** JNetLib
** Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Nullsoft, Inc.
** Author: Justin Frankel
** File: httpget.cpp - JNL HTTP GET implementation
** License: see jnetlib.h

#include "netinc.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "httpget.h"
#include "foundation/error.h"

#ifdef USE_SSL
#include "sslconnection.h"

#include <stdio.h>


#include "nu/strsafe.h"
#include "nu/AutoLock.h"

char *JNL_HTTPGet::g_proxy = 0;

static nu::LockGuard proxy_guard;

char *JNL_HTTPGet::get_proxy()
	nu::AutoLock auto_lock( proxy_guard );

	if ( g_proxy )
		return _strdup( g_proxy );
		return 0;

void JNL_HTTPGet::set_proxy( const char *proxy )
	nu::AutoLock auto_lock( proxy_guard );

	free( g_proxy );

	if ( proxy )
		g_proxy = _strdup( proxy );
		g_proxy = 0;

JNL_HTTPGet::JNL_HTTPGet( size_t recvbufsize, size_t sendbufsize )
	persistent             = false;
	accept_all_reply_codes = false;
	zlibStream             = 0;
	allowCompression       = false;
	m_dns                  = JNL_AUTODNS;
	m_con                  = NULL;
	m_http_proxylpinfo     = 0;
	m_http_proxyhost       = 0;
	m_http_proxyport       = 0;
	m_sendbufsize          = sendbufsize;
	m_sendheaders          = NULL;


	m_recvbufsize          = recvbufsize;

	char *p = get_proxy();
	if ( p )
		char *r = NULL;
		do_parse_url( p, &m_http_proxyhost, &m_http_proxyport, &r, &m_http_proxylpinfo );

		free( r );
		free( p );

	free( m_sendheaders );
	free( m_http_proxylpinfo );
	free( m_http_proxyhost );

void JNL_HTTPGet::reinit()
	m_errstr           = 0;
	m_recvheaders      = NULL;
	m_recvheaders_size = 0;
	m_http_state       = 0;
	m_http_port        = 0;
	m_http_url         = 0;
	m_reply            = 0;
	m_http_host        = m_http_lpinfo = m_http_request = NULL;

void JNL_HTTPGet::deinit( bool full )
	if ( !persistent || full || ( m_con && m_con->get_state() == JNL_Connection::STATE_ERROR ) )
		delete m_con;
		m_con = NULL;

	free( m_recvheaders );
	free( m_http_url );
	free( m_http_host );
	free( m_http_lpinfo );
	free( m_http_request );
	free( m_errstr );
	free( m_reply );

	if ( zlibStream )
		inflateEnd( zlibStream );

	free( zlibStream );
	zlibStream = 0;


void JNL_HTTPGet::set_sendbufsize(size_t sendbufsize)
	m_sendbufsize = sendbufsize;

int JNL_HTTPGet::set_recv_buffer_size( size_t new_buffer_size )
	if ( m_con )
		int ret = m_con->set_recv_buffer_size( new_buffer_size );
		if ( ret == NErr_NoAction )// this will get returned if new_buffer_size is smaller than existing.  
			return NErr_Success;
		else if ( ret != NErr_Success )
			return ret;

	m_recvbufsize = new_buffer_size;
	return NErr_Success;

void JNL_HTTPGet::addheader( const char *header )
	if ( strstr( header, "\r" ) || strstr( header, "\n" ) )

	if ( !m_sendheaders )
		size_t len = strlen( header ) + 3;
		m_sendheaders = (char *)malloc( len );
		if ( m_sendheaders )
			char *itr = m_sendheaders;
			StringCchCopyExA( itr, len, header, &itr, &len, 0 );
			StringCchCatExA( itr, len, "\r\n", &itr, &len, 0 );
		size_t len = strlen( header ) + strlen( m_sendheaders ) + 1 + 2;
		char *t = (char *)malloc( len );
		if ( t )
			char *newHeaders = t;
			StringCchCopyExA( t, len, m_sendheaders, &t, &len, 0 );
			StringCchCatExA( t, len, header, &t, &len, 0 );
			StringCchCatExA( t, len, "\r\n", &t, &len, 0 );
			free( m_sendheaders );
			m_sendheaders = newHeaders;

void JNL_HTTPGet::addheadervalue( const char *header, const char *value )
	size_t additional = strlen( header ) + 2 + strlen( value ) + 2 + 1;

