utility.cpp 44 KB

  1. /*
  3. -------
  4. Copyright 2005-2013 Nullsoft, Inc.
  5. All rights reserved.
  6. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
  7. are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
  8. * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
  9. this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
  10. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
  11. this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
  12. and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
  13. * Neither the name of Nullsoft nor the names of its contributors may be used to
  14. endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
  23. */
  24. #include "api__vis_milk2.h"
  25. #include "utility.h"
  26. #include <math.h>
  27. #include <locale.h>
  28. #include <windows.h>
  29. #ifdef _DEBUG
  30. #define D3D_DEBUG_INFO // declare this before including d3d9.h
  31. #endif
  32. #include <d3d9.h>
  33. #include "../Winamp/wa_ipc.h"
  34. #include "resource.h"
  35. #include <shellapi.h>
  36. intptr_t myOpenURL(HWND hwnd, wchar_t *loc)
  37. {
  38. if (loc)
  39. {
  40. bool override=false;
  41. WASABI_API_SYSCB->syscb_issueCallback(SysCallback::BROWSER, BrowserCallback::ONOPENURL, reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(loc), reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(&override));
  42. if (!override)
  43. return (intptr_t)ShellExecuteW(hwnd, L"open", loc, NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
  44. else
  45. return 33;
  46. }
  47. return 33;
  48. }
  49. float PowCosineInterp(float x, float pow)
  50. {
  51. // input (x) & output should be in range 0..1.
  52. // pow > 0: tends to push things toward 0 and 1
  53. // pow < 0: tends to push things toward 0.5.
  54. if (x<0)
  55. return 0;
  56. if (x>1)
  57. return 1;
  58. int bneg = (pow < 0) ? 1 : 0;
  59. if (bneg)
  60. pow = -pow;
  61. if (pow>1000) pow=1000;
  62. int its = (int)pow;
  63. for (int i=0; i<its; i++)
  64. {
  65. if (bneg)
  66. x = InvCosineInterp(x);
  67. else
  68. x = CosineInterp(x);
  69. }
  70. float x2 = (bneg) ? InvCosineInterp(x) : CosineInterp(x);
  71. float dx = pow - its;
  72. return ((1-dx)*x + (dx)*x2);
  73. }
  74. float AdjustRateToFPS(float per_frame_decay_rate_at_fps1, float fps1, float actual_fps)
  75. {
  76. // returns the equivalent per-frame decay rate at actual_fps
  77. // basically, do all your testing at fps1 and get a good decay rate;
  78. // then, in the real application, adjust that rate by the actual fps each time you use it.
  79. float per_second_decay_rate_at_fps1 = powf(per_frame_decay_rate_at_fps1, fps1);
  80. float per_frame_decay_rate_at_fps2 = powf(per_second_decay_rate_at_fps1, 1.0f/actual_fps);
  81. return per_frame_decay_rate_at_fps2;
  82. }
  83. float GetPrivateProfileFloatW(wchar_t *szSectionName, wchar_t *szKeyName, float fDefault, wchar_t *szIniFile)
  84. {
  85. wchar_t string[64];
  86. wchar_t szDefault[64];
  87. float ret = fDefault;
  88. _swprintf_l(szDefault, L"%f", g_use_C_locale, fDefault);
  89. if (GetPrivateProfileStringW(szSectionName, szKeyName, szDefault, string, 64, szIniFile) > 0)
  90. {
  91. _swscanf_l(string, L"%f", g_use_C_locale, &ret);
  92. }
  93. return ret;
  94. }
  95. bool WritePrivateProfileFloatW(float f, wchar_t *szKeyName, wchar_t *szIniFile, wchar_t *szSectionName)
  96. {
  97. wchar_t szValue[32];
  98. _swprintf_l(szValue, L"%f", g_use_C_locale, f);
  99. return (WritePrivateProfileStringW(szSectionName, szKeyName, szValue, szIniFile) != 0);
  100. }
  101. bool WritePrivateProfileIntW(int d, wchar_t *szKeyName, wchar_t *szIniFile, wchar_t *szSectionName)
  102. {
  103. wchar_t szValue[32];
  104. swprintf(szValue, L"%d", d);
  105. return (WritePrivateProfileStringW(szSectionName, szKeyName, szValue, szIniFile) != 0);
  106. }
  107. void SetScrollLock(int bNewState, bool bPreventHandling)
  108. {
  109. if(bPreventHandling) return;
  110. if (bNewState != (GetKeyState(VK_SCROLL) & 1))
  111. {
  112. // Simulate a key press
  113. keybd_event( VK_SCROLL,
  114. 0x45,
  116. 0 );
  117. // Simulate a key release
  118. keybd_event( VK_SCROLL,
  119. 0x45,
  121. 0);
  122. }
  123. }
  124. void RemoveExtension(wchar_t *str)
  125. {
  126. wchar_t *p = wcsrchr(str, L'.');
  127. if (p) *p = 0;
  128. }
  129. static void ShiftDown(wchar_t *str)
  130. {
  131. while (*str)
  132. {
  133. str[0] = str[1];
  134. str++;
  135. }
  136. }
  137. void RemoveSingleAmpersands(wchar_t *str)
  138. {
  139. while (*str)
  140. {
  141. if (str[0] == L'&')
  142. {
  143. if (str[1] == L'&') // two in a row: replace with single ampersand, move on
  144. str++;
  145. ShiftDown(str);
  146. }
  147. else
  148. str = CharNextW(str);
  149. }
  150. }
  151. void TextToGuid(char *str, GUID *pGUID)
  152. {
  153. if (!str) return;
  154. if (!pGUID) return;
  155. DWORD d[11];
  156. sscanf(str, "%X %X %X %X %X %X %X %X %X %X %X",
  157. &d[0], &d[1], &d[2], &d[3], &d[4], &d[5], &d[6], &d[7], &d[8], &d[9], &d[10]);
  158. pGUID->Data1 = (DWORD)d[0];
  159. pGUID->Data2 = (WORD)d[1];
  160. pGUID->Data3 = (WORD)d[2];
  161. pGUID->Data4[0] = (BYTE)d[3];
  162. pGUID->Data4[1] = (BYTE)d[4];
  163. pGUID->Data4[2] = (BYTE)d[5];
  164. pGUID->Data4[3] = (BYTE)d[6];
  165. pGUID->Data4[4] = (BYTE)d[7];
  166. pGUID->Data4[5] = (BYTE)d[8];
  167. pGUID->Data4[6] = (BYTE)d[9];
  168. pGUID->Data4[7] = (BYTE)d[10];
  169. }
  170. void GuidToText(GUID *pGUID, char *str, int nStrLen)
  171. {
  172. // note: nStrLen should be set to sizeof(str).
