Historique des commits

Auteur SHA1 Message Date
  Andreas f27dc19b37 Move Local Source to separate module (#9152) il y a 2 ans
  arkon 93523ef50b Remove dependency injection from core module and data module from presentation-widget module il y a 2 ans
  Andreas 2b5d9fd76b Move shared configuration to subprojects in root Gradle file (#8951) il y a 2 ans
  Andreas c31e75f02f Create plugin for linting (#8942) il y a 2 ans
  stevenyomi 2d19729869 Clean up OkHttp methods and parse from Okio directly (#8238) il y a 2 ans
  arkon 7be6863910 Add JavaScriptEngine abstraction to extensions-lib (#8155) il y a 2 ans
  Andreas 86fe850794 Extract source api from app module (#8014) il y a 2 ans