Browse Source

Delete Src/Plugins/Input/in_vorbis directory

Partial inclusion
winampgit 5 months ago
47 changed files with 0 additions and 9027 deletions
  1. 0 67
  2. 0 118
  3. 0 65
  4. 0 264
  5. 0 21
  6. 0 96
  7. 0 156
  8. 0 82
  9. 0 335
  10. 0 567
  11. 0 459
  12. 0 41
  13. 0 97
  14. 0 16
  15. 0 596
  16. 0 415
  17. 0 65
  18. 0 339
  19. 0 145
  20. 0 658
  21. 0 1457
  22. 0 260
  23. 0 220
  24. 0 194
  25. 0 41
  26. BIN
  27. BIN
  28. BIN
  29. BIN
  30. BIN
  31. BIN
  32. BIN
  33. BIN
  34. BIN
  35. BIN
  36. BIN
  37. BIN
  38. 0 177
  39. 0 108
  40. 0 245
  41. 0 30
  42. 0 2
  43. 0 491
  44. 0 62
  45. 0 39
  46. 0 1097
  47. 0 2

+ 0 - 67

@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-#include "DlgBase.h"
-void DlgBase::MakeComboEdit(UINT id, DWORD s)
-	HWND w = GetDlgItem(wnd, id);
-	RECT r;
-	GetChildRect(id, r);
-	DestroyWindow(w);
-	CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, "EDIT", 0, WS_CHILD | s, r.left - 1, - 1, r.right - r.left, r.bottom -, wnd, (HMENU)id, 0, 0);
-void DlgBase::GetChildRect(UINT id, RECT& child)
-	RECT r_parent, r_child;
-	GetWindowRect(wnd, &r_parent);
-	GetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(wnd, id), &r_child);
-	int dx = r_parent.left;
-	int dy =;
-	if (!(GetWindowLong(wnd, GWL_STYLE)&WS_CHILD))
-	{
-		dy += GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION) + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYDLGFRAME);
-		dx += GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXDLGFRAME);
-	}
-	child.left = r_child.left - dx;
-	child.right = r_child.right - dx;
- = - dy;
-	child.bottom = r_child.bottom - dy;
-void DlgBase::do_sizing(UINT wp, RECT * r)
-	{
-		UINT dx, dy;
-		dx = r->right - r->left;
-		dy = r->bottom - r->top;
-		if (dx < min_size_x_w)
-		{
-			switch (wp)
-			{
-			case WMSZ_LEFT:
-			case WMSZ_TOPLEFT:
-				r->left = r->right - min_size_x_w;
-				break;
-			case WMSZ_RIGHT:
-				r->right = r->left + min_size_x_w;
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-		if (dy < min_size_y_w)
-		{
-			switch (wp)
-			{
-			case WMSZ_BOTTOM:
-				r->bottom = r->top + min_size_y_w;
-				break;
-			case WMSZ_TOPLEFT:
-			case WMSZ_TOP:
-				r->top = r->bottom - min_size_y_w;
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-	}

+ 0 - 118

@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-#include <windows.h>
-#include "main.h"
-static void SetWindowRect(HWND w, RECT * r)
-	SetWindowPos(w, 0, r->left, r->top, r->right - r->left, r->bottom - r->top, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOCOPYBITS);
-class DlgBase
-	public:
-	BOOL isDialogMessage(MSG * m) 
-	{
-		return wnd ? IsDialogMessage(wnd, m) : 0;
-	}
-	void endDialog(int x)
-	{
-		EndDialog(wnd, x);
-	}
-	void _do_size_x(RECT * r, UINT id, UINT wx, UINT min_x)
-	{
-		RECT r1 = {r->left, r->top, wx - min_x + r->right, r->bottom};
-		SetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(wnd, id), &r1);
-	}
-	void _do_size_xy(RECT * r, UINT id, UINT wx, UINT wy, UINT min_x, UINT min_y)
-	{
-		RECT r1 = {r->left, r->top, wx - min_x + r->right, wy - min_y + r->bottom};
-		SetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(wnd, id), &r1);
-	}
-	void _do_align_x_size_y(RECT * r, UINT id, UINT wx, UINT wy, UINT min_x, UINT min_y)
-	{
-		RECT r1 = {wx - min_x + r->left, r->top, wx - min_x + r->right, wy - min_y + r->bottom};
-		SetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(wnd, id), &r1);
-	}
-	void _do_align_x(RECT * r, UINT id, UINT wx, UINT min_x)
-	{
-		RECT r1 = {wx - min_x + r->left, r->top, wx - min_x + r->right, r->bottom};
-		SetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(wnd, id), &r1);
-	}
-	void _do_align_xy(RECT * r, UINT id, UINT wx, UINT wy, UINT min_x, UINT min_y)
-	{
-		RECT r1 = {wx - min_x + r->left, wy - min_y + r->top, wx - min_x + r->right, wy - min_y + r->bottom};
-		SetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(wnd, id), &r1);
-	}
-#define do_size_x(id,r) _do_size_x(r,id,sx,min_size_x)
-#define do_size_xy(id,r) _do_size_xy(r,id,sx,sy,min_size_x,min_size_y)
-#define do_align_x_size_y(id,r) _do_align_x_size_y(r,id,sx,sy,min_size_x,min_size_y)
-#define do_align_xy(id,r) _do_align_xy(r,id,sx,sy,min_size_x,min_size_y)
-#define do_align_x(id,r) _do_align_x(r,id,sx,min_size_x)
-	HWND wnd;
-	UINT min_size_x, min_size_y;
-	UINT min_size_x_w, min_size_y_w;
-	void do_sizing(UINT wp, RECT * r);
-	void MakeComboEdit(UINT id, DWORD s);
-	void GetChildRect(UINT id, RECT& child);
-	virtual BOOL DlgProc(UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp) { return 0;};
-	static BOOL CALLBACK TheDialogProc(HWND wnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp)
-	{
-		DlgBase * p;
-		if (msg == WM_INITDIALOG)
-		{
-			p = (DlgBase*)lp;
-			SetWindowLong(wnd, DWL_USER, lp);
-			p->wnd = wnd;
-			RECT r;
-			GetClientRect(wnd, &r);
-			p->min_size_x = r.right;
-			p->min_size_y = r.bottom;
-			GetWindowRect(wnd, &r);
-			p->min_size_x_w = r.right - r.left;
-			p->min_size_y_w = r.bottom -;
-		}
-		else p = (DlgBase*)GetWindowLong(wnd, DWL_USER);
-		BOOL rv = 0;
-		if (p)
-		{
-			rv = p->DlgProc(msg, wp, lp);
-			if (msg == WM_DESTROY)
-			{
-				p->wnd = 0;
-				SetWindowLong(wnd, DWL_USER, 0);
-			}
-		}
-		return rv;
-	}
-	HWND myCreateDialog(UINT id, HWND parent)
-	{
-		return CreateDialogParamT(hIns, (char*)id, parent, TheDialogProc, (long)this);
-	}
-	virtual void myProcessMessage(MSG * msg)
-	{
-		if (!IsDialogMessage(wnd, msg))
-		{
-			TranslateMessage(msg);
-			DispatchMessage(msg);
-		}
-	}
-	int myDialogBox(UINT id, HWND parent)
-	{
-		return DialogBoxParamT(hIns, (char*)id, parent, TheDialogProc, (long)this);
-	}
-	DlgBase() {
-		wnd = 0;
-		min_size_x = min_size_y = min_size_x_w = min_size_y_w = 0;
-	}
-	virtual ~DlgBase() {}

+ 0 - 65

@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-#include "main.h"
-#include "decoder.h"
-extern "C"
-	//returns handle!=0 if successful, 0 if error
-	//size will return the final nb of bytes written to the output, -1 if unknown
-	__declspec( dllexport ) intptr_t winampGetExtendedRead_openW(const wchar_t *fn, int *size, int *bps, int *nch, int *srate) {
-		VorbisFile * f = VorbisFile::Create(fn,false);
-		if(f) {
-			if(!*bps) *bps=16; // FUCKO HAX
-			Decoder * d = new Decoder();
-			d->Init(f, *bps, *nch, false, false);
-			*nch = (int)d->nch;
-			*srate = (int)d->sr;
-			*bps = (int)d->bps;
-			*size = (int)(f->Length() * (double)((*nch) * (*srate) * (*bps/8)));
-			return (intptr_t)d;
-		}
-		return 0;
-	}
-	__declspec( dllexport ) intptr_t winampGetExtendedRead_openW_float(const wchar_t *fn, int *size, int *bps, int *nch, int *srate) {
-		VorbisFile * f = VorbisFile::Create(fn,false);
-		if(f) {
-			Decoder * d = new Decoder();
-			d->Init(f, *bps, *nch, true, false);
-			*nch = (int)d->nch;
-			*srate = (int)d->sr;
-			*bps = (int)d->bps;
-			*size = (int)(f->Length() * (double)((*nch) * (*srate) * (*bps/8)));
-			return (intptr_t)d;
-		}
-		return 0;
-	}
-	//returns nb of bytes read. -1 if read error (like CD ejected). if (ret<len), EOF is assumed
-	__declspec( dllexport ) intptr_t winampGetExtendedRead_getData(intptr_t handle, char *dest, size_t len, int *killswitch) {
-		Decoder * d = (Decoder *)handle;
-		size_t used = 0;
-		for(;;) {
-			used += (UINT)d->Read((UINT)(len - used),dest + used);
-			if(used >= len) break;
-			if(!d->DoFrame()) break;
-			if(*killswitch) break;
-			if (used)
-				return used;
-		}
-		return used;
-	}
-	// return nonzero on success, zero on failure.
-	__declspec( dllexport ) int winampGetExtendedRead_setTime(intptr_t handle, int millisecs) {
-		Decoder * d = (Decoder *)handle;
-		d->Flush();
-		return !d->Seek(((double)millisecs) / 1000.0);
-	}
-	__declspec( dllexport ) void winampGetExtendedRead_close(intptr_t handle) {
-		Decoder * d = (Decoder *)handle;
-		d->Flush();
-		delete d->file;
-		delete d;
-	}

+ 0 - 264

@@ -1,264 +0,0 @@
-#include "main.h"
-#include "api__in_vorbis.h"
-#include "resource.h"
-#include <strsafe.h>
-static HBITMAP xiphframes[12];*/
-static ARGB32 *xiphframes[12] = {0};
-static HBITMAP xiphframesBmp[12] = {0};
-static void slap(HWND wnd,int v)
-	long hi=GetWindowLong(wnd,4);
-	if (v) hi+=v*1000;
-	else hi=0;
-	SetWindowLong(wnd,4,hi);
-static CfgInt cfg_rpm("rpm",0);
-static int visible_rpm,visible_max_rpm;
-static char show_rpm=0;
-static DWORD last_visible_rpm;
-ARGB32 * loadImg(const void * data, int len, int *w, int *h, bool ldata=false)
-	FOURCC imgload = svc_imageLoader::getServiceType();
-	int n = (int)mod.service->service_getNumServices(imgload);
-	for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
-	{
-		waServiceFactory *sf = mod.service->service_enumService(imgload,i);
-		if(sf)
-		{
-			svc_imageLoader * l = (svc_imageLoader*)sf->getInterface();
-			if(l)
-			{
-				if(l->testData(data,len))
-				{
-					ARGB32* ret;
-					if(ldata) ret = l->loadImageData(data,len,w,h);
-					else ret = l->loadImage(data,len,w,h);
-					sf->releaseInterface(l);
-					return ret;
-				}
-				sf->releaseInterface(l);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return NULL;
-ARGB32 * loadRrc(int id, wchar_t * sec, int *w, int *h, bool data=false)
-	DWORD size=0;
-	if(resourceHandle)
-	{
-		ARGB32* ret = loadImg(resourceHandle,size,w,h,data);
-		UnlockResource(resourceHandle);
-		return ret;
-	}
-	return NULL;
-static LRESULT WINAPI XiphProc(HWND wnd,UINT msg,WPARAM wp,LPARAM lp)
-	switch(msg)
-	{
-		case WM_CREATE:
-			SetWindowLong(wnd,8,last_visible_rpm=GetTickCount());
-			SetTimer(wnd,666,10,0);
-			visible_rpm=-1;
-			visible_max_rpm=-1;
-			show_rpm=0;
-			break;
-		case WM_TIMER:
-			if (wp==666)
-			{
-				long low=GetWindowLong(wnd,0);
-				long hi=GetWindowLong(wnd,4);
-				long org=low&~0xFFFF;
-				int rpm=MulDiv(abs(hi),1000*60,12*0x10000);
-				DWORD t=GetTickCount();
-				DWORD ot=(DWORD)SetWindowLong(wnd,8,t);
-				bool redraw=0;
-				if (rpm>25) show_rpm=1;
-				if (cfg_rpm<rpm) cfg_rpm=rpm;
-				if (show_rpm && (t&~0x3F)!=(ot&~0x3F))
-				{
-					wchar_t foo[128] = {0};
-					if (visible_rpm<rpm || (visible_rpm>rpm && (t-last_visible_rpm)>333))
-					{
-						last_visible_rpm=t;
-						visible_rpm=rpm;
-						StringCchPrintfW(foo,128,WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW(IDS_GAME_SPEED),rpm);
-						SetDlgItemTextW(GetParent(wnd),IDC_RPM,foo);
-					}
-					if (visible_max_rpm!=cfg_rpm)
-					{
-						visible_max_rpm=cfg_rpm;
-						StringCchPrintfW(foo,128,WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW(IDS_BEST_RPM),(int)cfg_rpm);
-						SetDlgItemTextW(GetParent(wnd),IDC_RPM2,foo);
-					}
-				}
-				low+=hi*(t-ot);
-				while(low<0) low+=12*0x10000;
-				while(low>=12*0x10000) low-=12*0x10000;
-				{
-					int z=hi>>6;
-					if (z) hi-=z;
-					else if (hi>0) hi--;
-					else if (hi<0) hi++;
-				}
-				SetWindowLong(wnd,0,low);
-				SetWindowLong(wnd,4,hi);
-				if (redraw || (low&~0xFFFF)!=org)
-				{
-					RedrawWindow(wnd,0,0,RDW_INVALIDATE);
-				}
-				KillTimer(wnd,666);
-				SetTimer(wnd,666,10,0);
-			}
-			break;
-			slap(wnd,-1);
-			break;
-			slap(wnd,1);
-			break;
-			slap(wnd,0);
-			break;
-		case WM_PAINT:
-			{
-				int i=(GetWindowLong(wnd,0))>>16;
-				HDC dc = CreateCompatibleDC(0);
-				if (!xiphframesBmp[i])
-				{
-					int cur_w = 0, cur_h = 0;
-					xiphframes[i] = loadRrc(xiphframes_ids[i], L"PNG", &cur_w, &cur_h, true);
-					BITMAPINFO bmi = {0};
-					bmi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
-					bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth = cur_w;
-					bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight = -cur_h;
-					bmi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
-					bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32;
-					bmi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
-					void *bits = 0;
-					if(xiphframesBmp[i]) DeleteObject(xiphframesBmp[i]);
-					xiphframesBmp[i] = CreateDIBSection(dc, &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, &bits, NULL, 0);
-					memcpy(bits, xiphframes[i], cur_w * cur_h * 4);
-				}
-				if (xiphframesBmp[i])
-				{
-					HGDIOBJ foo = SelectObject(dc, xiphframesBmp[i]);
-					HDC wdc = GetDC(wnd);
-					RECT r = {0};
-					GetClientRect(wnd, &r);
-					FillRect(wdc, &r, GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_3DFACE));
-					BLENDFUNCTION blendFn = {0};
-					blendFn.BlendOp = AC_SRC_OVER;
-					blendFn.SourceConstantAlpha = 255;
-					blendFn.AlphaFormat = AC_SRC_ALPHA;
-					AlphaBlend(wdc, 2, 2, r.right - 2, r.bottom - 2, dc, 0, 0, 63, 63, blendFn);
-					ReleaseDC(wnd, wdc);
-					SelectObject(dc, foo);
-				}
-				DeleteDC(dc);
-			}
-			break;
-		case WM_DESTROY:
-		{
-			for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(xiphframes_ids); i++)
-			{
-				if(xiphframesBmp[i]) DeleteObject(xiphframesBmp[i]); xiphframesBmp[i] = 0;
-				if(xiphframes[i] && WASABI_API_MEMMGR) WASABI_API_MEMMGR->sysFree((void *)xiphframes[i]); xiphframes[i] = 0;
-			}
-			KillTimer(wnd,666);
-			break;
-		}
-	};
-	return DefWindowProc(wnd,msg,wp,lp);
-static BOOL CALLBACK AboutProc(HWND wnd,UINT msg,WPARAM wp,LPARAM lp)
-	switch(msg)
-	{
-	{
-		wchar_t tmp[1024] = {0}, tmp2[1024] = {0}, *t1 = tmp, *t2 = tmp2, text[1024] = {0};
-		StringCchPrintfW(tmp,1024,WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW(IDS_ABOUT_TEXT),mod.description,__DATE__);
-		// due to quirks with the more common resource editors, is easier to just store the string
-		// internally only with \n and post-process to be \r\n (as here) so it will appear correctly
-		// on new lines as is wanted (silly multiline edit controls)
-		while(t1 && *t1 && (t2 - tmp2 < 1024))
-		{
-			if(*t1 == L'\n')
-			{
-				*t2 = L'\r';
-				t2 = CharNextW(t2);
-			}
-			*t2 = *t1;
-			t1 = CharNextW(t1);
-			t2 = CharNextW(t2);
-		}
-		SetDlgItemTextW(wnd,IDC_ABOUT_TEXT,tmp2);
-		// fixes the incorrect selection of the text on dialog opening
-		PostMessage(GetDlgItem(wnd,IDC_ABOUT_TEXT),EM_SETSEL,-1,0);
-		return 1;
-	}
-	case WM_COMMAND:
-		if (wp==IDOK || wp==IDCANCEL)
-		{
-			do_cfg(1);
-			EndDialog(wnd,0);
-		}
-		break;
-	}
-	return 0;
-void About(HWND hwndParent)
-	static char got_xiph;
-	if (!got_xiph)
-	{
-		{
-			0,
-			XiphProc,
-			0,
-			12,
-			0,
-			LoadCursor(0,IDC_ARROW),
-			0,
-			0,
-		};
-		RegisterClassW(&wc);
-		got_xiph=1;
-	}

+ 0 - 21

@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-#include "../Agave/Config/api_config.h"
-#include "../Agave/Language/api_language.h"
-#include <api/application/api_application.h>
-extern api_application *applicationApi;
-#define WASABI_API_APP applicationApi
-#include <api/service/svcs/svc_imgload.h>
-#include <api/service/api_service.h>
-#include <api/service/waServiceFactory.h>
-#include <api/memmgr/api_memmgr.h>
-extern api_memmgr *memmgrApi;
-#define WASABI_API_MEMMGR memmgrApi

+ 0 - 96

@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-#define STRICT
-#include <windows.h>
-#include <malloc.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "c_string.h"
-#include "../nu/ns_wc.h"
-extern BOOL is_nt;
-template<class myChar>
-void string_base<myChar>::makespace(UINT s)
-	if (size<s)
-	{
-		int oldSize = size;
-		do size<<=1; while(size<s);
-		myChar *newPtr = (myChar*)realloc(ptr,size*sizeof(myChar));
-		if (!newPtr)
-		{
-			newPtr = (myChar*)malloc(size*sizeof(myChar));
-			if (newPtr)
-			{
-				memcpy(newPtr, ptr, oldSize*sizeof(myChar));
-				free(ptr);
-				ptr = newPtr;
-			}
-			else return ;
-		}
-		else ptr = newPtr;
-	}
-void String::s_GetWindowText(HWND w)
-	Reset();
-	int len=GetWindowTextLengthA(w)+1;
-	GetWindowTextA(w,StringTempA(*this,len),len);
-void StringW::s_GetWindowText(HWND w)
-	Reset();
-	int len=GetWindowTextLengthW(w)+1;
-	GetWindowTextW(w,StringTempW(*this,len),len);
-void String::SetStringW(const WCHAR * c)
-	UINT len=(lstrlenW(c)+1)*2;
-	WideCharToMultiByteSZ(CP_ACP,0,c,-1,StringTempA(*this,len),len,0,0);
-void StringW::SetStringA(const char * c)
-	UINT len=(UINT)strlen(c)+1;
-	MultiByteToWideCharSZ(CP_ACP,0,c,-1,StringTempW(*this,len),len);
-void String::AddStringW(const WCHAR * c)
-	AddString(String(c));
-void StringW::AddStringA(const char * c)
-	AddString(StringW(c));
-void String::s_SetWindowText(HWND w)
-	SetWindowTextA(w,*this);
-void StringW::s_SetWindowText(HWND w)
-	SetWindowTextW(w,*this);
-StringPrintf::StringPrintf(const char * fmt,...)
-	va_list list;
-	va_start(list,fmt);
-	vsprintf(StringTempA(*this,1024),fmt,list);
-	va_end(list);
-StringPrintfW::StringPrintfW(const WCHAR * fmt,...)
-	va_list list;
-	va_start(list,fmt);
-	vswprintf(StringTempW(*this,1024),1024,fmt,list);
-	va_end(list);
-String::String(const StringW & z) {AddStringW(z);}

+ 0 - 156

@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-template <class myChar>
-class string_base
-	myChar * ptr;
-	UINT size,used;
-	void makespace(UINT s);
-	static UINT mylen(const myChar * p) {UINT r=0;while(p[r]) r++;return r;}
-	void AddChar(myChar c)
-	{
-		makespace(used+2);
-		ptr[used++]=c;
-		ptr[used]=0;
-	}
-	string_base()
-	{
-		used=0;
-		size=128;
-		ptr=(myChar*)malloc(size*sizeof(myChar));
-		ptr[0]=0;
-	}
-	~string_base() { if (ptr) free(ptr);}
-	operator const myChar*() const {return ptr;}
-	const myChar & operator*() const {return *ptr;}
-	UINT Length() const {return used;}
-	void AddString(const myChar * c)
-	{
-		UINT d=mylen(c);
-		makespace(used+d+1);
-		memcpy(ptr+used,c,sizeof(myChar)*d);
-		used+=d;
-		ptr[used]=0;
-	}
-	void Reset() {Truncate(0);}
-	void Truncate(UINT x) {if (used>x) {used=x;ptr[x]=0;}}
-	void SetString(const myChar * s) {Reset();AddString(s);}
-	myChar * BufferStart(UINT n)
-	{
-		makespace(n+1);
-		memset(ptr,0,size);
-		return ptr;
-	}
-	inline void BufferDone() {used=mylen(ptr);}
-	void SetChar(UINT offset,myChar c)//hack for some ghey routines
-	{
-		if (!c) Truncate(offset);
-		else if (offset<used) ptr[offset]=c;
-	}
-template<class myChar>
-class StringTemp
-	string_base<myChar> * parent;
-	myChar * data;
-	StringTemp(string_base<myChar> & s,UINT siz) {parent=&s;data=s.BufferStart(siz);}
-	~StringTemp() {parent->BufferDone();}
-	operator myChar* () {return data;}
-#define StringTempW StringTemp<WCHAR>
-#define StringTempA StringTemp<char>
-class StringW;
-class String : public string_base<char>
-	String() {}
-	String(HWND w) {s_GetWindowText(w);}
-	String(const char* z) {SetString(z);}
-	String(const WCHAR* z) {SetStringW(z);}
-	String(const String& z) {SetString(z);}
-	String(const StringW& z);
-	void AddStringW(const WCHAR * c);
-	void SetStringW(const WCHAR * c);
-	void s_GetWindowText(HWND w);
-	void s_SetWindowText(HWND w);
-	void operator=(const char * s) {SetString(s);}
-	void operator+=(const char * s) {AddString(s);}
-	void operator=(String & s) {SetString(s);}
-	void operator+=(String & s) {AddString(s);}
-	inline void s_GetDlgItemText(HWND w,UINT id) {s_GetWindowText(GetDlgItem(w,id));}
-	inline void s_SetDlgItemText(HWND w,UINT id) {s_SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(w,id));}
-class StringW : public string_base<WCHAR>
-	StringW() {}
-	StringW(HWND w) {s_GetWindowText(w);}
-	StringW(const WCHAR * z) {SetString(z);}
-	void AddStringA(const char * c);
-	void SetStringA(const char * c);
-	StringW(const char * z) {SetStringA(z);}
-	StringW(const StringW & z) {SetString(z);}
-	StringW(const String & z) {SetStringA(z);}
-	void s_GetWindowText(HWND w);
-	void s_SetWindowText(HWND w);
-	void operator=(const WCHAR * s) {SetString(s);}
-	void operator+=(const WCHAR * s) { if (s) AddString(s);}
-	void operator=(StringW & s) {SetString(s);}
-	void operator+=(StringW & s) {AddString(s);}
-	inline void s_GetDlgItemText(HWND w,UINT id) {s_GetWindowText(GetDlgItem(w,id));}
-	inline void s_SetDlgItemText(HWND w,UINT id) {s_SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(w,id));}
-	bool reg_read(const char *name);
-	void reg_write(const char *name);
-class StringPrintf : public String
-	StringPrintf(const char * fmt,...);
-class StringPrintfW : public StringW
-	StringPrintfW(const WCHAR * fmt,...);
-template<class myChar>
-class StringF2T : public string_base<myChar>
-	StringF2T(const myChar * fn)
-	{
-		const myChar * ptr=fn,*dot=0,*src=fn;
-		while(ptr && *ptr)
-		{
-			if (*ptr=='\\' || *ptr=='/' || *ptr==':') src=ptr+1;
-			else if (*ptr=='.') dot=ptr;
-			ptr++;
-		}
-		while(src && *src && (!dot || src<dot)) AddChar(*(src++));
-	}
-#define StringF2T_A StringF2T<char>
-#define StringF2T_W StringF2T<WCHAR>

+ 0 - 82

@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-#include <windows.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <ogg/ogg.h>
-#include <vorbis/vorbisfile.h>
-static size_t callback_fread(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, HANDLE hFile)
-	DWORD bw = 0;
-	ReadFile(hFile,ptr,(DWORD)(size*nmemb),&bw,0);
-	return bw/size;
-static size_t callback_write(void * ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, HANDLE hFile)
-	DWORD bw = 0;
-	WriteFile(hFile,ptr,(DWORD)(size*nmemb),&bw,0);
-	return bw/size;
-static int callback_fseek(HANDLE hFile, __int64 offset, int whence)
-	__int64 temp = offset;
-	SetFilePointer(hFile,*(DWORD*)&temp,((long*)&temp+1),whence);
-	return 0;
-static int callback_fclose(HANDLE f)
-	return 0;
-static __int64 callback_ftell(HANDLE hFile)
-	__int64 ret=0;
-	*(DWORD*)&ret = SetFilePointer(hFile,0,((long*)&ret+1),FILE_CURRENT);
-	return ret;
-static void* callbacks[4]=
-	callback_fread,callback_fseek,callback_fclose,callback_ftell
-namespace ogg_helper
-	int num_get_tracks(HANDLE hFile/*track_indexer::callback * out,reader * r*/)
-	{
-		SetFilePointer(hFile,0,0,FILE_BEGIN);
-		OggVorbis_File l_vf;
-		memset(&l_vf,0,sizeof(l_vf));
-		if (ov_open_callbacks(hFile,&l_vf,0,0,*(ov_callbacks*)callbacks))
-		{
-			return 0;
-		}
-		int rv = l_vf.links;
-		ov_clear(&l_vf);
-		return rv;
-	}
-	int query_chained_stream_offset(HANDLE hFile,int idx,__int64 * out_beginning,__int64 * out_end)
-	{
-		SetFilePointer(hFile,0,0,FILE_BEGIN);
-		OggVorbis_File l_vf;
-		memset(&l_vf,0,sizeof(l_vf));
-		if (ov_open_callbacks(hFile,&l_vf,0,0,*(ov_callbacks*)callbacks))
-		{
-			return 0;
-		}
-		int retval = 0;
-		if (idx>=0 && idx<l_vf.links)
-		{
-			retval = 1;
-			*out_beginning = l_vf.offsets[idx];
-			*out_end = l_vf.offsets[idx+1];
-		}
-		ov_clear(&l_vf);
-		return retval;
-	}

