verbs: чїта: conjugation: Ia infinitive: чїтаці definition: to read капа: conjugation: Ia infinitive: капат' definition: to dig шука: conjugation: Ia infinitive: шукат' pastroot: нашука definition: to find; to search паказа: conjugation: Ia infinitive: паказат' definition: to show сяда: conjugation: Ia infinitive: сядат' pastroot: сів definition: to sit падазрава: conjugation: Ia infinitive: падазрават' definition: to suspect завіта: conjugation: Ia infinitive: завітат' definition: to visit; to come пада: conjugation: Ia infinitive: падат' perfect: впа definition: to fall заснава: conjugation: Ia infinitive: заснават' progressive: заснавува definition: to base; to found збіра: conjugation: Ia infinitive: збірат' definition: to collect; to gather трати: conjugation: Ia infinitive: тратит' realroot: тра pastroot: трата perfect: патрата definition: to waste адказа: conjugation: Ia infinitive: адказат' definition: to answer заваява: conjugation: Ia infinitive: заваяват' definition: to conquer прада: conjugation: Ia infinitive: прадат' progressive: прадава definition: to sell прапанава: conjugation: Ia infinitive: прапанават' definition: to suggest укла: conjugation: Ia infinitive: уклат" definition: to put in; to invest пакара: conjugation: Ia infinitive: пакарат' definition: to punish дума: conjugation: Ia infinitive: думат' definition: to think зруjнува: conjugation: Ia infinitive: зруjнуват' definition: to blow up; to explode пача: conjugation: Ia infinitive: пачат' progressive: пачіна definition: to begin; to start разганя: conjugation: Ia infinitive: разганят' definition: to disperse; to overclock; to accelerate прідума: conjugation: Ia infinitive: прідумат' definition: to come up with трїва: conjugation: Ia infinitive: трїват' definition: to endure; to tolerate зна: conjugation: Ia infinitive: знат' definition: to know скра: conjugation: Ia infinitive: скрасці definition: to steal памога: conjugation: Ia infinitive: памогат' definition: to help обіща: conjugation: Ia infinitive: обіщат' definition: to promise перекона: conjugation: Ia infinitive: переконат' progressive: праконава definition: to convince слуха: conjugation: Ia infinitive: слухат' definition: to hear абмата: conjugation: Ia infinitive: абматат' progressive: абматава definition: to wrap збра: conjugation: Ia infinitive: збрат' definition: to take away прізамла: conjugation: Ia infinitive: прізамлат' pastroot: прізамлі definition: to land нагада: conjugation: Ia infinitive: нагадат' progressive: нагадва definition: to remind мяша: conjugation: Ia infinitive: мяшат' definition: to mix; to blend наріка: conjugation: Ia infinitive: нарікат' definition: to name гляда: conjugation: Ia infinitive: глядат' definition: to look стріля: conjugation: Ia infinitive: стрілят' definition: to shoot заня: conjugation: Ib infinitive: заняти realroot: заjм progressive: заjняма progressive1sg: заjнямаю progressive2sg: заjнямаеш definition: to occupy; to borrow біжа: conjugation: Ib infinitive: біжати progressive: біга definition: to run мраза: conjugation: Ib infinitive: мразати definition: to hate стежа: conjugation: Ib infinitive: стежати definition: to watch; to behold; to track; to spy спа: conjugation: Ib infinitive: спати 1s: сплю definition: to sleep вигляда: conjugation: Ib infinitive: виглядати definition: to look like приjма: conjugation: Ib infinitive: приjмати definition: to receive; to accept віта: conjugation: Ib infinitive: вітати definition: to greet бача: conjugation: Ib infinitive: бачати definition: to see  дража: conjugation: Ib infinitive: дражаці definition: to tremble вибра: conjugation: Ib infinitive: вибрати definition: to select; to pick писа: conjugation: Ib infinitive: писати pastroot: написа realroot: пиш definition: to write спрабава: conjugation: Ib infinitive: справабати definition: to try атрима: conjugation: Ib infinitive: атримати progressive: атримва definition: to receive; to get ляца: conjugation: Ib infinitive: ляцати progressive: ляцва definition: to fly іха: conjugation: Ib infinitive: іхати progressive: ізда realroot: іда definition: to go; to ride; to drive спрача: conjugation: Ib infinitive: спрачати definition: to argue вїкарісти: conjugation: IIa infinitive: вїкаріститі definition: to use; to apply хлуси: conjugation: IIa infinitive: хлуситі definition: to lie; to tell lies здиви: conjugation: IIa infinitive: здивиті definition: to wonder; to surprise оточи: conjugation: IIa infinitive: оточиті definition: to surround разслаби: conjugation: IIa infinitive: разслабиті definition: to relax вчи: conjugation: IIa infinitive: вчиті definition: to teach; to learn бомби: conjugation: IIa infinitive: бомбиті definition: to bomb віри: conjugation: IIa infinitive: віриті definition: to believe роби: conjugation: IIa infinitive: робиті definition: to do посмі: conjugation: IIa infinitive: посміті definition: to