__main__.py 6.9 KB

  1. import os
  2. import os.path
  3. import sys
  4. import math
  5. import time
  6. import atexit
  7. import struct
  8. import argparse
  9. from pathlib import Path
  10. from . import log
  11. from . import yafn
  12. from pyvis.network import Network
  13. class Progress:
  14. def __init__(self, max):
  15. self.max = max
  16. self.CHARS = ('/', '-', '\\', '|')
  17. self.index = 0
  18. self.length = 0
  19. self.ready = 0
  20. self._display(0)
  21. def _render(self):
  22. text = f'{self.ready}/{self.max} piece{"s" if self.ready != 1 else ""} ready ... {self.CHARS[self.index]}\n'
  23. self.index += 1
  24. if self.index == len(self.CHARS):
  25. self.index = 0
  26. self.length = len(text)
  27. return text
  28. def _display(self, ready):
  29. text = self._render()
  30. sys.stdout.write(text)
  31. sys.stdout.flush()
  32. def update(self, ready):
  33. self.ready += ready
  34. sys.stdout.write("\033[F")
  35. sys.stdout.write("\033[K")
  36. sys.stdout.write(self._render())
  37. sys.stdout.flush()
  38. class Metafile:
  39. HEADER = b'\x80YAFN-METAFILE\x00\x00'
  40. HEADER_LEN = len(HEADER)
  41. def __init__(self, filename, size, pieces):
  42. self.filename = filename
  43. self.size = size
  44. self.pieces = pieces
  45. def save(self, path):
  46. with open(path, 'wb') as f:
  47. f.write(Metafile.HEADER)
  48. filename = self.filename.encode('UTF-8')
  49. filename_len = len(filename)
  50. f.write(struct.pack('!I', filename_len))
  51. f.write(filename)
  52. f.write(struct.pack('!L', self.size))
  53. pieces_count = len(self.pieces)
  54. f.write(struct.pack('!L', pieces_count))
  55. for hash in self.pieces:
  56. f.write(hash)
  57. @staticmethod
  58. def load(path):
  59. with open(path, 'rb') as f:
  60. header = f.read(Metafile.HEADER_LEN)
  61. if header != Metafile.HEADER:
  62. raise ValueError
  63. filename_len = f.read(4)
  64. filename_len = struct.unpack('!I', filename_len)[0]
  65. filename = f.read(filename_len)
  66. filename = filename.decode('UTF-8')
  67. filename = Path(filename).name
  68. size = f.read(4)
  69. size = struct.unpack('!I', size)[0]
  70. pieces_count = f.read(4)
  71. pieces_count = struct.unpack('!L', pieces_count)[0]
  72. if pieces_count < 1:
  73. raise ValueError
  74. pieces = []
  75. while pieces_count > 0:
  76. piece_hash = f.read(76)
  77. if len(piece_hash) != 76:
  78. raise ValueError
  79. pieces.append(piece_hash)
  80. pieces_count -= 1
  81. return Metafile(filename, size, pieces)
  82. COLORS = [
  83. (0, 255, 0),
  84. (255, 255, 0),
  85. (255, 0, 0)
  86. ]
  87. def pick_color(index):
  88. index = min(index, 10) * 0.1
  89. n3 = 0
  90. if index <= 0:
  91. n1 = 0
  92. n2 = 0
  93. elif index >= 1:
  94. n1 = len(COLORS) - 1
  95. n2 = len(COLORS) - 1
  96. else:
  97. index = index * (len(COLORS) - 1)
  98. n1 = math.floor(index)
  99. n2 = n1 + 1
  100. n3 = index - n1
  101. color = (
  102. (COLORS[n2][0] - COLORS[n1][0]) * n3 + COLORS[n1][0],
  103. (COLORS[n2][1] - COLORS[n1][1]) * n3 + COLORS[n1][1],
  104. (COLORS[n2][2] - COLORS[n1][2]) * n3 + COLORS[n1][2]
  105. )
  106. return f'#{int(color[0]):02x}{int(color[1]):02x}{int(color[2]):02x}'
  107. def distance(graph, start, end):
  108. visited = []
  109. queue = [[start]]
  110. while queue:
  111. path = queue.pop(0)
  112. node = path[-1]
  113. if node not in visited:
  114. near = graph[node]
  115. for near_node in near:
  116. if near_node == end:
  117. return len(path)
  118. queue.append(path + [near_node])
  119. visited.append(node)
  120. return 10
  121. def build_graph(graph, map, first=False):
  122. uid = yafn.encode_uid(map.uid)
