// This is the Opal OPL3 emulator from Reality Adlib Tracker v2.0a (http://www.3eality.com/productions/reality-adlib-tracker).
// It was released by Shayde/Reality into the public domain.
// Minor modifications to silence some warnings and fix a bug in the envelope generator have been applied.
// Additional fixes by JP Cimalando.


    The Opal OPL3 emulator.

    Note: this is not a complete emulator, just enough for Reality Adlib Tracker tunes.

    Missing features compared to a real OPL3:

        - Timers/interrupts
        - OPL3 enable bit (it defaults to always on)
        - CSW mode
        - Test register
        - Percussion mode


#include <cstdint>

// Opal class.
class Opal {

    class Channel;

    // Various constants
    enum {
        OPL3SampleRate      = 49716,
        NumChannels         = 18,
        NumOperators        = 36,

        EnvOff              = -1,

    // A single FM operator
    class Operator {

            void            SetMaster(Opal *opal) {  Master = opal;  }
            void            SetChannel(Channel *chan) {  Chan = chan;  }

            int16_t         Output(uint16_t keyscalenum, uint32_t phase_step, int16_t vibrato, int16_t mod = 0, int16_t fbshift = 0);

            void            SetKeyOn(bool on);
            void            SetTremoloEnable(bool on);
            void            SetVibratoEnable(bool on);
            void            SetSustainMode(bool on);
            void            SetEnvelopeScaling(bool on);
            void            SetFrequencyMultiplier(uint16_t scale);
            void            SetKeyScale(uint16_t scale);
            void            SetOutputLevel(uint16_t level);
            void            SetAttackRate(uint16_t rate);
            void            SetDecayRate(uint16_t rate);
            void            SetSustainLevel(uint16_t level);
            void            SetReleaseRate(uint16_t rate);
            void            SetWaveform(uint16_t wave);

            void            ComputeRates();
            void            ComputeKeyScaleLevel();

            Opal *          Master;             // Master object
            Channel *       Chan;               // Owning channel
            uint32_t        Phase;              // The current offset in the selected waveform
            uint16_t        Waveform;           // The waveform id this operator is using
            uint16_t        FreqMultTimes2;     // Frequency multiplier * 2
            int             EnvelopeStage;      // Which stage the envelope is at (see Env* enums above)
            int16_t         EnvelopeLevel;      // 0 - $1FF, 0 being the loudest
            uint16_t        OutputLevel;        // 0 - $FF
            uint16_t        AttackRate;
            uint16_t        DecayRate;
            uint16_t        SustainLevel;
            uint16_t        ReleaseRate;
            uint16_t        AttackShift;
            uint16_t        AttackMask;
            uint16_t        AttackAdd;
            const uint16_t *AttackTab;
            uint16_t        DecayShift;
            uint16_t        DecayMask;
            uint16_t        DecayAdd;
            const uint16_t *DecayTab;
            uint16_t        ReleaseShift;
            uint16_t        ReleaseMask;
            uint16_t        ReleaseAdd;
            const uint16_t *ReleaseTab;
            uint16_t        KeyScaleShift;
            uint16_t        KeyScaleLevel;
            int16_t         Out[2];
            bool            KeyOn;
            bool            KeyScaleRate;       // Affects envelope rate scaling
            bool            SustainMode;        // Whether to sustain during the sustain phase, or release instead
            bool            TremoloEnable;
            bool            VibratoEnable;

    // A single channel, which can contain two or more operators
    class Channel {

            void            SetMaster(Opal *opal) {  Master = opal;  }
            void            SetOperators(Operator *a, Operator *b, Operator *c, Operator *d) {
                Op[0] = a;
                Op[1] = b;
                Op[2] = c;
                Op[3] = d;
                if (a)
                if (b)
                if (c)
                if (d)

            void            Output(int16_t &left, int16_t &right);
            void            SetEnable(bool on) {  Enable = on;  }
            void            SetChannelPair(Channel *pair) {  ChannelPair = pair;  }

            void            SetFrequencyLow(uint16_t freq);
            void            SetFrequencyHigh(uint16_t freq);
            void            SetKeyOn(bool on);
            void            SetOctave(uint16_t oct);
            void            SetLeftEnable(bool on);
            void            SetRightEnable(bool on);
            void            SetFeedback(uint16_t val);
            void            SetModulationType(uint16_t type);

            uint16_t        GetFreq() const {  return Freq;  }
            uint16_t        GetOctave() const {  return Octave;  }
            uint16_t        GetKeyScaleNumber() const {  return KeyScaleNumber;  }
            uint16_t        GetModulationType() const {  return ModulationType;  }
            Channel *       GetChannelPair() const { return ChannelPair; }

            void            ComputeKeyScaleNumber();

            void            ComputePhaseStep();

            Operator *      Op[4];

