1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738 |
- buildscript {
- dependencies {
- // Pinning to older version of R8 due to weird forced optimizations in newer versions in
- // version bundled with AGP
- // https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.android.tools/r8?repo=google
- classpath("com.android.tools:r8:3.1.66")
- classpath(libs.android.shortcut.gradle)
- classpath(libs.google.services.gradle)
- classpath(libs.aboutLibraries.gradle)
- classpath(kotlinx.serialization.gradle)
- classpath(libs.sqldelight.gradle)
- }
- }
- plugins {
- alias(androidx.plugins.application) apply false
- alias(androidx.plugins.library) apply false
- alias(kotlinx.plugins.android) apply false
- alias(libs.plugins.kotlinter)
- alias(libs.plugins.versionsx)
- }
- subprojects {
- apply<org.jmailen.gradle.kotlinter.KotlinterPlugin>()
- kotlinter {
- experimentalRules = true
- disabledRules = arrayOf(
- "experimental:argument-list-wrapping", // Doesn't play well with Android Studio
- "filename", // Often broken to give a more general name
- )
- }
- }
- tasks.register<Delete>("clean") {
- delete(rootProject.buildDir)
- }