AttributeSet
-import android.view.View
-import eu.kanade.domain.base.BasePreferences
-import eu.kanade.domain.category.interactor.SetDisplayModeForCategory
-import eu.kanade.domain.category.interactor.SetSortModeForCategory
-import eu.kanade.domain.library.service.LibraryPreferences
-import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.R
-import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.data.track.TrackManager
-import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.data.track.TrackService
-import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.widget.ExtendedNavigationView
-import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.widget.ExtendedNavigationView.Item.TriStateGroup.State
-import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.widget.sheet.TabbedBottomSheetDialog
-import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope
-import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
-import kotlinx.coroutines.Job
-import tachiyomi.core.util.lang.launchIO
-import tachiyomi.domain.category.model.Category
-import tachiyomi.domain.library.model.LibraryDisplayMode
-import tachiyomi.domain.library.model.LibrarySort
-import tachiyomi.domain.library.model.display
-import tachiyomi.domain.library.model.sort
-import uy.kohesive.injekt.Injekt
-import uy.kohesive.injekt.api.get
-import uy.kohesive.injekt.injectLazy
-class LibrarySettingsSheet(
- activity: Activity,
- private val trackManager: TrackManager = Injekt.get(),
- private val setDisplayModeForCategory: SetDisplayModeForCategory = Injekt.get(),
- private val setSortModeForCategory: SetSortModeForCategory = Injekt.get(),
-) : TabbedBottomSheetDialog(activity) {
- val filters: Filter
- private val sort: Sort
- private val display: Display
- val sheetScope = CoroutineScope(Job() + Dispatchers.IO)
- init {
- filters = Filter(activity)
- sort = Sort(activity)
- display = Display(activity)
- }
- /**
- * adjusts selected button to match real state.
- * @param currentCategory ID of currently shown category
- */
- fun show(currentCategory: Category) {
- filters.adjustFilterSelection()
- sort.currentCategory = currentCategory
- sort.adjustDisplaySelection()
- display.currentCategory = currentCategory
- display.adjustDisplaySelection()
- super.show()
- }
- override fun getTabViews(): List<View> = listOf(
- filters,
- sort,
- display,
- )
- override fun getTabTitles(): List<Int> = listOf(
- R.string.action_filter,
- R.string.action_sort,
- R.string.action_display,
- )
- /**
- * Filters group (unread, downloaded, ...).
- */
- inner class Filter @JvmOverloads constructor(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet? = null) :
- Settings(context, attrs) {
- private val filterGroup = FilterGroup()
- init {
- setGroups(listOf(filterGroup))
- }
- // Refreshes Filter Setting selections
- fun adjustFilterSelection() {
- filterGroup.initModels()
- filterGroup.items.forEach { adapter.notifyItemChanged(it) }
- }
- /**
- * Returns true if there's at least one filter from [FilterGroup] active.
- */
- fun hasActiveFilters(): Boolean {
- return filterGroup.items.filterIsInstance<Item.TriStateGroup>().any { it.state != State.DISABLED.value }
- }
- inner class FilterGroup : Group {
- private val downloaded = Item.TriStateGroup(R.string.label_downloaded, this)
- private val unread = Item.TriStateGroup(R.string.action_filter_unread, this)
- private val started = Item.TriStateGroup(R.string.label_started, this)
- private val bookmarked = Item.TriStateGroup(R.string.action_filter_bookmarked, this)
- private val completed = Item.TriStateGroup(R.string.completed, this)
- private val trackFilters: Map<Long, Item.TriStateGroup>
- override val header = null
- override val items: List<Item>
- override val footer = null
- init {
- trackManager.services.filter { service -> service.isLogged }
- .also { services ->
- val size = services.size
- trackFilters = services.associate { service ->
- Pair(service.id, Item.TriStateGroup(getServiceResId(service, size), this))