+ 0 - 335

@@ -1,335 +0,0 @@
-#include "main.h"
-#include "api__in_vorbis.h"
-#include "../nu/ns_wc.h"
-#include <commctrl.h>
-#include <shlobj.h>
-#include "../winamp/wa_ipc.h"
-#include "../nu/AutoChar.h"
-#include <strsafe.h>
-char* defaultDumpDir()
-	static char dumpdir[MAX_PATH] = {0};
-	{
-		{
-			lstrcpynA(dumpdir, "C:\\", MAX_PATH);
-		}
-	}
-	return dumpdir;
-	cfg_ssave_format("ssave_format","%filename%"),
-	cfg_dumpdir("dumpdir",defaultDumpDir());
-	cfg_http_bsize("http_bsize",0x10000),
-	cfg_fsave("fsave",0),
-	cfg_abr("abr",0),
-	cfg_proxy_mode("proxy_mode",2),
-	cfg_prebuf1("prebuf1",50),
-	cfg_prebuf2("prebuf2",75),
-	cfg_httpseek2("httpseek2",0),
-	cfg_fix0r("fix0r",1),
-	cfg_mc6_dm("mc6_dm",0),
-	cfg_mc6_map("_mc6_map",0),
-	cfg_remember_infosize("remember_infosize",1),
-	cfg_fullbuf("fullbuf",0),
-	cfg_cur_tab("cur_tab",0);
-static int old_preamp;
-CfgFont cfg_font("font");
-static LOGFONT cfg_font_edit;
-BOOL CALLBACK browseEnumProc(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam)
-	char cl[32] = {0};
-	GetClassNameA(hwnd, cl, ARRAYSIZE(cl));
-	if (!lstrcmpiA(cl, WC_TREEVIEWA))
-	{
-		PostMessage(hwnd, TVM_ENSUREVISIBLE, 0, (LPARAM)TreeView_GetSelection(hwnd));
-		return FALSE;
-	}
-	return TRUE;
-static int CALLBACK browzaproc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, LPARAM lp, LPARAM dat)
-	if (msg == BFFM_INITIALIZED)
-	{
-		SendMessageW(hwnd, BFFM_SETSELECTIONW, 1, (LPARAM)dat);
-		// this is not nice but it fixes the selection not working correctly on all OSes
-		EnumChildWindows(hwnd, browseEnumProc, 0);
-	}
-	return 0;
-static void d_browza(HWND wnd,HWND bt,wchar_t* tx)
-	IMalloc* pMalloc=0;
-	SHGetMalloc(&pMalloc);
-	if (!pMalloc) return;
-	wchar_t dir[MAX_PATH] = {0};
-	GetWindowTextW(bt,dir,MAX_PATH);
-	{
-		wnd,
-		0,
-		0,
-		tx,
-		browzaproc,
-		(LPARAM)dir,
-		0
-	};
-	ITEMIDLIST* li=SHBrowseForFolderW(&bi);
-	if (li)
-	{
-		SHGetPathFromIDListW(li,dir);
-		SetWindowTextW(bt,dir);
-		pMalloc->Free(li);
-	}
-	pMalloc->Release();
-static BOOL CALLBACK CfgProc1(HWND wnd,UINT msg,WPARAM wp,LPARAM lp)
-	switch(msg)
-	{
-			{
-				wchar_t temp[128] = {0}, cfg_dialog_name[128] = {0};
-				StringCchPrintfW(cfg_dialog_name,128,WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW(IDS_TITLE_PREFERENCES),
-				SetWindowTextW(wnd,cfg_dialog_name);
-				SendDlgItemMessage(wnd,IDC_FULLBUF,BM_SETCHECK,cfg_fullbuf,0);
-				UINT n;
-				HWND w=GetDlgItem(wnd,IDC_MC6_DM);
-				for(n=0;n<sizeof(mc6_dm_names_ids)/sizeof(mc6_dm_names_ids[0]);n++)
-				{
-					SendMessageW(w,CB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM)WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW(mc6_dm_names_ids[n]));
-				}
-				SendMessage(w,CB_SETCURSEL,cfg_mc6_dm,0);
-				w=GetDlgItem(wnd,IDC_MC6_MAP);
-				for(n=0;n<sizeof(mc6_map_names_id)/sizeof(mc6_map_names_id[0]);n++)
-				{
-					SendMessageW(w,CB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM)WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW(mc6_map_names_id[n]));
-				}
-				SendMessage(w,CB_SETCURSEL,cfg_mc6_map,0);
-				SendDlgItemMessage(wnd,IDC_AVG_BR,BM_SETCHECK,cfg_abr,0);
-				SetDlgItemInt(wnd,IDC_HTTP_BSIZE,cfg_http_bsize>>10,0);
-				if (cfg_fsave) SendDlgItemMessage(wnd,IDC_FSAVE,BM_SETCHECK,1,0);
-				if (cfg_fix0r) SendDlgItemMessage(wnd,IDC_FIX0R,BM_SETCHECK,1,0);
-				cfg_dumpdir.s_SetDlgItemText(wnd,IDC_STREAM_SAVE);
-				w=GetDlgItem(wnd,IDC_PROXY);
-				SendMessage(w,CB_SETCURSEL,cfg_proxy_mode,0);
-				w=GetDlgItem(wnd,IDC_SLIDER1);
-				SendMessage(w,TBM_SETRANGE,0,MAKELONG(1,100));
-				SendMessage(w,TBM_SETPOS,1,cfg_prebuf1);
-				w=GetDlgItem(wnd,IDC_SLIDER2);
-				SendMessage(w,TBM_SETRANGE,0,MAKELONG(1,100));
-				SendMessage(w,TBM_SETPOS,1,cfg_prebuf2);
-				cfg_ssave_format.s_SetDlgItemText(wnd,IDC_SSAVE_FMT);
-			}
-			return 1;
-		case WM_COMMAND:
-			switch(LOWORD(wp))
-			{
-				case IDC_STREAM_SAVE:
-					break;
-				case IDC_SSAVE_FMT_DEF:
-					SetDlgItemText(wnd,IDC_SSAVE_FMT,L"%filename%");
-					break;
-				case IDC_FSAVE:
-				{
-					int checked = IsDlgButtonChecked(wnd,IDC_FSAVE);
-					EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(wnd,IDC_STREAM_SAVE),checked);
-					EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(wnd,IDC_SSAVE_FMT),checked);
-					EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(wnd,IDC_SSAVE_FMT_DEF),checked);
-				}
-					break;
-				case IDOK:
-				case IDCANCEL:
-				{
-					if (LOWORD(wp) == IDOK)
-					{
-						cfg_fullbuf=(int)SendDlgItemMessage(wnd,IDC_FULLBUF,BM_GETCHECK,0,0);
-						cfg_mc6_dm=(int)SendDlgItemMessage(wnd,IDC_MC6_DM,CB_GETCURSEL,0,0);
-						cfg_mc6_map=(int)SendDlgItemMessage(wnd,IDC_MC6_MAP,CB_GETCURSEL,0,0);
-						cfg_abr=(int)SendDlgItemMessage(wnd,IDC_AVG_BR,BM_GETCHECK,0,0);
-						cfg_dumpdir.s_GetDlgItemText(wnd,IDC_STREAM_SAVE);
-						cfg_http_bsize=GetDlgItemInt(wnd,IDC_HTTP_BSIZE,0,0)<<10;
-						cfg_fsave=(int)SendDlgItemMessage(wnd,IDC_FSAVE,BM_GETCHECK,0,0);
-						cfg_fix0r=(int)SendDlgItemMessage(wnd,IDC_FIX0R,BM_GETCHECK,0,0);
-						cfg_proxy_mode=(int)SendDlgItemMessage(wnd,IDC_PROXY,CB_GETCURSEL,0,0);
-						cfg_prebuf1=(int)SendDlgItemMessage(wnd,IDC_SLIDER1,TBM_GETPOS,0,0);
-						cfg_prebuf2=(int)SendDlgItemMessage(wnd,IDC_SLIDER2,TBM_GETPOS,0,0);
-						cfg_ssave_format.s_GetDlgItemText(wnd,IDC_SSAVE_FMT);
-					}
-					do_cfg(1);
-					EndDialog(wnd,(LOWORD(wp) == IDOK));
-				}
-					break;
-			}
-			break;
-	}
-	const int controls[] = 
-	{
-	};
-	if (FALSE != WASABI_API_APP->DirectMouseWheel_ProcessDialogMessage(wnd, msg, wp, lp, controls, ARRAYSIZE(controls)))
-	{
-		return TRUE;
-	}
-	return 0;
-extern HANDLE hThread;//hack
-void Config(HWND p)
-	{
-		if (hThread) PostMessage(mod.hMainWindow,WM_USER,0,243);
-	}
-int CfgVar::read_int(const char *inifile, const char *section,const char * name,int def)
-	return GetPrivateProfileIntA(section, name, def, inifile);
-void CfgVar::write_int(const char *inifile, const char *section, const char * name,int val)
-	char temp[32] = {0};
-	StringCchPrintfA(temp, 32, "%d", val);
-	WritePrivateProfileStringA(section, name, temp, inifile);
-void CfgVar::write_struct(const char *inifile, const char *section, const char * name, void * ptr,UINT size)
-	WritePrivateProfileStructA("in_vorbis", name, ptr, size, INI_FILE);
-bool CfgVar::read_struct(const char *inifile, const char *section, const char * name,void * ptr,UINT size)
-	return !!GetPrivateProfileStructA("in_vorbis", name, ptr, size, INI_FILE);
-void do_cfg(int s)
-	#define CFG_VERSION 0x10204
-	if (!s)
-	{
-		if (CfgVar::read_int(INI_FILE, "in_vorbis", "version",0)==CFG_VERSION)
-			CfgVar::ReadConfig();
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		CfgVar::WriteConfig();
-		CfgVar::write_int(INI_FILE, "in_vorbis", "version",CFG_VERSION);
-	}
-CfgVar * CfgVar::list=0;
-void CfgVar::ReadConfig()
-	CfgVar * p=list;
-	while(p)
-	{
-		p->Read(p->name);
-		p=p->next;
-	}
-void CfgVar::WriteConfig()
-	CfgVar * p=list;
-	while(p)
-	{
-		p->Write(p->name);
-		p=p->next;
-	}
-bool StringW::reg_read(const char * name)
-	char utf8_data[2048] = {0};
-	wchar_t utf16_data[2048] = {0};
-	GetPrivateProfileStringA("in_vorbis", name, "@default@", utf8_data, 2048, INI_FILE);
-	if (!strcmp("@default@", utf8_data))
-		return false;
-	MultiByteToWideCharSZ(CP_UTF8, 0, utf8_data, -1, utf16_data, 2048);
-	SetString(utf16_data);
-	return true;
-void StringW::reg_write(const char * name)
-	WritePrivateProfileStringA("in_vorbis", name, AutoChar((const WCHAR *)*this, CP_UTF8), INI_FILE);
-void CfgString::Read(const char * name)
-	reg_read(name);
-void CfgString::Write(const char * name)
-	StringW temp;
-	if (temp.reg_read(name))
-	{
-		if (wcscmp(temp,*this)) reg_write(name);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		if (wcscmp(def,*this)) reg_write(name);
-	}
-void CfgInt::Write(const char * name)
-	if (read_int(INI_FILE, "in_vorbis", name,def)!=value) write_int(INI_FILE, "in_vorbis",name,value);
-void CfgInt::Read(const char * name)
-	value=read_int(INI_FILE, "in_vorbis", name,def);

+ 0 - 567

@@ -1,567 +0,0 @@
-/* Winamp 3 Player core api v0.1
-** (c)2000 nullsoft jcf/ct/dk
-** Notes: 
-**			Keep in mind that this header file is subject to change prior to the 
-**		release of Winamp 3.  The ability to configure plug-ins has yet to be 
-**		added and is the first and foremost concern of the engineering team.		
-#ifndef __CORE_API_H
-#define __CORE_API_H
-// Visual C 6 makes big unaligned dlls. the following will correct it
-#ifndef _DEBUG
-// release optimizations
-// /Og (global optimizations), /Os (favor small code), /Oy (no frame pointers)
-#pragma optimize("gsy",on)
-#pragma comment(linker,"/RELEASE")
-// set the 512-byte alignment
-#pragma comment(linker,"/opt:nowin98")
-// Use Assert in your code to catch errors that shouldn't happen, when compiled in release mode, they are #defined out
-#ifndef ASSERT
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-#define ASSERT(x) if (!(x)) MessageBox(NULL,"ASSERT FAILED: " #x,"ASSERT FAILED in " __FILE__ ,MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP);
-#define ASSERT(x)
-/* WReader
-** File reader module class, ie. opens and reads files, streams
-class WReader;
-/* WInputInfo
-** Class that returns information (length, title, metadata) about a specified file
-class WInputInfo;
-/* WInfo_callback
-** Player's interface that provides Winamp 3 core functions to your WInputInfo classes
-class WInfo_callback;
-/* WInputSource
-** Input Source manager base class, ie. decodes mp3's, wavs
-class WInputSource;
-/* WOutputFilter
-** Abstract base class for any Output Filter plug-in, ie. changes pitch, converts format, outputs to speakers
-class WOutputFilter;
-/* WPlayer_callback
-** Player's interface that provides Winamp 3 core functions to your Input Sources and Output Filter plug-ins
-** (Getting a reader for opening a file, sending stuff about what's going on to the Winamp 3 core)
-class WPlayer_callback;
-class WPlayer_callback
-  public:
-	/* GetReader
-	** Allows your Input Source and Output Filter plugins to request a reader from Winamp, 
-	** so you don't have to worry about opening files or streams
-	*/
-    virtual WReader *GetReader(char *url)=0;
-	/* The 3 following functions allows your Input Source and Output Filter plugins to send error/warning/status
-	** messages back to the Winamp 3 core
-	*/
-	/* Error
-	** playback should stop (soundcard driver error, etc)
-	*/
-	virtual void Error(char *reason)=0;
-	/* Warning
-	** warning (something recoverable, like file not found, etc)
-	*/
-	virtual void Warning(char *warning)=0;
-	/* Status
-	** status update (nothing really wrong)
-	*/
-	virtual void Status(char *status)=0;
-	/* TitleChange
-	** should be called if the current file titlename changes during the decoding
-	*/
-	virtual void TitleChange(char *new_title)=0;
-	/* InfoChange
-	** should be called if the infos about the current file changes during the decoding
-	*/
-	virtual void InfoChange(char *new_info_str, int new_length)=0;
-	/* UrlChange
-	** should be called if the current file associated URL changes during the decoding
-	*/
-	virtual void UrlChange(char *new_url)=0;
-class WInfo_callback
-  public:
-	/* GetReader
-	** Allows your WInfo classes to request a reader from Winamp
-	** so you don't have to worry about opening files or streams
-	*/
-    virtual WReader *GetReader(char *url)=0;
-class WInputInfo
-  public:
-	/* WInputInfo
-	** WInputInfo constructor
-	*/
-	WInputInfo(){ };
-	/* m_info
-	** Filled by Winamp. Pointer to WInputInfo callback function
-	*/
-	WInfo_callback *m_info;
-	/* Open
-	** Called by Winamp to request informations about a specified media (file, url, etc...)
-	** returns 0 if succesful, 1 if not
-	**
-	** You must open, get all information and close the specified file here and store
-	** the useful information into member elements for quick access by other functions
-	*/
-	virtual int  Open(char *url) { return 1; }
-	/* GetTitle
-	** Called by Winamp to get the decoded title about the file opened
-	** i.e. id3 title name, etc...
-	*/
-	virtual void GetTitle(char *buf, int maxlen) { if (maxlen>0) buf[0]=0; };
-	/* GetInfoString
-	** Called by Winamp to get extra informations about the file opened
-	** i.e. "160kbps stereo 44Khz" for MP3 files,"4 channels" for MOD files,etc...
-	*/
-	virtual void GetInfoString(char *buf, int maxlen) { if (maxlen>0) buf[0]=0; };
-	/* GetLength
-	** Called by Winamp to retrieves media type length in milliseconds
-	** returns -1 if length is undefined/infinite
-	*/
-	virtual int  GetLength(void) { return -1; };
-	/* GetMetaData
-	** Fetches metadata by attribute name (Artist, Album, Bitrate, etc...)
-	** attribute names are non case-sensitive.
-	** returns size of data
-	*/
-	virtual int  GetMetaData(char *name, char *data, int data_len) { if (data&&data_len>0) *data=0; return 0; } 																						
-	/* ~WInputInfo
-	** WInputInfo virtual destructor
-	*/    
-	//virtual ~WInputInfo() { };
-	virtual void Release(int)=0;
-**	Messages returned to notify Output Filter plug-ins of events
-typedef enum {
-	** Sent when the song changes 
-	** param1=new filename song
-	** param2=new title song
-	*/
-	** Sent when decoding ends
-	*/
-} WOutputFilterNotifyMsg;
-class WOutputFilter 
-  protected:
-	/* WOutputFilter
-	** WOutputFilter constructor
-	*/    
-	WOutputFilter() { m_next=NULL; };
-  public:
-	/* m_player
-	** Filled by Winamp. Pointer to Winamp 3 core player interface
-	*/
-	WPlayer_callback *m_player;
-	/* m_next
-	** Internally used by Winamp. Pointer to next activated Output Filter
-	*/
-	WOutputFilter *m_next;
-	/* ~WOutputFilter
-	** WOutputFilter destructor
-	*/
-	//virtual ~WOutputFilter() { };
-	virtual void Release(int)=0;
-	/* GetDescription
-	** Retrieves your plug-in's text description
-	*/
-	virtual char *GetDescription() { return "Unknown"; };
-	/* ProcessSamples
-	** Render data as it receives it
-	** sampledata: Data to process
-	** bytes: number of bytes to process
-	** bps: Bits per sample (8 or 16)
-	** nch: Number of channels (1 or 2)
-	** srate: Sample rate in Hz
-	** killswitch: Will be set to 1 by winamp if stop if requested. Poll the pointed value very often to
-	**             make sure Winamp doesn't hang
-	**
-	** Returns the number of processed bytes or -1 if unable to open the device or an error occured.
-	**
-	** You have to open your device (ie. Directsound) the first time this function is called.
-	*/
-	virtual int ProcessSamples(char *sampledata, int bytes, int *bps, int *nch, int *srate, bool *killswitch) { return bytes; }
-	/* FlushSamples
-	** Flushes output buffers so that all is written
-	*/
-	virtual void FlushSamples(bool *killswitch) { }; 
-	/* Restart
-	** Called by Winamp after a seek
-	*/
-	virtual void Restart(void) { } 
-	/* GetLatency
-	** Returns < 0 for a final output latency, > 0 for an additive
-	*/
-	virtual int  GetLatency(void) { return 0; } 
-	/* Pause
-	** Suspends output
-	*/
-	virtual void Pause(int pause) { }
-	/* ShutDown
-	** Completely stops output
-	**
-	** Close your device here (not in destructor)
-	*/
-	virtual void ShutDown(void) { }
-	/* SetVolume
-	** Sets the volume (0 to 255)
-	** return 1 if volume successfully modified
-	*/
-	virtual int SetVolume(int volume) { return 0; } 
-	/* SetPan
-	** Sets Left-Right sound balance (-127 to 127)
-	** return 1 if pan successfully modified
-	*/
-	virtual int SetPan(int pan) { return 0; }
-	/* Notify
-	** Called by Winamp to notify what's going on
-	*/
-	virtual void Notify(WOutputFilterNotifyMsg msg, int data1, int data2) { }
-class WInputSource
-  protected:
-	/* WInputSource
-	** WInputSource constructor
-	*/
-  WInputSource(){ };
-  public:
-	/* m_player
-	** Filled by Winamp. Pointer to Winamp 3 core interface
-	*/
-	WPlayer_callback *m_player;
-	/* GetDescription
-	** Retrieves your plug-in's text description
-	*/
-	virtual char *GetDescription() { return "Unknown"; };
-	/* UsesOutputFilters
-	** Returns whether or not the Output Filter pipeline can be used
-	*/
-	virtual int UsesOutputFilters(void) { return 1; }
-	/* Open
-	** Used to open and prepare input media type
-	*/
-	virtual int Open(char *url, bool *killswitch)=0;
-	/* GetSamples
-	** This function must fill bps, nch and srate.
-	** Here, you have to fill the sample_buffer with decoded data. Be sure to fill it with the specified
-	** size (bytes). Use an internal buffer, etc ...
-	**
-	** sample_buffer: buffer to put decoded data into
-	** bytes: size of the sample_buffer
-	** bps: Bits par sample (8 or 16)
-	** nch: Number of channels (1 or 2)
-	** srate: Sample rate in Hz
-	** killswitch: Will be set to 1 by winamp if stop if requested. Poll the pointed value very often to
-	**              make sure Winamp doesn't hang
-	*/
-	virtual int GetSamples(char *sample_buffer, int bytes, int *bps, int *nch, int *srate, bool *killswitch)=0;
-	/* SetVolume
-	** Sets the volume (0 to 255)
-	** Return 1 if volume has been set
-	*/
-	virtual int SetVolume(int volume) { return 0; }; 
-	/* SetPan
-	** Sets Left-Right sound balance (-127 to 127)
-	** return 1 if pan successfully modified
-	*/
-	virtual int SetPan(int pan) { return 0; };
-	/* SetPosition
-	** Sets position in ms. returns 0 on success, 1 if seek impossible
-	*/
-	virtual int SetPosition(int)=0; 
-	/* Pause
-	** Suspends input
-	*/
-	virtual void Pause(int pause) { };
-	/* GetPosition
-	** Retrieve position in milliseconds
-	*/
-	virtual int GetPosition(void) { return 0; }
-	/* GetTitle
-	** Called by Winamp to get the decoded title about the file opened
-	** i.e. stream name, id3 title name, etc...
-	*/
-	virtual void GetTitle(char *buf, int maxlen) { if(maxlen>0) buf[0]=0; };
-	/* GetInfoString
-	** Called by Winamp to get extra informations about the file openend
-	** i.e. "32kbps 44khz", etc...
-	*/
-	virtual void GetInfoString(char *buf, int maxlen) { if(maxlen>0) buf[0]=0; };
-	/* GetLength
-	** Called by Winamp to retrieves media type length in milliseconds
-	** returns -1 if length is undefined/infinite
-	*/
-	virtual int GetLength(void) { return -1; }
-	/* ~WInputSource
-	** ~WInputSource virtual destructor
-	*/
-	//virtual ~WInputSource() { };
-	virtual void Release(int)=0;
-class WReader 
-  protected:
-	/* WReader
-	** WReader constructor
-	*/
-	WReader() { }
-  public:
-	/* m_player
-	** Filled by Winamp. Pointer to Winamp 3 core interface
-	*/
-	WPlayer_callback *m_player;
-	/* GetDescription
-	** Retrieves your plug-in's text description
-	*/
-	virtual char *GetDescription() { return "Unknown"; };
-	/* Open
-	** Used to open a file, return 0 on success
-	*/
-	virtual int Open(char *url, bool *killswitch)=0; 
-	/* Read
-	** Returns number of BYTES read (if < length then eof or killswitch)
-	*/
-	virtual int Read(char *buffer, int length, bool *killswitch)=0; 
-	/* GetLength
-	** Returns length of the entire file in BYTES, return -1 on unknown/infinite (as for a stream)
-	*/
-	virtual int GetLength(void)=0; 
-	/* CanSeek
-	** Returns 1 if you can skip ahead in the file, 0 if not
-	*/
-	virtual int CanSeek(void)=0;
-	/* Seek
-	** Jump to a certain absolute position
-	*/
-	virtual int Seek(int position, bool *killswitch)=0;
-	/* GetHeader
-	** Retrieve header. Used in read_http to retrieve the HTTP header
-	*/
-	virtual char *GetHeader(char *name) { return 0; }
-	/* ~WReader
-	** WReader virtual destructor
-	*/
-	//virtual ~WReader() { }
-	virtual void Release(int)=0;
-#define READ_VER	0x100
-#define IN_VER		0x100
-#define OF_VER		0x100
-typedef struct 
-	/* version
-	** Version revision number
-	*/
-	int version;
-	/* description
-	** Text description of the reader plug-in
-	*/
-	char *description;
-	/* create
-	** Function pointer to create a reader module
-	*/
-	WReader *(*create)();
-	/* ismine
-	** Determines whether or not a file should be read by this plug-in
-	*/
-	int (*ismine)(char *url);
-} reader_source;
-typedef struct 
-	/* version
-	** Version revision number
-	*/	  
-	int version;
-	/* description
-	** Text description of the input plug-in
-	*/  
-	char *description;
-	/* extension_list
-	** Defines all the supported filetypes by this input plug-in
-	** In semicolon delimited format ("ext;desc;ext;desc" etc).
-	*/  
-	char *extension_list; 
-	/* ismine
-	** called before extension checks, to allow detection of tone://,http://, etc
-	** Determines whether or not a file type should be decoded by this plug-in
-	*/	  
-	int (*ismine)(char *filename);
-	/* create
-	** Function pointer to create a decoder module
-	*/ 
-	WInputSource *(*create)(void);
-	/* createinfo
-	** Function pointer to create a decoder module information
-	*/	  
-	WInputInfo *(*createinfo)(void);
-} input_source;
-typedef struct 
-	/* version
-	** Version revision number
-	*/
-	int version;
-	/* description
-	** Text description of the output plug-in
-	*/	  
-	char *description;
-	/* create
-	** Function pointer to create an Output Filter
-	*/
-	WOutputFilter *(*create)();
-} output_filter;

+ 0 - 459

@@ -1,459 +0,0 @@
-#include "main.h"
-#include "decoder.h"
-#include <math.h>
-#include <locale.h>
-#pragma warning(disable:4244)
-#include "shaper.h"
-#include "api__in_vorbis.h"
-Decoder::~Decoder() {if (shaper) delete shaper;}
-extern CfgInt
-	cfg_mc6_dm, cfg_mc6_map;
-if (vorbis_cfg.use_hq_preamp)
-   sample *= pow(10., preamp_db/20);
-   //hard 6dB limiting 
-  if (sample < -0.5)
-               sample = tanh((sample + 0.5) / (1-0.5)) * (1-0.5) - 0.5;
-   else if (sample > 0.5)
-              sample = tanh((sample - 0.5) / (1-0.5)) * (1-0.5) + 0.5;
-}	*/
-#if 0
-static float q_tanh(float x)
-	double foo1, foo2;
-	foo1 = pow(2.71828182845904523536028747135266, x);
-	foo2 = 1.0 / foo1;
-	return (foo1 -foo2) / (foo1 + foo2);
-#define q_tanh tanh
-float VorbisFile::GetGain()
-	float peak;
-	vorbis_comment * c;
-	float scale = 1.0f;
-	c = ov_comment(&vf, -1);
-	peak = 0.99f;
-	if (c)
-	{
-		if (AGAVE_API_CONFIG->GetBool(playbackConfigGroupGUID, L"replaygain", false))
-		{
-			char * _peak = 0, *_gain = 0;
-			float gain = 0;
-			bool have_rg = 0;
-			float lwing_gain = 0;
-			char *gain1 = 0, *gain2 = 0, *peak1 = 0, *peak2 = 0;
-			gain1 = vorbis_comment_query(c, "replaygain_album_gain", 0);
-			if (!gain1) gain1 = vorbis_comment_query(c, "rg_audiophile", 0);
-			gain2 = vorbis_comment_query(c, "replaygain_track_gain", 0);
-			if (!gain2) gain2 = vorbis_comment_query(c, "rg_radio", 0);
-			peak1 = vorbis_comment_query(c, "replaygain_album_peak", 0);
-			peak2 = vorbis_comment_query(c, "replaygain_track_peak", 0);
-			switch (AGAVE_API_CONFIG->GetUnsigned(playbackConfigGroupGUID, L"replaygain_source", 0))
-			{
-			case 0:   // track
-				_gain = gain2;
-				if (!_gain && !AGAVE_API_CONFIG->GetBool(playbackConfigGroupGUID, L"replaygain_preferred_only", false))
-					_gain = gain1;
-				_peak = peak2;
-				if (!_peak	&& !AGAVE_API_CONFIG->GetBool(playbackConfigGroupGUID, L"replaygain_preferred_only", false))
-					_peak = peak1;
-				break;
-			case 1:   // album
-				_gain = gain1;
-				if (!_gain	&& !AGAVE_API_CONFIG->GetBool(playbackConfigGroupGUID, L"replaygain_preferred_only", false))
-					_gain = gain2;
-				_peak = peak1;
-				if (!_peak	&& !AGAVE_API_CONFIG->GetBool(playbackConfigGroupGUID, L"replaygain_preferred_only", false))
-					_peak = peak2;
-				break;
-			}
-			if (!_peak)
-			{
-				_peak = vorbis_comment_query(c, "rg_peak", 0);
-			}
-			_locale_t C_locale = WASABI_API_LNG->Get_C_NumericLocale();
-			if (_peak) peak = _atof_l(_peak, C_locale);
-			if (_gain) gain = _atof_l(_gain, C_locale);
-			if (!_peak && !_gain)
-			{
-				char * l = vorbis_comment_query(c, "lwing_gain", 0);
-				if (l)
-				{
-					lwing_gain = _atof_l(l, C_locale);
-					have_rg = 1;
-				}
-			}
-			else have_rg = 1;
-			if (!have_rg)
-			{
-				gain = AGAVE_API_CONFIG->GetFloat(playbackConfigGroupGUID, L"non_replaygain", -6.0f);
-			}
-			scale = powf(10, (gain) / 20.0f);
-			if (lwing_gain)
-				scale *= lwing_gain;
-			else if (have_rg)
-				switch (AGAVE_API_CONFIG->GetUnsigned(playbackConfigGroupGUID, L"replaygain_mode", 1))
-				{
-				case 1:   // apply gain, but don't clip
-					if (scale*peak > 1.0) scale = 1.0 / peak;
-					break;
-				case 2:   // normalize
-					scale = 1.0 / peak;
-					break;
-				case 3:   // no clipping
-					if (peak > 1.0f)
-						scale = 1.0 / peak;
-					break;
-				}
-		}
-	}
-	return scale;
-void Decoder::process_rg()
-	scale = file->GetGain();
-void Decoder::setup_mc()
-	if (AGAVE_API_CONFIG->GetBool(playbackConfigGroupGUID, L"mono", false))
-		nch = 1;
-	else if (src_nch == 6)
-	{
-		switch (cfg_mc6_dm)
-		{
-		case 2:
-			nch = 4;
-			break;
-		case 3:
-		case 4:
-			nch = 2;
-			break;
-		case 5:
-			nch = 1;
-			break;
-		}
-		if (nch > 2 && !AGAVE_API_CONFIG->GetBool(playbackConfigGroupGUID, L"surround", true))
-			nch = 2;
-	}
-void Decoder::Flush()
-	bptr = 0;
-	pcmbuf = 0;
-	data = 0;
-	pos = 0;
-	if (shaper) {delete shaper;shaper = 0;}
-void Decoder::Init(VorbisFile * f, UINT _bits, UINT _nch, bool _useFloat, bool allowRG)
-	useFloat = _useFloat;
-	file = f;
-	vorbis_info * i = ov_info(&file->vf, -1);
-	if (allowRG)
-		process_rg();
-	else
-		scale = 1.0f;
-	if (useFloat)
-	{
-		dither = false;
-		bps = 32;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		dither = AGAVE_API_CONFIG->GetBool(playbackConfigGroupGUID, L"dither", true);
-		if (_bits)
-			bps = _bits;
-		else
-			bps = AGAVE_API_CONFIG->GetUnsigned(playbackConfigGroupGUID, L"bits", 16);
-	}
-	if (useFloat)
-	{
-		clipmin = -10000; // some arbitrarily large number
-		clipmax = 10000; // some arbitrarily large number
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		clipmin = - (1 << (bps - 1));
-		clipmax = (1 << (bps - 1)) - 1;
-	}
-	sr = i->rate;
-	nch = src_nch = i->channels;
-	Flush();
-	cur_link = file->vf.current_link;
-	if (_nch)
-		nch = _nch;
-	else
-		setup_mc();
-UINT Decoder::DataAvailable()
-	return data * (bps >> 3);
-int Decoder::DoFrame()
-	need_reopen = 0;
-	while (1)
-	{
-		data = ov_read_float(&file->vf, &pcmbuf, 576, 0);
-		if ((int)data <= 0)
-		{
-			if (data == OV_HOLE) {continue;}
-			data = 0;
-			return 0;
-		}
-		break;
-	}
-	pos = 0;
-	if (cur_link != file->vf.current_link)
-	{
-		vorbis_info* i = ov_info(&file->vf, -1);
-		if (sr != (UINT)i->rate || src_nch != (UINT)i->channels)
-		{
-			UINT old_nch = nch, old_sr = sr;
-			if (shaper) {delete shaper;shaper = 0;}
-			sr = i->rate;
-			src_nch = nch = i->channels;
-			setup_mc();
-			if (nch != old_nch || sr != old_sr)
-			{
-				need_reopen = 1;
-			}
-		}
-		process_rg();
-		cur_link = file->vf.current_link;
-	}
-	data *= nch;
-	return 1;
-int Decoder::Read(UINT bytes, void * buf)
-	UINT wr = 0;
-	if (buf && bytes && data > 0)
-	{
-		char* out = (char*)buf;
-		UINT d;
-		double mul;
-		int ofs;
-		float * img;
-		d = bytes / (bps >> 3);
-		if (d > data) d = data;
-		if (!d) return 0;
-		data -= d;
-		if (useFloat)
-		{
-			mul = 1.0;
-			ofs = 0;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			mul = (double)( (1 << ((bps) - 1)) - 1 );
-			ofs = (bps == 8) ? 0x80 : 0;
-		}
-		wr += d * (bps >> 3);
-		img = (float*)alloca(sizeof(float) * nch);
-		do
-		{
-			UINT cur_ch;
-			if (nch == 1 && src_nch > 0)
-			{
-				UINT c;
-				img[0] = 0;
-				for (c = 0;c < src_nch;c++)
-				{
-					img[0] += pcmbuf[c][pos];
-				}
-				img[0] /= (float)src_nch;
-			}
-			else if (nch == src_nch && !(nch == 6 && cfg_mc6_dm == 1))
-			{
-				UINT c;
-				for (c = 0;c < nch;c++)
-				{
-					img[c] = pcmbuf[c][pos];
-				}
-			}
-			else if (src_nch == 6)
-			{
-				UINT FL, FR, C;
-				if (cfg_mc6_map == 1)
-				{
-					FL = 0;
-					FR = 1;
-					C = 2;
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					FL = 0;
-					C = 1;
-					FR = 2;
-				}
-				if (nch == 6)
-				{ //remap order for correct 5.1 output
-					img[0] = pcmbuf[FL][pos];
-					img[1] = pcmbuf[FR][pos];
-					img[2] = pcmbuf[C][pos];
-					img[3] = pcmbuf[5][pos];
-					img[4] = pcmbuf[3][pos];
-					img[5] = pcmbuf[4][pos];
-				}
-				else if (nch == 2)
-				{
-					/*
-					FL FR C  BL BR LFE
-					0  1  2  3  4  5
-					L,C,R,SL,SR,LFE
-					0 1 2 3  4  5
-					output:
-					stereo:
-					Lt=L+0.707*(V-SL-SR+LFE)
-					Rt=R+0.707*(C+SL+SR+LFE)
-					Lt=L+0.707*(C+LFE)
-					Rt=R+0.707*(C+LFE)
-					SLt=SL 
-					SRt=SR
-					*/
-					if (cfg_mc6_dm == 4) //ds2
-					{
-						const double a = pow(10., 1.5 / 20.), b = 1 / a;
-						img[0] = pcmbuf[FL][pos] + 0.707 * (pcmbuf[C][pos] - a * pcmbuf[3][pos] - b * pcmbuf[4][pos] + pcmbuf[5][pos]);
-						img[1] = pcmbuf[FR][pos] + 0.707 * (pcmbuf[C][pos] + b * pcmbuf[3][pos] + a * pcmbuf[4][pos] + pcmbuf[5][pos]);
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						img[0] = pcmbuf[FL][pos] + 0.707 * (pcmbuf[C][pos] - pcmbuf[3][pos] - pcmbuf[4][pos] + pcmbuf[5][pos]);
-						img[1] = pcmbuf[FR][pos] + 0.707 * (pcmbuf[C][pos] + pcmbuf[3][pos] + pcmbuf[4][pos] + pcmbuf[5][pos]);
-					}
-				}
-				else if (nch == 4)
-				{
-					img[0] = pcmbuf[FL][pos] + 0.707 * (pcmbuf[C][pos] + pcmbuf[5][pos]);
-					img[1] = pcmbuf[FR][pos] + 0.707 * (pcmbuf[C][pos] + pcmbuf[5][pos]);
-					img[2] = pcmbuf[3][pos];
-					img[3] = pcmbuf[4][pos];
-				}
-			}
-			for (cur_ch = 0;cur_ch < nch;cur_ch++)
-			{
-				float v = img[cur_ch];
-				int val;
-				v *= scale;
-				v *= mul;
-				if (dither)
-				{
-					if (!shaper)
-					{
-						//Shaper(int freq,int _nch,int min,int max,int _dtype,int pdf,double noiseamp);
-						shaper = new Shaper(sr, nch, clipmin, clipmax, 2, DITHER_TRIANGLE, 0);
-					}
-					//					double peak=0;
-					val = shaper->do_shaping(v /*,&peak*/, cur_ch);
-					//shaper clips for us
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					val = (int)v;
-					if (val < clipmin) val = clipmin;
-					else if (val > clipmax) val = clipmax;
-					//1<<16 = 0x10000
-				}
-				val += ofs;
-				switch (bps)
-				{
-				case 8:
-					*(BYTE*)out = (UINT)val;
-					break;
-				case 16:
-					*(short*)out = val;
-					break;
-				case 24:
-					{
-						((BYTE*)out)[0] = (UINT)val;
-						((BYTE*)out)[1] = (UINT)val >> 8;
-						((BYTE*)out)[2] = (UINT)val >> 16;
-					}
-					break;
-				case 32:
-					if (useFloat)
-					{
-						*(float *)out = v;
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						//*(long*)out=val;
-						//break;
-						*(long*)out = 0;
-					}
-					break;
-				};
-				out += (bps >> 3);
-				d--;
-			}
-			pos++;
-		}
-		while (d);
-	}
-	return wr;
-int VorbisFile::Seek(double p) { return ov_time_seek(&vf, p);}
-int Decoder::Seek(double p)
-	Flush();
-	return file->Seek(p);
-//char *vorbis_comment_query(vorbis_comment *vc, char *tag, int count)
-const char* VorbisFile::get_meta(const char* tag, UINT c)
-	return vorbis_comment_query(vf.seekable ? + vf.current_link :, (char*)tag, c);

