/* * MPTrack.cpp * ----------- * Purpose: OpenMPT core application class. * Notes : (currently none) * Authors: OpenMPT Devs * The OpenMPT source code is released under the BSD license. Read LICENSE for more details. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "Mptrack.h" #include "Mainfrm.h" #include "IPCWindow.h" #include "InputHandler.h" #include "Childfrm.h" #include "Moddoc.h" #include "ModDocTemplate.h" #include "Globals.h" #include "../soundlib/Dlsbank.h" #include "../common/version.h" #include "../test/test.h" #include "UpdateCheck.h" #include "../common/mptStringBuffer.h" #include "ExceptionHandler.h" #include "CloseMainDialog.h" #include "PlugNotFoundDlg.h" #include "AboutDialog.h" #include "AutoSaver.h" #include "FileDialog.h" #include "Image.h" #include "BuildVariants.h" #include "../common/ComponentManager.h" #include "WelcomeDialog.h" #include "openmpt/sounddevice/SoundDeviceManager.hpp" #include "WineSoundDeviceStub.h" #include "../soundlib/plugins/PluginManager.h" #include "MPTrackWine.h" #include "MPTrackUtil.h" #if MPT_MSVC_AT_LEAST(2022, 2) && MPT_MSVC_BEFORE(2022, 3) // Work-around , // see . template AFX_INLINE UINT AFXAPI HashKey(ARG_KEY key); template <> AFX_INLINE UINT AFXAPI HashKey(CDocument *key) { // (algorithm copied from STL hash in xfunctional) #pragma warning(suppress: 4302) // 'type cast' : truncation #pragma warning(suppress: 4311) // pointer truncation ldiv_t HashVal = ldiv((long)(CDocument*)key, 127773); HashVal.rem = 16807 * HashVal.rem - 2836 * HashVal.quot; if(HashVal.rem < 0) HashVal.rem += 2147483647; return ((UINT)HashVal.rem); } #endif #include // GDI+ #include #define max(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b)) #define min(a, b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b)) #if MPT_COMPILER_MSVC #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable : 4458) // declaration of 'x' hides class member #endif #include #if MPT_COMPILER_MSVC #pragma warning(pop) #endif #undef min #undef max #if MPT_COMPILER_MSVC #define _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC #include #include #endif OPENMPT_NAMESPACE_BEGIN ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The one and only CTrackApp object CTrackApp theApp; const TCHAR *szSpecialNoteNamesMPT[] = {_T("PCs"), _T("PC"), _T("~~ (Note Fade)"), _T("^^ (Note Cut)"), _T("== (Note Off)")}; const TCHAR *szSpecialNoteShortDesc[] = {_T("Param Control (Smooth)"), _T("Param Control"), _T("Note Fade"), _T("Note Cut"), _T("Note Off")}; // Make sure that special note arrays include string for every note. static_assert(NOTE_MAX_SPECIAL - NOTE_MIN_SPECIAL + 1 == mpt::array_size::size); static_assert(mpt::array_size::size == mpt::array_size::size); const char *szHexChar = "0123456789ABCDEF"; #ifdef MPT_WITH_ASIO class ComponentASIO : public ComponentBuiltin { MPT_DECLARE_COMPONENT_MEMBERS(ComponentASIO, "ASIO") public: ComponentASIO() = default; virtual ~ComponentASIO() = default; }; #endif // MPT_WITH_ASIO #if defined(MPT_WITH_DIRECTSOUND) class ComponentDirectSound : public ComponentBuiltin { MPT_DECLARE_COMPONENT_MEMBERS(ComponentDirectSound, "DirectSound") public: ComponentDirectSound() = default; virtual ~ComponentDirectSound() = default; }; #endif // MPT_WITH_DIRECTSOUND #if defined(MPT_WITH_PORTAUDIO) class ComponentPortAudio : public ComponentBuiltin { MPT_DECLARE_COMPONENT_MEMBERS(ComponentPortAudio, "PortAudio") public: ComponentPortAudio() = default; virtual ~ComponentPortAudio() = default; }; #endif // MPT_WITH_PORTAUDIO #if defined(MPT_WITH_PULSEAUDIO) class ComponentPulseaudio : public ComponentBuiltin { MPT_DECLARE_COMPONENT_MEMBERS(ComponentPulseaudio, "Pulseaudio") public: ComponentPulseaudio() = default; virtual ~ComponentPulseaudio() = default; }; #endif // MPT_WITH_PULSEAUDIO #if defined(MPT_WITH_PULSEAUDIO) && defined(MPT_WITH_PULSEAUDIOSIMPLE) class ComponentPulseaudioSimple : public ComponentBuiltin { MPT_DECLARE_COMPONENT_MEMBERS(ComponentPulseaudioSimple, "PulseaudioSimple") public: ComponentPulseaudioSimple() = default; virtual ~ComponentPulseaudioSimple() = default; }; #endif // MPT_WITH_PULSEAUDIO && MPT_WITH_PULSEAUDIOSIMPLE #if defined(MPT_WITH_RTAUDIO) class ComponentRtAudio : public ComponentBuiltin { MPT_DECLARE_COMPONENT_MEMBERS(ComponentRtAudio, "RtAudio") public: ComponentRtAudio() = default; virtual ~ComponentRtAudio() = default; }; #endif // MPT_WITH_RTAUDIO #if MPT_OS_WINDOWS class ComponentWaveOut : public ComponentBuiltin { MPT_DECLARE_COMPONENT_MEMBERS(ComponentWaveOut, "WaveOut") public: ComponentWaveOut() = default; virtual ~ComponentWaveOut() = default; }; #endif // MPT_OS_WINDOWS struct AllSoundDeviceComponents { #if defined(MPT_WITH_PULSEAUDIO) && defined(MPT_ENABLE_PULSEAUDIO_FULL) ComponentHandle m_Pulseaudio; #endif // MPT_WITH_PULSEAUDIO && MPT_ENABLE_PULSEAUDIO_FULL #if defined(MPT_WITH_PULSEAUDIO) && defined(MPT_WITH_PULSEAUDIOSIMPLE) ComponentHandle m_PulseaudioSimple; #endif // MPT_WITH_PULSEAUDIO && MPT_WITH_PULSEAUDIOSIMPLE #if MPT_OS_WINDOWS ComponentHandle m_WaveOut; #endif // MPT_OS_WINDOWS #if defined(MPT_WITH_DIRECTSOUND) ComponentHandle m_DirectSound; #endif // MPT_WITH_DIRECTSOUND #ifdef MPT_WITH_ASIO ComponentHandle m_ASIO; #endif // MPT_WITH_ASIO #ifdef MPT_WITH_PORTAUDIO ComponentHandle m_PortAudio; #endif // MPT_WITH_PORTAUDIO #ifdef MPT_WITH_RTAUDIO ComponentHandle m_RtAudio; #endif // MPT_WITH_RTAUDIO operator SoundDevice::EnabledBackends() const { SoundDevice::EnabledBackends result; #if defined(MPT_WITH_PULSEAUDIO) && defined(MPT_ENABLE_PULSEAUDIO_FULL) result.Pulseaudio = IsComponentAvailable(m_PulseAudio); #endif // MPT_WITH_PULSEAUDIO && MPT_ENABLE_PULSEAUDIO_FULL #if defined(MPT_WITH_PULSEAUDIO) && defined(MPT_WITH_PULSEAUDIOSIMPLE) result.PulseaudioSimple = IsComponentAvailable(m_PulseAudioSimple); #endif // MPT_WITH_PULSEAUDIO && MPT_WITH_PULSEAUDIOSIMPLE #if MPT_OS_WINDOWS result.WaveOut = IsComponentAvailable(m_WaveOut); #endif // MPT_OS_WINDOWS #if defined(MPT_WITH_DIRECTSOUND) result.DirectSound = IsComponentAvailable(m_DirectSound); #endif // MPT_WITH_DIRECTSOUND #ifdef MPT_WITH_ASIO result.ASIO = IsComponentAvailable(m_ASIO); #endif // MPT_WITH_ASIO #ifdef MPT_WITH_PORTAUDIO result.PortAudio = IsComponentAvailable(m_PortAudio); #endif // MPT_WITH_PORTAUDIO #ifdef MPT_WITH_RTAUDIO result.RtAudio = IsComponentAvailable(m_RtAudio); #endif // MPT_WITH_RTAUDIO return result; } }; void CTrackApp::OnFileCloseAll() { if(!(TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwPatternSetup & PATTERN_NOCLOSEDIALOG)) { // Show modified documents window CloseMainDialog dlg; if(dlg.DoModal() != IDOK) { return; } } for(auto &doc : GetOpenDocuments()) { doc->SafeFileClose(); } } void CTrackApp::OnUpdateAnyDocsOpen(CCmdUI *cmd) { cmd->Enable(!GetModDocTemplate()->empty()); } int CTrackApp::GetOpenDocumentCount() const { return static_cast(GetModDocTemplate()->size()); } // Retrieve a list of all open modules. std::vector CTrackApp::GetOpenDocuments() const { std::vector documents; if(auto *pDocTmpl = GetModDocTemplate()) { POSITION pos = pDocTmpl->GetFirstDocPosition(); CDocument *pDoc; while((pos != nullptr) && ((pDoc = pDocTmpl->GetNextDoc(pos)) != nullptr)) { documents.push_back(dynamic_cast(pDoc)); } } return documents; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Command Line options class CMPTCommandLineInfo: public CCommandLineInfo { public: std::vector m_fileNames; bool m_noDls = false, m_noPlugins = false, m_noAssembly = false, m_noSysCheck = false, m_noWine = false, m_portable = false, m_noCrashHandler = false, m_debugCrashHandler = false, m_sharedInstance = false; #ifdef ENABLE_TESTS bool m_noTests = false; #endif public: void ParseParam(LPCTSTR param, BOOL isFlag, BOOL isLast) override { if(isFlag) { if(!lstrcmpi(param, _T("nologo"))) { m_bShowSplash = FALSE; return; } if(!lstrcmpi(param, _T("nodls"))) { m_noDls = true; return; } if(!lstrcmpi(param, _T("noplugs"))) { m_noPlugins = true; return; } if(!lstrcmpi(param, _T("portable"))) { m_portable = true; return; } if(!lstrcmpi(param, _T("fullMemDump"))) { ExceptionHandler::fullMemDump = true; return; } if(!lstrcmpi(param, _T("noAssembly"))) { m_noAssembly = true; return; } if(!lstrcmpi(param, _T("noSysCheck"))) { m_noSysCheck = true; return; } if(!lstrcmpi(param, _T("noWine"))) { m_noWine = true; return; } if(!lstrcmpi(param, _T("noCrashHandler"))) { m_noCrashHandler = true; return; } if(!lstrcmpi(param, _T("DebugCrashHandler"))) { m_debugCrashHandler = true; return; } if(!lstrcmpi(param, _T("shared"))) { m_sharedInstance = true; return; } #ifdef ENABLE_TESTS if (!lstrcmpi(param, _T("noTests"))) { m_noTests = true; return; } #endif } else { m_fileNames.push_back(mpt::PathString::FromNative(param)); if(m_nShellCommand == FileNew) m_nShellCommand = FileOpen; } CCommandLineInfo::ParseParam(param, isFlag, isLast); } }; // Splash Screen static void StartSplashScreen(); static void StopSplashScreen(); static void TimeoutSplashScreen(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Midi Library MidiLibrary CTrackApp::midiLibrary; void CTrackApp::ImportMidiConfig(const mpt::PathString &filename, bool hideWarning) { if(filename.empty()) return; if(CDLSBank::IsDLSBank(filename)) { ConfirmAnswer result = cnfYes; if(!hideWarning) { result = Reporting::Confirm("You are about to replace the current MIDI library:\n" "Do you want to replace only the missing instruments? (recommended)", "Warning", true); } if(result == cnfCancel) return; const bool replaceAll = (result == cnfNo); CDLSBank dlsbank; if (dlsbank.Open(filename)) { for(uint32 ins = 0; ins < 256; ins++) { if(replaceAll || midiLibrary[ins].empty()) { uint32 prog = (ins < 128) ? ins : 0xFF; uint32 key = (ins < 128) ? 0xFF : ins & 0x7F; uint32 bank = (ins < 128) ? 0 : F_INSTRUMENT_DRUMS; if (dlsbank.FindInstrument(ins >= 128, bank, prog, key)) { midiLibrary[ins] = filename; } } } } return; } IniFileSettingsContainer file(filename); ImportMidiConfig(file, filename.GetPath()); } static mpt::PathString GetUltraSoundPatchDir(SettingsContainer &file, const mpt::ustring &iniSection, const mpt::PathString &path, bool forgetSettings) { mpt::PathString patchDir = file.Read(iniSection, U_("PatchDir"), {}); if(forgetSettings) file.Forget(U_("Ultrasound"), U_("PatchDir")); if(patchDir.empty() || patchDir == P_(".\\")) patchDir = path; if(!patchDir.empty()) patchDir.EnsureTrailingSlash(); return patchDir; } void CTrackApp::ImportMidiConfig(SettingsContainer &file, const mpt::PathString &path, bool forgetSettings) { const mpt::PathString patchDir = GetUltraSoundPatchDir(file, U_("Ultrasound"), path, forgetSettings); for(uint32 prog = 0; prog < 256; prog++) { mpt::ustring key = MPT_UFORMAT("{}{}")((prog < 128) ? U_("Midi") : U_("Perc"), prog & 0x7F); mpt::PathString filename = file.Read(U_("Midi Library"), key, mpt::PathString()); // Check for ULTRASND.INI if(filename.empty()) { mpt::ustring section = (prog < 128) ? UL_("Melodic Patches") : UL_("Drum Patches"); key = mpt::ufmt::val(prog & 0x7f); filename = file.Read(section, key, mpt::PathString()); if(forgetSettings) file.Forget(section, key); if(filename.empty()) { section = (prog < 128) ? UL_("Melodic Bank 0") : UL_("Drum Bank 0"); filename = file.Read(section, key, mpt::PathString()); if(forgetSettings) file.Forget(section, key); } const mpt::PathString localPatchDir = GetUltraSoundPatchDir(file, section, patchDir, forgetSettings); if(!filename.empty()) { filename = localPatchDir + filename + P_(".pat"); } } if(!filename.empty()) { filename = theApp.PathInstallRelativeToAbsolute(filename); midiLibrary[prog] = filename; } } } void CTrackApp::ExportMidiConfig(const mpt::PathString &filename) { if(filename.empty()) return; IniFileSettingsContainer file(filename); ExportMidiConfig(file); } void CTrackApp::ExportMidiConfig(SettingsContainer &file) { for(uint32 prog = 0; prog < 256; prog++) if (!midiLibrary[prog].empty()) { mpt::PathString szFileName = midiLibrary[prog]; if(!szFileName.empty()) { if(theApp.IsPortableMode()) szFileName = theApp.PathAbsoluteToInstallRelative(szFileName); mpt::ustring key = MPT_UFORMAT("{}{}")((prog < 128) ? U_("Midi") : U_("Perc"), prog & 0x7F); file.Write(U_("Midi Library"), key, szFileName); } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DLS Banks support std::vector> CTrackApp::gpDLSBanks; struct CompareLessPathStringNoCase { inline bool operator()(const mpt::PathString &l, const mpt::PathString &r) const { return mpt::PathString::CompareNoCase(l, r) < 0; } }; std::future>> CTrackApp::LoadDefaultDLSBanks() { std::set paths; uint32 numBanks = theApp.GetSettings().Read(U_("DLS Banks"), U_("NumBanks"), 0); for(uint32 i = 0; i < numBanks; i++) { mpt::PathString path = theApp.GetSettings().Read(U_("DLS Banks"), MPT_UFORMAT("Bank{}")(i + 1), mpt::PathString()); paths.insert(theApp.PathInstallRelativeToAbsolute(path)); } HKEY key; if(RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _T("Software\\Microsoft\\DirectMusic"), 0, KEY_READ, &key) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD dwRegType = REG_SZ; DWORD dwSize = 0; if(RegQueryValueEx(key, _T("GMFilePath"), NULL, &dwRegType, nullptr, &dwSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS && dwSize > 0) { std::vector filenameT(dwSize / sizeof(TCHAR)); if(RegQueryValueEx(key, _T("GMFilePath"), NULL, &dwRegType, reinterpret_cast(filenameT.data()), &dwSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { mpt::winstring filenamestr = ParseMaybeNullTerminatedStringFromBufferWithSizeInBytes(filenameT.data(), dwSize); std::vector filenameExpanded(::ExpandEnvironmentStrings(filenamestr.c_str(), nullptr, 0)); ::ExpandEnvironmentStrings(filenamestr.c_str(), filenameExpanded.data(), static_cast(filenameExpanded.size())); auto filename = mpt::PathString::FromNative(filenameExpanded.data()); ImportMidiConfig(filename, true); paths.insert(std::move(filename)); } } RegCloseKey(key); } if(paths.empty()) return {}; return std::async(std::launch::async, [paths = std::move(paths)]() { std::vector> banks; banks.reserve(paths.size()); for(const auto &filename : paths) { if(filename.empty() || !CDLSBank::IsDLSBank(filename)) continue; try { auto bank = std::make_unique(); if(bank->Open(filename)) { banks.push_back(std::move(bank)); continue; } } catch(mpt::out_of_memory e) { mpt::delete_out_of_memory(e); } catch(const std::exception &) { } } // Avoid the overhead of future::wait_for(0) until future::is_ready is finally non-experimental theApp.m_scannedDlsBanksAvailable = true; return banks; }); } void CTrackApp::SaveDefaultDLSBanks() { uint32 nBanks = 0; for(const auto &bank : gpDLSBanks) { if(!bank || bank->GetFileName().empty()) continue; mpt::PathString path = bank->GetFileName(); if(theApp.IsPortableMode()) { path = theApp.PathAbsoluteToInstallRelative(path); } mpt::ustring key = MPT_UFORMAT("Bank{}")(nBanks + 1); theApp.GetSettings().Write(U_("DLS Banks"), key, path); nBanks++; } theApp.GetSettings().Write(U_("DLS Banks"), U_("NumBanks"), nBanks); } void CTrackApp::RemoveDLSBank(UINT nBank) { if(nBank < gpDLSBanks.size()) gpDLSBanks[nBank] = nullptr; } bool CTrackApp::AddDLSBank(const mpt::PathString &filename) { if(filename.empty() || !CDLSBank::IsDLSBank(filename)) return false; // Check for dupes for(const auto &bank : gpDLSBanks) { if(bank && !mpt::PathString::CompareNoCase(filename, bank->GetFileName())) return true; } try { auto bank = std::make_unique(); if(bank->Open(filename)) { gpDLSBanks.push_back(std::move(bank)); return true; } } catch(mpt::out_of_memory e) { mpt::delete_out_of_memory(e); } catch(const std::exception &) { } return false; } size_t CTrackApp::AddScannedDLSBanks() { if(!m_scannedDlsBanks.valid()) return 0; size_t numAdded = 0; auto scannedBanks = m_scannedDlsBanks.get(); gpDLSBanks.reserve(gpDLSBanks.size() + scannedBanks.size()); const size_t existingBanks = gpDLSBanks.size(); for(auto &bank : scannedBanks) { if(std::find_if(gpDLSBanks.begin(), gpDLSBanks.begin() + existingBanks, [&bank](const auto &other) { return other && *bank == *other; }) == gpDLSBanks.begin() + existingBanks) { gpDLSBanks.push_back(std::move(bank)); numAdded++; } } return numAdded; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CTrackApp