ff_ipc.h 4.7 KB

  1. #ifndef _FF_IPC_H
  2. #define _FF_IPC_H
  3. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. // ----- IPC_FF_GETSKINCOLOR : Ask for a skin color -- the color is filtered for the current theme -----
  5. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. #define IPC_FF_GETSKINCOLOR IPC_FF_FIRST + 1 // data = ff_skincolor struct with .colorname, fills in .color
  7. typedef struct {
  8. char colorname[256];
  9. COLORREF color;
  10. } ff_skincolor;
  11. // List of default colors as of june 30, 2003. see freeform/xml/wasabi/xml/system-colors.xml for latest/complete list
  12. // Trees
  13. #define SKINCOLOR_TREE_ITEMTEXT "wasabi.tree.text"
  14. #define SKINCOLOR_TREE_SELITEMBKG L"wasabi.tree.selected"
  15. #define SKINCOLOR_TREE_HILITEDROP "wasabi.tree.hiliteddrop"
  16. // Lists
  17. #define SKINCOLOR_LIST_ITEMTEXT L"wasabi.list.text"
  18. #define SKINCOLOR_LIST_SELITEMBKG "wasabi.list.item.selected"
  19. #define SKINCOLOR_LIST_FOCUSITEMBKG "wasabi.list.item.focused"
  20. #define SKINCOLOR_LIST_COLUMNBKG L"wasabi.list.column.background"
  21. #define SKINCOLOR_LIST_COLUMNTEXT L"wasabi.list.column.text"
  22. #define SKINCOLOR_LIST_SELITEMTEXT "wasabi.list.item.selected.fg"
  23. #define SKINCOLOR_LIST_COLUMNSEPARATOR "wasabi.list.column.separator"
  24. // Buttons
  25. #define SKINCOLOR_BUTTON_TEXT L"wasabi.button.text"
  26. #define SKINCOLOR_BUTTON_HILITETEXT "wasabi.button.hiliteText"
  27. #define SKINCOLOR_BUTTON_DIMMEDTEXT "wasabi.button.dimmedText"
  28. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  29. // ----- IPC_FF_GENSKINBITMAP: Ask gen_ff to create a bitmap of various skin elements -----
  30. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  31. // NOTE: You should free the hbitmap eventually using DeleteObject
  32. #define IPC_FF_GENSKINBITMAP IPC_FF_FIRST + 2 // data = ff_skinbitmap with bitmap .id .w .h and .state, fills in .bitmap
  33. typedef struct {
  34. int id; // see below
  35. int w, h;
  36. int state; // id specific, see below
  37. HBITMAP bitmap;
  38. } ff_skinbitmap;
  39. // Bitmap IDs :
  40. #define SKINBITMAP_BUTTON 0 // Generate a button bitmap. states are as follows :
  41. #define BUTTONSTATE_NORMAL 0
  42. #define BUTTONSTATE_PUSHED 1
  43. #define SKINBITMAP_SCROLLBARUPBUTTON 1 // Generate a scrollbar up button bitmap. states are button states
  44. #define SKINBITMAP_SCROLLBARDOWNBUTTON 2 // Generate a scrollbar down button bitmap. states are button states
  45. #define SKINBITMAP_SCROLLBARLEFTBUTTON 3 // Generate a scrollbar left button bitmap. states are button states
  46. #define SKINBITMAP_SCROLLBARRIGHTBUTTON 4 // Generate a scrollbar right button bitmap. states are button states
  47. #define SKINBITMAP_SCROLLBARVBUTTON 5 // Generate a scrollbar vertical button bitmap. states are button states
  48. #define SKINBITMAP_SCROLLBARHBUTTON 6 // Generate a scrollbar horizontal button bitmap. states are button states
  49. #define SKINBITMAP_SCROLLBAR_FF_UPBUTTON 7 // Generate a freeform scrollbar up button bitmap. states are scrollbar states
  50. #define SKINBITMAP_SCROLLBAR_FF_DOWNBUTTON 8 // Generate a freeform scrollbar down button bitmap. states are scrollbar states
  51. #define SKINBITMAP_SCROLLBAR_FF_LEFTBUTTON 9 // Generate a freeform scrollbar left button bitmap. states are scrollbar states
  52. #define SKINBITMAP_SCROLLBAR_FF_RIGHTBUTTON 10 // Generate a freeform scrollbar right button bitmap. states are scrollbar states
  53. #define SKINBITMAP_SCROLLBAR_FF_BARHBUTTON 11 // Generate a freeform scrollbar vertical button bitmap. states are scrollbar states
  54. #define SKINBITMAP_SCROLLBAR_FF_BARVBUTTON 12 // Generate a freeform scrollbar horizontal button bitmap. states are scrollbar states
  58. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  59. // ----- IPC_FF_ONCOLORTHEMECHANGED: CALLBACK - sent when the skin's color theme has changed -----
  60. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  61. #define IPC_FF_ONCOLORTHEMECHANGED IPC_FF_FIRST + 3 // data = name of the new color theme (const char *)
  62. #define IPC_FF_ISMAINWND IPC_FF_FIRST + 4 // data = hwnd, returns 1 if hwnd is main window or any of its windowshade
  63. #define IPC_FF_GETCONTENTWND IPC_FF_FIRST + 5 // data = HWND, returns the wa2 window that is embedded in the window's container (ie if hwnd is the pledit windowshade hwnd, it returns the wa2 pledit hwnd). if no content is found (ie, the window has nothing embedded) it returns the parameter you gave it
  64. #define IPC_FF_NOTIFYHOTKEY IPC_FF_FIRST + 6 // data = const char * to hotkey description
  65. #endif