            Opal *          Master;             // Master object
            uint16_t        Freq;               // Frequency; actually it's a phase stepping value
            uint16_t        Octave;             // Also known as "block" in Yamaha parlance
            uint32_t        PhaseStep;
            uint16_t        KeyScaleNumber;
            uint16_t        FeedbackShift;
            uint16_t        ModulationType;
            Channel *       ChannelPair;
            bool            Enable;
            bool            LeftEnable, RightEnable;

                            Opal(int sample_rate);
                            Opal(const Opal &) = delete;
                            Opal(Opal &&) = delete;

        void                SetSampleRate(int sample_rate);
        void                Port(uint16_t reg_num, uint8_t val);
        void                Sample(int16_t *left, int16_t *right);

        void                Init(int sample_rate);
        void                Output(int16_t &left, int16_t &right);

        int32_t             SampleRate;
        int32_t             SampleAccum;
        int16_t             LastOutput[2], CurrOutput[2];
        Channel             Chan[NumChannels];
        Operator            Op[NumOperators];
//      uint16_t            ExpTable[256];
//      uint16_t            LogSinTable[256];
        uint16_t            Clock;
        uint16_t            TremoloClock;
        uint16_t            TremoloLevel;
        uint16_t            VibratoTick;
        uint16_t            VibratoClock;
        bool                NoteSel;
        bool                TremoloDepth;
        bool                VibratoDepth;

        static const uint16_t   RateTables[4][8];
        static const uint16_t   ExpTable[256];
        static const uint16_t   LogSinTable[256];
const uint16_t Opal::RateTables[4][8] = {
    {   1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0  },
    {   1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0  },
    {   1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0  },
    {   1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0  },
const uint16_t Opal::ExpTable[0x100] = {
    1018, 1013, 1007, 1002,  996,  991,  986,  980,  975,  969,  964,  959,  953,  948,  942,  937,
     932,  927,  921,  916,  911,  906,  900,  895,  890,  885,  880,  874,  869,  864,  859,  854,
     849,  844,  839,  834,  829,  824,  819,  814,  809,  804,  799,  794,  789,  784,  779,  774,
     770,  765,  760,  755,  750,  745,  741,  736,  731,  726,  722,  717,  712,  708,  703,  698,
     693,  689,  684,  680,  675,  670,  666,  661,  657,  652,  648,  643,  639,  634,  630,  625,
     621,  616,  612,  607,  603,  599,  594,  590,  585,  581,  577,  572,  568,  564,  560,  555,
     551,  547,  542,  538,  534,  530,  526,  521,  517,  513,  509,  505,  501,  496,  492,  488,
     484,  480,  476,  472,  468,  464,  460,  456,  452,  448,  444,  440,  436,  432,  428,  424,
     420,  416,  412,  409,  405,  401,  397,  393,  389,  385,  382,  378,  374,  370,  367,  363,
     359,  355,  352,  348,  344,  340,  337,  333,  329,  326,  322,  318,  315,  311,  308,  304,
     300,  297,  293,  290,  286,  283,  279,  276,  272,  268,  265,  262,  258,  255,  251,  248,
     244,  241,  237,  234,  231,  227,  224,  220,  217,  214,  210,  207,  204,  200,  197,  194,
     190,  187,  184,  181,  177,  174,  171,  168,  164,  161,  158,  155,  152,  148,  145,  142,
     139,  136,  133,  130,  126,  123,  120,  117,  114,  111,  108,  105,  102,   99,   96,   93,
      90,   87,   84,   81,   78,   75,   72,   69,   66,   63,   60,   57,   54,   51,   48,   45,
      42,   40,   37,   34,   31,   28,   25,   22,   20,   17,   14,   11,    8,    6,    3,    0,
const uint16_t Opal::LogSinTable[0x100] = {
    2137, 1731, 1543, 1419, 1326, 1252, 1190, 1137, 1091, 1050, 1013,  979,  949,  920,  894,  869,
     846,  825,  804,  785,  767,  749,  732,  717,  701,  687,  672,  659,  646,  633,  621,  609,
     598,  587,  576,  566,  556,  546,  536,  527,  518,  509,  501,  492,  484,  476,  468,  461,
     453,  446,  439,  432,  425,  418,  411,  405,  399,  392,  386,  380,  375,  369,  363,  358,
     352,  347,  341,  336,  331,  326,  321,  316,  311,  307,  302,  297,  293,  289,  284,  280,
     276,  271,  267,  263,  259,  255,  251,  248,  244,  240,  236,  233,  229,  226,  222,  219,
     215,  212,  209,  205,  202,  199,  196,  193,  190,  187,  184,  181,  178,  175,  172,  169,
     167,  164,  161,  159,  156,  153,  151,  148,  146,  143,  141,  138,  136,  134,  131,  129,
     127,  125,  122,  120,  118,  116,  114,  112,  110,  108,  106,  104,  102,  100,   98,   96,
      94,   92,   91,   89,   87,   85,   83,   82,   80,   78,   77,   75,   74,   72,   70,   69,
      67,   66,   64,   63,   62,   60,   59,   57,   56,   55,   53,   52,   51,   49,   48,   47,
      46,   45,   43,   42,   41,   40,   39,   38,   37,   36,   35,   34,   33,   32,   31,   30,
      29,   28,   27,   26,   25,   24,   23,   23,   22,   21,   20,   20,   19,   18,   17,   17,
      16,   15,   15,   14,   13,   13,   12,   12,   11,   10,   10,    9,    9,    8,    8,    7,
       7,    7,    6,    6,    5,    5,    5,    4,    4,    4,    3,    3,    3,    2,    2,    2,
       2,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,

