123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279 |
- #***************************************************************************
- # _ _ ____ _
- # Project ___| | | | _ \| |
- # / __| | | | |_) | |
- # | (__| |_| | _ <| |___
- # \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|
- #
- # Copyright (C) 2005 - 2009, Gisle Vanem <[email protected]>.
- # Copyright (C) 2005 - 2015, Daniel Stenberg, <[email protected]>, et al.
- #
- # This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
- # you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
- # are also available at https://curl.haxx.se/docs/copyright.html.
- #
- # You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell
- # copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is
- # furnished to do so, under the terms of the COPYING file.
- #
- # This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
- # KIND, either express or implied.
- #
- #***************************************************************************
- #
- # Watcom / OpenWatcom / Win32 makefile for libcurl.
- #
- !if $(__VERSION__) < 1280
- !message !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- !message ! This Open Watcom version is too old and is no longer supported !
- !message ! Please download latest version from www.openwatcom.org !
- !message !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- !error Unsupported version of Open Watcom
- !endif
- !ifndef %watcom
- !error WATCOM environment variable not set!
- !endif
- # In order to process Makefile.inc wmake must be called with -u switch!
- !ifndef %MAKEFLAGS
- !error You MUST call wmake with the -u switch!
- !endif
- !ifdef %libname
- LIBNAME = $(%libname)
- !else
- LIBNAME = libcurl
- !endif
- CC = wcc386
- LD = wlink
- AR = wlib
- RC = wrc
- !ifdef __LOADDLL__
- ! loaddll wcc386 wccd386
- ! loaddll wpp386 wppd386
- ! loaddll wlib wlibd
- ! loaddll wlink wlinkd
- !endif
- !ifdef __LINUX__
- CP = cp
- MD = mkdir -p
- !else
- CP = copy 2>NUL
- MD = mkdir
- !endif
- !if $(__VERSION__) > 1290
- RD = rm -rf
- !else ifdef __UNIX__
- RD = rm -rf
- !else
- RD = rmdir /q /s 2>NUL
- !endif
- SYS_INCL = -I"$(%watcom)/h/nt" -I"$(%watcom)/h"
- CFLAGS = -3r -mf -hc -zff -zgf -zq -zm -zc -s -fr=con -w2 -fpi -oilrtfm &
- -wcd=201 -bt=nt -d+ -dWIN32 -dCURL_WANTS_CA_BUNDLE_ENV &
- -dBUILDING_LIBCURL -I. -I"../include" $(SYS_INCL)
- !ifdef %debug
- CFLAGS += -d3 $(DEBUG)
- !else
- CFLAGS += -d0
- !endif
- !ifdef %use_ipv6
- CFLAGS += -d_WIN32_WINNT=0x0501 -dENABLE_IPV6
- !endif
- !ifdef %use_sspi
- !endif
- !ifdef %use_winssl
- !endif
- !ifdef %use_winidn
- CFLAGS += -dWINVER=0x0600 -dUSE_WIN32_IDN
- ! if $(__VERSION__) <= 1290
- ! endif
- !endif
- #
- # Change to suite.
- #
- !ifdef %zlib_root
- ZLIB_ROOT = $(%zlib_root)
- !else
- ZLIB_ROOT = ../../zlib-1.2.8
- !endif
- !ifdef %libssh2_root
- LIBSSH2_ROOT = $(%libssh2_root)
- !else
- LIBSSH2_ROOT = ../../libssh2-1.5.0
- !endif
- !ifdef %librtmp_root
- LIBRTMP_ROOT = $(%librtmp_root)
- !else
- LIBRTMP_ROOT = ../../rtmpdump-2.3
- !endif
- !ifdef %openssl_root
- OPENSSL_ROOT = $(%openssl_root)
- !else
- OPENSSL_ROOT = ../../openssl-1.0.2a
- !endif
- !ifdef %ares_root