	if ( !m_sendheaders )
		m_sendheaders = (char *)malloc( additional );
		if ( m_sendheaders )
			char *p = m_sendheaders;
			StringCchCopyExA( p, additional, header, &p, &additional, 0 );
			StringCchCatExA( p, additional, ": ", &p, &additional, 0 );
			StringCchCatExA( p, additional, value, &p, &additional, 0 );
			StringCchCatExA( p, additional, "\r\n", &p, &additional, 0 );
		size_t alloc_len = strlen( m_sendheaders ) + additional;
		char *t = (char *)malloc( alloc_len );
		if ( t )
			char *p = t;
			StringCchCopyExA( p, alloc_len, m_sendheaders, &p, &alloc_len, 0 );
			StringCchCatExA( p, alloc_len, header, &p, &alloc_len, 0 );
			StringCchCatExA( p, alloc_len, ": ", &p, &alloc_len, 0 );
			StringCchCatExA( p, alloc_len, value, &p, &alloc_len, 0 );
			StringCchCatExA( p, alloc_len, "\r\n", &p, &alloc_len, 0 );

			free( m_sendheaders );

			m_sendheaders = t;

void JNL_HTTPGet::do_encode_mimestr( char *in, char *out )
	char alphabet[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
	int shift = 0;
	int accum = 0;

	while ( in && *in )
		if ( *in )
			accum <<= 8;
			shift += 8;
			accum |= *in++;

		while ( shift >= 6 )
			shift -= 6;
			*out++ = alphabet[ ( accum >> shift ) & 0x3F ];

	if ( shift == 4 )
		*out++ = alphabet[ ( accum & 0xF ) << 2 ];
		*out++ = '=';
	else if ( shift == 2 )
		*out++ = alphabet[ ( accum & 0x3 ) << 4 ];
		*out++ = '=';
		*out++ = '=';

	*out++ = 0;

void JNL_HTTPGet::connect( const char *url, int ver, const char *requestmethod )
	deinit( false );

	m_http_url = _strdup( url );
	do_parse_url( m_http_url, &m_http_host, &m_http_port, &m_http_request, &m_http_lpinfo );

	if ( !m_http_host || !m_http_host[ 0 ] || !m_http_port )
		m_http_state = -1;
		seterrstr( "invalid URL" );


	size_t sendbufferlen = 0;

	if ( !m_http_proxyhost || !m_http_proxyhost[ 0 ] )
		sendbufferlen += strlen( requestmethod ) + 1 /* GET */ + strlen( m_http_request ) + 9 /* HTTP/1.0 */ + 2;
		sendbufferlen += strlen( requestmethod ) + 1 /* GET */ + strlen( m_http_url ) + 9 /* HTTP/1.0 */ + 2;

		if ( m_http_proxylpinfo && m_http_proxylpinfo[ 0 ] )
			sendbufferlen += 58 + strlen( m_http_proxylpinfo ) * 2; // being safe here

	sendbufferlen += 5 /* Host: */ + strlen( m_http_host ) + 2;
	if ( m_http_port != 80 )
		sendbufferlen += 6;

	if ( m_http_lpinfo && m_http_lpinfo[ 0 ] )
		sendbufferlen += 46 + strlen( m_http_lpinfo ) * 2; // being safe here

	if ( m_sendheaders )
		sendbufferlen += strlen( m_sendheaders );

	size_t strLen = sendbufferlen + 1024;
	char *str = (char *)calloc( strLen, sizeof( char ) );
	char *connectString = str;

	if ( !str )
		seterrstr( "error allocating memory" );
		m_http_state = -1;

	if ( !m_http_proxyhost || !m_http_proxyhost[ 0 ] )
		StringCchPrintfExA( str, strLen, &str, &strLen, 0, "%s %s HTTP/1.%d\r\n", requestmethod, m_http_request, ver % 10 );
		char *myp = NULL;
		if ( strncasecmp( m_http_url, "uvox://", 7 ) == 0 )
			myp = m_http_url + 7;
			StringCchPrintfExA( str, strLen, &str, &strLen, 0, "%s http://%s HTTP/1.%d\r\n", requestmethod, myp, ver % 10 );
		else if ( strncasecmp( m_http_url, "unsv://", 7 ) == 0 )
			myp = m_http_url + 7;
			StringCchPrintfExA( str, strLen, &str, &strLen, 0, "%s http://%s HTTP/1.%d\r\n", requestmethod, myp, ver % 10 );
		else if ( strncasecmp( m_http_url, "uasf://", 7 ) == 0 )
			myp = m_http_url + 7;
			StringCchPrintfExA( str, strLen, &str, &strLen, 0, "%s http://%s HTTP/1.%d\r\n", requestmethod, myp, ver % 10 );
			StringCchPrintfExA( str, strLen, &str, &strLen, 0, "%s %s HTTP/1.%d\r\n", requestmethod, m_http_url, ver % 10 );