// This is the temporary code for generating the above tables.  Maths and data from this nice
// reverse-engineering effort:
// https://docs.google.com/document/d/18IGx18NQY_Q1PJVZ-bHywao9bhsDoAqoIn1rIm42nwo/edit
#if 0
#include <math.h>

void GenerateTables() {

    // Build the exponentiation table (reversed from the official OPL3 ROM)
    FILE *fd = fopen("exptab.txt", "wb");
    if (fd) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 0x100; i++) {
            int v = (pow(2, (0xFF - i) / 256.0) - 1) * 1024 + 0.5;
            if (i & 15)
                fprintf(fd, " %4d,", v);
                fprintf(fd, "\n\t%4d,", v);

    // Build the log-sin table
    fd = fopen("sintab.txt", "wb");
    if (fd) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 0x100; i++) {
            int v = -log(sin((i + 0.5) * 3.1415926535897933 / 256 / 2)) / log(2) * 256 + 0.5;
            if (i & 15)
                fprintf(fd, " %4d,", v);
                fprintf(fd, "\n\t%4d,", v);

// Constructor/destructor.
Opal::Opal(int sample_rate) {

Opal::~Opal() {

// Initialise the emulation.
void Opal::Init(int sample_rate) {

    Clock = 0;
    TremoloClock = 0;
    TremoloLevel = 0;
    VibratoTick = 0;
    VibratoClock = 0;
    NoteSel = false;
    TremoloDepth = false;
    VibratoDepth = false;

//  // Build the exponentiation table (reversed from the official OPL3 ROM)
//  for (int i = 0; i < 0x100; i++)
//      ExpTable[i] = (pow(2, (0xFF - i) / 256.0) - 1) * 1024 + 0.5;
//  // Build the log-sin table
//  for (int i = 0; i < 0x100; i++)
//      LogSinTable[i] = -log(sin((i + 0.5) * 3.1415926535897933 / 256 / 2)) / log(2) * 256 + 0.5;

    // Let sub-objects know where to find us
    for (int i = 0; i < NumOperators; i++)

    for (int i = 0; i < NumChannels; i++)

    // Add the operators to the channels.  Note, some channels can't use all the operators
    // FIXME: put this into a separate routine
    const int chan_ops[] = {
        0, 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 24, 25, 26, 30, 31, 32,

    for (int i = 0; i < NumChannels; i++) {
        Channel *chan = &Chan[i];
        int op = chan_ops[i];
        if (i < 3 || (i >= 9 && i < 12))
            chan->SetOperators(&Op[op], &Op[op + 3], &Op[op + 6], &Op[op + 9]);
            chan->SetOperators(&Op[op], &Op[op + 3], 0, 0);

    // Initialise the operator rate data.  We can't do this in the Operator constructor as it
    // relies on referencing the master and channel objects
    for (int i = 0; i < NumOperators; i++)


// Change the sample rate.
void Opal::SetSampleRate(int sample_rate) {

    // Sanity
    if (sample_rate == 0)
        sample_rate = OPL3SampleRate;

    SampleRate = sample_rate;
    SampleAccum = 0;
    LastOutput[0] = LastOutput[1] = 0;
    CurrOutput[0] = CurrOutput[1] = 0;

// Write a value to an OPL3 register.
void Opal::Port(uint16_t reg_num, uint8_t val) {

    static constexpr int8_t op_lookup[] = {
    //  00  01  02  03  04  05  06  07  08  09  0A  0B  0C  0D  0E  0F
        0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  -1, -1, 6,  7,  8,  9,  10, 11, -1, -1,
    //  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  1A  1B  1C  1D  1E  1F
        12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,

    uint16_t type = reg_num & 0xE0;

    // Is it BD, the one-off register stuck in the middle of the register array?
    if (reg_num == 0xBD) {
        TremoloDepth = (val & 0x80) != 0;
        VibratoDepth = (val & 0x40) != 0;

    // Global registers
    if (type == 0x00) {

        // 4-OP enables
        if (reg_num == 0x104) {

            // Enable/disable channels based on which 4-op enables
            uint8_t mask = 1;
            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++, mask <<= 1) {