- ARES_ROOT = $(%ares_root)
- !else
- ARES_ROOT = ../ares
- !endif
- !ifdef %use_zlib
- !endif
- !ifdef %use_rtmp
- !endif
- !ifdef %use_ssh2
- !endif
- !ifdef %use_ssl
- !endif
- !ifdef %use_ares
- !endif
- !ifdef %use_watt32
- CFLAGS += -dUSE_WATT32 -I"$(%watt_root)/inc"
- !endif
- OBJ_BASE = WC_Win32.obj
- !if $(__VERSION__) > 1290
- OBJ_STAT = $(OBJ_BASE)/stat
- OBJ_DYN = $(OBJ_BASE)/dyn
- !else ifdef __UNIX__
- OBJ_STAT = $(OBJ_BASE)/stat
- OBJ_DYN = $(OBJ_BASE)/dyn
- !else
- OBJ_STAT = $(OBJ_BASE)\stat
- OBJ_DYN = $(OBJ_BASE)\dyn
- !endif
- LINK_ARG = $(OBJ_DYN)/wlink.arg
- LIB_ARG = $(OBJ_STAT)/wlib.arg
- !include Makefile.inc
- OBJS1 = ./$(CSOURCES:.c=.obj)
- OBJS2 = $(OBJS1:vtls/=)
- OBJS3 = $(OBJS2:vauth/=)
- OBJS4 = $(OBJS3: = ./)
- OBJS_STAT = $(OBJS4:./=$(OBJ_STAT)/)
- OBJS_DYN = $(OBJS4:./=$(OBJ_DYN)/)
- CURLBUILDH = ../include/curl/curlbuild.h
- RESOURCE = $(OBJ_DYN)/libcurl.res
- DIRS = $(OBJ_BASE) $(OBJ_BASE)/stat $(OBJ_BASE)/dyn
- .c : vauth vtls
- @echo Welcome to libcurl
- clean: .SYMBOLIC
- -rm -f $(OBJS_STAT)
- -rm -f $(OBJS_DYN)
- -rm -f $(RESOURCE) $(LINK_ARG) $(LIB_ARG)
- vclean distclean: clean .SYMBOLIC
- -rm -f $(TARGETS) $(LIBNAME).map $(LIBNAME).sym
- -$(RD) $(OBJ_STAT)
- -$(RD) $(OBJ_DYN)
- -$(RD) $(OBJ_BASE)
- $(DIRS):
- -$(MD) $^@
- $(CP) $^@.dist $^@
- %create $(LINK_ARG)
- @%append $(LINK_ARG) system nt dll
- !ifdef %debug
- @%append $(LINK_ARG) debug all
- @%append $(LINK_ARG) option symfile
- !endif
- @%append $(LINK_ARG) option quiet, caseexact, eliminate
- @%append $(LINK_ARG) option map=$(OBJ_DYN)/$(LIBNAME).map
- @%append $(LINK_ARG) option implib=$(LIBNAME)_imp.lib
- @%append $(LINK_ARG) option res=$(RESOURCE)
- @for %f in ($(OBJS_DYN)) do @%append $(LINK_ARG) file %f
- @%append $(LINK_ARG) library wldap32.lib
- !ifdef %use_watt32
- @%append $(LINK_ARG) library '$(%watt_root)/lib/wattcpw_imp.lib'
- !else
- @%append $(LINK_ARG) library ws2_32.lib
- !endif
- !ifdef %use_zlib
- @%append $(LINK_ARG) library '$(ZLIB_ROOT)/zlib.lib'
- !endif
- !ifdef %use_rtmp
- @%append $(LINK_ARG) library '$(LIBRTMP_ROOT)/librtmp/librtmp.lib'
- !endif
- !ifdef %use_ssh2
- @%append $(LINK_ARG) library '$(LIBSSH2_ROOT)/win32/libssh2.lib'
- !endif
- !ifdef %use_ssl
- @%append $(LINK_ARG) library '$(OPENSSL_ROOT)/out32/libeay32.lib'
- @%append $(LINK_ARG) library '$(OPENSSL_ROOT)/out32/ssleay32.lib'
- !endif
- !ifdef %use_ares
- @%append $(LINK_ARG) library '$(ARES_ROOT)/cares.lib'
- !endif
- !ifdef %use_winidn
- ! if $(__VERSION__) > 1290
- @%append $(LINK_ARG) library normaliz.lib
- ! else
- @%append $(LINK_ARG) import '_IdnToAscii@20' 'NORMALIZ.DLL'.'IdnToAscii'
- @%append $(LINK_ARG) import '_IdnToUnicode@20' 'NORMALIZ.DLL'.'IdnToUnicode'
- ! endif
- !endif
- $(LD) name $^@ @$(LINK_ARG)
- $(LIBNAME).lib: $(OBJS_STAT)
- %create $(LIB_ARG)
- @for %f in ($<) do @%append $(LIB_ARG) +- %f
- $(AR) -q -b -c -pa $^@ @$(LIB_ARG)
- $(RESOURCE): libcurl.rc
- $(RC) $(DEBUG) -q -r -zm -bt=nt -I"../include" $(SYS_INCL) $[@ -fo=$^@
- .c{$(OBJ_DYN)}.obj:
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -bd -br $[@ -fo=$^@
- .c{$(OBJ_STAT)}.obj:
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DCURL_STATICLIB $[@ -fo=$^@