  173. if (!str) return;
  174. if (!nStrLen) return;
  175. str[0] = 0;
  176. if (!pGUID) return;
  177. DWORD d[11];
  178. d[0] = (DWORD)pGUID->Data1;
  179. d[1] = (DWORD)pGUID->Data2;
  180. d[2] = (DWORD)pGUID->Data3;
  181. d[3] = (DWORD)pGUID->Data4[0];
  182. d[4] = (DWORD)pGUID->Data4[1];
  183. d[5] = (DWORD)pGUID->Data4[2];
  184. d[6] = (DWORD)pGUID->Data4[3];
  185. d[7] = (DWORD)pGUID->Data4[4];
  186. d[8] = (DWORD)pGUID->Data4[5];
  187. d[9] = (DWORD)pGUID->Data4[6];
  188. d[10] = (DWORD)pGUID->Data4[7];
  189. sprintf(str, "%08X %04X %04X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X",
  190. d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3], d[4], d[5], d[6], d[7], d[8], d[9], d[10]);
  191. }
  192. /*
  193. int GetPentiumTimeRaw(unsigned __int64 *cpu_timestamp)
  194. {
  195. // returns 0 on failure, 1 on success
  196. // warning: watch out for wraparound!
  197. // note: it's probably better to use QueryPerformanceFrequency
  198. // and QueryPerformanceCounter()!
  199. // get high-precision time:
  200. __try
  201. {
  202. unsigned __int64 *dest = (unsigned __int64 *)cpu_timestamp;
  203. __asm
  204. {
  205. _emit 0xf // these two bytes form the 'rdtsc' asm instruction,
  206. _emit 0x31 // available on Pentium I and later.
  207. mov esi, dest
  208. mov [esi ], eax // lower 32 bits of tsc
  209. mov [esi+4], edx // upper 32 bits of tsc
  210. }
  211. return 1;
  212. }
  214. {
  215. return 0;
  216. }
  217. return 0;
  218. }
  219. double GetPentiumTimeAsDouble(unsigned __int64 frequency)
  220. {
  221. // returns < 0 on failure; otherwise, returns current cpu time, in seconds.
  222. // warning: watch out for wraparound!
  223. // note: it's probably better to use QueryPerformanceFrequency
  224. // and QueryPerformanceCounter()!
  225. if (frequency==0)
  226. return -1.0;
  227. // get high-precision time:
  228. __try
  229. {
  230. unsigned __int64 high_perf_time;
  231. unsigned __int64 *dest = &high_perf_time;
  232. __asm
  233. {
  234. _emit 0xf // these two bytes form the 'rdtsc' asm instruction,
  235. _emit 0x31 // available on Pentium I and later.
  236. mov esi, dest
  237. mov [esi ], eax // lower 32 bits of tsc
  238. mov [esi+4], edx // upper 32 bits of tsc
  239. }
  240. __int64 time_s = (__int64)(high_perf_time / frequency); // unsigned->sign conversion should be safe here
  241. __int64 time_fract = (__int64)(high_perf_time % frequency); // unsigned->sign conversion should be safe here
  242. // note: here, we wrap the timer more frequently (once per week)
  243. // than it otherwise would (VERY RARELY - once every 585 years on
  244. // a 1 GHz), to alleviate floating-point precision errors that start
  245. // to occur when you get to very high counter values.
  246. double ret = (time_s % (60*60*24*7)) + (double)time_fract/(double)((__int64)frequency);
  247. return ret;
  248. }
  250. {
  251. return -1.0;
  252. }
  253. return -1.0;
  254. }
  255. */
  256. #ifdef _DEBUG
  257. void OutputDebugMessage(char *szStartText, HWND hwnd,UINT msg,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam)
  258. {
  259. // note: this function does NOT log WM_MOUSEMOVE, WM_NCHITTEST, or WM_SETCURSOR
  260. // messages, since they are so frequent.
  261. // note: these identifiers were pulled from winuser.h
  262. //if (msg == WM_MOUSEMOVE || msg == WM_NCHITTEST || msg == WM_SETCURSOR)
  263. // return;
  264. #ifdef _DEBUG
  265. char buf[64];
  266. int matched = 1;
  267. sprintf(buf, "WM_");
  268. switch(msg)
  269. {
  270. case 0x0001: lstrcat(buf, "CREATE"); break;
  271. case 0x0002: lstrcat(buf, "DESTROY"); break;
  272. case 0x0003: lstrcat(buf, "MOVE"); break;
  273. case 0x0005: lstrcat(buf, "SIZE"); break;
  274. case 0x0006: lstrcat(buf, "ACTIVATE"); break;
  275. case 0x0007: lstrcat(buf, "SETFOCUS"); break;
  276. case 0x0008: lstrcat(buf, "KILLFOCUS"); break;
  277. case 0x000A: lstrcat(buf, "ENABLE"); break;
  278. case 0x000B: lstrcat(buf, "SETREDRAW"); break;
  279. case 0x000C: lstrcat(buf, "SETTEXT"); break;
  280. case 0x000D: lstrcat(buf, "GETTEXT"); break;
  281. case 0x000E: lstrcat(buf, "GETTEXTLENGTH"); break;
  282. case 0x000F: lstrcat(buf, "PAINT"); break;
  283. case 0x0010: lstrcat(buf, "CLOSE"); break;
  284. case 0x0011: lstrcat(buf, "QUERYENDSESSION"); break;
  285. case 0x0012: lstrcat(buf, "QUIT"); break;
  286. case 0x0013: lstrcat(buf, "QUERYOPEN"); break;
  287. case 0x0014: lstrcat(buf, "ERASEBKGND"); break;
  288. case 0x0015: lstrcat(buf, "SYSCOLORCHANGE"); break;
  289. case 0x0016: lstrcat(buf, "ENDSESSION"); break;
  290. case 0x0018: lstrcat(buf, "SHOWWINDOW"); break;
  291. case 0x001A: lstrcat(buf, "WININICHANGE"); break;
  292. case 0x001B: lstrcat(buf, "DEVMODECHANGE"); break;
  293. case 0x001C: lstrcat(buf, "ACTIVATEAPP"); break;
  294. case 0x001D: lstrcat(buf, "FONTCHANGE"); break;