                // The 4-op channels are 0, 1, 2, 9, 10, 11
                uint16_t chan = static_cast<uint16_t>(i < 3 ? i : i + 6);
                Channel *primary = &Chan[chan];
                Channel *secondary = &Chan[chan + 3];

                if (val & mask) {

                    // Let primary channel know it's controlling the secondary channel

                    // Turn off the second channel in the pair

                } else {

                    // Let primary channel know it's no longer controlling the secondary channel

                    // Turn on the second channel in the pair

        // CSW / Note-sel
        } else if (reg_num == 0x08) {

            NoteSel = (val & 0x40) != 0;

            // Get the channels to recompute the Key Scale No. as this varies based on NoteSel
            for (int i = 0; i < NumChannels; i++)

    // Channel registers
    } else if (type >= 0xA0 && type <= 0xC0) {

        // Convert to channel number
        int chan_num = reg_num & 15;

        // Valid channel?
        if (chan_num >= 9)

        // Is it the other bank of channels?
        if (reg_num & 0x100)
            chan_num += 9;

        Channel &chan = Chan[chan_num];

        // Registers Ax and Bx affect both channels
        Channel *chans[2] = {&chan, chan.GetChannelPair()};
        int numchans = chans[1] ? 2 : 1;

        // Do specific registers
        switch (reg_num & 0xF0) {

            // Frequency low
            case 0xA0: {
                for (int i = 0; i < numchans; i++) {

            // Key-on / Octave / Frequency High
            case 0xB0: {
                for (int i = 0; i < numchans; i++) {
                    chans[i]->SetKeyOn((val & 0x20) != 0);
                    chans[i]->SetOctave(val >> 2 & 7);
                    chans[i]->SetFrequencyHigh(val & 3);

            // Right Stereo Channel Enable / Left Stereo Channel Enable / Feedback Factor / Modulation Type
            case 0xC0: {
                chan.SetRightEnable((val & 0x20) != 0);
                chan.SetLeftEnable((val & 0x10) != 0);
                chan.SetFeedback(val >> 1 & 7);
                chan.SetModulationType(val & 1);

    // Operator registers
    } else if ((type >= 0x20 && type <= 0x80) || type == 0xE0) {

        // Convert to operator number
        int op_num = op_lookup[reg_num & 0x1F];

        // Valid register?
        if (op_num < 0)

        // Is it the other bank of operators?
        if (reg_num & 0x100)
            op_num += 18;

        Operator &op = Op[op_num];

        // Do specific registers
        switch (type) {

            // Tremolo Enable / Vibrato Enable / Sustain Mode / Envelope Scaling / Frequency Multiplier
            case 0x20: {
                op.SetTremoloEnable((val & 0x80) != 0);
                op.SetVibratoEnable((val & 0x40) != 0);
                op.SetSustainMode((val & 0x20) != 0);
                op.SetEnvelopeScaling((val & 0x10) != 0);
                op.SetFrequencyMultiplier(val & 15);

            // Key Scale / Output Level
            case 0x40: {
                op.SetKeyScale(val >> 6);
                op.SetOutputLevel(val & 0x3F);

            // Attack Rate / Decay Rate
            case 0x60: {
                op.SetAttackRate(val >> 4);
                op.SetDecayRate(val & 15);

            // Sustain Level / Release Rate
            case 0x80: {
                op.SetSustainLevel(val >> 4);
                op.SetReleaseRate(val & 15);

            // Waveform
            case 0xE0: {
                op.SetWaveform(val & 7);

// Generate sample.  Every time you call this you will get two signed 16-bit samples (one for each
// stereo channel) which will sound correct when played back at the sample rate given when the
// class was constructed.
void Opal::Sample(int16_t *left, int16_t *right) {

    // If the destination sample rate is higher than the OPL3 sample rate, we need to skip ahead
    while (SampleAccum >= SampleRate) {

        LastOutput[0] = CurrOutput[0];
        LastOutput[1] = CurrOutput[1];

        Output(CurrOutput[0], CurrOutput[1]);

        SampleAccum -= SampleRate;

    // Mix with the partial accumulation
    int32_t omblend = SampleRate - SampleAccum;
    *left = static_cast<uint16_t>((LastOutput[0] * omblend + CurrOutput[0] * SampleAccum) / SampleRate);
    *right = static_cast<uint16_t>((LastOutput[1] * omblend + CurrOutput[1] * SampleAccum) / SampleRate);

    SampleAccum += OPL3SampleRate;

// Produce final output from the chip.  This is at the OPL3 sample-rate.
void Opal::Output(int16_t &left, int16_t &right) {

    int32_t leftmix = 0, rightmix = 0;