- }
- val list: MutableList<Item> = mutableListOf(downloaded, unread, started, bookmarked, completed)
- if (size > 1) list.add(Item.Header(R.string.action_filter_tracked))
- list.addAll(trackFilters.values)
- items = list
- }
- }
- private fun getServiceResId(service: TrackService, size: Int): Int {
- return if (size > 1) service.nameRes() else R.string.action_filter_tracked
- }
- override fun initModels() {
- if (preferences.downloadedOnly().get()) {
- downloaded.state = State.ENABLED_IS.value
- downloaded.enabled = false
- } else {
- downloaded.state = libraryPreferences.filterDownloaded().get()
- downloaded.enabled = true
- }
- unread.state = libraryPreferences.filterUnread().get()
- started.state = libraryPreferences.filterStarted().get()
- bookmarked.state = libraryPreferences.filterBookmarked().get()
- completed.state = libraryPreferences.filterCompleted().get()
- trackFilters.forEach { trackFilter ->
- trackFilter.value.state = libraryPreferences.filterTracking(trackFilter.key.toInt()).get()
- }
- }
- override fun onItemClicked(item: Item) {
- item as Item.TriStateGroup
- val newState = when (item.state) {
- State.DISABLED.value -> State.ENABLED_IS.value
- State.ENABLED_IS.value -> State.ENABLED_NOT.value
- State.ENABLED_NOT.value -> State.DISABLED.value
- else -> throw Exception("Unknown State")
- }
- item.state = newState
- when (item) {
- downloaded -> libraryPreferences.filterDownloaded().set(newState)
- unread -> libraryPreferences.filterUnread().set(newState)
- started -> libraryPreferences.filterStarted().set(newState)
- bookmarked -> libraryPreferences.filterBookmarked().set(newState)
- completed -> libraryPreferences.filterCompleted().set(newState)
- else -> {
- trackFilters.forEach { trackFilter ->
- if (trackFilter.value == item) {
- libraryPreferences.filterTracking(trackFilter.key.toInt()).set(newState)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- adapter.notifyItemChanged(item)
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Sorting group (alphabetically, by last read, ...) and ascending or descending.
- */
- inner class Sort @JvmOverloads constructor(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet? = null) :
- Settings(context, attrs) {
- private val sort = SortGroup()
- init {
- setGroups(listOf(sort))
- }
- // Refreshes Display Setting selections
- fun adjustDisplaySelection() {
- sort.initModels()
- sort.items.forEach { adapter.notifyItemChanged(it) }
- }
- inner class SortGroup : Group {
- private val alphabetically = Item.MultiSort(R.string.action_sort_alpha, this)
- private val total = Item.MultiSort(R.string.action_sort_total, this)
- private val lastRead = Item.MultiSort(R.string.action_sort_last_read, this)
- private val lastChecked = Item.MultiSort(R.string.action_sort_last_manga_update, this)
- private val unread = Item.MultiSort(R.string.action_sort_unread_count, this)
- private val latestChapter = Item.MultiSort(R.string.action_sort_latest_chapter, this)
- private val chapterFetchDate = Item.MultiSort(R.string.action_sort_chapter_fetch_date, this)
- private val dateAdded = Item.MultiSort(R.string.action_sort_date_added, this)
- override val header = null
- override val items =
- listOf(alphabetically, lastRead, lastChecked, unread, total, latestChapter, chapterFetchDate, dateAdded)
- override val footer = null
- override fun initModels() {
- val sort = currentCategory.sort
- val order = if (sort.isAscending) Item.MultiSort.SORT_ASC else Item.MultiSort.SORT_DESC
- alphabetically.state =
- if (sort.type == LibrarySort.Type.Alphabetical) order else Item.MultiSort.SORT_NONE
- lastRead.state =
- if (sort.type == LibrarySort.Type.LastRead) order else Item.MultiSort.SORT_NONE
- lastChecked.state =
- if (sort.type == LibrarySort.Type.LastUpdate) order else Item.MultiSort.SORT_NONE
- unread.state =
- if (sort.type == LibrarySort.Type.UnreadCount) order else Item.MultiSort.SORT_NONE
- total.state =
- if (sort.type == LibrarySort.Type.TotalChapters) order else Item.MultiSort.SORT_NONE