+ 0 - 41

@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-class Shaper;
-class Decoder
-	void process_rg();
-	void setup_mc();
-	float* bptr;
-	float** pcmbuf;
-	Shaper * shaper;
-	UINT data,pos;
-	float scale;
-	int cur_link;
-	int cur_preamp;
-	int clipmin,clipmax;
-	VorbisFile * file;
-	UINT nch,sr,kbps,bps,src_nch;
-	Decoder()
-	{
-		memset(this,0,sizeof(*this));
-	}
-	~Decoder();
-	int Seek(double p);
-	int Read(UINT bytes,void * buf);
-	void Flush();
-	void Init(VorbisFile * f, UINT _bits=0, UINT _nch=0, bool _useFloat=false, bool allowRG=true);
-	void wa2_setinfo(UINT cur_bitrate);
-	UINT DataAvailable();
-	int DoFrame();
-	bool need_reopen;
-	int play_init();
-	bool play_inited;
-	bool dither;
-	bool useFloat;

+ 0 - 97

@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-#include <windows.h>
-#include "genres.h"
-#include <shlwapi.h>
-extern const wchar_t *INI_DIRECTORY;
-static void file_init(wchar_t *file_path, wchar_t *fn)
-	PathCombineW(file_path, INI_DIRECTORY, fn);
-static char eol[2]={13,10};
-static char get_char(HANDLE f,BOOL * eof)
-	DWORD br=0;
-	char r=0;
-	ReadFile(f,&r,1,&br,0);
-	if (!br) *eof=1;
-	return r;
-void genres_read(HWND wnd, wchar_t* fn)
-	char temp[MAX_GENRE] = {0};
-	char add[MAX_GENRE] = {0};
-	BOOL eof=0;
-	char c = 0;
-	wchar_t file_path[MAX_PATH] = {0};
-	file_init(file_path, fn);
-	f = CreateFileW(file_path, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0);
-	if (f==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return;
-	GetWindowTextA(wnd,add,MAX_GENRE);
-	while(!eof)
-	{
-		UINT ptr=0;
-		BOOL start=1;
-		while(ptr<MAX_GENRE-1)
-		{
-			c=get_char(f,&eof);
-			if (eof) break;
-			if (c==10 || c==13)
-			{
-				if (start) continue;
-				else break;
-			}
-			start=0;
-			temp[ptr++]=c;
-		}
-		if (ptr) 
-		{
-			temp[ptr]=0;
-			SendMessage(wnd,CB_ADDSTRING,0, (LPARAM)temp);
-			if (add[0])
-			{
-				if (!_stricmp(add,temp)) add[0]=0;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	CloseHandle(f);
-	if (add[0]) SendMessage(wnd,CB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM)add);
-void genres_write(HWND wnd, wchar_t* fn)
-	wchar_t file_path[MAX_PATH] = {0};
-	char temp[MAX_GENRE] = {0};
-	UINT max = 0,n = 0;
-	DWORD bw = 0;
-	{
-		char add[MAX_GENRE] = {0};
-		GetWindowTextA(wnd,add,MAX_GENRE);
-		if (!add[0]) return;
-		max=(UINT)SendMessage(wnd,CB_GETCOUNT,0,0);
-		for(n=0;n<max;n++)
-		{
-			SendMessage(wnd,CB_GETLBTEXT,n,(LPARAM)temp);
-			if (!_stricmp(temp,add)) return;
-		}
-		SendMessage(wnd,CB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM)add);
-	}
-	file_init(file_path, fn);
-	f = CreateFileW(file_path, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, 0, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, 0);
-	if (f==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return;
-	max=(UINT)SendMessage(wnd,CB_GETCOUNT,0,0);
-	for(n=0;n<max;n++)
-	{
-		SendMessage(wnd,CB_GETLBTEXT,n,(LPARAM)temp);
-		bw = 0; WriteFile(f,temp,(DWORD)strlen(temp),&bw,0);
-		bw = 0; WriteFile(f,eol,2,&bw,0);
-	}
-	CloseHandle(f);

+ 0 - 16

@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-#ifdef  __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-void genres_read(HWND wnd, wchar_t* fn);
-void genres_write(HWND wnd, wchar_t* fn);
-#define MAX_GENRE 256
-#ifdef __cplusplus

+ 0 - 596

@@ -1,596 +0,0 @@
-#include "api__in_vorbis.h"
-#include "../../..\Components\wac_network\wac_network_http_receiver_api.h"
-#include "rf.h"
-#include "main.h"
-#include "../Winamp/wa_ipc.h"
-#include <api/service/waservicefactory.h>
-#include "../nu/AutoWide.h"
-#include "../nu/AutoChar.h"
-extern CfgInt cfg_fix0r,cfg_httpseek2,cfg_proxy_mode,cfg_prebuf1,cfg_prebuf2,cfg_fsave,cfg_http_bsize;
-#define CANSEEK 
-WORD *wdup(const char * src);//info.c
-#define zeromem(x) memset(&x,0,sizeof(x))
-class StreamSave
-  private:
-	ogg_sync_state   oy_src;
-	ogg_stream_state os_src;
-	ogg_stream_state os_dst;
-	ogg_page         og_src;
-	ogg_page         og_dst;
-	ogg_packet       op;
-	StringW tmp_fn;
-	BOOL is_temp;
-	BOOL got_streams,got_delta,use_fix0r;
-	ogg_int64_t pcm_delta;
-	int packets,serial;
-	HANDLE hFile;
-  public:
-	StreamSave()
-	{
-		zeromem(oy_src);
-		zeromem(os_src);
-		zeromem(os_dst);
-		zeromem(og_src);
-		zeromem(og_dst);
-		zeromem(op);
-		got_streams=0;
-		got_delta=0;
-		pcm_delta=0;
-		hFile=0;
-		packets=0;
-		serial=0;
-		is_temp=1;
-		tmp_fn=cfg_dumpdir;
-		if (tmp_fn[tmp_fn.Length()-1]!='\\') tmp_fn.AddChar('\\');
-		tmp_fn+=StringPrintfW(L"",GetTickCount64()&0xFFFF);
-		if (hFile==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) hFile=0;
-		else
-		{
-		ogg_sync_init(&oy_src);
-		use_fix0r=cfg_fix0r;
-		}
-	};
-	void Write(void * ptr,UINT siz)
-	{
-		if (!hFile) return;
-		void * b=ogg_sync_buffer(&oy_src,siz);
-		memcpy(b,ptr,siz);
-		ogg_sync_wrote(&oy_src,siz);
-		while(ogg_sync_pageout(&oy_src,&og_src)>0)
-		{
-			if (!got_streams)
-			{
-				serial=ogg_page_serialno(&og_src);
-				ogg_stream_init(&os_src,serial);
-				ogg_stream_init(&os_dst,serial);
-				got_streams=1;
-				packets=0;
-				got_delta=0;
-			}
-			else if (serial!=ogg_page_serialno(&og_src))
-			{
-				if (got_streams)
-				{
-					/*while(ogg_stream_flush(&os_dst,&og_dst))
-					{
-						write_page(dst,&og_dst,&wb);
-					}*/
-					ogg_stream_clear(&os_src);
-					ogg_stream_clear(&os_dst);
-				}
-				serial=ogg_page_serialno(&og_src);
-				ogg_stream_init(&os_src,serial);
-				ogg_stream_init(&os_dst,serial);
-				packets=0;
-				got_delta=0;
-			}
-			ogg_stream_pagein(&os_src,&og_src);
-			while(ogg_stream_packetout(&os_src,&op)>0)
-			{
-				if (use_fix0r && !got_delta && packets>2 && op.granulepos>=0) //hack to fix saved streams
-				{
-					got_delta=1;
-					if (op.granulepos>4096*(packets-2)) pcm_delta=op.granulepos;
-				}
-				if (got_delta)
-				{
-					if (op.granulepos>=pcm_delta) op.granulepos-=pcm_delta;
-					else if (op.granulepos>0) op.granulepos=0;
-				}
-				ogg_stream_packetin(&os_dst,&op);
-				packets++;
-			}
-			while((packets==3 ? ogg_stream_flush(&os_dst,&og_dst) :  ogg_stream_pageout(&os_dst,&og_dst))>0)
-			{
-				DWORD bw = 0;
-				WriteFile(hFile,og_dst.header,og_dst.header_len,&bw,0);
-				bw = 0; WriteFile(hFile,og_dst.body,og_dst.body_len,&bw,0);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	void FixName(VorbisFile * vf,const char * streamname)
-	{
-	    if (!hFile) return;
-		CloseHandle(hFile);
-		StringW fn(cfg_dumpdir);
-		if (fn[fn.Length()-1]!='\\') fn.AddChar('\\');
-		UINT n=fn.Length();
-		fn+=(wchar_t *)AutoWide(vf->get_meta("TITLE", 0), CP_UTF8);
-		UINT m=fn.Length();
-		while(n<m)
-		{
-			char * b="/\\:*?\"<>|";
-			while(b && *b)
-			{
-				if (fn[n]==*b) {fn.SetChar(n,'_');break;}
-				b++;
-			}
-			n++;
-		};
-		fn.AddStringA(".ogg");
-		if (!MoveFileW(tmp_fn,fn))
-		{
-			DeleteFileW(fn);
-			MoveFileW(tmp_fn,fn);
-		}
-		SetFileAttributesW(fn,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL);
-		hFile=CreateFileW(fn,GENERIC_WRITE,0,0,OPEN_EXISTING,0,0);
-		if (hFile==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {hFile=0;}
-		else SetFilePointer(hFile,0,0,FILE_END);
-		is_temp=0;
-	}
-	~StreamSave()
-	{
-		if (hFile)
-		{
-			/*if (got_streams)
-			{
-				while(ogg_stream_flush(&os_dst,&og_dst))
-				{
-					write_page(dst,&og_dst,&wb);
-				}
-			}*/
-			ogg_stream_clear(&os_src);
-			ogg_stream_clear(&os_dst);
-			SetFilePointer(hFile,0,0,FILE_CURRENT);
-			CloseHandle(hFile);
-			if (is_temp) DeleteFileW(tmp_fn);
-		}
-		ogg_sync_clear(&oy_src);
-	}
-static const char * do_proxy(const char * url)
-	switch(cfg_proxy_mode)
-	{
-	default:
-		return 0;
-	case 1:
-		{
-			const char * p=strstr(url,"://");
-			if (!p) p=url;
-			while(p && *p && *p!=':' && *p!='/') p++;
-			if (p && *p==':')
-			{
-				if (atoi(p+1)!=80) return 0;
-			}
-		}
-	case 2:
-		{
-			char *x = (char *)SendMessage(mod.hMainWindow, WM_WA_IPC, 0, IPC_GET_PROXY_STRING);
-			if (x == (char *)1 || !x || !*x)
-				return 0;
-			return x;
-		}
-	}
-class VorbisFile_HTTP : public VorbisFile
-  protected:
-	api_httpreceiver *get;
-	UINT bsize;
-	uint64_t len;
-	UINT pos; 
-	UINT seekpos;
-	BOOL can_seek;
-	StreamSave * saver;
-	virtual void Idle();
-	virtual int f_seek(__int64 offset,int whence);
-	virtual size_t f_read(UINT siz,void * ptr);
-	virtual UINT f_tell();
-	virtual UINT FileSize() {return len;}
-	bool is_live;
-  public:
-	virtual int GetType() {return TYPE_HTTP;}
-	virtual bool IsLive() {return is_live;}
-	bool http_init();
-	void do_prebuf() {VorbisFile::do_prebuf();fillbuf(bsize * cfg_prebuf1 / 100,0);}
-	VorbisFile_HTTP(UINT s, const wchar_t *u,bool is_info, bool hasauth) : VorbisFile(u,is_info), usedauth(hasauth)
-	{
-		get=0;
-		can_seek=0;
-		len=pos=seekpos=0;
-		bsize=s;
-		saver=0;
-		m_needs_auth=0;
-		lpinfo[0]=0;
-		force_lpinfo[0]=0;
-		is_live = false;
-		memset(dlg_realm, 0, sizeof(dlg_realm));
-	}
-	~VorbisFile_HTTP()
-	{
-		if (get)
-		{
-			waServiceFactory *sf = mod.service->service_getServiceByGuid(httpreceiverGUID);
-			if (sf)  
-				sf->releaseInterface(get);
-			get=0;
-		}
-		if (saver) delete saver;
-	}
-	void fillbuf(UINT max,bool shutup);
-	size_t _http_read(char* ptr,size_t total);
-	int reconnect(UINT ofs);
-	virtual void post_init()
-	{
-		if (saver) saver->FixName(this,get->getheader("ice-name"));
-	}
-	static BOOL CALLBACK httpDlgProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam);
-	int m_needs_auth;
-	char dlg_realm[256];
-	char lpinfo[256];
-	char force_lpinfo[256];
-	bool usedauth;
-int VorbisFile_HTTP::reconnect(UINT ofs)
-	//	get.reset_headers();
-	get->addheader("User-Agent: WinampOGG/5.24(MPEG stream compatible)");
-	get->addheader("Accept:*/*");
-	if (ofs>0) get->addheader(StringPrintf("Range: bytes=%u-",ofs));
-	get->connect(AutoChar(url));
-	int st=get->run();
-	if (st<0)
-	{
-		return 1;
-	}
-	return 0;
-void VorbisFile_HTTP::fillbuf(UINT max,bool shutup)
-	if (len>0 && pos+max>len) max=len-pos;
-	while(!Aborting() && !abort_prebuf)	//stop prebuffering if we wanna seek
-	{
-		if (!shutup)
-		{
-			Status(StringPrintfW(WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW(IDS_PREBUFFERING), get->bytes_available()*100/bsize));
-		}
-		if (get->run()) break;
-		if (Aborting() || abort_prebuf || get->bytes_available()>=(int)max) break;
-		Sleep(2);
-	}
-	if (!shutup)
-	{
-		Status(0);
-	}
-size_t VorbisFile_HTTP::_http_read(char* ptr,size_t total)
-#ifdef CANSEEK
-	if (seekpos!=-1)
-	{
-		UINT sp=seekpos;
-		seekpos=-1;
-		if (sp!=pos)
-		{
-			if (sp>pos && sp<=pos+get->bytes_available())
-			{
-				get->get_bytes(0,sp-pos);
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				if (reconnect(sp))
-				{
-				return 0;//oh well...
-				}
-			}
-			pos=sp;
-		}
-	}
-	UINT wr=0;
-	while(!Aborting() && wr<total)
-	{
-		int st=get->run();
-		int d=get->get_bytes(ptr,(int)total-wr);
-		if (st && !d) break;
-		wr+=d;
-		ptr+=d;
-		pos+=d;
-		if ((len>0 && pos>=len) || wr>=total || Aborting()) break;
-		if (use_prebuf) fillbuf(bsize * cfg_prebuf2 / 100,0);
-		else Sleep(1);
-	}
-	return wr;
-void VorbisFile_HTTP::Idle()
-	get->run();
-	Sleep(1);
-	get->run();
-	Sleep(1);
-size_t VorbisFile_HTTP::f_read(UINT siz,void* ptr)
-	if (Aborting()) return 0;//fixme
-	int i=(int)_http_read((char*)ptr,siz);
-	if (i>0 && saver) saver->Write(ptr,i);
-	return i;
-int VorbisFile_HTTP::f_seek(ogg_int64_t offset,int whence)
-#ifdef CANSEEK
-	if (can_seek)
-	{
-		switch(whence)
-		{
-		case FILE_BEGIN:
-			seekpos=(int)offset;
-			break;
-		case FILE_END:
-			seekpos=len+(int)offset;
-			break;
-			seekpos=pos+(int)offset;
-			break;
-		}
-		if (seekpos>len) seekpos=len;
-		return 0;
-	}
-	else 
-    return -1;
-UINT VorbisFile_HTTP::f_tell()
-#ifdef CANSEEK
-	if (can_seek)
-	{
-		if (seekpos!=-1) return seekpos;
-		else return pos;
-	}
-	else
-    return -1;
-HWND GetDialogBoxParent()
-	HWND parent = (HWND)SendMessage(mod.hMainWindow, WM_WA_IPC, 0, IPC_GETDIALOGBOXPARENT);
-	if (!parent || parent == (HWND)1)
-		return mod.hMainWindow;
-	return parent;
-bool VorbisFile_HTTP::http_init()
-	if (mod.service)
-	{
-		waServiceFactory *sf = mod.service->service_getServiceByGuid(httpreceiverGUID);
-		if (sf)  get = (api_httpreceiver *)sf->getInterface();
-	}
-	if (!get) return false;
-	get->open(API_DNS_AUTODNS, bsize, do_proxy(AutoChar(url)));
-	if (reconnect(0))
-	{
-		return 0;
-	}
-#ifdef CANSEEK
-	//	if (cfg_httpseek)
-	{
-		//need to get http headers first
-		while(!memcmp(get->getallheaders(),"\0\0",2))
-		{
-			if (get->run()<0 || Aborting())
-			{
-				int reply = get->getreplycode();
-				if ( reply == 401 )
-				{
-					api_connection *mcon=get->GetConnection();
-					if ( mcon && mcon->GetReceiveBytesAvailable())
-					{
-						char p[1024]="";
-						while ( mcon->GetReceiveBytesAvailable() )
-						{
-							char b[2048]="";
-							mcon->ReceiveLine(b,2048);
-							if ( *b )
-							{
-								char *t= strstr(b,"WWW-Authenticate:");
-								if ( t && *t )
-								{
-									char *y = strstr(t,"\"");
-									if ( y && *y )
-									{
-										y++;
-										if ( *y )
-										{
-											char *u = strstr(y,"\"");
-											if ( u && *u )
-											{
-												*u = 0;
-												wsprintfA(p,"%s",y);
-											}
-										}
-									}
-								}
-							}
-						}
-						if ( *p )  // found our realm
-						{
-							if (!force_lpinfo[0]) GetPrivateProfileStringA("HTTP-AUTH",p,"",force_lpinfo,sizeof(force_lpinfo),INI_FILE);
-							if (!force_lpinfo[0] || lpinfo[0] || usedauth )
-							{
-								lstrcpynA(dlg_realm,p,sizeof(dlg_realm));
-								if (!WASABI_API_DIALOGBOXPARAM(IDD_HTTPAUTH, GetDialogBoxParent(), httpDlgProc, (LPARAM)this))
-								{
-									force_lpinfo[0]=0;
-								}
-								else
-								{
-									WritePrivateProfileStringA("HTTP-AUTH",p,force_lpinfo,INI_FILE);
-								}
-							}
-							m_needs_auth=1;
-						}
-					}
-				}
-				return 0;
-			}
-			//hg->get.wait(10);
-			Sleep(1);
-		}
-		len=get->content_length();
-		const char* poo=get->getheader("icy-name");
-		if (poo) stream_title=poo;
-		if (cfg_httpseek2 && len) can_seek=1;
-		is_live=(len<=0);
-	}
-	//if (hg->len==0 || hg->len==-1) hg->can_seek=0;	
-	seekpos=-1;
-	if (cfg_fsave && !can_seek)
-	{
-		saver=new StreamSave;
-	}
-	return 1;
-VorbisFile * VorbisFile::Create_HTTP(const char * url,bool is_info)
-	VorbisFile_HTTP * r=new VorbisFile_HTTP(cfg_http_bsize,AutoWide(url),is_info, false);
-	if (r)
-	{
-		if (!r->http_init())
-		{
-			int trys=0;
-			while ( r && r->m_needs_auth && trys++ < 2)
-			{
-				const char *p=strstr(url,"://");
-				if (p && *p)
-				{
-					p += 3;
-					if (p && *p)
-					{
-						char lurl[4096] = {0};
-						wsprintfA(lurl, "http://%s@%s", r->force_lpinfo, p);
-						delete r;
-						r = new VorbisFile_HTTP(cfg_http_bsize,AutoWide(lurl),is_info, true);
-						if (r && r->http_init())
-						{
-							return r;
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			delete r;
-			r=0;
-		}
-	}
-	return r;
-BOOL CALLBACK VorbisFile_HTTP::httpDlgProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam)
-	VorbisFile_HTTP *_this;
-	switch (uMsg)
-	{
-#ifdef WIN64
-		SetWindowLong(hwndDlg, GWLP_USERDATA, (LONG)lParam);
-		_this = (VorbisFile_HTTP*)(GetWindowLong(hwndDlg, GWLP_USERDATA));
-		SetWindowLong(hwndDlg, GWL_USERDATA, (LONG)lParam);
-		_this = (VorbisFile_HTTP*)GetWindowLong(hwndDlg, GWL_USERDATA);
-		if (_this->force_lpinfo[0])
-			SetDlgItemTextA(hwndDlg,IDC_EDITAUTH,_this->force_lpinfo);
-		else SetDlgItemTextA(hwndDlg,IDC_EDITAUTH,_this->lpinfo);
-			SetDlgItemTextA(hwndDlg,IDC_REALM,_this->dlg_realm);
-		return 1;
-	case WM_COMMAND:
-#ifdef WIN64
-		_this = (VorbisFile_HTTP*)GetWindowLong(hwndDlg, GWLP_USERDATA);
-		_this = (VorbisFile_HTTP*)GetWindowLong(hwndDlg, GWL_USERDATA);
-		if (LOWORD(wParam) == IDOKAUTH)
-		{
-			char *p;
-			GetDlgItemTextA(hwndDlg,IDC_EDITAUTH,_this->force_lpinfo,sizeof(_this->force_lpinfo));
-			p = strstr(_this->force_lpinfo,"\r");
-			if ( p && *p ) *p=0;
-			p = strstr(_this->force_lpinfo,"\n");
-			if ( p && *p ) *p=0;
-			EndDialog(hwndDlg,1);
-		}
-		else if (LOWORD(wParam) == IDCANCELAUTH)
-		{
-			EndDialog(hwndDlg,0);
-		}
-		break;
-	}
-	return 0;

+ 0 - 415

@@ -1,415 +0,0 @@
-// Microsoft Visual C++ generated resource script.
-#include "resource.h"
-// Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 2 resource.
-#include "afxres.h"
-// Polish resources
-#if !defined(AFX_RESOURCE_DLL) || defined(AFX_TARG_PLK)
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#pragma code_page(1250)
-#endif //_WIN32
-    "resource.h\0"
-    "#include ""afxres.h""\r\n"
-    "\0"
-    "#include ""version.rc2""\r\n"
-    "\0"
-#endif    // APSTUDIO_INVOKED
-#endif    // Polish resources
-// English (U.S.) resources
-#if !defined(AFX_RESOURCE_DLL) || defined(AFX_TARG_ENU)
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#pragma code_page(1252)
-#endif //_WIN32
-// Dialog
-IDD_ABOUT DIALOGEX 0, 0, 173, 113
-FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg", 0, 0, 0x1
-    CONTROL         "",IDC_CUSTOM1,"XIPH_CLASS",0x0,6,8,44,40
-    CTEXT           "",IDC_RPM,7,56,45,8
-    CTEXT           "",IDC_RPM2,4,64,51,8
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-    LTEXT           "",IDC_REALM,37,4,113,8
-    LTEXT           "Enter your login and password in the form of:\n\tlogin:password",IDC_STATIC,4,15,146,17
-    PUSHBUTTON      "Cancel",IDCANCELAUTH,100,53,50,13
-CAPTION "Ogg Vorbis Info"
-FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg", 0, 0, 0x0
-    LTEXT           "File/URL :",-1,6,6,34,8
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-    PUSHBUTTON      "<= previous",IDC_PREV_STREAM,229,167,44,13
-    PUSHBUTTON      "next =>",IDC_NEXT_STREAM,276,167,43,13
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-    PUSHBUTTON      "",IDC_MODE_TOGGLE,228,203,93,13
-    PUSHBUTTON      "Close",IDCANCEL,273,220,48,13
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-    LTEXT           "Artist",IDC_STATIC,27,32,16,8
-    LTEXT           "Album",IDC_STATIC,24,48,19,8
-    EDITTEXT        IDC_ALBUM,48,46,124,12,ES_AUTOHSCROLL
-    LTEXT           "Track:",IDC_STATIC_TRACK,175,48,21,8
-    EDITTEXT        IDC_TRACK,198,46,18,12,ES_AUTOHSCROLL
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-    PUSHBUTTON      "Delete",IDC_BUTTON_DEL,230,142,50,13
-    PUSHBUTTON      "Delete All",IDC_BUTTON_DELALL,284,142,50,13
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-    GROUPBOX        "Decoding",IDC_STATIC,4,4,214,93
-    CONTROL         "Buffer full files from disk",IDC_FULLBUF,"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,10,17,89,10
-    CONTROL         "Show average bitrate while playing",IDC_AVG_BR,"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,10,31,128,10
-    GROUPBOX        "5.1-Channel Input Processing",IDC_STATIC,10,44,201,47
-    LTEXT           "Apply conversion:",IDC_STATIC,16,58,72,8,0,WS_EX_RIGHT
-    LTEXT           "Source channel order:",IDC_STATIC,16,75,72,8,0,WS_EX_RIGHT
-    GROUPBOX        "Streaming",IDC_STATIC,4,101,214,139
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-    LTEXT           "KB",IDC_STATIC,80,115,9,8
-    GROUPBOX        "Prebuffering:",IDC_STATIC,10,129,201,44
-    LTEXT           "At start:",IDC_STATIC,16,142,31,8
-    CONTROL         "",IDC_SLIDER1,"msctls_trackbar32",TBS_NOTICKS | WS_TABSTOP,70,141,130,10
-    LTEXT           "After underrun:",IDC_STATIC,16,153,54,8
-    CONTROL         "",IDC_SLIDER2,"msctls_trackbar32",TBS_NOTICKS | WS_TABSTOP,70,152,130,10
-    LTEXT           "0%",IDC_STATIC,71,161,13,8
-    LTEXT           "50%",IDC_STATIC,122,161,18,8
-    LTEXT           "100%",IDC_STATIC,185,161,20,8
-    LTEXT           "Use Winamp's proxy server settings:",IDC_STATIC,10,179,120,8
-    GROUPBOX        "",IDC_STATIC,10,191,201,43
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-    PUSHBUTTON      "default",IDC_SSAVE_FMT_DEF,165,200,40,11
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-    PUSHBUTTON      "Cancel",IDCANCEL,173,244,45,13
-    BEGIN
-        LEFTMARGIN, 4
-        RIGHTMARGIN, 168
-        TOPMARGIN, 4
-        BOTTOMMARGIN, 107
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-    BEGIN
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-// String Table
-    IDS_NULLSOFT_VORBIS_DECODER "Nullsoft Vorbis Decoder v%s"
-    65535                   "{5C5BCA4E-279E-4867-8E24-58C8B186959A}"
-    IDS_NULLSOFT_VORBIS_DECODER_OLD "Nullsoft Vorbis Decoder"
-    IDS_FILE_ERROR          "file error"
-    IDS_LENGTH              "Length: "
-    IDS_AVERAGE_BITRATE     "Average bitrate: "
-    IDS_FILE_SIZE           "File size: "
-    IDS_NOMINAL_BITRATE     "Nominal bitrate: "
-    IDS_MIN_BITRATE         "Min bitrate: "
-    IDS_MAX_BITRATE         "Max bitrate: "
-    IDS_CHANNELS            "Channels"
-    IDS_SAMPLING_RATE       "Sampling rate"
-    IDS_SERIAL_NUMBER       "Serial number"
-    IDS_VERSION             "Version"
-    IDS_VENDOR              "Vendor"
-    IDS_TO_SIMPLE_MODE      "<< to simple mode"
-    IDS_TO_ADVANCED_MODE    "to advanced mode >>"
-    IDS_OGG_VORBIS_INFO     "Ogg Vorbis info - %s"
-    IDS_BEST_RPM            "Best: %u RPM"
-    IDS_LEAVE_AS_IS         "leave as is"
-    IDS_REMAP_6_CHANNELS    "remap 6 channels"
-    IDS_DOWNMIX_TO_4_CHANNELS "downmix to 4 channels"
-    IDS_DOWNMIX_TO_2_CHANNELS_DS "downmix to 2 channels (DS)"
-    IDS_DOWNMIX_TO_2_CHANNELS_DS2 "downmix to 2 channels (DS2)"
-    IDS_DOWNMIX_TO_MONO     "downmix to mono"
-    IDS_ABOUT_TEXT          "%s\n© 2001-2023 Winamp SA\nWritten by: Peter Pawlowski\nBuild date: %hs\n\nThanks to:\n  Craig Freer\n  Tomi 'Nebularia' Jylhä-Ollila\n  Jack Moffitt\n  Szabolcs Péter"
-    IDS_TITLE_PREFERENCES   "%s Preferences"
-    IDS_NEVER               "never"
-    IDS_PORT_80_ONLY        "port 80 only"
-    IDS_ALWAYS              "always"
-    IDS_SELECT_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "Select output directory:"
-    IDS_CONNECTING          "Connecting..."
-    IDS_PREBUFFERING        "Prebuffering : %u%%"
-    IDS_AUTH_REQUIRED       "Authentication Required"
-    IDS_OGG_FILES           "Ogg Vorbis Files (*.OGG;*.OGA)"
-    IDS_NAME                "Name"
-    IDS_VALUE               "Value"
-    IDS_KBPS                "kbps"
-    IDS_HZ                  "Hz"
-    IDS_GAME_SPEED          "%u RPM"
-    IDS_BYTES               "bytes"
-    IDS_FAMILY_STRING       "Ogg Vorbis File"
-#endif    // English (U.S.) resources
-// Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 3 resource.
-#include "version.rc2"
-#endif    // not APSTUDIO_INVOKED

+ 0 - 65

@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
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+ 0 - 339

@@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
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+ 0 - 145

