en.ttt 7.2 KB

  1. ;!@Lang2@!UTF-8!
  2. ; 22.00 : 2022-06-09 : Igor Pavlov
  3. ;
  4. ;
  5. ;
  6. ;
  7. ;
  8. ;
  9. ;
  10. ;
  11. ;
  12. ;
  13. 0
  14. 7-Zip
  15. English
  16. English
  17. 401
  18. OK
  19. Cancel
  20. &Yes
  21. &No
  22. &Close
  23. Help
  24. &Continue
  25. 440
  26. Yes to &All
  27. No to A&ll
  28. Stop
  29. Restart
  30. &Background
  31. &Foreground
  32. &Pause
  33. Paused
  34. Are you sure you want to cancel?
  35. 500
  36. &File
  37. &Edit
  38. &View
  39. F&avorites
  40. &Tools
  41. &Help
  42. 540
  43. &Open
  44. Open &Inside
  45. Open O&utside
  46. &View
  47. &Edit
  48. Rena&me
  49. &Copy To...
  50. &Move To...
  51. &Delete
  52. &Split file...
  53. Com&bine files...
  54. P&roperties
  55. Comme&nt...
  56. Calculate checksum
  57. Diff
  58. Create Folder
  59. Create File
  60. E&xit
  61. Link
  62. &Alternate Streams
  63. 600
  64. Select &All
  65. Deselect All
  66. &Invert Selection
  67. Select...
  68. Deselect...
  69. Select by Type
  70. Deselect by Type
  71. 700
  72. Lar&ge Icons
  73. S&mall Icons
  74. &List
  75. &Details
  76. 730
  77. Unsorted
  78. Flat View
  79. &2 Panels
  80. &Toolbars
  81. Open Root Folder
  82. Up One Level
  83. Folders History...
  84. &Refresh
  85. Auto Refresh
  86. 750
  87. Archive Toolbar
  88. Standard Toolbar
  89. Large Buttons
  90. Show Buttons Text
  91. 800
  92. &Add folder to Favorites as
  93. Bookmark
  94. 900
  95. &Options...
  96. &Benchmark
  97. 960
  98. &Contents...
  99. &About 7-Zip...
  100. 1003
  101. Path
  102. Name
  103. Extension
  104. Folder
  105. Size
  106. Packed Size
  107. Attributes
  108. Created
  109. Accessed
  110. Modified
  111. Solid
  112. Commented
  113. Encrypted
  114. Split Before
  115. Split After
  116. Dictionary
  117. Type
  118. Anti
  119. Method
  120. Host OS
  121. File System
  122. User
  123. Group
  124. Block
  125. Comment
  126. Position
  127. Path Prefix
  128. Folders
  129. Files
  130. Version
  131. Volume
  132. Multivolume
  133. Offset
  134. Links
  135. Blocks
  136. Volumes
  137. 64-bit
  138. Big-endian
  139. CPU
  140. Physical Size
  141. Headers Size
  142. Checksum
  143. Characteristics
  144. Virtual Address
  145. ID
  146. Short Name
  147. Creator Application
  148. Sector Size
  149. Mode
  150. Symbolic Link
  151. Error
  152. Total Size
  153. Free Space
  154. Cluster Size
  155. Label
  156. Local Name
  157. Provider
  158. NT Security
  159. Alternate Stream
  160. Aux
  161. Deleted
  162. Is Tree
  163. Error Type
  164. Errors
  165. Errors
  166. Warnings
  167. Warning
  168. Streams
  169. Alternate Streams
  170. Alternate Streams Size
  171. Virtual Size
  172. Unpack Size
  173. Total Physical Size
  174. Volume Index
  175. SubType
  176. Short Comment
  177. Code Page
  178. Tail Size
  179. Embedded Stub Size
  180. Link
  181. Hard Link
  182. iNode
  183. Read-only
  184. Copy Link
  185. Metadata Changed
  186. 2100
  187. Options
  188. Language
  189. Language:
  190. Editor
  191. &Editor:
  192. &Diff:
  193. 2200
  194. System
  195. Associate 7-Zip with:
  196. All users
  197. 2301
  198. Integrate 7-Zip to shell context menu
  199. Cascaded context menu
  200. Context menu items:
  201. Icons in context menu
  202. 2320
  203. <Folder>
  204. <Archive>
  205. Open archive
  206. Extract files...
  207. Add to archive...
  208. Test archive
  209. Extract Here
  210. Extract to {0}
  211. Add to {0}
  212. Compress and email...
  213. Compress to {0} and email
  214. 2400
  215. Folders
  216. &Working folder
  217. &System temp folder
  218. &Current
  219. &Specified:
  220. Use for removable drives only
  221. Specify a location for temporary archive files.
  222. 2500
  223. Settings
  224. Show ".." item
  225. Show real file icons
  226. Show system menu
  227. &Full row select
  228. Show &grid lines
  229. Single-click to open an item
  230. &Alternative selection mode
  231. Use &large memory pages
  232. 2900
  233. About 7-Zip
  234. 7-Zip is free software
  235. 3000
  236. The system cannot allocate the required amount of memory
  237. There are no errors
  238. {0} object(s) selected
  239. Cannot create folder '{0}'
  240. Update operations are not supported for this archive.
  241. Cannot open file '{0}' as archive
  242. Cannot open encrypted archive '{0}'. Wrong password?
  243. Unsupported archive type
  244. File {0} is already exist
  245. File '{0}' was modified.\nDo you want to update it in the archive?
  246. Cannot update file\n'{0}'
  247. Cannot start editor.
  248. The file looks like a virus (the file name contains long spaces in name).
  249. The operation cannot be called from a folder that has a long path.
  250. You must select one file
  251. You must select one or more files
  252. Too many items
  253. Cannot open the file as {0} archive
  254. The file is open as {0} archive
  255. The archive is open with offset
  256. 3300
  257. Extracting
  258. Compressing
  259. Testing
  260. Opening...
  261. Scanning...
  262. Removing
  263. 3320
  264. Adding
  265. Updating
  266. Analyzing
  267. Replicating
  268. Repacking
  269. Skipping
  270. Deleting
  271. Header creating
  272. 3400
  273. Extract
  274. E&xtract to:
  275. Specify a location for extracted files.
  276. 3410
  277. Path mode:
  278. Full pathnames
  279. No pathnames
  280. Absolute pathnames
  281. Relative pathnames
  282. 3420
  283. Overwrite mode:
  284. Ask before overwrite
  285. Overwrite without prompt
  286. Skip existing files
  287. Auto rename
  288. Auto rename existing files
  289. 3430
  290. Eliminate duplication of root folder
  291. Restore file security
  292. 3440
  293. Propagate Zone.Id stream:
  294. For Office files
  295. 3500
  296. Confirm File Replace
  297. Destination folder already contains processed file.
  298. Would you like to replace the existing file
  299. with this one?