  295. case 0x001E: lstrcat(buf, "TIMECHANGE"); break;
  296. case 0x001F: lstrcat(buf, "CANCELMODE"); break;
  297. case 0x0020: lstrcat(buf, "SETCURSOR"); break;
  298. case 0x0021: lstrcat(buf, "MOUSEACTIVATE"); break;
  299. case 0x0022: lstrcat(buf, "CHILDACTIVATE"); break;
  300. case 0x0023: lstrcat(buf, "QUEUESYNC"); break;
  301. case 0x0024: lstrcat(buf, "GETMINMAXINFO"); break;
  302. case 0x0026: lstrcat(buf, "PAINTICON"); break;
  303. case 0x0027: lstrcat(buf, "ICONERASEBKGND"); break;
  304. case 0x0028: lstrcat(buf, "NEXTDLGCTL"); break;
  305. case 0x002A: lstrcat(buf, "SPOOLERSTATUS"); break;
  306. case 0x002B: lstrcat(buf, "DRAWITEM"); break;
  307. case 0x002C: lstrcat(buf, "MEASUREITEM"); break;
  308. case 0x002D: lstrcat(buf, "DELETEITEM"); break;
  309. case 0x002E: lstrcat(buf, "VKEYTOITEM"); break;
  310. case 0x002F: lstrcat(buf, "CHARTOITEM"); break;
  311. case 0x0030: lstrcat(buf, "SETFONT"); break;
  312. case 0x0031: lstrcat(buf, "GETFONT"); break;
  313. case 0x0032: lstrcat(buf, "SETHOTKEY"); break;
  314. case 0x0033: lstrcat(buf, "GETHOTKEY"); break;
  315. case 0x0037: lstrcat(buf, "QUERYDRAGICON"); break;
  316. case 0x0039: lstrcat(buf, "COMPAREITEM"); break;
  317. case 0x0041: lstrcat(buf, "COMPACTING"); break;
  318. case 0x0044: lstrcat(buf, "COMMNOTIFY"); break;
  319. case 0x0046: lstrcat(buf, "WINDOWPOSCHANGING"); break;
  320. case 0x0047: lstrcat(buf, "WINDOWPOSCHANGED"); break;
  321. case 0x0048: lstrcat(buf, "POWER"); break;
  322. case 0x004A: lstrcat(buf, "COPYDATA"); break;
  323. case 0x004B: lstrcat(buf, "CANCELJOURNAL"); break;
  324. #if(WINVER >= 0x0400)
  325. case 0x004E: lstrcat(buf, "NOTIFY"); break;
  326. case 0x0050: lstrcat(buf, "INPUTLANGCHANGEREQUEST"); break;
  327. case 0x0051: lstrcat(buf, "INPUTLANGCHANGE"); break;
  328. case 0x0052: lstrcat(buf, "TCARD"); break;
  329. case 0x0053: lstrcat(buf, "HELP"); break;
  330. case 0x0054: lstrcat(buf, "USERCHANGED"); break;
  331. case 0x0055: lstrcat(buf, "NOTIFYFORMAT"); break;
  332. case 0x007B: lstrcat(buf, "CONTEXTMENU"); break;
  333. case 0x007C: lstrcat(buf, "STYLECHANGING"); break;
  334. case 0x007D: lstrcat(buf, "STYLECHANGED"); break;
  335. case 0x007E: lstrcat(buf, "DISPLAYCHANGE"); break;
  336. case 0x007F: lstrcat(buf, "GETICON"); break;
  337. case 0x0080: lstrcat(buf, "SETICON"); break;
  338. #endif
  339. case 0x0081: lstrcat(buf, "NCCREATE"); break;
  340. case 0x0082: lstrcat(buf, "NCDESTROY"); break;
  341. case 0x0083: lstrcat(buf, "NCCALCSIZE"); break;
  342. case 0x0084: lstrcat(buf, "NCHITTEST"); break;
  343. case 0x0085: lstrcat(buf, "NCPAINT"); break;
  344. case 0x0086: lstrcat(buf, "NCACTIVATE"); break;
  345. case 0x0087: lstrcat(buf, "GETDLGCODE"); break;
  346. case 0x0088: lstrcat(buf, "SYNCPAINT"); break;
  347. case 0x00A0: lstrcat(buf, "NCMOUSEMOVE"); break;
  348. case 0x00A1: lstrcat(buf, "NCLBUTTONDOWN"); break;
  349. case 0x00A2: lstrcat(buf, "NCLBUTTONUP"); break;
  350. case 0x00A3: lstrcat(buf, "NCLBUTTONDBLCLK"); break;
  351. case 0x00A4: lstrcat(buf, "NCRBUTTONDOWN"); break;
  352. case 0x00A5: lstrcat(buf, "NCRBUTTONUP"); break;
  353. case 0x00A6: lstrcat(buf, "NCRBUTTONDBLCLK"); break;
  354. case 0x00A7: lstrcat(buf, "NCMBUTTONDOWN"); break;
  355. case 0x00A8: lstrcat(buf, "NCMBUTTONUP"); break;
  356. case 0x00A9: lstrcat(buf, "NCMBUTTONDBLCLK"); break;
  357. case 0x0100: lstrcat(buf, "KEYDOWN"); break;
  358. case 0x0101: lstrcat(buf, "KEYUP"); break;
  359. case 0x0102: lstrcat(buf, "CHAR"); break;
  360. case 0x0103: lstrcat(buf, "DEADCHAR"); break;
  361. case 0x0104: lstrcat(buf, "SYSKEYDOWN"); break;
  362. case 0x0105: lstrcat(buf, "SYSKEYUP"); break;
  363. case 0x0106: lstrcat(buf, "SYSCHAR"); break;
  364. case 0x0107: lstrcat(buf, "SYSDEADCHAR"); break;
  365. case 0x0108: lstrcat(buf, "KEYLAST"); break;
  366. #if(WINVER >= 0x0400)
  367. case 0x010D: lstrcat(buf, "IME_STARTCOMPOSITION"); break;
  368. case 0x010E: lstrcat(buf, "IME_ENDCOMPOSITION"); break;
  369. case 0x010F: lstrcat(buf, "IME_COMPOSITION"); break;
  370. //case 0x010F: lstrcat(buf, "IME_KEYLAST"); break;
  371. #endif
  372. case 0x0110: lstrcat(buf, "INITDIALOG"); break;
  373. case 0x0111: lstrcat(buf, "COMMAND"); break;
  374. case 0x0112: lstrcat(buf, "SYSCOMMAND"); break;
  375. case 0x0113: lstrcat(buf, "TIMER"); break;
  376. case 0x0114: lstrcat(buf, "HSCROLL"); break;
  377. case 0x0115: lstrcat(buf, "VSCROLL"); break;
  378. case 0x0116: lstrcat(buf, "INITMENU"); break;
  379. case 0x0117: lstrcat(buf, "INITMENUPOPUP"); break;
  380. case 0x011F: lstrcat(buf, "MENUSELECT"); break;
  381. case 0x0120: lstrcat(buf, "MENUCHAR"); break;
  382. case 0x0121: lstrcat(buf, "ENTERIDLE"); break;
  383. #if(WINVER >= 0x0500)
  384. case 0x0122: lstrcat(buf, "MENURBUTTONUP"); break;
  385. case 0x0123: lstrcat(buf, "MENUDRAG"); break;
  386. case 0x0124: lstrcat(buf, "MENUGETOBJECT"); break;
