123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142 |
- #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
- #pragma once
- #endif
- #include <api/syscb/callbacks/syscb.h>
- #include <api/syscb/callbacks/browsercb.h>
- class WasabiCallback : public SysCallback
- {
- protected:
- WasabiCallback();
- ~WasabiCallback();
- public:
- static HRESULT CreateInstance(WasabiCallback **instance);
- public:
- /*** Dispatchable ***/
- size_t AddRef();
- size_t Release();
- int QueryInterface(GUID interface_guid, void **object);
- /*** SysCallback ***/
- FOURCC GetEventType();
- int Notify(int msg, intptr_t param1 = 0, intptr_t param2 = 0);
- protected:
- // set *override = true to prevent the URL from being opened
- // leave it alone otherwise (in case someone else wanted to override it)
- int OpenURL(const wchar_t *url, bool *override);
- protected:
- protected:
- ULONG ref;
- };