talkback.ini 5.8 KB

  1. ; manifest.init;
  2. ; WARNING - Do not edit this file. It will likely be overwritten if you do so.
  3. VendorID = "Nullsoft"
  4. ProductID = "Winamp"
  5. PlatformID = "Win32"
  6. BuildID = "2052"
  7. ManifestVersion = 0
  8. ApplicationName = "Winamp"
  9. DisableDontAsk = 0
  10. MaxTriggerCount = 1
  11. DisableSharedUI = 1
  12. DisableWizard = 0
  13. EnableSaveAs = 1
  14. KeyVetoDisabled = 0
  15. DisableSystemErrDlg = 1
  16. DisableSharedMainWindow = 1
  17. DisableSharedSendProgress = 1
  18. RestrictUserInterface = 1
  19. ServerCount = 1
  20. ServerAddress0 = 1, "http://aoldiag2.aol.com/spiral-bin/Collector.dll"
  21. NubCollectors = UIProcess, CommandLine, StackDump, ModuleList, MemoryStatus, ProcessList95, ProcessListNT, ExceptionType, Registers, PCMemory, PC, StackTrace, ThreadList95, ThreadListNT, ThreadRegisters, ThreadStackDump, ThreadIDList, ThreadIDTrigger, ThreadStackTrace, Trigger, TriggerTime
  22. UIProcess = 0xa000000f, "SWin32 UI Process"
  23. CommandLine = 0xa000000d, "SWin32 Command Line"
  24. StackDump = 0xa0000001, "SDump of Stack windows", 4096
  25. ModuleList = 0xa0000003, "SLoaded Module list Win32"
  26. MemoryStatus = 0xa000000b, "SWin32 MEMORYSTATUS struct"
  27. ProcessList95 = 0xa0000009, "SWindows 95 process list"
  28. ProcessListNT = 0xa0000007, "SWindows NT process list"
  29. ExceptionType = 0xa0000004, "SWin32 Processor exception type"
  30. Registers = 0xa0000000, "SWin32 x86 registers"
  31. PCMemory = 0xa000000a, "SCode memory windows", 32, 64
  32. PC = 0xa0000002, "SPC at time of crash"
  33. StackTrace = 0xa0000005, "SWin32 stack trace"
  34. ThreadList95 = 0xa0000008, "SWindows 95 thread list"
  35. ThreadListNT = 0xa0000006, "SWindows NT thread list"
  36. ThreadRegisters = 0xa0000010, "SWin32 x86 thread registers"
  37. ThreadStackDump = 0xa0000011, "SStack dump thread"
  38. ThreadIDList = 0xa0000013, "SWin32 thread id list"
  39. ThreadIDTrigger = 0xa0000014, "SWin32 trigger thread id"
  40. ThreadStackTrace = 0xa0000012, "SWin32 thread stack trace"
  41. Trigger = 0x80000000, "STrigger Event"
  42. TriggerTime = 0x80000001, "SNub trigger event time"
  43. TransceiverCollectors5 = MemoryStatus,XcvrProcessList95,XcvrProcessListNT
  44. XcvrProcessList95 = 0x3000000e, "SWindows 95 process list"
  45. XcvrProcessListNT = 0x3000000f, "SWindows NT process list"
  46. TransceiverCollectors = ModuleListInfo, ModuleListInfoEx, Win32ProcessListVersionInfo, CollectionFrequency, DriveList, ScreenInfo, NetworkCard, ProcessorVendor, ProcessorFeature, ProcessorSpeed, SysInfo, OEMMachineManufacturer, OEMMachineModel, Win95Hardware, WinNTDevices, NTDisplayInfo, WinPrintDrivers, WinPrinters, WinNTServices, GetWindowsVersionEx, WinLocale, ManifestVersionColl, DeploymentIDColl, VendorIDColl, ProductIDColl, PlatformIDColl, BuildIDColl, Platform
  47. ModuleListInfo = 0x3000000b, "SWin32 module list info"
  48. ModuleListInfoEx = 0x30000016, "SWin32 module list info ex"
  49. Win32ProcessListVersionInfo = 0x30000019, "SWin32 Process list version"
  50. CollectionFrequency = 0x3000001b, "SCollection Frequency"
  51. DriveList = 0x30000006, "SWin32 Drive Info"
  52. ScreenInfo = 0x3000000c, "SWindows Screen Info"
  53. NetworkCard = 0x30000007, "SWin32 NIC info"