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+ 0 - 658

@@ -1,658 +0,0 @@
-//tag editor file i/o code, title formatting interface
-#include "main.h"
-#include "genres.h"
-#include "../nu/AutoWide.h"
-#include "../nu/AutoChar.h"
-#include "../nu/ns_wc.h"
-#include "api__in_vorbis.h"
-#include <wchar.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <shlwapi.h>
-#include "vcedit.h"
-#include <strsafe.h>
-#include "resource.h"
-namespace ogg_helper	//chainedstream_parse
-	int num_get_tracks(HANDLE hFile);
-	int query_chained_stream_offset(HANDLE hFile, int idx, __int64 * out_beginning, __int64 * out_end);
-/*static void xfer(HANDLE src, HANDLE dst, __int64 size)
-	enum { BUFFER = 1024 * 1024 };
-	void * buffer = malloc((int)(BUFFER > size ? size : BUFFER));
-	while (size > 0)
-	{
-		int d = BUFFER;
-		if ((__int64)d > size) d = (int)size;
-		DWORD br = 0;
-		ReadFile(src, buffer, d, &br, 0);
-		WriteFile(dst, buffer, d, &br, 0);
-		size -= d;
-	}
-static void seek64(HANDLE src, __int64 offset)
-	__int64 temp = offset;
-	SetFilePointer(src, *(DWORD*)&temp, ((long*)&temp + 1), FILE_BEGIN);
-extern OSVERSIONINFO os_ver;
-extern HANDLE hThread;
-static DWORDLONG get_space(const wchar_t * url)
-	ULARGE_INTEGER free_space;
-	char zzz[4] = {(char)url[0], (char)url[1], (char)url[2], 0}; //"c:\";
-	free_space.QuadPart = 0;
-	if (os_ver.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT || (os_ver.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS && LOWORD(os_ver.dwBuildNumber) > 1000))
-	{
-		if (!pGetDiskFreeSpaceEx)
-		{
-			pGetDiskFreeSpaceEx = (BOOL (WINAPI*)(LPCTSTR, PULARGE_INTEGER, PULARGE_INTEGER, PULARGE_INTEGER))GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(L"kernel32.dll"), "GetDiskFreeSpaceExA");
-		}
-		if (pGetDiskFreeSpaceEx)
-		{
-			ULARGE_INTEGER blah1, blah2;
-			pGetDiskFreeSpaceEx((LPCTSTR)zzz, &free_space, &blah1, &blah2);
-		}
-	}
-	if (!free_space.QuadPart)
-	{
-		DWORD spc, bps, nfc, tnc;
-		GetDiskFreeSpaceA(zzz, &spc, &bps, &nfc, &tnc);
-		free_space.QuadPart = UInt32x32To64(spc * bps, nfc);
-	}
-	return free_space.QuadPart;
-bool sync_movefile(const wchar_t * src, const wchar_t * dst);
-struct vcedit_param
-	HANDLE hFile;
-	__int64 remaining;
-static size_t callback_fread(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, vcedit_param * param)
-	int to_read = (int)(nmemb *size);
-	if (to_read > param->remaining) to_read = (int)param->remaining;
-	DWORD br = 0;
-	ReadFile(param->hFile, ptr, to_read, &br, 0);
-	param->remaining -= br;
-	return br / size;
-static size_t callback_write(const void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, HANDLE hFile)
-	DWORD bw = 0;
-	WriteFile(hFile, ptr, (DWORD)(size*nmemb), &bw, 0);
-	return bw / size;
-BOOL modify_file(const wchar_t* url, const vorbis_comment * comments, int links)
-{	//also used for stream save fix
-	int scream = 0;
-	StringW tmp;
-	winampGetExtendedFileInfoW_Cleanup();
-	tmp = url;
-	tmp += L".tmp";
-	{
-		ULARGE_INTEGER src_size;
-		src_size.LowPart = GetFileSize(src, &src_size.HighPart);
-		if (src_size.QuadPart > get_space(url))
-		{ //shit happens... try default temp location
-			StringW tempdir;
-			GetTempPathW(MAX_PATH, StringTempW(tempdir, MAX_PATH));
-			if (get_space(tempdir) < src_size.QuadPart)
-			{ //oh well
-				CloseHandle(src);
-			}
-			{
-				tmp = tempdir;
-				if (tmp[tmp.Length() - 1] != '\\') tmp.AddChar('\\');
-				StringCchPrintfW(StringTempW(tempdir, MAX_PATH), MAX_PATH, L"ogg%u_%u.tmp", GetTickCount(), GetCurrentProcessId());
-				tmp.AddString(tempdir);
-			}
-		}
-		dst = CreateFileW(tmp, GENERIC_WRITE | GENERIC_READ, 0, 0, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, 0);
-	}
-	{
-		{
-			FILETIME ct;
-			GetFileTime(src, &ct, 0, 0);
-			SetFileTime(dst, &ct, 0, 0);
-		}
-		int num_links = ogg_helper::num_get_tracks(src);
-		if (num_links < links) scream = 1;
-		else
-		{
-			int cur_link;
-			for (cur_link = 0; cur_link < links && !scream; cur_link++)
-			{
-				__int64 stream_beginning, stream_end;
-				if (ogg_helper::query_chained_stream_offset(src, cur_link, &stream_beginning, &stream_end))
-				{
-					seek64(src, stream_beginning);
-					vcedit_state *vs;
-					vcedit_param param;
-					param.hFile = src;
-					param.remaining = stream_end - stream_beginning;
-					vs = vcedit_new_state();
-					if (vcedit_open_callbacks(vs, &param, (vcedit_read_func)callback_fread, (vcedit_write_func)callback_write) < 0)
-					{
-						scream = 1;
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						vorbis_comment * vc = vcedit_comments(vs);
-						vorbis_comment_clear(vc);
-						vorbis_comment_init(vc);
-						const vorbis_comment * vc_src = comments + cur_link;
-						int n;
-						for (n = 0;n < vc_src->comments;n++)
-						{
-										if (vc_src->user_comments[n])
-											vorbis_comment_add(vc, vc_src->user_comments[n]);
-						}
-						vcedit_write(vs, dst);
-						vcedit_clear(vs);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	else scream = 1;
-	if (src != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle(src);
-	{
-		CloseHandle(dst);
-		if (scream)
-		{
-			DeleteFileW(tmp);
-		}
-	}
-	if (!scream)
-	{
-		BOOL f_sync;
-		EnterCriticalSection(&sync);
-		f_sync = !_wcsicmp(url, cur_file) && hThread;	//check for i/o conflict with currently played file
-		LeaveCriticalSection(&sync);
-		if (f_sync)
-		{ //drat, it's now playing
-			scream = !sync_movefile(tmp, url);
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			if (!DeleteFileW(url)) scream = 1;
-			else
-			{
-				if (!MoveFileW(tmp, url))
-				{
-					if (!CopyFileW(tmp, url, 0)) scream = 1;
-					DeleteFileW(tmp);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if (scream) return 0;
-	else return 1;
-wchar_t *wdup(const char * src)
-	return _wcsdup(StringW(src));
-extern StringW stat_disp;
-void GetFileInfo(const wchar_t *file, wchar_t *title, int *len)
-	VorbisFile* vf = 0;
-	BOOL is_cur_file = 0;
-	BOOL is_vf_local = 1;
-	if (title) *title = 0;
-	if (len) *len = -1;
-	if (!file || !*file)
-	{
-		file = cur_file;
-		is_cur_file = 1;
-	}
-	else if (!lstrcmpiW(file, cur_file))
-	{
-		is_cur_file = 1;
-	}
-	if (title && stat_disp.Length() > 0 && is_cur_file) 
-	{
-		lstrcpynW(title, stat_disp, 256);
-		title = 0;
-	}
-	if (!len && !title) return ;
-	if (is_cur_file)
-	{
-		EnterCriticalSection(&sync);
-		if (theFile)
-		{
-			vf = theFile;
-			is_vf_local = 0;
-		}
-		else
-			LeaveCriticalSection(&sync);
-	}
-	if (!vf)
-	{
-		vf = VorbisFile::Create(file, 1);
-		if (!vf)
-		{
-			if (title)
-			{
-				lstrcpynW(title, PathFindFileNameW(file), 256);
-				wchar_t *blah = PathFindExtensionW(title);
-				*blah=0;      
-			}
-			return ;
-		}
-	}
-	if (len)
-	{
-		*len = (int)(vf->Length() * 1000);
-	}
-	if (title)
-	{
-		const char *t = vf->get_meta("ARTIST", 0);
-		if (t)
-		{
-			MultiByteToWideCharSZ(CP_UTF8, 0, t, -1, title, 256);
-			t = vf->get_meta("TITLE", 0);
-			if (t)
-			{
-				StringCchCatW(title, 256, L" - ");
-				StringCchCatW(title, 256, AutoWide(t, CP_UTF8));
-			}
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			const char *t = vf->get_meta("TITLE", 0);
-			if (t)
-				MultiByteToWideCharSZ(CP_UTF8, 0, t, -1, title, 256);
-			else
-			{
-				lstrcpynW(title, PathFindFileNameW(file), 256);
-				wchar_t *blah = PathFindExtensionW(title);
-				*blah=0;  
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	//q:
-	if (is_vf_local)
-		delete vf;
-	else
-		LeaveCriticalSection(&sync);
-void w9x_itow(wchar_t *dest, int value, int destlen)
-	StringCchPrintfW(dest, destlen, L"%d", value);
-void w9x_utow(wchar_t *dest, int value, int destlen)
-	StringCchPrintfW(dest, destlen, L"%u", value);
-void w9x_htow(wchar_t *dest, int value, int destlen)
-	StringCchPrintfW(dest, destlen, L"%08x", value);
-static void print_misc(VorbisFile * _vf,int link,wchar_t * out, int outlen)
-	OggVorbis_File * vf=&_vf->vf;
-	double t=ov_time_total(vf,link);
-	vorbis_info * vi=ov_info(vf,link);
-	vorbis_comment * vc=ov_comment(vf,link);
-	if (!vi || !vc) {WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW_BUF(IDS_FILE_ERROR,out,outlen);return;}
-	wchar_t kbps_str[16] = {0};
-	wchar_t length[48]=L"", avgbitrate[48]=L"", filesize[48]=L"", nombitrate[48]=L"", maxbitrate[48]=L"", minbitrate[48]=L"";
-	if (t>0)
-	{
-		int h = (int)(t/3600.0);
-		int m = (int)(t/60.0)%60;
-		int s = (int)t%60;
-		if(h>0) StringCchPrintfW(length,48,L"%s%u:%02u:%02u\r\n",WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW(IDS_LENGTH),h,m,s);
-		else if(m>0) StringCchPrintfW(length,48,L"%s%u:%02u\r\n",WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW(IDS_LENGTH),m,s);
-		else if(s>0) StringCchPrintfW(length,48,L"%s%u\r\n",WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW(IDS_LENGTH),s);
-		UINT fs=_vf->FileSize();
-		if (fs>0)
-		{
-			int kbps = (int)(((double)fs)/(t*125.0));
-			wchar_t tmp[32] = {0};
-			StringCchPrintfW(avgbitrate,48,L"%s%u %s\r\n",WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW(IDS_AVERAGE_BITRATE),kbps,kbps_str);
-			int fs1=fs/1000000;
-			int fs2=(fs/1000)%1000;
-			int fs3=fs%1000;
-			if(fs1) 
-				StringCchPrintfW(filesize,48,L"%s%u%03u%03u %s\r\n",WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW(IDS_FILE_SIZE),fs1,fs2,fs3,WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW_BUF(IDS_BYTES,tmp,32));
-			else if(fs2) 
-				StringCchPrintfW(filesize,48,L"%s%u%03u %s\r\n",WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW(IDS_FILE_SIZE),fs2,fs3,WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW_BUF(IDS_BYTES,tmp,32));
-			else 
-				StringCchPrintfW(filesize,48,L"%s%u %s\r\n",WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW(IDS_FILE_SIZE),fs3,WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW_BUF(IDS_BYTES,tmp,32));
-		}
-	}
-	if (vi->bitrate_nominal>0)
-		StringCchPrintfW(nombitrate,48,L"%s%u %s\r\n",WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW(IDS_NOMINAL_BITRATE),vi->bitrate_nominal/1000,kbps_str);
-	if (vi->bitrate_lower>0)
-		StringCchPrintfW(minbitrate,48,L"%s%u %s\r\n",WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW(IDS_MIN_BITRATE),vi->bitrate_lower/1000,kbps_str);
-	if (vi->bitrate_nominal>0)
-		StringCchPrintfW(maxbitrate,48,L"%s%u %s\r\n",WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW(IDS_MAX_BITRATE),vi->bitrate_nominal/1000,kbps_str);
-	wchar_t tmp[32] = {0}, tmp2[32] = {0}, tmp3[32] = {0}, tmp4[32] = {0}, tmp5[32] = {0}, hzStr[8] = {0};
-	StringCchPrintfW(out,outlen,L"%s%s%s%s%s%s%s: %u\r\n%s: %u %s\r\n%s: %u\r\n%s: %u\r\n%s: \r\n%s",
-			length, avgbitrate, filesize, nombitrate, maxbitrate, minbitrate,
-			WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW_BUF(IDS_SERIAL_NUMBER,tmp3,32),ov_serialnumber(vf,link),
-			WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW_BUF(IDS_VENDOR,tmp5,32),(wchar_t*)AutoWide(vc->vendor,CP_UTF8));
-static VorbisFile* last_vf = 0;
-static wchar_t last_file[MAX_PATH] = {0};
-static FILETIME ftLastWriteTime;
-// is used to determine if the last write time of the file has changed when
-// asked to get the metadata for the same cached file so we can update things
-BOOL HasFileTimeChanged(const wchar_t *fn)
-	WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA fileData = {0};
-	if (GetFileAttributesExW(fn, GetFileExInfoStandard, &fileData) == TRUE)
-	{
-		if(CompareFileTime(&ftLastWriteTime, &fileData.ftLastWriteTime))
-		{
-			ftLastWriteTime = fileData.ftLastWriteTime;
-			return TRUE;
-		}
-	}
-	return FALSE;
-void UpdateFileTimeChanged(const wchar_t *fn)
-	if (GetFileAttributesExW(fn, GetFileExInfoStandard, &fileData) == TRUE)
-	{
-		ftLastWriteTime = fileData.ftLastWriteTime;
-	}
-// need to call this when we shut down just to make sure things are correctly cleaned up
-//(the joys of caching for speed)
-void winampGetExtendedFileInfoW_Cleanup(void)
-	if (last_vf)
-	{
-		delete last_vf;
-		last_vf = 0;
-	}
-	last_file[0] = 0;
-static void CALLBACK winampGetExtendedFileInfoW_Timer(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, UINT_PTR eventId, DWORD elapsed)
-	// TODO need to do a better way of getting and caching the metadata
-	//		this is _just_ a temp fix for the file being locked when it
-	//		it really needs 'class Info' to be able to cache and read.
-	KillTimer(hwnd, eventId);
-	winampGetExtendedFileInfoW_Cleanup();
-bool KeywordMatch(const char *mainString, const char *keyword)
-	return !_stricmp(mainString, keyword);
-#define START_TAG_ALIAS(name, alias) if (KeywordMatch(data, name)) lookup=alias
-#define TAG_ALIAS(name, alias) else if (KeywordMatch(data, name)) lookup=alias
-extern "C" __declspec( dllexport ) int winampGetExtendedFileInfoW(const wchar_t *fn, const char *data, wchar_t *dest, int destlen)
-	if (!_stricmp(data, "type"))
-	{
-		dest[0] = '0';
-		dest[1] = 0;
-		return 1;
-	}
-	else if (!_stricmp(data, "rateable"))
-	{
-		dest[0] = '1';
-		dest[1] = 0;
-		return 1;
-	}
-	else if (!_stricmp(data, "streammetadata"))
-	{
-		return 0;
-	}
-	if (!fn || (fn && !fn[0])) return 0;
-	if (!_stricmp(data, "family"))
-	{
-		int pID = -1;
-		DWORD lcid;
-		e = PathFindExtensionW(fn);
-		if (L'.' != *e) return 0;
-		e++;
-		if (CSTR_EQUAL == CompareStringW(lcid, NORM_IGNORECASE, e, -1, L"OGG", -1) ||  
-			CSTR_EQUAL == CompareStringW(lcid, NORM_IGNORECASE, e, -1, L"OGA", -1)) pID = IDS_FAMILY_STRING;
-		if (pID != -1 && S_OK == StringCchCopyW(dest, destlen, WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW(pID))) return 1;
-		return 0;
-	}
-	if (!_stricmp(data, "mime"))
-	{
-		StringCchCopyW(dest, destlen, L"audio/ogg");
-		return 1;
-	}
-	// attempt to cache/use a cached instance of VorbisFile to speed up metadata queries
-	// which is especially needed with large ogg files (like with a 4Mb embedded image!)
-	VorbisFile* vf = 0;
-	if(last_file[0] && !_wcsicmp(last_file, fn) && !HasFileTimeChanged(fn))
-	{
-		vf = last_vf;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		// different file so clean up if there's a cached instance
-		if(last_vf)
-		{
-			delete last_vf;
-			last_vf = 0;
-		}
-		// open the new file and cache the current filename for subsequent query checks
-		vf = VorbisFile::Create(fn, 1);
-		lstrcpynW(last_file, fn, MAX_PATH);
-	}
-	if (!vf) return 0;
-	else last_vf = vf;
-	// TODO need to do a better way of getting and caching the metadata
-	//		this is _just_ a temp fix for the file being locked when it
-	//		it really needs 'class Info' to be able to cache and read.
-	SetTimer(mod.hMainWindow, 256, 2000, winampGetExtendedFileInfoW_Timer);
-	const char *lookup = 0;
-	if (!_stricmp(data, "length"))
-	{
-		int len = (int)(vf->Length() * 1000);
-		w9x_itow(dest, len, destlen);
-		return 1;
-	}
-	else if (!_stricmp(data, "bitrate"))
-	{
-		int br = vf->get_avg_bitrate();
-		w9x_itow(dest, br, destlen);
-		return 1;
-	}
-	else if (!_stricmp(data, "SERIALNUMBER"))
-	{
-		w9x_utow(dest, ov_serialnumber(&vf->vf, -1), destlen);
-		return 1;
-	}
-	else if (!_stricmp(data, "SERIALNUMBER_HEX"))
-	{
-		w9x_htow(dest, ov_serialnumber(&vf->vf, -1), destlen);
-		return 1;
-	}
-	else if (!_stricmp(data, "gain"))
-	{
-		float gain = 20.0f*(float)log10(vf->GetGain());
-		StringCchPrintfW(dest, destlen, L"%-+.2f dB", gain);
-		return 1;
-	}
-	else if(!_stricmp(data,"formatinformation"))
-	{
-		print_misc(vf,0,dest,destlen);
-		return 1;
-	}
-	TAG_ALIAS("title", "TITLE");
-	TAG_ALIAS("artist", "ARTIST");
-	TAG_ALIAS("album", "ALBUM");
-	TAG_ALIAS("genre", "GENRE");
-	TAG_ALIAS("comment", "COMMENT");
-	TAG_ALIAS("year", "DATE");
-	TAG_ALIAS("albumartist", "ALBUMARTIST");
-	TAG_ALIAS("composer", "COMPOSER");
-	TAG_ALIAS("publisher", "PUBLISHER");
-	TAG_ALIAS("conductor", "CONDUCTOR");
-	TAG_ALIAS("tool", "ENCODED-BY");
-	TAG_ALIAS("replaygain_track_gain", "REPLAYGAIN_TRACK_GAIN");
-	TAG_ALIAS("replaygain_track_peak", "REPLAYGAIN_TRACK_PEAK");
-	TAG_ALIAS("replaygain_album_gain", "REPLAYGAIN_ALBUM_GAIN");
-	TAG_ALIAS("replaygain_album_peak", "REPLAYGAIN_ALBUM_PEAK");
-	TAG_ALIAS("bpm", "BPM");
-	TAG_ALIAS("remixing", "REMIXING");
-	TAG_ALIAS("subtitle", "VERSION");
-	TAG_ALIAS("isrc", "ISRC");
-	TAG_ALIAS("category", "CATEGORY");
-	TAG_ALIAS("rating", "RATING");
-	TAG_ALIAS("producer", "PRODUCER");
-	if (!lookup)
-		return 0;
-	const char *value = vf->get_meta(lookup, 0);
-	if(KeywordMatch("comment",data)) {
-		if(!value || !*value) value = vf->get_meta("DESCRIPTION", 0);
-	}
-	if(KeywordMatch("year",data)) {
-		if(!value || !*value) value = vf->get_meta("YEAR", 0);
-	}
-	if(KeywordMatch("track",data)) {
-		if(!value || !*value) value = vf->get_meta("TRACK", 0);
-	}
-	if(KeywordMatch("albumartist",data)) {
-		if(!value || !*value) value = vf->get_meta("ALBUM ARTIST", 0);
-		if(!value || !*value) value = vf->get_meta("ENSEMBLE", 0);
-	}
-	if(KeywordMatch("publisher",data)) {
-		if(!value || !*value) value = vf->get_meta("ORGANIZATION", 0);
-	}
-	if(KeywordMatch("category",data)) {
-		if(!value || !*value) value = vf->get_meta("CONTENTGROUP", 0);
-		if(!value || !*value) value = vf->get_meta("GROUPING", 0);
-	}
-	if(KeywordMatch(data, "rating")) {
-		if(!value || !*value) value = vf->get_meta("RATING", 0);
-		if(value && *value) {
-			int rating = atoi(value);
-			// keeps things limited to our range of 0-100
-			if (rating >= 100) {
-				rating = 5;
-			}
-			// 1-100 case
-			else if (rating > 5 && rating < 100) {
-				rating /= 20;
-				// shift up by one rating when in next band
-				// 1-20 = 1, 21-40 = 2, 41-60 = 3, 61-80 = 4, 81-100 = 5
-				rating += ((atoi(value) - (rating * 20)) > 0);
-			}
-			// Remove support for old 1-10 range
-			/* or maybe we're dealing with a 1-10 range
-			else if (rating > 5) {
-				rating /= 2;
-			} */
-			// otherwise it is hopefully in the 0-5 range
-			else if (rating > 0 && rating <= 5) {
-			}
-			// otherwise just make sure and set zero
-			else {
-				rating = 0;
-			}
-			StringCchPrintfW(dest, destlen, L"%u", rating);
-			return 1;
-		}
-	}
-	if(value)
-		MultiByteToWideCharSZ(CP_UTF8, 0, value, -1, dest, destlen);
-	else
-	{
-		dest[0]=0;
-		return 1;
-	}
-	return 1;