dare пастави: conjugation: IIa infinitive: паставиті definition: to put upright; to put жи: conjugation: IIa infinitive: житі definition: to live; to inhabit вимави: conjugation: IIa infinitive: вимавиті progressive: вимовли definition: to pronounce відправи: conjugation: IIa infinitive: відправиті progressive: відправли definition: to send закінчи: conjugation: IIa infinitive: закінчиці definition: to end; to finish уби: conjugation: IIa infinitive: убиті definition: to kill; to slay втрачи: conjugation: IIa infinitive: втрачит' pastroot: вітраті definition: to lose разумі: conjugation: IIa infinitive: разуміти definition: to understand грі: conjugation: IIa infinitive: гріти; definition: to say; to speak; to talk витвори: conjugation: IIa infinitive: витвориті definition: to create; to make пріврати: conjugation: IIa infinitive: прівратити definition: to turn into траці: conjugation: IIa infinitive: траціти definition: to spend криці: conjugation: IIa infinitive: криціти definition: to scream пераjці: conjugation: IIa infinitive: пераjціти definition: to go across; to change to; рэзаці: conjugation: IIa infinitive: рэзаціти definition: to cut лїці: conjugation: IIa infinitive: лїціти definition: to consider підписаці: conjugation: IIa infinitive: підписаціти definition: to subscribe спїниці: conjugation: IIa infinitive: спїниціти definition: to stop; to end; to interrupt би: conjugation: IIa infinitive: биті definition: to hit мови: conjugation: IIa infinitive: мовиті definition: to say запусці: conjugation: IIa infinitive: запусціти definition: to launch; to run виjці: conjugation: IIb infinitive: виjціти past: виjші progressive: виходи realroot: виjди definition: to go out; to exit заяви: conjugation: IIb infinitive: заявиті progressive: заявли definition: to claim праци: conjugation: IIb infinitive: прациті definition: to work відбуваіц'ся: conjugation: III infinitive: відбуваіц'сят' definition: to happen падабац'ся: conjugation: III infinitive: падабац'сят' definition: to like сподивац'ся: conjugation: III infinitive: сподивац'сят' definition: to hope смяяц'ся: conjugation: III infinitive: смяяц'сят' definition: to laugh знущац'ся: conjugation: III infinitive: знущац'сят' definition: to mock пагадіц'ся: conjugation: III infinitive: пагадіц'сят' definition: to agree стац'ся: conjugation: III infinitive: стац'сят' definition: to become чу: conjugation: IV infinitive: чут' future: почу definition: to hear дяку: conjugation: IV infinitive: дякут' definition: to thank вярну: conjugation: IV infinitive: вярнут' definition: to return забу: conjugation: IV infinitive: забут' definition: to forget зміну: conjugation: Iv infinitive: змінут' progressive: мяну definition: to change щізну: conjugation: IV infinitive: щізнут' definition: to disappear вимкну: conjugation: IV infinitive: вимкнут' definition: to turn off пакіну: conjugation: V infinitive: пакінут' definition: to leave; to exit памрі: conjugation: V infinitive: памріт' definition: to die підвирти: conjugation: V infinitive: підвиртит' definition: to confirm перамог: conjugation: V infinitive: перамогти progressive: перамага definition: to win захис: conjugation: V infinitive: захисти progressive: захища definition: to protect; to defend купи: conjugation: V infinitive: купит' progressive: пакупа imperativesg: купи imperativedu: купите imperativepl: купите definition: to buy зніщи: conjugation: V infinitive: зніщит' progressive: зніща definition: to destroy; to terminate пі: conjugation: V infinitive: піці perfect: випі future1s: вип'ю future2s: вип'еш future3s: вип'ёт future1p: вип'ём future2p: вип'ёті future3p: вип'ют 1s: п'ю 2s: п'еш 3s: п'ёт 1p: п'ём 2p: п'ёті 3p: п'ют definition: to drink nouns: відео: declension: - gender: neuter definition: a video мата: declension: I gender: feminine definition: a mother ціна: declension: I gender: feminine definition: a price; a cost машина: declension: I gender: feminine definition: a machine; a car логика: declension: I gender: feminine definition: a logic размоўа: declension: I gender: feminine definition: a conversation; a talk эканоміка: declension: I gender: feminine definition: an economy мешаніна: declension: I gender: feminine definition: a mess; a mash; a mishmash граматика: declension: I gender: feminine definition: a grammar падробка: declension: I gender: feminine definition: a fake бул'ба: declension: I gender: feminine definition: a potato лисіца: declension: I gender: feminine definition: a fox (feminine) кшазка: declension: I gender: feminine definition: a book стужка: declension: I gender: feminine definition: a ribbon падтрімка: declension: I gender: feminine definition: a support прікриття: declension: I gender: feminine definition: a cover сцана: declension: I gender: feminine definition: a wall папіра: declension: I gender: feminine definition: a paper гра: declension: I