  387. case 0x0125: lstrcat(buf, "UNINITMENUPOPUP"); break;
  388. case 0x0126: lstrcat(buf, "MENUCOMMAND"); break;
  389. #endif
  390. case 0x0132: lstrcat(buf, "CTLCOLORMSGBOX"); break;
  391. case 0x0133: lstrcat(buf, "CTLCOLOREDIT"); break;
  392. case 0x0134: lstrcat(buf, "CTLCOLORLISTBOX"); break;
  393. case 0x0135: lstrcat(buf, "CTLCOLORBTN"); break;
  394. case 0x0136: lstrcat(buf, "CTLCOLORDLG"); break;
  395. case 0x0137: lstrcat(buf, "CTLCOLORSCROLLBAR"); break;
  396. case 0x0138: lstrcat(buf, "CTLCOLORSTATIC"); break;
  397. //case 0x0200: lstrcat(buf, "MOUSEFIRST"); break;
  398. case 0x0200: lstrcat(buf, "MOUSEMOVE"); break;
  399. case 0x0201: lstrcat(buf, "LBUTTONDOWN"); break;
  400. case 0x0202: lstrcat(buf, "LBUTTONUP"); break;
  401. case 0x0203: lstrcat(buf, "LBUTTONDBLCLK"); break;
  402. case 0x0204: lstrcat(buf, "RBUTTONDOWN"); break;
  403. case 0x0205: lstrcat(buf, "RBUTTONUP"); break;
  404. case 0x0206: lstrcat(buf, "RBUTTONDBLCLK"); break;
  405. case 0x0207: lstrcat(buf, "MBUTTONDOWN"); break;
  406. case 0x0208: lstrcat(buf, "MBUTTONUP"); break;
  407. case 0x0209: lstrcat(buf, "MBUTTONDBLCLK"); break;
  408. #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0400) || (_WIN32_WINDOWS > 0x0400)
  409. case 0x020A: lstrcat(buf, "MOUSEWHEEL"); break;
  410. case 0x020E: lstrcat(buf, "MOUSELAST"); break;
  411. #else
  412. //case 0x0209: lstrcat(buf, "MOUSELAST"); break;
  413. #endif
  414. case 0x0210: lstrcat(buf, "PARENTNOTIFY"); break;
  415. case 0x0211: lstrcat(buf, "ENTERMENULOOP"); break;
  416. case 0x0212: lstrcat(buf, "EXITMENULOOP"); break;
  417. #if(WINVER >= 0x0400)
  418. case 0x0213: lstrcat(buf, "NEXTMENU"); break;
  419. case 0x0214: lstrcat(buf, "SIZING"); break;
  420. case 0x0215: lstrcat(buf, "CAPTURECHANGED"); break;
  421. case 0x0216: lstrcat(buf, "MOVING"); break;
  422. case 0x0218: lstrcat(buf, "POWERBROADCAST"); break;
  423. case 0x0219: lstrcat(buf, "DEVICECHANGE"); break;
  424. #endif
  425. /*
  426. case 0x0220: lstrcat(buf, "MDICREATE"); break;
  427. case 0x0221: lstrcat(buf, "MDIDESTROY"); break;
  428. case 0x0222: lstrcat(buf, "MDIACTIVATE"); break;
  429. case 0x0223: lstrcat(buf, "MDIRESTORE"); break;
  430. case 0x0224: lstrcat(buf, "MDINEXT"); break;
  431. case 0x0225: lstrcat(buf, "MDIMAXIMIZE"); break;
  432. case 0x0226: lstrcat(buf, "MDITILE"); break;
  433. case 0x0227: lstrcat(buf, "MDICASCADE"); break;
  434. case 0x0228: lstrcat(buf, "MDIICONARRANGE"); break;
  435. case 0x0229: lstrcat(buf, "MDIGETACTIVE"); break;
  436. */
  437. case 0x0230: lstrcat(buf, "MDISETMENU"); break;
  438. case 0x0231: lstrcat(buf, "ENTERSIZEMOVE"); break;
  439. case 0x0232: lstrcat(buf, "EXITSIZEMOVE"); break;
  440. case 0x0233: lstrcat(buf, "DROPFILES"); break;
  441. case 0x0234: lstrcat(buf, "MDIREFRESHMENU"); break;
  442. /*
  443. #if(WINVER >= 0x0400)
  444. case 0x0281: lstrcat(buf, "IME_SETCONTEXT"); break;
  445. case 0x0282: lstrcat(buf, "IME_NOTIFY"); break;
  446. case 0x0283: lstrcat(buf, "IME_CONTROL"); break;
  447. case 0x0284: lstrcat(buf, "IME_COMPOSITIONFULL"); break;
  448. case 0x0285: lstrcat(buf, "IME_SELECT"); break;
  449. case 0x0286: lstrcat(buf, "IME_CHAR"); break;
  450. #endif
  451. #if(WINVER >= 0x0500)
  452. case 0x0288: lstrcat(buf, "IME_REQUEST"); break;
  453. #endif
  454. #if(WINVER >= 0x0400)
  455. case 0x0290: lstrcat(buf, "IME_KEYDOWN"); break;
  456. case 0x0291: lstrcat(buf, "IME_KEYUP"); break;
  457. #endif
  458. */
  459. #if(_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0400)
  460. case 0x02A1: lstrcat(buf, "MOUSEHOVER"); break;
  461. case 0x02A3: lstrcat(buf, "MOUSELEAVE"); break;
  462. #endif
  463. case 0x0300: lstrcat(buf, "CUT"); break;
  464. case 0x0301: lstrcat(buf, "COPY"); break;
  465. case 0x0302: lstrcat(buf, "PASTE"); break;
  466. case 0x0303: lstrcat(buf, "CLEAR"); break;
  467. case 0x0304: lstrcat(buf, "UNDO"); break;
  468. case 0x0305: lstrcat(buf, "RENDERFORMAT"); break;
  469. case 0x0306: lstrcat(buf, "RENDERALLFORMATS"); break;
  470. case 0x0307: lstrcat(buf, "DESTROYCLIPBOARD"); break;
  471. case 0x0308: lstrcat(buf, "DRAWCLIPBOARD"); break;
  472. case 0x0309: lstrcat(buf, "PAINTCLIPBOARD"); break;
  473. case 0x030A: lstrcat(buf, "VSCROLLCLIPBOARD"); break;
  474. case 0x030B: lstrcat(buf, "SIZECLIPBOARD"); break;
  475. case 0x030C: lstrcat(buf, "ASKCBFORMATNAME"); break;
  476. case 0x030D: lstrcat(buf, "CHANGECBCHAIN"); break;
  477. case 0x030E: lstrcat(buf, "HSCROLLCLIPBOARD"); break;
  478. case 0x030F: lstrcat(buf, "QUERYNEWPALETTE"); break;
  479. case 0x0310: lstrcat(buf, "PALETTEISCHANGING"); break;
  480. case 0x0311: lstrcat(buf, "PALETTECHANGED"); break;
  481. case 0x0312: lstrcat(buf, "HOTKEY"); break;
  482. #if(WINVER >= 0x0400)
  483. case 0x0317: lstrcat(buf, "PRINT"); break;
  484. case 0x0318: lstrcat(buf, "PRINTCLIENT"); break;
