@@ -116,21 +116,15 @@ class ReaderProgressBar @JvmOverloads constructor(
- * Called when the aggregated visibility of this view changes. It also starts of stops the
- * rotation animation according to [isVisible].
+ * Called when the visibility of this view changes.
- override fun onVisibilityAggregated(isVisible: Boolean) {
- super.onVisibilityAggregated(isVisible)
- if (isVisible != aggregatedIsVisible) {
- aggregatedIsVisible = isVisible
- // let's be nice with the UI thread
- if (isVisible) {
- startAnimation()
- } else {
- stopAnimation()
- }
+ override fun setVisibility(visibility: Int) {
+ super.setVisibility(visibility)
+ val isVisible = visibility == View.VISIBLE
+ if (isVisible) {
+ startAnimation()
+ } else {
+ stopAnimation()