	if ( m_http_port == 80 )
		StringCchPrintfExA( str, strLen, &str, &strLen, 0, "Host: %s\r\n", m_http_host );
		StringCchPrintfExA( str, strLen, &str, &strLen, 0, "Host: %s:%d\r\n", m_http_host, m_http_port );

	if ( m_http_lpinfo && m_http_lpinfo[ 0 ] )
		StringCchCatExA( str, strLen, "Authorization: Basic ", &str, &strLen, 0 );
		do_encode_mimestr( m_http_lpinfo, str );
		StringCchCatExA( str, strLen, "\r\n", &str, &strLen, 0 );

	if ( m_http_proxylpinfo && m_http_proxylpinfo[ 0 ] )
		StringCchCatExA( str, strLen, "Proxy-Authorization: Basic ", &str, &strLen, 0 );
		do_encode_mimestr( m_http_proxylpinfo, str );
		StringCchCatExA( str, strLen, "\r\n", &str, &strLen, 0 );

	if ( allowCompression )
		StringCchCatExA( str, strLen, "Accept-Encoding: gzip\r\n", &str, &strLen, 0 );

	if ( m_sendheaders )
		StringCchCatExA( str, strLen, m_sendheaders, &str, &strLen, 0 );

	StringCchCatExA( str, strLen, "\r\n", &str, &strLen, 0 );

	int a = (int)m_recvbufsize;
	if ( a < 4096 )
		a = 4096;

	if ( !m_con )
		//m_con=new JNL_Connection(m_dns,strlen(str)+4,a);
		**  Joshua Teitelbaum delta 1/15/2006

#ifdef USE_SSL
		**  Joshua Teitelbaum 1/27/2006
		**  Check for secure
		if ( !_strnicmp( m_http_url, "https:", strlen( "https:" ) ) )
			size_t send_buffer_size = strlen( connectString ) + 4;
			if ( send_buffer_size < 8192 )
				send_buffer_size = 8192;

			send_buffer_size += m_sendbufsize;

			if ( m_sendbufsize == 0 && !strcmp( requestmethod, "POST" ) )
				send_buffer_size += 8192; // some extra room for posting data if it wasn't explicitly defined

			m_con = new JNL_SSL_Connection( NULL, m_dns, send_buffer_size, a );

			size_t send_buffer_size = strlen( connectString ) + 4 + m_sendbufsize;
			if ( m_sendbufsize == 0 && !strcmp( requestmethod, "POST" ) )
				send_buffer_size += 8192; // some extra room for posting data if it wasn't explicitly defined

			m_con = new JNL_Connection( m_dns, send_buffer_size, a );

#ifdef USE_SSL

		if ( m_con )
			if ( !m_http_proxyhost || !m_http_proxyhost[ 0 ] )
				m_con->connect( m_http_host, m_http_port );
				m_con->connect( m_http_proxyhost, m_http_proxyport );

			m_con->send_string( connectString );
			m_http_state = -1;
			seterrstr( "could not create connection object" );
		m_con->send_string( connectString );


void JNL_HTTPGet::do_parse_url( const char *url, char **host, unsigned short *port, char **req, char **lp )
	char *l_port = 0;

	JNL::parse_url( url, &l_port, host, port, req, lp );

	if ( !*port )
		if ( l_port )
			addrinfo *res;

			addrinfo hints;
			memset( &hints, 0, sizeof( hints ) );
			hints.ai_family = PF_UNSPEC;
			hints.ai_flags = 0;
			hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;

			if ( getaddrinfo( 0, l_port, &hints, &res ) == 0 )
				if ( res->ai_family == AF_INET )
					*port = htons( ( (sockaddr_in *)res->ai_addr )->sin_port );
				else if ( res->ai_family == AF_INET6 )
					*port = htons( ( (sockaddr_in6 *)res->ai_addr )->sin6_port );
				else // wtf?
					*port = 80;
				*port = 80;
			*port = 80;

	if ( l_port )
		free( l_port );

	if ( !*req )
		*req = _strdup( "/" );

const char *JNL_HTTPGet::getallheaders()
	// double null terminated, null delimited list
	if (m_recvheaders)
		return m_recvheaders;
		return "\0\0";

const char *JNL_HTTPGet::getheader( const char *headername )
	char *ret = NULL;
	if ( headername[ 0 ] == 0 || !m_recvheaders )
		return NULL;

	size_t headername_size = strlen( headername );
	char *buf = (char *)malloc( headername_size + 2 );