MODTYPE CTrackApp::m_nDefaultDocType = MOD_TYPE_IT; BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CTrackApp, CWinApp) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CTrackApp) ON_COMMAND(ID_FILE_NEW, &CTrackApp::OnFileNew) ON_COMMAND(ID_FILE_NEWMOD, &CTrackApp::OnFileNewMOD) ON_COMMAND(ID_FILE_NEWS3M, &CTrackApp::OnFileNewS3M) ON_COMMAND(ID_FILE_NEWXM, &CTrackApp::OnFileNewXM) ON_COMMAND(ID_FILE_NEWIT, &CTrackApp::OnFileNewIT) ON_COMMAND(ID_NEW_MPT, &CTrackApp::OnFileNewMPT) ON_COMMAND(ID_FILE_OPEN, &CTrackApp::OnFileOpen) ON_COMMAND(ID_FILE_CLOSEALL, &CTrackApp::OnFileCloseAll) ON_COMMAND(ID_APP_ABOUT, &CTrackApp::OnAppAbout) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_FILE_CLOSEALL, &CTrackApp::OnUpdateAnyDocsOpen) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CTrackApp construction CTrackApp::CTrackApp() { m_dwRestartManagerSupportFlags = AFX_RESTART_MANAGER_SUPPORT_RESTART | AFX_RESTART_MANAGER_REOPEN_PREVIOUS_FILES; } class OpenMPTDataRecoveryHandler : public CDataRecoveryHandler { public: OpenMPTDataRecoveryHandler(_In_ DWORD dwRestartManagerSupportFlags, _In_ int nAutosaveInterval) : CDataRecoveryHandler(dwRestartManagerSupportFlags, nAutosaveInterval) { return; } ~OpenMPTDataRecoveryHandler() override = default; BOOL SaveOpenDocumentList() override { BOOL bRet = TRUE; // return FALSE if document list non-empty and not saved POSITION posAutosave = m_mapDocNameToAutosaveName.GetStartPosition(); if (posAutosave != NULL) { bRet = FALSE; // Save the open document list and associated autosave info to the registry IniFileSettingsBackend ini(theApp.GetConfigPath() + P_("restart.") + mpt::PathString::FromCString(GetRestartIdentifier()) + P_(".ini")); ini.ConvertToUnicode(); int32 count = 0; while (posAutosave != NULL) { CString strDocument, strAutosave; m_mapDocNameToAutosaveName.GetNextAssoc(posAutosave, strDocument, strAutosave); ini.WriteSetting({ U_("RestartDocument"), mpt::ufmt::val(count) }, SettingValue(mpt::ToUnicode(strDocument))); ini.WriteSetting({ U_("RestartAutosave"), mpt::ufmt::val(count) }, SettingValue(mpt::ToUnicode(strAutosave))); count++; } ini.WriteSetting({ U_("Restart"), U_("Count") }, SettingValue(count)); return TRUE; } return bRet; } BOOL ReadOpenDocumentList() override { BOOL bRet = FALSE; // return TRUE only if at least one document was found { IniFileSettingsBackend ini(theApp.GetConfigPath() + P_("restart.") + mpt::PathString::FromCString(GetRestartIdentifier()) + P_(".ini")); int32 count = ini.ReadSetting({ U_("Restart"), U_("Count") }, SettingValue(0)); for(int32 index = 0; index < count; ++index) { mpt::ustring document = ini.ReadSetting({ U_("RestartDocument"), mpt::ufmt::val(index) }, SettingValue(U_(""))); mpt::ustring autosave = ini.ReadSetting({ U_("RestartAutosave"), mpt::ufmt::val(index) }, SettingValue(U_(""))); if(!document.empty()) { m_mapDocNameToAutosaveName[mpt::ToCString(document)] = mpt::ToCString(autosave); bRet = TRUE; } } ini.RemoveSection(U_("Restart")); ini.RemoveSection(U_("RestartDocument")); ini.RemoveSection(U_("RestartAutosave")); } DeleteFile((theApp.GetConfigPath() + P_("restart.") + mpt::PathString::FromCString(GetRestartIdentifier()) + P_(".ini")).AsNative().c_str()); return bRet; } }; CDataRecoveryHandler *CTrackApp::GetDataRecoveryHandler() { static BOOL bTriedOnce = FALSE; // Since the application restart and application recovery are supported only on Windows // Vista and above, we don't need a recovery handler on Windows versions less than Vista. if (SupportsRestartManager() || SupportsApplicationRecovery()) { if (!bTriedOnce && m_pDataRecoveryHandler == NULL) { m_pDataRecoveryHandler = new OpenMPTDataRecoveryHandler(m_dwRestartManagerSupportFlags, m_nAutosaveInterval); if (!m_pDataRecoveryHandler->Initialize()) { delete m_pDataRecoveryHandler; m_pDataRecoveryHandler = NULL; } } } bTriedOnce = TRUE; return m_pDataRecoveryHandler; } void CTrackApp::AddToRecentFileList(LPCTSTR lpszPathName) { AddToRecentFileList(mpt::PathString::FromCString(lpszPathName)); } void CTrackApp::AddToRecentFileList(const mpt::PathString &path) { RemoveMruItem(path); TrackerSettings::Instance().mruFiles.insert(TrackerSettings::Instance().mruFiles.begin(), path); if(TrackerSettings::Instance().mruFiles.size() > TrackerSettings::Instance().mruListLength) { TrackerSettings::Instance().mruFiles.resize(TrackerSettings::Instance().mruListLength); } CMainFrame::GetMainFrame()->UpdateMRUList(); } void CTrackApp::RemoveMruItem(const size_t item) { if(item < TrackerSettings::Instance().mruFiles.size()) { TrackerSettings::Instance().mruFiles.erase(TrackerSettings::Instance().mruFiles.begin() + item); CMainFrame::GetMainFrame()->UpdateMRUList(); } } void CTrackApp::RemoveMruItem(const mpt::PathString &path) { auto &mruFiles = TrackerSettings::Instance().mruFiles; for(auto i = mruFiles.begin(); i != mruFiles.end(); i++) { if(!mpt::PathString::CompareNoCase(*i, path)) { mruFiles.erase(i); break; } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CTrackApp initialization namespace Tracker { mpt::recursive_mutex_with_lock_count & GetGlobalMutexRef() { return theApp.GetGlobalMutexRef(); } } // namespace Tracker class ComponentManagerSettings : public IComponentManagerSettings { private: TrackerSettings &conf; mpt::PathString configPath; public: ComponentManagerSettings(TrackerSettings &conf, const mpt::PathString &configPath) : conf(conf) , configPath(configPath) { return; } bool LoadOnStartup() const override { return conf.ComponentsLoadOnStartup; } bool KeepLoaded() const override { return conf.ComponentsKeepLoaded; } bool IsBlocked(const std::string &key) const override { return conf.IsComponentBlocked(key); } mpt::PathString Path() const override { if(mpt::OS::Windows::Name(mpt::OS::Windows::GetProcessArchitecture()).empty()) { return mpt::PathString(); } return configPath + P_("Components\\") + mpt::PathString::FromUnicode(mpt::OS::Windows::Name(mpt::OS::Windows::GetProcessArchitecture())) + P_("\\"); } }; // Move a config file called fileName from the App's directory (or one of its sub directories specified by subDir) to // %APPDATA%. If specified, it will be renamed to newFileName. Existing files are never overwritten. // Returns true on success. bool CTrackApp::MoveConfigFile(const mpt::PathString &fileName, mpt::PathString subDir, mpt::PathString newFileName) { const mpt::PathString oldPath = GetInstallPath() + subDir + fileName; mpt::PathString newPath = GetConfigPath() + subDir; if(!newFileName.empty()) newPath += newFileName; else newPath += fileName; if(!newPath.IsFile() && oldPath.IsFile()) { return MoveFile(oldPath.AsNative().c_str(), newPath.AsNative().c_str()) != 0; } return false; } // Set up paths were configuration data is written to. Set overridePortable to true if application's own directory should always be used. void CTrackApp::SetupPaths(bool overridePortable) { // First, determine if the executable is installed in multi-arch mode or in the old standard mode. bool modeMultiArch = false; bool modeSourceProject = false; const mpt::PathString exePath = mpt::GetExecutablePath(); auto exePathComponents = mpt::String::Split(exePath.GetDir().WithoutTrailingSlash().ToUnicode(), P_("\\").ToUnicode()); if(exePathComponents.size() >= 2) { if(exePathComponents[exePathComponents.size()-1] == mpt::OS::Windows::Name(mpt::OS::Windows::GetProcessArchitecture())) { if(exePathComponents[exePathComponents.size()-2] == U_("bin")) { modeMultiArch = true; } } } // Check if we are running from the source tree. if(!modeMultiArch && exePathComponents.size() >= 4) { if(exePathComponents[exePathComponents.size()-1] == mpt::OS::Windows::Name(mpt::OS::Windows::GetProcessArchitecture())) { if(exePathComponents[exePathComponents.size()-4] == U_("bin")) { modeSourceProject = true; } } } if(modeSourceProject) { m_InstallPath = mpt::GetAbsolutePath(exePath + P_("..\\") + P_("..\\") + P_("..\\") + P_("..\\")); m_InstallBinPath = mpt::GetAbsolutePath(exePath + P_("..\\")); m_InstallBinArchPath = exePath; m_InstallPkgPath = mpt::GetAbsolutePath(exePath + P_("..\\") + P_("..\\") + P_("..\\") + P_("..