#include "c_encoder_ogg.h" #include "../../utils.h" HINSTANCE C_ENCODER_OGG::hEncoderInstance = NULL; C_ENCODER_OGG::C_ENCODER_OGG(HWND winamp) : C_ENCODER_NSV(sizeof(T_ENCODER_OGG_INFO)) { SetName("OGG Vorbis Encoder"); winampWnd = winamp; ConfigAudio3 = NULL; if(hEncoderInstance == NULL) { wchar_t dir[MAX_PATH] = {0}; snwprintf(dir, MAX_PATH, L"%s\\enc_vorbis.dll", GetPluginDirectoryW(winamp)); hEncoderInstance = LoadLibraryW(dir); } if(hEncoderInstance) { void * CreateAudio3=(void *)GetProcAddress(hEncoderInstance, "CreateAudio3"); void * GetAudioTypes3=(void *)GetProcAddress(hEncoderInstance, "GetAudioTypes3"); void * ConfigAudio3=(void *)GetProcAddress(hEncoderInstance, "ConfigAudio3"); void * SetWinampHWND=(void *)GetProcAddress(hEncoderInstance, "SetWinampHWND"); SetEncoder(CreateAudio3,GetAudioTypes3,ConfigAudio3,SetWinampHWND); } T_ENCODER_OGG_INFO * EncInfo = (T_ENCODER_OGG_INFO *)ExtendedInfoPtr; EncInfo->output_bitRate = OGG_DEFAULT_OUTPUTBITRATE; EncInfo->output_channelmode = OGG_DEFAULT_OUTPUTMODE; EncInfo->output_samplerate = OGG_DEFAULT_OUTPUTSAMPLERATE; } C_ENCODER_OGG::~C_ENCODER_OGG() { C_ENCODER_NSV::~C_ENCODER_NSV(); } static int cacheVal=0; bool C_ENCODER_OGG::isPresent(HWND winamp) { if(cacheVal!=0 && hEncoderInstance!=0) return cacheVal==2; bool ret=false; wchar_t dir[MAX_PATH] = {0}; snwprintf(dir, MAX_PATH, L"%s\\enc_vorbis.dll", GetPluginDirectoryW(winamp)); FILE * f = _wfopen(dir, L"rb"); if (f) { fseek(f,0,2); if(ftell(f) > 0) ret=true; fclose(f); } cacheVal=ret?2:1; return ret; } void C_ENCODER_OGG::FillAttribs() { T_ENCODER_OGG_INFO &EncInfo = *(T_ENCODER_OGG_INFO *)ExtendedInfoPtr; T_ENCODER_OGG_INFO *attribs = new T_ENCODER_OGG_INFO; *attribs = EncInfo; AddAttrib("",attribs); } void C_ENCODER_OGG::FillConfFile(char * conf_file, char * section) { if(!section) section="audio_ogg"; T_ENCODER_OGG_INFO &EncInfo = *(T_ENCODER_OGG_INFO *)ExtendedInfoPtr; configtype * cfg = new configtype; cfg->cfg_abr_use_max=0; cfg->cfg_abr_use_min=0; cfg->cfg_mode=0; //VBR cfg->cfg_vbrquality=EncInfo.output_quality; cfg->cfg_abr_nominal=EncInfo.output_bitRate; cfg->cfg_abr_max=EncInfo.output_bitRate; cfg->cfg_abr_min=EncInfo.output_bitRate; if (conf_file) WritePrivateProfileStruct(section,"conf",cfg,sizeof(configtype),conf_file); } int setBitrate(float ql) { int br = 64; //ql = ql*10; // jkey: this is a pain in the ass,but the only // way i can figure out how to get the bitrate // outside of enc_vorbis. // Also quality enforcement is needed to prevent the // yp filling up with non standard bitrate streams. // although this is vbr and will be variable bitrate anyway. if(ql == 10 || (ql < 10 && ql > 9.5)){br=500;ql = 10.0f; return br;} if(ql == 9.0f || (ql < 10.0f && ql > 9.0f)){br=320;ql = 9.0f;return br;} if(ql == 8.0f || (ql < 9.0f && ql > 8.0f)){br=256;ql = 8.0f;return br;} if(ql == 7.0f || (ql < 8.0f && ql > 7.0f)){br=224;ql = 7.0f;return br;} if(ql == 6.0f || (ql < 7.0f && ql > 6.0f)){br=192;ql = 6.0f;return br;} if(ql == 5.0f || (ql < 6.0f && ql > 5.0f)){br=160;ql = 5.0f;return br;} if(ql == 4.0f || (ql < 5.0f && ql > 4.0f)){br=128;ql = 4.0f;return br;} if(ql == 3.0f || (ql < 4.0f && ql > 3.0f)){br=112;ql = 3.0f;return br;} if(ql == 2.0f || (ql < 3.0f && ql > 2.0f)){br=96;ql = 2.0f;return br;} if(ql == 1.0f || (ql < 2.0f && ql > 1.0f)){br=80;ql = 1.0f;return br;} if(ql == 0.0f || (ql < 1.0f && ql > 0.0f)){ br=64;ql = 0.0f;return br;} if(ql == -0.5f || (ql < 0.0f && ql > -0.5f)){br=56;ql = -0.5f;return br;} if(ql == -1.0f || ql < -0.5f){br=48;ql = -1.0f;return br;} return br; } void C_ENCODER_OGG::ReadConfFile(char * conf_file, char * section) { if(!section) section="audio_ogg"; T_ENCODER_OGG_INFO &EncInfo = *(T_ENCODER_OGG_INFO *)ExtendedInfoPtr; T_ENCODER_OGG_INFO *attribs = new T_ENCODER_OGG_INFO; *attribs = EncInfo; configtype * cfg = new configtype; cfg->cfg_abr_use_max=0; cfg->cfg_abr_use_min=0; cfg->cfg_mode=0; //VBR cfg->cfg_vbrquality=0.0f; cfg->cfg_abr_nominal=64; cfg->cfg_abr_max=352; cfg->cfg_abr_min=32; if (conf_file) GetPrivateProfileStruct(section,"conf",cfg,sizeof(configtype),conf_file); attribs->output_samplerate = OGG_DEFAULT_OUTPUTSAMPLERATE; attribs->output_channelmode = cfg->cfg_mode; attribs->output_quality = cfg->cfg_vbrquality; attribs->output_bitRate = setBitrate(attribs->output_quality*10); ChangeSettings(attribs); }