    // Sum the output of each channel
    for (int i = 0; i < NumChannels; i++) {

        int16_t chanleft, chanright;
        Chan[i].Output(chanleft, chanright);

        leftmix += chanleft;
        rightmix += chanright;

    // Clamp
    if (leftmix < -0x8000)
        left = -0x8000;
    else if (leftmix > 0x7FFF)
        left = 0x7FFF;
        left = static_cast<uint16_t>(leftmix);

    if (rightmix < -0x8000)
        right = -0x8000;
    else if (rightmix > 0x7FFF)
        right = 0x7FFF;
        right = static_cast<uint16_t>(rightmix);


    // Tremolo.  According to this post, the OPL3 tremolo is a 13,440 sample length triangle wave
    // with a peak at 26 and a trough at 0 and is simply added to the logarithmic level accumulator
    //      http://forums.submarine.org.uk/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=1171
    TremoloClock = (TremoloClock + 1) % 13440;
    TremoloLevel = ((TremoloClock < 13440 / 2) ? TremoloClock : 13440 - TremoloClock) / 256;
    if (!TremoloDepth)
        TremoloLevel >>= 2;

    // Vibrato.  This appears to be a 8 sample long triangle wave with a magnitude of the three
    // high bits of the channel frequency, positive and negative, divided by two if the vibrato
    // depth is zero.  It is only cycled every 1,024 samples.
    if (VibratoTick >= 1024) {
        VibratoTick = 0;
        VibratoClock = (VibratoClock + 1) & 7;

// Channel constructor.
Opal::Channel::Channel() {

    Master = 0;
    Freq = 0;
    Octave = 0;
    PhaseStep = 0;
    KeyScaleNumber = 0;
    FeedbackShift = 0;
    ModulationType = 0;
    ChannelPair = 0;
    Enable = true;
    LeftEnable = true;
    RightEnable = true;

// Produce output from channel.
void Opal::Channel::Output(int16_t &left, int16_t &right) {

    // Has the channel been disabled?  This is usually a result of the 4-op enables being used to
    // disable the secondary channel in each 4-op pair
    if (!Enable) {
        left = right = 0;

    int16_t vibrato = (Freq >> 7) & 7;
    if (!Master->VibratoDepth)
        vibrato >>= 1;

    // 0  3  7  3  0  -3  -7  -3
    uint16_t clk = Master->VibratoClock;
    if (!(clk & 3))
        vibrato = 0;                // Position 0 and 4 is zero
    else {
        if (clk & 1)
            vibrato >>= 1;          // Odd positions are half the magnitude

        vibrato <<= Octave;

        if (clk & 4)
            vibrato = -vibrato;     // The second half positions are negative

    // Combine individual operator outputs
    int16_t out, acc;

    // Running in 4-op mode?
    if (ChannelPair) {

        // Get the secondary channel's modulation type.  This is the only thing from the secondary
        // channel that is used
        if (ChannelPair->GetModulationType() == 0) {

            if (ModulationType == 0) {

                // feedback -> modulator -> modulator -> modulator -> carrier
                out  = Op[0]->Output(KeyScaleNumber, PhaseStep, vibrato, 0, FeedbackShift);
                out  = Op[1]->Output(KeyScaleNumber, PhaseStep, vibrato, out, 0);
                out  = Op[2]->Output(KeyScaleNumber, PhaseStep, vibrato, out, 0);
                out  = Op[3]->Output(KeyScaleNumber, PhaseStep, vibrato, out, 0);

            } else {

                // (feedback -> carrier) + (modulator -> modulator -> carrier)
                out  = Op[0]->Output(KeyScaleNumber, PhaseStep, vibrato, 0, FeedbackShift);
                acc  = Op[1]->Output(KeyScaleNumber, PhaseStep, vibrato, 0, 0);
                acc  = Op[2]->Output(KeyScaleNumber, PhaseStep, vibrato, acc, 0);
                out += Op[3]->Output(KeyScaleNumber, PhaseStep, vibrato, acc, 0);

        } else {

            if (ModulationType == 0) {

                // (feedback -> modulator -> carrier) + (modulator -> carrier)
                out  = Op[0]->Output(KeyScaleNumber, PhaseStep, vibrato, 0, FeedbackShift);
                out  = Op[1]->Output(KeyScaleNumber, PhaseStep, vibrato, out, 0);
                acc  = Op[2]->Output(KeyScaleNumber, PhaseStep, vibrato, 0, 0);
                out += Op[3]->Output(KeyScaleNumber, PhaseStep, vibrato, acc, 0);

            } else {

                // (feedback -> carrier) + (modulator -> carrier) + carrier
                out  = Op[0]->Output(KeyScaleNumber, PhaseStep, vibrato, 0, FeedbackShift);
                acc  = Op[1]->Output(KeyScaleNumber, PhaseStep, vibrato, 0, 0);
                out += Op[2]->Output(KeyScaleNumber, PhaseStep, vibrato, acc, 0);
                out += Op[3]->Output(KeyScaleNumber, PhaseStep, vibrato, 0, 0);