gender: feminine definition: a game демакратя: declension: I gender: feminine definition: a democracy сестра: declension: I gender: feminine definition: a sister павязка: declension: I gender: feminine definition: a bandage; a fillet карцінка: declension: I gender: feminine definition: a picture діржава: declension: I gender: feminine definition: a state; a polity перамога: declension: I gender: feminine definition: a victory Кина: declension: I gender: feminine definition: China параза: declension: I gender: feminine definition: a defeat справа: declension: I gender: feminine definition: a case; a deal; a business моўа: declension: I gender: feminine definition: a language; a speech житя: declension: I gender: feminine definition: a life ідея: declension: I gender: feminine definition: an idea; a concept раніца: declension: I gender: feminine definition: a morning жіна: declension: I gender: feminine definition: a woman дівчина: declension: I gender: feminine definition: a young woman; a girl дівчинка: declension: I gender: feminine definition: a girl мука: declension: I gender: feminine definition: a torment праца: declension: I gender: feminine definition: a work; a creation зарка: declension: I gender: feminine definition: a star катка: declension: I gender: feminine definition: a cat (feminine) припиненя: declension: I gender: feminine definition: a stop; a termination; a cessation; a stop специфікація: declension: I gender: feminine definition: a specification Россія: declension: I gender: feminine definition: Russia вада: declension: I gender: feminine definition: water крадіжка: declension: I gender: feminine definition: a theft таблетка: declension: I gender: feminine definition: a pill; a tablet рэзаціння: declension: I gender: feminine definition: a massacre ракета: declension: I gender: feminine definition: a rocket крівка: declension: I gender: feminine definition: a shelter; a refuge; a asylum паловина: declension: I gender: feminine definition: a half увага: declension: I gender: feminine definition: a warning сріда: declension: I gender: feminine definition: Wednesday пятніця: declension: I gender: feminine definition: Friday субота: declension: I gender: feminine definition: Saturday наділя: declension: I gender: feminine definition: Sunday вежа: declension: I gender: feminine definition: a tower ваjна: declension: I gender: feminine definition: a war дарога: declension: I gender: feminine definition: a road меріжа: declension: I gender: feminine definition: a net; a network; a web пастка: declension: I gender: feminine definition: a trap блакірання: declension: I gender: feminine definition: a lock; a block; a locking ніч: declension: II gender: feminine definition: a night лаж: declension: II gender: feminine definition: a lie даступнас': declension: II gender: feminine definition: an accessibility складнас': declension: II gender: feminine definition: an difficulty сіл': declension: II gender: feminine definition: salt рэч': declension: II gender: feminine definition: a thing; an item; an object ступін': declension: II gender: feminine definition: a stage; a level; a step смірт': declension: II gender: feminine definition: a death люд: declension: III gender: masculine definition: people пут': declension: III gender: masculine definition: a way; a path; a road склад: declension: III gender: masculine definition: a warehouse; a storage прїнц: declension: III gender: masculine definition: a prince магазин: declension: III gender: masculine definition: a shop; a store пачаток: declension: III gender: masculine realroot: пачатк definition: a beginning адказ: declension: III gender: masculine definition: an answer лис: declension: III gender: masculine definition: a fox (masculine) сусід: declension: III gender: masculine definition: a neighbor крадіj: declension: III gender: masculine definition: a thief вірталёт: declension: III gender: masculine definition: a helicopter Киjев: declension: III gender: masculine definition: Kiev волос: declension: III gender: masculine definition: hair сінс: declension: III gender: masculine definition: a meaning; a sense дурін': declension: III gender: masculine definition: an idiot; a fool год: declension: III gender: masculine definition: a year кат: declension: III gender: masculine definition: a cat (masculine) місяц: declension: III gender: masculine definition: a month ден': declension: III gender: masculine definition: a day вибр: declension: III gender: masculine definition: a choice чаj: declension: III gender: masculine definition: tea час: declension: III gender: masculine definition: time цукар: declension: III gender: masculine definition: sugar акупант: declension: III gender: masculine definition: an occupant алфавіт: declension: III gender: masculine definition: an alphabet знак: declension: III gender: masculine definition: a sign; a symbol канал: declension: III gender: masculine definition: a channel град: declension: III gender: masculine definition: a city; a town сікрет: declension: III gender: masculine definition: a secret акцэнт: declension: III gender: masculine definition: an accent; an emphasis жах: declension: III gender: masculine definition: a horror куст: declension: III gender: masculine definition: a bush вус: declension: III gender: masculine definition: a mustache паніделак: declension: III gender: masculine definition: Monday вторнік: declension: III gender: masculine definition: Tuesday чатвір: declension: III gender: masculine definition: Thursday стяг: declension: III gender: masculine definition: a flag син: declension: III gender: masculine definition: a son цар: declension: III gender: masculine definition: a king воjник: declension: III gender: masculine definition: a soldier кавун: declension: III gender: masculine definition: a watermelon обман: declension: III gender: masculine definition: a deception; a deceit знімок: declension: III gender: masculine realroot: знімк definition: a photography рэгіон: declension: III gender: masculine definition: a region; an area абмін: declension: III gender: masculine definition: an exchange дід: declension: III gender: masculine definition: a grandfather дом: declension: III gender: masculine definition: a house; a building; home намагання: declension: IV gender: neuter definition: an effort схіленне: declension: IV gender: neuter definition: a declension; a declination спрягання: declension: IV gender: neuter definition: a conjugation імя: declension: IV gender: neuter definition: a name; a label насілле: declension: IV gender: neuter definition: a violence насілення: declension: IV gender: neuter definition: a population; people пакарання: declension: IV gender: neuter definition: a punishment уміня: declension: IV gender: neuter definition: a skill; an ability віjско: declension: IV gender: neuter definition: an army; troops сміття: declension: IV gender: neuter definition: a garbage аднос: declension: IV gender: neuter definition: a relation млако: declension: IV gender: neuter definition: milk запястя: declension: IV gender: neuter definition: wrist прівратінне: declension: IV gender: neuter definition: a turning; a transformation древо: declension: V gender: neuter definition: a tree диво: declension: IV gender: neuter definition: a miracle будава: declension: V gender: neuter definition: a building гродянство: declension: V gender: neuter definition: a citezenship напаміна: declension: V gender: neuter definition: a remark; a note; a notice дрова: declension: V gender: neuter alwaysplural: yes definition: firewood; wood кацяна: declension: V gender: masculine definition: a kitten мужчина: declension: V gender: masculine definition: a man adjectives: страшн: short: страшін definition: scary спешн: short: спешін definition: urgent; immediate падібн: short: падібін definition: similar правил'н: definition: correct мил: definition: friendly; good лют: definition: cruel; fierce; brutal; hard жорстк: short: жорсток definition: hard смішн: short: смішон definition: funny дурн: short: дурін definition: stupid; fool хутк: short: хуток definition: fast повн: short: повін definition: full руск: definition: russian украінск: definition: ukrainian вїсок: definition: high палітичн: short: палітичен definition: high явн: short: явін definition: obvious нов: definition: new уразлів: definition: vulnerable бел: definition: white чирвон: definition: red добр: definition: good; kind цікав: definition: interesting наступ: definition: next худ: definition: bad; evil стар: definition: old ворож: definition: hostile вялик: definition: big; large мал: definition: small мяк: definition: soft важлів: definition: important згодн: short: згодін definition: agreed; agree ўуґуш: definitoon: ugushian сумісн: short: сумісін definition: common; general прам: definition: straight платн: short: платін definition: paid бісплатн: short: бісплатін definition: free; unpaid напісан: definition: written мірн: short: мірін definition: peaceful нудн: short: нудін definition: boring лацінск: definition: latin гарн: short: гарін definition: beautiful; nice; awesome можлів: definition: possible галовн: short: галовін definition: main; major; chief клят: definition: cursed тачн: short: тачін definition: precise; exact; accurate далёк: definition: far кажн: short: кажін definition: every тужн: short: тужін definition: sad адіночн: short: адіночін definition: solitary; signle; alone страчан: definition: lost сусідн: definition: neighbor; adjacent згадн: short: згаден definition: accordant; concordant; consonantal хітр: short: хітір definition: sly; tricky; cunning доўгі: definition: long; lingering савіршэн: deifnition: perfect; absolute тривал: definition: long част: definition: often