+ 0 - 1457

@@ -1,1457 +0,0 @@
-#include "main.h"
-#include "api__in_vorbis.h"
-#include "genres.h"
-#include <commctrl.h>
-#include "../Agave/Language/api_language.h"
-#include "../nu/AutoWide.h"
-#include "../nu/AutoChar.h"
-#include "resource.h"
-#include <strsafe.h>
-extern In_Module mod;
-/* old PP info box. still used for streams */
-extern CfgFont cfg_font;
-extern CfgInt cfg_modeless,cfg_remember_infosize;
-static CfgInt
-	cfg_hide_special_fields("hide_special_fields",1),
-	cfg_adv_info("adv_info",0),
-	cfg_infobox_sx("infobox_sx",0),
-	cfg_infobox_sy("infobox_sy",0),
-	cfg_infobox_x("infobox_x",0),
-	cfg_infobox_y("infobox_y",0);
-void SetDlgItemTextWrap(HWND w,UINT id,wchar_t * tx)
-	SetDlgItemTextW(w,id,tx);
-typedef struct
-	UINT id;
-	wchar_t * name;	
-#define N_STD_TAGZ 7
-extern BOOL cfg_adv_warn;
-static const STD_TAG_ITEM std_tagz[N_STD_TAGZ]=
-#define N_SPECIAL_FIELDS (sizeof(special_fields)/sizeof(special_fields[0]))
-typedef struct tagTAG
-	tagTAG * next;
-	wchar_t * name;
-	wchar_t * value;
-} TAG;
-typedef struct
-	wchar_t *name,*value;
-class OggTagData
-	TAG * tags;
-	TAG ** last;
-	TAG * newtag()
-	{
-		TAG * t=new TAG;
-		*last=t;
-		last=&t->next;
-		t->next=0;
-		return t;
-	}
-	OggTagData()
-	{
-		tags=0;
-		last=&tags;
-	}
-	String vendor;
-	OggTagData(vorbis_comment * vc) : vendor(vc->vendor)
-	{
-		tags=0;
-		last=&tags;
-		int n;
-		for(n=0;n<vc->comments;n++)
-		{
-			TAG * t=newtag();
-			char * c=vc->user_comments[n];
-			char * p=strchr(c,'=');
-			if (p)
-			{
-				int size = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, c, (int)(p-c), 0,0);
-				t->name=(wchar_t*)malloc((size+1)*sizeof(wchar_t));
-				MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, c, (int)(p-c), t->name, size);
-				t->name[size]=0;
-				p++;
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				t->name=_wcsdup(L"COMMENT");
-				p=c;
-			}
-				int size = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, p, -1, 0,0);
-				t->value=(wchar_t*)malloc((size)*sizeof(wchar_t));
-				MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, p, -1, t->value, size);
-		}
-	}
-	void Clear()
-	{
-		TAG * t=tags;
-		while(t)
-		{
-			TAG * t1=t->next;
-			free(t->name);
-			free(t->value);
-			delete t;
-			t=t1;
-		}
-		tags=0;
-		last=&tags;
-	}
-	void AddTag(const wchar_t * name,const wchar_t * value)
-	{
-		TAG * t=newtag();
-		t->name=_wcsdup(name);
-		t->value=_wcsdup(value);
-	}
-	~OggTagData()
-	{
-		Clear();
-	}
-static void SetWindowRect(HWND w,RECT * r)
-	SetWindowPos(w,0,r->left,r->top,r->right-r->left,r->bottom-r->top,SWP_NOZORDER|SWP_NOCOPYBITS|SWP_NOACTIVATE);
-class DlgBase
-	bool DieOnDestroyWindow,is_modeless,is_modal_ex,modal_ex_quit;
-	int modal_ex_quit_val;
-	void endDialog(int x)
-	{
-		if (is_modeless) DestroyWindow(wnd);
-		else if (is_modal_ex)
-		{
-			modal_ex_quit=1;
-			modal_ex_quit_val=x;
-			DestroyWindow(wnd);
-		}
-		else EndDialog(wnd,x);
-	}
-	void _do_size_x(RECT * r,UINT id,UINT wx,UINT min_x)
-	{
-		RECT r1={r->left,r->top,(LONG)(wx-min_x)+r->right,r->bottom};
-		SetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(wnd,id),&r1);
-	}
-	void _do_size_xy(RECT * r,UINT id,UINT wx,UINT wy,UINT min_x,UINT min_y)
-	{
-		RECT r1={r->left,r->top,(LONG)(wx-min_x)+r->right,(LONG)(wy-min_y)+r->bottom};
-		SetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(wnd,id),&r1);
-	}
-	void _do_align_x_size_y(RECT * r,UINT id,UINT wx,UINT wy,UINT min_x,UINT min_y)
-	{
-		RECT r1={ (LONG)(wx-min_x)+r->left,r->top,(LONG)(wx-min_x)+r->right,(LONG)(wy-min_y)+r->bottom};
-		SetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(wnd,id),&r1);
-	}
-	void _do_align_x(RECT * r,UINT id,UINT wx,UINT min_x)
-	{
-		RECT r1={ (LONG)(wx-min_x+r)->left,(LONG)r->top,(LONG)(wx-min_x+r)->right,(LONG)r->bottom};
-		SetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(wnd,id),&r1);
-	}
-	void _do_align_xy(RECT * r,UINT id,UINT wx,UINT wy,UINT min_x,UINT min_y)
-	{
-		RECT r1={(LONG)(wx-min_x+r)->left,(LONG)(wy-min_y+r)->top,(LONG)(wx- min_x+r)->right,(LONG)(wy-min_y+r)->bottom};
-		SetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(wnd,id),&r1);
-	}
-#define do_size_x(id,r) _do_size_x(r,id,sx,min_size_x)
-#define do_size_xy(id,r) _do_size_xy(r,id,sx,sy,min_size_x,min_size_y)
-#define do_align_x_size_y(id,r) _do_align_x_size_y(r,id,sx,sy,min_size_x,min_size_y)
-#define do_align_xy(id,r) _do_align_xy(r,id,sx,sy,min_size_x,min_size_y)
-#define do_align_x(id,r) _do_align_x(r,id,sx,min_size_x)
-	HWND wnd;
-	UINT min_size_x,min_size_y;
-	UINT min_size_x_w,min_size_y_w;
-	void do_sizing(UINT wp,RECT * r)
-	{
-		UINT dx,dy;
-		dx=r->right-r->left;
-		dy=r->bottom-r->top;
-		if (dx<min_size_x_w)
-		{
-			switch(wp)
-			{
-			case WMSZ_LEFT:
-			case WMSZ_TOPLEFT:
-				r->left=r->right-min_size_x_w;
-				break;
-			case WMSZ_RIGHT:
-				r->right=r->left+min_size_x_w;
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-		if (dy<min_size_y_w)
-		{
-			switch(wp)
-			{
-			case WMSZ_BOTTOM:
-				r->bottom=r->top+min_size_y_w;
-				break;
-			case WMSZ_TOPLEFT:
-			case WMSZ_TOP:
-				r->top=r->bottom-min_size_y_w;
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	void MakeComboEdit(UINT id,DWORD s)
-	{
-		HWND w=GetDlgItem(wnd,id);
-		RECT r;
-		GetChildRect(id,r);
-		DestroyWindow(w);
-		CreateWindowEx( WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, L"EDIT", 0, WS_CHILD | s, r.left - 1, - 1, r.right - r.left, r.bottom -, wnd, (HMENU)id, 0, 0 );
-	}
-	void GetChildRect(UINT id,RECT& child)
-	{
-		RECT r_parent,r_child;
-		GetWindowRect(wnd,&r_parent);
-		GetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(wnd,id),&r_child);
-		int dx=r_parent.left;
-		int;
-		if (!(GetWindowLong(wnd,GWL_STYLE)&WS_CHILD))
-		{
-			dy+=GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION)+GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYDLGFRAME);
-			dx+=GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXDLGFRAME);			
-		}
-		child.left=r_child.left-dx;
-		child.right=r_child.right-dx;
-		child.bottom=r_child.bottom-dy;
-	}
-	virtual BOOL DlgProc(UINT msg,WPARAM wp,LPARAM lp) {return 0;};
-	static BOOL CALLBACK TheDialogProc(HWND wnd,UINT msg,WPARAM wp,LPARAM lp)
-	{
-		DlgBase * p;
-		if (msg==WM_INITDIALOG)
-		{
-			p=(DlgBase*)lp;
-#ifdef WIN64
-			SetWindowLong(wnd, DWLP_USER, (LONG)lp);
-			SetWindowLong(wnd, DWL_USER, lp);
-			p->wnd=wnd;
-			RECT r;
-			GetClientRect(wnd,&r);
-			p->min_size_x=r.right;
-			p->min_size_y=r.bottom;
-			GetWindowRect(wnd,&r);
-			p->min_size_x_w=r.right-r.left;
-			p->;
-		}
-#ifdef WIN64
-		else p = (DlgBase*)GetWindowLong(wnd, DWLP_USER);
-		else p = (DlgBase*)GetWindowLong(wnd, DWL_USER);
-		BOOL rv=0;
-		if (p)
-		{
-			rv=p->DlgProc(msg,wp,lp);
-			if (msg==WM_DESTROY)
-			{
-				p->wnd=0;
-				if (p->DieOnDestroyWindow)
-				{
-					delete p;
-#ifdef WIN64
-					SetWindowLong(wnd, DWLP_USER, 0);
-					SetWindowLong(wnd, DWL_USER, 0);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		return rv;
-	}
-	HWND myCreateDialog(UINT id,HWND parent)
-	{
-		DieOnDestroyWindow=1;
-		is_modeless=1;
-		is_modal_ex=0;
-		return WASABI_API_CREATEDIALOGPARAMW(id,parent,TheDialogProc,(LPARAM)this);
-	}
-	virtual void myProcessMessage(MSG * msg)
-	{
-		if (!IsDialogMessage(wnd,msg))
-		{
-			TranslateMessage(msg);
-			DispatchMessage(msg);
-		}
-	}
-	int myDialogBoxEx(UINT id,HWND parent)
-	{
-		DieOnDestroyWindow=0;
-		is_modeless=0;
-		is_modal_ex=1;
-		modal_ex_quit=0;
-		modal_ex_quit_val=-1;
-		if (wnd)
-		{
-			BOOL b=IsWindowEnabled(parent);
-			if (b) EnableWindow(parent,0);
-			MSG msg;
-			while(!modal_ex_quit && GetMessage(&msg,0,0,0))
-			{
-				myProcessMessage(&msg);
-			}
-			if (wnd)
-			{
-				DestroyWindow(wnd);
-				wnd=0;
-			}
-			if (b) EnableWindow(parent,1);
-			SetActiveWindow(parent);
-		}
-		return modal_ex_quit_val;
-	}
-	int myDialogBox(UINT id,HWND parent)
-	{
-		DieOnDestroyWindow=0;
-		is_modeless=0;
-		is_modal_ex=0;
-		return (int)WASABI_API_DIALOGBOXPARAMW(id,parent,TheDialogProc,(LPARAM)this);
-	}
-	DlgBase()
-	{
-		wnd=0;
-		DieOnDestroyWindow=0;
-		is_modeless=0;
-		is_modal_ex=0;
-		modal_ex_quit=0;
-		modal_ex_quit_val=0;
-		min_size_x=min_size_y=min_size_x_w=min_size_y_w=0;
-	}
-	virtual ~DlgBase() {DieOnDestroyWindow=0;if (wnd) DestroyWindow(wnd);}
-	BOOL isDialogMessage(MSG * m) {return wnd ? IsDialogMessage(wnd,m) : 0;}
-static char tags_file[]="tags.txt";
-static wchar_t genres_file[] = L"genres.txt";
-class /*_declspec(novtable) */InfoDlgPanel : public DlgBase
-	HFONT font;
-	HWND list;
-	RECT info_list;
-	OggTagData hidden;
-	InfoDlgPanel(UINT id,HWND parent,HFONT foo)
-	{
-		font=foo;
-		myCreateDialog(id,parent);
-		//SetWindowLong(wnd,GWL_STYLE,GetWindowLong(wnd,GWL_STYLE)|WS_TABSTOP);
-		list=GetDlgItem(wnd,IDC_LIST);
-		SendMessage(list,WM_SETFONT,(WPARAM)font,0);
-		GetChildRect(IDC_LIST,info_list);
-	}
-	int lb_addstring(TAGDESC * tag,int idx=-1)
-	{
-		StringW tmp;
-		tmp+=tag->name;
-		tmp+=L"=";
-		tmp+=tag->value;
-		const WCHAR * p=(const WCHAR*)tmp;
-		const WCHAR * foo=wcsstr(p,L"\x0d\x0a");
-		if (foo)
-		{
-			tmp.Truncate((UINT)(foo-p));
-			tmp.AddString(L" (...)");
-		}
-		int rv=
-			(int)SendMessageW(list,
-			idx<0 ? 0 : idx,
-			((LPARAM)(const WCHAR*)tmp)
-			);
-		if (rv>=0) SendMessage(list,LB_SETITEMDATA,rv,(LPARAM)tag);
-		else
-		{
-			free(tag->name);
-			free(tag->value);
-			delete tag;
-		}
-		return rv;
-	}
-	virtual void OnUpdateRect(UINT sx,UINT sy)
-	{//WM_SIZE-ish
-		do_size_xy(IDC_LIST,&info_list);
-	}
-	virtual BOOL DlgProc(UINT msg,WPARAM wp,LPARAM lp)
-	{
-		switch(msg)
-		{
-		case WM_DESTROY:
-			lb_clear();
-			list=0;
-			break;
-		case WM_COMMAND:
-			switch(wp)
-			{
-			case IDOK:
-			case IDCANCEL:
-				SendMessage(GetParent(wnd),msg,wp,lp);
-				break;
-			}
-			break;
-//		case WM_INITDIALOG:
-//			return 1;
-		}
-		return 0;
-	}
-	void lb_clear()
-	{
-		if (!list) return;
-		int num=(int)SendMessage(list,LB_GETCOUNT,0,0);
-		while(num>0)
-		{
-			TAGDESC * l=(TAGDESC*)SendMessage(list,LB_GETITEMDATA,0,0);
-			if (l)
-			{
-				free(l->name);
-				free(l->value);
-				delete l;
-			}
-			SendMessage(list,LB_DELETESTRING,0,0);
-			num--;
-		}
-	}
-	virtual void SetTag(wchar_t * name,wchar_t * value)
-	{
-		l->name=_wcsdup(name);
-		l->value=_wcsdup(value);
-		lb_addstring(l);
-	}
-	virtual void Clear()
-	{
-		hidden.Clear();
-		lb_clear();
-	}
-	void UpdateRect(RECT &r)
-	{
-		SetWindowPos(wnd,0,r.left,,r.right-r.left,,SWP_NOZORDER|SWP_NOACTIVATE|SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
-		RECT z;
-		GetClientRect(wnd,&z);
-		OnUpdateRect(z.right-z.left,;
-	}
-	virtual void GetTags(OggTagData & tags)
-	{
-		if (!list) return;
-		int num=(int)SendMessage(list,LB_GETCOUNT,0,0);
-		int n;
-		for(n=0;n<num;n++)
-		{
-			TAGDESC * l=(TAGDESC*)SendMessage(list,LB_GETITEMDATA,n,0);
-			tags.AddTag(l->name,l->value);			
-		}
-		TAG * t=hidden.tags;
-		while(t)
-		{
-			tags.AddTag(t->name,t->value);
-			t=t->next;
-		}
-	}
-	void SetTags(OggTagData & tags,BOOL hidespec)
-	{
-		TAG * t=tags.tags;
-		while(t)
-		{
-			bool hide=0;
-			if (hidespec)
-			{
-				int n;
-				for(n=0;n<N_SPECIAL_FIELDS;n++)
-				{
-					if (!_wcsicmp(t->name,special_fields[n]))
-					{
-						hidden.AddTag(t->name,t->value);
-						hide=1;break;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			if (!hide) SetTag(t->name,t->value);
-			t=t->next;
-		}
-	}
-class InfoDlgPanel_adv : public InfoDlgPanel
-	virtual void OnUpdateRect(UINT sx,UINT sy)
-	{
-		InfoDlgPanel::OnUpdateRect(sx,sy);
-	}
-	InfoDlgPanel_adv(HWND parent,HFONT foo) : InfoDlgPanel(IDD_INFO_PANEL_ADVANCED,parent,foo)
-	{
-	}
-class InfoDlgPanel_simple : public InfoDlgPanel
-	RECT info_static_std,info_title,info_artist,info_album,info_track,info_genre,info_comment,info_static_track,info_static_tags;
-	wchar_t *tag_bk[N_STD_TAGZ];
-	virtual void OnUpdateRect(UINT sx,UINT sy)
-	{
-		do_size_x(IDC_STATIC_STD,&info_static_std);
-		do_size_x(IDC_TITLE,&info_title);
-		do_size_x(IDC_ARTIST,&info_artist);
-		do_size_x(IDC_ALBUM,&info_album);
-		do_align_x(IDC_TRACK,&info_track);
-		do_size_x(IDC_GENRE,&info_genre);
-		do_size_x(IDC_COMMENT,&info_comment);
-		do_align_x(IDC_STATIC_TRACK,&info_static_track);
-		do_size_xy(IDC_STATIC_TAGS,&info_static_tags);
-		InfoDlgPanel::OnUpdateRect(sx,sy);
-	}
-	virtual BOOL DlgProc(UINT msg,WPARAM wp,LPARAM lp)
-	{
-		switch(msg)
-		{
-		case WM_COMMAND:
-			{
-				UINT n;
-				for(n=0;n<N_STD_TAGZ;n++)
-				{
-					if (LOWORD(wp)==std_tagz[n].id)
-					{
-						if (tag_bk[n]) {free(tag_bk[n]);tag_bk[n]=0;}
-						break;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			break;
-		}
-		return InfoDlgPanel::DlgProc(msg,wp,lp);
-	}
-	virtual void Clear()
-	{
-		int n;
-		for(n=0;n<N_STD_TAGZ;n++)
-		{
-			if (tag_bk[n])
-			{
-				free(tag_bk[n]);
-				tag_bk[n]=0;
-			}
-			SetDlgItemText(wnd,std_tagz[n].id,L"");
-		}
-		InfoDlgPanel::Clear();
-	}
-	~InfoDlgPanel_simple()
-	{
-		UINT n;
-		for(n=0;n<N_STD_TAGZ;n++)
-		{
-			if (tag_bk[n]) free(tag_bk[n]);
-		}
-	}
-	InfoDlgPanel_simple(HWND parent,HFONT foo) : InfoDlgPanel(IDD_INFO_PANEL_SIMPLE,parent,foo)
-	{
-		STFU=0;
-		memset(tag_bk,0,sizeof(tag_bk));
-		UINT n;
-		for(n=0;n<N_STD_TAGZ;n++)
-		{
-			HWND w=GetDlgItem(wnd,std_tagz[n].id);
-			SendMessage(w,WM_SETFONT,(WPARAM)font,0);
-			SendMessage(w,EM_SETREADONLY,1,0);
-		}
-		GetChildRect(IDC_STATIC_STD,info_static_std);
-		GetChildRect(IDC_TITLE,info_title);
-		GetChildRect(IDC_ARTIST,info_artist);
-		GetChildRect(IDC_ALBUM,info_album);
-		GetChildRect(IDC_TRACK,info_track);
-		GetChildRect(IDC_GENRE,info_genre);
-		GetChildRect(IDC_COMMENT,info_comment);
-		GetChildRect(IDC_STATIC_TRACK,info_static_track);
-		GetChildRect(IDC_STATIC_TAGS,info_static_tags);
-		genres_read(GetDlgItem(wnd,IDC_GENRE), genres_file);
-	}
-	virtual void GetTags(OggTagData & tags)
-	{
-		genres_write(GetDlgItem(wnd,IDC_GENRE),genres_file);
-		UINT n;
-		for(n=0;n<N_STD_TAGZ;n++)
-		{
-			if (tag_bk[n])
-			{
-				tags.AddTag(std_tagz[n].name,tag_bk[n]);
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				StringW t;
-				t.s_GetWindowText(GetDlgItem(wnd,std_tagz[n].id));
-				if (t.Length()>0)
-				{
-					tags.AddTag(std_tagz[n].name,t);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		InfoDlgPanel::GetTags(tags);
-	}
-	virtual void SetTag(wchar_t * name,wchar_t * value)
-	{
-		STFU=1;
-		UINT n;
-		for(n=0;n<N_STD_TAGZ;n++)
-		{
-			if (tag_bk[n]) continue;
-			if (!_wcsicmp(name,std_tagz[n].name))
-			{
-				tag_bk[n]=_wcsdup(value);
-				SetDlgItemTextWrap(wnd,std_tagz[n].id,value);
-				STFU=0;
-				return;
-			}
-		}
-		STFU=0;
-		InfoDlgPanel::SetTag(name,value);
-	}
-char * rstrcpy(char* s1,char* s2)
-	while(s2 && *s2) *(s1++)=*(s2++);
-	return s1;
-static void _inline print_misc(VorbisFile * _vf,int link,char * out,int len)
-	OggVorbis_File * vf=&_vf->vf;
-	char* p=out, kbps_str[16] = {0};
-	double t=ov_time_total(vf,link);
-	vorbis_info * vi=ov_info(vf,link);
-	vorbis_comment * vc=ov_comment(vf,link);
-	if (!vi || !vc) {WASABI_API_LNGSTRING_BUF(IDS_FILE_ERROR,out,512);return;}
-	StringCchPrintfA(kbps_str, 16, " %s\r\n", WASABI_API_LNGSTRING(IDS_KBPS));
-	if (t>0)
-	{
-		int h=(int)(t/3600.0);
-		if (h>0)
-		{
-			uitoa(h,p);
-			while(p && *p) p++;
-			*(p++)=':';
-		}
-		int m=(int)(t/60.0)%60;
-//		if (m>0 || h>0)
-		{
-			sprintf(p,h>0 ? "%02u" : "%u",m);
-			while(p && *p) p++;
-			*(p++)=':';
-		}
-		int s=(int)t%60;
-		//sprintf(p,(m>0 || h>0) ? "%02u" : "%u seconds",s);
-		sprintf(p,"%02d",s);
-		while(p && *p) p++;
-		p=rstrcpy(p,"\r\n");
-//		uitoa((int)(t*1000.0),p);
-//		while(p && *p) p++;
-//		p=rstrcpy(p," ms");
-		UINT fs=_vf->FileSize();
-		if (fs>0)
-		{
-			if (vf->links==1)
-			{
-				uitoa((int)(((double)fs)/(t*125.0)),p);
-				while(p && *p) p++;
-				p=rstrcpy(p,kbps_str);
-			}
-			if (fs>0)
-			{
-				UINT fs1=fs/1000000;
-				UINT fs2=(fs/1000)%1000;
-				UINT fs3=fs%1000;
-				if (fs1) sprintf(p,"%u%03u%03u %s\r\n",fs1,fs2,fs3,WASABI_API_LNGSTRING(IDS_BYTES));
-				else if (fs2) sprintf(p,"%u%03u %s\r\n",fs2,fs3,WASABI_API_LNGSTRING(IDS_BYTES));
-				else sprintf(p,"%u %s\r\n",fs3,WASABI_API_LNGSTRING(IDS_BYTES));
-				while(p && *p) p++;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if (vi->bitrate_nominal>0)
-	{
-		uitoa(vi->bitrate_nominal/1000,p);
-		while(p && *p) p++;
-		p=rstrcpy(p,kbps_str);
-	}
-	if (vi->bitrate_lower>0)
-	{
-		uitoa(vi->bitrate_lower/1000,p);
-		while(p && *p) p++;
-		p=rstrcpy(p,kbps_str);
-	}
-	if (vi->bitrate_upper>0)
-	{
-		uitoa(vi->bitrate_upper/1000,p);
-		while(p && *p) p++;
-		p=rstrcpy(p,kbps_str);
-	}
-	char tmp[32] = {0}, tmp2[32] = {0}, tmp3[32] = {0}, tmp4[32] = {0}, tmp5[32] = {0}, tmp6[8] = {0};
-	StringCchPrintfA(p,len, "%s : %u\r\n"
-							"%s : %u %s\r\n"
-							"%s : %u\r\n"
-							"%s : %u\r\n"
-							"%s : \r\n%s",
-					 WASABI_API_LNGSTRING_BUF(IDS_CHANNELS,tmp,32),vi->channels,
-					 WASABI_API_LNGSTRING_BUF(IDS_SERIAL_NUMBER,tmp3,32),ov_serialnumber(vf,link),
-					 WASABI_API_LNGSTRING_BUF(IDS_VERSION,tmp4,32),vi->version,
-					 WASABI_API_LNGSTRING_BUF(IDS_VENDOR,tmp5,32),vc->vendor);
-class InfoDlg : public DlgBase
-	InfoDlg * next;
-	static InfoDlg* Instances;
-	OggTagData **tags;
-	char ** infos;
-	int n_streams,cur_stream;
-	StringW url;
-	HFONT ui_font;
-	BOOL is_adv;
-	InfoDlgPanel* panel;
-	RECT info_static_misc,info_misc,info_url,info_cancel,info_mode,info_static_cs,info_cs_next,info_cs_prev,info_hidespec;
-	void calc_panel_rect(RECT &r)
-	{
-		RECT cr,cr1,cr2;
-		GetClientRect(wnd,&cr);
-		GetChildRect(IDC_STATIC_MISC,cr1);
-		GetChildRect(IDC_URL,cr2);
-		r.left=0;
-		r.right=cr1.left-1;
-		r.bottom=cr.bottom;
-	}
-	void do_size()
-	{
-		if (panel)
-		{
-			RECT r;
-			calc_panel_rect(r);
-			panel->UpdateRect(r);
-		}
-	}
-	void do_panel(BOOL mode,int d_stream)
-	{
-		//if (panel && is_adv==mode && !d_stream) return;
-		if (panel)
-		{
-			if (mode!=is_adv)
-			{
-				delete panel;
-				panel=0;
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				panel->Clear();
-			}
-		}
-		cur_stream+=d_stream;
-		if (cur_stream<0) cur_stream=0;
-		else if (cur_stream>=n_streams) cur_stream=n_streams-1;
-		is_adv=mode;
-		if (!panel)
-		{
-			panel = mode ?  (InfoDlgPanel*) new InfoDlgPanel_adv(wnd,ui_font) : (InfoDlgPanel*) new InfoDlgPanel_simple(wnd,ui_font);
-			do_size();
-		}
-		if (panel)
-		{
-			panel->SetTags(*tags[cur_stream],(BOOL)SendDlgItemMessage(wnd,IDC_HIDE_SPEC,BM_GETCHECK,0,0));
-		}
-		EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(wnd,IDC_PREV_STREAM),cur_stream>0);
-		EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(wnd,IDC_NEXT_STREAM),cur_stream<n_streams-1);
-		// TODO
-		SetDlgItemTextA(wnd,IDC_MISC,infos[cur_stream]);
-	}
-	virtual BOOL DlgProc(UINT msg,WPARAM wp,LPARAM lp)
-	{
-		switch(msg)
-		{
-			if (n_streams<=1)
-			{
-				ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(wnd,IDC_STATIC_CS),SW_HIDE);
-				ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(wnd,IDC_PREV_STREAM),SW_HIDE);
-				ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(wnd,IDC_NEXT_STREAM),SW_HIDE);
-			}
-			SendDlgItemMessage(wnd,IDC_HIDE_SPEC,BM_SETCHECK,cfg_hide_special_fields,0);
-			do_panel(cfg_adv_info,0);
-			url.s_SetDlgItemText(wnd,IDC_URL);
-			GetChildRect(IDC_URL,info_url);
-			GetChildRect(IDC_STATIC_MISC,info_static_misc);
-			GetChildRect(IDC_MISC,info_misc);
-			GetChildRect(IDCANCEL,info_cancel);
-			GetChildRect(IDC_MODE_TOGGLE,info_mode);
-			GetChildRect(IDC_STATIC_CS,info_static_cs);
-			GetChildRect(IDC_NEXT_STREAM,info_cs_next);
-			GetChildRect(IDC_PREV_STREAM,info_cs_prev);
-			GetChildRect(IDC_HIDE_SPEC,info_hidespec);
-			if (cfg_remember_infosize && cfg_infobox_sx>0 && cfg_infobox_sy>0)
-			{
-				int max_x=GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN),max_y=GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN);
-				if (cfg_infobox_x<0) cfg_infobox_x=0;
-				else if (cfg_infobox_x+cfg_infobox_sx>max_x) cfg_infobox_x=max_x-cfg_infobox_sx;
-				if (cfg_infobox_y<0) cfg_infobox_y=0;
-				else if (cfg_infobox_y+cfg_infobox_sy>max_y) cfg_infobox_y=max_y-cfg_infobox_sy;
-				SetWindowPos(wnd,0,cfg_infobox_x,cfg_infobox_y,cfg_infobox_sx,cfg_infobox_sy,SWP_NOZORDER|SWP_NOACTIVATE);
-			}
-			StringPrintfW(WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW(IDS_OGG_VORBIS_INFO),(const WCHAR*)StringF2T_W((const WCHAR*)url)).s_SetWindowText(wnd);
-			return 1;
-		case WM_SIZE:
-			{
-				UINT sx=LOWORD(lp),sy=HIWORD(lp);
-				do_size_x(IDC_URL,&info_url);
-				do_align_x(IDC_STATIC_MISC,&info_static_misc);
-				do_align_x(IDC_MISC,&info_misc);
-				do_align_xy(IDCANCEL,&info_cancel);
-				do_align_xy(IDC_MODE_TOGGLE,&info_mode);
-				do_align_xy(IDC_STATIC_CS,&info_static_cs);
-				do_align_xy(IDC_PREV_STREAM,&info_cs_prev);
-				do_align_xy(IDC_NEXT_STREAM,&info_cs_next);
-				do_align_xy(IDC_HIDE_SPEC,&info_hidespec);
-			}
-			//RedrawWindow(wnd,0,0,RDW_INVALIDATE);
-			do_size();
-			break;
-		case WM_SIZING:
-			do_sizing((UINT)wp,(RECT*)lp);
-			break;
-		case WM_COMMAND:
-			switch(wp)
-			{
-			case IDCANCEL:
-				endDialog(0);
-				break;
-				do_panel(!is_adv,0);
-				break;
-				do_panel(is_adv,-1);
-				break;
-				do_panel(is_adv,1);
-				break;
-			case IDC_HIDE_SPEC:
-				cfg_hide_special_fields=(int)SendMessage((HWND)lp,BM_GETCHECK,0,0);
-				do_panel(is_adv,0);
-				break;
-			}
-			break;
-		case WM_CLOSE:
-			endDialog(0);
-			break;
-		case WM_DESTROY:
-			if (!is_modeless)//fucko close
-			{
-				modal_ex_quit=1;
-			}
-			{
-				RECT r;
-				GetWindowRect(wnd,&r);
-				cfg_infobox_sx=r.right-r.left;
-				cfg_infobox_x=r.left;
-			}
-			break;
-		}
-		return 0;
-	}
-	virtual void myProcessMessage(MSG * msg)
-	{
-		if (!panel || !panel->isDialogMessage(msg))
-		{
-			DlgBase::myProcessMessage(msg);
-		}
-	}
-	InfoDlg(VorbisFile * _vf,const wchar_t * _url)
-		: url(_url), is_adv(FALSE)
-	{
-		OggVorbis_File * vf=&_vf->vf;
-		n_streams=vf->links;
-		cur_stream=vf->current_link;
-		tags=(OggTagData**)malloc(n_streams*sizeof(void*));
-		int n;
-		for(n=0;n<n_streams;n++) tags[n]=new OggTagData(ov_comment(vf,n));
-		infos=(char**)malloc(sizeof(void*)*n_streams);
-		for(n=0;n<n_streams;n++)
-		{
-			int l = 512+(int)strlen(vf->vc->vendor);
-			infos[n]=(char*)malloc(l);
-			print_misc(_vf,n,infos[n],l);
-		}
-		ui_font=CreateFontIndirect(&;
-		panel=0;
-		next=0;
-	}
-	~InfoDlg()
-	{
-		if (ui_font) DeleteObject((HGDIOBJ)ui_font);
-		cfg_adv_info=is_adv;
-		if (tags)
-		{
-			int n;
-			for(n=0;n<n_streams;n++)
-				delete tags[n];
-			free(tags);
-		}
-		if (infos)
-		{
-			int n;
-			for(n=0;n<n_streams;n++) free(infos[n]);
-			free(infos);
-		}
-		InfoDlg ** pp=&Instances,*p=Instances;
-		while(p)
-		{
-			if (p==this)
-			{
-				*pp=next;
-				break;
-			}
-			else {pp=&p->next;p=*pp;}
-		}
-	}
-	void Run(HWND parent,bool modeless)
-	{
-		next=Instances;
-		Instances=this;//HACK - prevent crash on shutdown (used to be only for modeless)
-		if (modeless)
-		{
-			myCreateDialog(IDD_INFO_DLG_NEW,parent);
-		}
-		else myDialogBoxEx(IDD_INFO_DLG_NEW,parent);
-	}
-friend int RunInfoDlg(const in_char * url,HWND parent);
-int RunInfoDlg(const in_char * url,HWND parent)
-	static bool in_modal;
-	if (in_modal) return 1;
-	else  in_modal=1;
-	VorbisFile * vf;
-	bool vf_global=0;
-	int ret=0;
-	StringW _url;
-	_url.AddString(url);
-	{
-		InfoDlg * p=InfoDlg::Instances;
-		while(p)
-		{
-			if (!_wcsicmp(p->url,_url))
-			{
-				ShowWindow(p->wnd,SW_SHOW);
-				SetActiveWindow(p->wnd);
-				return 0;
-			}
-			p=p->next;
-		}
-	}
-	EnterCriticalSection(&sync);
-	if ((url==cur_file || !_wcsicmp(url,cur_file)) && theFile) {vf=theFile;vf_global=1;}
-	else
-	{
-		LeaveCriticalSection(&sync);
-		vf=VorbisFile::Create(url,1);
-		if (!vf) 
-		{
-		in_modal=0;
-		return 0;
-		}
-	}
-	{
-		InfoDlg d(vf,_url);
-		if (vf_global) LeaveCriticalSection(&sync);
-		else delete vf;
-		d.Run(parent,0);
-		ret = !d.modal_ex_quit_val;
-	}
-	in_modal=0;
-	return ret;
-InfoDlg* InfoDlg::Instances=0;
-/* end crappy PP dialog */
-bool VorbisTagToWinampTag(wchar_t * tag, int len) 
-#define TAG_ALIAS(b,a) if(!_wcsicmp(L ## a, tag)) { lstrcpynW(tag, L ## b, len); return true; }
-	TAG_ALIAS("title", "TITLE");
-	TAG_ALIAS("artist", "ARTIST");
-	TAG_ALIAS("album", "ALBUM");
-	TAG_ALIAS("genre", "GENRE");
-	TAG_ALIAS("comment", "COMMENT");
-	TAG_ALIAS("year", "DATE");
-	TAG_ALIAS("albumartist", "ALBUMARTIST");
-	TAG_ALIAS("composer", "COMPOSER");
-	TAG_ALIAS("publisher", "PUBLISHER");
-	TAG_ALIAS("conductor", "CONDUCTOR");
-	TAG_ALIAS("bpm", "BPM");
-	return false;
-#undef TAG_ALIAS
-bool WinampTagToVorbisTag(wchar_t * tag, int len) 
-#define TAG_ALIAS(a,b) if(!_wcsicmp(L ## a, tag)) { lstrcpynW(tag, L ## b, len); return true; }
-	TAG_ALIAS("title", "TITLE");
-	TAG_ALIAS("artist", "ARTIST");
-	TAG_ALIAS("album", "ALBUM");
-	TAG_ALIAS("genre", "GENRE");
-	TAG_ALIAS("comment", "COMMENT");
-	TAG_ALIAS("year", "DATE");
-	TAG_ALIAS("albumartist", "ALBUMARTIST");
-	TAG_ALIAS("composer", "COMPOSER");
-	TAG_ALIAS("publisher", "PUBLISHER");
-	TAG_ALIAS("conductor", "CONDUCTOR");
-	TAG_ALIAS("bpm", "BPM");
-	return false;
-#undef TAG_ALIAS
-static INT_PTR CALLBACK ChildProc_Advanced(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {
-	static int sel=-1;
-	static int ismychange=0;
-	switch(msg)
-	{
-		return NFR_UNICODE;
-		{
-			#define ListView_InsertColumnW(hwnd, iCol, pcol) \
-					(int)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_INSERTCOLUMNW, (WPARAM)(int)(iCol), (LPARAM)(const LV_COLUMNW *)(pcol))
-			SetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg,GWLP_USERDATA,lParam);
-			sel=-1;
-			HWND hwndlist = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_LIST);
-			ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyle(hwndlist, LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT);
-			LVCOLUMNW lvc = {0, };
-			lvc.mask = LVCF_TEXT|LVCF_WIDTH;
- = 82;
-			ListView_InsertColumnW(hwndlist, 0, &lvc);
- = 160;
-			ListView_InsertColumnW(hwndlist, 1, &lvc);
-			Info *info = (Info *)lParam;
-			int n = info->GetNumMetadataItems();
-			for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
-				wchar_t key[512] = {0};
-				wchar_t value[2048] = {0};
-				info->EnumMetadata(i,key,512,value,2048);
-				if(value[0] && key[0]) {
-					LVITEMW lvi={LVIF_TEXT,i,0};
-					lvi.pszText = key;
-					SendMessage(hwndlist,LVM_INSERTITEMW,0,(LPARAM)&lvi);
-					lvi.iSubItem=1;
-					lvi.pszText = (wchar_t*)value;
-					SendMessage(hwndlist,LVM_SETITEMW,0,(LPARAM)&lvi);
-				}
-			}
-			ListView_SetColumnWidth(hwndlist,0,(n?LVSCW_AUTOSIZE:LVSCW_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER));
-			ListView_SetColumnWidth(hwndlist,1,(n?LVSCW_AUTOSIZE:LVSCW_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER));
-			SetDlgItemTextW(hwndDlg,IDC_NAME,L"");
-			SetDlgItemTextW(hwndDlg,IDC_VALUE,L"");
-			EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_NAME),FALSE);
-			EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_VALUE),FALSE);
-			EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_BUTTON_DEL),FALSE);
-		}
-		break;
-	case WM_DESTROY:
-		{
-			HWND hwndlist = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_LIST);
-			ListView_DeleteAllItems(hwndlist);
-			while(ListView_DeleteColumn(hwndlist,0));
-			Info * info = (Info*)GetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg,GWLP_USERDATA);
-			delete info;
-		}
-		break;
-	case WM_USER:
-		if(wParam && lParam && !ismychange)
-		{
-			wchar_t * value = (wchar_t*)lParam;
-			wchar_t tag[100] = {0};
-			lstrcpynW(tag,(wchar_t*)wParam,100);
-			WinampTagToVorbisTag(tag,100);
-			Info *info = (Info *)GetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, GWLP_USERDATA);
-			if(!*value) 
-			{
-				info->RemoveMetadata(tag);
-				if(!_wcsicmp(L"ALBUMARTIST",tag)) 
-				{
-					// need to remove these two, also, or else it's gonna look like delete doesn't work
-					// if the file was tagged using these alternate fields
-					info->RemoveMetadata(L"ALBUM ARTIST");
-					info->RemoveMetadata(L"ENSEMBLE");
-				}
-				if(!_wcsicmp(L"PUBLISHER",tag)) 
-				{
-					// need to remove this also, or else it's gonna look like delete doesn't work
-					// if the file was tagged using this alternate field
-					info->RemoveMetadata(L"ORGANIZATION");
-				}
-				if(!_wcsicmp(L"DATE",tag)) 
-				{
-					// need to remove this also, or else it's gonna look like delete doesn't work
-					// if the file was tagged using this alternate field
-					info->RemoveMetadata(L"YEAR");
-				}
-				if(!_wcsicmp(L"TRACKNUMBER",tag)) 
-				{
-					// need to remove this also, or else it's gonna look like delete doesn't work
-					// if the file was tagged using this alternate field
-					info->RemoveMetadata(L"TRACK");
-				}
-			}
-			else 
-			{
-				info->SetMetadata(tag,value);
-			}
-			HWND hlist = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_LIST);
-			int n = ListView_GetItemCount(hlist);
-			for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
-			{
-				wchar_t key[100]=L"";
-				LVITEMW lvi={LVIF_TEXT,i,0};
-				lvi.pszText=key;
-				lvi.cchTextMax=100;
-				SendMessage(hlist,LVM_GETITEMW,0,(LPARAM)&lvi);
-				if(!_wcsicmp(key,tag))
-				{
-					lvi.iSubItem = 1;
-					lvi.pszText = value;
-					SendMessage(hlist,LVM_SETITEMW,0,(LPARAM)&lvi);
-					if(!*value)
-						ListView_DeleteItem(hlist,i);
-					else if(ListView_GetItemState(hlist,i,LVIS_SELECTED))
-						SetDlgItemTextW(hwndDlg,IDC_VALUE,value);
-					return 0;
-				}
-			}
-			// bew hew, not found
-			LVITEMW lvi={0,0x7FFFFFF0,0};
-			n = (int)SendMessage(hlist,LVM_INSERTITEMW,0,(LPARAM)&lvi);
-			lvi.mask = LVIF_TEXT;
-			lvi.iItem = n;
-			lvi.iSubItem = 0;
-			lvi.pszText = tag;
-			SendMessage(hlist,LVM_SETITEMW,0,(LPARAM)&lvi);
-			lvi.iSubItem = 1;
-			lvi.pszText = value;
-			SendMessage(hlist,LVM_SETITEMW,0,(LPARAM)&lvi);
-		}
-		break;
-	case WM_NOTIFY:
-    {
-			LPNMHDR l=(LPNMHDR)lParam;
-			if(l->idFrom==IDC_LIST && l->code == LVN_KEYDOWN) {
-				if((((LPNMLVKEYDOWN)l)->wVKey) == VK_DELETE){
-				int selitem = ListView_GetNextItem(l->hwndFrom,-1,LVNI_SELECTED|LVNI_FOCUSED);
-					if(selitem != -1)
-				}
-			}
-			else if(l->idFrom==IDC_LIST && l->code == LVN_ITEMCHANGED) {
-				if(lv->uNewState & LVIS_SELECTED) {
-					int n = lv->iItem;
-					LVITEMW lvi={LVIF_TEXT,lv->iItem,0};
-					wchar_t key[100] = {0};
-					wchar_t value[1024] = {0};
-					lvi.pszText=key;
-					lvi.cchTextMax=100;
-					SendMessage(l->hwndFrom,LVM_GETITEMW,0,(LPARAM)&lvi);
-					lvi.pszText=value;
-					lvi.cchTextMax=1024;
-					lvi.iSubItem=1;
-					SendMessage(l->hwndFrom,LVM_GETITEMW,0,(LPARAM)&lvi);
-					SetDlgItemTextW(hwndDlg,IDC_NAME,key);
-					SetDlgItemTextW(hwndDlg,IDC_VALUE,value);
-					sel = n;
-					EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_NAME),TRUE);
-					EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_VALUE),TRUE);
-					EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_BUTTON_DEL),TRUE);
-				}
-				if(lv->uOldState & LVIS_SELECTED) {
-					sel = -1;
-					SetDlgItemTextW(hwndDlg,IDC_NAME,L"");
-					SetDlgItemTextW(hwndDlg,IDC_VALUE,L"");
-					EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_NAME),FALSE);
-					EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_VALUE),FALSE);
-					EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_BUTTON_DEL),FALSE);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		break;
-	case WM_COMMAND:
-		switch(LOWORD(wParam)) {
-			case IDOK:
-				{
-					Info * info = (Info*)GetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg,GWLP_USERDATA);
-					if (!info->Save())
-					{
-						MessageBox(hwndDlg,
-							L"Cannot save metadata: Error writing file or file is read-only.",
-							L"Error saving metadata.",
-							MB_OK);
-					}
-				}
-				break;
-			case IDC_NAME:
-			case IDC_VALUE:
-				if(HIWORD(wParam) == EN_CHANGE && sel>=0) {
-					wchar_t key[100] = {0};
-					wchar_t value[1024] = {0};
-					LVITEMW lvi={LVIF_TEXT,sel,0};
-					GetDlgItemTextW(hwndDlg,IDC_NAME,key,100);
-					GetDlgItemTextW(hwndDlg,IDC_VALUE,value,1024);
-					lvi.pszText=key;
-					lvi.cchTextMax=100;
-					SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_LIST),LVM_SETITEMW,0,(LPARAM)&lvi);
-					lvi.pszText=value;
-					lvi.cchTextMax=1024;
-					lvi.iSubItem=1;
-					SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_LIST),LVM_SETITEMW,0,(LPARAM)&lvi);
-					VorbisTagToWinampTag(key,100);
-					ismychange=1;
-					SendMessage(GetParent(hwndDlg),WM_USER,(WPARAM)key,(WPARAM)value);
-					ismychange=0;
-				}
-				else if(HIWORD(wParam) == EN_KILLFOCUS && sel>=0) {
-					wchar_t key[100] = {0};
-					wchar_t value[1024] = {0};
-					GetDlgItemTextW(hwndDlg,IDC_NAME,key,100);
-					GetDlgItemTextW(hwndDlg,IDC_VALUE,value,1024);
-					Info *info = (Info *)GetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, GWLP_USERDATA);
-					wchar_t oldkey[100]=L"";
-					bool newitem=true;
-					if(sel < info->GetNumMetadataItems()) {
-						info->EnumMetadata(sel,oldkey,100,0,0);
-						newitem=false;
-					}
-					if(!newitem && wcscmp(oldkey,key)) { // key changed
-						info->SetTag(sel,key);
-					} else {
-						info->SetMetadata(key,value);
-					}
-					VorbisTagToWinampTag(key,100);
-					ismychange=1;
-					SendMessage(GetParent(hwndDlg),WM_USER,(WPARAM)key,(WPARAM)value);
-					ismychange=0;
-				}
-				break;
-			case IDC_BUTTON_DEL:
-				if(sel >= 0) {
-					wchar_t tag[100] = {0};
-					GetDlgItemTextW(hwndDlg,IDC_NAME,tag,100);
-					SetDlgItemTextW(hwndDlg,IDC_NAME,L"");
-					SetDlgItemTextW(hwndDlg,IDC_VALUE,L"");
-					EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_NAME),FALSE);
-					EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_VALUE),FALSE);
-					EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_BUTTON_DEL),FALSE);
-					Info *info = (Info *)GetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, GWLP_USERDATA);
-					if(sel < info->GetNumMetadataItems())
-						info->RemoveMetadata(sel);
-					ListView_DeleteItem(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_LIST),sel);
-					sel=-1;
-					VorbisTagToWinampTag(tag,100);
-					ismychange=1;
-					SendMessage(GetParent(hwndDlg),WM_USER,(WPARAM)tag,(WPARAM)L"");
-					ismychange=0;
-				}
-				break;
-				ListView_DeleteAllItems(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_LIST));
-				SetDlgItemTextW(hwndDlg,IDC_NAME,L"");
-				SetDlgItemTextW(hwndDlg,IDC_VALUE,L"");
-				EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_NAME),FALSE);
-				EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_VALUE),FALSE);
-				EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_BUTTON_DEL),FALSE);
-				sel=-1;
-				{
-					Info *info = (Info *)GetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, GWLP_USERDATA);
-					int n = info->GetNumMetadataItems();
-					while(n>0) {
-						--n;
-						wchar_t tag[100] = {0};
-						info->EnumMetadata(n,tag,100,0,0);
-						VorbisTagToWinampTag(tag,100);
-						ismychange=1;
-						SendMessage(GetParent(hwndDlg),WM_USER,(WPARAM)tag,(WPARAM)L"");
-						ismychange=0;
-						info->RemoveMetadata(n);
-					}
-				}
-				break;
-			case IDC_BUTTON_ADD:
-				{
-					HWND hwndlist = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_LIST);
-					LVITEMW lvi={0,0x7FFFFFF0,0};
-					int n = (int)SendMessage(hwndlist,LVM_INSERTITEMW,0,(LPARAM)&lvi);
-					ListView_SetItemState(hwndlist,n,LVIS_SELECTED,LVIS_SELECTED);
-				}
-				break;
-		}
-		break;
-	}
-	return 0;
-extern "C"
-	// return 1 if you want winamp to show it's own file info dialogue, 0 if you want to show your own (via In_Module.InfoBox)
-	// if returning 1, remember to implement winampGetExtendedFileInfo("formatinformation")!
-	__declspec(dllexport) int winampUseUnifiedFileInfoDlg(const wchar_t * fn)
-	{
-		if (PathIsURLW(fn))
-			return 0;
-		return 1;
-	}
-	// should return a child window of 513x271 pixels (341x164 in msvc dlg units), or return NULL for no tab.
-	// Fill in name (a buffer of namelen characters), this is the title of the tab (defaults to "Advanced").
-	// filename will be valid for the life of your window. n is the tab number. This function will first be 
-	// called with n == 0, then n == 1 and so on until you return NULL (so you can add as many tabs as you like).
-	// The window you return will recieve WM_COMMAND, IDOK/IDCANCEL messages when the user clicks OK or Cancel.
-	// when the user edits a field which is duplicated in another pane, do a SendMessage(GetParent(hwnd),WM_USER,(WPARAM)L"fieldname",(LPARAM)L"newvalue");
-	// this will be broadcast to all panes (including yours) as a WM_USER.
-	__declspec(dllexport) HWND winampAddUnifiedFileInfoPane(int n, const wchar_t * filename, HWND parent, wchar_t *name, size_t namelen)
-	{
-		if(n == 0) { // add first pane
-			Info *info = new Info(filename);
-			if(info->Error())
-			{
-				delete info;
-				return NULL;
-			}
-			return WASABI_API_CREATEDIALOGPARAMW(IDD_INFO,parent,ChildProc_Advanced,(LPARAM)info);
-		}
-		return NULL;
-	}