    } else {

        // Standard 2-op mode
        if (ModulationType == 0) {

            // Frequency modulation (well, phase modulation technically)
            out = Op[0]->Output(KeyScaleNumber, PhaseStep, vibrato, 0, FeedbackShift);
            out = Op[1]->Output(KeyScaleNumber, PhaseStep, vibrato, out, 0);

        } else {

            // Additive
            out = Op[0]->Output(KeyScaleNumber, PhaseStep, vibrato, 0, FeedbackShift);
            out += Op[1]->Output(KeyScaleNumber, PhaseStep, vibrato);

    left = LeftEnable ? out : 0;
    right = RightEnable ? out : 0;

// Set phase step for operators using this channel.
void Opal::Channel::SetFrequencyLow(uint16_t freq) {

    Freq = (Freq & 0x300) | (freq & 0xFF);
void Opal::Channel::SetFrequencyHigh(uint16_t freq) {

    Freq = (Freq & 0xFF) | ((freq & 3) << 8);

    // Only the high bits of Freq affect the Key Scale No.

// Set the octave of the channel (0 to 7).
void Opal::Channel::SetOctave(uint16_t oct) {

    Octave = oct & 7;

// Keys the channel on/off.
void Opal::Channel::SetKeyOn(bool on) {


// Enable left stereo channel.
void Opal::Channel::SetLeftEnable(bool on) {

    LeftEnable = on;

// Enable right stereo channel.
void Opal::Channel::SetRightEnable(bool on) {

    RightEnable = on;

// Set the channel feedback amount.
void Opal::Channel::SetFeedback(uint16_t val) {

    FeedbackShift = val ? 9 - val : 0;

// Set frequency modulation/additive modulation
void Opal::Channel::SetModulationType(uint16_t type) {

    ModulationType = type;

// Compute the stepping factor for the operator waveform phase based on the frequency and octave
// values of the channel.
void Opal::Channel::ComputePhaseStep() {

    PhaseStep = uint32_t(Freq) << Octave;

// Compute the key scale number and key scale levels.
// From the Yamaha data sheet this is the block/octave number as bits 3-1, with bit 0 coming from
// the MSB of the frequency if NoteSel is 1, and the 2nd MSB if NoteSel is 0.
void Opal::Channel::ComputeKeyScaleNumber() {

    uint16_t lsb = Master->NoteSel ? Freq >> 9 : (Freq >> 8) & 1;
    KeyScaleNumber = Octave << 1 | lsb;

    // Get the channel operators to recompute their rates as they're dependent on this number.  They
    // also need to recompute their key scale level
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {

        if (!Op[i])


// Operator constructor.
Opal::Operator::Operator() {

    Master = 0;
    Chan = 0;
    Phase = 0;
    Waveform = 0;
    FreqMultTimes2 = 1;
    EnvelopeStage = EnvOff;
    EnvelopeLevel = 0x1FF;
    AttackRate = 0;
    DecayRate = 0;
    SustainLevel = 0;
    ReleaseRate = 0;
    KeyScaleShift = 0;
    KeyScaleLevel = 0;
    Out[0] = Out[1] = 0;
    KeyOn = false;
    KeyScaleRate = false;
    SustainMode = false;
    TremoloEnable = false;
    VibratoEnable = false;

// Produce output from operator.
int16_t Opal::Operator::Output(uint16_t /*keyscalenum*/, uint32_t phase_step, int16_t vibrato, int16_t mod, int16_t fbshift) {

    // Advance wave phase
    if (VibratoEnable)
        phase_step += vibrato;
    Phase += (phase_step * FreqMultTimes2) / 2;

    uint16_t level = (EnvelopeLevel + OutputLevel + KeyScaleLevel + (TremoloEnable ? Master->TremoloLevel : 0)) << 3;

    switch (EnvelopeStage) {

        // Attack stage
        case EnvAtt: {
            uint16_t add = ((AttackAdd >> AttackTab[Master->Clock >> AttackShift & 7]) * ~EnvelopeLevel) >> 3;
            if (AttackRate == 0)
                add = 0;
            if (AttackMask && (Master->Clock & AttackMask))
                add = 0;
            EnvelopeLevel += add;
            if (EnvelopeLevel <= 0) {
                EnvelopeLevel = 0;
                EnvelopeStage = EnvDec;

        // Decay stage
        case EnvDec: {
            uint16_t add = DecayAdd >> DecayTab[Master->Clock >> DecayShift & 7];
            if (DecayRate == 0)
                add = 0;
            if (DecayMask && (Master->Clock & DecayMask))
                add = 0;
            EnvelopeLevel += add;
            if (EnvelopeLevel >= SustainLevel) {
                EnvelopeLevel = SustainLevel;
                EnvelopeStage = EnvSus;

        // Sustain stage
        case EnvSus: {
            if (SustainMode)

            // Note: fall-through!