  485. case 0x0358: lstrcat(buf, "HANDHELDFIRST"); break;
  486. case 0x035F: lstrcat(buf, "HANDHELDLAST"); break;
  487. case 0x0360: lstrcat(buf, "AFXFIRST"); break;
  488. case 0x037F: lstrcat(buf, "AFXLAST"); break;
  489. #endif
  490. case 0x0380: lstrcat(buf, "PENWINFIRST"); break;
  491. case 0x038F: lstrcat(buf, "PENWINLAST"); break;
  492. default:
  493. sprintf(buf, "unknown");
  494. matched = 0;
  495. break;
  496. }
  497. int n = strlen(buf);
  498. int desired_len = 24;
  499. int spaces_to_append = desired_len-n;
  500. if (spaces_to_append>0)
  501. {
  502. for (int i=0; i<spaces_to_append; i++)
  503. buf[n+i] = ' ';
  504. buf[desired_len] = 0;
  505. }
  506. char buf2[256];
  507. if (matched)
  508. sprintf(buf2, "%shwnd=%08x, msg=%s, w=%08x, l=%08x\n", szStartText, hwnd, buf, wParam, lParam);
  509. else
  510. sprintf(buf2, "%shwnd=%08x, msg=unknown/0x%08x, w=%08x, l=%08x\n", szStartText, hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam);
  511. OutputDebugString(buf2);
  512. #endif
  513. }
  514. #endif
  515. void DownloadDirectX(HWND hwnd)
  516. {
  517. wchar_t szUrl[] = L"http://www.microsoft.com/download/details.aspx?id=35";
  518. intptr_t ret = myOpenURL(NULL, szUrl);
  519. if (ret <= 32)
  520. {
  521. wchar_t buf[1024];
  522. switch(ret)
  523. {
  524. case SE_ERR_FNF:
  525. case SE_ERR_PNF:
  527. break;
  529. case SE_ERR_SHARE:
  531. break;
  532. case SE_ERR_NOASSOC:
  534. break;
  535. default:
  537. break;
  538. }
  541. }
  542. }
  543. void MissingDirectX(HWND hwnd)
  544. {
  546. wchar_t title[128];
  547. int ret = MessageBoxW(hwnd,
  548. #ifndef D3D_SDK_VERSION
  549. --- error; you need to #include <d3d9.h> ---
  550. #endif
  551. #if (D3D_SDK_VERSION==120)
  552. // plugin was *built* using the DirectX 9.0 sdk, therefore,
  553. // the dx9.0 runtime is missing or corrupt
  554. "Failed to initialize DirectX 9.0 or later.\n"
  555. "Milkdrop requires d3dx9_31.dll to be installed.\n"
  556. "\n"
  557. "Would you like to be taken to:\n"
  558. "http://www.microsoft.com/download/details.aspx?id=35,\n"
  559. "where you can update DirectX 9.0?\n"
  560. XXXXXXX
  561. #else
  562. // plugin was *built* using some other version of the DirectX9 sdk, such as
  563. // 9.1b; therefore, we don't know exactly what version to tell them they need
  564. // to install; so we ask them to go get the *latest* version.
  566. #endif
  567. ,
  570. if (ret==IDYES)
  571. DownloadDirectX(hwnd);
  572. }
  573. bool CheckForMMX()
  574. {
  575. #ifdef _WIN64
  576. return true; // All x64 processors support SSE
  577. #else
  578. DWORD bMMX = 0;
  579. DWORD *pbMMX = &bMMX;
  580. __try {
  581. __asm {
  582. mov eax, 1
  583. cpuid
  584. mov edi, pbMMX
  585. mov dword ptr [edi], edx
  586. }
  587. }
  589. {
  590. bMMX = 0;
  591. }
  592. if (bMMX & 0x00800000) // check bit 23
  593. return true;
  594. return false;
  595. #endif
  596. }
  597. bool CheckForSSE()
  598. {
  599. #ifdef _WIN64
  600. return true; // All x64 processors support SSE
  601. #else
  602. /*
  603. The SSE instruction set was introduced with the Pentium III and features:
  604. * Additional MMX instructions such as min/max
  605. * Prefetch and write-through instructions for optimizing data movement
  606. from and to the L2/L3 caches and main memory
  607. * 8 New 128 bit XMM registers (xmm0..xmm7) and corresponding 32 bit floating point
  608. (single precision) instructions
  609. */
  610. DWORD bSSE = 0;
  611. DWORD *pbSSE = &bSSE;
  612. __try {
  613. __asm
  614. {
  615. mov eax, 1
  616. cpuid
  617. mov edi, pbSSE
  618. mov dword ptr [edi], edx
  619. }
  620. }
  622. {
  623. bSSE = 0;
  624. }
  625. if (bSSE & 0x02000000) // check bit 25
  626. return true;
  627. return false;
  628. #endif
  629. }
  630. void GetDesktopFolder(char *szDesktopFolder) // should be MAX_PATH len.
  631. {
  632. // returns the path to the desktop folder, WITHOUT a trailing backslash.
  633. szDesktopFolder[0] = 0;
  634. ITEMIDLIST pidl;
  635. ZeroMemory(&pidl, sizeof(pidl));
  636. if (!SHGetPathFromIDList(&pidl, szDesktopFolder))
  637. szDesktopFolder[0] = 0;
  638. }
  639. void ExecutePidl(LPITEMIDLIST pidl, char *szPathAndFile, char *szWorkingDirectory, HWND hWnd)
  640. {
  641. // This function was based on code by Jeff Prosise.
  642. // Note: for some reason, ShellExecuteEx fails when executing
  643. // *shortcuts* (.lnk files) from the desktop, using their PIDLs.
  644. // So, if that fails, we try again w/the plain old text filename
  645. // (szPathAndFile).
  646. char szVerb[] = "open";
  647. char szFilename2[MAX_PATH];
  648. sprintf(szFilename2, "%s.lnk", szPathAndFile);
  649. // -without the "no-verb" pass,
  650. // certain icons still don't work (like shortcuts
  651. // to IE, VTune...)
  652. // -without the "context menu" pass,
  653. // certain others STILL don't work (Netscape...)