  123. graph.add_node(
  124. uid,
  125. label=f'{uid[:6]}{" (this peer)" if first else ""}',
  126. title=uid
  127. )
  128. for submap in map.submaps:
  129. subuid = build_graph(graph, submap)
  130. graph.add_edge(uid, subuid)
  131. return uid
  132. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
  133. parser.add_argument(
  134. '-S', '--start',
  135. help='Start up a peer.',
  136. action='store_true'
  137. )
  138. parser.add_argument(
  139. '-a', '--address',
  140. help='Set a custom external address.',
  141. type=str
  142. )
  143. parser.add_argument(
  144. '-c', '--crawl',
  145. help='Create a map of the network.',
  146. action='store_true'
  147. )
  148. parser.add_argument(
  149. '-s', '--share',
  150. help='Share a file to the network',
  151. action='append',
  152. type=str,
  153. metavar='PATH'
  154. )
  155. parser.add_argument(
  156. '-q', '--query',
  157. help='Query a file from the network',
  158. action='append',
  159. type=str,
  160. metavar='METAFILE'
  161. )
  162. args = parser.parse_args()
  163. if args.crawl or args.share or args.query:
  164. interface = yafn.Interface.connect()
  165. atexit.register(interface.close)
  166. if args.crawl:
  167. log.info(f'Building a map of the network...')
  168. map = interface.crawl()
  169. if not map:
  170. log.fatal('Failed to crawl the network.')
  171. network = Network(
  172. height='100%',
  173. width='100%',
  174. bgcolor='#222222',
  175. font_color='white'
  176. )
  177. first_uid = build_graph(network, map, first=True)
  178. adj_list = network.get_adj_list()
  179. for node in network.nodes:
  180. node['value'] = min(max(len(adj_list[node['id']]), 1), 10)
  181. node['color'] = pick_color(distance(adj_list, first_uid, node['id']))
  182. filename = f'map_{int(time.time())}.html'
  183. network.save_graph(filename)
  184. log.info(f'Network map is saved as \'{filename}\'.')
  185. if args.share:
  186. for path in args.share:
  187. if not os.path.isfile(path):
  188. log.fatal(f'Not a valid file: \'{path}\'.')
  189. log.info(f'Share \'{path}\'.')
  190. with open(path, 'rb') as f:
  191. progress = Progress('_')
  192. pieces = []
  193. size = 0
  194. while True:
  195. piece = f.read(yafn.Piece.PIECE_SIZE)
  196. if not piece:
  197. break
  198. hash = interface.save(piece)
  199. if not hash:
  200. log.error('Failed to save a piece.')
  201. continue
  202. pieces.append(hash)
  203. progress.update(1)
  204. size += len(piece)
  205. filename = os.path.basename(path)
  206. metafile_name = f'{filename}.ynmf'
  207. metafile = Metafile(
  208. filename,
  209. size,
  210. pieces
  211. )
  212. try:
  213. metafile.save(metafile_name)
  214. except:
  215. log.fatal('Failed to save the metafile.')
  216. log.info(f'Metafile is saved as \'{metafile_name}\'.')
  217. log.info('Announcing the neighbour peers...')
  218. if interface.announce():
  219. log.info('Done.')
  220. else:
  221. log.error('Announcing failed.')
  222. if args.query:
  223. for path in args.query:
  224. try:
  225. metafile = Metafile.load(path)
  226. except:
  227. log.fatal(f'Cannot open metafile: \'{path}\'.')
  228. log.info(f'Query \'{metafile.filename}\'.')
  229. with open(metafile.filename, 'wb') as f:
  230. progress = Progress(len(metafile.pieces))
  231. for hash in metafile.pieces:
  232. piece = interface.query(hash)
  233. if not piece:
  234. log.error(f'Piece {hash[:32].hex()} is not available.')
  235. continue
  236. f.write(piece)
  237. progress.update(1)
  238. log.info(f'File is saved as \'{metafile.filename}\'.')
  239. if args.start:
  240. peer = yafn.Peer()
  241. peer.start(remote_addr=args.address)