- latestChapter.state =
- if (sort.type == LibrarySort.Type.LatestChapter) order else Item.MultiSort.SORT_NONE
- chapterFetchDate.state =
- if (sort.type == LibrarySort.Type.ChapterFetchDate) order else Item.MultiSort.SORT_NONE
- dateAdded.state =
- if (sort.type == LibrarySort.Type.DateAdded) order else Item.MultiSort.SORT_NONE
- }
- override fun onItemClicked(item: Item) {
- item as Item.MultiStateGroup
- val prevState = item.state
- item.group.items.forEach {
- (it as Item.MultiStateGroup).state =
- Item.MultiSort.SORT_NONE
- }
- item.state = when (prevState) {
- Item.MultiSort.SORT_NONE -> Item.MultiSort.SORT_ASC
- Item.MultiSort.SORT_ASC -> Item.MultiSort.SORT_DESC
- Item.MultiSort.SORT_DESC -> Item.MultiSort.SORT_ASC
- else -> throw Exception("Unknown state")
- }
- setSortPreference(item)
- item.group.items.forEach { adapter.notifyItemChanged(it) }
- }
- private fun setSortPreference(item: Item.MultiStateGroup) {
- val mode = when (item) {
- alphabetically -> LibrarySort.Type.Alphabetical
- lastRead -> LibrarySort.Type.LastRead
- lastChecked -> LibrarySort.Type.LastUpdate
- unread -> LibrarySort.Type.UnreadCount
- total -> LibrarySort.Type.TotalChapters
- latestChapter -> LibrarySort.Type.LatestChapter
- chapterFetchDate -> LibrarySort.Type.ChapterFetchDate
- dateAdded -> LibrarySort.Type.DateAdded
- else -> throw NotImplementedError("Unknown display mode")
- }
- val direction = if (item.state == Item.MultiSort.SORT_ASC) {
- LibrarySort.Direction.Ascending
- } else {
- LibrarySort.Direction.Descending
- }
- sheetScope.launchIO {
- setSortModeForCategory.await(currentCategory!!, mode, direction)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Display group, to show the library as a list or a grid.
- */
- inner class Display @JvmOverloads constructor(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet? = null) :
- Settings(context, attrs) {
- private val displayGroup: DisplayGroup
- private val badgeGroup: BadgeGroup
- private val tabsGroup: TabsGroup
- private val otherGroup: OtherGroup
- init {
- displayGroup = DisplayGroup()
- badgeGroup = BadgeGroup()
- tabsGroup = TabsGroup()
- otherGroup = OtherGroup()
- setGroups(listOf(displayGroup, badgeGroup, tabsGroup, otherGroup))
- }
- // Refreshes Display Setting selections
- fun adjustDisplaySelection() {
- val mode = getDisplayModePreference()
- displayGroup.setGroupSelections(mode)
- displayGroup.items.forEach { adapter.notifyItemChanged(it) }
- }
- // Gets user preference of currently selected display mode at current category
- private fun getDisplayModePreference(): LibraryDisplayMode {
- return currentCategory.display
- }
- inner class DisplayGroup : Group {
- private val compactGrid = Item.Radio(R.string.action_display_grid, this)
- private val comfortableGrid = Item.Radio(R.string.action_display_comfortable_grid, this)
- private val coverOnlyGrid = Item.Radio(R.string.action_display_cover_only_grid, this)
- private val list = Item.Radio(R.string.action_display_list, this)
- override val header = Item.Header(R.string.action_display_mode)
- override val items = listOf(compactGrid, comfortableGrid, coverOnlyGrid, list)
- override val footer = null
- override fun initModels() {
- val mode = getDisplayModePreference()
- setGroupSelections(mode)
- }
- override fun onItemClicked(item: Item) {
- item as Item.Radio
- if (item.checked) return
- item.group.items.forEach { (it as Item.Radio).checked = false }
- item.checked = true
- setDisplayModePreference(item)
- item.group.items.forEach { adapter.notifyItemChanged(it) }
- }
- // Sets display group selections based on given mode
- fun setGroupSelections(mode: LibraryDisplayMode) {
- compactGrid.checked = mode == LibraryDisplayMode.CompactGrid
- comfortableGrid.checked = mode == LibraryDisplayMode.ComfortableGrid
- coverOnlyGrid.checked = mode == LibraryDisplayMode.CoverOnlyGrid
- list.checked = mode == LibraryDisplayMode.List
- }
- private fun setDisplayModePreference(item: Item) {