\\packageTemplate\\")); } else if(modeMultiArch) { m_InstallPath = mpt::GetAbsolutePath(exePath + P_("..\\") + P_("..\\")); m_InstallBinPath = mpt::GetAbsolutePath(exePath + P_("..\\")); m_InstallBinArchPath = exePath; m_InstallPkgPath = mpt::GetAbsolutePath(exePath + P_("..\\") + P_("..\\")); } else { m_InstallPath = exePath; m_InstallBinPath = exePath; m_InstallBinArchPath = exePath; m_InstallPkgPath = exePath; } // Determine paths, portable mode, first run. Do not yet update any state. mpt::PathString configPathPortable = (modeSourceProject ? exePath : m_InstallPath); // config path in portable mode mpt::PathString configPathUser; // config path in default non-portable mode { // Try to find a nice directory where we should store our settings (default: %APPDATA%) TCHAR dir[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; if((SHGetFolderPath(NULL, CSIDL_APPDATA, NULL, SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT, dir) == S_OK) || (SHGetFolderPath(NULL, CSIDL_MYDOCUMENTS, NULL, SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT, dir) == S_OK)) { // Store our app settings in %APPDATA% or "My Documents" configPathUser = mpt::PathString::FromNative(dir) + P_("\\OpenMPT\\"); } } // Check if the user has configured portable mode. bool configInstallPortable = false; mpt::PathString portableFlagFilename = (configPathPortable + P_("OpenMPT.portable")); bool configPortableFlag = portableFlagFilename.IsFile(); configInstallPortable = configInstallPortable || configPortableFlag; // before configInstallPortable = configInstallPortable || (GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("Paths"), _T("UseAppDataDirectory"), 1, (configPathPortable + P_("mptrack.ini")).AsNative().c_str()) == 0); // convert to new style if(configInstallPortable && !configPortableFlag) { mpt::SafeOutputFile f(portableFlagFilename); } // Determine portable mode. bool portableMode = overridePortable || configInstallPortable || configPathUser.empty(); // Update config dir m_ConfigPath = portableMode ? configPathPortable : configPathUser; // Set up default file locations m_szConfigFileName = m_ConfigPath + P_("mptrack.ini"); // config file m_szPluginCacheFileName = m_ConfigPath + P_("plugin.cache"); // plugin cache // Force use of custom ini file rather than windowsDir\executableName.ini if(m_pszProfileName) { free((void *)m_pszProfileName); } m_pszProfileName = _tcsdup(m_szConfigFileName.ToCString()); m_bInstallerMode = !modeSourceProject && !portableMode; m_bPortableMode = portableMode; m_bSourceTreeMode = modeSourceProject; } void CTrackApp::CreatePaths() { // Create missing diretories if(!IsPortableMode()) { if(!m_ConfigPath.IsDirectory()) { CreateDirectory(m_ConfigPath.AsNative().c_str(), 0); } } if(!(GetConfigPath() + P_("Components")).IsDirectory()) { CreateDirectory((GetConfigPath() + P_("Components")).AsNative().c_str(), 0); } if(!(GetConfigPath() + P_("Components\\") + mpt::PathString::FromUnicode(mpt::OS::Windows::Name(mpt::OS::Windows::GetProcessArchitecture()))).IsDirectory()) { CreateDirectory((GetConfigPath() + P_("Components\\") + mpt::PathString::FromUnicode(mpt::OS::Windows::Name(mpt::OS::Windows::GetProcessArchitecture()))).AsNative().c_str(), 0); } // Handle updates from old versions. if(!IsPortableMode()) { // Move the config files if they're still in the old place. MoveConfigFile(P_("mptrack.ini")); MoveConfigFile(P_("plugin.cache")); // Import old tunings const mpt::PathString oldTunings = GetInstallPath() + P_("tunings\\"); if(oldTunings.IsDirectory()) { const mpt::PathString searchPattern = oldTunings + P_("*.*"); WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData; HANDLE hFind; hFind = FindFirstFile(searchPattern.AsNative().c_str(), &FindFileData); if(hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { MoveConfigFile(mpt::PathString::FromNative(FindFileData.cFileName), P_("tunings\\")); } while(FindNextFile(hFind, &FindFileData) != 0); } FindClose(hFind); RemoveDirectory(oldTunings.AsNative().c_str()); } } } #if !defined(MPT_BUILD_RETRO) bool CTrackApp::CheckSystemSupport() { const mpt::ustring lf = U_("\n"); const mpt::ustring url = Build::GetURL(Build::Url::Download); if(!BuildVariants::ProcessorCanRunCurrentBuild()) { mpt::ustring text; text += U_("Your CPU is too old to run this variant of OpenMPT.") + lf; text += U_("OpenMPT will exit now.") + lf; Reporting::Error(text, "OpenMPT"); return false; } if(BuildVariants::IsKnownSystem() && !BuildVariants::SystemCanRunCurrentBuild()) { mpt::ustring text; text += U_("Your system does not meet the minimum requirements for this variant of OpenMPT.") + lf; if(mpt::OS::Windows::IsOriginal()) { text += U_("OpenMPT will exit now.") + lf; } Reporting::Error(text, "OpenMPT"); if(mpt::OS::Windows::IsOriginal()) { return false; } else { return true; // may work though } } return true; } #endif // !MPT_BUILD_RETRO BOOL CTrackApp::InitInstanceEarly(CMPTCommandLineInfo &cmdInfo) { // The first step of InitInstance, always executed without any crash handler. #ifndef UNICODE if(MessageBox(NULL, _T("STOP!!!") _T("\n") _T("This is an ANSI (as opposed to a UNICODE) build of OpenMPT.") _T("\n") _T("\n") _T("ANSI builds are NOT SUPPORTED and WILL CAUSE CORRUPTION of the OpenMPT configuration and exhibit other unintended behaviour.") _T("\n") _T("\n") _T("Please use an official build of OpenMPT or compile 'OpenMPT.sln' instead of 'OpenMPT-ANSI.sln'.") _T("\n") _T("\n") _T("Continue starting OpenMPT anyway?") _T("\n"), _T("OpenMPT"), MB_ICONSTOP | MB_YESNO| MB_DEFBUTTON2) != IDYES) { ExitProcess(1); } #endif // Call the base class. // This is required for MFC RestartManager integration. if(!CWinApp::InitInstance()) { return FALSE; } #if MPT_COMPILER_MSVC _CrtSetDebugFillThreshold(0); // Disable buffer filling in secure enhanced CRT functions. #endif // Avoid e.g. audio APIs trying to load wdmaud.drv from arbitrary working directory ::SetCurrentDirectory(mpt::GetExecutablePath().AsNative().c_str()); // Initialize OLE MFC support BOOL oleinit = AfxOleInit(); ASSERT(oleinit != FALSE); // no MPT_ASSERT here! // Parse command line for standard shell commands, DDE, file open ParseCommandLine(cmdInfo); // Set up paths to store configuration in SetupPaths(cmdInfo.m_portable); if(cmdInfo.m_sharedInstance && IPCWindow::SendToIPC(cmdInfo.m_fileNames)) { ExitProcess(0); } // Initialize DocManager (for DDE) // requires mpt::PathString ASSERT(nullptr == m_pDocManager); // no MPT_ASSERT here! m_pDocManager = new CModDocManager(); if(IsDebuggerPresent() && cmdInfo.m_debugCrashHandler) { ExceptionHandler::useAnyCrashHandler = true; ExceptionHandler::useImplicitFallbackSEH = false; ExceptionHandler::useExplicitSEH = true; ExceptionHandler::handleStdTerminate = true; ExceptionHandler::handleMfcExceptions = true; ExceptionHandler::debugExceptionHandler = true; } else if(IsDebuggerPresent() || cmdInfo.m_noCrashHandler) { ExceptionHandler::useAnyCrashHandler = false; ExceptionHandler::useImplicitFallbackSEH = false; ExceptionHandler::useExplicitSEH = false; ExceptionHandler::handleStdTerminate = false; ExceptionHandler::handleMfcExceptions = false; ExceptionHandler::debugExceptionHandler = false; } else { ExceptionHandler::useAnyCrashHandler = true; ExceptionHandler::useImplicitFallbackSEH = true; ExceptionHandler::useExplicitSEH = true; ExceptionHandler::handleStdTerminate = true; ExceptionHandler::handleMfcExceptions = true; ExceptionHandler::debugExceptionHandler = false; } return TRUE; } BOOL CTrackApp::InitInstanceImpl(CMPTCommandLineInfo &cmdInfo) { m_GuiThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId(); mpt::log::Trace::SetThreadId(mpt::log::Trace::ThreadKindGUI, m_GuiThreadId); if(ExceptionHandler::useAnyCrashHandler) { ExceptionHandler::Register(); } // Start loading BeginWaitCursor(); MPT_LOG_GLOBAL(LogInformation, "", U_("OpenMPT Start")); // create the tracker-global random device m_RD = std::make_unique(); // make the device available to non-tracker-only code mpt::set_global_random_device(m_RD.get()); // create and seed the traker-global best PRNG with the random device m_PRNG = std::make_unique >(mpt::make_prng(RandomDevice())); // make the best PRNG available to non-tracker-only code mpt::set_global_prng(m_PRNG.get()); // additionally, seed the C rand() PRNG, just in case any third party library calls rand() mpt::crand::reseed(RandomDevice()); m_Gdiplus = std::make_unique(); if(cmdInfo.m_noWine) { mpt::OS::Windows::PreventWineDetection(); } #ifdef MPT_ENABLE_ARCH_INTRINSICS if(!cmdInfo.m_noAssembly) { CPU::EnableAvailableFeatures(); } #endif // MPT_ENABLE_ARCH_INTRINSICS if(mpt::OS::Windows::IsWine()) { SetWineVersion(std::make_shared()); } // Create paths to store configuration in CreatePaths(); m_pSettingsIniFile = new IniFileSettingsBackend(m_szConfigFileName); m_pSettings = new SettingsContainer(m_pSettingsIniFile); m_pDebugSettings = new DebugSettings(*m_pSettings); m_pTrackerSettings = new TrackerSettings(*m_pSettings); MPT_LOG_GLOBAL(LogInformation, "", U_("OpenMPT settings initialized.")); if(ExceptionHandler::useAnyCrashHandler) { ExceptionHandler::ConfigureSystemHandler(); } if(TrackerSettings::Instance().MiscUseSingleInstance && IPCWindow::SendToIPC(cmdInfo.m_fileNames)) { ExitProcess(0); } IPCWindow::Open(m_hInstance); m_pSongSettingsIniFile = new IniFileSettingsBackend(GetConfigPath() + P_("SongSettings.ini")); m_pSongSettings = new SettingsContainer(m_pSongSettingsIniFile); m_pComponentManagerSettings = new ComponentManagerSettings(TrackerSettings::Instance(), GetConfigPath()); m_pPluginCache = new IniFileSettingsContainer(m_szPluginCacheFileName); // Load standard INI file options (without MRU) // requires SetupPaths+CreatePaths called LoadStdProfileSettings(0); // Set process priority class #ifndef _DEBUG SetPriorityClass(GetCurrentProcess(), TrackerSettings::Instance().MiscProcessPriorityClass); #endif // Dynamic DPI-awareness. Some users might want to disable DPI-awareness because of their DPI-unaware VST plugins. bool setDPI = false; // For Windows 10, Creators Update (1703) and newer { mpt::Library user32(mpt::LibraryPath::System(P_("user32"))); if (user32.IsValid()) { enum MPT_DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT { MPT_DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT_UNAWARE = -1, MPT_DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT_SYSTEM_AWARE = -2, MPT_DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT_PER_MONITOR_AWARE = -3, MPT_DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT_PER_MONITOR_AWARE_V2 = -4, MPT_DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT_UNAWARE_GDISCALED = -5, // 1809 update and newer }; using PSETPROCESSDPIAWARENESSCONTEXT = BOOL(WINAPI *)(HANDLE); PSETPROCESSDPIAWARENESSCONTEXT SetProcessDpiAwarenessContext = nullptr; if(user32.Bind(SetProcessDpiAwarenessContext, "SetProcessDpiAwarenessContext")) { if (TrackerSettings::Instance().highResUI) { setDPI = (SetProcessDpiAwarenessContext(HANDLE(MPT_DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT_PER_MONITOR_AWARE_V2)) == TRUE); } else { if (SetProcessDpiAwarenessContext(HANDLE(MPT_DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT_UNAWARE_GDISCALED)) == TRUE) setDPI = true; else setDPI = (SetProcessDpiAwarenessContext(HANDLE(MPT_DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT_UNAWARE)) == TRUE); } } } } // For Windows 8.1 and newer if(!setDPI) { mpt::Library shcore(mpt::LibraryPath::System(P_("SHCore"))); if(shcore.IsValid()) { using PSETPROCESSDPIAWARENESS = HRESULT (WINAPI *)(int); PSETPROCESSDPIAWARENESS SetProcessDPIAwareness = nullptr; if(shcore.Bind(SetProcessDPIAwareness, "SetProcessDpiAwareness")) { setDPI = (SetProcessDPIAwareness(TrackerSettings::Instance().highResUI ? 2 : 0) == S_OK); } } } // For Vista and newer if(!setDPI && TrackerSettings::Instance().highResUI) { mpt::Library user32(mpt::LibraryPath::System(P_("user32"))); if(user32.IsValid()) { using PSETPROCESSDPIAWARE = BOOL (WINAPI *)(); PSETPROCESSDPIAWARE SetProcessDPIAware = nullptr; if(user32.Bind(SetProcessDPIAware, "SetProcessDPIAware")) { SetProcessDPIAware(); } } } // create main MDI Frame window CMainFrame* pMainFrame = new CMainFrame(); if(!pMainFrame->LoadFrame(IDR_MAINFRAME)) return FALSE; m_pMainWnd = pMainFrame; // Show splash screen if(cmdInfo.m_bShowSplash && TrackerSettings::Instance().m_ShowSplashScreen) { StartSplashScreen(); } // create component manager ComponentManager::Init(*m_pComponentManagerSettings); // load components ComponentManager::Instance()->Startup(); // Wine Support if(mpt::OS::Windows::IsWine()) { WineIntegration::Initialize(); WineIntegration::Load(); } // Register document templates m_pModTemplate = new CModDocTemplate( IDR_MODULETYPE, RUNTIME_CLASS(CModDoc), RUNTIME_CLASS(CChildFrame), // custom MDI child frame RUNTIME_CLASS(CModControlView)); AddDocTemplate(m_pModTemplate); // Load Midi Library ImportMidiConfig(theApp.GetSettings(), {}, true); // Enable DDE Execute open // requires m_pDocManager EnableShellOpen(); // Enable drag/drop open m_pMainWnd->DragAcceptFiles(); // Load sound APIs // requires TrackerSettings m_pAllSoundDeviceComponents = std::make_unique(); auto GetSysInfo = [&]() { if(mpt::OS::Windows::IsWine()) { return SoundDevice::SysInfo(mpt::osinfo::get_class(), mpt::OS::Windows::Version::Current(), mpt::OS::Windows::IsWine(), GetWineVersion()->HostClass(), GetWineVersion()->Version()); } return SoundDevice::SysInfo(mpt::osinfo::get_class(), mpt::OS::Windows::Version::Current(), mpt::OS::Windows::IsWine(), mpt::osinfo::osclass::Unknown, mpt::osinfo::windows::wine::version()); }; SoundDevice::SysInfo sysInfo = GetSysInfo(); SoundDevice::AppInfo appInfo; appInfo.SetName(U_("OpenMPT")); appInfo.SetHWND(*m_pMainWnd); appInfo.BoostedThreadPriorityXP = TrackerSettings::Instance().SoundBoostedThreadPriority; appInfo.BoostedThreadMMCSSClassVista = TrackerSettings::Instance().SoundBoostedThreadMMCSSClass; appInfo.BoostedThreadRealtimePosix = TrackerSettings::Instance().SoundBoostedThreadRealtimePosix; appInfo.BoostedThreadNicenessPosix = TrackerSettings::Instance().SoundBoostedThreadNicenessPosix; appInfo.BoostedThreadRtprioPosix = TrackerSettings::Instance().SoundBoostedThreadRtprioPosix; appInfo.MaskDriverCrashes = TrackerSettings::Instance().SoundMaskDriverCrashes; appInfo.AllowDeferredProcessing = TrackerSettings::Instance().SoundAllowDeferredProcessing; std::vector> deviceEnumerators = SoundDevice::Manager::GetEnabledEnumerators(*m_pAllSoundDeviceComponents); deviceEnumerators.push_back(std::static_pointer_cast(std::make_shared>())); m_pSoundDevicesManager = std::make_unique(m_GlobalLogger, sysInfo, appInfo, std::move(deviceEnumerators)); m_pTrackerSettings->MigrateOldSoundDeviceSettings(*m_pSoundDevicesManager); // Set default note names CSoundFile::SetDefaultNoteNames(); // Load DLS Banks if (!cmdInfo.m_noDls) m_scannedDlsBanks = LoadDefaultDLSBanks(); // Initialize Plugins if (!cmdInfo.m_noPlugins) InitializeDXPlugins(); // Initialize CMainFrame pMainFrame->Initialize(); InitCommonControls(); pMainFrame->m_InputHandler->UpdateMainMenu(); // Dispatch commands specified on the command line if(cmdInfo.m_nShellCommand == CCommandLineInfo::FileNew) { // When not asked to open any existing file, // we do not want to open an empty new one on startup. cmdInfo.m_nShellCommand = CCommandLineInfo::FileNothing; } bool shellSuccess = false; if(cmdInfo.m_fileNames.empty()) { shellSuccess = ProcessShellCommand(cmdInfo) != FALSE; } else { cmdInfo.m_nShellCommand = CCommandLineInfo::FileOpen; for(const auto &filename : cmdInfo.m_fileNames) { cmdInfo.m_strFileName = filename.ToCString(); shellSuccess |= ProcessShellCommand(cmdInfo) != FALSE; } } if(!shellSuccess) { EndWaitCursor(); StopSplashScreen(); return FALSE; } pMainFrame->ShowWindow(m_nCmdShow); pMainFrame->UpdateWindow(); EndWaitCursor(); // Perform startup tasks. #if !defined(MPT_BUILD_RETRO) // Check whether we are running the best build for the given system. if(!cmdInfo.m_noSysCheck) { if(!CheckSystemSupport()) { StopSplashScreen(); return FALSE; } } #endif // !MPT_BUILD_RETRO if(TrackerSettings::Instance().FirstRun) { // On high-DPI devices, automatically upscale pattern font FontSetting font = TrackerSettings::Instance().patternFont; font.size = Clamp(Util::GetDPIy(m_pMainWnd->m_hWnd) / 96 - 1, 0, 9); TrackerSettings::Instance().patternFont = font; new WelcomeDlg(m_pMainWnd); } else { #if !defined(MPT_BUILD_RETRO) bool deprecatedSoundDevice = GetSoundDevicesManager()->FindDeviceInfo(TrackerSettings::Instance().GetSoundDeviceIdentifier()).IsDeprecated(); bool showSettings = deprecatedSoundDevice && !TrackerSettings::Instance().m_SoundDeprecatedDeviceWarningShown && (Reporting::Confirm( U_("You have currently selected a sound device which is deprecated. MME/WaveOut support will be removed in a future OpenMPT version.