+ 0 - 260

@@ -1,260 +0,0 @@
-#include "main.h"
-#include "../nu/AutoChar.h"
-extern CfgInt cfg_fullbuf;
-int VorbisFile::_f_close(void *) {return 0;}
-int VorbisFile::_f_seek(void* rs,__int64 offset,int whence)
-	return ((VorbisFile*)rs)->f_seek(offset,whence);
-size_t VorbisFile::_f_read(void* ptr,size_t size,size_t nmemb,void * rs)
-	return ((VorbisFile*)rs)->f_read((UINT)(size*nmemb),ptr);
-long VorbisFile::_f_tell(void* rs) 
-	return ((VorbisFile*)rs)->f_tell();
-ov_callbacks VorbisFile::oc={_f_read,_f_seek,_f_close,_f_tell};
-static __int64 Seek64(HANDLE hf, __int64 distance, DWORD MoveMethod)
-	li.QuadPart = distance;
-	li.LowPart = SetFilePointer (hf, li.LowPart, &li.HighPart, MoveMethod);
-	if (li.LowPart == INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER && GetLastError() != NO_ERROR)
-	{
-		li.QuadPart = -1;
-	}
-	return li.QuadPart;
-static __int64 FileSize64(HANDLE file)
-	LARGE_INTEGER position;
-	position.QuadPart=0;
-	position.LowPart = GetFileSize(file, (LPDWORD)&position.HighPart); 	
-	if (position.LowPart == INVALID_FILE_SIZE && GetLastError() != NO_ERROR)
-	else
-		return position.QuadPart;
-class VorbisFile_Local : public VorbisFile
-	HANDLE hFile;
-	int f_seek(__int64 offset,int whence)
-	{
-	    if(whence==SEEK_SET) offset+=baseoffs;
-		if (Seek64(hFile,offset,whence) != INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER) return 0;
-		else return -1;
-	}
-	size_t f_read(UINT siz,void * ptr)
-	{
-	    DWORD bw=0;
-		ReadFile(hFile,ptr,siz,&bw,0);
-		return bw;
-	}
-	UINT f_tell()
-	{
-	    return (UINT)(SetFilePointer(hFile,0,0,FILE_CURRENT)-baseoffs);
-	}
-	UINT FileSize()
-	{
-		return (UINT)(FileSize64(hFile)-baseoffs);
-	}
-	virtual int GetType() {return TYPE_LOCAL;}
-	VorbisFile_Local(HANDLE f,const wchar_t * u,bool is_info) : VorbisFile(u,is_info) {hFile=f;}
-	~VorbisFile_Local() {CloseHandle(hFile);}
-class VorbisFile_Mem : public VorbisFile
-	BYTE * block;
-	UINT size,ptr;
-	int f_seek(__int64 offset,int whence)
-	{
-		switch(whence)
-		{
-			case SEEK_SET:
-				ptr=(UINT)(offset+baseoffs);
-				break;
-			case SEEK_CUR:
-				ptr+=(UINT)offset;
-				break;
-			case SEEK_END:
-				ptr=size+whence;
-				break;
-		}
-		if (ptr<=size) return 0;
-		else {ptr=size;return -1;}
-	}
-	size_t f_read(UINT siz,void * out)
-	{
-		UINT d=size-ptr;
-		if (d>siz) d=siz;
-		memcpy(out,block+ptr,d);
-		ptr+=d;
-		return d;
-	}
-	UINT f_tell()
-	{
-	    return (UINT)(ptr-baseoffs);
-	}
-	UINT FileSize()
-	{
-		return (UINT)(size-baseoffs);
-	}
-	virtual int GetType() {return TYPE_LOCAL;}
-	VorbisFile_Mem(HANDLE f,const wchar_t * u,bool is_info) : VorbisFile(u,is_info)
-	{
-		size=GetFileSize(f,0);
-		ptr=0;
-		block=(BYTE*)malloc(size);
-		DWORD br = 0;
-		ReadFile(f,block,size,&br,0);
-		CloseHandle(f);
-	}
-	~VorbisFile_Mem() {free(block);}
-VorbisFile * VorbisFile::Create(const wchar_t *url, bool is_info)
-	VorbisFile * r;
-	if (PathIsURLW(url))
-	{
-	    if (is_info) return 0;
-		r=Create_HTTP(AutoChar(url),is_info);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		__int64 baseoffs=0;
-		if (f==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return 0;
-	    {
-			DWORD dw = 0, br = 0;
-			ReadFile(f,&dw,4,&br,0);
-			if(br==4 && dw=='SggO')
-			{
-				SetFilePointer(f,0,0,FILE_BEGIN);
-			} 
-			else if(br==4 && dw=='FFIR')
-			{
-				//RIFF file
-				DWORD wavhdr = 0, nb = 0;
-				SetFilePointer(f,4,0,FILE_CURRENT);
-				ReadFile(f,&wavhdr,4,&nb,0);
-				if(nb!=4 || wavhdr!='EVAW')
-				{
-					goto abort;
-				}
-				//find data starting point
-				char tmp[1024] = {0};
-				ReadFile(f,&tmp,1024,&nb,0);
-				for(int i=0;i<1020;i++)
-				if(tmp[i]=='d'&&tmp[i+1]=='a'&&tmp[i+2]=='t'&&tmp[i+3]=='a')
-				{
-					baseoffs=i+12+8;
-					Seek64(f, baseoffs, FILE_BEGIN);
-				}
-				if(!baseoffs) goto abort;
-			}
-			else
-			{
-		abort:
-				CloseHandle(f);
-				return 0;
-			}
-		}
-		r=cfg_fullbuf ? (VorbisFile*)new VorbisFile_Mem(f,url,is_info) : (VorbisFile*)new VorbisFile_Local(f,url,is_info);
-		r->setBaseOffset(baseoffs);
-	}
-	if (r && !r->init())
-	{
-	    delete r;
-		r=0;
-	}
-	return r;
-bool VorbisFile::init()
-	if (ov_open_callbacks(this,&vf,0,0,oc)) return 0;
-	//TODO bitrate
-	UINT siz=FileSize();
-	double len=Length();
-	if (siz>0 && len>0)
-	{
-		UINT divisor = (UINT)(len*125.0);
-		if (divisor)
-			avg_kbps=siz/divisor;
-	}
-	post_init();
-	return 1;
-int is_http(const char* url)
-	return (!_strnicmp(url,"http://",7) || !_strnicmp(url,"https://",8));
-void VorbisFile::set_meta(const vorbis_comment * vc,int links)
-	if (links == vf.links)
-	{
-		int n;
-		for(n=0;n<links;n++)
-		{
-			vorbis_comment_clear(;
-			/*
-			extern void vorbis_comment_init(vorbis_comment *vc);
-			extern void vorbis_comment_add(vorbis_comment *vc, char *comment); 
-			extern void vorbis_comment_add_tag(vorbis_comment *vc,char *tag, char *contents);
-			extern char *vorbis_comment_query(vorbis_comment *vc, char *tag, int count);
-			extern int vorbis_comment_query_count(vorbis_comment *vc, char *tag);
-			extern void vorbis_comment_clear(vorbis_comment *vc);
-			*/
-		}
-		_ogg_free(;
- = (vorbis_comment*) _ogg_calloc(links,sizeof(vorbis_comment));
-		for(n=0;n<links;n++)
-		{
-			vorbis_comment_init(;
-			int c;
-			for(c=0;c<vc[n].comments;c++)
-			{
-				vorbis_comment_add(,vc[n].user_comments[c]);
-			}
-[n].vendor = _strdup(vc[n].vendor);
-		}
-	}

+ 0 - 220

@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef STRICT
-#define STRICT
-#include <windows.h>
-extern int (*warand)();
-extern float (*warandf)();
-inline void * z_malloc(int x)
-	void* foo=malloc(x);
-	if (foo) memset(foo,0,x);
-	return foo;
-#include <shlwapi.h>
-#include <malloc.h>
-#define uitoa(x,y) _itoa(x,y,10)
-#define atoui atoi
-#include <vorbis\vorbisfile.h>
-#include "c_string.h"
-#include "../Winamp/in2.h"
-extern In_Module mod;
-#include "resource.h"
-#define VER L"1.79"
-#define _NAME "Nullsoft Vorbis Decoder"
-extern "C"
-	extern const char *INI_FILE;
-	extern const wchar_t *INI_DIRECTORY;
-class CfgVar
-	String name;
-	CfgVar * next;
-	static CfgVar * list;
-	static void ReadConfig();
-	static void WriteConfig();
-	//helpers
-	static bool read_struct(const char *inifile, const char *section, const char * name,void * ptr,UINT size);
-	static void write_struct(const char *inifile, const char *section, const char * name,void * ptr,UINT size);
-	static void write_int(const char *inifile, const char *section, const char * name,int val);
-	static int read_int(const char *inifile, const char *section,const char * name,int def);
-	CfgVar(const char * n) : name(n) {next=list;list=this;}
-	virtual void Read(const char * name)=0;
-	virtual void Write(const char * name)=0;
-class CfgInt : private CfgVar
-	int def,value;
-	CfgInt(const char * name,int _def) : CfgVar(name) {value=def=_def;}
-	inline int operator=(int x) {value=x;return value;}
-	inline operator int() {return value;}
-	virtual void Read(const char * name);
-	virtual void Write(const char * name);
-class CfgString : private CfgVar, public StringW
-	StringW def;
-	CfgString(const char * name,const char * _def) : CfgVar(name), StringW(_def), def(_def) {}
-	virtual void Read(const char * name);
-	virtual void Write(const char * name);
-template<class T>
-class CfgStructT : private CfgVar
-	T data;
-	CfgStructT(const char * name) : CfgVar(name) {}
-	void Read(const char * name) { read_struct(INI_FILE, "in_vorbis",name,&data,sizeof(data));}
-	void Write(const char * name) {if (IsValueDefault()) WritePrivateProfileStringA("in_vorbis", name, 0, INI_FILE); else write_struct(INI_FILE, "in_vorbis", name, &data, sizeof(data));}
-	virtual bool IsValueDefault() {return 0;}
-class CfgFont : public CfgStructT<LOGFONT>
-	void get_def(LOGFONT * f) {memset(f,0,sizeof(LOGFONT));GetObject(GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT),sizeof(LOGFONT),f);}
-	virtual bool IsValueDefault()
-	{
-		get_def(&t);
-		return !memcmp(&data,&t,sizeof(LOGFONT));
-	}
-	CfgFont(const char * name) : CfgStructT<LOGFONT>(name)
-	{
-		get_def(&data);
-	}
-extern int32_t priority_tab[7];
-extern HINSTANCE hIns;
-extern CfgString cfg_ssave_format,cfg_dumpdir;
-int is_http(const char* url);
-class VorbisFile
-	virtual int f_seek(__int64 offset,int whence)=0;
-	virtual size_t f_read(UINT siz,void * ptr)=0;
-	virtual UINT f_tell()=0;
-	static int _f_close(void *);
-	static int _f_seek(void* rs,__int64 offset,int whence);
-	static size_t _f_read(void* ptr,size_t size,size_t nmemb,void * rs);
-	static long _f_tell(void* rs);
-	static ov_callbacks oc;
-	static VorbisFile * Create_HTTP(const char * url,bool is_info);
-	VorbisFile(const wchar_t * u, bool is_info) : url(u) {memset(&vf,0,sizeof(vf));stopping=0;abort_prebuf=0;avg_kbps=0;use_prebuf=0;primary=!is_info; baseoffs=0;}
-	bool init();
-	virtual void post_init() {};
-	UINT avg_kbps;
-	bool Aborting();
-  __int64 baseoffs;
-	virtual int GetType()=0;
-	virtual bool IsLive() {return 0;}
-	virtual void do_prebuf() {use_prebuf=1;abort_prebuf=0;};
-	StringW url;
-	String withlp;
-	String stream_title;
-	bool stopping,abort_prebuf,use_prebuf;
-	bool primary;//display status messages or not
-	OggVorbis_File vf;
-	UINT get_avg_bitrate()
-	{
-		if (avg_kbps>0) return avg_kbps;
-		vorbis_info * vi=ov_info(&vf,-1);
-		if (!vi) return 0;
-		return vi->bitrate_nominal/1000;
-	}	
-	const char* get_meta(const char* tag,UINT c);
-	void set_meta(const vorbis_comment * vc,int links);
-	static VorbisFile * Create(const wchar_t * url,bool is_info);
-	double Length() {return ov_time_total(&vf,-1);}
-	double GetPos() {return ov_time_tell(&vf);}
-	int Seek(double p);
-	void Status(const wchar_t * zzz);
-	virtual UINT FileSize()=0;
-	virtual ~VorbisFile() {ov_clear(&vf);}
-	virtual void Idle() {Sleep(10);}
-	virtual void setBaseOffset(__int64 offs) { baseoffs=offs; }
-	float GetGain();
-extern VorbisFile * theFile;
-extern StringW cur_file;
-extern CRITICAL_SECTION sync;
-BOOL modify_file(const wchar_t* url,const vorbis_comment * comments,int links);
-void winampGetExtendedFileInfoW_Cleanup(void);
-void UpdateFileTimeChanged(const wchar_t *fn);
-void do_cfg(int s);
-bool KeywordMatch(const char *mainString, const char *keyword);
-class Info
-	Info(const wchar_t *filename);
-	~Info();
-	bool Save();
-	int Error() { return vc==0?1:0; }
-	int GetNumMetadataItems();
-	void EnumMetadata(int n,wchar_t *key,int keylen, wchar_t *val, int vallen);
-	void RemoveMetadata(wchar_t * key);
-	void RemoveMetadata(int n);
-	void SetMetadata(wchar_t *key, wchar_t *val);
-	void SetMetadata(int n, wchar_t *key, wchar_t *val);
-	void SetTag(int n,wchar_t *key); // changes the key name
-	const wchar_t *filename;
-	vorbis_comment * vc;
-	int numstreams, stream;
-// {B6CB4A7C-A8D0-4c55-8E60-9F7A7A23DA0F}
-static const GUID playbackConfigGroupGUID =
-    { 0xb6cb4a7c, 0xa8d0, 0x4c55, { 0x8e, 0x60, 0x9f, 0x7a, 0x7a, 0x23, 0xda, 0xf } };
-#endif //IN_VORBIS_MAIN_H

+ 0 - 194

@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
-#include "mkv_vorbis_decoder.h"
-#include "../nsmkv/Lacing.h"
-#include "../nsmkv/Cluster.h"
-#include <math.h>
-int MKVDecoderCreator::CreateAudioDecoder(const char *codec_id, 
-																					const nsmkv::TrackEntryData *track_entry_data, const nsmkv::AudioData *audio_data,
-																					unsigned int preferred_bits, unsigned int max_channels, bool floating_point,
-																					ifc_mkvaudiodecoder **decoder)
-	if (!strcmp(codec_id, "A_VORBIS"))
-	{
-		MKVVorbis *vorbis = new MKVVorbis;
-		vorbis_info_init(&vorbis->info);
-		vorbis_comment_init(&vorbis->comment);
-		nsmkv::LacingState lacing_state;
-		if (nsmkv::Lacing::GetState(nsmkv::BlockBinary::XIPH_LACING, (const uint8_t *)track_entry_data->codec_private, track_entry_data->codec_private_len, &lacing_state))
-		{
-			const uint8_t *frame;
-			size_t frame_len;
-			uint16_t frame_number=0;
-			while (nsmkv::Lacing::GetFrame(frame_number, (const uint8_t *)track_entry_data->codec_private, track_entry_data->codec_private_len, &frame, &frame_len, &lacing_state))
-			{
-				ogg_packet packet = {const_cast<uint8_t *>(frame), (long)frame_len, (frame_number==0), 0, 0 /*-1?*/, vorbis->packet_number++};
-				int ret = vorbis_synthesis_headerin(&vorbis->info, &vorbis->comment, &packet);
-				if (ret != 0)
-					goto bail;
-				frame_number++;
-			}
-			if (vorbis_synthesis_init(&vorbis->dsp, &vorbis->info) == 0
-				&& vorbis_block_init(&vorbis->dsp, &vorbis->block) == 0)
-			{
-				vorbis->bps = preferred_bits?preferred_bits:16;
-				*decoder = vorbis;
-			}
-		}
-		delete vorbis;
-	}
-#define CBCLASS MKVDecoderCreator
-#undef CBCLASS
-	bps=16;
-	packet_number=0;
-#define PA_CLIP_( val, min, max )\
-	{ val = ((val) < (min)) ? (min) : (((val) > (max)) ? (max) : (val)); }
-#if defined(_M_IX86)
-static __inline long float_to_long(double t)
-	long r;
-	__asm fld t
-	__asm fistp r
-	return r;
-#define float_to_long(x) ((long)( x ))
-inline static void clip(double &x, double a, double b)
-	double x1 = fabs (x - a);
-	double x2 = fabs (x - b);
-	x = x1 + (a + b);
-	x -= x2;
-	x *= 0.5;
-static void Float32_To_Int24_Clip(void *destinationBuffer, void *sourceBuffer, size_t count, size_t channels, double gain)
-	float *src = (float*)sourceBuffer;
-	unsigned char *dest = (unsigned char*)destinationBuffer;
-	gain*=65536.*32768.;
-	while ( count-- )
-	{
-		/* convert to 32 bit and drop the low 8 bits */
-		double scaled = *src * gain;
-		clip( scaled, -2147483648., 2147483647.);
-		signed long temp = (signed long) scaled;
-		dest[0] = (unsigned char)(temp >> 8);
-		dest[1] = (unsigned char)(temp >> 16);
-		dest[2] = (unsigned char)(temp >> 24);
-		src++;
-		dest += 3*channels;
-	}
-static void Float32_To_Int16_Clip(void *destinationBuffer, void *sourceBuffer, size_t count, size_t channels, double gain)
-	float *src = (float*)sourceBuffer;
-	signed short *dest = (signed short*)destinationBuffer;
-	gain*=32768.0;
-	while ( count-- )
-	{
-		long samp = float_to_long((*src) * gain/* - 0.5*/);
-		PA_CLIP_( samp, -0x8000, 0x7FFF );
-		*dest = (signed short) samp;
-		src ++;
-		dest += channels;
-	}
-int MKVVorbis::DecodeBlock(void *inputBuffer, size_t inputBufferBytes, void *outputBuffer, size_t *outputBufferBytes)
-	uint8_t *out = (uint8_t *)outputBuffer;
-	ogg_packet packet = {(uint8_t *)inputBuffer, (long)inputBufferBytes, 0, 0, 0 -1, packet_number++};
-	int ret = vorbis_synthesis(&block, &packet);
-	if (ret == 0)
-	{
-		vorbis_synthesis_blockin(&dsp,&block);
-		long channels = info.channels;
-		float **pcm;
-		int samples = vorbis_synthesis_pcmout(&dsp, &pcm);
-		if (samples)
-		{
-			switch(bps)
-			{
-			case 16:
-				for(int i=0;i<channels;i++)
-				{
-					Float32_To_Int16_Clip(out, pcm[i], samples, channels, 1.0 /*gain*/);
-					out+=2;
-				}
-				break;
-			case 24:
-			for(int i=0;i<channels;i++)
-				{
-					Float32_To_Int24_Clip(out, pcm[i], samples, channels, 1.0 /*gain*/);
-					out+=3;
-				}
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-		*outputBufferBytes = samples*channels*bps/8;
-		// let the decoder know we're processed them
-		vorbis_synthesis_read(&dsp,samples);
-		return MKV_SUCCESS;
-	}
-	return MKV_FAILURE;
-int MKVVorbis::GetOutputProperties(unsigned int *sampleRate, unsigned int *channels, unsigned int *bitsPerSample, bool *isFloat)
-	*sampleRate = info.rate;
-	*channels = info.channels;
-	*bitsPerSample = bps;
-	*isFloat = false; // TODO
-	return MKV_SUCCESS;
-void MKVVorbis::Flush()
-	vorbis_synthesis_restart(&dsp);
-void MKVVorbis::Close()
-	// TODO: benski> verify
-	vorbis_info_clear(&info);
-  vorbis_comment_clear(&comment);
-	vorbis_dsp_clear(&dsp);
-  vorbis_block_clear(&block);
-	delete this;
-#define CBCLASS MKVVorbis
-//CB(OUTPUT_FRAME_SIZE, OutputFrameSize)
-CB(DECODE_BLOCK, DecodeBlock)
-VCB(FLUSH, Flush)
-VCB(CLOSE, Close)
-#undef CBCLASS

+ 0 - 41

@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "../in_mkv/ifc_mkvaudiodecoder.h"
-#include "../in_mkv/svc_mkvdecoder.h"
-#include <vorbis/codec.h>
-// {6058D315-2F08-4b2f-903E-4C2E6B5EFFA9}
-static const GUID mkv_vorbis_guid = 
-{ 0x6058d315, 0x2f08, 0x4b2f, { 0x90, 0x3e, 0x4c, 0x2e, 0x6b, 0x5e, 0xff, 0xa9 } };
-class MKVDecoderCreator : public svc_mkvdecoder
-	static const char *getServiceName() { return "Vorbis MKV Decoder"; }
-	static GUID getServiceGuid() { return mkv_vorbis_guid; } 
-	int CreateAudioDecoder(const char *codec_id,
-		const nsmkv::TrackEntryData *track_entry_data, const nsmkv::AudioData *audio_data, 
-		unsigned int preferred_bits, unsigned int max_channels, bool floating_point, 
-		ifc_mkvaudiodecoder **decoder);
-class MKVVorbis : public ifc_mkvaudiodecoder
-	MKVVorbis();
-	int DecodeBlock(void *inputBuffer, size_t inputBufferBytes, void *outputBuffer, size_t *outputBufferBytes);
-	int GetOutputProperties(unsigned int *sampleRate, unsigned int *channels, unsigned int *bitsPerSample, bool *isFloat);
-	void Flush();
-	void Close();
-	unsigned int bps;
-	vorbis_info info;
-	vorbis_dsp_state dsp;
-	vorbis_block block;
-	vorbis_comment comment;
-	ogg_int64_t packet_number;













+ 0 - 177

@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-// Microsoft Visual C++ generated include file.
-// Used by ogg.rc
-#define IDS_PLEASE_ENTER_TAG_NAME       1
-#define IDOKAUTH                        3
-#define IDCANCELAUTH                    4
-#define IDS_WARNING                     4
-#define IDS_FILE_ERROR                  5
-#define IDS_LENGTH                      6
-#define IDS_AVERAGE_BITRATE             7
-#define IDS_FILE_SIZE                   8
-#define IDS_NOMINAL_BITRATE             9
-#define IDS_MIN_BITRATE                 10
-#define IDS_MAX_BITRATE                 11
-#define IDS_CHANNELS                    12
-#define IDS_SAMPLING_RATE               13
-#define IDS_SERIAL_NUMBER               14
-#define IDS_VERSION                     15
-#define IDS_Vendor                      16
-#define IDS_VENDOR                      16
-#define IDS_TO_SIMPLE_MODE              17
-#define IDS_TO_ADVANCED_MODE            18
-#define IDS_OGG_VORBIS_INFO             19
-#define IDS_WRITE_ERROR                 20
-#define IDS_BEST_RPM                    21
-#define IDS_ABOUT                       22
-#define IDS_LEAVE_AS_IS                 24
-#define IDS_REMAP_6_CHANNELS            25
-#define IDS_DOWNMIX_TO_4_CHANNELS       26
-#define IDS_DOWNMIX_TO_MONO             29
-#define IDS_IDLE                        32
-#define IDS_ABOUT_TEXT                  32
-#define IDS_LOWEST                      33
-#define IDS_BELOW_NORMAL                34
-#define IDS_NORMAL                      35
-#define IDS_ABOVE_NORMAL                36
-#define IDS_HIGHEST                     37
-#define IDS_TIME_CRITICAL               38
-#define IDS_TITLE_PREFERENCES           39
-#define IDS_ONE_TIME_FAQ_REMINDER       41
-#define IDS_RUNNING_ON_NT_OS            42
-#define IDS_RUNNING_ON_WIN9X            43
-#define IDS_NEVER                       44
-#define IDS_PORT_80_ONLY                45
-#define IDS_ALWAYS                      46
-#define IDS_DECODING                    48
-#define IDS_DISPLAY                     49
-#define IDS_STREAMING                   50
-#define IDS_CONNECTING                  51
-#define IDS_PREBUFFERING                52
-#define IDS_AUTH_REQUIRED               53
-#define IDS_OGG_FILES                   54
-#define IDS_NAME                        55
-#define IDS_VALUE                       56
-#define IDS_KBPS                        57
-#define IDS_STRING2                     58
-#define IDS_HZ                          58
-#define IDS_GAME_SPEED                  59
-#define IDS_STRING1                     60
-#define IDS_BYTES                       60
-#define IDS_FAMILY_STRING               61
-#define IDC_CONFIG_TAB1                 101
-#define IDD_INFO_DLG                    102
-#define IDC_CONFIG_TAB2                 102
-#define IDC_CONFIG_TAB3                 103
-#define IDD_INFO_DLG1                   104
-#define IDC_CONFIG_TAB4                 104
-#define IDD_ABOUT                       112
-#define IDB_BITMAP1                     115
-#define IDB_BITMAP2                     116
-#define IDB_BITMAP3                     117
-#define IDB_BITMAP4                     118
-#define IDB_BITMAP5                     119
-#define IDB_BITMAP6                     120
-#define IDB_BITMAP7                     121
-#define IDB_BITMAP8                     122
-#define IDB_BITMAP9                     123
-#define IDB_BITMAP10                    124
-#define IDB_BITMAP11                    125
-#define IDB_BITMAP12                    126
-#define IDD_HTTPAUTH                    128
-#define IDD_INFO                        131
-#define IDD_DIALOG1                     132
-#define IDD_CONFIG                      132
-#define IDD_INFO_DLG_NEW                133
-#define IDD_INFO_PANEL_ADVANCED         134
-#define IDD_INFO_PANEL_SIMPLE           135
-#define IDB_PNG1                        136
-#define IDB_PNG2                        137
-#define IDB_PNG3                        138
-#define IDB_PNG4                        139
-#define IDB_PNG5                        140
-#define IDB_PNG6                        141
-#define IDB_PNG7                        142
-#define IDB_PNG8                        143
-#define IDB_PNG9                        144
-#define IDB_PNG10                       145
-#define IDB_PNG11                       146
-#define IDB_PNG12                       147
-#define IDC_LIST                        1001
-#define IDC_NAME                        1002
-#define IDC_TITLE                       1002
-#define IDC_VALUE                       1003
-#define IDC_ARTIST                      1003
-#define IDC_HTTP_BSIZE                  1004
-#define IDC_ALBUM                       1004
-#define IDC_STREAM_SAVE                 1005
-#define IDC_GENRE                       1005
-#define IDC_FSAVE                       1006
-#define IDC_YEAR                        1006
-#define IDC_DATE                        1006
-#define IDC_CUSTOM1                     1007
-#define IDC_MISC                        1007
-#define IDC_AVG_BR                      1008
-#define IDC_FIX0R                       1009
-#define IDC_PROXY                       1012
-#define IDC_URL                         1012
-#define IDC_SLIDER1                     1013
-#define IDC_SLIDER2                     1014
-#define IDC_BUTTON_ADD                  1015
-#define IDC_BUTTON_DEL                  1016
-#define IDC_BUTTON_DELALL               1017
-#define IDC_RPM                         1018
-#define IDC_RPM2                        1019
-#define IDC_MC6_DM                      1020
-#define IDC_MC6_MAP                     1021
-#define IDC_SSAVE_FMT                   1022
-#define IDC_SSAVE_FMT_DEF               1023
-#define IDC_FULLBUF                     1025
-#define IDC_EDITAUTH                    1026
-#define IDC_REALM                       1027
-#define IDC_TRACK                       1028
-#define IDC_STATIC_MISC                 1034
-#define IDC_STATIC_TAGS                 1035
-#define IDC_STATIC_STD                  1036
-#define IDC_STATIC_TRACK                1037
-#define IDC_SEPARATE                    1038
-#define IDC_DELETE_ALL                  1039
-#define IDC_RG                          1040
-#define IDC_RG_MODE                     1041
-#define IDC_NOCLIP                      1042
-#define IDC_HARDLIMIT                   1043
-#define IDC_PREAMP_STAT                 1044
-#define IDC_TAB                         1045
-#define IDC_MODE_TOGGLE                 1053
-#define IDC_NEXT_STREAM                 1054
-#define IDC_PREV_STREAM                 1055
-#define IDC_STATIC_CS                   1056
-#define IDC_HIDE_SPEC                   1058
-#define IDC_COMMENT                     1060
-#define IDC_ABOUT_TEXT                  1061
-#define IDC_OS_BLAH                     1062
-#define IDC_REMEMBER_INFOSIZE           1063
-#define IDC_FONTNAME                    1064
-#define IDC_PREAMP_RG                   1065
-// Next default values for new objects
-#define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE        148
-#define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE         40001
-#define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE         1067
-#define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE           105

