#ifndef _BITMAP_H
#define _BITMAP_H

//#include <wasabicfg.h>
//#include <bfc/common.h>
#include <bfc/string/string.h>
#include <bfc/string/StringW.h>

class ifc_canvas;  // see canvas.h

//#define NO_MMX

class api_region;

// a skinnable bitmap
class SkinBitmap
#ifndef _NOSTUDIO
#ifdef _WIN32
	SkinBitmap(HINSTANCE hInst, int _id, const wchar_t *colorgroup = NULL);  //NONPORTABLE
	SkinBitmap(const wchar_t *elementname, int cached = 1);
	//  SkinBitmap(SkinBitmap *source, int w, int h);
	SkinBitmap(int w, int h, ARGB32 bgcolor = RGBA(255,255,255,255));  //untested --BU
#ifdef _WIN32
	SkinBitmap(HBITMAP bitmap);
	SkinBitmap(HBITMAP bitmap, HDC dc, int has_alpha = 0, void *bits = NULL);
	SkinBitmap(ARGB32 *bits, int w, int h); // added by benski, use if you have raw image bits

int getWidth() const { return subimage_w == -1 ? fullimage_w : subimage_w; };
int getHeight() const { return subimage_h == -1 ? fullimage_h : subimage_h; };
	int getFullWidth() const { return fullimage_w; };
	int getFullHeight() const { return fullimage_h; };
int getX() const { return x_offset == -1 ? 0 : x_offset; };
int getY() const { return y_offset == -1 ? 0 : y_offset; };
	int getBpp() const { return 32; };
	int getAlpha() const { return has_alpha; };
	void setHasAlpha(int ha);
	virtual void *getBits();
	int isInvalid();

	const wchar_t *getBitmapName();

	void blit(ifc_canvas *canvas, int x, int y);
	void blitAlpha(ifc_canvas *canvas, int x, int y, int alpha = 255);
	// blits a chunk of source into dest rect
	void blitToRect(ifc_canvas *canvas, RECT *src, RECT *dst, int alpha = 255);
	void blitTile(ifc_canvas *canvas, RECT *dest, int xoffs = 0, int yoffs = 0, int alpha = 255);
	void blitRectToTile(ifc_canvas *canvas, RECT *dest, RECT *src, int xoffs = 0, int yoffs = 0, int alpha = 255);
	void stretch(ifc_canvas *canvas, int x, int y, int w, int h);
	void stretchToRect(ifc_canvas *canvas, RECT *r);
	void stretchRectToRect(ifc_canvas *canvas, RECT *src, RECT *dst);

	void stretchToRectAlpha(ifc_canvas *canvas, RECT *r, int alpha = 255);
	void stretchToRectAlpha(ifc_canvas *canvas, RECT *src, RECT *dst, int alpha = 255);
	ARGB32 getPixel(int x, int y);

#ifdef _WIN32
	void bmpToBits(HBITMAP hbmp, HDC defaultDC = NULL);

	int has_alpha;

	int x_offset, y_offset, subimage_w, subimage_h, fullimage_w, fullimage_h;

	ARGB32 *bits;
	int ownbits;
	int last_failed;
	StringW bitmapname;
	int fromskin;
