colormgr.mi 3.7 KB

  1. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. // fileio.mi
  3. //
  4. // standard handles for file input and output (only xml parsing atm)
  5. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. #ifndef __COLORMGR_MI
  7. #define __COLORMGR_MI
  8. extern class @{AEE235FF-EBD1-498f-96AF-D7E0DAD4541A}@ System _predecl &ColorMgr;
  9. extern class @{95DDB221-00E3-4e2b-8EA5-833548C13C10}@ Object &Color;
  10. extern class @{0D024DB9-9574-42d0-B8C7-26B553F1F987}@ Object &GammaSet;
  11. extern class @{B81F004D-ACBA-453d-A06B-30192A1DA17D}@ Object &GammaGroup;
  12. //*****************************************************************************
  13. // ColorMgr CLASS
  14. //*****************************************************************************
  15. /**
  16. ColorMgr Class.
  17. @short Static Object for handling colors
  18. @author Nullsoft Inc.
  19. @ver 1.0
  20. */
  21. extern Color ColorMgr.getColor (String colorID);
  22. extern Color ColorMgr.enumColor (int n);
  23. extern int ColorMgr.getNumColors();
  24. extern GammaSet ColorMgr.getGammaSet (String colorID);
  25. extern GammaSet ColorMgr.enumGammaSet (int n);
  26. extern GammaSet ColorMgr.getCurrentGammaSet (); // available after ColorMgr.onLoaded() was called
  27. extern GammaSet ColorMgr.newGammaSet(String name);
  28. extern int ColorMgr.getNumGammaSets ();
  29. // for the next callbacks u need to instanciate a ColorMgr object.
  30. extern ColorMgr.onBeforeLoadingElements(); // stuff is loading, might not work hehe
  31. extern ColorMgr.onGuiLoaded(); // skin gui objects loaded from xml
  32. extern ColorMgr.onLoaded(); // all done, new skin in place
  33. extern ColorMgr.onColorThemesListChanged();
  34. extern ColorMgr.onColorThemeChanged(String newtheme);
  35. //*****************************************************************************
  36. // Color CLASS
  37. //*****************************************************************************
  38. /**
  39. Color Class.
  40. @short Object for handling colors
  41. @author Nullsoft Inc.
  42. @ver 1.0
  43. */
  44. extern String Color.getID ();
  45. extern int Color.getRed ();
  46. extern int Color.getGreen ();
  47. extern int Color.getBlue ();
  48. extern int Color.getRedWithGamma ();
  49. extern int Color.getGreenWithGamma ();
  50. extern int Color.getBlueWithGamma ();
  51. extern int Color.getAlpha ();
  52. extern String Color.getGammagroup ();
  53. //*****************************************************************************
  54. // GammaSet CLASS
  55. //*****************************************************************************
  56. /**
  57. GammaSet Class.
  58. @short Object for handling gamma sets
  59. @author Nullsoft Inc.
  60. @ver 1.0
  61. */
  62. extern String GammaSet.getID();
  63. extern GammaSet.apply();
  64. extern GammaSet.remove(); // u should still delete the object then
  65. extern GammaSet.rename(String newname);
  66. extern GammaSet.update(); // Syncs missing groups
  67. extern GammaGroup Gammaset.getGeneralGroup();
  68. extern int Gammaset.getNumGammaGroups();
  69. extern GammaGroup Gammaset.enumGammaGroup(int n);
  70. extern GammaGroup Gammaset.getGammaGroup(String name);
  71. //*****************************************************************************
  72. // GammaGroup CLASS
  73. //*****************************************************************************
  74. /**
  75. GammaGroup Class.
  76. @short Object for handling gamma groups
  77. @author Nullsoft Inc.
  78. @ver 1.0
  79. */
  80. extern String Gammagroup.getID ();
  81. extern int Gammagroup.getRed ();
  82. extern int Gammagroup.getGreen ();
  83. extern int Gammagroup.getBlue ();
  84. extern int Gammagroup.getBoost ();
  85. extern int Gammagroup.getGray ();
  86. extern Gammagroup.setID (String id);
  87. extern Gammagroup.setRed (int _color);
  88. extern Gammagroup.setGreen (int _color);
  89. extern Gammagroup.setBlue (int _color);
  90. extern Gammagroup.setBoost (int _color);
  91. extern Gammagroup.setGray (int _color);
  92. #endif