  654. // -without the 'ntry' pass, shortcuts (to folders/files)
  655. // don't work
  656. for (int verb_pass=0; verb_pass<2; verb_pass++)
  657. {
  658. for (int ntry=0; ntry<3; ntry++)
  659. {
  660. for (int context_pass=0; context_pass<2; context_pass++)
  661. {
  662. SHELLEXECUTEINFO sei = { sizeof(sei) };
  663. sei.hwnd = hWnd;
  664. sei.fMask = SEE_MASK_FLAG_NO_UI;
  665. if (context_pass==1)
  666. sei.fMask |= SEE_MASK_INVOKEIDLIST;
  667. sei.lpVerb = (verb_pass) ? NULL : szVerb;
  668. sei.lpDirectory = szWorkingDirectory;
  669. sei.nShow = SW_SHOWNORMAL;
  670. if (ntry==0)
  671. {
  672. // this case works for most non-shortcuts
  673. sei.fMask |= SEE_MASK_IDLIST;
  674. sei.lpIDList = pidl;
  675. }
  676. else if (ntry==1)
  677. {
  678. // this case is required for *shortcuts to folders* to work
  679. sei.lpFile = szPathAndFile;
  680. }
  681. else if (ntry==2)
  682. {
  683. // this case is required for *shortcuts to files* to work
  684. sei.lpFile = szFilename2;
  685. }
  686. if (ShellExecuteEx(&sei))
  687. return;
  688. }
  689. }
  690. }
  691. }
  692. WNDPROC g_pOldWndProc;
  693. LPCONTEXTMENU2 g_pIContext2or3;
  694. LRESULT CALLBACK HookWndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp)
  695. {
  696. //UINT uItem;
  697. //TCHAR szBuf[MAX_PATH];
  698. switch (msg)
  699. {
  700. case WM_DRAWITEM:
  701. case WM_MEASUREITEM:
  702. if(wp) break; // not menu related
  704. g_pIContext2or3->HandleMenuMsg(msg, wp, lp);
  705. return (msg==WM_INITMENUPOPUP ? 0 : TRUE); // handled
  706. /*case WM_MENUSELECT:
  707. // if this is a shell item, get its descriptive text
  708. uItem = (UINT) LOWORD(wp);
  709. if(0 == (MF_POPUP & HIWORD(wp)) && uItem >= 1 && uItem <= 0x7fff)
  710. {
  711. g_pIContext2or3->GetCommandString(uItem-1, GCS_HELPTEXT,
  712. NULL, szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)/sizeof(szBuf[0]) );
  713. // set the status bar text
  714. ((CFrameWnd*)(AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd))->SetMessageText(szBuf);
  715. return 0;
  716. }
  717. break;*/
  718. default:
  719. break;
  720. }
  721. // for all untreated messages, call the original wndproc
  722. return ::CallWindowProc(g_pOldWndProc, hWnd, msg, wp, lp);
  723. }
  724. BOOL DoExplorerMenu (HWND hwnd, LPITEMIDLIST pidlMain, POINT point)
  725. {
  726. LPMALLOC pMalloc;
  727. LPSHELLFOLDER psfFolder, psfNextFolder;
  728. LPITEMIDLIST pidlItem, pidlNextItem, *ppidl;
  729. LPCONTEXTMENU pContextMenu;
  731. UINT nCount, nCmd;
  732. BOOL bResult;
  733. HMENU hMenu;
  734. //
  735. // Get pointers to the shell's IMalloc interface and the desktop's
  736. // IShellFolder interface.
  737. //
  738. bResult = FALSE;
  739. if (!SUCCEEDED (SHGetMalloc (&pMalloc)))
  740. return bResult;
  741. if (!SUCCEEDED (SHGetDesktopFolder (&psfFolder))) {
  742. pMalloc->Release();
  743. return bResult;
  744. }
  745. if (nCount = GetItemCount (pidlMain)) // nCount must be > 0
  746. {
  747. //
  748. // Initialize psfFolder with a pointer to the IShellFolder
  749. // interface of the folder that contains the item whose context
  750. // menu we're after, and initialize pidlItem with a pointer to
  751. // the item's item ID. If nCount > 1, this requires us to walk
  752. // the list of item IDs stored in pidlMain and bind to each
  753. // subfolder referenced in the list.
  754. //
  755. pidlItem = pidlMain;
  756. while (--nCount) {
  757. //
  758. // Create a 1-item item ID list for the next item in pidlMain.
  759. //
  760. pidlNextItem = DuplicateItem (pMalloc, pidlItem);
  761. if (pidlNextItem == NULL) {
  762. psfFolder->Release();
  763. pMalloc->Release();
  764. return bResult;
  765. }
  766. //
  767. // Bind to the folder specified in the new item ID list.
  768. //
  769. if (!SUCCEEDED (psfFolder->BindToObject(pidlNextItem, NULL, IID_IShellFolder, (void**)&psfNextFolder))) // modified by RG
  770. {
  771. pMalloc->Free(pidlNextItem);
  772. psfFolder->Release();
  773. pMalloc->Release();
  774. return bResult;
  775. }
  776. //
  777. // Release the IShellFolder pointer to the parent folder
  778. // and set psfFolder equal to the IShellFolder pointer for
  779. // the current folder.
  780. //
  781. psfFolder->Release();
  782. psfFolder = psfNextFolder;
  783. //
  784. // Release the storage for the 1-item item ID list we created
  785. // just a moment ago and initialize pidlItem so that it points
  786. // to the next item in pidlMain.
  787. //
  788. pMalloc->Free(pidlNextItem);
  789. pidlItem = GetNextItem (pidlItem);
  790. }
  791. //
  792. // Get a pointer to the item's IContextMenu interface and call
  793. // IContextMenu::QueryContextMenu to initialize a context menu.
  794. //
  795. ppidl = &pidlItem;
  796. if (SUCCEEDED (psfFolder->GetUIObjectOf(hwnd, 1, (LPCITEMIDLIST*)ppidl, IID_IContextMenu, NULL, (void**)&pContextMenu))) // modified by RG
  797. {
  798. // try to see if we can upgrade to an IContextMenu3
  799. // or IContextMenu2 interface pointer:
  800. int level = 1;
  801. void *pCM = NULL;
  802. if (pContextMenu->QueryInterface(IID_IContextMenu3, &pCM) == NOERROR)
  803. {
  804. pContextMenu->Release();
  805. pContextMenu = (LPCONTEXTMENU)pCM;
  806. level = 3;
  807. }
  808. else if (pContextMenu->QueryInterface(IID_IContextMenu2, &pCM) == NOERROR)
  809. {
  810. pContextMenu->Release();
  811. pContextMenu = (LPCONTEXTMENU)pCM;
  812. level = 2;
  813. }
  814. hMenu = CreatePopupMenu ();
  815. if (SUCCEEDED (pContextMenu->QueryContextMenu(hMenu, 0, 1, 0x7FFF, CMF_EXPLORE)))
  816. {
  817. ClientToScreen (hwnd, &point);
  818. // install the subclassing "hook", for versions 2 or 3
  819. if (level >= 2)
  820. {
  821. g_pOldWndProc = (WNDPROC)SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_WNDPROC, (DWORD_PTR)HookWndProc);
  822. g_pIContext2or3 = (LPCONTEXTMENU2)pContextMenu; // cast ok for ICMv3
  823. }
  824. else
  825. {
  826. g_pOldWndProc = NULL;
  827. g_pIContext2or3 = NULL;
  828. }
  829. //
  830. // Display the context menu.
