@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+package eu.kanade.tachiyomi.data.track.shikomori
+import android.net.Uri
+import com.github.salomonbrys.kotson.array
+import com.github.salomonbrys.kotson.jsonObject
+import com.github.salomonbrys.kotson.nullString
+import com.github.salomonbrys.kotson.obj
+import com.google.gson.Gson
+import com.google.gson.JsonObject
+import com.google.gson.JsonParser
+import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.data.database.models.Track
+import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.data.track.TrackManager
+import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.data.track.model.TrackSearch
+import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.network.GET
+import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.network.POST
+import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.network.asObservableSuccess
+import okhttp3.*
+import rx.Observable
+import uy.kohesive.injekt.injectLazy
+class ShikomoriApi(private val client: OkHttpClient, interceptor: ShikomoriInterceptor) {
+ private val gson: Gson by injectLazy()
+ private val parser = JsonParser()
+ private val jsonime = MediaType.parse("application/json; charset=utf-8")
+ private val authClient = client.newBuilder().addInterceptor(interceptor).build()
+ fun addLibManga(track: Track, user_id: String): Observable<Track> {
+ val payload = jsonObject(
+ "user_rate" to jsonObject(
+ "user_id" to user_id,
+ "target_id" to track.media_id,
+ "target_type" to "Manga",
+ "chapters" to track.last_chapter_read,
+ "score" to track.score.toInt(),
+ "status" to track.toShikomoriStatus()
+ )
+ )
+ val body = RequestBody.create(jsonime, payload.toString())
+ val request = Request.Builder()
+ .url("$apiUrl/v2/user_rates")
+ .post(body)
+ .build()
+ return authClient.newCall(request)
+ .asObservableSuccess()
+ .map {
+ track
+ }
+ }
+ fun updateLibManga(track: Track, user_id: String): Observable<Track> = addLibManga(track, user_id)
+ fun search(search: String): Observable<List<TrackSearch>> {
+ val url = Uri.parse("$apiUrl/mangas").buildUpon()
+ .appendQueryParameter("order", "popularity")
+ .appendQueryParameter("search", search)
+ .appendQueryParameter("limit", "20")
+ .build()
+ val request = Request.Builder()
+ .url(url.toString())
+ .get()
+ .build()
+ return authClient.newCall(request)
+ .asObservableSuccess()
+ .map { netResponse ->
+ val responseBody = netResponse.body()?.string().orEmpty()
+ if (responseBody.isEmpty()) {
+ throw Exception("Null Response")
+ }
+ val response = parser.parse(responseBody).array
+ response.map { jsonToSearch(it.obj) }
+ }
+ }
+ private fun jsonToSearch(obj: JsonObject): TrackSearch {
+ return TrackSearch.create(TrackManager.SHIKOMORI).apply {
+ media_id = obj["id"].asInt
+ title = obj["name"].asString
+ total_chapters = obj["chapters"].asInt
+ cover_url = baseUrl + obj["image"].obj["preview"].asString
+ summary = ""
+ tracking_url = baseUrl + obj["url"].asString
+ publishing_status = obj["status"].asString
+ publishing_type = obj["kind"].asString
+ start_date = obj.get("aired_on").nullString.orEmpty()
+ }
+ }
+ private fun jsonToTrack(obj: JsonObject): Track {
+ return Track.create(TrackManager.SHIKOMORI).apply {
+ media_id = obj["id"].asInt
+ title = ""
+ last_chapter_read = obj["chapters"].asInt
+ total_chapters = obj["chapters"].asInt
+ score = (obj["score"].asInt).toFloat()
+ status = toTrackStatus(obj["status"].asString)
+ }
+ }
+ fun findLibManga(track: Track, user_id: String): Observable<Track?> {
+ val url = Uri.parse("$apiUrl/v2/user_rates").buildUpon()
+ .appendQueryParameter("user_id", user_id)
+ .appendQueryParameter("target_id", track.media_id.toString())
+ .appendQueryParameter("target_type", "Manga")
+ .build()
+ val request = Request.Builder()
+ .url(url.toString())
+ .get()
+ .build()
+ return authClient.newCall(request)
+ .asObservableSuccess()
+ .map { netResponse ->
+ val responseBody = netResponse.body()?.string().orEmpty()
+ if (responseBody.isEmpty()) {
+ throw Exception("Null Response")
+ }
+ val response = parser.parse(responseBody).array
+ if (response.size() > 1) {
+ throw Exception("Too much mangas in response")
+ }
+ val entry = response.map {
+ jsonToTrack(it.obj)
+ }
+ entry.firstOrNull()
+ }
+ }
+ fun getCurrentUser(): Int {
+ val user = authClient.newCall(GET("$apiUrl/users/whoami")).execute().body()?.string()
+ return parser.parse(user).obj["id"].asInt
+ }
+ fun accessToken(code: String): Observable<OAuth> {
+ return client.newCall(accessTokenRequest(code)).asObservableSuccess().map { netResponse ->
+ val responseBody = netResponse.body()?.string().orEmpty()
+ if (responseBody.isEmpty()) {
+ throw Exception("Null Response")
+ }
+ gson.fromJson(responseBody, OAuth::class.java)
+ }
+ }
+ private fun accessTokenRequest(code: String) = POST(oauthUrl,
+ body = FormBody.Builder()
+ .add("grant_type", "authorization_code")
+ .add("client_id", clientId)
+ .add("client_secret", clientSecret)
+ .add("code", code)
+ .add("redirect_uri", redirectUrl)
+ .build()
+ )
+ companion object {
+ private const val clientId = "1aaf4cf232372708e98b5abc813d795b539c5a916dbbfe9ac61bf02a360832cc"
+ private const val clientSecret = "229942c742dd4cde803125d17d64501d91c0b12e14cb1e5120184d77d67024c0"
+ private const val baseUrl = "https://shikimori.org"
+ private const val apiUrl = "https://shikimori.org/api"
+ private const val oauthUrl = "https://shikimori.org/oauth/token"
+ private const val loginUrl = "https://shikimori.org/oauth/authorize"
+ private const val redirectUrl = "tachiyomi://shikimori-auth"
+ private const val baseMangaUrl = "$apiUrl/mangas"
+ fun mangaUrl(remoteId: Int): String {
+ return "$baseMangaUrl/$remoteId"
+ }
+ fun authUrl() =
+ Uri.parse(loginUrl).buildUpon()
+ .appendQueryParameter("client_id", clientId)
+ .appendQueryParameter("redirect_uri", redirectUrl)
+ .appendQueryParameter("response_type", "code")
+ .build()
+ fun refreshTokenRequest(token: String) = POST(oauthUrl,
+ body = FormBody.Builder()
+ .add("grant_type", "refresh_token")
+ .add("client_id", clientId)
+ .add("client_secret", clientSecret)
+ .add("refresh_token", token)
+ .build())
+ }