- val flag = when (item) {
- compactGrid -> LibraryDisplayMode.CompactGrid
- comfortableGrid -> LibraryDisplayMode.ComfortableGrid
- coverOnlyGrid -> LibraryDisplayMode.CoverOnlyGrid
- list -> LibraryDisplayMode.List
- else -> throw NotImplementedError("Unknown display mode")
- }
- sheetScope.launchIO {
- setDisplayModeForCategory.await(currentCategory!!, flag)
- }
- }
- }
- inner class BadgeGroup : Group {
- private val downloadBadge = Item.CheckboxGroup(R.string.action_display_download_badge, this)
- private val localBadge = Item.CheckboxGroup(R.string.action_display_local_badge, this)
- private val languageBadge = Item.CheckboxGroup(R.string.action_display_language_badge, this)
- override val header = Item.Header(R.string.badges_header)
- override val items = listOf(downloadBadge, localBadge, languageBadge)
- override val footer = null
- override fun initModels() {
- downloadBadge.checked = libraryPreferences.downloadBadge().get()
- localBadge.checked = libraryPreferences.localBadge().get()
- languageBadge.checked = libraryPreferences.languageBadge().get()
- }
- override fun onItemClicked(item: Item) {
- item as Item.CheckboxGroup
- item.checked = !item.checked
- when (item) {
- downloadBadge -> libraryPreferences.downloadBadge().set((item.checked))
- localBadge -> libraryPreferences.localBadge().set((item.checked))
- languageBadge -> libraryPreferences.languageBadge().set((item.checked))
- else -> {}
- }
- adapter.notifyItemChanged(item)
- }
- }
- inner class TabsGroup : Group {
- private val showTabs = Item.CheckboxGroup(R.string.action_display_show_tabs, this)
- private val showNumberOfItems = Item.CheckboxGroup(R.string.action_display_show_number_of_items, this)
- override val header = Item.Header(R.string.tabs_header)
- override val items = listOf(showTabs, showNumberOfItems)
- override val footer = null
- override fun initModels() {
- showTabs.checked = libraryPreferences.categoryTabs().get()
- showNumberOfItems.checked = libraryPreferences.categoryNumberOfItems().get()
- }
- override fun onItemClicked(item: Item) {
- item as Item.CheckboxGroup
- item.checked = !item.checked
- when (item) {
- showTabs -> libraryPreferences.categoryTabs().set(item.checked)
- showNumberOfItems -> libraryPreferences.categoryNumberOfItems().set(item.checked)
- else -> {}
- }
- adapter.notifyItemChanged(item)
- }
- }
- inner class OtherGroup : Group {
- private val showContinueReadingButton = Item.CheckboxGroup(R.string.action_display_show_continue_reading_button, this)
- override val header = Item.Header(R.string.other_header)
- override val items = listOf(showContinueReadingButton)
- override val footer = null
- override fun initModels() {
- showContinueReadingButton.checked = libraryPreferences.showContinueReadingButton().get()
- }
- override fun onItemClicked(item: Item) {
- item as Item.CheckboxGroup
- item.checked = !item.checked
- when (item) {
- showContinueReadingButton -> libraryPreferences.showContinueReadingButton().set(item.checked)
- else -> {}
- }
- adapter.notifyItemChanged(item)
- }
- }
- }
- open inner class Settings(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet?) :
- ExtendedNavigationView(context, attrs) {
- val preferences: BasePreferences by injectLazy()
- val libraryPreferences: LibraryPreferences by injectLazy()
- lateinit var adapter: Adapter
- /**
- * Click listener to notify the parent fragment when an item from a group is clicked.
- */
- var onGroupClicked: (Group) -> Unit = {}
- var currentCategory: Category? = null
- fun setGroups(groups: List<Group>) {
- adapter = Adapter(groups.map { it.createItems() }.flatten())
- recycler.adapter = adapter
- groups.forEach { it.initModels() }
- addView(recycler)
- }
- /**
- * Adapter of the recycler view.
- */
- inner class Adapter(items: List<Item>) : ExtendedNavigationView.Adapter(items) {
- override fun onItemClicked(item: Item) {
- if (item is GroupedItem) {
- item.group.onItemClicked(item)
- onGroupClicked(item.group)
- }
- }
- }
- }