  54. ProcessorVendor = 0x30000012, "SIntel Processor Vendor"
  55. ProcessorFeature = 0x30000013, "SIntel Processor Features"
  56. ProcessorSpeed = 0x3000000d, "SIntel Processor Speed"
  57. SysInfo = 0x30000005, "SWin32 SYSTEM_INFO struct"
  58. OEMMachineManufacturer = 0x30000017, "SWin32 Machine Manufacturer"
  59. OEMMachineModel = 0x30000018, "SWin32 Machine Model"
  60. Win95Hardware = 0x30000008, "SWin95 Hardware"
  61. WinNTDevices = 0x30000009, "SWinNT device list", 1
  62. NTDisplayInfo = 0x3000000a, "SWinNT display info"
  63. WinPrintDrivers = 0x30000014, "SWin32 Print Drivers"
  64. WinPrinters = 0x30000015, "SWin32 Printers"
  65. WinNTServices = 0x30000009, "SWinNT service list"
  66. GetWindowsVersionEx = 0x30000001, "SWindows GetVersionEx"
  67. WinLocale = 0x3000001a, "SWindows Locale"
  68. ManifestVersionColl = 1, "SManifest ver transceiver init"
  69. DeploymentIDColl = 2, "SDeployment ID", 1
  70. VendorIDColl = 2, "SVendor ID", 2
  71. ProductIDColl = 2, "SProduct ID", 3
  72. PlatformIDColl = 2, "SPlatform ID", 4
  73. BuildIDColl = 2, "SBuild ID", 5
  74. Platform = 3, "SPlatform Identifier", 0x30000000
  75. UIControls = 0, UIlmntExplainAgent, UIlmntExplainProcess, UIlmntEmail, UIlmntUserComments, UIlmntAOLLOGO, UIlmntBRANDLOGO, UIlmntBRANDWIZARD
  76. UIlmntABOUTLOGO = 10, 160, 160, 0, 0, ABOUTLOGO
  77. UIlmntExplainAgent = 1, 100, 7, 217, 24, "The Winamp Quality Feedback Agent has captured information that Nullsoft needs to help improve the product's quality."
  78. UIlmntExplainProcess = 1, 100, 39, 217, 24, "Enter your email address (optional), describe how you were using the product (optional), then click Send."
  79. UIlmntEmail = 2, 100, 63, 217, 20, "SUser email address", "Your Email Address (optional):", 0, 1, 1, 255
  80. UIlmntUserComments = 3, 100, 88, 217, 48, "SUser Comments", "Describe what you were doing when the product failed (optional):", 4, 0
  81. UIlmntSupport = 7, 140, 144, 177, 8, http://www.supportsoft.com, "Talkback is a trademark of", Supportsoft, ". ", 0, 0
  82. UIlmntAOLLOGO = 10, 7, 7, 0, 0, AOLLOGO
  83. UIlmntBRANDLOGO = 10, 7, 7, 0, 0, BRANDLOGO
  84. UIlmntBRANDWIZARD = 10, 7, 7, 0, 0, BRANDWIZARD
  85. TraceConfig = 128, 0, 20
  86. AssertConfig = 0, 20, 0
  87. TraceParamTrackCount = 32
  88. AssertParamTrackCount = 32
  89. MaxBoxAge = 259200
  90. RandomFilter = 100, 100
  91. APIErrorConfig = 0, 20
  92. FullCircleURL0 = 0, 0, "http://www.supportsoft.com/"
  93. ; deprecated user interface preferences normally disabled
  94. DisableUI = 1
  95. DisableMainWindow = 1
  96. DisableSendProgress = 1
  97. <custom>
  98. HowManyWizardPages = 1
  99. WizardControls1 = 0, Wiz1VendorLogo, Wiz1DescribeAgent, Wiz3MoreInfo, Wiz3PrivacyPolicy
  100. Wiz1VendorLogo = 10, 7, 7, 0, 0, BRANDLOGO
  101. Wiz1DescribeAgent = 1, 94, 7, 200, 40, ""
  102. Wiz3MoreInfo = 1, 94, 61, 200, 8, ""
  103. Wiz3PrivacyPolicy = 7, 95, 70, 200, 8, "http://www.winamp.com/legal/privacy", "", "", "", 0, 0
  104. Wiz1Support = 7, 94, 118, 200, 8, "http://www.supportsoft.com/", "", "", "", 0, 0
  105. DSRSearchPatterns = DSRVendorName=[%Vendor%], DSRProductName=[%Product%]
  106. DSRVendorName = Nullsoft
  107. DSRProductName = Winamp
  108. UILocaleSearchPath = locale/%s_%c/, locale/%s/
  109. </custom>