  300. {0} bytes
  301. A&uto Rename
  302. 3700
  303. Unsupported compression method for '{0}'.
  304. Data error in '{0}'. File is broken.
  305. CRC failed in '{0}'. File is broken.
  306. Data error in encrypted file '{0}'. Wrong password?
  307. CRC failed in encrypted file '{0}'. Wrong password?
  308. 3710
  309. Wrong password?
  310. 3721
  311. Unsupported compression method
  312. Data error
  313. CRC failed
  314. Unavailable data
  315. Unexpected end of data
  316. There are some data after the end of the payload data
  317. Is not archive
  318. Headers Error
  319. Wrong password
  320. 3763
  321. Unavailable start of archive
  322. Unconfirmed start of archive
  323. Unsupported feature
  324. 3800
  325. Enter password
  326. Enter password:
  327. Reenter password:
  328. &Show password
  329. Passwords do not match
  330. Use only English letters, numbers and special characters (!, #, $, ...) for password
  331. Password is too long
  332. Password
  333. 3900
  334. Elapsed time:
  335. Remaining time:
  336. Total size:
  337. Speed:
  338. Processed:
  339. Compression ratio:
  340. Errors:
  341. Archives:
  342. 4000
  343. Add to archive
  344. &Archive:
  345. &Update mode:
  346. Archive &format:
  347. Compression &level:
  348. Compression &method:
  349. &Dictionary size:
  350. &Word size:
  351. Solid block size:
  352. Number of CPU threads:
  353. &Parameters:
  354. Options
  355. Create SF&X archive
  356. Compress shared files
  357. Encryption
  358. Encryption method:
  359. Encrypt file &names
  360. Memory usage for Compressing:
  361. Memory usage for Decompressing:
  362. Delete files after compression
  363. 4040
  364. Store symbolic links
  365. Store hard links
  366. Store alternate data streams
  367. Store file security
  368. 4050
  369. Store
  370. Fastest
  371. Fast
  372. Normal
  373. Maximum
  374. Ultra
  375. 4060
  376. Add and replace files
  377. Update and add files
  378. Freshen existing files
  379. Synchronize files
  380. 4070
  381. Browse
  382. All Files
  383. Non-solid
  384. Solid
  385. 4080
  386. Time
  387. Timestamp precision:
  388. Store modification time
  389. Store creation time
  390. Store last access time
  391. Set archive time to latest file time
  392. Do not change source files last access time
  393. 4090
  394. sec
  395. ns
  396. 6000
  397. Copy
  398. Move
  399. Copy to:
  400. Move to:
  401. Copying...
  402. Moving...
  403. Renaming...
  404. Select destination folder.
  405. The operation is not supported for this folder.
  406. Error Renaming File or Folder
  407. Confirm File Copy
  408. Are you sure you want to copy files to archive
  409. 6100
  410. Confirm File Delete
  411. Confirm Folder Delete
  412. Confirm Multiple File Delete
  413. Are you sure you want to delete '{0}'?
  414. Are you sure you want to delete the folder '{0}' and all its contents?
  415. Are you sure you want to delete these {0} items?
  416. Deleting...
  417. Error Deleting File or Folder
  418. The system cannot move a file with long path to the Recycle Bin
  419. 6300
  420. Create Folder
  421. Create File
  422. Folder name:
  423. File Name:
  424. New Folder
  425. New File
  426. Error Creating Folder
  427. Error Creating File
  428. 6400
  429. Comment
  430. &Comment:
  431. Select
  432. Deselect
  433. Mask:
  434. 6600
  435. Properties
  436. Folders History
  437. Diagnostic messages
  438. Message
  439. 7100
  440. Computer
  441. Network
  442. Documents
  443. System
  444. 7200
  445. Add
  446. Extract
  447. Test
  448. Copy
  449. Move
  450. Delete
  451. Info
  452. 7300
  453. Split File
  454. &Split to:
  455. Split to &volumes, bytes:
  456. Splitting...
  457. Confirm Splitting
  458. Are you sure you want to split file into {0} volumes?
  459. Volume size must be smaller than size of original file
  460. Incorrect volume size
  461. Specified volume size: {0} bytes.\nAre you sure you want to split archive into such volumes?
  462. 7400
  463. Combine Files
  464. &Combine to:
  465. Combining...
  466. Select only first part of split file
  467. Cannot detect file as part of split file
  468. Cannot find more than one part of split file
  469. 7500
  470. Checksum calculating...
  471. Checksum information
  472. CRC checksum for data:
  473. CRC checksum for data and names:
  474. 7600
  475. Benchmark
  476. Memory usage:
  477. Compressing
  478. Decompressing
  479. Rating
  480. Total Rating
  481. Current
  482. Resulting
  483. CPU Usage
  484. Rating / Usage
  485. Passes:
  486. 7700
  487. Link
  488. Link
  489. Link from:
  490. Link to:
  491. 7710
  492. Link Type
  493. Hard Link
  494. File Symbolic Link
  495. Directory Symbolic Link
  496. Directory Junction