title: "Community Update #3"
tags: [community-updates]
author: starkos
author_url: https://github.com/starkos
author_image_url: https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/249247?v=4
author_title: Premake Admin & Developer

Just a quick update this time: I had big plans for new features this cycle, but ended up getting swamped in end-of-year deadlines, and was only able to deliver a small portion of what I had intended (and late, at that). Still, I did manage a quick port-and-polish of the unit testing module and all of its dependencies, so I'm well positioned to begin the new user scripting API work in earnest. I will be on the road a fair bit over the next quarter, but I'm still optimistic that I can get enough of the new system online to give folks a sense of where things are headed.

If you haven't been following along, you can see what I've been up to, and why, over at [my premake-next repository on GitHub](https://github.com/starkos/premake-next). I'm also posting regular updates here, as well as at [@premakeapp](https://twitter.com/premakeapp).

Many thanks to **[CitizenFX Collective](https://opencollective.com/_fivem)** and **[Industrious One](https://opencollective.com/industriousone)**, and to new contributors **[Renaud Guillard](https://opencollective.com/renaud-guillard), [Wracky](https://opencollective.com/wracky),** and **[MiCroN3000](https://opencollective.com/micha-titulaer)**. Your generous support makes this possible, and is very much appreciated! 🎉


(Your feedback is welcome and appreciated—come find us at [github.com/premake](https://github.com/premake) or [@premakeapp](https://twitter.com/premakeapp).)