+ 0 - 108

@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _RF_H_
-#define _RF_H_
-//based on Tempura specs.
-//NOT compatible with WA3 alphas
-class WReader 
-  protected:
-	/* WReader
-	** WReader constructor
-	*/
-	WReader() : m_player(0) { }
-  public:
-	/* m_player
-	** Filled by Winamp. Pointer to Winamp 3 core interface
-	*/
-	/*WPlayer_callback*/ void *m_player;	//PP: hack. read_file.dll doesn't call it at all. simply don't touch it
-	/* GetDescription
-	** Retrieves your plug-in's text description
-	*/
-	virtual char *GetDescription() { return "Unknown"; };
-	/* Open
-	** Used to open a file, return 0 on success
-	*/
-	virtual int Open(char *url, bool *killswitch)=0; 
-	/* Read
-	** Returns number of BYTES read (if < length then eof or killswitch)
-	*/
-	virtual int Read(char *buffer, int length, bool *killswitch)=0; 
-	/* GetLength
-	** Returns length of the entire file in BYTES, return -1 on unknown/infinite (as for a stream)
-	*/
-	virtual int GetLength(void)=0; 
-	/* CanSeek
-	** Returns 1 if you can skip ahead in the file, 0 if not
-	*/
-	virtual int CanSeek(void)=0;	//PP: currently available read_file.dll vesions can always seek in any direction
-	/* Seek
-	** Jump to a certain absolute position
-	*/
-	virtual int Seek(int position, bool *killswitch)=0;
-	/* GetHeader
-	** Retrieve header. Used in read_http to retrieve the HTTP header
-	*/
-	virtual char *GetHeader(char *name) { return 0; }
-	/* ~WReader
-	** WReader virtual destructor
-	*/
-	//virtual ~WReader() { }
-	virtual void Release(int) {};
-	//PP: hack - shut up linker when getting rid of evil CRT library; seems to work OK under Tempura
-#define READ_VER	0x100
-typedef struct 
-	/* version
-	** Version revision number
-	*/
-	int version;
-	/* description
-	** Text description of the reader plug-in
-	*/
-	char *description;
-	/* create
-	** Function pointer to create a reader module
-	*/
-	WReader *(*create)();
-	/* ismine
-	** Determines whether or not a file should be read by this plug-in
-	*/
-	int (*ismine)(char *url);
-} reader_source;
-//exported symbol is:
-//int readerSource(HINSTANCE,reader_source**);
-(not a part of Tempura specs)
-int _stdcall gzip_writefile(char* path,void* buf,DWORD size) - writes a memory block to a GZIP file - in_midi calls it from file info box
-other hacks:
-recent versions understand file://... urls, can do partial file access (eg. "partial://00006666-66660000:c:\foo\bar.dat\zzz.wav" (zzz.wav is the "display name" + extension to make winamp select correct plug-in) and auto-detect CD drive letter (eg. #:\x.mp3 will scan all drives for that file; also works with partial:// )
-you can (for an example) build a playlist which will play Unreal soundtrack directly from the game CD on any system
-latest read_file.dll is bundled with the midi plug-in:

+ 0 - 245

@@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
-#include "Shaper.h"
-#ifndef M_PI
-#define M_PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028842
-#define RANDBUFLEN 65536
-#define RINT(x) ((x) >= 0 ? ((int)((x) + 0.5)) : ((int)((x) - 0.5)))
-const int scoeffreq[] =
-  {
-    0, 48000, 44100, 37800, 32000, 22050, 48000, 44100
-  };
-const int scoeflen[] =
-  {
-    1, 16, 20, 16, 16, 15, 16, 15
-  };
-const int samp[] =
-  {
-    8, 18, 27, 8, 8, 8, 10, 9
-  };
-const double shapercoefs[8][21] =
-  {
-    {
-      -1
-    }
-    , /* triangular dither */
-    { -2.8720729351043701172,   5.0413231849670410156,  -6.2442994117736816406,   5.8483986854553222656,
-      -3.7067542076110839844,   1.0495119094848632812,   1.1830236911773681641,  -2.1126792430877685547,
-      1.9094531536102294922,  -0.99913084506988525391,  0.17090806365013122559,  0.32615602016448974609,
-      -0.39127644896507263184,  0.26876461505889892578, -0.097676105797290802002, 0.023473845794796943665,
-    }, /* 48k, N=16, amp=18 */
-    { -2.6773197650909423828,   4.8308925628662109375,  -6.570110321044921875,    7.4572014808654785156,
-      -6.7263274192810058594,   4.8481650352478027344,  -2.0412089824676513672,  -0.7006359100341796875,
-      2.9537565708160400391,  -4.0800385475158691406,   4.1845216751098632812,  -3.3311812877655029297,
-      2.1179926395416259766,  -0.879302978515625,       0.031759146600961685181, 0.42382788658142089844,
-      -0.47882103919982910156,  0.35490813851356506348, -0.17496839165687561035,  0.060908168554306030273,
-    }, /* 44.1k, N=20, amp=27 */
-    { -1.6335992813110351562,   2.2615492343902587891,  -2.4077029228210449219,   2.6341717243194580078,
-      -2.1440362930297851562,   1.8153258562088012695,  -1.0816224813461303711,   0.70302653312683105469,
-      -0.15991993248462677002, -0.041549518704414367676, 0.29416576027870178223, -0.2518316805362701416,
-      0.27766478061676025391, -0.15785403549671173096,  0.10165894031524658203, -0.016833892092108726501,
-    }, /* 37.8k, N=16 */
-    { -0.82901298999786376953,  0.98922657966613769531, -0.59825712442398071289,  1.0028809309005737305,
-      -0.59938216209411621094,  0.79502451419830322266, -0.42723315954208374023,  0.54492527246475219727,
-      -0.30792605876922607422,  0.36871799826622009277, -0.18792048096656799316,  0.2261127084493637085,
-      -0.10573341697454452515,  0.11435490846633911133, -0.038800679147243499756, 0.040842197835445404053,
-    }, /* 32k, N=16 */
-    { -0.065229974687099456787, 0.54981261491775512695,  0.40278548002243041992,  0.31783768534660339355,
-      0.28201797604560852051,  0.16985194385051727295,  0.15433363616466522217,  0.12507140636444091797,
-      0.08903945237398147583,  0.064410120248794555664, 0.047146003693342208862, 0.032805237919092178345,
-      0.028495194390416145325, 0.011695005930960178375, 0.011831838637590408325,
-    }, /* 22.05k, N=15 */
-    { -2.3925774097442626953,   3.4350297451019287109,  -3.1853709220886230469,   1.8117271661758422852,
-      0.20124770700931549072, -1.4759907722473144531,   1.7210904359817504883,  -0.97746700048446655273,
-      0.13790138065814971924,  0.38185903429985046387, -0.27421241998672485352, -0.066584214568138122559,
-      0.35223302245140075684, -0.37672343850135803223,  0.23964276909828186035, -0.068674825131893157959,
-    }, /* 48k, N=16, amp=10 */
-    { -2.0833916664123535156,   3.0418450832366943359,  -3.2047898769378662109,   2.7571926116943359375,
-      -1.4978630542755126953,   0.3427594602108001709,   0.71733748912811279297, -1.0737057924270629883,
-      1.0225815773010253906,  -0.56649994850158691406,  0.20968692004680633545,  0.065378531813621520996,
-      -0.10322438180446624756,  0.067442022264003753662, 0.00495197344571352005,
-    }, /* 44.1k, N=15, amp=9 */
-#if 0
-    { -3.0259189605712890625,  6.0268716812133789062,  -9.195003509521484375,   11.824929237365722656,
-      -12.767142295837402344,  11.917946815490722656,   -9.1739168167114257812,   5.3712320327758789062,
-      -1.1393624544143676758, -2.4484779834747314453,   4.9719839096069335938,  -6.0392003059387207031,
-      5.9359521865844726562, -4.903278350830078125,    3.5527443885803222656,  -2.1909697055816650391,
-      1.1672389507293701172, -0.4903914332389831543,   0.16519790887832641602, -0.023217858746647834778,
-    }, /* 44.1k, N=20 */
-  };
-#define POOLSIZE 97
-Shaper::Shaper(int freq, int _nch, int min, int max, int _dtype, int pdf, double noiseamp)
-	int i;
-	float pool[POOLSIZE] = {0};
-	nch = _nch;
-	dtype = _dtype;
-	for (i = 1;i < 6;i++) if (freq == scoeffreq[i]) break;
-	/*	  if ((dtype == 3 || dtype == 4) && i == 6) {
-			fprintf(stderr,"Warning: ATH based noise shaping for destination frequency %dHz is not available, using triangular dither\n",freq);
-		  }*/
-	if (dtype == 2 || i == 6) i = 0;
-	if (dtype == 4 && (i == 1 || i == 2)) i += 5;
-	shaper_type = i;
-	shapebuf = (double**)malloc(sizeof(double *) * nch);
-	shaper_len = scoeflen[shaper_type];
-	for (i = 0;i < nch;i++)
-		shapebuf[i] = (double*)calloc(shaper_len, sizeof(double));
-	shaper_clipmin = min;
-	shaper_clipmax = max;
-	randbuf = (REAL*)malloc(sizeof(REAL) * RANDBUFLEN);
-	for (i = 0;i < POOLSIZE;i++) pool[i] = warandf();
-	switch (pdf)
-	{
-		case DITHER_RECTANGLE: // rectangular
-			for (i = 0;i < RANDBUFLEN;i++)
-			{
-				float r;
-				int p;
-				p = warand() % POOLSIZE;
-				r = pool[p]; pool[p] = warandf();
-				randbuf[i] = (REAL)(noiseamp * (((double)r) - 0.5));
-			}
-			break;
-			for (i = 0;i < RANDBUFLEN;i++)
-			{
-				float r1, r2;
-				int p;
-				p = warand() % POOLSIZE;
-				r1 = pool[p]; pool[p] = warandf();
-				p = warand() % POOLSIZE;
-				r2 = pool[p]; pool[p] = warandf();
-				randbuf[i] = (REAL)(noiseamp * ((((double)r1)) - (((double)r2))));
-			}
-			break;
-#if 0
-		case DITHER_GAUSSIAN: // gaussian
-			for (i = 0;i < RANDBUFLEN;i++)
-			{
-				int sw = 0;
-				double t, u;
-				double r;
-				int p;
-				if (sw == 0)
-				{
-					sw = 1;
-					p = warand() % POOLSIZE;
-					r = ((double)pool[p]); pool[p] = warandf();
-					t = sqrt(-2 * log(1 - r));
-					p = warand() % POOLSIZE;
-					r = ((double)pool[p]); pool[p] = warandf();
-					u = 2 * M_PI * r;
-					randbuf[i] = noiseamp * t * cos(u);
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					sw = 0;
-					randbuf[i] = noiseamp * t * sin(u);
-				}
-			}
-			break;
-	}
-	randptr = 0;
-//	  if (dtype == 0 || dtype == 1) return 1;
-	//return samp[shaper_type];
-	int i;
-	for (i = 0;i < nch;i++) free(shapebuf[i]);
-	free(shapebuf);
-	free(randbuf);
-int Shaper::do_shaping(double s,/*double *peak,*/int ch)
-	double u, h;
-	int i;
-	if (dtype == 1)
-	{
-		s += randbuf[randptr++ & (RANDBUFLEN-1)];
-		if (s < shaper_clipmin)
-		{
-			//double d = (double)s / shaper_clipmin;
-			//*peak = *peak < d ? d : *peak;
-			s = shaper_clipmin;
-		}
-		if (s > shaper_clipmax)
-		{
-			//double d = (double)s / shaper_clipmax;
-			//*peak = *peak < d ? d : *peak;
-			s = shaper_clipmax;
-		}
-		return RINT(s);
-	}
-	h = 0;
-	for (i = 0;i < shaper_len;i++)
-		h += shapercoefs[shaper_type][i] * shapebuf[ch][i];
-	s += h;
-	u = s;
-	s += randbuf[randptr++ & (RANDBUFLEN-1)];
-	if (s < shaper_clipmin)
-	{
-		//double d = (double)s / shaper_clipmin;
-		//*peak = *peak < d ? d : *peak;
-		s = shaper_clipmin;
-	}
-	if (s > shaper_clipmax)
-	{
-		//double d = (double)s / shaper_clipmax;
-		//*peak = *peak < d ? d : *peak;
-		s = shaper_clipmax;
-	}
-	s = RINT(s);
-	for (i = shaper_len - 2;i >= 0;i--) shapebuf[ch][i+1] = shapebuf[ch][i];
-	shapebuf[ch][0] = s - u;
-	return (int)s;

+ 0 - 30

@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-//from SSRC
-#include "main.h"
-typedef float REAL;
-class Shaper
-	double **shapebuf;
-	int shaper_type,shaper_len,shaper_clipmin,shaper_clipmax;
-	REAL *randbuf;
-	int randptr;
-	int dtype;
-	int nch;
-  public:
-	Shaper(int freq,int _nch,int min,int max,int _dtype,int pdf,double noiseamp);
-	int do_shaping(double s,/*double *peak,*/int ch);
-	~Shaper();

+ 0 - 2

@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-#include "main.h"

+ 0 - 491

@@ -1,491 +0,0 @@
-/* This program is licensed under the GNU Library General Public License, version 2,
- * a copy of which is included with this program (LICENCE.LGPL).
- *
- * (c) 2000-2001 Michael Smith <[email protected]>
- *
- *
- * Comment editing backend, suitable for use by nice frontend interfaces.
- *
- * last modified: $Id: vcedit.c,v 1.3 2013/10/22 14:17:11 dromagod Exp $
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <ogg/ogg.h>
-#include <vorbis/codec.h>
-#include "vcedit.h"
-//#include "i18n.h"
-#define CHUNKSIZE 4096
-vcedit_state *vcedit_new_state(void)
-	vcedit_state *state = malloc(sizeof(vcedit_state));
-	memset(state, 0, sizeof(vcedit_state));
-	return state;
-char *vcedit_error(vcedit_state *state)
-	return state->lasterror;
-vorbis_comment *vcedit_comments(vcedit_state *state)
-	return state->vc;
-static void vcedit_clear_internals(vcedit_state *state)
-	if(state->vc)
-	{
-		vorbis_comment_clear(state->vc);
-		free(state->vc);
-	}
-	if(state->os)
-	{
-		ogg_stream_clear(state->os);
-		free(state->os);
-	}
-	if(state->oy)
-	{
-		ogg_sync_clear(state->oy);
-		free(state->oy);
-	}
-	if(state->vendor)
-		free(state->vendor);
-    if(state->mainbuf)
-        free(state->mainbuf);
-    if(state->bookbuf)
-        free(state->bookbuf);
-    if(state->vi) {
-       	vorbis_info_clear(state->vi);
-        free(state->vi);
-    }
-    memset(state, 0, sizeof(*state));
-void vcedit_clear(vcedit_state *state)
-	if(state)
-	{
-		vcedit_clear_internals(state);
-		free(state);
-	}
-/* Next two functions pulled straight from libvorbis, apart from one change
- * - we don't want to overwrite the vendor string.
- */
-static void _v_writestring(oggpack_buffer *o,char *s, int len)
-	while(len--)
-	{
-		oggpack_write(o,*s++,8);
-	}
-static int _commentheader_out(vorbis_comment *vc, char *vendor, ogg_packet *op)
-	oggpack_buffer opb;
-	oggpack_writeinit(&opb);
-	/* preamble */  
-	oggpack_write(&opb,0x03,8);
-	_v_writestring(&opb,"vorbis", 6);
-	/* vendor */
-	oggpack_write(&opb,(unsigned long)strlen(vendor),32);
-	_v_writestring(&opb,vendor, (int)strlen(vendor));
-	/* comments */
-	oggpack_write(&opb,vc->comments,32);
-	if(vc->comments){
-		int i;
-		for(i=0;i<vc->comments;i++){
-			if(vc->user_comments[i]){
-				oggpack_write(&opb,vc->comment_lengths[i],32);
-				_v_writestring(&opb,vc->user_comments[i], 
-                        vc->comment_lengths[i]);
-			}else{
-				oggpack_write(&opb,0,32);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	oggpack_write(&opb,1,1);
-	op->packet = _ogg_malloc(oggpack_bytes(&opb));
-	memcpy(op->packet, opb.buffer, oggpack_bytes(&opb));
-	op->bytes=oggpack_bytes(&opb);
-	op->b_o_s=0;
-	op->e_o_s=0;
-	op->granulepos=0;
-	oggpack_writeclear(&opb);
-	return 0;
-static int _blocksize(vcedit_state *s, ogg_packet *p)
-	int this = vorbis_packet_blocksize(s->vi, p);
-	int ret = (this + s->prevW)/4;
-	if(!s->prevW)
-	{
-		s->prevW = this;
-		return 0;
-	}
-	s->prevW = this;
-	return ret;
-static int _fetch_next_packet(vcedit_state *s, ogg_packet *p, ogg_page *page)
-	int result = ogg_stream_packetout(s->os, p);
-	if(result > 0)
-		return 1;
-	else
-	{
-		if(s->eosin)
-			return 0;
-		while(ogg_sync_pageout(s->oy, page) <= 0)
-		{
-			char *buffer = ogg_sync_buffer(s->oy, CHUNKSIZE);
-			int bytes = (int)s->read(buffer,1, CHUNKSIZE, s->in);
-			ogg_sync_wrote(s->oy, bytes);
-			if(bytes == 0) 
-				return 0;
-		}
-		if(ogg_page_eos(page))
-			s->eosin = 1;
-		else if(ogg_page_serialno(page) != s->serial)
-		{
-			s->eosin = 1;
-			s->extrapage = 1;
-			return 0;
-		}
-		ogg_stream_pagein(s->os, page);
-		return _fetch_next_packet(s, p, page);
-	}
-int vcedit_open(vcedit_state *state, FILE *in)
-	return vcedit_open_callbacks(state, (void *)in, 
-			(vcedit_read_func)fread, (vcedit_write_func)fwrite);
-int vcedit_open_callbacks(vcedit_state *state, void *in,
-		vcedit_read_func read_func, vcedit_write_func write_func)
-	char *buffer;
-	int bytes,i;
-	ogg_packet *header;
-	ogg_packet	header_main;
-	ogg_packet  header_comments;
-	ogg_packet	header_codebooks;
-	ogg_page    og;
-	state->in = in;
-	state->read = read_func;
-	state->write = write_func;
-	state->oy = malloc(sizeof(ogg_sync_state));
-	ogg_sync_init(state->oy);
-	buffer = ogg_sync_buffer(state->oy, CHUNKSIZE);
-	bytes = (int)state->read(buffer, 1, CHUNKSIZE, state->in);
-	ogg_sync_wrote(state->oy, bytes);
-	if(ogg_sync_pageout(state->oy, &og) != 1)
-	{
-		if(bytes<CHUNKSIZE)
-			state->lasterror = "Input truncated or empty.";
-		else
-			state->lasterror = "Input is not an Ogg bitstream.";
-		goto err;
-	}
-	state->serial = ogg_page_serialno(&og);
-	state->os = malloc(sizeof(ogg_stream_state));
-	ogg_stream_init(state->os, state->serial);
-    state->vi = malloc(sizeof(vorbis_info));
-	vorbis_info_init(state->vi);
-	state->vc = malloc(sizeof(vorbis_comment));
-	vorbis_comment_init(state->vc);
-	if(ogg_stream_pagein(state->os, &og) < 0)
-	{
-		state->lasterror = "Error reading first page of Ogg bitstream.";
-		goto err;
-	}
-	if(ogg_stream_packetout(state->os, &header_main) != 1)
-	{
-		state->lasterror = "Error reading initial header packet.";
-		goto err;
-	}
-	if(vorbis_synthesis_headerin(state->vi, state->vc, &header_main) < 0)
-	{
-		state->lasterror = "Ogg bitstream does not contain vorbis data.";
-		goto err;
-	}
-	state->mainlen = header_main.bytes;
-	state->mainbuf = malloc(state->mainlen);
-	memcpy(state->mainbuf, header_main.packet, header_main.bytes);
-	i = 0;
-	header = &header_comments;
-	while(i<2) {
-		while(i<2) {
-			int result = ogg_sync_pageout(state->oy, &og);
-			if(result == 0) break; /* Too little data so far */
-			else if(result == 1)
-			{
-				ogg_stream_pagein(state->os, &og);
-				while(i<2)
-				{
-					result = ogg_stream_packetout(state->os, header);
-					if(result == 0) break;
-					if(result == -1)
-					{
-						state->lasterror = "Corrupt secondary header.";
-						goto err;
-					}
-					vorbis_synthesis_headerin(state->vi, state->vc, header);
-					if(i==1)
-					{
-						state->booklen = header->bytes;
-						state->bookbuf = malloc(state->booklen);
-						memcpy(state->bookbuf, header->packet, 
-								header->bytes);
-					}
-					i++;
-					header = &header_codebooks;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		buffer = ogg_sync_buffer(state->oy, CHUNKSIZE);
-		bytes = (int)state->read(buffer, 1, CHUNKSIZE, state->in);
-		if(bytes == 0 && i < 2)
-		{
-			state->lasterror = "EOF before end of vorbis headers.";
-			goto err;
-		}
-		ogg_sync_wrote(state->oy, bytes);
-	}
-	/* Copy the vendor tag */
-	bytes = (int)strlen(state->vc->vendor);
-	state->vendor = malloc(bytes +1);
-	strncpy(state->vendor, state->vc->vendor, bytes);
-	/* Headers are done! */
-	return 0;
-	vcedit_clear_internals(state);
-	return -1;
-int vcedit_write(vcedit_state *state, void *out)
-	ogg_stream_state streamout;
-	ogg_packet header_main;
-	ogg_packet header_comments;
-	ogg_packet header_codebooks;
-	ogg_page ogout, ogin;
-	ogg_packet op;
-	ogg_int64_t granpos = 0;
-	int result;
-	char *buffer;
-	int bytes;
-	int needflush=0, needout=0;
-	state->eosin = 0;
-	state->extrapage = 0;
-	header_main.bytes = state->mainlen;
-	header_main.packet = state->mainbuf;
-	header_main.b_o_s = 1;
-	header_main.e_o_s = 0;
-	header_main.granulepos = 0;
-	header_codebooks.bytes = state->booklen;
-	header_codebooks.packet = state->bookbuf;
-	header_codebooks.b_o_s = 0;
-	header_codebooks.e_o_s = 0;
-	header_codebooks.granulepos = 0;
-	ogg_stream_init(&streamout, state->serial);
-	_commentheader_out(state->vc, state->vendor, &header_comments);
-	ogg_stream_packetin(&streamout, &header_main);
-	ogg_stream_packetin(&streamout, &header_comments);
-	ogg_stream_packetin(&streamout, &header_codebooks);
-	while((result = ogg_stream_flush(&streamout, &ogout)))
-	{
-		if(state->write(ogout.header,1,ogout.header_len, out) !=
-				(size_t) ogout.header_len)
-			goto cleanup;
-		if(state->write(ogout.body,1,ogout.body_len, out) != 
-				(size_t) ogout.body_len)
-			goto cleanup;
-	}
-	while(_fetch_next_packet(state, &op, &ogin))
-	{
-		int size;
-		size = _blocksize(state, &op);
-		granpos += size;
-		if(needflush)
-		{
-			if(ogg_stream_flush(&streamout, &ogout))
-			{
-				if(state->write(ogout.header,1,ogout.header_len, 
-							out) != (size_t) ogout.header_len)
-					goto cleanup;
-				if(state->write(ogout.body,1,ogout.body_len, 
-							out) != (size_t) ogout.body_len)
-					goto cleanup;
-			}
-		}
-		else if(needout)
-		{
-			if(ogg_stream_pageout(&streamout, &ogout))
-			{
-				if(state->write(ogout.header,1,ogout.header_len, 
-							out) != (size_t) ogout.header_len)
-					goto cleanup;
-				if(state->write(ogout.body,1,ogout.body_len, 
-							out) != (size_t) ogout.body_len)
-					goto cleanup;
-			}
-		}
-		needflush=needout=0;
-		if(op.granulepos == -1)
-		{
-			op.granulepos = granpos;
-			ogg_stream_packetin(&streamout, &op);
-		}
-		else /* granulepos is set, validly. Use it, and force a flush to 
-				account for shortened blocks (vcut) when appropriate */ 
-		{
-			if(granpos > op.granulepos)
-			{
-				granpos = op.granulepos;
-				ogg_stream_packetin(&streamout, &op);
-				needflush=1;
-			}
-			else 
-			{
-				ogg_stream_packetin(&streamout, &op);
-				needout=1;
-			}
-		}		
-	}
-	streamout.e_o_s = 1;
-	while(ogg_stream_flush(&streamout, &ogout))
-	{
-		if(state->write(ogout.header,1,ogout.header_len, 
-					out) != (size_t) ogout.header_len)
-			goto cleanup;
-		if(state->write(ogout.body,1,ogout.body_len, 
-					out) != (size_t) ogout.body_len)
-			goto cleanup;
-	}
-	if (state->extrapage)
-	{
-		if(state->write(ogin.header,1,ogin.header_len,
-		                out) != (size_t) ogin.header_len)
-			goto cleanup;
-		if (state->write(ogin.body,1,ogin.body_len, out) !=
-				(size_t) ogin.body_len)
-			goto cleanup;
-	}
-	state->eosin=0; /* clear it, because not all paths to here do */
-	while(!state->eosin) /* We reached eos, not eof */
-	{
-		/* We copy the rest of the stream (other logical streams)
-		 * through, a page at a time. */
-		while(1)
-		{
-			result = ogg_sync_pageout(state->oy, &ogout);
-			if(result==0)
-                break;
-			if(result<0)
-				state->lasterror = "Corrupt or missing data, continuing...";
-			else
-			{
-				/* Don't bother going through the rest, we can just 
-				 * write the page out now */
-				if(state->write(ogout.header,1,ogout.header_len, 
-						out) != (size_t) ogout.header_len) {
-//                    fprintf(stderr, "Bumming out\n");
-					goto cleanup;
-                }
-				if(state->write(ogout.body,1,ogout.body_len, out) !=
-						(size_t) ogout.body_len) {
-   //                 fprintf(stderr, "Bumming out 2\n");
-					goto cleanup;
-                }
-			}
-		}
-		buffer = ogg_sync_buffer(state->oy, CHUNKSIZE);
-		bytes = (int)state->read(buffer,1, CHUNKSIZE, state->in);
-		ogg_sync_wrote(state->oy, bytes);
-		if(bytes == 0) 
-		{
-			state->eosin = 1;
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	ogg_stream_clear(&streamout);
-	ogg_packet_clear(&header_comments);
-	free(state->mainbuf);
-	free(state->bookbuf);
-    state->mainbuf = state->bookbuf = NULL;
-	if(!state->eosin)
-	{
-		state->lasterror =
-			"Error writing stream to output. "
-			"Output stream may be corrupted or truncated.";
-		return -1;
-	}
-	return 0;

+ 0 - 62

@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-/* This program is licensed under the GNU Library General Public License, version 2,
- * a copy of which is included with this program (with filename LICENSE.LGPL).
- *
- * (c) 2000-2001 Michael Smith <[email protected]>
- *
- * VCEdit header.
- *
- * last modified: $ID:$
- */
-#ifndef __VCEDIT_H
-#define __VCEDIT_H
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <ogg/ogg.h>
-#include <vorbis/codec.h>
-typedef size_t (*vcedit_read_func)(void *, size_t, size_t, void *);
-typedef size_t (*vcedit_write_func)(const void *, size_t, size_t, void *);
-typedef struct {
-	ogg_sync_state		*oy;
-	ogg_stream_state	*os;
-	vorbis_comment		*vc;
-	vorbis_info         *vi;
-	vcedit_read_func read;
-	vcedit_write_func write;
-	void		*in;
-	long		serial;
-	unsigned char	*mainbuf;
-	unsigned char	*bookbuf;
-	int		mainlen;
-	int		booklen;
-	char 	    *lasterror;
-	char   *vendor;
-	int prevW;
-	int extrapage;
-	int eosin;
-} vcedit_state;
-extern vcedit_state *	vcedit_new_state(void);
-extern void		vcedit_clear(vcedit_state *state);
-extern vorbis_comment *	vcedit_comments(vcedit_state *state);
-extern int		vcedit_open(vcedit_state *state, FILE *in);
-extern int		vcedit_open_callbacks(vcedit_state *state, void *in,
-		vcedit_read_func read_func, vcedit_write_func write_func);
-extern int		vcedit_write(vcedit_state *state, void *out);
-extern char *   vcedit_error(vcedit_state *state);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* __VCEDIT_H */

+ 0 - 39

@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-// Version
-#include "../../../Winamp/buildType.h"
- FILEVERSION 1,79,0,0
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-    BLOCK "StringFileInfo"
-    BEGIN
-        BLOCK "040904b0"
-        BEGIN
-            VALUE "CompanyName", "Winamp SA"
-            VALUE "FileDescription", "Winamp Input Plug-in"
-            VALUE "FileVersion", "1,79,0,0"
-            VALUE "InternalName", "Nullsoft Vorbis Decoder"
-            VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright © 2001-2023 Winamp SA"
-            VALUE "LegalTrademarks", "Nullsoft and Winamp are trademarks of Winamp SA"
-            VALUE "OriginalFilename", "in_vorbis.dll"
-            VALUE "ProductName", "Winamp"
-            VALUE "ProductVersion", STR_WINAMP_PRODUCTVER
-        END
-    END
-    BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
-    BEGIN
-        VALUE "Translation", 0x409, 1200
-    END