        // Release stage
        case EnvRel: {
            uint16_t add = ReleaseAdd >> ReleaseTab[Master->Clock >> ReleaseShift & 7];
            if (ReleaseRate == 0)
                add = 0;
            if (ReleaseMask && (Master->Clock & ReleaseMask))
                add = 0;
            EnvelopeLevel += add;
            if (EnvelopeLevel >= 0x1FF) {
                EnvelopeLevel = 0x1FF;
                EnvelopeStage = EnvOff;
                Out[0] = Out[1] = 0;
                return 0;

        // Envelope, and therefore the operator, is not running
            Out[0] = Out[1] = 0;
            return 0;

    // Feedback?  In that case we modulate by a blend of the last two samples
    if (fbshift)
        mod += (Out[0] + Out[1]) >> fbshift;

    uint16_t phase = static_cast<uint16_t>(Phase >> 10) + mod;
    uint16_t offset = phase & 0xFF;
    uint16_t logsin;
    bool negate = false;

    switch (Waveform) {

        // Standard sine wave
        case 0:
            if (phase & 0x100)
                offset ^= 0xFF;
            logsin = Master->LogSinTable[offset];
            negate = (phase & 0x200) != 0;

        // Half sine wave
        case 1:
            if (phase & 0x200)
                offset = 0;
            else if (phase & 0x100)
                offset ^= 0xFF;
            logsin = Master->LogSinTable[offset];

        // Positive sine wave
        case 2:
            if (phase & 0x100)
                offset ^= 0xFF;
            logsin =  Master->LogSinTable[offset];

        // Quarter positive sine wave
        case 3:
            if (phase & 0x100)
                offset = 0;
            logsin =  Master->LogSinTable[offset];

        // Double-speed sine wave
        case 4:
            if (phase & 0x200)
                offset = 0;

            else {

                if (phase & 0x80)
                    offset ^= 0xFF;

                offset = (offset + offset) & 0xFF;
                negate = (phase & 0x100) != 0;

            logsin =  Master->LogSinTable[offset];

        // Double-speed positive sine wave
        case 5:
            if (phase & 0x200)
                offset = 0;

            else {

                offset = (offset + offset) & 0xFF;
                if (phase & 0x80)
                    offset ^= 0xFF;

            logsin =  Master->LogSinTable[offset];

        // Square wave
        case 6:
            logsin = 0;
            negate = (phase & 0x200) != 0;

        // Exponentiation wave
            logsin = phase & 0x1FF;
            if (phase & 0x200) {
                logsin ^= 0x1FF;
                negate = true;
            logsin <<= 3;

    uint16_t mix = logsin + level;
    if (mix > 0x1FFF)
        mix = 0x1FFF;

    // From the OPLx decapsulated docs:
    // "When such a table is used for calculation of the exponential, the table is read at the
    // position given by the 8 LSB's of the input. The value + 1024 (the hidden bit) is then the
    // significand of the floating point output and the yet unused MSB's of the input are the
    // exponent of the floating point output."
    int16_t v = (Master->ExpTable[mix & 0xFF] + 1024u) >> (mix >> 8u);
    v += v;
    if (negate)
        v = ~v;

    // Keep last two results for feedback calculation
    Out[1] = Out[0];
    Out[0] = v;

    return v;

// Trigger operator.
void Opal::Operator::SetKeyOn(bool on) {

    // Already on/off?
    if (KeyOn == on)
    KeyOn = on;

    if (on) {

        // The highest attack rate is instant; it bypasses the attack phase
        if (AttackRate == 15) {
            EnvelopeStage = EnvDec;
            EnvelopeLevel = 0;
        } else
            EnvelopeStage = EnvAtt;

        Phase = 0;

    } else {

        // Stopping current sound?
        if (EnvelopeStage != EnvOff && EnvelopeStage != EnvRel)
            EnvelopeStage = EnvRel;

// Enable amplitude vibrato.
void Opal::Operator::SetTremoloEnable(bool on) {

    TremoloEnable = on;

// Enable frequency vibrato.
void Opal::Operator::SetVibratoEnable(bool on) {

    VibratoEnable = on;

// Sets whether we release or sustain during the sustain phase of the envelope.  'true' is to
// sustain, otherwise release.
void Opal::Operator::SetSustainMode(bool on) {

    SustainMode = on;

// Key scale rate.  Sets how much the Key Scaling Number affects the envelope rates.
void Opal::Operator::SetEnvelopeScaling(bool on) {

    KeyScaleRate = on;

// Multiplies the phase frequency.
void Opal::Operator::SetFrequencyMultiplier(uint16_t scale) {