  831. //
  832. nCmd = TrackPopupMenu (hMenu, TPM_LEFTALIGN |
  834. point.x, point.y, 0, hwnd, NULL);
  835. // restore old wndProc
  836. if (g_pOldWndProc)
  837. {
  838. SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)g_pOldWndProc);
  839. }
  840. //
  841. // If a command was selected from the menu, execute it.
  842. //
  843. if (nCmd >= 1 && nCmd <= 0x7fff)
  844. {
  845. ZeroMemory(&ici, sizeof(ici));
  846. ici.cbSize = sizeof (CMINVOKECOMMANDINFO);
  847. //ici.fMask = 0;
  848. ici.hwnd = hwnd;
  849. ici.lpVerb = MAKEINTRESOURCE (nCmd - 1);
  850. //ici.lpParameters = NULL;
  851. //ici.lpDirectory = NULL;
  852. ici.nShow = SW_SHOWNORMAL;
  853. //ici.dwHotKey = 0;
  854. //ici.hIcon = NULL;
  855. if (SUCCEEDED ( pContextMenu->InvokeCommand (&ici)))
  856. bResult = TRUE;
  857. }
  858. /*else if (nCmd)
  859. {
  860. PostMessage(hwnd, WM_COMMAND, nCmd, NULL); // our command
  861. }*/
  862. }
  863. DestroyMenu (hMenu);
  864. pContextMenu->Release();
  865. }
  866. }
  867. //
  868. // Clean up and return.
  869. //
  870. psfFolder->Release();
  871. pMalloc->Release();
  872. return bResult;
  873. }
  874. //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  875. //
  876. // Note: a special thanks goes out to Jeff Prosise for writing & publishing
  877. // the following code!
  878. //
  879. // FUNCTION: GetItemCount
  880. //
  881. // DESCRIPTION: Computes the number of item IDs in an item ID list.
  882. //
  883. // INPUT: pidl = Pointer to an item ID list.
  884. //
  885. // RETURNS: Number of item IDs in the list.
  886. //
  887. //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  888. UINT GetItemCount (LPITEMIDLIST pidl)
  889. {
  890. USHORT nLen;
  891. UINT nCount;
  892. nCount = 0;
  893. while ((nLen = pidl->mkid.cb) != 0) {
  894. pidl = GetNextItem (pidl);
  895. nCount++;
  896. }
  897. return nCount;
  898. }
  899. //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  900. //
  901. // Note: a special thanks goes out to Jeff Prosise for writing & publishing
  902. // the following code!
  903. //
  904. // FUNCTION: GetNextItem
  905. //
  906. // DESCRIPTION: Finds the next item in an item ID list.
  907. //
  908. // INPUT: pidl = Pointer to an item ID list.
  909. //
  910. // RETURNS: Pointer to the next item.
  911. //
  912. //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  914. {
  915. USHORT nLen;
  916. if ((nLen = pidl->mkid.cb) == 0)
  917. return NULL;
  918. return (LPITEMIDLIST) (((LPBYTE) pidl) + nLen);
  919. }
  920. //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  921. //
  922. // Note: a special thanks goes out to Jeff Prosise for writing & publishing
  923. // the following code!
  924. //
  925. // FUNCTION: DuplicateItem
  926. //
  927. // DESCRIPTION: Makes a copy of the next item in an item ID list.
  928. //
  929. // INPUT: pMalloc = Pointer to an IMalloc interface.
  930. // pidl = Pointer to an item ID list.
  931. //
  932. // RETURNS: Pointer to an ITEMIDLIST containing the copied item ID.
  933. //
  934. // NOTES: It is the caller's responsibility to free the memory
  935. // allocated by this function when the item ID is no longer
  936. // needed. Example:
  937. //
  938. // pidlItem = DuplicateItem (pMalloc, pidl);
  939. // .
  940. // .
  941. // .
  942. // pMalloc->lpVtbl->Free (pMalloc, pidlItem);
  943. //
  944. // Failure to free the ITEMIDLIST will result in memory
  945. // leaks.
  946. //
  947. //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  948. LPITEMIDLIST DuplicateItem (LPMALLOC pMalloc, LPITEMIDLIST pidl)
  949. {
  950. USHORT nLen;
  951. LPITEMIDLIST pidlNew;
  952. nLen = pidl->mkid.cb;
  953. if (nLen == 0)
  954. return NULL;
  955. pidlNew = (LPITEMIDLIST) pMalloc->Alloc (
  956. nLen + sizeof (USHORT));
  957. if (pidlNew == NULL)
  958. return NULL;
  959. CopyMemory (pidlNew, pidl, nLen);
  960. *((USHORT*) (((LPBYTE) pidlNew) + nLen)) = 0;
  961. return pidlNew;
  962. }
  963. //----------------------------------------------------------------------
  964. // A special thanks goes out to Jeroen-bart Engelen (Yeep) for providing
  965. // his source code for getting the position & label information for all
  966. // the icons on the desktop, as found below. See his article at
  967. // http://www.digiwar.com/scripts/renderpage.php?section=2&subsection=2
  968. //----------------------------------------------------------------------
  969. void FindDesktopWindows(HWND *desktop_progman, HWND *desktopview_wnd, HWND *listview_wnd)
  970. {
  971. *desktop_progman = NULL;
  972. *desktopview_wnd = NULL;
  973. *listview_wnd = NULL;
  974. *desktop_progman = FindWindow(NULL, ("Program Manager"));
  975. if(*desktop_progman == NULL)
  976. {
  977. //MessageBox(NULL, "Unable to get the handle to the Program Manager.", "Fatal error", MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR);
  978. return;
  979. }
  980. *desktopview_wnd = FindWindowEx(*desktop_progman, NULL, "SHELLDLL_DefView", NULL);
  981. if(*desktopview_wnd == NULL)
  982. {
  983. //MessageBox(NULL, "Unable to get the handle to the desktopview.", "Fatal error", MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR);
  984. return;
  985. }
  986. // Thanks [email protected] for pointing out this works in NT 4 and not the way I did it originally.
