ds_ipc.h 710 B

  1. #ifndef DS_IPC_H
  2. #define DS_IPC_H
  3. #define DS_IPC_CLASSNAME "DSound_IPC"
  4. #define WM_DS_IPC WM_USER
  5. #define DS_IPC_CB_CFGREFRESH 0 // trap this to detect when apply/ok was pressed in config
  6. #define DS_IPC_CB_ONSHUTDOWN 1 // trap this to detect when out_ds is going away (ie: another output plugin was selected, or winamp is exiting)
  7. #define DS_IPC_SET_CROSSFADE 100 // send this with wParam = 0/1 to change fade on end setting
  8. #define DS_IPC_GET_CROSSFADE 101 // returns fade on end on/off
  9. #define DS_IPC_SET_CROSSFADE_TIME 102 // send this with wParam = fade on end time in ms
  10. #define DS_IPC_GET_CROSSFADE_TIME 103 // returns fade on end time in ms
  11. #endif