    // Needs to be multiplied by two (and divided by two later when we use it) because the first
    // entry is actually .5
    const uint16_t mul_times_2[] = {
        1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 20, 24, 24, 30, 30,

    FreqMultTimes2 = mul_times_2[scale & 15];

// Attenuates output level towards higher pitch.
void Opal::Operator::SetKeyScale(uint16_t scale) {

    static constexpr uint8_t kslShift[4] = { 8, 1, 2, 0 };
    KeyScaleShift = kslShift[scale];

// Sets the output level (volume) of the operator.
void Opal::Operator::SetOutputLevel(uint16_t level) {

    OutputLevel = level * 4;

// Operator attack rate.
void Opal::Operator::SetAttackRate(uint16_t rate) {

    AttackRate = rate;


// Operator decay rate.
void Opal::Operator::SetDecayRate(uint16_t rate) {

    DecayRate = rate;


// Operator sustain level.
void Opal::Operator::SetSustainLevel(uint16_t level) {

    SustainLevel = level < 15 ? level : 31;
    SustainLevel *= 16;

// Operator release rate.
void Opal::Operator::SetReleaseRate(uint16_t rate) {

    ReleaseRate = rate;


// Assign the waveform this operator will use.
void Opal::Operator::SetWaveform(uint16_t wave) {

    Waveform = wave & 7;

// Compute actual rate from register rate.  From the Yamaha data sheet:
// Actual rate = Rate value * 4 + Rof, if Rate value = 0, actual rate = 0
// Rof is set as follows depending on the KSR setting:
//  Key scale   0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10  11  12  13  14  15
//  KSR = 0     0   0   0   0   1   1   1   1   2   2   2   2   3   3   3   3
//  KSR = 1     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10  11  12  13  14  15
// Note: zero rates are infinite, and are treated separately elsewhere
void Opal::Operator::ComputeRates() {

    int combined_rate = AttackRate * 4 + (Chan->GetKeyScaleNumber() >> (KeyScaleRate ? 0 : 2));
    int rate_high = combined_rate >> 2;
    int rate_low = combined_rate & 3;

    AttackShift = static_cast<uint16_t>(rate_high < 12 ? 12 - rate_high : 0);
    AttackMask = (1 << AttackShift) - 1;
    AttackAdd = (rate_high < 12) ? 1 : 1 << (rate_high - 12);
    AttackTab = Master->RateTables[rate_low];

    // Attack rate of 15 is always instant
    if (AttackRate == 15)
        AttackAdd = 0xFFF;

    combined_rate = DecayRate * 4 + (Chan->GetKeyScaleNumber() >> (KeyScaleRate ? 0 : 2));
    rate_high = combined_rate >> 2;
    rate_low = combined_rate & 3;

    DecayShift = static_cast<uint16_t>(rate_high < 12 ? 12 - rate_high : 0);
    DecayMask = (1 << DecayShift) - 1;
    DecayAdd = (rate_high < 12) ? 1 : 1 << (rate_high - 12);
    DecayTab = Master->RateTables[rate_low];

    combined_rate = ReleaseRate * 4 + (Chan->GetKeyScaleNumber() >> (KeyScaleRate ? 0 : 2));
    rate_high = combined_rate >> 2;
    rate_low = combined_rate & 3;

    ReleaseShift = static_cast<uint16_t>(rate_high < 12 ? 12 - rate_high : 0);
    ReleaseMask = (1 << ReleaseShift) - 1;
    ReleaseAdd = (rate_high < 12) ? 1 : 1 << (rate_high - 12);
    ReleaseTab = Master->RateTables[rate_low];

// Compute the operator's key scale level.  This changes based on the channel frequency/octave and
// operator key scale value.
void Opal::Operator::ComputeKeyScaleLevel() {

    static constexpr uint8_t levtab[] = {
        0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,
        0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      8,      12,     16,     20,     24,     28,     32,
        0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      12,     20,     28,     32,     40,     44,     48,     52,     56,     60,     64,
        0,      0,      0,      20,     32,     44,     52,     60,     64,     72,     76,     80,     84,     88,     92,     96,
        0,      0,      32,     52,     64,     76,     84,     92,     96,     104,    108,    112,    116,    120,    124,    128,
        0,      32,     64,     84,     96,     108,    116,    124,    128,    136,    140,    144,    148,    152,    156,    160,
        0,      64,     96,     116,    128,    140,    148,    156,    160,    168,    172,    176,    180,    184,    188,    192,
        0,      96,     128,    148,    160,    172,    180,    188,    192,    200,    204,    208,    212,    216,    220,    224,

    // This uses a combined value of the top four bits of frequency with the octave/block
    uint16_t i = (Chan->GetOctave() << 4) | (Chan->GetFreq() >> 6);
    KeyScaleLevel = levtab[i] >> KeyScaleShift;