+ 0 - 1097

@@ -1,1097 +0,0 @@
-#include "main.h"
-#include "genres.h"
-#include "decoder.h"
-#include "api__in_vorbis.h"
-#include "../Winamp/wa_ipc.h"
-#include "../nu/Singleton.h"
-#include "mkv_vorbis_decoder.h"
-#include <shlwapi.h>
-#include "../nu/AutoWide.h"
-#include "../nu/AutoChar.h"
-#include <strsafe.h>
-#include <api/service/waservicefactory.h>
-template <class api_T>
-void ServiceBuild(api_T *&api_t, GUID factoryGUID_t)
-	if (mod.service)
-	{
-		waServiceFactory *factory = mod.service->service_getServiceByGuid(factoryGUID_t);
-		if (factory)
-			api_t = reinterpret_cast<api_T *>( factory->getInterface() );
-	}
-template <class api_T>
-void ServiceRelease(api_T *api_t, GUID factoryGUID_t)
-	if (mod.service && api_t)
-	{
-		waServiceFactory *factory = mod.service->service_getServiceByGuid(factoryGUID_t);
-		if (factory)
-			factory->releaseInterface(api_t);
-	}
-	api_t = NULL;
-VorbisFile * theFile = 0;
-extern CfgInt cfg_abr,cfg_httpseek2;
-OSVERSIONINFO os_ver = {0};
-static int pos_ms;
-static int seek_to=-1;
-static int length;
-static bool kill;
-StringW stat_disp;
-void show_stat(const wchar_t* txt)
-	if (txt)
-	{
-		stat_disp=txt;
-		PostMessage(mod.hMainWindow,WM_USER,0,243);
-	}
-	else 
-		stat_disp=L"";
-static int is_out_open;
-static int paused;
-static int volume=255;
-static int pan=0;
-StringW cur_file;
-HANDLE hThread=0;
-void Config(HWND);
-void About(HWND p);
-void do_cfg(int s);
-void GetFileInfo(const in_char *file, wchar_t *title, int *len);
-const char *INI_FILE=0;
-const wchar_t *INI_DIRECTORY=0;
-int (*warand)()=0;
-float (*warandf)()=0;
-api_application *WASABI_API_APP = 0;
-// wasabi based services for localisation support
-api_language *WASABI_API_LNG = 0;
-api_memmgr* WASABI_API_MEMMGR = 0;
-api_config *AGAVE_API_CONFIG=0;
-static MKVDecoderCreator mkvCreator;
-static SingletonServiceFactory<svc_mkvdecoder, MKVDecoderCreator> mkvFactory;
-void SetFileExtensions(void)
-	static char fileExtensionsString[1200] = {0};	// "OGG\0Ogg files (*.OGG)\0"
-	char* end = 0;
-	StringCchCopyExA(fileExtensionsString, 1200, "OGG;OGA", &end, 0, 0);
-	StringCchCopyExA(end+1, 1200, WASABI_API_LNGSTRING(IDS_OGG_FILES), 0, 0, 0);
-	mod.FileExtensions = fileExtensionsString;
-int Init()
-	if (!IsWindow(mod.hMainWindow))
-		return IN_INIT_FAILURE;
-	mod.UsesOutputPlug|=8;
-	warand = (int (*)())SendMessage(mod.hMainWindow, WM_WA_IPC, 0, IPC_GET_RANDFUNC);
-	warandf = (float (*)())SendMessage(mod.hMainWindow, WM_WA_IPC, 1, IPC_GET_RANDFUNC);
-	ServiceBuild(WASABI_API_MEMMGR, memMgrApiServiceGuid);
-	ServiceBuild(AGAVE_API_CONFIG, AgaveConfigGUID);
-	// loader so that we can get the localisation service api for use
-	ServiceBuild(WASABI_API_LNG, languageApiGUID);
-	ServiceBuild(WASABI_API_APP, applicationApiServiceGuid);
-	mkvFactory.Register(mod.service, &mkvCreator);
-	// need to have this initialised before we try to do anything with localisation features
-	WASABI_API_START_LANG(mod.hDllInstance,InVorbisLangGUID);
-	static wchar_t szDescription[256];
-	mod.description = (char*)szDescription;
-	SetFileExtensions();
-	INI_FILE = (const char *)SendMessage(mod.hMainWindow, WM_WA_IPC, 0, IPC_GETINIFILE);
-	INI_DIRECTORY = (const wchar_t *)SendMessage(mod.hMainWindow, WM_WA_IPC, 0, IPC_GETINIDIRECTORYW);
-	os_ver.dwOSVersionInfoSize=sizeof(os_ver);
-	GetVersionEx(&os_ver);
-	InitializeCriticalSection(&sync);
-	do_cfg(0);
-void Quit()
-	winampGetExtendedFileInfoW_Cleanup();
-	DeleteCriticalSection(&sync);
-	mkvFactory.Deregister(mod.service);
-	ServiceRelease(WASABI_API_MEMMGR, memMgrApiServiceGuid);
-	ServiceRelease(AGAVE_API_CONFIG, AgaveConfigGUID);
-	ServiceRelease(WASABI_API_LNG, languageApiGUID);
-	ServiceRelease(WASABI_API_APP, applicationApiServiceGuid);
-int GetLength()
-	return length;
-int IsOurFile(const in_char *fn)
-	if (PathIsURLW(fn))
-	{
-		const wchar_t *foo=wcsrchr(fn,L'.');
-		return foo ? !_wcsicmp(foo,L".ogg") : 0;
-	}
-	else return 0;
-static UINT kbps_disp;
-static void out_close()
-	if (is_out_open)
-	{
-		mod.outMod->Close();
-		mod.SAVSADeInit();
-		is_out_open=0;
-	}
-static bool need_full_setinfo;
-static int out_open(const Decoder &dec)
-	int max_l=mod.outMod->Open(,dec.nch,dec.bps,-1,-1);
-	if (max_l<0) return 0;
-	mod.outMod->SetVolume(-666);
-	mod.outMod->SetPan(pan);
-	mod.SAVSAInit(max_l,;
-	mod.VSASetInfo(,dec.nch);
-	is_out_open=1;
-	need_full_setinfo=1;
-	return 1;
-void Decoder::wa2_setinfo(UINT cur)
-	UINT disp=file->get_avg_bitrate();
-	if (!cfg_abr)
-	{
-		disp=cur;
-	}
-	if ((disp && disp!=kbps_disp) || need_full_setinfo)
-	{
-		kbps_disp=disp;
-		if (need_full_setinfo)
-		{
-			mod.SetInfo(disp,sr/1000,nch,1);
-			need_full_setinfo=0;
-		}
-		else mod.SetInfo(disp,-1,-1,1);
-	}
-static bool need_movefile;
-static void process_movefile();
-void alloc_buffers(Decoder & dec,short ** visbuf,char ** sample_buf,int * s_size)
-	*s_size=576 * (dec.bps>>3) * dec.nch;
-	if (*sample_buf) *sample_buf=(char*)realloc(*sample_buf,*s_size*2);
-	else *sample_buf=(char*)malloc(*s_size*2);
-	if (dec.bps>16)
-	{
-		int vs=576*2*dec.nch;
-		if (*visbuf) *visbuf=(short*)realloc(*visbuf,vs);
-		else *visbuf=(short*)malloc(vs);
-	}
-	else if (*visbuf) {free(*visbuf);*visbuf=0;}
-static DWORD WINAPI PlayThread(Decoder &dec)
-	int pos_base=0;
-	int samp_wr=0;
-	int done=0;
-	int upd=0;
-	__int64 brate;
-	int br_div,br_t;
-	short* visbuf=0;
-	char *sample_buf=0;
-	int retries=0;
-	int s_size=0;
-	pos_ms=0;
-	{
-		int r;
-		r=dec.play_init();
-		if (r)
-		{
-			if (!kill) Sleep(50);
-			if (!kill) Sleep(50);
-			if (!kill) Sleep(50);
-			if (!kill) Sleep(50);
-			if (!kill)
-			{
-				if (r==2) PostMessage(mod.hMainWindow,WM_WA_MPEG_EOF,0,0);
-				else PostMessage(mod.hMainWindow,WM_COMMAND,40047,0);
-			}
-			delete &dec;
-			return 0;
-		}
-		theFile->do_prebuf();
-	}
-	brate=0;
-	br_div=0;
-	upd=0;
-	alloc_buffers(dec,&visbuf,&sample_buf,&s_size);
-	//int f_type=theFile->GetType();
-	bool is_live=theFile->IsLive();
-	while(!kill)
-	{
-		if (!theFile) break;//ugh
-		if (seek_to!= -1)
-		{
-			UINT _st=seek_to;
-			int r=1;
-			seek_to=-1;
-			if (theFile)
-			{
-				theFile->use_prebuf=0;
-				int link=theFile->vf.current_link;
-				r=dec.Seek((double)_st*0.001);
-				if (link!=theFile->vf.current_link) PostMessage(mod.hMainWindow,WM_USER,0,243);
-			}
-			else r=1;
-			if (!r)
-			{
-				pos_base=pos_ms=_st;
-				mod.outMod->Flush(pos_ms);
-				samp_wr=0;
-				done=0;
-				theFile->do_prebuf();
-			}
-		}
-		if (need_movefile && paused)//HACK, prevent stupid lockup
-		{
-			process_movefile();
-			if (!theFile) break;//#@!
-			dec.file=theFile;
-			dec.Flush();
-		}
-		if (done)
-		{
-			//			mod.outMod->CanWrite();
-			if (!mod.outMod->IsPlaying())
-			{
-				PostMessage(mod.hMainWindow,WM_WA_MPEG_EOF,0,0);
-				break;
-			}
-			Sleep(10);
-		}
-		else if (mod.outMod->CanWrite() >= (s_size<<(mod.dsp_isactive()?1:0)))
-		{	
-			int l=0;
-			while(1)
-			{
-				if (!dec.need_reopen)
-				{
-					l+=dec.Read(s_size-l,sample_buf+l);
-					if (l>=s_size) break;
-					int link=theFile->vf.current_link;
-					if (need_movefile)//safe not to flush here
-					{
-						process_movefile();
-						if (!theFile) break;//#@!
-						dec.file=theFile;
-					}
-					if (!dec.DoFrame()) break;
-					if (kill) break;
-					if (link!=theFile->vf.current_link)
-					{
-						PostMessage(mod.hMainWindow,WM_USER,0,243);
-					}
-					br_t=ov_bitrate_instant(&theFile->vf);
-					if (br_t>0)
-					{
-						int i = dec.DataAvailable()/((dec.bps/8)*dec.nch);
-						br_div+=i;
-						brate+=(__int64)(br_t*i);
-					}
-					if (need_full_setinfo || (!((++upd)%200) && br_div))
-					{
-						if (!br_div) {br_div=1;brate=theFile->get_avg_bitrate();}
-						dec.wa2_setinfo((int)((__int64)brate/(__int64)br_div/(__int64)1000));
-						brate=0;
-						br_div=0;
-					}
-				}
-				if (dec.need_reopen)
-				{//blargh, new PCM format
-					if (l>0) break;//got samples to play, we'll deal with this later
-					//l=0;
-					while(!kill && mod.outMod->IsPlaying()) Sleep(1);
-					if (kill) break;
-					out_close();
-					if (!out_open(dec))//boo
-					{
-						PostMessage(mod.hMainWindow,WM_COMMAND,40047,0);
-						kill=1;
-						break;
-					}
-					alloc_buffers(dec,&visbuf,&sample_buf,&s_size);
-					dec.need_reopen=0;
-				}
-			}
-			if (kill || !theFile) break;
-			if (l<=0 && (!is_live || (--retries)<0))
-			{
-				mod.outMod->Write(sample_buf,0);
-				done=1;
-			}
-			else if (l<=0)
-			{
-				int r;
-				out_close();
-				EnterCriticalSection(&sync);
-				delete theFile;
-				theFile=0;
-				LeaveCriticalSection(&sync);
-				if (sample_buf)
-				{
-					free(sample_buf);
-					sample_buf=0;
-				}
-				r=dec.play_init();
-				if (r)
-				{
-					mod.outMod->Write(sample_buf,0);
-					done=1;
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					theFile->do_prebuf();
-				}
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				if (l<s_size) memset(sample_buf+l,dec.bps==8 ? 0x80 : 0,s_size-l);
-				char * vis=sample_buf;
-				UINT vis_bps=dec.bps;
-				if (dec.bps>16)
-				{
-				UINT n;
-				UINT d=dec.bps>>3;
-				char * foo=sample_buf+d-2;
-				for(n=0;n<576*dec.nch;n++)
-				{
-					visbuf[n]=*(short*)foo;
-					foo+=d;
-				}
-				vis=(char*)visbuf;
-				vis_bps=16;
-				}
-				mod.SAAddPCMData(vis,dec.nch,vis_bps,pos_ms);
-				mod.VSAAddPCMData(vis,dec.nch,vis_bps,pos_ms);
-				if (mod.dsp_isactive())
-				{
-				l=(l<<3)/(dec.bps*dec.nch);
-				l=mod.dsp_dosamples((short*)sample_buf,l,dec.bps,dec.nch,;
-				l*=(dec.nch*dec.bps)>>3;
-				}
-				if (kill) break;
-				mod.outMod->Write((char*)sample_buf,l);
-				samp_wr+=(8*l)/(dec.bps*dec.nch);
-				pos_ms=pos_base+MulDiv(1000,samp_wr,;
-			}
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			theFile->Idle();
-		}
-	}
-	//	out_close();
-	//  gay gapless plugins puke, need to call this from stop
-	//  ok, hetero (out_wave v2.x / out_ds v1.4+) gapless plugins wouldn't puke anymore
-	if (theFile)
-	{
-		VorbisFile * t=theFile;
-		EnterCriticalSection(&sync);
-		theFile=0;
-		LeaveCriticalSection(&sync);
-		delete t;
-	}	
-	if (sample_buf)
-	{
-		free(sample_buf);
-		sample_buf=0;
-	}
-	if (need_movefile) process_movefile();
-	/*	if (!kill)
-	{
-	CloseHandle(hThread);
-	hThread=0;
-	}*/
-	if (visbuf) free(visbuf);
-	delete &dec;
-	return 0;
-static StringW move_src,move_dst;
-static bool mf_ret;
-static void do_movefile()
-	mf_ret=1;
-	winampGetExtendedFileInfoW_Cleanup();
-	if (!DeleteFileW(move_dst)) mf_ret=0;
-	else
-	{
-		if (!MoveFileW(move_src,move_dst))
-		{
-			if (!CopyFileW(move_src,move_dst,0)) mf_ret=0;
-			DeleteFileW(move_src);
-		}
-	}
-static void process_movefile()
-	if (theFile)
-	{
-		StringW f_path;
-		f_path.AddString(theFile->url);
-		double pos=theFile->GetPos();
-		EnterCriticalSection(&sync);
-		delete theFile;
-		theFile=0;
-		do_movefile();
-		theFile=VorbisFile::Create(f_path,0);
-		LeaveCriticalSection(&sync);
-		if (theFile)
-		{
-			theFile->Seek(pos);
-		}
-	}
-	else do_movefile();
-	need_movefile=0;
-bool sync_movefile(const wchar_t * src,const wchar_t * dst)//called from info_.cpp
-	move_src=src;
-	move_dst=dst;
-	need_movefile=1;
-	if (!theFile) process_movefile();
-	else
-	{
-		while(need_movefile && hThread) Sleep(1);
-		if (need_movefile) process_movefile();//shouldnt really happen
-		move_src=L"";
-		move_dst=L"";
-		PostMessage(mod.hMainWindow,WM_USER,0,243);
-	}
-	return mf_ret;
-int Decoder::play_init()//still messy
-	if (play_inited) return 0;
-	kbps_disp=0;
-	VorbisFile * t=VorbisFile::Create(cur_file,0);
-	if (!t)
-	{
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-		OutputDebugString(L"can't open file\n");
-		//		if (scream) MessageBox(mod.hMainWindow,"error opening file",0,MB_ICONERROR);
-		return 2;
-	}
-	Init(t);
-	if (!out_open(*this))
-	{
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-		OutputDebugString(L"can't open output\n");
-		delete t;		
-		return 1;
-	}
-	EnterCriticalSection(&sync);
-	theFile=t;
-	LeaveCriticalSection(&sync);
-	wa2_setinfo(theFile->get_avg_bitrate());
-	{
-		double v=theFile->Length();
-		if (v==OV_EINVAL || v<=0) length=-1;
-		else length=(int)(v*1000.0);
-	}
-	play_inited=1;
-  return 0;
-int Play(const in_char *fn)
-	seek_to=-1;
-	kill=0;
-	length=0;
-	paused=0;
-	show_stat(0);
-	EnterCriticalSection(&sync);
-	cur_file=fn;
-	LeaveCriticalSection(&sync);
-	Decoder * dec=new Decoder;
-	if (!PathIsURLW(fn))
-	{
-		mod.is_seekable=1;
-#if 1
-		int rv=dec->play_init();
-		if (rv)
-		{
-		delete dec;
-		if (rv==2) return -1;
-		return 1;
-		}
-	}
-	else mod.is_seekable=cfg_httpseek2;
-	{
-		DWORD id;
-		hThread=CreateThread(0,0,(LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)PlayThread,dec,CREATE_SUSPENDED,&id);
-	}
-	if (hThread)
-	{
-			SetThreadPriority(hThread, (int)AGAVE_API_CONFIG->GetInt(playbackConfigGroupGUID, L"priority", THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST));
-		ResumeThread(hThread);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		out_close();
-		delete dec;
-		return 1;
-	}
-void Pause()
-	if (!paused)
-	{
-		mod.outMod->Pause(1);
-		paused=1;
-	}
-void UnPause()
-	if (paused)
-	{
-		mod.outMod->Pause(0);
-		paused=0;
-	}
-int IsPaused()
-	return paused;
-void Stop()
-	if (hThread)
-	{
-		kill=1;
-		EnterCriticalSection(&sync);
-		if (theFile) theFile->stopping=1;
-		LeaveCriticalSection(&sync);		
-		if (WaitForSingleObject(hThread,10000)!=WAIT_OBJECT_0)
-		{
-			TerminateThread(hThread,0);
-			//MessageBox(mod.hMainWindow,"error asking thread to die",0,MB_ICONERROR);
-		}
-		CloseHandle(hThread);
-		hThread=0;
-		out_close();
-	}
-	show_stat(0);
-	winampGetExtendedFileInfoW_Cleanup();
-void EQSet(int on, char data[10], int preamp)
-int GetOutputTime()
-	return pos_ms+(mod.outMod->GetOutputTime()-mod.outMod->GetWrittenTime()); 
-void SetOutputTime(int t)
-	seek_to=t;
-	EnterCriticalSection(&sync);
-	if (theFile) theFile->abort_prebuf=1;
-	LeaveCriticalSection(&sync);
-void SetVolume(int v)
-	mod.outMod->SetVolume(volume=v);
-void SetPan(int p)
-	mod.outMod->SetPan(pan=p);
-//int InfoBox(char *file, HWND parent);	//old
-int RunInfoDlg(const in_char * url,HWND parent);
-In_Module mod=
-    "nullsoft(in_vorbis.dll)",
-    0,0,
-    0,
-    1,
-    1,
-    Config,
-    About,
-    Init,
-    Quit,
-    GetFileInfo,
-    RunInfoDlg,
-    IsOurFile,
-    Play,
-    Pause,
-    UnPause,
-    IsPaused,
-    Stop,
-    GetLength,
-    GetOutputTime,
-    SetOutputTime,
-    SetVolume,
-    SetPan,
-    0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
-    EQSet,
-    0,
-    0,
-extern "C" {
-	__declspec( dllexport ) In_Module * winampGetInModule2()
-	{
-		return &mod;
-	}
-void VorbisFile::Status(const wchar_t * zzz)
-	if (primary) 
-		show_stat(zzz);
-bool VorbisFile::Aborting()
-	return stopping || (primary && kill);
-Info::Info(const wchar_t *filename) : filename(filename), vc(0)
-	VorbisFile * vf = VorbisFile::Create(filename,true);
-	if(!vf)
-		return;
-	numstreams = vf->vf.links;
-	if(numstreams)
-	{	
-		// now copy the comment section to our own memory...
-		stream = vf->vf.current_link; // this is the stream we're editing...
-		vc = (vorbis_comment*)calloc(sizeof(vorbis_comment),numstreams);
-		for(int i=0; i<numstreams; i++)
-		{ // one comment section per stream
-			vorbis_comment *c = ov_comment(&vf->vf,i);
-			vc[i].comments = c->comments;
-			vc[i].user_comments = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char*)*c->comments);
-			vc[i].comment_lengths = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*c->comments);
-			for(int j=0;j<vc[i].comments;j++)
-			{ // copy the comments over
-				vc[i].user_comments[j] = _strdup(c->user_comments[j]);
-				vc[i].comment_lengths[j] = c->comment_lengths[j];
-			}
-			vc[i].vendor=_strdup(c->vendor);
-		}
-	}
-	delete vf;
-	if(vc) {
-		for(int i=0; i < numstreams; i++)
-			vorbis_comment_clear(&vc[i]);
-		free(vc);
-	}
-bool Info::Save()
-	return !!modify_file(filename,vc,numstreams);
-int Info::GetNumMetadataItems()
-	return vc[stream].comments;
-void Info::EnumMetadata(int n, wchar_t *key, int keylen, wchar_t *val, int vallen)
-	if(keylen) key[0]=0;
-	if(vallen) val[0]=0;
-	if(!vc) return;
-	if(!vc[stream].user_comments[n]) return;
-	AutoWide comment(vc[stream].user_comments[n],CP_UTF8);
-	const wchar_t* eq = wcschr((const wchar_t*)comment,L'=');
-	if(eq)
-	{
-		if(keylen) lstrcpynW(key,comment,(int)min(eq - comment + 1,keylen));
-		if(vallen) lstrcpynW(val,eq+1,vallen);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		if(keylen) lstrcpynW(key,L"COMMENT",keylen);
-		if(vallen) lstrcpynW(val,comment,vallen);
-	}
-void Info::RemoveMetadata(wchar_t * key)
-	wchar_t k[256] = {0};
-	for(int i=0; i<GetNumMetadataItems(); i++)
-	{
-		EnumMetadata(i,k,256,0,0);
-		if(_wcsicmp(k,key)==0)
-			RemoveMetadata(i);
-	}
-void Info::RemoveMetadata(int n)
-	if(!vc) return;
-	free(vc[stream].user_comments[n]);
-	for(int i=n+1; i<vc[stream].comments; i++)
-	{
-		vc[stream].user_comments[i-1] = vc[stream].user_comments[i];
-		if(vc[stream].comment_lengths)
-			vc[stream].comment_lengths[i-1] = vc[stream].comment_lengths[i];
-	}
-	vc[stream].comments--;
-	vc[stream].user_comments = (char**)realloc(vc[stream].user_comments,sizeof(vc[stream].user_comments[0]) * vc[stream].comments);
-	if(vc[stream].comment_lengths)
-		vc[stream].comment_lengths = (int*)realloc(vc[stream].comment_lengths,sizeof(vc[stream].comment_lengths[0]) * vc[stream].comments);
-void Info::SetMetadata(wchar_t *key, wchar_t *val)
-	bool set=false;
-	wchar_t k[256] = {0};
-	for(int i=0; i<GetNumMetadataItems(); i++)
-	{
-		EnumMetadata(i,k,256,0,0);
-		if(_wcsicmp(k,key)==0)
-		{
-			SetMetadata(i,key,val);
-			set=true;
-		}
-	}
-	if(!set)
-	{
-		int n = vc[stream].comments++;
-		vc[stream].user_comments = (char**)realloc(vc[stream].user_comments,sizeof(vc[stream].user_comments[0]) * vc[stream].comments);
-		if(vc[stream].comment_lengths)
-			vc[stream].comment_lengths = (int*)realloc(vc[stream].comment_lengths,sizeof(vc[stream].comment_lengths[0]) * vc[stream].comments);
-		vc[stream].user_comments[n] = NULL;
-		SetMetadata(n,key,val);
-	}
-void Info::SetMetadata(int n, wchar_t *key, wchar_t *val)
-	AutoChar k(key,CP_UTF8);
-	AutoChar v(val,CP_UTF8);
-	int l = (int)(strlen(k)+strlen(v)+2);
-	char * c = (char*)malloc(l);
-	StringCchPrintfA(c,l,"%s=%s",(char*)k,(char*)v);
-	if(vc[stream].user_comments[n])
-		free(vc[stream].user_comments[n]);
-	vc[stream].user_comments[n] = c;
-	if(vc[stream].comment_lengths)
-		vc[stream].comment_lengths[n] = l-1;
-void Info::SetTag(int n,wchar_t *key) // changes the key name
-	wchar_t val[2048] = {0};
-	EnumMetadata(n,NULL,0,val,2048);
-	SetMetadata(n,key,val);
-Info *setMetadata = 0;
-extern "C" 
-	static wchar_t m_lastfn[2048];
-	#define START_TAG_ALIAS(name, alias) if (KeywordMatch(data, name)) lookup=alias
-	#define TAG_ALIAS(name, alias) else if (KeywordMatch(data, name)) lookup=alias
-	__declspec( dllexport ) int winampSetExtendedFileInfoW(const wchar_t *fn, const char *data, wchar_t *val)
-	{
-		if (!setMetadata || setMetadata && wcscmp(fn,m_lastfn))
-		{
-			if (setMetadata)
-			{
-				delete setMetadata;
-				setMetadata = 0;
-			}
-			setMetadata = new Info(fn);
-			if(setMetadata->Error())
-			{
-				delete setMetadata;
-				m_lastfn[0] = 0;
-				return 0;
-			}
-			lstrcpynW(m_lastfn,fn, 2048);
-		}
-		wchar_t *lookup=0;
-		START_TAG_ALIAS("artist", L"ARTIST");
-		TAG_ALIAS("title", L"TITLE");
-		TAG_ALIAS("album", L"ALBUM");
-		TAG_ALIAS("genre", L"GENRE");
-		TAG_ALIAS("comment", L"COMMENT");
-		TAG_ALIAS("year", L"DATE");
-		TAG_ALIAS("albumartist", L"ALBUM ARTIST");
-		TAG_ALIAS("composer", L"COMPOSER");
-		TAG_ALIAS("publisher", L"PUBLISHER");
-		TAG_ALIAS("conductor", L"CONDUCTOR");
-		TAG_ALIAS("tool", L"ENCODED-BY");
-		TAG_ALIAS("replaygain_track_gain", L"REPLAYGAIN_TRACK_GAIN");
-		TAG_ALIAS("replaygain_track_peak", L"REPLAYGAIN_TRACK_PEAK");
-		TAG_ALIAS("replaygain_album_gain", L"REPLAYGAIN_ALBUM_GAIN");
-		TAG_ALIAS("replaygain_album_peak", L"REPLAYGAIN_ALBUM_PEAK");
-		TAG_ALIAS("bpm", L"BPM");
-		TAG_ALIAS("remixing", L"REMIXING");
-		TAG_ALIAS("subtitle", L"VERSION");
-		TAG_ALIAS("isrc", L"ISRC");
-		TAG_ALIAS("category", L"CATEGORY");
-		TAG_ALIAS("rating", L"RATING");
-		TAG_ALIAS("producer", L"PRODUCER");
-		if (!lookup)
-			return 0;
-#if 0
-		if (val && *val)
-		{
-			if(KeywordMatch("rating",data)) 
-			{
-				wchar_t temp[128] = {0};
-				StringCchPrintfW(temp, 128, L"%u", _wtoi(val)*20);
-				val=temp;
-			}
-		}
-		AutoChar utf8(val, CP_UTF8);
-		for(int i=0;i<m_vc->comments;i++)
-		{
-			char *c=m_vc[m_curstream].user_comments[i];
-			if(!c) continue;
-			char *p=strchr(c,'=');
-			if (p && *p)
-			{
-				if(strlen(data) == (p-c) && !_strnicmp(c,data,p-c))
-				{
-					//found!
-					if (val && val[0])
-					{
-						int added_buf_len = strlen(utf8)+strlen(lookup)+2;
-						m_vc[m_curstream].user_comments[i]=(char *)realloc(m_vc[m_curstream].user_comments[i],added_buf_len);
-						StringCchPrintfA(m_vc[m_curstream].user_comments[i],added_buf_len,"%s=%s",lookup,(char *)utf8);
-						m_vc[m_curstream].comment_lengths[i]=strlen(m_vc[m_curstream].user_comments[i]);
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						free(m_vc[m_curstream].user_comments[i]);
-						m_vc[m_curstream].user_comments[i]=0;
-						m_vc[m_curstream].comment_lengths[i]=0;
-					}
-					return 1;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		//not found, so create new field
-		if (val && val[0])
-		{
-			int k=m_vc[m_curstream].comments++;
-			m_vc[m_curstream].user_comments=(char **)realloc(m_vc[m_curstream].user_comments,sizeof(char*)*m_vc[m_curstream].comments);
-			m_vc[m_curstream].comment_lengths=(int *)realloc(m_vc[m_curstream].comment_lengths,sizeof(int)*m_vc[m_curstream].comments);
-			int added_buf_len = strlen(utf8)+strlen(lookup)+2;
-			m_vc[m_curstream].user_comments[k]=(char *)malloc(added_buf_len);
-			StringCchPrintfA(m_vc[m_curstream].user_comments[k],added_buf_len,"%s=%s",lookup,(char *)utf8);
-			m_vc[m_curstream].comment_lengths[k]=strlen(m_vc[m_curstream].user_comments[k]);
-		}
-		if (val && *val)
-		{
-			if(KeywordMatch("rating",data)) 
-			{
-				wchar_t temp[128] = {0};
-				StringCchPrintfW(temp, 128, L"%u", _wtoi(val)*20);
-				setMetadata->SetMetadata(lookup, temp);
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				setMetadata->SetMetadata(lookup, val);
-			}
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			setMetadata->RemoveMetadata(lookup);
-			if(KeywordMatch("comment",data)) 
-			{
-				// need to remove this one also, or else it's gonna look like delete doesn't work
-				// if the file was tagged using this alternate field
-				setMetadata->RemoveMetadata(L"DESCRIPTION");
-			}
-			else if(KeywordMatch("year",data)) 
-			{
-				// need to remove this one also, or else it's gonna look like delete doesn't work
-				// if the file was tagged using this alternate field
-				setMetadata->RemoveMetadata(L"YEAR");
-			}
-			else if(KeywordMatch("track",data)) 
-			{
-				// need to remove this one also, or else it's gonna look like delete doesn't work
-				// if the file was tagged using this alternate field
-				setMetadata->RemoveMetadata(L"TRACK");
-			}
-			else if(KeywordMatch("albumartist",data)) 
-			{
-				// need to remove these two, also, or else it's gonna look like delete doesn't work
-				// if the file was tagged using these alternate fields
-				setMetadata->RemoveMetadata(L"ALBUMARTIST");
-				setMetadata->RemoveMetadata(L"ENSEMBLE");
-			}
-			else if(KeywordMatch("publisher",data)) 
-			{
-				// need to remove this one also, or else it's gonna look like delete doesn't work
-				// if the file was tagged using this alternate field
-				setMetadata->RemoveMetadata(L"ORGANIZATION");
-			}
-			else if(KeywordMatch("category",data)) 
-			{
-				// need to remove these two also, or else it's gonna look like delete doesn't work
-				// if the file was tagged using these alternate fields
-				setMetadata->RemoveMetadata(L"CONTENTGROUP");
-				setMetadata->RemoveMetadata(L"GROUPING");
-			}
-		}
-		return 1;
-	}
-	__declspec( dllexport ) int winampWriteExtendedFileInfo()
-	{
-		if(!setMetadata) return 0;
-		bool ret = setMetadata->Save();
-		delete setMetadata;
-		setMetadata = 0;
-		// update last modified so we're not re-queried on our own updates
-		UpdateFileTimeChanged(m_lastfn);
-		return ret;
-	}

+ 0 - 2

@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-#include "main.h"
-#include "api__in_vorbis.h"