#ifdef _WIN32
	StringCchCopyA( buf, headername_size + 2, headername );
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
	strlcpy( buf, headername, headername_size + 2 );
	strncpy( buf, headername, headername_size + 1 );
	buf[ headername_size + 1 ] = 0;

	if ( buf[ headername_size - 1 ] != ':' )
		buf[ headername_size++ ] = ':';
		buf[ headername_size ]   = 0;

	char *p = m_recvheaders;
	while ( p && *p )
		if ( !strncasecmp( buf, p, headername_size ) )
			ret = p + headername_size;
			while ( ret && *ret && *ret == ' ' )


		p += strlen( p ) + 1;

	free( buf );

	return ret;

int JNL_HTTPGet::run()
	int cnt = 0;
	if ( m_http_state == -1 || !m_con )
		return HTTPGET_RUN_ERROR; // error


	if ( m_con->get_state() == JNL_Connection::STATE_ERROR )
		seterrstr( m_con->get_errstr() );


	if ( m_con->get_state() == JNL_Connection::STATE_CLOSED )

	if ( m_http_state == 0 ) // connected, waiting for reply
		if ( m_con->recv_lines_available() > 0 )
			char buf[ 4096 ] = { 0 };
			m_con->recv_line( buf, 4096 );
			buf[ 4095 ] = 0;

			if ( m_reply && getreplycode() == 100 )
				free( m_reply );
				m_reply = 0;
				goto run_again;

			m_reply = _strdup( buf );
			int code = getreplycode();
			if ( code >= 200 && code <= 206 )
				m_http_state = 2; // proceed to read headers normally
			else if ( code == 301 || code == 302 || code == 303 || code == 307 )
				m_http_state = 1; // redirect city
			else if ( code != 100 ) // in case of HTTP 100 Continue code, we'll keep looping
				if ( accept_all_reply_codes )
					m_http_state = 2; // proceed to read headers normally
					seterrstr( buf );
					m_http_state = -1;

					return HTTPGET_RUN_ERROR;

			cnt = 0;
		else if ( !cnt++ )
			goto run_again;

	if ( m_http_state == 1 ) // redirect
		char *loc = 0;
		while ( m_con->recv_lines_available() > 0 )
			char buf[ 4096 ] = { 0 };
			m_con->recv_line( buf, 4096 );
			buf[ 4095 ] = 0;

			if ( !buf[ 0 ] )
				if ( !loc )
					m_http_state = -1;
					return HTTPGET_RUN_ERROR;

			if ( !strncasecmp( buf, "Location:", 9 ) )
				char *p = buf + 9;
				while ( p && *p && *p == ' ' ) p++;
				if ( p && *p )
					// TODO need to make this match the request type
					loc = _strdup( p );

		if ( loc )
			connect( loc );
			free( loc );

			return HTTPGET_RUN_OK;

	/* ----- read headers ----- */
	if ( m_http_state == 2 )
		if ( !cnt++ && m_con->recv_lines_available() < 1 )
			goto run_again;

		while ( m_con->recv_lines_available() > 0 )
			char buf[ 8192 ] = { 0 };
			m_con->recv_line( buf, 8192 );
			buf[ 8191 ] = 0;

			if ( !buf[ 0 ] )
				const char *compression = getheader( "Content-Encoding" );
				if ( compression && !strcmp( compression, "gzip" ) )
					zlibStream = (z_stream *)malloc( sizeof( z_stream ) );
					zlibStream->next_in = Z_NULL;
					zlibStream->avail_in = Z_NULL;
					zlibStream->next_out = Z_NULL;
					zlibStream->avail_out = Z_NULL;
					zlibStream->zalloc = (alloc_func)0;
					zlibStream->zfree = (free_func)0;
					zlibStream->opaque = 0;