\n") + U_("The recommended sound device type is WASAPI.\n") + U_("Do you want to change your sound device settings now?"), U_("OpenMPT - Deprecated sound device") ) == cnfYes); if(showSettings) { TrackerSettings::Instance().m_SoundDeprecatedDeviceWarningShown = true; m_pMainWnd->PostMessage(WM_COMMAND, ID_VIEW_OPTIONS); } #endif // !MPT_BUILD_RETRO } #ifdef ENABLE_TESTS if(!cmdInfo.m_noTests) Test::DoTests(); #endif if(TrackerSettings::Instance().m_SoundSettingsOpenDeviceAtStartup) { pMainFrame->InitPreview(); pMainFrame->PreparePreview(NOTE_NOTECUT, 0); pMainFrame->PlayPreview(); } if(!TrackerSettings::Instance().FirstRun) { #if defined(MPT_ENABLE_UPDATE) if(CUpdateCheck::IsSuitableUpdateMoment()) { CUpdateCheck::DoAutoUpdateCheck(); } #endif // MPT_ENABLE_UPDATE } return TRUE; } BOOL CTrackApp::InitInstance() { CMPTCommandLineInfo cmdInfo; if(!InitInstanceEarly(cmdInfo)) { return FALSE; } return InitInstanceLate(cmdInfo); } BOOL CTrackApp::InitInstanceLate(CMPTCommandLineInfo &cmdInfo) { BOOL result = FALSE; if(ExceptionHandler::useExplicitSEH) { // https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/173652 __try { result = InitInstanceImpl(cmdInfo); } __except(ExceptionHandler::ExceptionFilter(GetExceptionInformation())) { std::abort(); } } else { result = InitInstanceImpl(cmdInfo); } return result; } int CTrackApp::Run() { int result = 255; if(ExceptionHandler::useExplicitSEH) { // https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/173652 __try { result = CWinApp::Run(); } __except(ExceptionHandler::ExceptionFilter(GetExceptionInformation())) { std::abort(); } } else { result = CWinApp::Run(); } return result; } LRESULT CTrackApp::ProcessWndProcException(CException * e, const MSG * pMsg) { if(ExceptionHandler::handleMfcExceptions) { LRESULT result = 0L; // as per documentation if(pMsg) { if(pMsg->message == WM_COMMAND) { result = (LRESULT)TRUE; // as per documentation } } if(dynamic_cast(e)) { e->ReportError(); //ExceptionHandler::UnhandledMFCException(e, pMsg); } else { ExceptionHandler::UnhandledMFCException(e, pMsg); } return result; } else { return CWinApp::ProcessWndProcException(e, pMsg); } } int CTrackApp::ExitInstance() { int result = 0; if(ExceptionHandler::useExplicitSEH) { // https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/173652 __try { result = ExitInstanceImpl(); } __except(ExceptionHandler::ExceptionFilter(GetExceptionInformation())) { std::abort(); } } else { result = ExitInstanceImpl(); } return result; } int CTrackApp::ExitInstanceImpl() { IPCWindow::Close(); m_pSoundDevicesManager = nullptr; m_pAllSoundDeviceComponents = nullptr; ExportMidiConfig(theApp.GetSettings()); AddScannedDLSBanks(); SaveDefaultDLSBanks(); gpDLSBanks.clear(); // Uninitialize Plugins UninitializeDXPlugins(); ComponentManager::Release(); delete m_pPluginCache; m_pPluginCache = nullptr; delete m_pComponentManagerSettings; m_pComponentManagerSettings = nullptr; delete m_pTrackerSettings; m_pTrackerSettings = nullptr; delete m_pDebugSettings; m_pDebugSettings = nullptr; delete m_pSettings; m_pSettings = nullptr; delete m_pSettingsIniFile; m_pSettingsIniFile = nullptr; delete m_pSongSettings; m_pSongSettings = nullptr; delete m_pSongSettingsIniFile; m_pSongSettingsIniFile = nullptr; if(mpt::OS::Windows::IsWine()) { SetWineVersion(nullptr); } m_Gdiplus.reset(); mpt::set_global_prng(nullptr); m_PRNG.reset(); mpt::set_global_random_device(nullptr); m_RD.reset(); if(ExceptionHandler::useAnyCrashHandler) { ExceptionHandler::UnconfigureSystemHandler(); ExceptionHandler::Unregister(); } return CWinApp::ExitInstance(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // App Messages CModDoc *CTrackApp::NewDocument(MODTYPE newType) { // Build from template if(newType == MOD_TYPE_NONE) { const mpt::PathString templateFile = TrackerSettings::Instance().defaultTemplateFile; if(TrackerSettings::Instance().defaultNewFileAction == nfDefaultTemplate && !templateFile.empty()) { // Template file can be either a filename inside one of the preset and user TemplateModules folders, or a full path. const mpt::PathString dirs[] = { GetConfigPath() + P_("TemplateModules\\"), GetInstallPath() + P_("TemplateModules\\"), mpt::PathString() }; for(const auto &dir : dirs) { if((dir + templateFile).IsFile()) { if(CModDoc *modDoc = static_cast(m_pModTemplate->OpenTemplateFile(dir + templateFile))) { return modDoc; } } } } // Default module type newType = TrackerSettings::Instance().defaultModType; // Get active document to make the new module of the same type CModDoc *pModDoc = CMainFrame::GetMainFrame()->GetActiveDoc(); if(pModDoc != nullptr && TrackerSettings::Instance().defaultNewFileAction == nfSameAsCurrent) { newType = pModDoc->GetSoundFile().GetBestSaveFormat(); } } SetDefaultDocType(newType); return static_cast(m_pModTemplate->OpenDocumentFile(_T(""))); } void CTrackApp::OpenModulesDialog(std::vector &files, const mpt::PathString &overridePath) { files.clear(); static constexpr std::string_view commonExts[] = {"mod", "s3m", "xm", "it", "mptm", "mo3", "oxm", "nst", "stk", "m15", "pt36", "mid", "rmi", "smf", "wav", "mdz", "s3z", "xmz", "itz", "mdr"}; std::string exts, extsWithoutCommon; for(const auto &ext : CSoundFile::GetSupportedExtensions(true)) { const auto filter = std::string("*.") + ext + std::string(";"); exts += filter; if(!mpt::contains(commonExts, ext)) extsWithoutCommon += filter; } static int nFilterIndex = 0; FileDialog dlg = OpenFileDialog() .AllowMultiSelect() .ExtensionFilter("All Modules (*.mptm,*.mod,*.xm,*.s3m,*.it,...)|" + exts + ";mod.*" "|" "Compressed Modules (*.mdz,*.s3z,*.xmz,*.itz,*.mo3,*.oxm,...)|*.mdz;*.s3z;*.xmz;*.itz;*.mdr;*.zip;*.rar;*.lha;*.pma;*.lzs;*.gz;*.mo3;*.oxm" "|" "ProTracker Modules (*.mod,*.nst)|*.mod;mod.*;*.mdz;*.nst;*.m15;*.stk;*.pt36|" "Scream Tracker Modules (*.s3m,*.stm)|*.s3m;*.stm;*.s3z;*.stx|" "FastTracker Modules (*.xm)|*.xm;*.xmz|" "Impulse Tracker Modules (*.it)|*.it;*.itz|" "OpenMPT Modules (*.mptm)|*.mptm;*.mptmz|" "Other Modules (*.mtm,*.okt,*.mdl,*.669,*.far,...)|" + extsWithoutCommon + "|" "Wave Files (*.wav)|*.wav|" "MIDI Files (*.mid,*.rmi)|*.mid;*.rmi;*.smf|" "All Files (*.*)|*.*||") .WorkingDirectory(overridePath.empty() ? TrackerSettings::Instance().PathSongs.GetWorkingDir() : overridePath) .FilterIndex(&nFilterIndex); if(!dlg.Show()) return; if(overridePath.empty()) TrackerSettings::Instance().PathSongs.SetWorkingDir(dlg.GetWorkingDirectory()); files = dlg.GetFilenames(); } void CTrackApp::OnFileOpen() { FileDialog::PathList files; OpenModulesDialog(files); for(const auto &file : files) { OpenDocumentFile(file.ToCString()); } } // App command to run the dialog void CTrackApp::OnAppAbout() { if (CAboutDlg::instance) return; CAboutDlg::instance = new CAboutDlg(); CAboutDlg::instance->Create(IDD_ABOUTBOX, m_pMainWnd); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Splash Screen class CSplashScreen: public CDialog { protected: std::unique_ptr m_Image; public: ~CSplashScreen(); BOOL OnInitDialog() override; void OnOK() override; void OnCancel() override { OnOK(); } void OnPaint(); BOOL OnEraseBkgnd(CDC *) { return TRUE; } DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() }; BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CSplashScreen, CDialog) ON_WM_PAINT() ON_WM_ERASEBKGND() END_MESSAGE_MAP() static CSplashScreen *gpSplashScreen = NULL; static DWORD64 gSplashScreenStartTime = 0; CSplashScreen::~CSplashScreen() { gpSplashScreen = nullptr; } void CSplashScreen::OnPaint() { CPaintDC dc(this); Gdiplus::Graphics gfx(dc); CRect rect; GetClientRect(&rect); gfx.SetInterpolationMode(Gdiplus::InterpolationModeHighQuality); gfx.SetSmoothingMode(Gdiplus::SmoothingModeHighQuality); gfx.DrawImage(m_Image.get(), 0, 0, rect.right, rect.bottom); CDialog::OnPaint(); } BOOL CSplashScreen::OnInitDialog() { CDialog::OnInitDialog(); try { m_Image = GDIP::LoadPixelImage(GetResource(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_SPLASHNOFOLDFIN), _T("PNG"))); } catch(const bad_image &) { return FALSE; } CRect rect; GetWindowRect(&rect); const int width = Util::ScalePixels(m_Image->GetWidth(), m_hWnd) / 2; const int height = Util::ScalePixels(m_Image->GetHeight(), m_hWnd) / 2; SetWindowPos(nullptr, rect.left - ((width - rect.Width()) / 2), rect.top - ((height - rect.Height()) / 2), width, height, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOCOPYBITS); return TRUE; } void CSplashScreen::OnOK() { StopSplashScreen(); } static void StartSplashScreen() { if(!gpSplashScreen) { gpSplashScreen = new CSplashScreen(); gpSplashScreen->Create(IDD_SPLASHSCREEN, theApp.m_pMainWnd); gpSplashScreen->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); gpSplashScreen->UpdateWindow(); gpSplashScreen->BeginWaitCursor(); gSplashScreenStartTime = Util::GetTickCount64(); } } static void StopSplashScreen() { if(gpSplashScreen) { gpSplashScreen->EndWaitCursor(); gpSplashScreen->DestroyWindow(); delete gpSplashScreen; gpSplashScreen = nullptr; } } static void TimeoutSplashScreen() { if(gpSplashScreen) { if(Util::GetTickCount64() - gSplashScreenStartTime > 100) { StopSplashScreen(); } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Idle-time processing BOOL CTrackApp::OnIdle(LONG lCount) { BOOL b = CWinApp::OnIdle(lCount); TimeoutSplashScreen(); if(CMainFrame::GetMainFrame()) { CMainFrame::GetMainFrame()->IdleHandlerSounddevice(); if(m_scannedDlsBanksAvailable) { if(AddScannedDLSBanks()) CMainFrame::GetMainFrame()->RefreshDlsBanks(); } } // Call plugins idle routine for open editor if (m_pPluginManager) { DWORD curTime = timeGetTime(); //rewbs.vstCompliance: call @ 50Hz if (curTime - m_dwLastPluginIdleCall > 20 || curTime < m_dwLastPluginIdleCall) { m_pPluginManager->OnIdle(); m_dwLastPluginIdleCall = curTime; } } return b; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DIB RGBQUAD rgb2quad(COLORREF c) { RGBQUAD r; r.rgbBlue = GetBValue(c); r.rgbGreen = GetGValue(c); r.rgbRed = GetRValue(c); r.rgbReserved = 0; return r; } void DibBlt(HDC hdc, int x, int y, int sizex, int sizey, int srcx, int srcy, MODPLUGDIB *lpdib) { if (!lpdib) return; SetDIBitsToDevice( hdc, x, y, sizex, sizey, srcx, lpdib->bmiHeader.biHeight - srcy - sizey, 0, lpdib->bmiHeader.biHeight, lpdib->lpDibBits, (LPBITMAPINFO)lpdib, DIB_RGB_COLORS); } MODPLUGDIB *LoadDib(LPCTSTR lpszName) { mpt::const_byte_span data = GetResource(lpszName, RT_BITMAP); if(!data.data()) { return nullptr; } LPBITMAPINFO p = (LPBITMAPINFO)data.data(); MODPLUGDIB *pmd = new MODPLUGDIB; pmd->bmiHeader = p->bmiHeader; for (int i=0; i<16; i++) pmd->bmiColors[i] = p->bmiColors[i]; LPBYTE lpDibBits = (LPBYTE)p; lpDibBits += p->bmiHeader.biSize + 16 * sizeof(RGBQUAD); pmd->lpDibBits = lpDibBits; return pmd; } int DrawTextT(HDC hdc, const wchar_t *lpchText, int cchText, LPRECT lprc, UINT format) { return ::DrawTextW(hdc, lpchText, cchText, lprc, format); } int DrawTextT(HDC hdc, const char *lpchText, int cchText, LPRECT lprc, UINT format) { return ::DrawTextA(hdc, lpchText, cchText, lprc, format); } template static void DrawButtonRectImpl(HDC hdc, CRect rect, const Tchar *lpszText, bool disabled, bool pushed, DWORD textFlags, uint32 topMargin) { int width = Util::ScalePixels(1, WindowFromDC(hdc)); if(width != 1) { // Draw "real" buttons in Hi-DPI mode DrawFrameControl(hdc, rect, DFC_BUTTON, pushed ? (DFCS_PUSHED | DFCS_BUTTONPUSH) : DFCS_BUTTONPUSH); } else { const auto colorHighlight = GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNHIGHLIGHT), colorShadow = GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNSHADOW); auto oldpen = SelectPen(hdc, GetStockObject(DC_PEN)); ::SetDCPenColor(hdc, pushed ? colorShadow : colorHighlight); ::FillRect(hdc, rect, GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_BTNFACE)); ::MoveToEx(hdc, rect.left, rect.bottom - 1, nullptr); ::LineTo(hdc, rect.left, rect.top); ::LineTo(hdc, rect.right - 1, rect.top); ::SetDCPenColor(hdc, pushed ? colorHighlight : colorShadow); ::LineTo(hdc, rect.right - 1, rect.bottom - 1); ::LineTo(hdc, rect.left, rect.bottom - 1); SelectPen(hdc, oldpen); } if(lpszText && lpszText[0]) { rect.DeflateRect(width, width); if(pushed) { rect.top += width; rect.left += width; } ::SetTextColor(hdc, GetSysColor(disabled ? COLOR_GRAYTEXT : COLOR_BTNTEXT)); ::SetBkMode(hdc, TRANSPARENT); rect.top += topMargin; auto oldfont = SelectFont(hdc, CMainFrame::GetGUIFont()); DrawTextT(hdc, lpszText, -1, &rect, textFlags | DT_SINGLELINE | DT_NOPREFIX); SelectFont(hdc, oldfont); } } void DrawButtonRect(HDC hdc, const RECT *lpRect, LPCSTR lpszText, BOOL bDisabled, BOOL bPushed, DWORD dwFlags, uint32 topMargin) { DrawButtonRectImpl(hdc, *lpRect, lpszText, bDisabled, bPushed, dwFlags, topMargin); } void DrawButtonRect(HDC hdc, const RECT *lpRect, LPCWSTR lpszText, BOOL bDisabled, BOOL bPushed, DWORD dwFlags, uint32 topMargin) { DrawButtonRectImpl(hdc, *lpRect, lpszText, bDisabled, bPushed, dwFlags, topMargin); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Misc functions void ErrorBox(UINT nStringID, CWnd *parent) { CString str; BOOL resourceLoaded = str.LoadString(nStringID); if(!resourceLoaded) { str.Format(_T("Resource string %u not found."), nStringID); } MPT_ASSERT(resourceLoaded); Reporting::CustomNotification(str, _T("Error!"), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR, parent); } CString GetWindowTextString(const CWnd &wnd) { CString result; wnd.GetWindowText(result); return result; } mpt::ustring GetWindowTextUnicode(const CWnd &wnd) { return mpt::ToUnicode(GetWindowTextString(wnd)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CFastBitmap 8-bit output / 4-bit input // useful for lots of small blits with color mapping // combined in one big blit void CFastBitmap::Init(MODPLUGDIB *lpTextDib) { m_nBlendOffset = 0; m_pTextDib = lpTextDib; MemsetZero(m_Dib.bmiHeader); m_nTextColor = 0; m_nBkColor = 1; m_Dib.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); m_Dib.bmiHeader.biWidth = 0; // Set later m_Dib.bmiHeader.biHeight = 0; // Ditto m_Dib.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; m_Dib.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 8; m_Dib.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; m_Dib.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = 0; m_Dib.bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 96; m_Dib.bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 96; m_Dib.bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0; m_Dib.bmiHeader.biClrImportant = 256; // MAX_MODPALETTECOLORS; m_n4BitPalette[0] = (BYTE)m_nTextColor; m_n4BitPalette[4] = MODCOLOR_SEPSHADOW; m_n4BitPalette[12] = MODCOLOR_SEPFACE; m_n4BitPalette[14] = MODCOLOR_SEPHILITE; m_n4BitPalette[15] = (BYTE)m_nBkColor; } void CFastBitmap::Blit(HDC hdc, int x, int y, int cx, int cy) { SetDIBitsToDevice( hdc, x, y, cx, cy, 0, m_Dib.bmiHeader.biHeight - cy, 0, m_Dib.bmiHeader.biHeight, &m_Dib.DibBits[0], (LPBITMAPINFO)&m_Dib, DIB_RGB_COLORS); } void CFastBitmap::SetColor(UINT nIndex, COLORREF cr) { if (nIndex < 256) { m_Dib.bmiColors[nIndex].rgbRed = GetRValue(cr); m_Dib.bmiColors[nIndex].rgbGreen = GetGValue(cr); m_Dib.bmiColors[nIndex].rgbBlue = GetBValue(cr); } } void CFastBitmap::SetAllColors(UINT nBaseIndex, UINT nColors, COLORREF *pcr) { for (UINT i=0; i> 2) + (m_Dib.bmiColors[i].rgbGreen >> 1) + (m_Dib.bmiColors[i].rgbBlue >> 2); m_Dib.bmiColors[i|BLEND_OFFSET].rgbRed = static_cast((m + r)>>1); m_Dib.bmiColors[i|BLEND_OFFSET].rgbGreen = static_cast((m + g)>>1); m_Dib.bmiColors[i|BLEND_OFFSET].rgbBlue = static_cast((m + b)>>1); } } // Monochrome 4-bit bitmap (0=text, !0 = back) void CFastBitmap::TextBlt(int x, int y, int cx, int cy, int srcx, int srcy, MODPLUGDIB *lpdib) { const uint8 *psrc; BYTE *pdest; UINT x1, x2; int srcwidth, srcinc; m_n4BitPalette[0] = (BYTE)m_nTextColor; m_n4BitPalette[15] = (BYTE)m_nBkColor; if (x < 0) { cx += x; x = 0; } if (y < 0) { cy += y; y = 0; } if ((x >= m_Dib.bmiHeader.biWidth) || (y >= m_Dib.bmiHeader.biHeight)) return; if (x+cx >= m_Dib.bmiHeader.biWidth) cx = m_Dib.bmiHeader.biWidth - x; if (y+cy >= m_Dib.bmiHeader.biHeight) cy = m_Dib.bmiHeader.biHeight - y; if (!lpdib) lpdib = m_pTextDib; if ((cx <= 0) || (cy <= 0) || (!lpdib)) return; srcwidth = (lpdib->bmiHeader.biWidth+1) >> 1; srcinc = srcwidth; if (((int)lpdib->bmiHeader.biHeight) > 0) { srcy = lpdib->bmiHeader.biHeight - 1 - srcy; srcinc = -srcinc; } x1 = srcx & 1; x2 = x1 + cx; pdest = &m_Dib.DibBits[((m_Dib.bmiHeader.biHeight - 1 - y) << m_nXShiftFactor) + x]; psrc = lpdib->lpDibBits + (srcx >> 1) + (srcy * srcwidth); for (int iy=0; iy> 1]; *p++ = m_n4BitPalette[b & 0x0F]+m_nBlendOffset; ix++; } while (ix+1 < x2) { UINT b = psrc[ix >> 1]; p[0] = m_n4BitPalette[b >> 4]+m_nBlendOffset; p[1] = m_n4BitPalette[b & 0x0F]+m_nBlendOffset; ix+=2; p+=2; } if (x2&1) { UINT b = psrc[ix >> 1]; *p++ = m_n4BitPalette[b >> 4]+m_nBlendOffset; } pdest -= m_Dib.bmiHeader.biWidth; psrc += srcinc; } } void CFastBitmap::SetSize(int x, int y) { if(x > 4) { // Compute the required shift factor for obtaining a power-of-two bitmap width m_nXShiftFactor = 1; x--; while(x >>= 1) { m_nXShiftFactor++; } } else { // Bitmaps rows are aligned to 4 bytes, so let this bitmap be exactly 4 pixels wide. m_nXShiftFactor = 2; } x = (1 << m_nXShiftFactor); if(m_Dib.DibBits.size() != static_cast(y << m_nXShiftFactor)) m_Dib.DibBits.resize(y << m_nXShiftFactor); m_Dib.bmiHeader.biWidth = x; m_Dib.bmiHeader.biHeight = y; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // DirectX Plugins // void CTrackApp::InitializeDXPlugins() { m_pPluginManager = new CVstPluginManager; const size_t numPlugins = GetSettings().Read(U_("VST Plugins"), U_("NumPlugins"), 0); bool maskCrashes = TrackerSettings::Instance().BrokenPluginsWorkaroundVSTMaskAllCrashes; std::vector nonFoundPlugs; const mpt::PathString failedPlugin = GetSettings().Read(U_("VST Plugins"), U_("FailedPlugin"), P_("")); CDialog pluginScanDlg; CWnd *textWnd = nullptr; DWORD64 scanStart = Util::GetTickCount64(); // Read tags for built-in plugins for(auto plug : *m_pPluginManager) { mpt::ustring key = MPT_UFORMAT("Plugin{}{}.Tags")(mpt::ufmt::HEX0<8>(plug->pluginId1), mpt::ufmt::HEX0<8>(plug->pluginId2)); plug->tags = GetSettings().Read(U_("VST Plugins"), key, mpt::ustring()); } // Restructured plugin cache if(TrackerSettings::Instance().PreviousSettingsVersion < MPT_V("")) { DeleteFile(m_szPluginCacheFileName.AsNative().c_str()); GetPluginCache().ForgetAll(); } m_pPluginManager->reserve(numPlugins); auto plugIDFormat = MPT_UFORMAT("Plugin{}"); auto scanFormat = MPT_CFORMAT("Scanning Plugin {} / {}...\n{}"); auto tagFormat = MPT_UFORMAT("Plugin{}.Tags"); for(size_t plug = 0; plug < numPlugins; plug++) { mpt::PathString plugPath = GetSettings().Read(U_("VST Plugins"), plugIDFormat(plug), mpt::PathString()); if(!plugPath.empty()) { plugPath = PathInstallRelativeToAbsolute(plugPath); if(!pluginScanDlg.m_hWnd && Util::GetTickCount64() >= scanStart + 2000) { // If this is taking too long, show the user what they're waiting for. pluginScanDlg.Create(IDD_SCANPLUGINS, gpSplashScreen); pluginScanDlg.ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); pluginScanDlg.CenterWindow(gpSplashScreen); textWnd = pluginScanDlg.GetDlgItem(IDC_SCANTEXT); } else if(pluginScanDlg.m_hWnd && Util::GetTickCount64() >= scanStart + 30) { textWnd->SetWindowText(scanFormat(plug + 1, numPlugins + 1, plugPath)); MSG msg; while(::PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { ::TranslateMessage(&msg); ::DispatchMessage(&msg); } scanStart = Util::GetTickCount64(); } if(plugPath == failedPlugin) { GetSettings().Remove(U_("VST Plugins"), U_("FailedPlugin")); const CString text = _T("The following plugin has previously crashed OpenMPT during initialisation:\n\n") + failedPlugin.ToCString() + _T("\n\nDo you still want to load it?"); if(Reporting::Confirm(text, false, true, &pluginScanDlg) == cnfNo) { continue; } } mpt::ustring plugTags = GetSettings().Read(U_("VST Plugins"), tagFormat(plug), mpt::ustring()); bool plugFound = true; VSTPluginLib *lib = m_pPluginManager->AddPlugin(plugPath, maskCrashes, plugTags, true, &plugFound); if(!plugFound && lib != nullptr) { nonFoundPlugs.push_back(lib); } if(lib != nullptr && lib->libraryName == P_("MIDI Input Output") && lib->pluginId1 == PLUGMAGIC('V','s','t','P') && lib->pluginId2 == PLUGMAGIC('M','M','I','D')) { // This appears to be an old version of our MIDI I/O plugin, which is now built right into the main executable. m_pPluginManager->RemovePlugin(lib); } } } GetPluginCache().Flush(); if(pluginScanDlg.m_hWnd) { pluginScanDlg.DestroyWindow(); } if(!nonFoundPlugs.empty()) { PlugNotFoundDialog(nonFoundPlugs, nullptr).DoModal(); } } void CTrackApp::UninitializeDXPlugins() { if(!m_pPluginManager) return; #ifndef NO_PLUGINS size_t plugIndex = 0; for(auto plug : *m_pPluginManager) { if(!plug->isBuiltIn) { mpt::PathString plugPath = plug->dllPath; if(theApp.IsPortableMode()) { plugPath = PathAbsoluteToInstallRelative(plugPath); } theApp.GetSettings().Write(U_("VST Plugins"), MPT_UFORMAT("Plugin{}")(plugIndex), plugPath); theApp.GetSettings().Write(U_("VST Plugins"), MPT_UFORMAT("Plugin{}.Tags")(plugIndex), plug->tags); plugIndex++; } else { mpt::ustring key = MPT_UFORMAT("Plugin{}{}.Tags")(mpt::ufmt::HEX0<8>(plug->pluginId1), mpt::ufmt::HEX0<8>(plug->pluginId2)); theApp.GetSettings().Write(U_("VST Plugins"), key, plug->tags); } } theApp.GetSettings().Write(U_("VST Plugins"), U_("NumPlugins"), static_cast(plugIndex)); #endif // NO_PLUGINS delete m_pPluginManager; m_pPluginManager = nullptr; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Internet-related functions bool CTrackApp::OpenURL(const char *url) { if(!url) return false; return OpenURL(mpt::PathString::FromUTF8(url)); } bool CTrackApp::OpenURL(const std::string &url) { return OpenURL(mpt::PathString::FromUTF8(url)); } bool CTrackApp::OpenURL(const CString &url) { return OpenURL(mpt::ToUnicode(url)); } bool CTrackApp::OpenURL(const mpt::ustring &url) { return OpenURL(mpt::PathString::FromUnicode(url)); } bool CTrackApp::OpenURL(const mpt::PathString &lpszURL) { if(!lpszURL.empty() && theApp.m_pMainWnd) { if(reinterpret_cast(ShellExecute( theApp.m_pMainWnd->m_hWnd, _T("open"), lpszURL.AsNative().c_str(), NULL, NULL, SW_SHOW)) >= 32) { return true; } } return false; } CString CTrackApp::GetResamplingModeName(ResamplingMode mode, int length, bool addTaps) { CString result; switch(mode) { case SRCMODE_NEAREST: result = (length > 1) ? _T("No Interpolation") : _T("None") ; break; case SRCMODE_LINEAR: result = _T("Linear"); break; case SRCMODE_CUBIC: result = _T("Cubic"); break; case SRCMODE_SINC8: result = _T("Sinc"); break; case SRCMODE_SINC8LP: result = _T("Sinc"); break; default: MPT_ASSERT_NOTREACHED(); break; } if(Resampling::HasAA(mode)) { result += (length > 1) ? _T(" + Low-Pass") : _T(" + LP"); } if(addTaps) { result += MPT_CFORMAT(" ({} tap{})")(Resampling::Length(mode), (Resampling::Length(mode) != 1) ? CString(_T("s")) : CString(_T(""))); } return result; } mpt::ustring CTrackApp::GetFriendlyMIDIPortName(const mpt::ustring &deviceName, bool isInputPort, bool addDeviceName) { auto friendlyName = GetSettings().Read(isInputPort ? U_("MIDI Input Ports") : U_("MIDI Output Ports"), deviceName, deviceName); if(friendlyName.empty()) return deviceName; else if(addDeviceName && friendlyName != deviceName) return friendlyName + UL_(" (") + deviceName + UL_(")"); else return friendlyName; } CString CTrackApp::GetFriendlyMIDIPortName(const CString &deviceName, bool isInputPort, bool addDeviceName) { return mpt::ToCString(GetFriendlyMIDIPortName(mpt::ToUnicode(deviceName), isInputPort, addDeviceName)); } OPENMPT_NAMESPACE_END