  987. *listview_wnd = FindWindowEx(*desktopview_wnd, NULL, "SysListView32", NULL);
  988. if(*listview_wnd == NULL)
  989. {
  990. //MessageBox(NULL, "Unable to get the handle to the folderview.", "Fatal error", MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR);
  991. return;
  992. }
  993. }
  994. //----------------------------------------------------------------------
  995. int GetDesktopIconSize()
  996. {
  997. int ret = 32;
  998. // reads the key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel, Desktop\WindowMetrics\Shell Icon Size
  999. unsigned char buf[64];
  1000. unsigned long len = sizeof(buf);
  1001. DWORD type;
  1002. HKEY key;
  1003. if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Control Panel\\Desktop\\WindowMetrics", 0, KEY_READ, &key))
  1004. {
  1005. if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(key, "Shell Icon Size", NULL, &type, (unsigned char*)buf, &len) &&
  1006. type == REG_SZ)
  1007. {
  1008. int x = _atoi_l((char*)buf, g_use_C_locale);
  1009. if (x>0 && x<=128)
  1010. ret = x;
  1011. }
  1012. RegCloseKey(key);
  1013. }
  1014. return ret;
  1015. }
  1016. //----------------------------------------------------------------------
  1017. // handy functions for populating Combo Boxes:
  1018. int SelectItemByValue(HWND ctrl, DWORD value)
  1019. {
  1020. int count = SendMessage(ctrl, CB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
  1021. for (int i=0; i<count; i++)
  1022. {
  1023. DWORD value_i = SendMessage( ctrl, CB_GETITEMDATA, i, 0);
  1024. if (value_i == value)
  1025. {
  1026. SendMessage( ctrl, CB_SETCURSEL, i, 0);
  1027. return i;
  1028. }
  1029. }
  1030. return -1;
  1031. }
  1032. bool ReadCBValue(HWND hwnd, DWORD ctrl_id, int* pRetValue)
  1033. {
  1034. if (!pRetValue)
  1035. return false;
  1036. HWND ctrl = GetDlgItem( hwnd, ctrl_id );
  1037. int t = SendMessage( ctrl, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0);
  1038. if (t == CB_ERR)
  1039. return false;
  1040. *pRetValue = (int)SendMessage( ctrl, CB_GETITEMDATA, t, 0);
  1041. return true;
  1042. }
  1043. D3DXCREATEFONTW pCreateFontW=0;
  1044. D3DXMATRIXMULTIPLY pMatrixMultiply=0;
  1045. D3DXMATRIXTRANSLATION pMatrixTranslation=0;
  1046. D3DXMATRIXSCALING pMatrixScaling=0;
  1047. D3DXMATRIXROTATION pMatrixRotationX=0, pMatrixRotationY=0, pMatrixRotationZ=0;
  1049. D3DXMATRIXORTHOLH pMatrixOrthoLH = 0;
  1050. D3DXCOMPILESHADER pCompileShader=0;
  1051. D3DXMATRIXLOOKATLH pMatrixLookAtLH=0;
  1052. D3DXCREATETEXTURE pCreateTexture=0;
  1053. //----------------------------------------------------------------------
  1054. HMODULE FindD3DX9(HWND winamp)
  1055. {
  1056. HMODULE d3dx9 = (HMODULE)SendMessage(winamp,WM_WA_IPC, 0, IPC_GET_D3DX9);
  1057. if (!d3dx9 || d3dx9 == (HMODULE)1)
  1058. {
  1059. // TODO: benski> this is a quick-fix, we should call FindFirstFile() on the system directory
  1060. d3dx9=NULL;
  1061. if (!d3dx9) d3dx9 = LoadLibrary("d3dx9_36.dll");
  1062. if (!d3dx9) d3dx9 = LoadLibrary("d3dx9_35.dll");
  1063. if (!d3dx9) d3dx9 = LoadLibrary("d3dx9_34.dll");
  1064. if (!d3dx9) d3dx9 = LoadLibrary("d3dx9_33.dll");
  1065. if (!d3dx9) d3dx9 = LoadLibrary("d3dx9_32.dll");
  1066. if (!d3dx9) d3dx9 = LoadLibrary("d3dx9_31.dll");
  1067. if (!d3dx9) d3dx9 = LoadLibrary("d3dx9_30.dll");
  1068. if (!d3dx9) d3dx9 = LoadLibrary("d3dx9_29.dll");
  1069. if (!d3dx9) d3dx9 = LoadLibrary("d3dx9_28.dll");
  1070. if (!d3dx9) d3dx9 = LoadLibrary("d3dx9_27.dll");
  1071. if (!d3dx9) d3dx9 = LoadLibrary("d3dx9_26.dll");
  1072. if (!d3dx9) d3dx9 = LoadLibrary("d3dx9_25.dll");
  1073. if (!d3dx9) d3dx9 = LoadLibrary("d3dx9_24.dll");
  1074. }
  1075. if (d3dx9)
  1076. {
  1077. pCreateFontW = (D3DXCREATEFONTW) GetProcAddress(d3dx9,"D3DXCreateFontW");
  1078. pMatrixMultiply = (D3DXMATRIXMULTIPLY) GetProcAddress(d3dx9,"D3DXMatrixMultiply");
  1079. pMatrixTranslation = (D3DXMATRIXTRANSLATION)GetProcAddress(d3dx9,"D3DXMatrixTranslation");
  1080. pMatrixScaling = (D3DXMATRIXSCALING)GetProcAddress(d3dx9,"D3DXMatrixScaling");
  1081. pMatrixRotationX = (D3DXMATRIXROTATION)GetProcAddress(d3dx9,"D3DXMatrixRotationX");
  1082. pMatrixRotationY = (D3DXMATRIXROTATION)GetProcAddress(d3dx9,"D3DXMatrixRotationY");
  1083. pMatrixRotationZ = (D3DXMATRIXROTATION)GetProcAddress(d3dx9,"D3DXMatrixRotationZ");
  1084. pCreateTextureFromFileExW = (D3DXCREATETEXTUREFROMFILEEXW)GetProcAddress(d3dx9,"D3DXCreateTextureFromFileExW");
  1085. pMatrixOrthoLH = (D3DXMATRIXORTHOLH)GetProcAddress(d3dx9,"D3DXMatrixOrthoLH");
  1086. pCompileShader = (D3DXCOMPILESHADER)GetProcAddress(d3dx9,"D3DXCompileShader");
  1087. pMatrixLookAtLH = (D3DXMATRIXLOOKATLH)GetProcAddress(d3dx9,"D3DXMatrixLookAtLH");
  1088. pCreateTexture = (D3DXCREATETEXTURE)GetProcAddress(d3dx9,"D3DXCreateTexture");
  1089. }
  1090. return d3dx9;
  1091. }
  1092. LRESULT GetWinampVersion(HWND winamp)
  1093. {
  1094. static LRESULT version=0;
  1095. if (!version)
  1096. version=SendMessage(winamp,WM_WA_IPC,0,0);
  1097. return version;
  1098. }
  1099. void* GetTextResource(UINT id, int no_fallback){
  1100. void* data = 0;
  1102. HRSRC rsrc = FindResource(hinst,MAKEINTRESOURCE(id),"TEXT");
  1103. if(!rsrc && !no_fallback) rsrc = FindResource((hinst = WASABI_API_ORIG_HINST),MAKEINTRESOURCE(id),"TEXT");
  1104. if(rsrc){
  1105. HGLOBAL resourceHandle = LoadResource(hinst,rsrc);
  1106. data = LockResource(resourceHandle);
  1107. }
  1108. return data;
  1109. }