					int z_err = inflateInit2( zlibStream, 15 + 16 /* +16 for gzip */ );
					if ( z_err != Z_OK )
						free( zlibStream );
						zlibStream = 0;
					if ( zlibStream )
						free( zlibStream );
						zlibStream = 0;
				m_http_state = 3;
			if ( !m_recvheaders )
				m_recvheaders_size = strlen( buf ) + 1;
				if ( m_recvheaders_size == 0 || m_recvheaders_size == (size_t)-1 ) // check for overflow
					m_http_state = -1;
					return HTTPGET_RUN_ERROR;

				m_recvheaders = (char *)malloc( m_recvheaders_size + 1 );
				if ( m_recvheaders )
					strcpy( m_recvheaders, buf ); // safe because we malloc'd specifically above
					m_recvheaders[ m_recvheaders_size ] = 0;
					m_http_state = -1;
					return HTTPGET_RUN_ERROR;
				size_t oldsize = m_recvheaders_size;
				m_recvheaders_size += strlen( buf ) + 1;
				if ( m_recvheaders_size + 1 < oldsize ) // check for overflow
					m_http_state = -1;
					return HTTPGET_RUN_ERROR;

				char *n = (char *)realloc( m_recvheaders, m_recvheaders_size + 1 );
				if ( !n )
					m_http_state = -1;
					return HTTPGET_RUN_ERROR;

				strcpy( n + oldsize, buf ); // safe because we malloc specifially for the size
				n[ m_recvheaders_size ] = 0; // double null terminate
				m_recvheaders = n;


int JNL_HTTPGet::get_status() // returns 0 if connecting, 1 if reading headers, 2 if reading content, -1 if error.
	if ( m_http_state < 0 )

	if ( m_http_state < 2 )

	if ( m_http_state == 2 )

	if ( m_http_state == 3 )


int JNL_HTTPGet::getreplycode() // returns 0 if none yet, otherwise returns http reply code.
	if ( !m_reply )
		return 0;

	char *p = m_reply;

	while ( p && *p && *p != ' ' )
		p++; // skip over HTTP/x.x

	if ( !p || !*p )
		return 0;

	return atoi( ++p );

size_t JNL_HTTPGet::bytes_available()
	if ( m_con && m_http_state == 3 )
		return m_con->recv_bytes_available();

	return 0;

size_t JNL_HTTPGet::get_bytes( char *buf, size_t len )
	if ( m_con && m_http_state == 3 )
		if ( zlibStream )
			// TODO: benski> we need to pick a better buffer size
			// either alloca() and use the passed in length
			// or malloc a buffer based on the constructor-initted buffer size
			char temp[ 8192 ] = { 0 };

			int size = (int)m_con->peek_bytes( temp, 8192 );
			if ( size )
				zlibStream->next_in   = reinterpret_cast<Bytef *>( temp );
				zlibStream->avail_in  = (uInt)size;
				zlibStream->next_out  = reinterpret_cast<Bytef *>( buf );
				zlibStream->avail_out = (uInt)len;

				int zlib_err = inflate( zlibStream, Z_SYNC_FLUSH );

				if ( zlib_err == Z_OK || zlib_err == Z_STREAM_END )
					m_con->recv_bytes( 0, size - zlibStream->avail_in ); // since we only peeked above
					return len - zlibStream->avail_out;
					return 0; // TODO: should we do something else here?
			return m_con->recv_bytes( buf, len );

	return 0;

size_t JNL_HTTPGet::peek_bytes( char *buf, size_t len )
	if ( m_con && m_http_state == 3 )
		if ( zlibStream )
			return 0; // TODO: benski> how are we going to do peek_bytes, since the inflater saves state?
			return m_con->peek_bytes( buf, len );

	return 0;

uint64_t JNL_HTTPGet::content_length()
	const char *p = getheader( "content-length" );
	if ( p && *p )
		return strtoull( p, 0, 10 );
		// TODO need to check this further for reliability!
		// Helps to handle responses without content-length
		if ( m_recvheaders_size > 0 && bytes_available() > 0 )
			return bytes_available() - m_recvheaders_size;
	return 0;

void JNL_HTTPGet::seterrstr( const char *str )
	if ( m_errstr )
		free( m_errstr );

	m_errstr = _strdup( str );

void JNL_HTTPGet::AllowCompression()
	allowCompression = true;

void JNL_HTTPGet::reset_headers()
	if ( m_sendheaders )
		free( m_sendheaders );
		m_sendheaders = 0;

void JNL_HTTPGet::set_accept_all_reply_codes()
	accept_all_reply_codes = true;

void JNL_HTTPGet::set_persistent()
	persistent = true;