operator.bin 699 B

  1. The following operators are available:
  2. =
  3. assigns a value to a variable.
  4. example: var=5;
  5. +
  6. adds two values, returns the sum.
  7. example: var=5+var2;
  8. -
  9. subtracts two values, returns the difference.
  10. example: var=5-var2;
  11. *
  12. multiplies two values, returns the product.
  13. example: var=5*var2;
  14. /
  15. divides two values, returns the quotient.
  16. example: var=5/var2;
  17. %
  18. converts two values to integer, performs division, returns remainder
  19. example: var=var2%5;
  20. |
  21. converts two values to integer, returns bitwise OR of both values
  22. example: var=var2|31;
  23. &
  24. converts two values to integer, returns bitwise AND of both values
  25. example: var=var2&31;